Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1888, p. 4

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THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE j^V'-iUij *<- THE ADVANCE. la puliU-licil hl\'*ii'y 'riiurstlny, KllilM Till'. OlhllK. C>j I ..h.nn Str,-rt, - â-  Fl-sh.-rt.in, Out. TKllMS OK SUliSClUlTION ; #1 [MT utiriiiin whun paiO Rti wtly itiarlvaiic ^l VJ i>cr uuiium wlu'ii not >'» I'tii 1. W. n. THURSTON, Kditiir iiH'l I'liiprii-tur. FLESHHIITON: TliUHSDAY. NOV. 51. 1888. j country. TliiTo will bo a jirofuaioii of ' wuek.i, as i,'i-j.it ;i r.v,'o for cUiiiiiiniik t.iiln liiotiirus, illustratiu'.' the storios, anU ' a^ t'"""" «':'â- *''"" rats duriii-^ tho Krtiic li ' sketchts, ami also thrcu vury tino colored! lt''voliitioii . . , -..I "car.) jil.:aaoil to auo the suuliii'^i coim- | pictures, tho pniijii.al one a cpy of Mr. teimnco of Mr. Juliii I'aul Hn.uiid aiiaiii. | L. li. U'lirieu's ijicturo of Vaucouvor , He i» H[)Lcdiiy rocovoviiii,' from liis lonu ' Kirk, British Coluiuhia. Orders for thi.s I illness. l paper should 1,0 placed early, a.s there i, Tl'cri' wan .a ratHo at Mr W. Motfaf.s I , , , /, I >>ediM'Hilay of hi.^it week, wliicli «as kuc- < certan. 1.1 be an enormous demand. Or- ' ^.^^^f,,,,^. ^.^^^j,.,, ..^^^ ,,j, j,,^ Kevorshum i (lers limy bo i;iven through any news- I hoys, and a tow ntliurs who sIhul; up tlioir dealer, or by Bending to this ottico direct, chink deliberately and were v.ry «ucceH.s- 1 ful ill capturiii'.' a lar>;e iiunil-rr "f tho The Xdrthcrn Jiimhtiss Colleijc. , foatliered rae.\ but tliroii£;h tlio shrewil- ( )H-cii.iound ts the proud pos.sos3oi of a 1 nesa of some of tho i'i',dith liners tliey were business traiii.n.' colleu'» wliicli has, dur- ! '«?' '^''-'-'tly "' H'" nmiority ..f wliat they , â- . 1 , .â-  imd u'umed, whicli l.s a disliii'.'ui.shitis in- the seven years it lias been operatin«, | f^^„,^^ ^j ^.^^^^^ secured a lari;e and iiiciea-siiig patr.iiiaije, Tiu-rc seem.s to be a blissful iittraclioii and a most enviable roputiitioii. Wo are in iiMtnniony. for one of our wilowc'r.i por.sonallv aecpiaiiit.'d with the principal. **'li" ''*â- < }>^''" «''/• P'^ses^'"- "f t»o .-oniely , , ', , e I- souuse"., liotli of whom have passou lri)iii and know him to be a man of «iorlm« in- , ^^^^^ _,,,„ etoriiitv, ,s striving almost iu- teurity, deep kiiowledt.;e, oiier.,'y andaliil- I ^.,.,„.ji,,]y I,, jjrre.t a thiril vii\'iii. We ty. We can heartily recoBimend younij i envy hmi not ; we wish him succe.ss. men »lid women to .Mr. Fleming; » care. Bff_ADVf:iiriSKMK,vrs. (}£0. MITCHELL, SilU'fliMfwFfijsr.y.' Coniplrlc relurns of tlie late dec- lioiM ill the riuti-d Stal'S oive liar- lii^uu I lb ))ublicai. I u l;Li.;r- n; ijority in llic cltctonil cuuiu'il. N. \t, .Mai-cli will hee him occuiiyiir,' '.bo presidi ii lui roiiileiice :il Wa^liiir.jlou and a ooiural acatlurin^' of Democratic otlico linldoi's llirim;,'liout lliat conn- try. We have 1^0110 to ii s^roai deal cf iniiu^. to .';( cure a pliotooinidi of llif I'tcsideiit elect, a e op\of wIiohc [lic- turc \vu [iru.'-iiit lieiewiiii to our read- ii."^. It is a ti no lilaiie.s.s. and we 1( ave it losludeiiis of pbysioouomy to an.l (luaranteo that his paiii.slakini,' tui- tion will be just what iliey renuira to tit them for tliu battle of life. .See adver- | tisomeiit. i We have received from tho Nnitln'rii ' r.udiii-ss CoUe'.'e, Owen Souml. a copy c,f , , 111 .Messrs tlieir aaioi.il ami'.iiiicemeiit, iioimil in I v;,,;,, .,,1,,, cloth, a copy ot their "Kamily Record, " ami a photo eiii.'iaviti prize specimens. Tl Wonderful, and .Mr, :ir thank.s. [Ciiavoidably V.u. •owded ,ll>f. last wee k. /•â- ,. with til. Eiiifciiia. H '"irinr.i i 'itn i-:<tf">f(>nf. Thomas Hawkins and Wm have L'oiio to ."^aiilt St. .Marie iiileiition o| joiiiin.' a camp •â-  friilt-r (iii'l I'V virtMd of tlo- pnwuf uf sal.- cuii- laiiii:d in a iiiortt;ii«i' niiulu Ity .Vmlre-.v . . .^1» lUo, lUfioiU liavlu« l»o.ii iiiH';.^ in iit^i.n:i:L tliui'uiif, w.ll i, ; ^ol.llji i-r.tl.i.' ,,.'.â-  i'l . .. At Munshaw's Hotel, Flesharton, -o.\ - MoihLuij, Xor. JUIIi. 1SS3, at :j o'll'.ck. iioMti. thi- lull-nviiii; IM-uiM-rt... vi/. Lot rio. 7 in llu- -Juil I oiicM-shiMii, I". v\li-M;p ii^ Kui'iira.iu ill 1..1' e.jent* .. 0...... i:..i.T.oi. hy ui.iuu.i.-.ui'i ti.i ht 'J'ti ji-.'j- iiii-tf ..I I Tljis I.-, a till.' iiui' iwot,(l h.i-.. I lui, iiu'l I . Hi* niln' IMlU b 11. i;i i* lt*>lu 1 L'lli 1 ill' ^a.. ui.l .-iil'^ei t to u 1 ^â- ^Ol V,- iii.i. TKU.Mts--.ill.- lia, I .a.-h. Imlill.. i- »,.(Ur.ii IlinftKH*;.' r '>«'»'*' ni li.'lii ..liululiv. ..-.i.?- oi»tlon of I'll clia ,- .\ ile(M>..:t ol Mliht to b.' jxi l.l rit tlliif i>r --il.* Fjr fiirtlior paiticiil.af^ tipi'lv t.i .sr.u .M''iN .. o ii;;i-ii « \.-ii.l ..- ^. :i. II ir*. S'.,., tiitoi Oillulli.; lllllljllt" (T I.' K rsi'i^oCi.!: K-i.i . .\ii.'li'Hi.-.-f. lTe.-.li.,- I'll Nov. 7. Inm. IC I'aiN Tl from one of the | luilibeniieii and spiuidiii^ the winter in •he peuiiiaiislup is ; til.' pn^e wo,.,l.s of Northern .Micliiu'an Klomiie.^ will pleruso Mr am na- . i:t, o clock. accept .turtioii SillrH. .\n all 'tioii sale of farm »tock plemelil.s will bo held oil Lot.'i, <'o| township of Dspr.'y, on Kriday, Nov IHHH, sale to coimiieiice at 1 John .Spe*rH it Co., auctioneers. .\ credit sale of farm Btock will be held on Thiii.s.lav,! Nov. '.i9. on li>t 'J.'), con. M, township of < )sprey, when a lar'.{c mniilw'r of cattle, hor»e», pii:s, sheep, etc., will l»c disp.'sed of. .(ohii Speers & I'.i.. â-  Uctioneers. .\ credit sale of farm si. .ck, inipleiiientii ', |, Vkitt has put a now roof »ii liis mill ami liiadi' other needed repairs, in prepaiviti'ii for the winters wurk. .Mrs. \\ ...Hlliiirii, who has been away to Hlooiiitb'M, I . S,, for II short time [liist, r.'liini.-d on .s>aturdiiy l.'oUiiii,' .'.â- 'iiiewh.it improved in health. H.;r iiiaiiv frieii.ls will b.; i;lad to welc'iiie her back. Anion:; utlmr miiiroi ..'lueiits in .lur and household furniture will Ut held on Tutuiday, Nov. "JTlli, .m l.it 20, con. 4, ()»prey. Win. .Miliio, proprietor; John Sp«or« iV Co., auctioiieont. .\iiioii:; utli',ir luipro^ .:iueiits in .>u; thrivin.! tirtvii ne loiti.-e that .Mes.irs, Keiiwuk anil .\kit'. are liavini; tin-ir houses weather-ls'-iiiluil. .None t.io ~. .. .n. <ui ».' Were treat. .1 to 'jiiite a fall of tin- ' beautiful this uii'riiini; ii.s a waiiiiilii'^ tliat I bleak winter is not far oil. saiil Some time a',"> we w.-re '.'oiiii; to ] -^H" oni- .'f til.' liiiest churclies in this .\Mi Tii.vr i.-s iHi-: Businsss College, OP 0\VH\ SOfXl) I Htudy and g[i«culato tlicrefroin •« U) as to tho abililj of Geiiural Har- rison to occupy with honor tho high positiou ill which hd in about to b« placed. For our part wo would judge from ills picturo that ho iH a man of renmrkably keen iterception, Ntadious, of a Bomewlutt stiibboni teiidonejr, atid a forceful character, 'i'lie ft-u- lurt'S Niniind one Houiewhut of the late Gtiicral (irant. If iiis oxocntive ability in as hioh hh the lattei s the Ucpubiicans luuy in all probability fiel thcniac-lves safe fur another 2& yeara. And still th(^ London ImrrorH con- tiuuo to be perpetrated tijflit under tho nose of the London police force, and tiioy ate powerless to discover the fiend ill hi.s oliouliBli work. The b)d/ of "Jack tiiu Itippor'H" iiinetli victim wn.s disonvured on Friday luoriiili;,' la.it in a liednjoni in Dorset Ktrect, hpltallii'lds, sliowinj,' the aaiac uiarvelous handiwork exhibited liy the oi»enilor upon Jiis former victims L'lndiiii's chief of jiolice, Sir C'liarles Wunftii.is fiijoyiii),' holidiiyH in Uiissin, wliilu tho niiiiiiercr prcjceeds with Iiih dovilish Work of miudor, uncliecked hy what was fniiucrly siippos"d to he the fiiioKt police force in the world. This is one of the straiiocst canes experienced in histoiy, and places a iieep stain of (liH{,'iaco niH)ii hoothind yard and tho whole detective foice whitth it uill be no ea.sy imttter to oradicate. Tin' mythical story of 1)|-. •'Jek)l anil .Mr. 11} de" has even now been f,ir ecliiiseil hy tlii.s later hiiiiiicidai iiionoiiiiiii.ic.a;) I'l. Warren dosionili'.s Iiilii. The liul>er .i .Atwood C^uiipaiiy of speitialiita mvu an anttirtaiiiniant in I'rice- ritle un Kridajr and S«turday, Nov. Iti and 17- VVe cuniniend the company t<> th« I*rice*illeit««. Thuy ar« worth/ of patronage. They show iu Markdal* to-niifht (Thursday.) Highest cash price paid (or lard at Blakely A .McConnsll's. Priecvlllr Itciua. We are all well in and around toirii, no diptheria, iimUrin, .>r typhoid (evur among ii«. Of couno this is duo in a large iiieaauro to the cluaii, tidy stnte of our villa){0. It is oftoli said hy vinitoni from forei^'ii couiitrii^s, that the "Indian •imiiiiur" is the must pluasHiit season of tho vear in Caiiaila, uiiil it is no except to the rule this year. .\ largo amount of ploughing is beiiiit doiin by the fHriiiura in this vicinity, ni.iru than tho nvaraKo ijuanlity. Mr. It. II. Kelly, lato onvtinour in .Mc- (iowan's flouring null, who accoiiipHiiied Mr. (too. Louck mill family to .Algoiua a couple of weeks h'Xk, is luck st'inn He doos not speak very enouia ;iiigly ..f the Thessaloii 111 i'4h\iorlio.)d. Kliiih«-rl(>y. t'rnht oitr oca Cnrrt-siMntdtnt. Kiiiiborley is a iiiatelileHs jilaco for iiintches, takiie.; in we.ldiie.^ iiiHtchus anil shooting maiches, for the past tew weeks. .Miiinlay, bill nisi,, was the date of a very hot battle between capt.iina.l. Smith itiid part of the couiitrr, and my aiilkn>ati<>iis | Imvii been full veritied s.i far. Tlie i Work IS now almost c.unplete on the out- | si.le. Willi the exception ..f the vestibulr. Tlio â-ºul.scrii.er "tr.-i â- - Il IS clad with white brick, and thi I buildin'4 II. iw pr.'s.'iit'i .|nit'! an iiiipiming »Pl«araiiC" .ui top .d tho hill overh«>kiiig < the town. Mr. Klijah I'aul is the cmi- tractor, and h* hss accumplished his work witli a luasterly hand. â- !hu 1 â- i'l.r 1 t'..*l .111 1 IK...: .'Illll;,- 1' t.i .ol â- Ill c. Jlirse 1 1 -^ i..li . Th.. 1 .. -It 111- .'IIIIIM "1. .11. o t..r TM l.l Its 111.' 1 ..-t 1... til'.'!.. .'1 in-t II. tl. 11 '1 111' ie»l n ^'.ill.^ II lUl t la*. .1 .r 1 L. â-  1 i-l â-  IhlL-ll '. i;i a.l l;lt.' f .,â-  a t'l lal 411 l.iillu' 'l .l - . ^r I'l-; 1 V r; 1 a ^iioll 1.*; the .our*. ,[11. V t. M- .\ «â-  . 11 l.lr.'i. 1* \ k''l.l :\ii.s li. ri aM fil.- Owen ^io^ln.^ , Nov l- t. l^>v. Farm for Sale Qeoeral News. Mil. Cll .t l.ltlJlM.^ I'li'p.-ity on till' Uli hue. r.mirv). I'.-tit-jr known a^ lot t coiilaiiiiia; l.i> aeri-«. . '^1 cl./i«ri-.I and ii.i ttii.lt'r eultivutiou. tilt. ruiiiiiiii.ler liu^tiiru an.l iiii-a.low Now fratiii; Ixiiii. ntoii*. U».tu.tatiiiii . nt.ibltfs, utc.iitfw fraiuu U.imhi', i-.-llar, an.l .it- n.' fouuttfttiou. Tbiii U a m«K>ulleeDi iiri>|K'rti ruvsMNsiuu iaiiuwUiktvlr. Koi* turtna, i-iu.. apiily to A. UcKKNZIK.Mslwoll 1'. O. Slt'-.il' AH.-,,!:.,,, Ililiil ,'.. tt,.',:.ii..h^.,. â- â- _!â-  .\\.i â- , .00/ .I--,-. 'O.fs .'-.i' .o,.„- .\„f„ ;â-  i;,.i,„, ;.,.„ .1- I , <. "dr. carter, ;., c r. .V .'^. . I 'ST. i'iiv.s«M\. sMt*,Eo:.. ;^c. fi.L.-ULlKIA*.;;. fnf"-.-. -rr-i-'f - â-  " â- â-  :^^- jii'?-^ r.-. .> r f^'.*-.. , -" Partner siiips : s:. F. in\o\. J. c. KiTTO-v. >i II (â-  -1 , n iM M . I'liyiiLLi;:.;, S^ir'^c'in c-i , >.:â- :., l^i<:CEVlLLE',. ^InUi-itvy. kl^x DKNTISTRY. Tl:.:in:.i K£r.d°rsT. L.T.Z. 1;..! ! }!..! '-.,( ..,.,' //.'„., <;,,o'i,.,'. i.i- .-.w' i:.<:i'.s.. \\ n; M.-tt 1 ,..':sni in. n Mmi.sI ^n -. 1;.. 1 .III I i.'l .11.11 111". Ill r.-. I ;i ' N.vi.1. r, 1 1, jr;-. . â-  ol iili.l lill.-.l 111 til... I.ii.;lir.l-.tv^. . : .;.â- .• lilt. .0. ' tat lo' 'il.'i 86.' : iitf'-. Hl:i|. I'l's 1.;-. 71;: V â- â€¢ â-  r Si . T' '11 s â-  'i J. P, ll!ilSII\I.L, L. 1». S., DE.XTIsr. Viv.-it» Jlarkdale the 1st and oi.l W dne.^ day of eaith m. «orli. Floshertoii eaeli trip on the day foll.i.»iii_' Tlu> <»1oIm- Chri.stiniis \iiiiil»<>r, K. Koar, Ihu latlor beiiiK vicLnious l.y I f„| 'phe Uoview .snys that .several wlii. eighty points. , â-  . u' ! Wont to .Muskoka roluined «ith fourteei .Mr. 1. Mierwoiiil h.is niovud into Kim- I berloy, having purcha.sed, and is g.ong [ ''"it. »"â- ' several be.irs. Tlie Uoview is into the brick-iiiaknio no.xt suaami. , goiiiL( to coiiiineiicu next neck tliu |> ubii Success Toiii. (cation of "Rem iiiisceiiccs of tho liuii Miss K. .\. KIlis has gonu to .Meaf..!-.!, 1 . . where ."ho will reimtlii for some lime, j .Miss K. mil be mm h inis.sod hero, especially ill the choir, and as a wi.rke III the .SiiniWy Sol hM& k} b li\\ or hi T))« blacksailtli ahit^. known n.* A'Iimoi'n, on th« 4th linu, Arteuu-KJn, a)H>ut '4 niUttN fruin Plan^MrtoQ. U utTHre4l for Kalo or Co r«tit. Fur t«riiit «u<l i>artlciil»rti aupU to _ DLS£ASr\Ml'MKl,rj.KtiKoul»iI'. *)._ h\h hmi k Sale. \ ((».mkI p*>1uw butfhur biiHiiic*H i^ ofTerud f"r hftio hi FK'snurtoD. rtvo ami hI\ liti^vtiM kilU-il uimjIi w«'<tk, t>oNiiltiH Miimtl HiiinmU. 'Co ttii}tMitor- Itriiiitu UJAU tltl* i)t A Aitt iUm <iiii><)rtiiiiit> for •cHmrliiK lb ulcubuiiiii«*hH. Korfurtliiii luii ticutifcrH fti>uly to HLAKKIA* McCONNKI.L. butohum. Kiwhurltiii^^ Flesherton Meat Market ! BLAKKIiY iSc iM'ONNCLU riiJVLVOUS I'O Till'. (iii.NKU.M. rriu.ic Dealers in tre.sh aiul tared cr...ssing and subimtting plans for thejmeat.S, SaUSaj^C (oUf tiWll .s.»me. The plana arc objected by the I', 'make), larJ, bolooil.l, etC. etC FISH. FOWLS, and GAME. in their sedsnii. A. 1 DEF.F, only ^4 per. lium.hc(l. ("all andascorlain prices, whctlier yon buy or not. Mr. W. K. Meredith. Q. C, leader U the Ontario ()p|Misiti n, is remuviui; to ToMnt*). JaiiiM Soutt, of (he Township of Dawn, was niurderoU hy his luaane wife Thurt- ' day inoriiiii|f Inst. Mayor Uochu has rufusud to allow the .Vuarchiats to parade iu Cliicago to com- inoiiiiiratu the dead .\iiarchisLs. Mr. \V. .\. Worratt, a Tormito barrist- er, imrrowly »sca|>ud dtuitli from a duae uf puisuii taken in mistake for mudicinc. \u attempt was niado to wreck a truin ell the Stratford and (aoderich branch of the (iraii'l Trunk on .Saturday night. Uaiiway t'omiiii.s«ii>iier .Martin, of .Mamt.>Ui, is trying h new plan with the criwsing ..f tho Mauitobit Southwoatorii hraiich of the ('. I'. U. hy the I'ortagc extension, sniiply notifying tho voitipany that the (ioveriiineiit would iiiakc tlio Streetsvillo iiiniriids are very success' if H'le .,,.,„ ..THE MAllKETS. FLF..Sin:UTt)N. .\iiion'.' til. I soiivi'iiiis of the coiiiino C'bristiiias season none will rank with the tile 2HiM annivorsary, and also iho -'(lOth anniversary of the lamling of William 1(1., an eveiitiiot less iiiiiinpoi talit, liecaiiHu it marks the coiiiiiieiiceinent of the extir- pation ol I'opisii domination in Kngl.and. t .1 ,'i , I'l I 11 '^Ir Uluiser, who waa iiinroveu for his lortlicoiiiin^; < hllstiiias lilobo, a piiblica- â-  , ,, , '. ., ^. .' , , . ' ' bad behavior at llio S. .\. harraoka on tioii upon winch will be lavished the re- | k.^ p.^^, ,„.„ Sundays, soeinsto liavo con amirces of the artistic, literary and ine- ! sidered the ropmofs of matornal source, chanical skill of tho Dominion. There a'ld as a means of a.lvaucing his spiritual _:ii . ,1 â-  , • . f ,1, .: t >i welfare, a.s he iouio.l, bialv and s.nil, in will bo thirty SIX pai'os, of the size of tliei . . , ' â-  , , ' . their religious iluvotions, innchasoil u Illu»tratod L..ndoii Sows, printed »>"m ! War Cry. and on his rotiiin h.nne imule now ty|Ki, on the very tiliHSt pap«r, and ' the valloysol the l«.tver ra oclio with btHllia ill haiidH.>iiiu illuniinatttd oover. l Imdablu howlings of "To Domii." a II iL !• ...- ...>> I. I. «. . . .... »' Mr. A. Hoiiroii has ranted tlie Fovor- All (he nterary matter n.-\s been prepared I . n i i - i _ i â- ' r I ' I ,haiii nnllH, |tn<| is doing grand Work. «xprMily for this number, and moludes I ^e s,,licils patronage. ^iUtributio|ii froi|{ (I^r i)blest pens ii( (l^e There \\i\n l^uii. during tj^e pMt two Miss M. K Suiitli, visiting friends here. .Master Kd. Howe, who has been away ill .New ll.impdiiro for about two ami a ' ('(I rf/'ii tl j/ I'om'rtfil I'Utrh ft'i-ek half yours, is Msiliiii.' friemis here. i p. „„ , â- * 1 ._ Hour ?(' 00 to (! 00 rcvrrfsliaiii. Kail Wheat ?1 10 to 1 10 'SpriiiL; \\ heat 1 10 V-'ioia oio- o,r„ (•„,,â- . <i,n,Je„i. liarley Hod ., , ... , ,, -,, OiilH • (t !i;{ .Moiiiliiy moiniii.;, i>oveinlier the :<tli. n rtj Tho , or is mild, but cool an.l pleasant. , Y''''' " "'" The loyalists of KeverHliaiu standing in I'lltliT (I -7 the business lioii.ses Hi-em to be niedilat- I'i^'f^s, fresh 17 iiiu ill profound coiitoniplatioa over the I'otalocs lui.'ili ^^5 â- â- (lunpowder I'lot," of which to-dav iS|P|,..p ijoo Hay per ton 10 00 Hides 1 .*>() W'enl IS Sheepskins .'iO (iee.^o 0-5 'I'urkevH 7 ('hlckens per pair 'iH Ducks per pair 50 NOTICE. 1 10 45 <t 3,'t 5h 18 !7 2.^ f. 00 10 00 5 .VI 20 MYRTLE CUT and t'LUG imimmmw FIXKIt TIIA\ KVEK. T & in U||i>ii/.«' uii K.KII 1 00 SALESMEN WANTED tw I'], 0.-) 08 0.') i Clil'"' â- ^iii^i'l i'-i. ."'tal.li.Jii.il I, vii ;ill voaiK. 'I'll iil.l i-.-llal'lu iiurs.Ty. .\I. ii witli imsli. elioiuy, ^ uooil hiiliils iitid (â- li-.tn ..liaiiuti 1- always siii-ceeil. ^0 ! ^^ "' "â- '"' !>''"' von yi.O'l |iil> Hint st.'ailv work. •â-  '" Write foi tonus to CHASK MltOrHKUS' t'D.'Vl 60 I'AN Y, NiirsuryiiiuM, I'Dllioriui, out. FAKM for SALE 8HINniiRHcons*ftnt1v on lianil am cheat*. Just put In /trai-i-lasH iMia- )tliU~ i)WW brifw aloufi ytiut uraiu aad n'ts't <'b.iii|yj(i uv iu Hliort order. 111/! 1. n flT.OAN. ' Kucesls. Xeiug part of I,ot Nil. 10 C«n. .'!. Kiiphins ouiitainiuil ttfty acruu, Ttio above property attnatc't alKiut oiio-untl-f^-hatf niilos from Ui Yin»(!» of Kiuibarlsy, sUuudur oultiTstion su maKalAoout laitd, ApplT V A. At. Dona Kl^borluj 1*. J. W. FUOST, L.I..B.. OffloB. Sl^aiiri Ttuttitin^. KT.KKyitft l>n. A. A. CHk^SI^K Y. Soliritur uuit I'uiiim viuig4.>r, MR. KUOSr will U< fuiiuU at tlir V'ilce.'iii Yhnriklavnas tifiutuforu. P McCULLOUGH, ll(trristi't\ Solicitor, c)-c. OIHeo, over Mt-FnrliindN St«tr«, .Hiirlidule. Muiivy to Luuu. 5u5inc,5.$ Cards. John W. Armstrongi Ki.Ksiii:mes. t'o. (bn;\. TJlVIWdN cut KT CLl'iliK COMM ISSRIN Rll â- â€¢-'iiiH K. Coiiv.->aii.-ur. .ve. .\«iiil (oi I'Ui. iiuj* ao.l sale of laiKl^. .\i'prai«'r loi (', I,. C I oui Mill K 1' n, A h. So.-ii.tv- Moli'.v t.. l.i.Hii nil tht uiuHt rt'ii^ulial'lv liriiis. lasiMi or ,M.\K1;1 \Mlt Llt'K.NSKS -NOT.VKV I'LHI-U MONEY TO LOAN. .IT l,On EST ('IKRE\T l( ITE^ (.)n luwii or Faiui riui»ony. !• l<--*li«l tOU. W. ,). BKLLAMY. TWl-. el.kllK .IKTI.MI.SM. • '"NT c: V .1 .V ' â- ]â- :!!, I •( > M \l ISSIOSJilt, f.v.sf/iM.vcf .\irr, lU' â- pvl-.KIIS. UOKTli \(1KS, l.l'.,\Sl;S. .Vi-.. propir- â- a-' ml aiil iiio|.t'il> u.xyiii tu.l. lusuraiici. alloc "I ill l\n.t-ilana eouiiiuiiieh. Mi,iii.> tolciiiln4 Ii'ivalnite'* R. J. Sproule, l)OSTMASrKH,Fle.-.bert.m,t'oiuiiusi4ioii- *â-  or IU 1!. H., I.icensed .Vuclioiieer. Ciiii veviiiicer, .VppniisiT ami .\loiie 7 Lender. Ki'id Khlate and liisinani'ii .Voont. Deeds. Motti:aj|(ei<, L. as.s iu\d Wills ilniwu up au.l Viiluations imiilt on aliortcsl uutioti. Auc tioii Siih'S atteiiili"! to ill any pary of tbu foiiiitv. iloiiov to I'.aii 111 lo«v.»t raten of interest. {.'olleetioiis aUemloil to with pioiii)ituoas and di'si'ateii. ('fi.irors low. A)(uiitf.>r ihe Doiuijiion SteaishipCuUipauy. Chuap tickets from I'lesluvten In Liveipeei. (Hasjjow, li.iii.l.iii or any of tliM British I'orts. Parties inteiid'n;,' to vinit KiiglsiiJ SeoUinid or I.-elaud, will please ii.sU rates be fi'le (lurch .siiio their ti.ki ts olt,ewlu.'re-. James Sullivan, ^ The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou • IlepHiriuji. KiLvctroiiubiiif^.aiiil hi factovory tbhiK 1)1 the bu.siu(>>4!» will loceivu uiy proiiipt HHtl oareftil iitteiition at ruHHouablu piicuH. Try The Advance one ye a^. for $1 or six monihs for 50, fi* « •

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