Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1888, p. 5

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."Nov 15, I'vos.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. -.> iL%, W FALL GOODS! -->.T T!!'-.- Hiivini; rtL.fiv -I .mi- l'..!; -.ui.li .,f In ^ it'.ol- wu mu in ii l'"-i!i"" '" •"'â- â€¢' 'li" '"-I ^u^i-'u '" tin* TfftMw. (tur ^tocii is Vl'i_v t!<MIIl>lcLr. Itf -.i'-t.-iv- ili-i ln'UU - iactocl -.Mill '^'UM nl.n, wu linw- iviiii «»etu't; 111 iL â- \n\rk >iiHCttrn'ln; puMii- liiul li"-'.» c~*:i «pl>ri.'Clat>i « ivcU Ijuiiijiit .n tide. BOOTS AMD SHOES. villi- lU'W Mlurk hi" 11 -IV.-. i titdl i!OiiiVM»--Ti ••oiilt: tuiiJ^ ymi.i iiJi'l nuivif-Mt.l.r lu. Mm .lU'l 15^'^â-  1 J I net BOOTS THAT R BOOTS I r r ivii V uiuuilicr .)! tlio liuiii.liol.l. Our »tlji- .iiI,MniHM)lll|i|>l-ii:i.'lmi>l<.'. OurUM.ttn 1,1-il: ,,. .>,X.-.„..K .IJJ.I l.cw I'.'c ,-. (, ol,,c .hh! --v,- 1 ^v. .Ai«-iJ.visa:. J. G. Carson Tiikis ttiis opi)ortmii'y lo lliaiik hi' many eiisi'iuurs f'lr tluir liciirty (ikI- Tonti'«e (lining tlif pust H yiiirs luid to ask tliuir coiitiniiocl support in liis new (*)ri'iiiiHPH on li. Tiiinbk's conirr, op- â- jioRiti* Miiiislmws KotL'l, I'Moslii'itoii. U'Im' ioll'.iwinti is a list of tin.' Iisiplc- luouttf 1 baiidk, !iU tliu luaunfacluiv «»f -obat fainwH anil roliiible old finn, K'Hmv^. I'ATTEKSON 13110S., Wood- MUnSt, Out.: IFdl/Urm*. Cutt'-rt, Oraiu T)tUU, Spriuij Tuoth ll'ir- roicj, Iron Harrotct, Twii- Fiirruw (rang â- Sender*, Spring TiMh Cnl- I Turnip DrilU, fivaton. Land R<MtTi. HOUR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUE ! MR- P LOUCKS l4 proi>Art4d to .lo your (IriHtins on nhort tii»titMJ aiitl «riw<!H oil tliu oM ti-rms of wvory tw».-litlt ljimht.1. St'vtMi cuiitK iHjr ha+j of twi* buKlu-ls fi>r <'hopi»iii>i. iloiie Bvury Jay. Tlio I..itllu Mill Is UiiK in thu tisiiiuAtion of thu public, batisffcctiuii UuainiituiMl. IV hOL'CKS. l>roi.ri<'t<.i-. (iuo«i stiiljlinu for hoiMis, UU-OPKN'H JANl-'AUT 7. IV*".'. STAKK--W, Williiuui. li. .\ . Kiiiilisli. Vrv\ RTl'l (M-rilltlB. -I H. lil-i'tlloill , U..i ^'lll^«^i^s L. Cox. H. A , Mathoinaticrt; VV, H Kurvuiis. li Hciuuco ; T K. Mc(.fwil. It. .\, t'tmaiioroiifcl ,Ci>v<i I'f IHK7. Six mat,ricu]niit!s.l\M» II Hi l,t s, n hrHt (Vm, <hiti!»t!Kt ill tho I'rovini.M,", t went. v-tii .scwttii'ls, iweuty-i'iiL- thirtlH, iKirtiiJisi othfiH III I nor MKifciiiiM&tloti^. I'lifi st'hool luaUcs rtiiocialty oi teucliur's woj k. ainl liiii ittt^ llh; \\ cloven yoikr^ luis imHHiMi JSti ili^ln i'.' As. (i U" I'n. ) WVS Hct-oiiils. :w.'i thii'lH; ur a yraii'l totn Hi;j. It ffi Also fully t<(|iiipp(!i1 for .luM;or Mali latiuu aati thu proftmAional uxaniiiiatmus. Kciiil for aiinnuiiL'cnittiit '.o Wm. W'ti.uamh, I'rinuipal Collingwoo' , Oct. 3V. IHHm. W.\.NrKJ>! -Vfc f»iicu. Loeul a'i'l li-avr^Iinj; anoiiis fin' our :;oik1h. hihuial .•oniiiii-i-- ions. <n' htili'ny aU'i 'j\;t»jiu;i'H, to _-oiiii»i't.uiit. atui H'lihln inoii. Kor tumiK atirl full particulars. a<l<lict»M. J. V. LkClahk, NiirKfrvniHii, liriKhton, N. V. #OEMB6_eOLDW&TGn| FREE I UUly. BMt ttSSl ilBtbA worUl. Pflrf f«ctt'nn»-l Isiill.l (iiilil Huittlnc C«Mib ' wlUi uorka ftfiil cks«B of In •«*<'1> luc*ll(f r«ii n»ciir« una , t-'HiCE. How Is tiilniHXwIbU? WcAiuwtr â€" we wAiil one par- Hon In i»*cli ItNiAlli), to \t^\y In Hlr homes, tii<l«hi)W to (hu<« whocftU, «roBi{)leto 11 no .tfrnif TftlUAbleKM verr UHftfiU HOUMfc^UOLH 9A»PLK9> TMMSftmplM.Mi wtll uUm w»tch,wftH«nHfroe,sDd tfUrron te*« kept Ukcm In your iMna* for • nx'ittlii Mid tliuwn than lolboBe \rU« mny lisvo r«lt»il,thf j tti>rutii«t yaar own. prop* rtJt N la poMll>t« tu iit*k« llils Kr««t <><T«r, mihIIds tlit) MOLIO •AOLU wslcl) ftii'l COI9TY n«ti)t>l<^A /reft. &â-  the ahowlog ot I^HUnplM In Atif 1ocftlll7, klwnys rMulu In % Iftmvtrad* Ibr Wiftfl«roor««mpltiS liarebton lri»loe»llty for* moDthortv* â- w iMiMllr (tt frum 91000 lo 9KOOO In tr«.U frotn Um .•orrtnioillnc country. TtiU, lb« most womluful offsr aw k*own,ls luMls Id ur<1er thftt onr MunplM nifty b« pUo«d mi oaoa vbar«lh«>'c«n t>n •vvn, ktl oTir AtubtIc*. WrlU %X â- *•£«, »b4 •akafaarauf tli«ch(viir«i. BMdsr II will h«hftrill7kDr truaM* â- %t jua to slww tttflHAinplot to tboaa wbo may cali kt yuor baiM 4»4 your reward will Ixi nto«l sAtltrftclarr. A p<>«i*l e*ril Mi -Vblcb lo writAiwrnats butl ««itl and sfWr you know ftll,tf jos 4d not a«rs lo ffo furUier, why nob«riii \» Jnua. But If yoate I yoar sddf«as •! •>uc«. jviu oaa Mcura ft'HKK dus otVkm I fn ti»« Buy a new A1!NE8 s rUHClJASK A SKEIG-H ROBE LVVES7' IN \ iievv Whip BIG DnCOUlTT -Foil â€" C-A-S-H DXiayton HARNcSSMAKER, For Merrie EnKlaiul. <Liit.:i^-^-mr,ti-Lj, a»^»j«i, â- at K>lid cold Urc* lln*4l is )ircp;trcd to ,;;ivc you large DSCOUNTS for CASH on all kinds of harness, whips, blankets, etc. A Huge Stock ! â€" OFâ€" SINGLE, TEAM, AND DRIVING HARNESS, on hand. Sleigh liells. Robes, Whips, Hoof Ointment, Axle Grease, Curry Combs, Brushes, and everything re(iuired in the line of harness in ikers' supplies. WE ALSO DEAL IIT A SUPERIOR QUALITY Ol- CALLand KXAMINi: our extra large stock before buying anything in these lines elsewhere. D. CLAYTOH. ^^ "Q â€"My accounts are now ready and waiting for settlement. As I am in great need of money, all per- sons who are indebted to me are requested to call and settle, ON OR BEFORE DEC. 1st, otherwise their ac- counts will be placed in other hai'.di for collectioa. D. Clayton. IIV M. IIHUAUD.SO.V. ^\': talked nf Eni,')isli hunifs, and lanes, :oh1 !k-Itls, and â- ,-ardfM8, and ,.ni- Sctch la.iy im.M.l -ivw poetic in l,er .inscription "f tiu( l)„Mnio liilLs and braes, the daiuius •iiid tin; liuatlier. whidi «lio l„vod and left m cliildln.nd'.s (lays, and wlnlo wo anti- date,! our j„y„ „ur In«h frieinl »1,„ hud left the (ireen Isk, fnrty years ago, a raw li i«li la<l, came and sani,' to us in sweetly l'laiiiu\x' strains : If KiiKliiiui iviis my iiliicii i)f birtli l<i l<Ai, liur tiiiiiiiail silling: If bimiiiu Huotlnncl \ras my iionid Hor luciMiiiaiiis IM ailinn : For Imp ,y ,|„y.., i„ ,,^t|, ,.^.,, s|,„m^ An. I li„p„ for .lays tii .â- .ii.ir. TliiMi ..luiT my liiirli for lirins Islo !•'."â-  Kriu is my lioniu. The foUowiu!,' Sunday nn.rmn- ;v„ sikdiled the north cast of Irehmd and lH-f..r« noon wero opposite the sitjnnl stii- tion from whence .nir airnai w.,uld l,e lule..;raphed to Liverp.iol and New V.irk. l'.-fs.sin^' tlie entrance to L.,eli K.,ylu, with its stirrniK memories ..f tin, old city .jf Derry, we next came in si-lit .,t the (iianfs Causeway, that leniarkable t.,r- niation ..I rocks whiih used M rank iis one ..f tile sev,.|i w.m.lers .,f ihi_. w.irld. (•"â- â€¢ruiLiht miles aloijtj the coast the elilfs rise fr.un 400 i., .V.O f..ci lii.,'li. and Imv., tlie api.earanee of iiiiniense architectural structures, beiiii; e..iii|„,sed .,i bitsiilt r,,ek re.,'ularly arran-.M!. NUpp.,, ii,„^, platforms 'M""i winch other clumns n-c licr ..ii 11. 'r, with w,.nd,.rlul .u-dcr an.i uiii|,.rin. â- 'V i" -I-.' and shape. Tins :.,.p..„r„,„-e â- >u„'.;e.sle.l t|:„ u\,-a ..f striicliir.il ,lcsi-ii, i'nt .11 r.uch iiia-iiitmlc tiiat il„. hiiinan races now were but pi-mies o..„ipan;,l to 'I"' Iniilders of these r.,cks, h.-nce the iianii' tliants f'au.sewav. Ne.xt ni..rniiiu' w.i were wailin-,' for the tide.iiitsi.le the liar uf .Mersey river, and walkui- early <m deck Wo noticed the body of a man tlnatin;. pa«t u» m thu wnter, seen a fow moments then koim) for- ever, Whiitah.jst ..f .|uerieH it sm^- ^'ested : Every liiniian beiim' )i"8 a liis- toiy. WliHt was his, and how cam,! lie there ' I'erlmps soiiie loved om,» i„ „„„„ cutta;;u li.nnc wait in vam for hiw return; nmy ba the door is left on the latch and through long ni^dits wakeful ears listen f..rhis footsteps, ..r.iH the vIUhku post- man wiitda his horn, hearts beat .piickly ill f»liit h,ipe» f,jr tlie letter that iu to tall where the long lost one is. Steaming up thn river wo enter the busiest shipping harbor in the world. <.)M ,.ui rii<ht, New l(ri..!ht,,ii .m,! linkeii- head ; on our loft, the city .,f Liverpool, with her seven miles .if inaniiilieent docks, with ships from all parts .,f the World. A tender came aloiiiiside and pa8«eu(,'er« and bujju'aiie were t raiisfi-rr.-.l to it and soon wo were on ilio laiuling staiie, but ould ii,it say w,; were on term tiriiia, as it is a liuno li,.aliii_; struc- ture risiii',' and falliiej with th,. inln, but is of such iiiaLiiiituiie as to accomodate a number of I'xiensive buildiiifs f.n rulwav ami steamljoat ..llices, custom ..lliii's, freinht houses, etc. It was the nil, hill, ..f AiiL;ii.st, and a littlu band "I v.,ya'.^eiiis fr..in that hor- rilile e..ld ami i;iiowliouii,l ciiinlry calleil t.'aiiada, we were surprifu.i to s,'e in, re la,lien weariiiu' furs, aii.l imimi with over- coats, than w.} ha.l sim-h I'.r iii..iitlis be- fore leaving' ( 'aiiada, "This looks s.ihd anil is like tin- KiiuiJ lish Character, " ri in.u ki',1 a v..iiiit; .V.niericam wli.i, ..u Ins lirst \i.sit t.. I'Jn^-- land, walkeil up int.. the city with il.saiid II, .ltd the iiia.ssiv,' sti.n.' ImiiI.Iiii.js, ware- l:,>u.scs, sl,i|.piiiL! ..Iticcs. et â-  , .eljaoeiil to the docks. Wo pait.d w it !, ..iir ti-ll. w voya<,'eurs with ,-â- ,. iii,. rc;;r./N an.; '.v. re loll Willi .me .'lily, a ueiitle-iiiaii If.. in iMniiii.,, an. I liaMii;,' tin- .lay bei'.ire ii.< sti.i.!iil thr,.ui,di soiii... ..f tin- priih'ipal bii.sii.css s'reets and ii..li-d in il..- ci..«.ls .,f jieilestrians tli.- w.ir.l.ifnl van.ty ..:' nati..ii.alities an,.' i:ii.,-s i .â- pic^ent.'.l Ii.'r.; sailors and iiici.,-lia:its n..iii .ilu )iart in the w..iM. Liv,.r;inii| is the l;,ri,'..,st .â- ..tt'.ii iii.iik.'t 111 ilie World, and ma.', peiliapi cl.-xini an e.pial pre-uniilii'iiie as a \miuI in.iili.'t. The trade in ynuii and ,ill ..ilnr brea. - stulls is eii..riii..ii.i ; iii..re tli.in ha'.f the c\;'..rts ..f the .Mill.' kih|;.i.i|ji arc fii.m this poll. We elitero.l a l:ii;.e iii,irk,-t ralli'il St. John's, coverin,' :ib..iit tW'. ac;,-:i. The imir.eiise I'oof soppi'ited by lib pillars. The busiest part ..f ill.' .lay u.is ..vcr, .iinl a walk throii'^li sli.'«c.l u.i ..ii.' ..1 tlio ini. portaiit a.IvanliiL'e.-, of liviiiL; in ,i lai-L''' se.ip.irt, the distri'^iitiii'.^ i.-,iiti,! of tl.a World's product.!. The larL;e vaiiity of fruits, not only ,.f I''iiLlish ;ir,iwtli, but of every cliine. were spri'iid in teiiiptiiiy abundinieo and otl'ered at very l,.w prices. tl)u larue ijuiuititios of out llowors fur sale .-.I uu'iy 111 bunches, liouiiuets and w- r,:'i. ovi- .lenced a very lai;,'e doinainl ni.; ' ..' i^t-ii- eral taste and love f..r tliis< 'i) .:v In the fiuadramjle formeil 'ov ti.. N.n.inyu buildin!,'S and ilie city hall tlnTe ;- i v.- y reinarkablo inoiiunient erect, il m !i"ii' r of Lord .Nelsiui. At tin; l.'Ur mi'jU's ..f the base an- seateil lai'^i: statu, s ..1 liuif nuile iiieli, inaiiacled, alni .'acli in att;- ttiile of s..n'ow. .\liiiv,! ihi'iii n.' vi'ic- sentalions ill nieilallion relic! >. I'l.. s of four memorable naval Imtl ,'s T!us is surmoiniteil by ti'.Miri's in br.n.,' ai'oiit ten or twelve feet ill lieioht, ' b.' cen'rai one ..f svliieb is the one ann.'.l lii'i.., Xi'l- son, wh.i in tin: act of ,'ln-eriii!; bis men has just received his ileutli woiin.l. Mi'.ve ami behind biin a tall aniielic iJLjiire of Vict.iry holds a laun-l wr,-atli ab..ve bis head as if in tbe act ..f nlaciie,' it "ii lus brow, hehiw ami nc'piii'j fiom :hi' lubls .if the .Irapery is a '.'rnii .b-albs li,-a,l and skelet,ili arm is strelclir,! iipward.s. .and with .â- lutchiiio bony tinoi-rs spr.ail over Nolhon's 1,-f' breast. Tbi.s is ..iiiy ..in; ,.f the many costly minium, 'iiis w.; saw in Enu'land en'cl.-.l to N.'ls..ii s nM'iii.iiy Wc iK'Xt visit, 111 Si. ib.ir:;.'S Had, tin, most celi-bnili-d piiiibc binli.nii,' in Lr.er- p,„.l. It is oil an .'1,'VriI 1. Ill III. I ni a fine .ipell ipare MllT.illll.ic.l wnh el.'l..:uil .ill. I costly public liiiilibii'.:s. It IS Ml pure ('..rinlliiaii styb'. Willi massiv Iiiiiins '111 every Mile, ,;acll "lie hke a M.ii.i bnicU of liiriieol stone l.j l'eel'iii;ii , ... llie inri !i side there ar.- t\v.. Ini pii'stnuii tii;- iires 'if til.- ',>n,'>-ii aii.l I'lin. •• \lli,-r:, an.i it seems inarv, -11. Ills thai luli ma-s. s of st.iiie cnild be supp./i'.-.i 'ii t!i, ;bri-e slcljil.-i Ici^.s .,i ill,; ll.iises. i iic i.'UlI.l be .114 rhised in tile ai t.if sIi-ppiiiL' 'rv\"s;' lie lions by the ..â- eielir:il..-.l sculpt. r I''!a.\, larger than .;lepliaiils in bulk, ,ir,- placnl â-  Ml jieilestais Iaciii'_; Linn* ."^treet, '!â- â- , I â- (.,,..../. Mr. .\. .M. 'I'ysoli shot a ,leer oil Tiies- ilay ..t last weel; ab.nit tw.. miles fr.iiu Wiartoii, that weighed three liundred ])oUiids, Tins is the lar.;est ,leer that bus over been killed on the I'eninsula. [Wiraton Ech,,. You Carry A wha/« ineilicine chett in your pookait, with one box ot .V/er's PllU. \a they operate directly on the stuiuach and )m>wu1s, tbey indirectly aflcct tietj other organ o( the budy. When tba Btoiuach is out of order, the head ia alTueted, iliKostion tails, the blood bo- comes iiupuverisbod, and you fall aa easy Tictiiu to any prevalent diseaa*. Miss M. K. Uoylo, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., puts thu whole truth in a nuteliiill, whea sin; sa\s : " 1 use no other iiiedloine than Ayor'a Mils. Tbey are all lh»t any one needs, and just splendid tu saT« jioney in doctors' bills." Ueru is aa iustauca of A Physician who lost his medicine ,;best, but, haying at lian.l a bottle o( Ayer's I'illH, louuU biniselt fully equipped.â€" J, Arrison, M, U., o( Sau JosO, Cal., writes; " iSouie threo years ajjo, by the lueroet aci;iilcnt, I was forceil, so to sp<«ik, to prescribe Ayer's Ciitbarlio I'ills for several sick men animif; a party of onf(i- niiers in the Sierra N'eva,la niouiilalns, my medicine chest havinu been lost in cressintj a mountain torrent. I wa» siirprisoil ami delighted at tlio action of the I'ills, so much so, imleeil, that I waa led to a further trial of tlieiii, aa well aa ol your Cherry Pectoral ami .Sarsapo- rilla, I have notliing but praise to offo« in their favor." .Juhii W. brown, M. D., of Oceana, W. Va., writes: " I prescrilie .Vyor's Pills tu my practiic, ami liml them e.\celleat. I iirtje their Roiuiral use in families." T, E. Uiistinns, M. D., of ItaltimorB, Mil,, writes: " That .Vyer's Pills .lo con- trol and euro the complaints for which llicy are ilesiKinub is a-s ,;onclusiv«Jy proven to nie a.s aiiythin)i possibly can be. Tlioy are the best cathartic and ai)ori- ent within the reiich of tin; profeseion." Ayer's Pills, PllKPARKD BY Or, J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweH, M«M. HuUi liy all Druggists. THE PEOPLES G-REATBST INTEREST -; will t. run tlif\ ut;t tlicir llour. foml, ftud l>ro- viMtiith clu'iiiM-st ill town. IT IS.Vr BLACKBURN'S. I .\ll klii.i^ of meal .ihvays on tiftiul, I Tt) TllK KAK.MEKS AND 1'rni.IC I CENKRALLY ; ; IIOTfOFFEt^aiid (;OOULl.Nru: ' alnli liiiiir-<..( t'l.i l.iy, i).SI>Y l,^ it,, .til other I iiim, ill stoeli le- iisiiul. I The peoples faithfttl servant, j G.HRLACKBUHl/N. 1 (irUhon'B J. £. MOORE, ALL KINDS OF mOTJSSHOLD l[J ^-"â- ^^^^ *â-  * T- J.»«--«J^ Duriiain Si reel. Flesliertoii, Special attention is called to our f»r Which IS now complete. For variety, (luality and prices we are able to eclifise all ioriner riluit^.. We aie selling BEDSTEADS At bum 'Ja each. .\ really hand.some Bedstea'i at Sj. WASHSTANDS .\t from $1.50, and B-U- R-E-A-U-S- I At $6. Making the whole furniture a bedroom, iijcludir.;; .a chair less than $iq. QHILDREN'IS QRAOLES. QOTS. CKIF«S, In a number ot styles anil aL t:quallv low prices. In BEDDINir We arc making .i speci.iit}- just ii'iw, by tillering a ,g<j"''. Spring .Mattress at $v 5'.- \Vi,)\en wire iM.ilticsses ot: J2.50. Guod quality ol : c.i orass Mattress at S.?- Tabbs. Tables. Tables. Kitci:cii and Dm ng I al it.- . Parlor iiud i-ewino' 'lauic-. Music and F.incy Table-', ..; fact tables to suit every M.-tt and lor every concei\a..;o purpose. One New Karn Organ for Sale, Very cheap. Agent loi '..i.c ceiebra',.t.xl \eiv RayiiH€>aid Sewing Machine, a mimijei ol which are tu be s 't-'ii at our showrooms. Koi ic.iii.ior the i)lace, J. E. 3Ioniv, Flesherton Furni'ui' Waic- rfjtinis, Durham > '.ect, Flesherton,- Our Undprtakiiig Depart mentis A i. Go'i,; hearse and good horses in conncc-_ tion. Charges modd tc.

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