Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1888, p. 8

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f THE FLESHERTON ADVANCB. â-  No\ 1 88^. J. G. ANDERSON HAS JUST TO //AND A FIRST CLASS STOCK 01' o I O in COUNry AND DISTRCT. O I CO O AND AXES Of the very best nuiuif.ictiirc in America. " The Forest lioaiity 9* Js tlic only Saw made liaviiii,' five }^:iul;ps (lifferrncf! hotweon tlie the teeth and the liack, rc(|uirin^' iiu set for hard wood, and are made from the best double reiined siller steel, selected and sjirm^ temi)ered, iiisLiim^' a Perfect and Even Temper. }}t f<*rc buyinji a Cross cut Saw be sure ;md see this Saw, as ihev have no e<|ual. A first class stock of v)f .'he Vfr> liiicsl iiualit;,' at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRTC15S. uaKOUUBEmagi Lidit-s'and Cicntlcmen's h'tii coats and Ca'jis at prices tli.tt will astonish von Aiiotlu'i line I would particularly call your alleiition to is cxic Stock of BootH mi*\ ShoCvS o5^ every tle^criiMion AT - PRICES - UNSURPASSED Anyplace. Don't fa ill -to come in and spo prond« tinid ^-ct prices. We do not con.eider it troui)le to show/ f^'oods. even d yon do not intend purchisin^,'. J. G, Anderson, Sl>riO|j'LK'S A Jl (ill iIou r jjtrutfj (!(r KxchotiJiS'. Sinenil lituviTS liii« Iweii cftuglit in tin- ri>cky Shui,'>!uii, iiuiir I)iii'Iihiii, iIiih ^ill, Mr. 'I'liiis. Knrle, nf 15inlj.'t'io.a, diiil niidc1i.-iily iif lifHrt diBuiUiU wliile piikiuL' |Hihiii) i-HKii lii.s f.'iriii. Tin: (Jicy lU'Vi<.-«- last «u«'k iiuIiIinIiimI iL puorly cuniitnictcil syiKipsi* nf Dr. Mr- Li-llali's liTlilIu ill t 111- Tuwii Hall, Fli'sli- rit'>ii, iif tliir.- wcek.s U'_M.. .Aimllier 1'viilcii.c cif the t?<litiir't fiilcriirise. f It sciiiK tli;it th.- ri'|iurt nf tlit- i,-iiti-iiiiL' uf II [irntcst iiL,':unHt tlii' Tvtiini of .Mr. I!. S. Wiiitv a.s.M. i'. f-.i-CariUvfU is with- "lit fouiullltlnll. .\. '1". Mil;:,'*!', i.f CJloiiul;,', lunl ci^'liteo u mil iif Iwi'Mly-Mvu liin- u'l'esc killi'd hy a iiiiscluuv.u.'i f'lX liuit wouk. The TiiiiiH C'liil'laihs tliiit ()wi;ii Smuiil > tihlii;! HUM i.|ii-iily violate tin- law, aiid ' thai, t<"i, while till- ( liiviTiiiiiL-iit hteiiiiu'i | i.. ill tliat halliur. I 'I'lio I'liiir'i' Ilcralil says llio citizens .if ' Walki'it'iii have ilmoiivereil a |iliiii Ui (li.s- |i.iso "f hUriiliLS (.-atH, l^v <luiii|.iii'.i (liem lllt'i the ellltnr's Wt'l. ^^ .11. «oIl ! ([iii'e H eatac'iiili. uulei'il.- .Mrs. .M..rr..w, Cil,-,,!-, ;i l.i.Iy „r .s...n.- li.'i yij.-ir-i sh|i|>eil whih' ;:ettiiii; mit ..f till! liii!.'<,'y ami fr.ietiire'l Imt hi|> huinv I The injury i.< ciiniileiecl Keiiini.-i, eipec lally "Willi; t" the aije ..f the w.iiiiaii I Dr. .\IeHiiile attciideil tile ['.Tlii'iit, ami ' hIiu i.s (hiinu'^w "ell u.* ciilil Iju eXia-cte.l. i l.M»rkiluleSlali.I.ilil. .\ ^leat hi'.', Iiealtliy iluy [•I'i.s'Hi'r Htruck OniiiKeville lant wetk iiiiil xileiiee.l forever the "yijin ' of eiyht or ten vain- .ihle iloLJH. Till! Durham <'"hrohiilt lunn waitli >i i;"o(l oi/eil, |ieiiii:iiieiit hn'Mit to »tlike that. town. ('Hiatn what Uiu rviiitlelit.H liiivc lieeii waitiifo f,,r thin li«t twenty- iItii yfars. .Sulciili'. It.ilHit Kiitliey, a Hnperanmi :it«<l seho.il leiioUer, aliniit H4 yt^&rs of .â- \'4i', of eiceiitrie <liH|H>»itioii, livue,' lit Sin^li,aiii|iloh, oil 'nnirsiiay iilkIi' a ile- teliiiineil atlelii|>t to take hlH lift' hy cuttiiiL; hi..< lliro.it aliiiiiht from ear tuenr »ilh a la/'.r. lie ih in a |ii't-varioiui ei>ii. .lili.iii lu.l Hithe.-ire may IriX'Vvr* [C'-ll- iii'4 ivooil lliillftlli. The triiKtees of the DiumUIL l"n|ilie Sehoi.l hail over a liiinclreil »|>)»lwalloiii III aii.swer til flu'ir mlverti.«-it«i,l fi>r leaeliers, with Halnritm riiiii;iii^ from (X>0 ii|i U> 8C.IKI. .\ft»r «i.\ liiium il.ililjrrntioii Mr. S. Neilly, of Ijiikehehl, wan elionen to the |>oiiitinn i«f lieail iiiiuiter, ami Misii Siitherlnnti of hiiiton u|i|,i>k>itv«l to tnkit ihar._'e of ihi' thiici ilivisimi Th.re Were ..nly .s f.-n.ale a|p|.lu-^>iili. | I{,-i»hl. No Universal Remedy lian yet liet'ii ili.'teovereil ; Imt. ».< al haul fipiir-liftlis e( Imiiinii iIhi'ii.hc^ liuve Ihiir noiirec in Impure lllooil, ii iiiedieniK xvliirli riMlere.i tilut tliiiil from a ile- pravtil In II healthy lomlitjiui eoiiiin in niar lieiiig a iiiiivernal cure ns aiiv that (ill lie iireilueeil. Ajer'» SursHpiirlUu alfi'it.s the liliHPil ill eui'h .»lii;;e i-f I's f..riiinlii)ii, nii.l is. llnrehire. a.l.ipti <l li> a yreatiT variety of iiiiii|ihiiiil.i than any e'.liir Knew II ineilieiiie Boils and Carbuncles, whuh (h fy unliiiary trealimiit, \ lil.l to .\>er's Harsaparillu utur a eoii>i>aiaii\e- ly lirii'f tiinl. Mr. t'. K. Murray, (i( Cliarlnttesville, Va., wrili's that for years lie wan nf- llieteil with boilB wliiili raiiseil liiin liiiieli HUlIeriliK. Tlie.« wore aueeeediil liy enrliiiiules, lit which lie liud Heveral lit one time. lie then licuan tlio use et AyiT's Sar.sn|iarilln, ami after tiikini; threi^ liellles, the liirlmncle.s ilisai>. jH-areil, anil tor six years lie lia.s nut hail e\en u |iiinplp. That iii.iiilioiis ilisoase, Scrofula, Is the fniilful cause of iiiniiiiieriihle coni- phiints, ('(inBuiiiptionlieiiiK only one of many eipiiiUy fatal. Eruiitioiis, ulcers, .tore eyes, Klanilular swcllin;,"*. weak ami wastiiil imiHiles, a caprieioii.s aiUHv lile, ami tlio like, are pretty mire iiiili- • atioiis i>( n .Herofiiliiiis taint in tlio Ay.steiii Many otherwise heantifiil faces art! (lisliKiircil liy piiiiples, eriiptinus, anil niisinlilly Motihes, wliii h arises friini inipure hlooil, Hliowiiip the need of Ayer's Harsiiparilla to remedy the evil. .\ll siifferer.i from hli.ml disorders uliouhl (live Ayer'H Snisiiparilla a fair trial, â€" iivnlilliiK all powders, ointiiieiils, and washes, and eHiieciallv eheap and worthless coin|>i>iinds, (vlilcli not only fail to effect a cure, Imt more, freipieiitly ajturavaie and eoiillrin the diKea-ses they are tramhllently advertised to remedy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PUBrAHKl) 8T Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowall, Matt. Bold bi til Drutl1*t». I'rltt |1 ; tli boltlei, %*, BOOTS & I \tn.\,'. a Ini-^je Hiock c.i limd, snitalil-.- For Fall 6 ar . Men's aad Beys' Long- Boots, .1' .:. I ,•..â-  V, :,i. .,.* l.Mi; KS' .\Nl) rilll.ni;i:NS' ivi:Ai;. a lot o .SuEiissteE' iUtmh St'Hiii^; i»f (/'bcup. WM. (;bAYTON'S~~- FLESHERTON. Photos Photos 5 Photos. \^ t iirf nov turning '>»t Kiirfi f'lr stiprriar in ilylr (inil Jiitiih tit any ner prrr- â-  iIh'I-I in Flethertim. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUEE FBAMING toiK- in ,ill il, hrmtrhn. A guod ttork of FRAMES ami MOL'LDISGS Ar;>f .untldiitli/ on hiiniL WiUiilto intHxluce the netc HKOMIDK PORTRAIT. â- Â» /nrliire that i$ yiving entire nilit/uction trhrrevtr introifMtril. SAMl'LKS ran hr inn nt my (inllery ttkcrt all p'trticul<tr$ iii to I'ricf, Htyle &.C., can It ifmi»r- FLESHERTON. Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES Oy litAK. _ ^^^ Msrvfl of HMling, 1111] Kohinoor vt Medicmtt. ^P9v^ V^iO^tfCC tlio t.rrlbl. cH»ii.e4|aMir«* of lMll.cr«Aloa( ^â- ^ »-»â- â-  »• s>^a;y bxp^MKr. luiU OT.rwork, â- ?"OTj3iTa-, a^xcrppT .-R- A-o-^iD AJ>n:> oud i^oEar ^Vlloar<I broken .town Iroin tbao<7ek'C9 «t tlniM will ftmltn Nu. BaraduMi curotui ner^ou* <lelnlitT,orimiiio vnMne.*. laTolauUry vital loMei. tie. BTkPToHt ron wiiuH Nu. 8 Hiioi'i.o b« Uaaiwâ€" Waal el snertcy, rorCiiiu, want of purpnM, r^niiDeiiii of Kii;lit, uvcraiuii \Ai Kx:iebv, w.ut i>i MMifi.leuoa, aToiilane* of oouvfln&tloD, UiMiru for nolilu.lo, llntlcMuoM an. I nnilulity to fti Nie attoDtmu on » parHcular sulijwilv oowarilu-u. <lfpr<<i«ii>ii of npintii, pt,Miiiincs. Tom of ineiiiury, tixcltabiltty of tfiiiipi^r, sp.r« iiiAtorriiu'a, i*r lisia yf ilio (Miiiiuai iItihIâ€" I is re«uifc of wlf-abuse i»r luarital eirewâ€" iini»o- tuncy, iuiiutritiou, tiniaclntinn. ItAroMLaiiiH, palvltalioa of Uie baort, b.f slvrtc fe«liuK> â- â€¢â€¢ teinalM, triiiiiblinit, iiiuUi.cb,)lv, ilottiirt^ii^ uraami eto,. aro ftll lyiuntoius of tins terrible bftlpit, ofL-ntmiedlu'ioronily i>e.|iilr»il. Ill atiun. the Kprtii^' if »ll»l (or<j<< hdviiis lo»t iia tousion, . vi*ry fniicti.iti wanivi iii coii«oijii«Qce. 8cii!iitifio writcrtanJ tbe iiipvrinktiiiilouta of Inxtiin ii^yliiiiiH niiiti ui utcrtimi.; i,< tlm aflnclo of MilfalaiHH the tiruat ninlority o< vfistoil I. yen which oo'i.rt iiuiiar iMtfu- iioiiea. If you ar« tucouitMtaal for tiie lu-ilc.iua tl;i»iert of l.iunnoss, iii'-upu.^itiito'l t"r tlm aiijAyuiuuu of hfa. No. H ottors au o«caiie froui ttio etfecta of early vicfi. It y"ii aru Rilvtince.i in yeart. No. 8 will Kivo you full vUor natl H'renjitli. Ifvouiiri) l.r.iki u'dowii, phyui'Ally aud lu.irally from early iiHtlMrction, lb** r'jiilt ul ifMliwauct un.l I.. hi', himuI yuiir «iUlrt)K9 and 10 oi»ot« iu Htnliiptf for M. V. t.i lii.M'a 'J'rciMlK" ill Hook Komi ou l>iin.'iiso» of Man. SealiiJ .ilnl nucuru from ol""<rvat)oti, A.l.lnissull ciiiiimnnlciLti.iiui to M. V. LUli<>5l, 47 M'elliiiKlou St. E., Toront*. A Man witliout wiidom ino in a tool's paniilita. CURES CUARANTEED. HCAt. THE StCK. A Permanent Cure. *b A Pleasant Cure. HiTkA 111 FOR ALL* THE PILLS rnrifv tht! HUmh). corroct all l>isovtlor« of tlio Tluiyinvi'^iiratoim i 'fHti.Tf Id litalth Pcliilitntfil CoiiKtitutiotiM. and aro vwRlnaM.^ in iiH C'om- pliiliittniiiouluntiil tt' h't'iiiiiti * uf all nt^m. Vox (.'Uiliinu and llio awcl iii-sv ai«» I'lieeloaa THh^ OINTMENT an infalUhlv rf>iiio \\ for Had l-vk'H. Had Mn-ft^ts. Old WoiitulB, Hnn>s and nceiR. It is famou«f *" lltt'it fciid Ithtumiatisiii, Km- diHordui-* of tlus I'lie^t it liMt no eiiiia ForSOllE TIIU0A7, BRO.^CHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS- (llaniUilarSwulliii^s, Mill kII skin ni^eniieii it b»i no rival; anil for coiitraeiM iiud itiV ointH il ftctfi like a chnrin. Muuifuctoreloiily ill rrntMsiir Hor.i.nwlTt B«talili»lininnt. TS, :«»'W Otford Street (late 533, Oxford Street). London. aud aro toM ul U. Ud .Sn W., 4» M.. m . M».. anil tSi. •aoh Itoi or Pot. and may lie had of alKjiaa' • in* Venilori Uiroiifbout Iba World. ^W PurcK<x*»Tt tkovXd look U th$ Lubtl on ifu PvU and Itoxm. 1/ tht addrtu i$ not S3S, Oxford SiTttt, i»nofe», ♦'•♦^f ••« npurumt. I t I

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