Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1888, p. 5

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:i .Nov 29, i^oa.) ^ge-^y-g â- â-  ILE ! THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 1^, # X s:m- FALLG<jOSS! -Al' THi: '" Csntnl Stor?, Ppiceville, Hari-js rfO'ivo'i our Kail stock o( Dry (Voni1« wj iii*« ill a pooitiuu to (ift-r tlie host valiio in did tra Ui. Ottr f-tock ia vory uomplou*, untl hav- ing bo»ifi si'.lei^ttul Willi givmt I'ftfi* w»' liuvti ooull- lie lu MM i q iiiuk discorniriu public lli.*t liu-youii ai»p(*«»ci-ite ;i w.-li bo.ii;Ut*artii.l»j. BOOTS AND SHOES. Onr now ^cn*k 1ms firriv vl an 1 10 niirtsfH ^nm.-- tlllllt: t;*u>l unl M'.vici;al)lM lur Muu lUul Hoy-, la lact BOOTS THAT R BOOTS ! ' if i\.- y lu'.iubor oi iliti houitjlioM. <-)ur leas, -ii?a':aiii 5ml 5?:m tt.'l C" '.L'ltt' â- .mai'pi o.irhfthlo. Our iii"tl" iici;:i,' Central Store. PricaviUe- Agency! J. G. Cakson T:iki s llii'' opportunity to thaiilc his .•naiiy oast'uuei-s for llicir lioarty pai- voti i^'c diu-iii'/ the past 8 years and to ask their cniitiiiiied support in liisnew priniisos on U. Tninblo's corner, op- posile Mnnshaw s Hotel, Fleaherton. The foU'.iwinj? is a hst of tlic Iniplo- nient.-; I handle, all the manufacture I f that famous and rpliablo old firm. Messrs. IWTTERSON I'.KOS., Wood- stock, Uut. : Cuttfr*, f'ltmiitig MUli, Sprinj T'x/iK Cat- I Crai/i Drlllt, ; Broitd-citt Si-fdfrt. Spring Tuoth Uar- I ruu'i, I Iron Harrvut, I Two-Fiimno Gxtny i Flow, ( I'lowt, ! Turnip Drill*, Land KolUm. FLOUR, FLOUR, STONE FliOUB ! MR. P LOUCKS Im prepared to do jotir Urifltiu^; on short notice aod (p-iuds ou the old temiR of avury tweUth biinhol. Htivcti ceuts per bag of two bunhela fnr Chopping. doDO tvery day. Tbo Littlu Mill in Mf; In thd estimation of the public. ttattnfaction Quarautuud. P. LOUCKS. rroprCotor. Good Htabllue for VorseM. NOTICE. aHlNdl.KSeoDatautlv on haud and for «ft1« cht'iLp. Just put in ftr^t-cUtiHiiow Choppin* Mill- now hrltift aton^ your tfr&iu and g«t It Just put in ftr^t-cUtiHiiow Chopping ritiR alon^ yo chopped up in short (jrUer J. W SLOAN. Uug 'Ilia. FABM for SALE Heinr i-urt of T- oontuintiic rtftv â-  â- ituaioj itt village '-» ml- . iQaguiflidv luti>i . . ..ih ..:.â-  .\u.< .-ju au 'to . \i.r)ors Kiiuberte.T 1*. th' New Kii- SALESMEN WANTED 1?, k^'land Nui si'i it's, ,'-t,:ibli?iliL;d ovor 3t) yoar*. The 'id roliaMo nurscrv. Meti with push, oaergy, rnofl Mtbitn and clean character alwavKauccvu^. We can (live vou pood pay fi>id Fteadr work. Write tor teruift to CH.ISK BROTHERS" COM- IMN Y. Nurneryiuen, Colborue, Out. 'V\%i^ Yt-nr MYRTLE CUT ami PLUG imimnum FIXER TH.IX EVLR. Sec T & B In bronze on IA(H I'LIC: and IU4HG1E Buy a new fJAUNESC PLRCHASt: A SLEIGH EOBE INWESr IN A new Whip BIG- DISCOUITT â€"FOR- C-A-S-H D.Clayton HARNESSMAKEfi, I is prepared to give vou large iDSCOUNTSfor CASH on all kinds of harness, whips, blankets, etc. Huge Stock ! â€" OFâ€" SINGLE, TEAM, AND DRIVING HARNESS, on hand. Sleigh Hells, Robes, Whips, Hoof Ointmettt, Axle Grease, Curry Combs, Brushes, and everything required in the line of harness makers' supplies. WE ALSO DEAL IN A SUPEBIOB QUALITY â€" or â€" CALL and EXAMINE our extra large stock before buying anything in these lines elsewhere. D. CLAYTOIT J^_ ^_ â€" My accounts are now ready and waiting for settlement, .^s I am in great need of money, all per- sons who are indebted to me are requested lo call and settle, ON OR BEFORE DEC. 1st, otherwise their ac- counts will be placed in other hands for collection. D. Clayton, For Merrie EoKland. BY M. UICUAB.D8UN. PENRITH. fM<l I'uiirith stanilti, of wido rouowu, Ak oucothe fliiuut nortbtirn town Of Knj,'laiulâ€" ore a Snxon dauiu Wad allitiU to a Norman Dame, \:i'\ umny ii talo of love wtu* told Nuatli castiu wallH uf Puiiritb old. Tile tiiwii ia pleauaiitly situated cm the WttStem «lniH5 and base I'f a wonded eini- ijuiice, ca.Iled the Beacon Hill, un thu .tiiiniiiit nf wliicli there is a tu,ver, built |)riil)al)ly fur a lookout station when the beaeiiu fires on the hill U>\)» were the only ineanH of Bi;{nalhiig iinpendin',; dan- gers during the loii^ period of border warfare. Tliis hill forms part of the unce famous Inglowuod forest. .\.-> .vc c.uue out 'if tile railway .st:iti'iii the first object that attracted our atten- tion w;is the luiiis of the old t.^astle on a ti:ie elevation west uf t!ie town. It was built in tlie fourteenth â- â€¢fiitury, and was the residence of Richard III. when Duke of I iloiK'ester. I'lie remains of the â-  titer wall.s, still staiidiiit;, show that it has been a l>lace of considerable strenylh, bi'in;; built of ivd free.itone tilled up in the middle with .small stones concreted with hot lime, or t'enieiit, fonnni'.; a solid iiias.s and avcr;i;,'iii'.: live feet in thickness. It w;ut bf.sieeed and destroyed by Crom- well or some of his followers. It was about ii<ioii on market day when wo anive<l and walked down into t!ie Old Cora Market, and I tried to locate the shi'|i where I served as apprentice thirty years a;;o. The oldfashioiiid front with bow windows bad di-Sitppeared, iilid it looked as stranue to uiu as the factss of the busy crowds ot country people, not one of winch I recognized. We went to the t>ld (.'rowti hoitlcry, where my fore- fathers had been accusiuined to stop on market d.iyi, for the put seventy years. It waa unehani;ed, but the penple were all strantjers to me. Sli<n-tly after I found my brother and si.ster. and we spent thu rest of the day very ple;isantly with them. \Vu dined in the same room where .John Wesley preached on his visit to Penrith over a hniidri-d years a'„'o, and as wo sat we listened to the sweet mu.sic of the chimes in the old parish church iK-ar by, the same chimes that deli'^hted Wesley. The bells were new then but the church was old, part of it having been there for seven bundled yuaia. Indeed its founda- tion is beyond the »coi>e uf historic record. Wc looked with curious wonder at the colossal stones in the old church yard. markinS the plttceknowii as Giants(irave. They stand there yet, probably little chaiif;ed, for what is a hui^drsd years to their at,'e ? Tliey are said t • mark the gnive of Ewan Ciesario, a man i>f oiirnntie stature and (jreat couraL'e, .vhu ruled Cuinberknd with ret^al sway in !^ax«â- n times. There is iiiMtlnr very ancient iii.iiannient, called the Ciant's Thuml), which, with the former, h.ive e.xeited and balHed the curiosity of auti'iuariaiis. Leavin)4 Penrith the .same eveniniK', our next stoppiii',' place wa.» the old border city of Carlisle, which we left next iiiorn- in<( for (ilii-siiow. Passing the border into Scotland, the tiist pliice of much interest w»s Gretna, »hjreruii-aw,ay couple.s from Eniilaiid were fi'rinerly ni.arried by a bhicksniitli, who, Ji8|>ensinn with license and other formula, on receipt of a sni.ill fee declared the cwidid.ates for niatri- nioiiy uian aii<l wife, and martiej they were by Scottish l.iw. Follwin'4 the course of the Clyde throuiih .\nnatKlale and Lanaikshire.pnst many romantic spi'ts and places rich with historic interest -Carstairs, Linto Hill, Bothwelland Di iiiiiclayâ€" one place the scone of a Hijiiial >ictiiry. the other of disastrous defeat of the Covenanters, so vividly described by Scott in '-Old Mor- tality,' we at leiiRth reached (ilasyow, the industrial .ind commercial metropolis of Scotland, and next to London the (greatest city in the kiiiffdom. At the commencement of the present century Glasgow had a population of eiylit thousand ; now its population is about eight liundreil thousand, and on tlia day we arrived there were ex..iirsn»n» from all parts of Uritain to see the Exhi- i)ition, addiiij} probably a hundred tlioui- and more t<i the population. We ){ot out- side Seats on one of the main oiniiibus lines runnini; thrnuuh some of the busiest thoroughfiires, :uid had a one opportniiity of seeiii'^ the enormous tratlic (if thi.s busy cityâ€" styled by .Mnx O'Rell the dirtiest and bl.ackest in the kin'.;doni, ulthoni;!! it did not so imprens us. .A.ri;yle .itreot. the Tnmijate, St. Vincent and Sanchiehall streets will coiii|)aru favorably «itli the finest business thorouubfares in Eii;_dand. Unlike Bdiiibui;;h, they ,iro not .idorned with statuary and nionuinents in every open space, (jlasjjow is too practical. too niiieli iiiveii to nioneym.-.kinsj; tohaveany- thinu; stand in the w,iy of Ijusiiiuss ; but one iari^e opim space â€" tieorge square, --is set apart for statues. Knterini; it, you iniuht dream that all the statues in the city were havim; a mass nieetiiii; ; here are Walter Scott, Itobert Burns, David Liviii'.;9tone. James Watt, Prince Albert, (Jueen Victoria, Campljeil and Peel, and many otliers. Some an? mi a bust, but unlike their prototypus are not iioisy. but they seem t.i s.iy (lliu<!;iiw bodies are too busy to be bother with us and have paclu'd us .ill intu one .•ou.ire. Tht- ^ijuare lookj hkw ;i cemetery or » seulotii^' y^rd. Sume of tile stone stnlm? aie • n foi i and som<' .m lior-iilmcli.iiiiii iu tlie ei-nlie Walter Suott.oii a Coiuuiii eighry fuel hifli, ov.-rtopa the ornwd. 7*'> hi' '"'tltiinlr'I. Bargains .A job lot of boys' lout; boots, '^ stock, from .30 cents per pair up, at Richardson »t I'o s. lod M. Martyrs to Headache Seek relief in vain, until they benin to n»e Ayer's Snriapsrilla. Then liiey ri»- gret llio years ii( MulTenng they might tiaTeetcapc't hail tliey tried tins remedy ••rlior. The tioulile w:i» coiiaiiiiiuonul not local : ami, until .\yer's Sursapiw rillk did its otTeetivc work as un Alterativf and Itlouil I'urifler, iiie> « ere compelled tu sulfur. The wifi- of .Samuel I'afii*, Jl .Vuslin •t., Lowell, Mais., was, for a luui; time, subject to spvarii lieatlaclniH. ilia result o( itema<:li ami liver disorders. .V per- fect cure li.-ia been effected by -Oyer's SarMparilla. Ifrauk Ilobcrw, Tit Wasli:ii;,'ton St., Boston, snys that he formerly Imd ter- rible hea>la<.'lie», sud unlil >," took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. inm^r foiiii.l auy mtxlieiiii) tli:tt would givn Permanent Relief. '• Bvpry .^ftnni;. for vMars.'' wrii.-» Urns W. UitV'usu, iii'.' i-'iftvenlli St., Brooklyn, N. V., "I iLtva bad iiiiolur- •bln heiulaidios. I coimneiKiid ilie usj of Ayrr's .HurHajmrilla last .March, and haTs U(>i IiAtl a headaclie siuo« Ibat tlino." " [ lufTvred from liead.tche, indiges- tion, kiid (Jol>ililv. and wsji Imrdly :»l>lfl to dra^ mvself ahoitl tto^ house." writes Mrs. M. M. I.ewiH. of V «t.. I.ow.dl, Mans. " Ayer's Sarsaparilla lian workinl • rnarvuloua change in my eivse. 1 now t»6\ Alroa^ ftntl well a.H i'\'er." Jonas (Tarinsn, K.si|.. of f.ykins. P%,. writos: " For rHiiri* 1 Imve HulTeriHl druadfiilly , ererr SprliiK, from liea.lscbn, oMsneJ by iinpiirily of tin? Iilood and biioiiaiirss. It Beeine.l for day« su4 vnalu »hat my head would split opnii. XotUiuK relieved iiie till I took Aynr'a .*htrsaparill». This medicine bas cured uie completely." Whsn Mr«. Oenevra lielanger. of 34 Bndgs St., .SprinKiteld, Mass.. IwKnii (• ass .\ynr's Sarsaparilla, she bad sullur*<l tor .some years from a surioiix sffHciiun of the kidneyn. Every .'^priiis, also, sb« was .tlllicted with headache, lots u( a^lpetite, and indii;estion. .\ friend por- •ua<led ber to ii.se .\ycr's Sarsaparilta. which bciipflted her wonderfully, lint baalth is now perfect. Martyrs to hsatl- •cbo should try Ayer's Sarsaparilia, Trtpttfi \>J Dr. .I.e. Av.r.Vi o.. Ix>»rl!.Uuft 2'riM |1 ; Mx buul-o, ii. \\on.h ^ > b.>iii». (2^2) BAKGAINS ! Xo'.v is the tune to securi,' them, BEDUOOM â€" .\ND â€" PARLOR SUITES QUITE NEW in design, very tasty and neat, to be ?old at a small advance on cost. i^eautiful new line of JjOUNGB j^ IN R.WIIE. TAPLSTKY and NEW SILK COVERING^'. These goods have all been bou^;ht very close and we in- tend gv benefit. tend giving custmoers the tul Farm for Sale Th« ^ul>seril»er i>lTitrs for sfi^i- t'na*. vHUirvhlo pri'pprty mi fcho 4th lino, Otpri-v, bt't cr ktt"w» a» lot 4 cutitniiiii)^ l-.t^ acres : 119 cloAred miul 60 iimlor ['ultivntioii, thu reiiiAindur paBtute aii>l iimnii'jw. New fraiiii' I (irri, stono fo .iiiutioii ; ^tiihli*--, ('tc ,n*'w f I aiiic hoiido, collar, atid rttnie f<>un<lAtii>ii. ThiK IH II ina4{t)ifiooi>t pioportv. IV'utiuiisiou iniiiieuinUdv, For t»rina,uto , apply to .\. M'^KCHMK.Maxw.';! P, 0. Th.' '>]acks?nitli '^hop, lrn"wri n.^ Adison'ft, on th<> (th liiiu, ArtfiJio^iA. iiNtiit '^3j iiiili-H from KU'stiort*>ii, is offfroii lur nalv or to rou*. For tui'iiti aud piirtic.lnrs annlv t<> OC'NC.AXCAMrHKLL, KiigeniaP. O. THE PEOPLES GREATEST INTEREST H whoro call tliov ^ot thmr flour, food, auJ pro viHioDH choftpfttit in Wwn. IT IS AT BLACKBURN'S. All kindNof meal alirnyRon hftiid. TO THE FARMEKS .VND PUBLIC CENKR.VLLY : HOT COFFEE and GOOD LVXCH! at all hourtiur tho day, ONLY 13 cts. All other tuus in stock a» UHual, Tlvo it«opIuA faithful servant, G.H. BLACKBURN. Remember tho plaoo - >'9xt door tc^ M. Hloh ardnoo't Handsome Hall Stands, in Mahogany Finish .Hust be a<*eii to br apprrriatrd Sideboards ! in a num ber of styles an finish All at equally low prices. THERE ARE STILL some ol those low priceJ BEDSPRiNH! Try one, rest well, and pro- long your life. At $ j^o.oo. J. E. MOORE. Undertaker and funiture- dealer. U ndertaking sp eciaj attention..

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