tft' THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. ;'Nov. ig i«88. J. G. ANDERSON HAS JUST TO //AND A FIRST CLASS STOCK OF 03 pi O I CO CO o CO 02 o I m O AND AXES Of the very best manufacture in America. "The Forest Be.aiity >» Is the only Saw made liaviii^' nve ^au^'cs dillelrcnce hotwec.i the the teeth and the l)ack, rccjuiong no set for liard wood, and are miuh; from the l)cst double reliniMl siller steel, stdcctcd and sprint,' tempered, insuring a Perfect and Even Temper. Before buyinji a Cross cut Saw be sure and i;te this Saw, as tlu-y have no ccjual. A fust class stock of PURS COUNTY AND DISTRICT. A Half Houj' Anion ^ Our E.xc//nnoef(. There is wailing in Arthur towr, Joseph Reid lost a i^lack ci>llie pup. The .*<tifut8villu Review removed tfi larijer and inore coinri. odious premises. A party of Owen Sounders came down fo Mariidah- on ThaMk»<;ivini; day and took home tifteen rabbits and B<;veral par- tridKes. Jf tlie Meaford Mirror uses its otin'r eXchaniro.'t ha niiicli lui it dou.s The Ad- vance, theie can Ihj very little orii<inal matter in it. Liutt week it criV>bed four news items from us .'tnd palmed theni olf as its own. How n.nch will you pay weekly f"r .idvanea |>n>ofs if we forward tliiim to you in time for publication, Mr. .Mirror 1 The Durham Chronicle man does not think we rank any t<><> hi^li as an artist. Sorry to hoar you say so, dear b<>y. Do yoU think there is any chance of us ini- pnivinj,' dursolves 7 Do we show any ev- idence of a taste for art ? ConUi we, tlnnk you, by forty or tifiy years' practii-e, merit a favorable criticism from the Chniuicle. Art critic. Tell us, tell us (luickly, for the fate of this paper no (inubt rests npofi your profound verdict, .Mr. Mitchell '. Hro. Thurston, of the Fleshernon .\d- vance. sln>wed considerable enterprise recently securing a jjood cut of the new }'re.'<ident of the Uuitud States fur the oohnnns of his pa[>or.-(StreetBville Review. The queatinn to decide is whether is the R«vicW or Chronicle the more coui|>etent judj^e ? The Mt. Forest Confud, Myi Mr. .1. .\llison has daciduJ to supply Mt. Forest with milk, and tltat he i> selltm; by auction his stock and implements. W« suppose be intsiicU to generato hh milk from the town immp. rcvenhan. of the ycry finest ([uality at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fur coats and Caps at prices that will astonish you AiiotluM' line I would particularly call yonr attention to i» our Stockjof Boots and Slioes of every description AT - PRICES - UNSURPASSED Any place. Don't fail to coinc in and see floods and get prices. We do not coiipuUm it trouble to show floods, even if you do not intend purchasing. J. G. Anderson, SPROIIIJ/S BLOCK. Johnny drey, of the 12th cr>I)eM«iun of Otproy, when at the S. A. Ditetin^ a fkw weeks a^^l>, was to much charH>«4l by a fair damsel of very promising ai^pearance that he attempted to eaourt her home on horseback, but the poor quadruped, like the donkey of old. stupeBed by its exceed- ink:ly uncommon burden, refused to t!o, Hud set at nauKht hit master's commands, when the uallant was compelled to dis- mount liis pony, tie him to a tree, and lead his );irl home arm in arm. He ar rived at home liofore dawn, however. We pity the (Nior (iuadru|>ed. Captain Jonnston of the Salvation Army is about to be removed from tins station. Faith is not meaaure<l out to {all men alike, or (iu)rdv and Freddy had done that which they did They drove to a ueinhborni;; viUaije for two l.idies. brought them to the barrarks, tixdi them homo because they were toosjallanttoo do ollierwisf. One enttercairied the whole party, must tliey ni>t have had faith as an over urnvn turuip. Ml". K. Ilulllia'* moved from this 1 ij:e to t.ake up lor abode in Ton.nli .Miutler llei'il ll.iiiiiUoii i.t le.irnin!{ Miil!iii({ ImsineM with .\. J. (lordoii. .M.ssrs. I'iUil liio.s. ai" d.iiii,' a luiliing lus'iies.'* Ill the cutter bne, haviii^' ho less ihan a round do/.eu all WiHtin^' for the lust snow. JIM. vil- tilt' To Assist Nature III restoring lUsca-se.) or naitttil liHSiir is ull tliiit aiiv llleilicille CSII llo. Ill pill. iiKiiiaiy alTiMlioiiH. smli an folil.'«, Ilron- "IiiiIk, ami rnniiiiiiipiioii, the imU'oiih iiiDiiilirane liriil Imm t>iiii>H intlaiiieil, then li'i-iiiiiiilatloiiM fiMiii III the air-cells o( tliu liiii^s, fnlloweil by tiilHTt l«jit, aiiil, niiall> , (li'Htiui-tioii of llii! tissue, ll is il.iiii. llieretiire, that, iiiitil the liackiii;; 'iHi|;li is relifvi'il, tile liroiiehial tulieit Mil liiive no opportunity to Ileal. Am 'h CIhmtv I'cTtoial Soothes and Heals Mm iiitlanii-.l nieiubraiie, arre.ils tlin nasiint; proiess, and leaves no injurious -esiilts. 'I'liij is why It i.t more liiylily eaieiiiuuil tliau any other pulmonary ipeciiii'. I.. I>. nixliy, of Ilartonsville, Vt., writes ; "Four years ajjo I took a se- vers eolil, wliicli was followed liy a leiriblo coiifjli. I was very siik, and ruiiQiied to my bed about (our nuiuths. My pliTsieiaii Hiially said 1 wius in eon- iiwiiptioii, anil that Iih could not help me. One uf my nelKhbors advised mo to try Ayer's Clierry I'rctoral. I illil so, Sliil liefoie I hail taken half a bottle wiu nMe to po out. Ity the timn I bad niiiNlied tlio luitlle I was well, and have rrniaiiie.l .SI) ever sinee." Alonr.o P. DatJKett. of Smyrna Mills, .Ml'., w lit lis; '"Six years »(,'i>. I wa-s alrav- (illii;; salesman, and at that time was si>(Terlii); with Lung Trouble. For months 1 was uiiahle to rust nights. I I'oiibl Hehloiii lie down, had (retjuent choking spells, and was often com- pelleil to seek the oiwn air for relief. I was iniliiced to try Ayer's (Micrry I'iM'lonil, which helped me. Its eon- iiiiiiihI use has entirely cured me, and, I believe, saved my life." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, raarAaaD it Dr. J. C. Ayer U Co., Lowell, Math lold hr >U I>r«Mtew. Prtst |> ; sU kotUsa, #l> Ia.rge Assortment M er's Women's and Children's BOOTS AM) SH0E3 tit WIHTEE WEAR. â- AT â€" W. CLAYTON S Felt Boots, Gum Kubber.c, Fulled Stocking.-^, t.Jvorsh(OC:?, and Rubbers. Mens' and Boys' Lonj^ Boots, At prices 10 suit the times. Photos, Photos J PhotoSs â- » Ue ari» note turning out irork/ur tuprrinr in ilyle and fini$h ta any ever pro- duced in Fleihertun. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING done in all itt btanche*. A good stork of FRAMES and MOULDISGS kept conttanili/ on hand. Will aho int^odtice the neui BliOMIDE I'ORl'UAIT, al picture that is giving entire satisfaction whererer introduced. HA.UI'/jKS am' be seen at mif Gallerif tchcrt all particulars as to Price, Style &c. , cxm he eueer- FLESHEKTOK. A Positive Cure. A Painless Curoe FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES 07 MAK. Manruk of HmNaq. aaJ Kohinoor of Medicines, ^^^T^-^ T*<f>^<Pt tlie iorrlblti o«u«iK|iiviit*m nrinallvor^ilODi Vhoaro broKvii dawn from tUAo<(u<t« ol &biiM wUt find in No. H»rft(lic«l euro (or TiAfVi' .Icbility, urtiauicwoaAnMW, invoiutiMkry Tital loMvn. otc. Btmi*T'iv3 \\m\ wiitrii No. 8 Hiiori" »tc rii»i\â€" Wwil of •norgy, vortiyo, want of purpoee, iliiTiUMfui of rirIu. nver^ioti ^i tM>eielr, want of eonAduuoe. avoidauoe uf ruiiverHAtton. (l*!(irolor tK>li»tul(«, liitlewnvu kuJ luabiiiijr K> fix Min »tfconkion un a piurHculur wubivct, cowikr>licti. ile(->ro«8tua of »piriui. ^'itUitieM, loan of momorv, exoitebility o[ toii)f<(*>'* ^yev' i!iiiU.4'r)ur*fi, or loMof ibo •^iiiiuivl tltiid - Uio r««iiU of ftelf-abuto (>r tnarnAl rxcHMâ€" inipo- ttiucy, liirmtrl6ii>fi, emaciation, bitncnnoM, i>&tpit*tlou of xXxf* beart. hytWriti («*â- liu}('» iiv (onialcw.truinbbntt. tiirlknrhol v, iliAi^.rtunff dr«amt «te., aro all ayuintiMiiB of tins tcntblt bnltit, (iiu>nliniua in iocon*lir niHinirvil. In aliurl, Uie tpriiif; f>f rital focci; bavin:| loct iti% t«n«ioii. >-v.»ry function wnrioa in fouscqnt.'icc, ScionUfio wntcjrtand Uio iii|»t)iiiileiHl©ot^ of itiHuno iv«yltifni4 unit" m n»«rifunK to ilio effACU of aelf-*)'U*n Ihe f^reai niajoufe/ of •^viKtod \\s&% wliioh oi»'iia undwr i^ieir noiioo. If you ar« lmxmip«*Umt for th« ardivu.:; <iutiA^ii>f biimituS4, liicai<iici;Att>i lor ili«) fUiJ>>yiii0ulM of lift*. No. 6 olTors un ocayo from llie otft'ctfl i>f orki ly vicf^. If yoii .ire HaviiticM iu yuars, No. 8 will give yon full v{k:ort<nil Htvoii^th. If Vf^tkiurtt bti'ktu) diivvn. pliyuonllv aiul morally from oarly itiJiacrotiou, tiui i.iHtilt of i^uoraiict anil fullv, K<nd your aiUlr«)M ami U) cxitH tu »kAmi>ii fur ^\. V. l.i itos'a 'iii'itibM in Itouk >'onri ou I'laoatMV of Ihaii. Hcal(><l nti>l uttctiro from (.ibn Tvuttot^ AdtiruH:^ till uuiniiUkiDCiilioiiB to U. V. IX'iSON. 47 H'clHtiKton fft. E.. Toronto. A Man without M>fdom livts in a foufs par&j;vu CUS£S QUARANTEEO. HEAL THE SICIL A Permanent Cure. Hh A Pleasant Cure. ITKAIII FOR \\A: mmt^^mmmm fc. yjp M pii i yF vajgji u4Uitxuf«te4£'.}aft ji t?i*.u*fc;»,. iuS.SC â- *^^v!'*^â„¢ um"^^' THE TILLS I'uiifv tlic lili'oil. con-oct u!l Ui^onlors of the riun i'ivl:,Mr»t.'Hii I nnUiri' ll) IuhUIi Iliilillitiiti'il r'oiiJ.titutidnii, Hiul Ma iiivRlimliU' lii all C'oo>. plailitHiiiulvUilitAl to KolilalcB of all ftfies. For (.'htlilrirn an<l Ihe antnl they uro ()rici'li)8« T H K' GIN T M E N T \a i'if&IUt>l.' ro-nfi.iv fnr Tlml l.cij>>. Uiul »v«»Mts. OM Wonmls. Sorus ami I'lcorn. It Ih faiiiounr ' (t.Ut ami UhouuiatUm. Kor ainonlorii of thu OhiMt it haa no («|ii8 ForSOHK mh'OAT, BR(h\ C/riTTS. COUGHS, COLDti Olandular.-iwolllu(j«,aiulall t>kiur>i«e»»n» it li»« ii" rival; ami for coiitractij iiij atlf oliitu It aota liko a charm ^ -Uuiufaetiireii <wilv at Profatior Hiii,r.ow»T'ii RitahlUhtncnt. T8, Mew Oxror«l Strr ct ( late 533. Oxford Street ). Louden, laraioldat U. Ud.,l«. OJ., ta. 6il.. \U.. »• . anil K%. tarh \\o\ or Pot, and may ha had of al»M»l •ill* VriuU ra thron|ht>u» »ha World. IW P«r«A«««r» skovtd looV ii tfn label on it^s l\<ts and Hoxts. It the ocWi**. m »•« iSt, Q^ri a*r*0i, lenJen, tf^y er* »})i4rio«t«. • \