A Fretty Good World. TiiiN worl'l -^ A i*r. Hv ^".o(i hurt of W'«rld, 'lakiiiK "â- h1! ti't^itlirr. lu bi'iit- .if till- f{rifi aii't H'Triiw wt- moftl. In >.i'iL<-..I ihu k'looiJiy \vt'atli*-T, Tin T' u.rv Irifiid^ tu l.-v, in.ti hopuu lu chmsr, Aij'l plenty lit ci-nipfiirtJiiioii I cr I'VMfv Ht;ha, f'-r tJit'h« wiiu uiaku Ibf iit^'l >'t tljr bltUUllMll. TIm MJti tiicl rwiii lipon rorii uu<l i^raiii, \ii*i ir uli sUiiuf, wliiif iii-.i rl.-ar. <1 tHi-it. Tiju biiiokiiuAB u' Iru.j'l Huii irt'aa-jii . I wtf'r. |.i,Mit\ i>t W'.rk f..r i»u-sv Ijaii'l-, \ luV. t.. ili^t.t.-li U\n>l\ Al.'l a â- IiJ'!.!*- r..r >nll (llul ini- ttt -l(J U'h.-i â- ntk- .^^i•.i•{ riH.-k^ till- l<»v. r^ ut iiu'-'tx \v . 1 hfi', iir.t in hi.|i]tv uiii'iii 'ill. 1 â- u,. ... .1 i-.ii. ah Ii..iii 111.- n'-'tif i Wf . |. ~.>nl- luHt ll<l%<- r.V\<-i ( t â- â- .iijllllij ,\f, 1 ! !L.r.' ^ it ^| ..I vki.crr Ln« (*uii »iii\. 1 1- â- i<- - aiwuww It Iniiti' t » li;;li' it ; \:.(l I ; :mi. â- . n \vr..(. ; a.' Uii-w erf !..t; Ji. tl lj,i ( ioii .1 tiw\i \v i,i 1 .^t.L IL. h. . 1' â- • : â- â- ' r.ir U-- tn itMki* .t Vi-,^ ii< â- rt .--â- ut iiU- - -.i.| iiii-.i..*p. '-,--., .â- >..r 'â- \s, ,tr i.ur-. IV.-, .Mil to i.iliii; hi.,; A . i.iiii;^. i:i our . .rr.in.-.iirp-. â- J ..ri ..-, *%..rM •• Ik |ir<ri) i,..-..l ^.-i i ol \^. Aii 1 lie t.. wh-.ui u. iiit^ .let. .,r Aci'^ Id'- ' ur pill.-e ut.a Mij-t'ti. ^ 1; .- r . l.«Ml' â- !-. I . U.ti.(,e iL !'. \UV. BELINDA: A KKAIJTV â- •A'l 1 i»;t '..111. r IWIl. tlir.-- f.i|:, MP Tl :II |.i \'. II. ,1 1 r-tt *:;' U 111 1 1,1 li-lin i», iJio ' on li- r Ulb. Ikim.!.-, Wliy liin,. r (j( tJu-in . f.- , I II v n â- M ol ilT, r\ :l 1, IIU â- h '.: I ll.-J-»l jils 1 1 hikvi- >uil »lll •lUl It, Kc JIJlI > M mil llii'll IlKo iiUli;! nl V n 111 um from l;^ri .«l,l.- ftiiil tl 1' l.iU J ill 'â- -I'lvr ^;rn.-cf ilK- ttl Vtt â- > lliu moil n, li.l â- IIIV Mil .-â- 1. ... KIHl itiolH r, ill I, ,1 >ll ill (i hi I It'.IU; .' Win III. I ,;o o taki II- ..I,, till â- â- V.i. n SI, , •â- vhi-ii Vol! Ims ..f« of lf,„ llll.l Ktiu -V In^il â- ^ iui_; oo •«'. It, ci. n no! I i-.s. r. <i (lt:0.-l.i-.| It ll, ; il.-i-' 11, uiiiinrtjoiiii; aiivthiii;; iln WOIIliU \S'(Ui kliuW llJA -t;ri» ;»-f 'lilv , iiiiii.i, ar poiMil^r," .At till- door of til.. Iiolil liiiliiuia iiiuia lIiiyiT tr) UK". Willi rullii-r |ioijr micci m, lo look HMIilltttlnrliC wluli- Sllclii:iT liuKln forth lu him ri-^ia-i'tin^^ ln-r micitrt tid'H liL-Hiiacht-. Ari Iho (Mini- iy prijci t 'Ll, an luit^li^hiimii, lull, of iiiihiary cut, Iml with Ihu iiiiluia takiiblu air aooiit film of a man ai oddH wall lurtniir |i oloiml l>ri'wi- imiai biirily liavr I, ill. Ml III ill-) world of lat.i, in-i'iis lhroii,;li th«-- trrlliti' of viim and j>-Hriamiiif that >jM*rMhadoA'(t tin; halh: a maiit;tT win- doA' ( loi^u at hand, and lutciiH. IK- blufld fthoiil a liltlt. ; hu liiriiB rtd ; t^t-td uiio ^uud Hlart- at iIim haiulHoou', uaoonnciuUd fai-o of hiH rival, thun dra>V'.-i bank drawii hack, but iia-* for mililar\ honor lliat f iniiiit confi-HH It iirtli-iin .-iliil I " .\n.i ao Kjiic <:aniiol ^o with in," dayn lto;..-r. â- 'H'Hii.'I Ho callri h.-r l!.i-4ic '" 'Ihiiin- •jon taki-H uui hid |io. m I liamlktiridiii-f and wipi-H hid fun In-ad. " III liiida. wliit ni'iit wo du ? I'ut olT li. I v-uir^iun till Miothiir day " " .MrH. ( ) Shi-a bi-nd yoii would not un any aiMOIllil -lo thai, f 'af'tHln '1 . Iilj.h.-, ' ^^li\l^ h(jt'nri-r. â- • It Id u;,r uf litr lull.- iicailachi-'d, yon know, bir." "iih, I,,, known, doi'd he.'" UnnkH thi- ;^i'iitl -iiiiin hi'hiiid till- \ ini-H and jiMdiimiiu'. â- I'm afi ai-1 Mri, < I'Siu-a and )oii witi- Jill till) laH' ladl !iii;hi. ( '»|ilain I nniiili-. Mm. () Sli--a 1 â- • iiiilaiii'- 1 of hi r 'i-ad U-fon- -iliriiiiJ," K iiji r attain i h-h hi . ui-nl lo loo), --ontrilc, and iij^ain fail.i nitjiially. " If It im- rrnlly wuhi--. ijd to t4<'< lliliii'ln/ Iiodiit iH t^o nil dhltiuh iii'vi-r likrn ntliir |<i'o|ili- to h- iIih a|i|ioiiili-il |ii-rhii|'i wi- had hi'ltcr hi-jjiudi d Ijy lii-r. U'u i-lnill 111. a iiii-ii litllii |iarn of three. )iin aii-1 .Midri I'mriti- and mvdtlf â- • Aihl Mr. .loiifd," nd.ld lii'hi.iln. What unearth ihoiill ninkn ( â- .iljind Drcwe ulart -41) oddly at the H.Miiid of lliu Kirl'd voiotj. " I lun't forget that Air. .loiuu had cuinu biirk from Ihn iiiiiiintaind." '•.loiiDd ah. to bo dtiro, .Iiiiod," sayn Uo^c 1 111 an alt.Ti-l loin', (In tiei-ond thoii^hlH, 1 dun'l know that 1 liavti courage tnioii^h for till) e.xpedilion. If iMidd Hiirki- were Lo )^et iiie alone ainoii)^ the riiiiid and bi-t^in lo ar^no ahjiil Ihe Hiillra^e, 1 ini^ht beconni a i;unviirl lo Iho VVointin of ilm I'liliirH hifot. I knew wliere I was. It will bo Haf. r fur iiio to ri-inaiii h.-hiiid." Hiilmda tiirnd awa\ ahnipily . " .Viiiiide yoiirMi'lf Well, ('-a|ilaiii 'I'ennde," din. rrieH, liiokiiii; haok at hiin aiiu.-id h -r Hhonlder â- ' .Mr. .loni-H 111 not uoiiif; lo Sjiain at all ; in ftiiolht-r hour Mr. ,loneH will be on hid road to Kii|{laiid . but never iniiid, Hiirku and I will h.ivi- an iinprovint; ilay by oiirdelveH. (ioul hsu. 1 hi.vti iiol a moiiieiil to lo.-ie." Her dli|i of a li^iire lri|ii away out of llni iioiirt yard, and li -fiiro dlie had proi;reHHi^ I a ilo/i-ii tilt'itd Ko;4er Teiiii'li- hati jijiiii-d her Hon liiri way lo Spam, hid terror of AIiHK lliirke aii-l id ll r do :i rined, it would appear, en-idenly overoonie. Hpencer wall-Ill H till 111 i:iirloii«ly . Wlialever other pi-rdoiiav;e in a love plot remaliid hllnil to the trill h, he dure that tin- lady'd niaid Id iieiir lolii^ llllellln^llli-iied. t^pi'lieer wali-ht.H til. nil, drawing infertunieH of her own an to lite fiiliire happinedd uf I'aptain 'reiiipl. mi 1 li.r inintri nd. 'I'liii dtraiit'ir, f roiii bi liiiid liin I'liV'-r of \iii«H And j-siia mine. \\ -it' bet. lie 111 alno. Ili-hnil.i f.-i hi 111 a dream, -it nl a druaiii that 1 - no liiiit:- I one of pain lli-r i liil.l h III t h i-i ill en -tpoilii 1 f iir tier, 'I iri ll lie , and all llii. (iitiM-.-H told 1-1 for K.ine, not lier. Hill i-l.' , ii.il Ki- , u uilli Ko;;er now. 'Ihlll I % Oli-liOi llilO ^^palll \\\\\ lii-tl HiilllL Hl.\ or ..i-w-.i li.-iud i.i\ or iii-\i-n Iioiiih to thi' u 11 1, I 11* "I a lifeluiii- of bi paralii'ii I Ilerlitnd 1 4 lip 111 Uoi.'i I '.-) aim he ii!rm.lM that Bill. Ill .-ilrt lii-i helii to Kilt h r throiit,h the I r.i>vd and Inn e>eii an- telling In-r lliiit dhe It) fair; and ht-r fooliuli heai I beald with pliindiire . and idni wanld nothini; on the wliulo widtj luitli but what the moiiii-nt (^ive^ 111 r ' I'roprii-ly, iii the dhapu of Mind liiirke, ovnrlaKed thi-iii «l the railway Hlalion 'riiey '^i-t their tiukeld tor liendaye, llm ladl town tlild dnl« the fioiitier, and in another .|ii«rler of an hour are walking; ad well ad the dnoroliiii^;, brealhledd heal will 111 low them, alone the bankHof the linlasMoa Here, advidod of Murray, their plan in to lake the boat for {''ontarahia I'liiitarabia, tliiLl loiikd lull a dtoiie'd throw didlant, aorodd the .iiiiveriiit: e\paiiHe of harbor mild. Hut man and Murray may propoHc, fate lillirtlluH. They ^ui illtli one of Ihn llll wiiilily Hat liottoiiii'd In. aid that ply between Kraiieo anil Hpaiii, addiirtiil by the unarli't- dkirteil boaliiian, iii patoid, only uiidurdtoud u( iluliiida, that thiiru will be wiili<r tmoii)tli sgroand. Thu boatmen shove, Hwear, smile. When a Hpainard miiileii yon may know- that \ our hour had come. '• What id to be Aoius'l Ah, God knowd. 1 hid, then, is lo be done, ad their excellencied ludidt upon an aiidATur. Kither they will remain where they are Home dniall three .juarterd of an hour and walk abhore on their own leod, or be uarried thither in the boatmen's ariiid, i)u.v . or Ih.-y.can wait, a matter of several hourd, for Ih^ n-tiirn of tlie ti.le. 'I'heir exi;p|lericied will Imve the condedcendiou to ducjidi- " Ml-aiiv-lule till; boatnieii take out eaeii a little roll of paper, and (irepare with the im.di. di;jiiilied j<ooH breeoineiinaeinable, to fol'l Ihi-ir midday i 17; ircil. -. 'â- I vote for tjuine ,;arri'-i| iinhore at onoe." itIis li.diniU. •â- rropriely, ma'am ! What doed lliat mat ter '.' 1 woul dralht-r he riipriip.-r tli.iii hav.- t-unstroke any day." " A..d I," imytj Midd iJuni.-, •â- w.-ild â- iooi.er p.-ridh than be encireled by tiie ariiid of thime nun, of any nii-n. I w.ll 11" ver <^.iit lliid boat iiviiif^, ba\e on my own feet." And not by one bair'a breadth can she be made to a.vi-rve fr-iiti iier principled. She will wait till lll.j llde Id do far eobed that ohe ma) walk adlu^re ai.-rus-, the 11,11 t ; will wait, if jieid be, till nit;litfall , will ri k th- lianei-r of hiinnlroki-, I 1 tl;,; pro- ..: a nian'ti, althou;ih iiiit a r.-d bojtiiiMi'a arm-<; liiu Woman of :e will I...V.-.'- biioi; h.-r=i If lu oulj- t'iiiati-.i i-kinni .1 tiir 1- ui lint. ill. In. â- A rl. -.p-i ll .. ai: t mi' In .1.1 f k ii'itil. or.|. r (: .1 Vo'.l lieri. tilt \s arii, and " ." hay .J .Mifs IJ irk.', ilia Ht. ri.ly, "bill Miod U'Shi-a, I 1 -pi'-^-^- of '. Ill r day .-niini -. 10 Hie. Srttl.- Willi tie I thank y "11." Koeer. K.-^ to lilt day .-. -diluent ; oil lu iipi'iad. .\ Hleepy-luokiii)^ priodl daiinterH do.vn lliti ai-le, piitunu on liiH emvii ad he toed, a dl. epy luokiiif; elioridier hnvwilli in. -elide burner and book Haiitit.rd behind, .An. I then in loiiiit;id a ehridii-nint; party, ev.-ryh.ily tjoi-ipiii,. and Uiinhiii).;, with lluit frank fiviniliiiritv toward mother Chiiri'li that eharacleri '.- d the whole mont (Jatboln- naliiin. Itelinda and Uoi;er make their iidiiipe throtieli a hide door, led open by theilriovdy eved priedl, and whi h leaild down live i)r dix bruakiu-eU wtaird, into the oaeridy. 'I'lie daerldlN id ol.l, older by reiiluried than till, main hnily of llm ihiireh, and in lilleil Hiih vi-bld, dioU'rt, canopied, dilapi drtleit Ivi-ata-i and oilier eeiih diadtieal |iiop.-rl\ of ih-il iiaiiire The Hir id redo lent of ntalo leei-iidt., intidtinedd, and |:;arlli- whal plaee in Spain la lejl relolent uf (I'lrli / How if lliiiy were toopeii a vun low. alt, ir. I 01 her pa^iaii liintjd n lull 1 moie ol HeaM'ii'd pure air ami a linle I, bi ol lie inaiiiifaili'ri-'l odor of daiu lity .' 'I'iiev opi-n one and ills. -over A baliony , or iniiial tiiraee. aboil twelve feel in leiieih. e\ .piidilily 1 0')1, -mil. -.i, and dii'dia inv iti 1,;. uiid Willi lb.' rtliiile panoraiiiA of t.u\ n, liver month, ami liar' or oiildtielihed be neatli. " I'l-rliapd fiiiin lliid In inlit we dliall he iilile lo ht e Ml-.) r.iirkti about doinewhere," i-.rii-d Itelinda, Imdily oi.)iide|.)nii»-dtricii.ni. liemark the eriu-lty of fain, the pi ti. na.ity uf tlim iini.pi.-|tt!al i;od, CUreiiui stall. 'e. In lilt! dtre.'tii, upon ilui ramparld, tiuai.leil at every Hte[i they look by an atteiidrtiil tiioh of beeear obildreii, Uiey were safe, uuinparati vely. And then the iliridteiiinf; drivea llioni into the iioridlv, an I (larlie and stale im'eiido drive l!..-:ii out iil'oii the balcony , where they are »k 'iicli al.iiie ad they were on tliat lirdl . > ninij when " l.afjriniaa " .s-iii^ Imr dtudent nouy iiniler the »Iai-*, a.,d Uii'ii, niel then '• III Inula," saya Uo>;er reinple, uoiiinwhat irrelniuilly, "(lon'l -ipeiik of Rlisd Itnvke, chilli, until the enhjeot id forced upon iid. 'I'liero id HJUielliin^ you have omit led to e.\|ilaiii to me, anil tliia is a i;ooil moraont lo have it out. Mr .loneu lias ({one my to carry them to Kontarabia tliid tide, and I profound )>ratitiide f.;o with bimâ€" bat why .' rallier more tlwn half way aoroaa run | What sent Mr, Joned away .'" •â- 1. .--l, 11 llll . : ill... i-t»\ ., li .,^. r } - I ;. -.i-jii 111 He-.- •â- 11! ..|.-,- h- .' iniiel. .M.-- liiiiki . p. wo:ild i.- ! M- ll.-i:.|'ia a-) v\'i- 1; 11.. 1- . iK .ii;i i .r iiii'i 1- I .1. '1 ni- ,. .;l ;.: a. iiiij.; l-'.ii.r -iin'.ia alt r " Li-aVi: (1 , 1 bee, „ piiltiii^ lip her mill .Vllhont i:iill;p.linenld liiiiil atik you to without refer.'iii boatim II .' .No enslaved by ol 1 world diip-.rniiii.)nt> 1. v\" nan'd li.-lpli ,diien.H, haviin; at tliid ( wi-akly taktii oiu bid piirdi-. " I will a.-itle with llieni when they have fiiiliiled their eiiea^emenl, when I Ii!id my self safe un land, not before." Kj thu tiialter is aettli.l. f)ne of the men lifid Itelinda fioni the \,..\i, about ad i-aaily a- a child lifld a kitti 11, then wadi -. bearing; h. r m hit) arnid, liirou:;h llin bhal I'.'Vwat.i. Cdptain Temple ih loin.-jed on the Hi. lilt diioiiM.rd of the other. .\ couple of ininiiled later they aio a.->lioro on Spaninh doll and alone. â- â- .\nd now, .Senura I.at;rii Kot;. r, â- â- what ; int caiibe or 1 dlioiil 1 hindt.r you and I from e the .Mhambra ' ' 'ilie .|iu-dtioii is a jeat, of cour.-)P. I'n foitunati-ly. just as U-i^j.-r putdit. li. lindad eyed meet bid in on.- lon^, widlful. Horrow ful lookâ€" then droop aoahhud. Aud the dtury id told. .\d It id told in iiiiK-ly idiie cases out of a himdrt.l, reader, the iinbi.ldeii elcjiience of look, or t«ne or touch, making itaelf fell bil-'D' the lips hive venUiii-d on the .Vllder e.xp.'dlenl of dp.-i-i h Well the liitervniuii^j space of tiiii.. that followd, b.' It uf inonllis or ininiit. «. h, I lake it, about llll' 111. idi aiiibrofial of all love d calendar, edpe. lally .)( love that bliall icver kii'i.v it-i eiiilhly end, lo which ihe piedeiil Id all 111 all. 'I'liPV explore Ihe i:;htd of lont-irabia as 1 ond'-ienliou-.ly ad lhon;;li 1)1. -v wen dun.- I ) i-)-»ic couple wliioe roiiian. .. Iia.i h. i;iiii with III iiiey conbiili ratioiiti, wa-i now > ii.vnm^ imf.|f nun exiiiiction ihroiielu.iu u weliliiit.. icur. 'ibey vimt the rainpartf, Hlilllyi.it; 111 lihi'-ki'ii. I riini-i, an lirilidb liimp.iwder left Iheni. Ili.-y 1. -k d iwii on tile cladbic I bree I'orils. 111., rceiie i'( that wild u\n\M Hlriitinle wliMii the Duke won the paadat;.. of Ibo Ili.ladd.ia, inch by inch, from ol.l Soiill. Hy and bv they saiintei lip lo the ckiiirch tliroiii;h th.- hi.;ii dlmet ol Ibelowii. Iliil they forijot two thiiii^-) , lo Hearcli for a hutel or to ordt.r dinner. Ibi-v alno forgot the uMdieiico of MibS liiirke. 'Ihe cliiinli takes them more than an bi.iirtowalk round. Niithinn n'lnarkabl. Ill the way of art had l-'niilarabia'd parnili church to dhow, the nildi'd saiiild and vir i;iiid, the win. lows, the relied, ure precisely like all otherd of their kind. They linijer. Hide by Bidi', dilent, not inei-line each o'ln-r'd eyed, Heaven kiiowd what lhoiii,.hlH lillmu the beans of each. .-Vl leiieth III) ort;an b.'t:iiid to play a dreamy Met of wall/., h, folloucd hy an air from niio ot \ erdi'd "I'm sure I don't know ; that is, of coarse, I know," answered Belinda, lucidly. " Mr. .Jones wentâ€" well, because he found there wad no^ood in hie remaining any loo^^er." " I dee. Vou have behaved badly to him, Helinda, confess It 1 Four days ayo your dearest hope in life wad to pOddess the Juned' diamonds. Don't yoa remember what you said that tirst eveniny of our ao- 'jiiaintance, ihe evening when rienora La- ^riomd proaddcd to tliuw me the Alham- bra ? ' Hhi) tiirna away i|uickly, yt not so .piickly but that Roger can mark th*) cou- d doiid reddening of her c'neek. " 1 b< haved badly to liini. I kii0.v, and to myseli too . badly from be^inniiit' to end. It maked me ashamed wni-n I tiiiuk of it. Hut now â€"oh, I have grown old and wise suidenly. II dceiid ijuiie a y- ar diuce you aud Rose Iiidi t it r.e to St. .Jean de Lu,!." " I am sorry we have made your time hang BO hi-avily." No aiis.ver. Though they are only talk ing of Aiigudtus J.nies and his diamondd talking ad liiev migiii du if Kode or .Mi.-ii liurkc blood by, iiidiinul tells lieliuda what b.ipreiiu.. inointnt hurries on apa.ie. .Vnd ht r h.'srl id beating ho t'tiat bhe c*n hear its biai-. If her life d-pend.rd on it she co'jid 1101 lift ht. r eyed to Jioger'd ! " However, \o.i Will be rii of Ud foon. .Speiii er id i.ol amining herrelf, it se<mid, an 1 Ko-ie days bh-j dare ii'-t stdy more than two lid'.-) lone, r Doii'i pate foi..et n-* -vl.i 11 - ll.-liiiiitv, oh, my darling! ' .\ii'l \Mth H1I3 till It. o.tr. â- he tear;, are raKiuiu' .i.e... n hi. r . li.-eHi'. and l<.<e..r '1 ^ nipl.' l.a. t.iK.' n her i.ai.d.d 1.1 liid and bpok- 11 ...or'.s ... J rt.^ I- 1,1 vtr. 1..,. not evii, ic iiit.t ui !-iivfi:l '..m-pir b' sidi; tiic I .;.in'. poll) 1 1,-^. ^p-ik'- ll. K' J 1... • j l..l;.-I:.'li ao I'lHi rail". " dhc -'.'illl- nLTHi'i. li'T p 'or iit.i -,-):-^'di>i.;n preb.-irh , Laz ; the fruiia of her moral courage being Rose must be appealed to â€" the bappinesa the oldest, cra;iiest carriage that Fontarabia of all their lives left in her bauds." p 'or iit.i '-, liup-le-d, k beiiy, lio I-;, dir, anil preb liiiptiV all at ,'l ttiliik altug. " iitl-.-r-.i Dun t III ba.iiv ot III-;, dir, anil i.- .er, n.-vi-r, nevi r Icli 1; I-.-' â- â- Toiiik badly of yoii, B-lir.i!n. cKiid ' Tiiiit lit Ihe 1 riieledt dtah. What, in lloi't. nanie, d.) y ou duppode I ibink of invdt^I,'' ".\nd yuii will never l.-U KoHe'.' â€" 1 ra.an when you are far away, an.i all ihid id like a dn-am .' VoU will never l-ll Rose, and you will not b'li'iie me more ihun you can htlp, whi'ii >,iu think of me " " Blame you, my dearedt !" And K.)ier draw^ her, shrinking, ireinblii-it;, with a rapture that id half j ly, half fear, lo Ills breast. Tne or:;aM pUy d 0:1 an 1 on vtilhin the church, and the priest'd voice droned out lb.- cbribteiiing service, ami down beneath, on the dhore, Ihe ti-lL-r I'hil.iren .ir . calling 10 each olliir, and far olf ebbs ami falld the .Vllantio. Ilelii.da knowd not whether the dull 11 Is last a iniiur.e or an hour. To human li.arl.- in inpiibe piiii, the arbitrary divisions of Uine elidl not. Rog'r loves her, Ktiger loves her, and she id with him her band cUr.ptii in hid. his breath upon her i'hp);k, his whid[N-rs " Montri/ nioi led robes '.y prelre," cries a voice in rasping tourist l-'rench. " Quand j'ai va je pale, vast'eii." .\Mii into the dacri-)ty, nde book in hand, stalks .Mids Hurke. her nharp little point of a node crimfloned by the dun. her bo. its thi-k wiih nil lavory iiarb'ir mud. A dirty diiiall hoy in a .lirtier Mirplice, one of the funciionarieH if thi- church, atvendd her. Ililiii'ia and Captain Temple come iu at once from the balcony. Krliiela, lo whom ad we know, the diiiall change falscheo Id of . oiiventioiialiiy are not familiar, hangs h.'r he*. I and Id dii.'iit. K.it;i-r ha-) the e.Mraordl nary asdiirance Ui ejipret^s his datidfa.-tuin at 111), ineeiiii^. and to add Mi^d lliirke wat.-hiiig hH fa-i' . I bliibh for him ad I wii'e It fiat Ibey Here â- • looking fur her. " ".So I p-rceuo," says the lady curtly. " l.o'.ki'ig for nie among the i.lolatries of a I'upidh cluirib '. May I iiepiire whi'ther you have also looked lor a hotel and ordered dinner .' I bilnve, 1 believe, I'dptaiu i em pie. It wad for that pirpobe that ;ou left iiie alone in the boat," " Well, I 1 the fact id, I don't know that We t'ain)' acrods any hot»-l," da\s KoU'-r, Willi an air of penitcnc. .' Hut if you and B'-liU'la will reiii.iin I'.ere, 1 ' 1 have foiiii.t a h.iiel, and have ordered dinner," --lys .Miss llnrke. " Whi-ii a Kentle man," Willi a northern einphasid on the w'ord, *. when a gentleman happi'iis to be- long to my party, 1 invariably take oaru to dee to all practical iiiatii-rd mystlf. Ducky 1 am a'.-c.iisloiiu-d to fnlepemlence." Shi! luriid tartly away, and with the help )if her dinall cicerone procteild to ovi r- haiil the " idulairies " of the place; the lebtmentd, ).iiibtoideri.it by loving, foolish tiiiU.-rd in maii\ a didt-tiit convent cell, our Daily of Delight, our l.»dy of I'ainâ€" all are vie.ve.| ill the dame col. I, biidiness spirit by till) Woman ol the Future, and catalogued 111 tile 11 ii.pr..b-)ible not)' book for liturxry in-e Hiliii la k.eprt dtiidioudly by Iter aide, and faraway from Uoger. Ihe douiid of Miss liiirK).'d vwice, the expression of Mids Itnrke'ti cy ).. h-ive bionxht the pour child hack roughly I rum Klysjum to the worhl 111 la 't. l-'ivi! iniiiuteM ago slu. was in her kner'd aniid. happy to ilio verye of pain. iiiic'il'niUtiiii; of the fnuire, unconscioiid of either innocence or nu'll- ^^'â- ' is t'aptain li'inpli', K )i)ii''d alViaiiced hiibband, now, and bhe id itivide.l from him oh, forevt.r, ami ..),-rino.i.. That cari-bs wad tlieir tirst and lubt. ihe ill lulil Hint, beat mil tain ni m.-i U' to e-\tiiid over thirty or forty yearn uf dime w.)im-ii tt lues, bad laMle-.l fur her ftri long ad a kl^d ladis lU) nioie riiev tat their dinner uf strange herbs. gariij |>ri-duiniiiaiit, at the one moiti-di po-a it. the Uiwii p.idst..)deH ; drink thi ir cullce, or viliiil till) innkeeper writes in his bill ad coltec, 111 the street, the whole popu lalio.i, Itiy and clerical, of Fin.larabia look- ing lUi . liien the .|iiick Soiilhi-rn night fails di.iiiienly un the pbiiii tin. I moiiutaiiid, ami they iiuidl prepare Ui return. Itelinda'd proinided di.\ hours o( bappiiie.;s are all but dpeiit. All bill how iii-iny a fateful turn- ing in oiie'd li(i) id encotupassed by those two si. .rl -Ao.,!-] 1 .Mi9 loirke insists that she, and uliu alfMie, shall innke tjj» bargain for the oar riage. "C'splalfi S^Stiiple iinderlouk to arrange for os about ttje boat," she reinarkd. \ |h|,,i " It w.' wish to get Imm^ to France to-nielu. ihn business [Mirt of the matter had better now be loiltome. It reipiires moral courage to hold one's own with these shilU shall carriage can produce, with a horse gaunt and shadowy as ever came from Dore's pencil in bis illastration of Don Quixote. Aud here again, mark one of these results of hidden caasea whii b we aie pleased to call fate. Had Miss Burke ordered any nt-csnt, Cbridtiau pattern of conveyance, with cattle to match, they bad all remained decorously in each other's society through- out the journey ; no further whisper, or ghost of a whisper, between Roger and beliuda podsible. But this cranky vehicle 19 BO heavy, the horse so weak, that long before they jreach the frontier bridge at Iruii, they are going at snail's pace; by the time tiiev' comnieQce the ascent of Behobia they have come lo a dead loi;k. 'I'he driver desceuds froiiabis box ; swears fearfully iu Spar.it;!), French. Hadi]ue; cracks his wiiip, »(i[illes his ttboulder, or goes through the paulomiiue of apply iijg it to the wheel. In vain. Not a step furth.;r can poor Rosi- iiante stir. Their highnesses, these ladles and the gentleman, must make the ascent oil foot if they would reach rit. .lean to- night. No help for it. The horse was oue uf the best horses in Spain in his day, bat what will you have'? to every pig conies .â- Uartinnias â€" hid day is past. If their high- LtdriLS haii only consenteti to hire a p-*ir. Rjt'er and li-linda jump out at ouce ; Mibs Burke refii.-its to move, again on prin- ciple. The innii un ierto-jk to d.-ive iK-r from F.miarabi'i to St. Jean lie I,'..', aid lie slmll h jid to la-i bargaiii, if he take the whole night about tr. So " fate " has li.-r way. On goed the cranky .arriage ; on go the swi-bring driver dii.l the liit;h-souled Burke; Ik-linda and K-g. r are left alone once mo."e. Alone, but li.j.v f.ir 11. .ire cruelly divi.ieil, bow inl'inllely i.i-nier it. an when ihey loitered beside the dliard .jf i.'ie urn oiii .hunh at Fontarabia. .NuW had C-.iti.. the luoTieut of leniptaiiJD ill nirneKt. Thev have b tt to turn their (act -1 ae.i the r. tt I to the .\lliaaibra lies blrai;;lil US ro »d can he before them. Aud 111 tl e heart of each IS the memory of a Ui=d' way IS CilAlTKR X I. " 11 'III Ml.VX UUN'Ui." " Take my arm, Belinda. Slt('p." I'lie way id ste-p, tlie I'jneliueds prof oand. Fpon one sul.. sttttohes forth the Atlantic, dilent at this hour, and motionledd as aiiv lilile mountain tarn ; np-iii the ollur are wild rierras and rocky dcliiis of the I'ass. IKiimdlhein â€" ibe lights from a djore of t-caitered wiUagea gleaming throu-^h the dut>kâ€" lies Spain, the land of dreams, the land which even prosaic midille age cannot '|uil without a sigh. " An.i wo have not seen the Alhambra after a 1." says Roger, some minutes later. She to. ik hid arm, as he ba.ie her; her hand has become dispod, who knowa how? in his, and sh-i dues not seek to draw it away. " ( orrectness," the outwork of weak- ness, so prudently born of knowledge, is to l<elinda's .-Vrab soul unknown. 81ie is only honest as yet. â- • No, We have not »teu the Alhambra," in ratlu-r a shaky voio*. comes lier answer. " and we are not likely to see it together, al all events." â- CJi\ short ho'irs in Spaiu, and four of ihobc bpeiii with rvlisd Hurke! Now what \-f\n be the use uf peop'e like Mies liurke .'' dpe.ulated U'leer philoHophically. " 1 sup- podt- one o'li^'il to a.-cept tbt-iti witlio'U piedtioniiig. I.ke heal or t li-jtricity, or any viiluT urevin.'ible phenomena. 'Ihev t list. and that n as luti -h a.d will ever bj known about lb. III." ' I dare say I shall know enoiuh about Itiiike before I have done With her," re- markd Bi-linda. " \ oil you are not going to live with Midd Burke any longer .'" aays Roeer, liiir riedly, and by no means calculating into what iii:prudence he will be betrayed nt xt. " I iluii't see what I should gain by leaving her, sir. We are accustomed, at least, lo lmliii:4 each oiiier! l inieht be wutde olf aiiioi g strangers." "Belinda. ' stopping short and looking .Idwii into ti.-r face, •. what m the use ot talking or pretending to talk like this ,' As ifillherof Us could forget! Vou to spelnl the best years of your youth with .\iiss Burke, ami 1 great liokvens! the thing id a ino.kery '. But 11 is not too lat-), my darlim;, ii is mil too iale. We may draw back vet." '1 here are ft- ..' nu-n wno imtke love reallv well, ad regards eh .pience of sp<-ech ; ard. nt eniolion and rounded p.-riodd seldom tomg haul In hnii I, dive m very biglicst re»(ioiis of iiieluilraiiia. But laiixiia):>' that in black and while leadti tiire enough iiinv ea-ilv be al.'hi'iiii/.'ii into p-. cuy of a t,iorioUd suiniie'r iiii'lit, ill a iii.iuiitnin sii'rra. with the stars fill' iiiji uverli' a-l, and an iiiK'tili- cal heart of sesenteea beating time lo all you flay. " I don't w.iiit to dr.iw hack," >*ays He. liiida, miHiinderdtanoing lam. " All this has come upon me I scarce kno-v how â€" ' come upon in ' whi ther I wished it or no!. 1 But if 1 c-ial I. I would mil druw back now, | for 1 dhall have been happy." Ki'ger folds her to I'liii in a .piick em- I brace. "And wm Hiiall be M-oaraled no 1 mure, my > Inld," ho whispers. • Why it | Woul i he ti)oii!.:roud lor the hipidness of' our iivi d ol all uiir lives -I 1 Oe dacriticed | fur mere want ot c >urat;e l.i spj.ik. Wi' dliiill be depai ited no niore.'' ] " Never ceparated," r. peals B, Inula, half ; inipatieiuly . "Wo .shall I'.' forever, sir, and you know it ! a thoudand limes more than if leg to iiiarry a a'.ranu-r." " .Marry 1 lioii'i t>,k of my marry ing. 1 can never marry am one lint " The wiirdd aie d}'ii.\cu under Uot;»'r Tem- pled breath, but thy fall, with cleariiesa Hindi as human speech nover possessed for her before, on Belimla's ear. She turns deally white, evi'ii with this mask of night upon lu-r face, lui4i-r can see her chango color. She breaks from his einbraco. "Captain Temple, let ua uaderatand each other," she cries, lifting her eyes, with piercing earnestnesa, to his face. " After a dozen years' fidelity, yoa love Rose no longer, it seemsâ€" are ready to throw her and your fidelity to the winda, and for my sake '. Well, now, if thia indeed is truth, not llattery, carry it into et'f';ct without delay. If we mean to com- nnt a dishonest action, let us get it over at once, aud without the treachery of soft words â€" appealing to poor Rose's generosity, leaving tne happiness of all our Uvea in poor Rodie's hands â€" bah ! I, at least, am net initde of such mawkish stuf!' I " " Belinda, .::iild. Great heaven '. if you knew â€" " " Over away there, sir, not a couple of miles off, is Spaiu. I know every turn, every short cut ihrough the mountains. What hinders you and me from going to the Aiharabra as we planned ! Misa r.urke will say slie left us, aud Rosie, poor Rosie, must guess the rest. Are you reaiy ',''' (To 1)6 Continued'. Latest fruiu Scutlaud. The old woman Boyd, who is in .Vyr pr.sou un -ler s'-uteiice of death for murder- ing her grandcialJ. has been reprieved. A cliiiii cf Gregan, Culnaigirie. Kirkcii- hrijnisli.re, recently f.'U r:to a p'jt of boi.Uig porri Ig- and was s .aldci to death. .Vll the i-:ii:\i\ r.'i lired to place a mouu- meutti! brass over the grave of Bruce in Dui.f -riuiine Aubey has uo-v been sub. scnoed. (.1:1 th.' ich ins;. Mr. liobcrt Portertield, writer. D'jiiibarioM, ft-U into the river Deveii an.i was dro.vned. YLa leaves a widow and family. Tte congregation of Regent S-j lare Pres- byterian 1 'liurcli, LoiidoQ, has decided to call the R. V. Joiiu jicNcill, of Kiinburgh, to be their mii.ister. Mr. W. N'alentine, farm-r. Stonehaven, was killed the othir day. While oiling the machinery o! the ihreBhing mill the wheel s'arttd aud broke his neck. A movement is oa foot at Aberdeen to place a memorial stone over the grave of WiU;a-j3 K. Brgijtntjcld, tjie recently de- ceased coaipcser of hymn tunts. The first meeting of the new Town Coun- cil of Kdinburgh waj held on the .Ith iust. Treasurer B. v I was elected Lord I'rovost . Councillor Cia^iperton, Treasurer ; aud the vacant Bailij's chair was a-.vardod to Mr. Steel. Immense shoals of salmon have been lying in the seaoli Bs'rwick.and the salmon, many of them lish of very large si/j, jumped soluly aud incessantly, and made the surface of the water, otherwise smooth, pjite turbulent. Kev. Mr. L'onaldson, of Strathaveii recently said that Christianity is judged now more by what we are doing for Christ in the world arouud and how we are meet, ing its various demands, than by the stereotyped orthodoxy of our religious '."pinions. The Cumnock people have reciived a rude shuck ou hearing the report that the local Coveuauterd' tlag, al present m the Bishop's Oaslle at the Glasgow l')xhibitiou, has bei'ii sold by ita possessor. Mr. l>ugald McGi'achin, shoemaker, Cumnock, for toU It seeii'~ to be the prevalent notiou that tlielUg realiy belocgs to the town, and not to the keeper uf 11. "This, " writes Mr. A B. Todd, â- â- certainly was tlic li^ht in which Mr. McGeacli ill's father looked upon him self the ' Ki'eper' only of the banuer ;" and this seems to be coulirmed by a poem on the tla^ wrilen by the late Rev. .lames Murray, parish iniuister of Cumnock. nearly thirty years ago. â€" C.'iri.>/iii« Lc-.n/i'r Krenh l.'ur«;ii;u ttaifs. â- ' High play" IS the initial news of the s.'aaun tioiu beautiful, but wicked, Monte I Carlo. The average unmbor of dog-bitten patients at I'asteur's establidhment in Fans la lUO Hcattereil all over l-^urope are sorrowful American t;irls who have foun.i titled nmr riages a failure. No less than .jinht steamdhips lor the traiib-.Vllantic trade are now in progress of bull. ling on the Clyde. Among the permanent residents of Faris. it Is said, the exiles cf Russian nobility are the luost noted for extravagance and pro digaluy of life. Ducheds I 'ecazes, formerly Misa Singer of New York, liaa astonished ev. n the I'aridiaiid by the inagiiiticeuce of bere.|Uip ages tin the Bjid. With the beginning of the new year, it said, many Fiighsh railway compauies will abandon the u.se ol second-class car- nages. Fiit;liah newspapers are full of ai.vertise nieiits uf " castles," â- • halls " and celebrated esiated for sale or lo let. Thid i* to be i-' i;ardeii ad one of ihe signitjcant signs of the times. Ileliiiets Mi|>«rseillii|[ I'r.tvnillni; >kll I'liiis. The old fashioned silk travelling or skull cap, says ill" New York >ioi, is fast being sup .ra. lied by the iaiilish plaid duut)le- peaked helmet, I'.y actual count ou an eveniug train lor I'hiladelphia on Ibe I'enn sylvai.ia lload this week then- were miu- parated ' 'â- '"^''l''^'''' wt-arine plaid helmets and only ' two with black silk head giar. The helmet I covers the t'ved aud exclu'les the light if I one wants to ilo.'.e, while 11 feels and looks I more like the orthodox head covering if oue t steps ijif lilt) train at a st;itiou. On the other hand the skull cap aisvavs eonveycd the idea that its wearer hud pulloii the lining out of his hat for temporary use. Si.paral )'.>il we -I C'Hliiilbald Live th© Same Way. Faterfamilias (at the aupper-tablu to Mr Thomas Catch, Susie's btaiii â€" It is said ,. r II I . L ,. ; that a Spanianl can live upou an oniouanii ;â- I ell me what > ou mean outright, Cap. \ ^ („,,, J,,.^ „ ,i , ' tain lumple. Saywlnatyou have .0 say ua. tloes it not '/ plainly. Ytui do Hot coaaitier yourself bouiiti. tt) marrv Hose ?" .\nil thut) Uoger is forced upon the very horod of the oilemma. I'lasy 10 suggeHt a It aeeiud surprising to Catch, Susie's Little Brother- Mr know what you live on. .Mr. Catch What, '.'"ommy Little Brother-On your aunt aaitl so. possible ilereliciion from duty, by sign or | , . . • 'â- wl'isrer horriblvhanl to put into language ! --,- fa 1.1) tonguotl hpaniarda, and gentlemen as | with the honest.st pair of child's eyea in The sale of Grattan- libiarv has just a ruU; are not po-sobssd of moral courage. ,!,„ world looking straight into ouo'B weak, t taken place in Dublin, heland. 'Ihere 1",, , ,,.,)., , hâ„¢"'''"*' """'â- " 1^1" had made an egregious, were upwards of .1,000 volumes and Grat bu", ."T'm •"Tl '\f««'^>>*>f»"'°<"-« error." Boinethiug lo thia elfect tioea he at tan, like Coleride , was In the hab t of hot totiteat. Miss Burko baa auoee. led m length contrive to answer her. " During ' enriching hia books with mar., nal note beat ig the cochoro down to the very lowest the p,stdo/.en ye«sor morehe had mistaken ; rare value for the generation amongst whom fraction for which mortal sous may be ' a sentiment for paaaion, aud Roaie. poor the intelleotual tiobea of the X»t o«t^ conveyed across the frontier to St. Jean tie Uosie, it may be, had miatakon too. But are beiug distributed t 4