Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1888, p. 6

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THE AEHBOURNE ACT. Hot Words Between Mr. Lord Hartington. Di! and LABOUCHKKK Al-D THKVr.LYAN TALK. A UpI 'Wi-dne«(lii.\ I hiyhi H Lomioii cable (iivt'B llii- i-ijulimiutioii of thu iitl)»te provi- ou» lu l>ii tiikint; of tlic vota uii iho A^li- boarni' KiH »9 (oUowa : After Mr. Liilloii had H| . ki n l>»rtt iiij;ht on the motion to inlroiliicc the Kill, Major HttUudurdon tiulil tlie lloor for «, wIiiIl'. Lord Hartin^iou i;f»id ho thought Mr. I>illoii'8 arnunii-iil WHa not very ootint atjaiiiiit the IJill, biit was very com-m in favor o/ coorcion, bucau-^ii he not only con- feUBC i, but boaBlixi, tlmt the vnluu of Imid had bffu rediirud from twt-nty to tifitun yearn' [urchaiw by a fonibiiialion wbicb rendered it iinpoKaiblu (• r a tcn*nt wub safety to lake a vacant farm. Mr. I'illon denied that he UBfld the wonlB â- ' with tiftfel . ' I.ord Uarlintjton retorted tliat nobody ever followed >ir. I^illon without receiving a coiitraili'-'lion. Mr. iJiilon hotly protested. Lord liartini'loM, aniui yreat excitement, reaiiined hiH apee>;h. Mo said he had not intended Vj uiaku any iuiputaliou, but Mr. Dillon inoiated ii\y>ii tx^clness in reprodiic;. int; hia ar^niuenlH wliiuh it would bo dilti cult to attain, lie proceeded to artjuo that Mr. Inllon'a lnnt;ii»Ke juntilifd everythint; that the Government liad been forced to do in order to 'iiih'jM the la* .n Iri'land. The land [lun-titt-. â-  ami arreara ineationa were 'juite di-u;i' I. 'Ihe rejectiun of the lidl would not facilitate fair dealint; with ar- ri-ara. the m.-eaaity for whicli be thont;lil waa much overran i. I ht' (iovernnient ni'ver nfUHi'ti lo dval with i i.>- arrear»'|ueH lion. The ••â- lay aroKe fr-oi tin' dilti.julty ia decidiun aa to h" v to deal w iili the nun jeot. 'Ihe .\-,bbiiiirr.r Act bad been a inonl Biioceai-tul H.\|H'rim' nt. \S'by abandon 11 now'.' Tti' ...Nj.i-i ,. ocethuj I'ained williolU loaa would b.i invaUiabl.' when I'ariiann it enibirkid on a ni'iri- aii'.u.ni^ minim ui laml |iin â- ).^-' Mr M ,r.- . -• i.'.r n -i i;it. .1 M. f. i ,.f Mr. I'llb.n 8t;iu -t ibe r. -iiarki of l.or.l On motion to Ko into committee on the Bill, Mr. I'arnell propoaud an amendment i^iviiig the (Jovernmeut pownr to inetruct the Land Commiaaiori to deal with arreara when h.vint; judicial rents. He uryed that in view of the fact that it waa aijreed on all aidea that the arrears <|uealion miiHt necea. aarily be aettled, it oU4;ht to be aealt wnli wiibout di-lay in conjunction with the quiHtion of laud purchaae. Thia done, it wuulil plitr.e the iinant in a position to con- tract freely with the landlord, proti ci !br> excht'iuer ai;*iii»t loaa, and ijive tiie .\<-]\- biurne .^ct the beat )i)ahible chance to work with amoothtieaa. Mr. Biiiith contended that the conrfie which 1'r. I'arnell propone! would plac..' the tt-nant in a iiistim;tly worae poaitioti than before, by rei:oi^ni/inti arreara aa a cbar{4=j that niit;ht continue lo lmnt4 around hia neck even after completiti;^ hia pur chane. No*, after a (;ontrai:t for purrha^e had been agreed upon, the arreara became ijiM- f.irin wiped out. Mr. Hilion held that the miachief of arreara oocrirreil befort) the aKreetiienl for purchatJe waa .".it^iiid. .Mr I'arnell'a motion waa rejected by H'J to Ms. Ilariii.i;! char<i t.' mrinix } takii / < Mr. I'n of an teminta, aiorly Htont-"a 'â-  tlon u .1 • Illll. win The tiov a aetib-ni ha\:.ii; a Uoilne tt II. ,a a. l';lli. h lie "1 Lid li;.a .M ;.;h a» lliat c ,/ tb- il "i»e, .\H f vaeiii t f»rii:a waa -in. â- rut.;. 1-11 r.l:-; n, l^ â- â- â- â€¢â- ^iijn arnm^ tile Hie -. Mr. Mr Clad tlia' 111'' arreara 'jii>-h i.oi" i:r.;'-nl limn t '.^^ .\»1 iioiirne b, .'!•â-  :-'>l I, Dirunt I'l M- po.>lp.ii,i li rnnnnl admitted lln- nin.slly ol â- nl of lb.* art'-ara -jte ntlon, and majority on b..ih ^lAvi* of ibe y niunt hi' hill re«| 7" ' l.ol full^ mil I t ion , .../;â-  n iiitiin uppotti d niiinle for not d>'aliiii{ Willi the â- pn atiou. iCIicithi He delilid that the A-iblimirne .\.:l ha.l bi-eii HU'di a Hi;.;riHa an Lord llarlini,ton had aSKertid. Aiiioim oiher reaaona in proof wbi-rei.f he apoke. Mr. Morley naid Twi thai onl> a ai.^th of the £:i.()(H).(ll)dii.-d bad been e.npi'iided iii the weal of Ir. land, lb- 'looted articlea from the llirmin^ham IJ:uriif to Hhowthal the Obainb.iUin party conaidered that the eMinaion of ibe Aah- bourne .Vol would he aa aani;eroiia an Mr. filadrttone'fl acleiiie : yet they (in f-rred to Biipporl It rathir than to mjiin' the iiial tion of the liov.rnmeiit, •' and iIiih," Mr. Morley e\claimi-l, " ia tin' parly thai jtnmpH the country, Hayiny that a i-reat moral |4ulf dividea iia !" (I'hurHi ' V>«, It la a uri'at i;ulf. and your morality Ilea at the bottom." ( Ki newed chi'erint; i 'I'be apeaker aaid hia poallion 111 relerelice to the land piircbaae achi me waa iin chaii4;id. but he did not want to puri baae land at any prn e 'Ihe (iosernineHt pro feaaed to have prepartd a cuinprrlu-iiMive acheni. . why not produce it ' Iiepend iH«in it, be aaid, if tiny voted Una live millioua they would never are tin ir ai In ine. but would viiti' for an mde finite poalpone nient of the land ai-tlifinent i|'iealion, in addition to embarkiii;.: on an nnaoiind tin unial (Kiln y and dela\ in deahiii,' with the arri'ara. Mr. Hinitli, the (ioveriiinent leader, in 'j«fendini{ the (iovi-rnment ai^ainet the • 'tiari^e of a breach of faith, reinmded the Iloiiaeiliat he, in .lulv laal, inforineit lln-m that tliia Hill would be introdni:ed in the aiitiiinn aeaaion. 'I'he lloiiai! then divided, Mr. (JIadatone'a amemliiieiit waa reji'Ctid. ilOO to '.'In. The motion to introduce the l!ill waa ai^reiil to The riiioniata voted aolidly with the (iov ernnietit. 'I'wo (tladatonlana, llaldani'and (irey, voted ai^ainat the amendinenl, and two otbera abatained from voting. Lomm..n, ,\i)v. '.'A In the iloliaenf Com. innna tliia afternoon Mr. Madden, Solicitor- (iuneral for Ireland, moved the aecoiid rnadini; of the I riali Land I'lirchaae Hill. Mr. Laboiichere moved that the Hill be rejeiiBd. lie e.implaiiied of the iindie baale Willi which the liieaHiire waa beln^ preaaed forward, and -iaid there wan an nb vioiiH ileaire on the part of the (ioverniiient to prevent the roimtry from nonaidei iii^; their propoBul . on the '|iiealion of land pur uhaav. He denied that I'arlmiiient had ohtaiiiMil at tlie laal election any aiitboritv to le^ihilati- iipiin thiaipn ulinn, the minienae importance of which re.|iilrea the aperial aancti.in of the i oiintry. Ai, the Itill alood it w», a nr •<« injnulice upon the Itritiah ta.\pa>er. Hi aidi a that, il waa injiirioua to Ireland, aa It would eni'ournijo a nl(;anlic HyHlein of ahHenliiiiMii. I nlil a Home Hull) iniiaaui e waa earned nothing oiinlil to be done tcvard land piircbaae. Hir (ieorue Otto Tri.velyaii, Liberal, warned the lloiiae that if it aaaeiited to tlm Hill it vfoiild not hr able to stop further Kranta and it would aoon he called upon and compelled to advance milliona. .\mon)< the dannei'i of the .\ahboiirne ,\ct, not Ibe loKBt waa that it iMimmilted the Hritiah ta.tpayer to a Hyaleiii of landlord piircliaae which Kiive no himmI aecnrity for mlvancea and which left the truant in a poaition to rnpndiate if had yeiira rendered hi in unable to pay hia inatalmenta. On motion of Mr. rurnell, the debate wan adjciirned, Mr. (iladotono loavoH London on Hatiir day for llawanlen. He will not return to London durinij the progent aesaion of Car liament. IioNnoN, Nov. '2.'l. In the IloiiHo of ( om moni thiB nvenin^ Mr. Hmith inoviid that the rule nompellin^ adjoiirnnioiit at mid. niffht be a^ain snapended to nnablo tho Ilouae to oonolude the drbato on the Irish n.naiiigiiiii LttBd I'nrohaie Bill, Carried, l'.n> to IS'.i. /i;oi limes. Tin; WHITKCHAPKI. NC.AKK. .Irt' k th** Kipper \Vrll«»M H .Saucy l,eU«^râ€" 'I lie Keet-iit ^lâ- art•. .\ London cable aaya : The laleat White- chapel aenaatiou baa been bifled down to nutliinn but the mere ravini;a ot a drunken woman aflf r a row \^i'.h InT lover. The unman ia evtn of a lower type than thoae who f'll prey to the Wbitechapel murderer. Her asaocialea aay thitt ahe ia very 'juarrel- aoine, and that the man whom ahi: acciiaed of tryiiiH to cut her ttiroat haa been vi^it- iiic li,.-r for a year. The people in the li.iUBi: heard them i juarrelint^, ami when the man ran doA'ii btair.^ and thewonum came to the top of the landing and acreanied, " IIu tried to cut my throat. folloArhim," three men tjave chai'e, but the fi-llow not away eaaily tiion^h Hut the police kiiOkV who Iiic limn la and where he ll\^â- ^. Tb<-y have been w'alchin|> his hoUBe all da\, ail I ^ii:.-n be V'. H ovi-r bni fri;;litaiid n tuii.i. iioiii • lb- â- . â-  -pi It lo 1,1 1 bun. I'bere 1 --. Ini-^. \> r. i.'.t lln -.ii^li|i-i.l reason to aiip- plM. llial h.l-i ti.e Wluuchapil liilld. Ihe p li â-  â- â- 'i\ tb:.t tl.i- woniaii ii.llnrtcd tin' .\'.ii,,t II In r ihfoat I. el-" if. The injury .1 Mr\ nli;;tit. lb- ri-r>il\ iiiierih'ioi; im i h nt of tin- .ii.\ -â- â- â- 'ili'r n Hi r from .la.ik Ibe Hi(ipcr, itiited I -n 1 .ilninti; Hi n- 11 lb â- ' I o !- I;. ll la no i.oi.i for \ nu In look lor me in L-nnion, be--aii--i' I am n^d the re. I Ion 'I 1 rouble yoiiraelf ai> 'iit me lib 1 ri turn .i.bi il mil not In vi-rv |on_'. I liio. lln- work loo will lo have ll loni;. (i. thai v^aa BUcii a j illy joO, the laal -.ne 1 lia<: plenty of tinii' lo no it prnpi riy. I la! ha! I'lie next I, I ' iin an lo do with a vii; CI H' c- , lo cut lilt their lii'A la ami ariiiH. 'loll Iblllk It in a man with a bUck im i..-^ taiii'. Ha! ba ! When 1 have anoficr >iMl â- an I .111 tl me. So ^oml b\e. di-ai" I. inH, nil I r.'iiirn. Voura. â- â-  .1 >. i. i in; Itii i i n ' '! Ik- ii-lti r i-i in the Hiiip.' liHiiil ati tbi one r-'-iui-d jupt n f'.re .Mar\ l\rll> waa i.nir ileie.l. Inveatit^aliona by tlie police allow ibat ihi i^'liiti i.iiaj el woman w ho reportf.l 1 1 i - iiiornint{ that hlie bad been attackidhya man, who â- Vint to bi-r liidi:iiin with her. im a pro'itmile uf the loweat oidiT. She aillh-re^i only a alitbt abraanni â- it the akli. on her throat, and the police pla< c no creilii in ll. r atiiry of a.i alia. k. I lev bein-ve abc liillnti .1 the injiiiy birai If while ahe waa drunk. .\ DKK.tlll'l iliiK .Me .\< <ll)1 .\ I I falitlly t'rtiHlH'il l.y itn t xprfK*. .\ Mi.iilrtal deipatch eava \ ahn. kun do.lble falaljty Innk place al I liil val, tilleen mil. a fioni llieinv, on iln- (iraiid Trin.k Ktilwav. vealeriiay, by win. b iwovonii:; men, I Irnh Nml ami I'liilip Caaavant. mil a liiiriible itealb Hotli men. who wire pla«l. rern â- â- niplon-.l in tlie erection of tin- new ataiion bndilinkiat liorval, were walk â- â- â- â- â- ,ii on the track in the vninity of the Blation when twotraiiiM cann- aloni; liibiii.i tbein, one the reeiilar Toronto I -\preaa an.! the niher a t4rav.1l Irani, bolli buiind wrni, but on dill â- rent tr».-ka. Seeim; that tb- men made no alleinpl to ^i t ,i|| th,. ira.-k. a crowd of laborera at the atatioii Mhoiile.l to warn Ihnm of llmir daii;^er, lint an. parently luviiu; to the iioiae of ibe traii'ia they did not hear, and before either coul.l leave the track the e.\preaa mailed over tbein. Hotli bo.liia w.-rn terribly man t;ied, and death m each have b.-en inatantaiieoiia. were i;atbered and broiit;bt here, ubere an in.pieal v\ morrow. PARNELL AND CHURCHILL frpfuk on ilic Ifi.^li I. and l'iii-<-liust.- Jiill, WHICH PASaLS ITS StCOND EEAL'INU A laat ( ' huraday ) nii^bt'a 1 oiiiion cibl. aa\a; 'i he lU-bate on the Land iurctiaee Hill waa rtr-un.ed in the Comiiiotin i.j nit^lil by .Ur. rarneli. He ilcclared einpbaiKal.y mat he oppooi-d tlie I 111. a» he bell, u-.i liiat It Waa ao ilt»i^ued that uiuler the preaeiit circninatauceii it wuubl be luipoa- nio.e tc pui 11 into 1 ifictive operaiicu. Ue liailalwaja held that the creai on of a peasant proprntary wad ihe only uieana of tolviiij4 the land iiiK-atioii. Uia own iiil aimply aoked that Church tenaiita Oe allowed to ac'j'iire land by pauii^ tin- Cliiir.-h (!oiniiii.-iaioii annually lor furiy- nun- yi-ara a rent eijiial to t per cent, on the capitallueci value of the holiiini;e. That would have created nu riak to the Imperial K.-ubcpier. 'Ihe ( ouaervatived op[ioaed thai piopoaal, but tho tune wuiiltl coine when lliey would find it needful to t;o lurther. The Irish party Were always re-ady and ea;4er lo aaaut 111 a settlement uf the laud i{ueatioii. It waa caliiiiiny to aay that any one of the Iri:-b nn in hers tried to make point- ('al capital out uf the ijueatiuii or oppueed the Hill btcauae It would make the e ,v. eminent of Inland easier. 1 Cheers | lln tlio contrary, their opposition to the Hill waa diiu to the kno^leilfje that it wuulu caute a loaa to the L.\clu'jiier without elf.-ctini; ita osteiitible object. Tlie Go\erii- iiirtit had not taken up Ihe land .juealiou with a view to helpini; tenants, bill at the aoliciiatiou of landlords, who, aeiiii|i that they could not any longer maintaiu their poaition, wanted to iliapoae of their pro- perty at inl'.ated prnieB. (Hear, hear ) The Hill (lid iiuicuntain provimoiis enabling; the Slate, when aupplyim; money, to decide what t( Tiaiiciea it would be deairable to purcliaoe m llie public mlereat. The (iov- eriiinent left tl'.e landlonla to decide. Col- Cenliit and rack iinie'' ealates woul 1 not txj louchid under the Bill. The only v •â- _. I to make lln- lai.'lior.ia of cooe<:8ted eatalea iii;ree to accept tUe valii;. ;f their properly wan to eiiipi>W( r the cotiiini»ai.m to purchase al bi.cIi a nricn as wnu'M really repreaeiit the iar.dl(ir(ia in- icri'nta. .â- \rrii*ra oueli, >! bi- con hi.leriil alont with I.' ; 1 .'(l .cUon. Dilcrwiae the land p^iri hade arranteiiienia well- futile. He would iioi like lo predict thai ll nanls iiii^ht npudiati- Imri^auia lii.'cii' iin.n r the iiieaeiire on the t;roiind that adai.likie had bieii taken of tin ir iieci .isilii a, but tile l-iU woitlil not aaaiat thai lar;;i' and permanent si ttleini nl that â- vaa lUiiirabli. Any bar;;aiii wiib tbi. ftiiiii I'a I'li-ht to have a haul-, that would pnl n |iiiilia'.lon out of tlie .piealloii, iHiir. liiarl The nieaaliri' allowed an 1 olire abaence of i;oiisideral Mil fur the naii'iiial -entimcnt The preeeiit hvaleiii of (lovernment I rumpled upon the national fii'ii'it;. ll the (i .veruineiil meant to .('. ll nipt a lartie a b. me uf land punliaae It Waa eHriiini.il to ei.lalillah 111 Ireland r.pieni iitair.. aiiiiniilv to a.-t aa a buller belwei ll the lenanla and lb • Stale The teiianta would have ibeir si; mid luav b.. liU nil iiibi-ra i.f I'lirtianieiit- ( Hariieliue ' bet I M i li.iv.riimenl woiibl be a« mieb il.pl inn nt aa now upon the Iriah vi'tu. .No aaiie ( loveriiinenl of acit ii-rpci tine cliaracti r wnuld tolerate the i-eiiiiin;; iif ta-\ colli, ous around ihe coitaei a \\n\\ iin ami) ami a crow liar l.rica.le 10 inlurce payiiieiila. If tile nalliiiial Mlitlliieiit waa coni'lliate.l there woul.l be luithiin; to fear fruin ihe mil Hence 11 |i m the I ot \iiiith ot the cniiniry â-  if all the 1 email propagators Iroiii .New \ . 1 k to San |-'raiiclaco. it waa lliiiae who cM'ii'iii.'d cm r. i.iii that fomeiileil ilimiili ,•- Hon tar mure than Koiaa. (Hear, hear I I lua waa mil men ly an at;rariaii ipienlion . It wan ki.it lip with iinlioiial aapiiatmns If the liinernmi nt meant well to tenanta by the Hill be implored them to iiim ri nuitabli. provianina dealiii); with arrears the ti oanta' >;reateat dlllu'lUty Thai (time he could cordially apprciali the ineaaur.'. and th<i Lei;ialatiire woiiKl reap ita rtwnrd 111 Ihe ciincilialKin of the people (Ch TROUBLE AMONG THE IRISHi Eviilcoce Before Ihe ComRiibsiuo a^ to llie Ktrry (Jutrafes, QEITING DP THE " TIMES" lie Cause CASE. A Nationaijt^t MPs to be Prosecu'.ei Murder Verdict, A l.iin.ion cau!i>3»\-: The 1 tuniinatiou of wiiuesries from (,'.)Uiity Kerry wan con. tinned al the sitting of the I*ariit;.l Com- mi-nioii y -I. rday. -Mr- Lioi.ard, aj;mi of the cat»tes of the K'»rl of K'liinare. ^ald the Lei»t.'iie waa ai active as ever. He thorouehly lUaajireed wiih the statement of Mr. Btlfoiir. ("hiif Secretary for Ireland, that the Iie»(;!iH ^t^'pljcg^ n. ininti of tiie part. In hia p*rt of Kerry the tifjht that the Leat;ue wan niakino was at itsliotlest. Th. I'laa of Caiiipaien waa all-powerful. I'"iirnierly a writ could be eiecuted by the aherilT with the aid of four policemen, but now four hundred soliiiera were retpiired. The members of the League met every Sunday after atlenduii^ mass to arraut;e the weeks pro^jramni. of rent resistance ami intiiiudatiuii. The resist- ance CKine from well to-do people. I'niil the year I.asl iln, ti-nantsliad been frieLidly, but after the Lt-aiiue was furtnsd they scoiYud at hiui anil the landlord. • Ill crosj-examiiialion the witness ad- mitted that in lartO It was necessary to ;iive tenants asaii-tance, as some of them were blue with hiin^ier. There were 2 000 tenants on the Keiimare estates. Two hniulrtrt of them, lhou>;h very poor, had alwa)Btrie(i to pav their rents. Since I '^.'lO the Karl of Keumare had expended t.T7!l,0U0 in thi* improvement of hiaestatea. His bill for labor now ainouulii lo £:-iO0 weekly. ( Inly auch rent was tiken from or tenants aa lliay could afford to ^ive. itiie^ia di.i not feek to collect rent from persons blue with himyer. and the law waa inver eaforced si;aiust tcuauts of that . la.ia. 'i he court a.ij luri ci. 1 lie clerk of the commission hsnieii to I'.d'.sard HarriiiKton a atimmons lu pay a line of f'lOO which the court hai iiipoaed up n iiun for conienipt. Mr. Ilirrinoton atati-sthat he will ill t pay the In. 1 ami i; - lends to ijuestiou the ri^tit of the cjitiruis- si.in to enforce il. A last (Wi'i.nesdav I ni;;ht's Loinion cable aavs At the meelii.e of ihe I'arnell ("oni inii-Mou to day (ieort;e I'uriiD cave the detaili of the iiiurdi r 111 his fuilier. After the iniinier the I'urliii fiiini'iy were biiy - (•olU'ii and their male servants wur" com pelleil to leave their aervicr. On cross- examiimlion, Ciirtin tostilied tlial 1 c wa^ a meinUir of the League when it was tirst oieani/.ed. His falbir was \ ice rreaiiient of a branch. Witness had no reason to ll. lieve that the League was implicated in the crimes aeainsl hi> familv. Varioas bran.:hes of the I.ea(;iie had denour.cca the iiiunler of Ilia father. Miaa I'lt/inaurice, another witness, de- posed lliat iu .June, Iss'. a letter nieied by a man named Howlint^, Secretary of a branili of the I,i anne, waa received hv her failur. re. inesiiii^ hnii to attend a imetit n. father di.l um i;o. .\fler hia the Mr, Sexton asked whether it waa true tbst Biven Irish members were about to be prosecuted, and if Bo, whether there wae any relation between the procecntion and th.di-lay in the debate on theln^h esti- niites. If there was not, he aakea if Mr. f^icith. the (iijvernmeiit leader, would i;ive liie »«-^araiico that the members would not be withdrawn from their Parliamentary lintiea nntil th» estimates were settled. Mr. Hnutli denied haviiij; an\ knowledge cf the prcsecuiiun. lie certainly desired the m»'mhers m remain until ihe c-timatea â- Aere considered. The \'aiicaii baa ordere.i the Bi-nop of Ka|ihoe to recall father Mct'aii.ier, who la al present leidurin^ in Loriion, to hia pariah dotK-s. .\ coroner's jury at Milton, County Cork liiH reriitered a verdict of wilful ii^.uroer «^'â- ^ir.3t Coiittaole Bwiiulel, who fatally ataubeil I'atnck Ahern duriDt; a coi.:!ijt bi-twi en the people nud the police at tiial IK( Wl Munlcaland I>ramtlic Xotes. Her |»iiple's deiiuaiicr lowar.i her father chansied, and hooblaiiie.l police protection. \\ itne.-a cave in detail the facta 111 i-onnec- iiiin wiih the shootmi; of her father while ' br«_\a in a perfect octave ; a be waa on hia wav lo attend the Liat(Vwel j in a descent on iho ('hroniatii Mr. Walter Lennox, jun , representing lira. Lan^try, is in town making' arran'.;e- ments for that la.U a appeariLCe here. llullman, the bov pianist, haa recovered hia health, bul will not reappear in pubiii; for eoiue time. The expei'tation that Madame .\iieiin» Patti wui lake the part of i/in'o.T, iu the forthcotnins; performance of M. tjotinoa 1^ " Kemeo et .Jiiht-tte. ' at the Ciraud (.>per» is causiuK a ertal stir in I'aris. Twenty pounds ia said 10 have been offered for »r. oriheatra slall, and some eiilliiiaiasts have eubscribed for the whole year in order tc obtain the right to be preseut when Tatti sings. Sir Arthur Sullivan received a few days ago a letter from the Dnke of Kdinbargh who had, ny rii|aest of the Sultan, jent Several selectionn of Sir Anhar's .ipe.-aa for tiie Sultan's band- It apjwarfi that tht Sultan waa bo pleased witn Ibe music that he asked tlie Duke of Edinburt.!' to aO(iuaint Sir Arthur with the fact that be has been decorated with the Order of the Medjideh The <7ij,''m,'i. .V. .1 is authority for this little bit of personal hi-lcry r.-;;arding Mary Anderson: " Notwiihtiatiding her fali^uitio evening's work ami the com parauvely late huiir at whi-h aha is able to I retire fur re.-i she tipvir fails to attend " J o'clock iiiaas c\ery mcfiiii g. She t^oes lu dress plainer than a shop girl's, and can only be ciistinglli^hpd by the rapt eartust- neiis of her (isveiion. How sweet ami purt a lily in the dramatic garden of passion llowera â-  " Eugene Oadii;. leading tenor ot the Mc- CaiiU Company, is com posing the score ef a new np.-ra. Those who have heard the nunibeta already tinished are enthsia-tic over the beanly aud grace ot the nieloiier and the skill aud originality dis[.Iayed in ihe Belli 111; of the eusetiibles and the orches tratiun. The highest priced singer at the Trench Grand Opera ia the baritone I. asalie. lie gels ^17,1'ilM) for an eiitagement of eight months. 'Ibe contralto. Mine Richard coni(< noxt with SlOiHUI. Kacalaia, tenor Milchisc dec, baritone . .lean de Keeks. tenor; KiL de Keske, baes, and Mine. Kscalais. soprano, follow in order. l\Ime. Mauri, tlio ilaiiMiise. gets S.s OOO. A ciiriotl" pap. 1 by an Knglish organist ou " Meli>d> 111 Speech " aeaerta that a cow nicos m a (erfeii I'lfth and octave or tenth a ilog tiarka in a tifth or fourth , a donkey horse iiM»;hi= scale. l!ach I'air 111 .laiiuarv. On ore wiineaa stated that In r father and ancle bad iiiMiigretil reape.liiie the farm on wh i.h lii'r fallicr real.ieu. ami the people si led Willi her uiii'le. She knew the League had been auppresaed inl'.iiiitv Kerry. Coiinael for the I'sriellitea here read an article piihlishe.t in the Kerry .sVnf/ne/ exaininat ic>ii ' person has hia fiindainental key, in which he generally apeaks, but which he often trarmpoat s ins)ni[athy with otht r vciicec" or when he is eviited. The little pianoforte "prodigy " Otto Ilcgiur has been apciuiing the last few months at hia native town of liasle, dili Bently studying under I'mfeaaor Hans inatani'ii mu>-l The remaina to the morgue be held to I'inc •â-  inKK.Ns <»K 'I'm: kii %i> •• T»i. Illrl lliHKo rliliKea Viie»|ii< Iriiiii i> KlIIIHIIH .litll. A lliiti'liiiiHon, Kan , deapati'h aays: The two female lioree IbteveH eacapieii from lail last night The Sheriif of Hamilion (!iiUiily waa 111 Newton, Kan., on other bllaineaa, and had left the keya to llie jail in a liolel. Some one got tlm keys, let the lliievia out and then rottirinil the keya. Ilia ,i.\ will ka allien thoae ilaruig "(Juei.|ia of tliii Koad" earned extended notoriety by Ibeir bold attempt to steal a velii le and team of lioraea. Thny had been steal lug liinsea for a year, hivving run oil with thirteen. The girla are of a daahing type, both bloiidea and liainhiome Ida aaya ahe ia the daughter of a I'liihidi Inliia miniatnr, and I'.niina claims to be the daughter of a wholeaale nlothing dealer ill Hoaton. 'I hey Blood conliiiemenl in the little Weaterii jail with an aaaumplioii of •' don't liare" wliiidi would have done honor to tho most liardoned frontier horao thief. ilow 11(1 Gut Ahead. Kililor Society .lotirnal (lo reporter) â€" Mr. .Iliika, the directora have ordered me lo raise your aalai-y. Voii bring in more society acandal than all tho other reportera put together. ilinka Thank you. The advance will ho handed over to my wife. It is hera by right. Kditor How ao ; .links Hlio ia aecrotary of tho ladioa' »nti gosaip clnb. - (.'urdinn. ('apt. Jamea Hrooka, oominander of tho fltflamship Arizona, hai oroBsedlhe Atlantic I L.ird Haudolpli ( 'liurcliill aaid iliiii tb.i aatii-rlioii that the Hill waa iiilrodiii'i il to iiiablii landlorila l.i aell at intlated pinca woul.l not beare.vaminatniii. The I'arnell Ilea know that iiilUtniii did not exial 111 Ireland, but very much tlin reverre. Kegai.liiig lb., national aentimeiit, he ap pealed to Mr. rariu.ll In aay whal room iliere waa for romance iu dealing with a matter of fact, the advance and repavnieiit of iiioin.y. (Hear, hi.ar ) Had Mr I'ar iiell any alternatui' Hill' Would he aiiii- port Ibe prmciiileH of Mr- lllad.itoiie'a Hill of Is.si; â- ' i:\lr. I'arnell hern ^;avo a nega- tive .shake of hia head ) Then, what oilier Hcheme .' Mr I'arnell I would accept the Hill if tile iliaadvantagert coiinecled with it were modiliiid by dealing Willi arrears. Lord Uaiidolph, oonlinuiny, Baid ho tniati d that after the recent apeechea of the MiiiiaterH the (ioveviiiiiont would bring up llie luriara i|uestioii earl> 111 the fulure. In the meantime ho could not Tuliiut that coeriuon militated against land purcbaae. ((!lieerB ) How could it impede friai action on the part of either landlord or tenant,' (Hear, hear I .\s a linancial opiiration the liill c..riamly waa not good enotigb. The mciirily for advances was totally iiiBUlli cieiit, hilt the risk might be worth incur- ring when limited to an advance of tun mil lions, which would not he tolerable under a largiir scheino. ll would never do to make llie State the imiiiediale landlord ot tho Iriah temintry, I'he preaont meaaure would not apply to more than "J^'i.OtlO hold iiiga. It was not likely lo bo a danger to the State, though probably it oould not he aafely extended. (Hear, hoar.) The Mill passed tho second reading by a vote of •J'.l'.l to'J'21. Mr. rarneli haa given nnlico that he will iii'.vo thiit the Comniilloeon tho Aabbouriie Hill ho empowered to iuBtriicl tho Land (JomtniHaioii to deal with arrears when fix- ing iiidicial rents. Kir William \ ernoii lUrcotir^ in tho oiirae of the dchato, oriticlzod the (lovorii meiit's antion, and in nonolnsion said lie believed tho Uovoriiment would iliid when they had to render an acontint of these ad- vaiicea to tho eonntry that thoy had never made a prnpoaal more damaging or diaas- troiia to themaelvoB. The Uadioala oonlinued tho dehato, 00m polling Mr, Smith to carry a diviaiou by cloture. •.iiideinning the Minrder of Kil/niaunoe, • llnher. with the object of iiicrea»ing bin and recreliiiig that the Leaeue had tx-eii 1 repertory of claimical ninaic. which last i-iipprei-ai (I. Mild Ibal the bei'.eticial etTt .'la Hsanon was Bonievvhat reairu'ted. Last which aroae from the orgaui<;atioii hud been week he t;ave a n'cital at Haale, and fairlv liMl. I aatonishod bia fellow tow'iisnieii. He lii .•\ last (Friday I night's London cable say « : ' expected on this iiontinent next year. .\l the Hilling of Ibe I'arnell ("ommiBKion xo itay Inspector of rolico Hiiggina teatilied conciriimg otitrages at ("astle laland, ooiinty Kerry . Sir Charles Ituasell objected to the wit- neaa giving evidence regarding niattcrs hevond bis pi rHonal knowledge. I'rcBiding Justice Haiiiieii said he adiuiiieil the reports made by the police at times for what they were worth. I he witnesR, remiuiing, (|tioted front atatiaiica which showed that from Novem- ber, l.aa'J, to September, ISsl, li'.O outrages were committi'd. On croas-exainination, the witness said he lielieved that arniera' sons initiated tho otitrages in orderto evade the pajinent of rent. He knew of twenty bogtiB outrages. He waa not aware that men had connived j to damage their own property in orderto stHMiro compeiiMation from the l^hiarler Sea- aiona. He did not think that all the out I rat:<ia were due to secret sooiotios. Homo of } them were the result nf family ipiarrwlH or | of private malice. He had ooniieoted the League with moonlighting, beoaiiao prior to' the existence of the Leagno Kerry had boon j peace:'iil. Mr. Keid, one of the counsel for the I'ar- | nellites, asked, " What ia your ground furl assuming ibis connection?" Witneasâ€" A. every meeting of the League landlords and haililTa were dcnounci'd, Aa a conaei|iieiice, bolli ,-' ibeae claaaes la'cniue unpopular, and nearly every man who haa been miiriiered belonged to either one class or the olher. Mr. Lockwooil. one of the I'arnellites' ootinsel, then asked the witnosa bow lon^ he Inid been euKagod in gotlinj{ up a case for tho /imi'.v. Sir Henry ,Iamea, onoof the cminael for tho 7'iHii'.«, objected to tho nueation, where upon Kir Oharles UuhhcII exclaimed warmly : " We charge and iiileml to prove that the whole exe(nilivo authority, even including the resident magistrates, ia engaged in {jet ting up the Tiiurs case." The '.vitneas then denied that tho 7 um < had employed him. On redirect examination by tho prone cution, the wttneBS slated that no case of bogus outrage had ever been returned by the fiolice aa a real oiUragb. It ia announced that Aleasra. John O'Connor, I'inuoano, Shoehy. Mayne, Con- don, I'atriok O'llrion and Tanner, all nieni- bora of the Iriah Nationaliat party in the Houao of Oommona, will bo proaeonlod for intimidating rentera of evicted farms To Hny l'Mnn4la. .'V l>etroi( despatch aaya : An In dinnapoli^ despatch to a aenaational even ing paper says an intimate friend of den Harrison aays he, like all rresiitenls. wil! i1(>aire to do sonietliing that will give hiii .Vdniiaist ration a prominent place in the history of hia country, and he haa rca.-nn ti believe that one of his tirst ollioial acta will be Ihe nt^jotiiition for the annexation of Canada. The (ieneral behoves the I'nited States can and should receive Canada in this manner. Ilisidea is that the territ .ry can be annexed to the I'mied States h\ asHuminK C'anada's debt. If the territory cannot Im" asaimied for that (Vnsideratuni (ien. Ilarriaon wnuld favor paying a con siderable bonus, ll ia understood he liaa said privately that the surplus in Ihe treasury C(-iiild not be spent in a better manner than by buying Canada. He heartily approves auch a move, and will .'JO reootnnieiid in his lirsl mcsaai'o toCongreas. She Kooletl with Kproa«n« A ,ipi>ci»l from Geneva, N. Y., tells the followiinjBtory : Mrs Carl Hardeck kiudleil a lire thia moriiiug. It did not burn fast enough and ahe poured kerosene oil en the lUiiie. The resiill waa an cvploaion which scattered the burning oil in every direction. The huahand and three children, who were sleeping in an adjoining room, were awak eneii. Mr. Hardeck beoanie so frightened that ho mistook a window for the door and dashed through it, cutting hiuiaelf in a horrible manner. I'he family were tinallv reacued af li r being terribly buriiod. The woman will die. I.ieut.-t'ol. BiiUer, oomnnuiding tho L'nd Hattalion Uillo lirigade, svaa fatally injured at Woolwich on the Sth inat. by ar\>pping out of a railway carria^je on the line in- stead of on to tho platform. Col. Uuller served with distiuclion in Iho Xiilu and lilgyptian wars. ('onju),;al lovo cannot be preserved in family jars. TiiKuE is aaid to be Kindred blood in the veins of JotTeraon Davis and Uon. Harri- Mon, the new I'reaident of the I'nited States, resulting front nnmerona inter- marriages between the lUrrison and Davis faniiliea. I I « • Miaa Georgia Il»venix)rt,governee8 to the King 01 Spain, in a young Iriah woman, hired to avoid olfeudinj any political party in thu Uouse ot Ooininons thia evening in Spftin.

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