Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1888, p. 3

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CURRENT TOPICS. "BosE ohin%," the very finest aort.whijh «<»ne8 in Minton, Wei^ewood, Crown Derby, Roy&l Worcester, in fact, all the beat maktfS, ^eta in name from lb< fact / that pboiipbale of lime from calcined boccfl ijo«fa into 119 composition, ani h>-lpa not a httle to prodcoe ita creamy, tracalaceDt acd ^ velvety i^lazj. So few are the Ga>ek paintictja wtich have sarvived that intereit will be fek in a re««nt discovery at Eleoiiis of wall f aint- iogs, »mM:j whioh Jf piter euthroo'id can be ccaic au'. h^via,; a sceptr-j in fae left hand aula Victory in the ri^t T'bey are loppoAfrd to belong M the pencd of Roman doniiiiatioo. Trii case of • Christian biabcp abac- doDio^ hii creed to embrace lalamiHm ii rare. Such an apostate id Moosi^or Kan- kin, Armeniin-Greiiorian bt^kop of the nnited diocese cf Y'lr^ah. Artakia and Utradch, m Asia Minor. He has asdaned the name of Aohmet Mukbtar and bis mother, wbi folkwi^d bis exacaple, is kneivn as Kaimah Maisire. WuK-N a defecda:.t in Eosdnras is dia- satielied with the tindiog of a court he aometimes doec not wae(« E!>3ney on as ap peal frij a hitihar trit^unal. Tbas in Leimis- tan, Hondorae, not loni{ %ex Don Salvador Pare Ifs.beia^ wo-ated to lie extent of SlOO in an as-iuinpsit case t^oa^ht by L'on Desidirio l'*i. immediately shot the jadge dead. A nv:ii of the late Ncaian MacLeod, ex- eaated by JCr. Ilatcbisoo, U. S. A . is aboat to Oe placed in the corridor at Bal- moral, besides that of the late F.-incipal Tallooh. Both of these illastrions Scotch men were favoritee of the Qaeen. It nae of Dr. MacLeod she wro;e lu • Oer Life in the Hi»>hlaDds" wheti referring to berfiret visit to Balmoral after ihe death of I'rmee Albert : " He a poke of the Fnnce eo nicely and prayed for us eo kiadly that I ielt a lamp in my throat." AcoouBiK. to L Imiuttnc- P<m>(frmf, a laondryman n the viciLi:y of Paris kas discovered a very in^nioaa method f •leaniii); liaen withos; soap. He mea no soap or lye, nor cHorice, bet replaces these sabsu.nc«s by be tied potatoes, riih wbi jh be rcbe the lioen. This canons pro- sees, it appears, is iiMi::h saperier to those bitherto eiuployed, and the worst sciled eettoQ, linen or eilk, olt»ane>i by tfcis me^od. ikre made whiter than they ooald be by Ibe aae of an alkali. Ha. F. B.U'En BE>n>:u, thePrf eidtit of the British rbarma»>atical Conference, adopts and recommends the following' plat: for the " happy di8{«aicb" of r-onlir). A I lartje wid< moath<^<i ctoppere«l bcilte is kept charije^ witB ac oiaoe of chlorcforn; When a cbKken has r.>ceived tienteD'.'e of death, it is held tirmly under tte left aric and its head slippcoi ia>i the oaoaih rf the bottle. A (>« dcief ins|.nrati«ns fsllow, and the bir^ wiih^xii c 6tru«(«;k biM>jnies UBOonscioas. Theu, ho^dinjj it i>y the lesis its neck is d.jlocated bf a >|aLok siretoh. The plan is so s:c]t{Le that B mi^Mt be geaerally adi^'ted. AcvoiunsM to the fo!;owine etat^stior Prance mast ^-^ t>t.'<.-aliariy ble«»<i w.ih a kealthv cliin»:j. The number uf ptrsons io eaoh 10, (XW between »s>-s 1» ani I'O are : t'runoe. o.:C3 , Ili'Ilatid. t >.»^4 ; Hwcdoii. 4 :lVt '.irt'*! Uritttiu, I Tl^ ; Tinted Btates, -I ;^'.w. Xtie hutieel »v-r»t!t' »i;»s of the livi'i; are France il.'ii) . HoUand, 27 76; S*i'den. 'JT.lk; ; Great Britain. â- J6 05 ; I'ulted Ir.tates. 'Ji.O; OtK of every baud red ieathi". thoiw of persons ovk i.j »re :5>i in i'r«iiit ; Swiix-vUiid. 54 linij. lauil, 30; I'l iiiim, it. rrii-s;a, ht . .Austria. 17 IVatce has tt>< loweec birth r»le. whu-li .•. J.l ,- to a lUkUsau-i '. reat Uritain. 'i\ Germany. :Vs pR. E; »isv W. Hksii-. a well kujwn statistical aoihorilv. has wrhten an article pa the rail*»\8 of the l'ii:;e.l Stales, in which he poiuis out Lhat the 1 ~>0 OOU r.ules M railway m tke luted States embrace out>-leiiih of the u»tu"u»l »'««',lth. or cjoro than that of aa our mauufactarers, and thai the vtarly srosJ earuii-i-i if over }900 OlH) dOO are more Vhsn three tiiiuw :he entire appropriat4.<ns of the national Gov. ernuseut, *hile tbo euiptovces atcetd Ihr-e- .'luaricrs o( a luilLkjii of men, or uiore than any staudiii^ army iu Kcrope. Ac-<-oii!'iMj to a oacrespondeut ^n the Saa Francisco Ckri'tiu-^t (be btvl blac^et in th« world is woven by the Navajo Indians. " These blankets are uuiqoe and :;urioas, as well as durable, anvl benoe tli-ir great price. The Navaj les rttise thf^r own sheep, and the wool is carded, span »ud dyed by themselves. The very tiuesi blankets are ma<le, however., of threads raveled out o( tiue wooUen cloth, called boletta, which they set from Old Me\ico at (fi a pound. A tirst diss blanket of this material would take a year's labor, and is worth as much as JI.SO. An inferior grade may be had as low as 120. Germaa- lown yarn is used for the commoner sorts, and a very tins article it makes. The cheapest kind may be had as low as t3, or even il c'O. thoagh it lakes three or foar days to weave one. The chief, bat by no means the only, merit of this blanket is its durability. Some are known IS have been in constant use in Me.\ieaa heases for seventy )ears." TuK (jround on which Philadelphia i bailt is claimed to be one of the rioh(SS gold fields iu the world. The only diffi- eolly IS that the tield cannot be worked. Nearlr the whole city is underlaid with clay to the depth of about ten feet â€" an tire* say ten miles s.juare. A cubic foot of clay, weighinK 1-0 pounds, taken from a depth of 14 feet when the cellar of the I'iih street , market was excavated, was praoiiosUy m demonstrated to contain seven-tenths of a grain of (!ol<t. or one pound in 1 234,000. The experiment was repeated with about the same results with olsy taken from • $ brick vard in the subnrbs. Snpvxising the whole mass of clay to be 4 IS i.OOO 000 pounds (snd it w really much grealeri. the amount of gold wonld reach in valne the enoriiioas sum of Jliti 000 000. The gravel is muoh richer in gold thau the clay, but there is not so much of il Undoubtedly |3W,l.HXV000 worth of gold lies within fifteen tert of the sutfaoe, and still it CHO'JOt b« â- sed. A isPOO.N-FfcU HUBSC. <Jue«r Injury to a Valtiiible ADlmalâ€" Fed Lilts a Baby, A pare white Arabian mare that is being fed a iiQ a spoon is one u( the cur;o^iiies that ex ;iiea the ictereat and s> mpathies of tne hursemen of Moutgomtrry Coujjty. he animal belott^^ to J^^n M. Wilson, of Norristo«n, aod it is svfferiLg from a meet GIVIXQ TO THE FOOB. DesradiDK KTects of PTiblic Charity â€" Louduli'it Vodes of Keli«f. Those who fe interested to examine I tlAKlJS AT M ILMO.Si IKES' UK4VES An Oi'cnpaifon That fiiveit Hiiny Detectives Constant iLuiplujuurat, " It's an ill wind that blows nobodv ^iu^ulsr fractnre of tCie JKvbone. Tbe law." See also otber encycio^-eoias. luj'ury is known as a fractnre of the lufcrior maxilla of the lower ;tw-bone {jobterior i-o the incisor teeth. Both boDes «f tne auinala i«w are broken completely cff, and tCe lower portion of the J4W is now being helj lu place by a mask of pliable copper, linea «»;:: cotton. The case IS exciting wide^^p^ead interest among Voter iuar> surgeous. The accidect to the animal occurred last Sunday nii^tt. While tied with a inker m its stall at Mr. Wilsoe's stables it broke loose, and, while mingling with the other hor-irs, was ki.kt^ the ecoiicmic reunite of giving to the poor ' good," sail a «eU-dresced, actr.,:. locking in Knglacd, Scotland aud Ireland wi 1 young baeioess man tce other day. " Muw, find pleni;. of books an ;h- subj-ct. The .it may sound straLge to you. bat the rob- " tincvclu^a^iia B.-iiannica ' contains a bery of Stewart s Dody cas txren of threat good artiUc uncer the beading " poor : benedt to me and a great many other pec- pie whom I. could i.amii. rcjuarely on the front of the i»w. Lr. H U. Denglcr, a veterinary surgeon reciiiog la Korriatown, was suoimooed, at.d he found that the j»w was iwuted to one side, and the animal app^ar^ to be suSetiat; but little pain. Alter an examiaatii>a of the Iractufa he reset the broken bones te<nporarily. and applied a trusS to the The Scotch are proverbially thrifty and " la what wav ? ' ii,j aired '.he friend to economical and \et they have been Ce- whom the remark was addressed graded by the poor law of l'-4.5. In acme | " Weil, it cpened up an entirely new line psris uf Scotland there is ten times the : of bueiuesa and created a Jcii.tnd fcr my poverty ibere is in Ireland! That law i ti^oods in a ja^rter that I had :.ever thuugbi gives more relief than England's, and the ) of before. You know I xiLufaciare eiec. mone) h regsried as a nice gift. Those tricai watch clociis c!esit:.ei fi,r Qee in who h*d saviL^s in- bunks transferrt'l factories ai.d other larae Duildiugs where them to others. Cartful investitiatieE. watchmen aie employed. Well, c.er since and evea the labor test, aid LOt qu^ll the j the Stewart gra\e rccoery ihf.^'? has been a applications in any such manner as did I demand for these watch cioks m every tne Irish workhoute. Matters came to ; part of tne country for use in cemeteries, such a pass that the fishermen of W;ok i Tee grave >f aearl.. every rich cr pubi.c could not get their nets mended, th-ir man is protected in some such way, and I former assistants s»>inti th»t taev coild | could tell yoa of traves that are watched get a living e»sier from the parish. I nignt and day by private walcCmeu. In Ireland there is very utile out door ] â- â€¢ Tbere's V.k::drcb;ii s grave, for in- rel*cf, the proportijo of Scotlaod being i ttacce, down in the b.g mausjlecn: on "I sold them two of my one of which is piaced almost reversedâ€" a.e in Oo.-r ifl one out dscr pauper. In spite of IreiamJ's unjust land e\sieni and nit.b recta the whole Q>»re's he»'l, acd th-.-:. b»nda«;ed it tightly. | R-.i^iber cf her paupers does i.ot an. unt to On Slouday Dr. Detigler tel.'graf^i ed to C. J. Blank, of Eastos, and J. Kciutiart /. Eeelor. of Harleveville, Montgomery County, two veterinary surgeons, with whom he bad a consult iiion. They made an exhaustive search of the arct:ves of animal 'fractures, but ' "}ald not hud a similar :;a8e to the one they had ttnder dis- CQssion where betfc bone^- of the i*w hfcd been broken at the same time. Dc. Deogler then permanently set the broken jaw, an entire day beic^ spent :a the operation. The oopper mask is k:;pt tightly pressed to the aeimal's bea^, and its lucut^ :s kept in a budget "f water to redace the swelling in the ;»w. T!»e mare le if.-pl in ehugs, which are uecurely attached to the roof of the stable, so as te guard a^iaiuet her !>ing down to go le sleep. The canvas ^ings w: ; be kept abaot her body fer about four wetf-Iis, by wfaiab time Dr. Dengler •ntici- pates » marked improvement in the frac- ture. Punnji that time it w.vl be im^wssi. bie f jr the ininal to take ordinary tiour.sh- tneut, andehe will bf kept on a ciet of milk, eg^i, oatmeal, butter acd gruel. This d4ei will tw admintdtete 1 wi:h a spooo. as ttts mouth is«pec but little more ifaan an iiioh. The animal u in a comf.:rtable position, aad it is believed that b'- careful a-ursing and skilful surgical treatiuent she will recover. â€" I'hi *ifiphia i'-ecord. one halt tnts? ol Loodon alone. The Irish ^ill suDmit to every privation rather than let friends go to the workhooee, which is the legal mode «f relief, and is Qui a ccarit<. In London many people get reli'-f who coald do wTtbout it, and consider it no dis grace. ludjetr-., ecOLoniy temperance and self restraint would eeable most . f them to take s»re of thei»»elves if t.>. ev would. Henoe the workhacse is a nee s. sary restraint, oeing uncomfortable oc ev-.-n dist^racef ui. They thertfiwe shun it. If they may eat without work m some oth-r way. they will ; if not. mar y of iben will work. Why are these people in such con- ditioc ? It is a dntv we ewe to sot'iei^ to INDIA-NS >'Or DYISG OCT. Th» Chief of the !>eneca* Before the Anlhropol<iCisl#, .v-u: i'jri Tinu'- . The Rev. W. S»:;boni, of Locktort, wno combines with his par- ocnial duties the faucii0L:8 of crief of the Senecas, at :^e Canandaigua Reservation, gave an interestir.ti talk a: Cooper V aa yesterday afternoon, Oefore the New York A-'ademy of .^'itnropology, concerning the manners, tra .uocs and growth cf tne In- dians. The aoot ilnes are nut ayiug out, said he, bat have oeen :ncreas:ci thruujih- â-  •at the country at the rate of "iOO } early, acd they now untLb-r .-iOO.OOO. Their first contact w: h civ!li.iatioo wis b^s!hting. like a sudden cnacge from hot to coiC. t;::t by little and little they ar.- iearning to ippre- ciaie the comfort it bring«. Mr San- born spoke more pariicularly of the Sii NaiioDS or the Irt^iUi .s Confed- eration. They not ocly drees in the niiDcer of An-.eri.:aa crizv-.s. bit have mscy of their home comforts. Mr, San- born attired ni2i»ei! in the g'lrb of a chief, worn onv on state . .â- '•aaicns, and the ladie-'had an cpo'.-rtaauy to inspect the really handsome Oea.i wcri :n tee buck- skin ,-rlsin. saoh. grea'-'es ani moccasins. An Indian couple sang wr.h him several h\ ncns That had been recaoed to writing. Tnere are no labials la tne iaaguage, but it abcar.ds in grants. guttcra;a. the nasals, for seme of which special characters had to De invented. On the taoie lay a big ih'sih-boce and tibia, a powerftii ,»w bone ] ai d a large acd sir:i;*ia»., i - -- '\'... They were ihe relics oi an ludiiU chief foand by Mr. Sanborn m a bur;»l mound, twelve miles from Carandaig'ja. E.;:ently ihf ch. :cf was a man f brain as weil as of masc e. Several stcrics were t'old, ladicat- mg that the Indian is by no means as stciid as represen't'd, but is brijifit. keen and even wittv. Mr. Saabcrr. Oeheves in Staten Islaci. electrical clocks mside tre tomo and the other outside of it Everv rlfteen mmutee i a^h decs is .Islted 6> a Pinkertou d-tective, fvo of whom are â- coQstiLtly en t'iard. Uuc if these detec- tives patrols ouiaiJe tce tcrCJ whl.e the ether Is ijckerf in and si'.s behind the .roc Oars witB a l.oadw. repestirg r;-e on his knees ready for luotani use. It woUid be next to impc-siDic (or any robuer to g>-t away with thr rercams cf W.l.iam H. VanJer'oiit so loti^ as the tomb is p: i lected as It IS no*. The Picarrton men are hired by the year, ani the.-e ;s : .ite a little colony of them estab.iehed oown there on Staten Islaci. ve.-y near the mausoleam. I 9b;ni they keep eight or ! Fenimore Cooper s romantic ladians. and ten there all the time, so that those .n duty at the grave are relieved at fre vale, and are, therefore, not li lent inter, h.e to fall to show the reason cf his faith, read a pretty tale from the .l-«'i-'8 faLles cf the tribe. He prmsed their ncsfitahty and ascerlsin wh'jt ire their thoughts, w ':• it | asleep at their posts. It costs m^re to look liberality. The women stnll clung somewhat to their tradiuocal dref". but ttev are c-cctentei. for they enjoy tr-?same >'ji'jnR<i'i political acd social rights as tne men. I Courting 18 EC Ioc>;er done b> proxy, and I the women stiU hav? the riiihi to; p the itiestiec when tired of waiiisi for a lOver. after tue old cnan cow that he s lead than is spent by most men when tCeV re alive. â€" .V- If 1 -flc C-y^-^v-yiiirr, .V. < tbe motives rbat have led them lo such Uvea. If the result is tfcat the v ces and ioj istcces and pro^iwaiity of the rich have to rart ii â- '. ired such teea.ts. let it t)e ex- posed boldM and fearlessly. If injListioe m the wage system ani in lai>d tsi.ure is the cause in part, le." this aifi be pro- clftiiaeO. ' '/';.,"« H'. .^»it v.; '< i' 'tu-Vir j Bow the Tlui«Bt of iJuadru^Nrdi* Came >e«r A Mi>l!»l<: AT StASti. JO<<k.rU ItA-UONK's UKKAM. ^-i-"*-- UMthl Hv Kept HI* ^hin. The Mi»sissi['piati -eaij •â-  IV;wr. m try town some few years »i^o there Irved a man who o*B«d a small tv o story fratne house. In the iovper portioo of that huirbie strac- tore he ' kep' store.' and in an upper roam hr*rtoft,C»«.eT«....ndrheR,.n»(u.lerl« l>«siept O. e ni;4tit the boase was CIS- j Aw.i.^ with I â€" re.t. I >^«^\^f"i W b" °° "^f*- »'^'^ ",*"" ^'•'"'.â- ^ *^ I a while It at the owner wousd perish in tb« , A bold robbery and a temarkaile case I fi^^es. The fears were not ree .tied, how of premand jtt connected therewith o^'- j ev^-r. for the man awoke to the situaf.on carred veelerday. J.-'Sei* N. Mahotw, a | before the tJ^iring ou which be r. p jsed wss , iravelhug man, represcutint; one ..>f the I ^j^|f^,\ ^d. There was BO time fsr eti.i'dr«t*, | Urnest wkoleaaie urcocry housut' â- '! New | ,j<,r (,.,'r making arv eiabo-ate toilet. "He, Or.eans. was the - iciim, being roobed cf a ; ,1,; droD«ed oat of 'ihe wmdo*. cUd aciv $t«Mi>«dlos a t.''>ui;regi*l lou. At the 10 *0 high mass at St. Faa. s Cathedral yesterday morning, whiie tbe weaiihirr and taore preieuiious members ' Tecumseih. has b'-en of toe coogregati' :. were mlect on their " Aves " and " Uail Mtr\« and had thi ir mi Lids as nearly heaveniari as it is pos- sioie to get those cf the cromary mortals, a mouse, as innocent of fat as the contri- fcati-'a box was of pennies, crept oat from under the altar ac" reconnoitred tfceneiiib- bcrtood of the chancel with no satisfactory stcmaeb resaits. Ue was a traoiuocal COON. BKaK a>d uker »tobies t$«>m« Great ^|>orl in ttie Coanlv of Simeon. John Reynolds. I'ce veteran spcrtsniaa of un'tKJSoming himself to the tieetoQ H".-T;,i. Here are a few spe- cimen bricks Speaking of partridt'S, be s»tl that they Were not »c thick .^§ they used to be. Well. no. They were awfal thick ih.rty t.ve years sko round here. I remem'5er one fall 1 cad my gaa *:io me. a ma. .tie loaderâ€" tnere were no breech loaders in those daysâ€" ant I h.-.-»rd a par- tridge drunming near the creea. i -»» it t7ue \:M watch and chain, i'ni' in cash. three o4iej«es ag»,regatiai; {sum and valuable papers 1 0\eitaAeu when withu; tfcree miiosof Evtr- I green i»3« yeete^'oay â- â- vjuicg by a dark skiuued uMui w!>li a Small gripic his hand. I wno c.aiUKC to Ue returi.t:ig frt-m Anda- lusia, lad ^aid he h ad lo walk back to ' 'â- '. veratreen to take the c*rs hotue ' to MjbiK as his Lktzc kas takeo ock and died at Gsitt's ii.W. m \a a sbirt that was more resnarliabie for its a ctmaideratrte i brevity than lie cleanliness. The i--.oafnii ilaiiono was f »n<es m«de short work of the iioase, and the lackiess own t marched exciiediy among the crowd, cxclaimticig in agouLUuiC tones, as be nn/pre>i tile shirt " • This IS all I have iu tfee world 1 am ailerlv rKiuedâ€" ahis is all I have m tne WO'l t. "U-- repeated th s so fie;tuently that it bi'came w.^r:s<;Kie to more than cite <^t .ho route. M«»aoue leC him ride i. '<I . those setisitive |»e:p'e who reside m Tupelo, ,«"'•««•«â-  1"- charch mouse, and x sidelong glance at and was J3st drawing t hc-ad c. it wnec I him waj suSdent to saiisfv toe well de- hearl soniethir!; ben;.d it. A big Hoe le.-i _ cou.d give La.taras poms day that that .DltMlcal ever saw. Ikwn from the i kcrcd precincts of the aliar to where the si.rmishtrs for salvation were ienct!-cting and attending to the prescriptict s of t.'ie Church wandered the mouse, and the sti.l- n<*ss of lh;-j^s enco.ar»ft;ed bim ^^'l.ell r.e reacbeu tce h 'st ro* of pews ani arnbied towards one ^i tnem he not the ;t st .oe.» ol h»s importance. One of the most sedate and u.ira fasit.ona'ole osmes of the two Cowvn. and oi ey put up a: the dame hotel the sttaiigHT j-c.(i«te.ing as .Jaia*; romtrcy, ilohile. I'nou r-jtitidg the st-aciger called i T au ad}'iiuia;i rootE. When Mithoue awoke lu M'^' tno-'iiiug he found au empty totile Ut-tlicd ohlorofocm by .t,s pillow. Alahoue r-\lated the t'jicowiug story con- nected Witt the robbery : he says he n a mau of h'g-h nervous l. ttuvrautcul, and fioni chiiibood k«3 been atiected at inter vols bv a svracgu, seiir f 'Lscioa i, trance- ii&e aiT-ctio^ dcnug wlii.h he h.as vi>i.r.s i>{ different ocoarreuces wbi-h if. iQcir vivid and reait-tic appearances almost ptr- suade him of lie truth of the sc -ues. Ue was so »il ''Vxl on Welivcwiay. While lu a tra hi. ,. . bed. whom he recount. 'eo as himseif. it atv as if be had t-itber eyes to 3:;e. nore^rs wa.- a darkened room, tiid it appeared » J hear Saoh is Her M.t^s- . s wi-h ; (wr- to be night. By the faiut i;limm-r o( light i fcctly audereiood of lhv.ise wU live in her thrcughihe window hesaw a mui?ed tttuie ' viatiity and stuiioasly obeyed. You may siealinilv enter fcts room and at>>:ract a I be .going to dine at the castle that eve lu d ; wau h. monev atW oilter valuables from the | reason the more why you should sink into clothes haagingou a chair. The thief left the, «'^ esf'h scHiner thau put Ller ilitjc^tv rootr. He -ja* hitu go ctT. seemingly down , u 'â- ^' ccsipalsion t a railroad. Then it seem as though a sad litis ly one of them veiled out â-  ' If liiat s ai-i you have, (or heaven's ^ sake tear it of. trhro* ;i -ii lif hre. s-id , »»trts about h^'r kaees. mounted the stone start evan with oUe world.' ' â€" .Vew York , *hereon she Cad a moment before kceh. ai<d 10 a mouceut lacntent -she fori;ot the wb' ie si Id and i;ood people and. i;»thering h^r Xvettnc v!a««> ^ Iv'oriat I'liiMrarfa The ,1 iceu drives dtily. bat nevpr till 5 jd the atternooa, and thee, for the moet part, la h-cr owo or her nevgaSTs foritcs. »E i ujt on the huktroad. J d th; eti juette of D«<");ieis pe^'iiliar. W t.*ier n:»i by i latice meet the t^) jeen on these er-cursions w«ll do well to Ijcaave *s if he had not m-t h-»r. nor seen her. nor lei her se^ h; ii. H« I .\ tn jn dieu I the .'oriis of prayer ani sh reiif.raiion i.t.l »be ss* l. e ro- anotrter [e* whtre ka wilc of a pr.ttiineut pn' held a crc*< to her Uy* I laid her out on the ran. the h'ingriest There were t *c bucks with her. and cue stayed with the ioe lottg enough for tne to do fcr him. Tre o--her fellow made off. bat I knew he i cct:.-^ back, so I laid witting. Fresei t'y he cetres along ap-i-vir.; very cartf J :y and looktnii on every side of ':; m as a »c«rtd deer I let h;tn ccate , .^t sc far »:: I dc-.vn he went. They were so big we ccaldn t iet trai cut without CTttiag a watg'-'n road throa;,ii ire cash lo eat • Fretn c 'ci sh'-tt.;, v.- ;«.r hui Iveshot i'i trers wish • sh-'s .''ne fall, and si\ bears with sii shots. 1 ha-.cs good k.'aa and there isn t a ntiii Jtan t* tnc'iinada to day that can io »st;iv.i ^'l-lctl• g I can tell you when ve shot any i.::nt . i^t whtre I ve n;t bef'reycasee it. IV- • as-d to a holv eg -f under her breath replaced be awful thicK aroat.d h-re jnd I oeud I f'^f' ' tja-a tifcl rtc >1'. peiiJtd >e head li t!:e besu- jLCliP. wi'O rcpi- i ice croeG and gruceJuliy Out sj.tOcitiy e.-vnt-d her sdirts riih.er h;»;her tnia even I'.fs- b trg cross': gs rt.;;ire tsi a-.v lUr uce Itc i-iw plainly ou'iliretl before ! will g"t i.>ehind a rook or tree, or otberwiee . rtyom Witt a mac lying upon the »« best lie may make himself itivisi jle. and cloud pisstd over the scene for a moment and lit r*p;d panoramic succession he saw recc;;uii' your eiist- euee whea her soul loitgs lor *• nude. If. on che other baud, the I'ssser by be neither tourist ucr of sucb posiiioit as may entitle exjoiple becatiie cut'tic vouax womeit, doenitas. debdCanteS giris big and li a moiMoat t.Tere was '.veil : nothing but the mcti-e at retreat saved a bi^ feaiif: i-'.tthedral. - /â- ..â- .•. ..r : :.•â- .. js i.'id won ec. iuijy steel. •.â- â€¢*. si.c. in sCort l.r i.h a pan .-. acd .i 1 .s prtcipiiate ;? r» -^ from that llie Kill Wm t'M>.ed. An 6X metitber of the \';ri;f ;* State Senate told me the other jay o; *a laci dent in his lemdative career which I do not remember ever htnog seen in print before. A L Pridetti >re. not maiy years a»;o a member of the H.'use c' Ucpreseata- go cat St any tiaie ;d the fill aid have one in an hour. We had a.l A-e could tat and kept Bhe neighbors tu veni--cn too. The D k,i;-.'st dear I ever shol 'vis a big blicK bacd. It w»j ratnta^ *n i I h-»i tnv ov--. ci.At on wheu I ca.ne itcros< htai King as.eep la the bush. He hsd the 'ouest horns, in i I ve fien teen s- rry I aidn't keep ti e:u. 1 won I tell yo'i west he welched, you J think I w»s lyifi; Be»ra Used to be thick too. -It;.! Ive kt.ied hit^.ireds of them. I r-ni-- Vr cc, big frllo-v that had i.i«y ed ho»; »rcund. lied think n.nh::;,; cf c-»rry tn^; â- ' a pij; of .100 >s. I shot hi'U la the est Held oo^ 'M^ht. and it I was to mi : t.oa what il we took 1. vu him and what be weikhe^i vc* t call me what an old banter named Rollers did when I toll htm. Bit ilstt Beil hanled him hottie fcr tue ou a ; laiper and he te-li R 'gers he could swear to Us weiiiht. One f his paws cat c^c ose weiiched c'.^e pounds si.te â- ;â- ' was.' \ou can th...i5 what the party arrested stab theodioer.over^ ome , l"â„¢ to be known, but a giUie, or a grcK-m. Itivesfrom the Ninth Virginia disirict, w» by sbjietior uumbecs, coni tied in prison, j Of '•borer, the chances are that upon a tried for mardor. convicted, seuii-ed to signal froa the carriage the postilions will deaih and huug. Tils dreajii or oi'ision | pu'l up tbetr four smokiug ponies, and the Queen will ask a kindly laestion or two of tbe man about himself and his family. â€" >\'orcA UlUr ta tkf ISotnri IhraUl. £iade DO particular iGap^ressi<*u at the time c{)on tkij mind of Mr. Mahone, but was cveeined merely a vagary of tbe brsia . but since tbe robbery be r^valls tbe fact that the man who robbed him correspiouds ex- actly Willi the one be saw ic the dream. The room in the hotel and the other facts are exactly as they appeared. A part of the vision has come true, and it remains a matter of profound psychological iuierest to see if the remainder oomes to pass.â€" tlvergrfn (Ala ^ dttfauh to Cucuv»' u,'<>fe" Astecd with Hiu. Beggar (preliminarily) â€" " I've seen better days â€" " Busy manâ€"" Ho have I. Looks as if it had sella for an all day dri t.'le. Confound- edly unpleasant. Uot to take 'em as they come, tboagh. Tra, la, U." An investigation into the cause of a sudden fall in the Elkhorn river at Pierce. Nebraska, revealed the fact that a musk- rat had bored a hole in the dam. The steamship Tomeranian is atiU kept in the 8t. Lawrence by the ice. 'WiiKN a landlord lets a honae it is with the implied guarantee that it is not open to I the weather, and that the plumbing and I sewerage are uot defective. At least that .is the ruling of a Massachusetts conrt I whieh baa liiven juigmeut for So 000 against a landlord who let a house in which I the plumbing was so defective that the ^ tenant's family were thereby made sick I with diphtheria. The English military aathoritiea are get- ' ti.ig out a new drill book, which will show A â-  Old Man'* WUdeui. Enamored Youth itrving to soQud h'» girl's father)â€" " .\bout how mach ittcome should a voung man have to be marii.-d on. Mr. Ue Rich ' ' Mr. De Rich imeditatively iâ€" " Well I married on }tMO a year and was both com- fortable and happv." Enamored Youth (delighted i - " Indeed ? " Mr. De Rich " Yes. You see I married a penniless girl who knew how to econo mi-^e. but if I had married a petted ai d spoiled child of fortune like Miss Biuks, or Miss Flake or or my daughter for instanoe, I should have needed about Svi.OOO. Tluiely CaatloD. Jeweller â€" Y'es, sir : I will engrave any- thing you wish on ihis ring without extra charge. Yoang mau--Well. inscribe on ii " From George to Alice. " Jewellerâ€" Hem 1 The lady is your sister, maybe? Young man The fact is, this is au enKSg''ment ring. Jewellerâ€" .\h ' My jourg friend, I have had considerable experienoe in eniisge before he came to Washington, a member of the Virginia Senate Oue dav he intro- duced « Bill for the rtli-f of the sureties of H G. W»x. who was collector of taxes in Scott county He made a brief explaca- tiou of the Bill, and wben he sat down Edgar Allen, familiarly known as â-  Yankee -VlJen." who represented the FarmviUe district, rose acd said : I w.-i; to ft\ II Sir '*n.\ H.i. been t.\' 1a.\ In cei tvtiu*; iljf tft\ ' If siu-lt are tile facts 1 aiu wilimd 1 â-  relax Ati'l reu It tile tux N* hich tlte inw onsets Wi. ab>-'i;;d ix»ct Of his sureties. It is needless to add. my informant says, that the Bill passed by a uuanimoas vole. â€" .Vfv I'ort V'tbunt. ^ No Cur« Kor Uliu. Old Ladyâ€" Y'ou seem to have a cold, sir. Siranicerâ€" Yi s, madams. Old Lady â€" Well. I tell yon what yon do. Jes' go home and pat youi feet in a tub o' hoi water an' Stranger igrut'ly â-  â€"That's See advice to give to a man with a cork leg . now, ami It ? sai A Youug Mau'n Wue. This world IS a delusion and a \ a young traver.ng man toa con snare, t anion. â-  Waal's the matter now ?" â- ' I have been fooled again. Yoa can t j'd.ige saMhing by »t clearances, ca.n you '' â-  No. but what has set you in this melan- choly train of thought ? ' â- â-  Why. last Saaday I called on Miss Banksley and staved for dinner. " " Pidat you have a pleasant time ' " Extremely pleasant, but what lupreesed me most was the way Miss Baukaley »ie. She didn't touch a tbiog except a chicken wing. * biscuit and a Charl -ite Rasse. " Vaite spiriluelle." " I shonld say so. Y'ou can imajjioe the bold hardihood with which I asked her oui to lunch at the theatre last eight. Bat. oh. what s change ' " Don t say another word, old felloi have my deepest sympathies. Here s dollars, you can p'ay me when yon ready. 'â- â€"J/.'fc'ian.' T'-j. <â- ;,-. ,yon five TalklDf to the Kaby. It 13 a wonder that hrain fever and idiocy are uot more common nmoug infants when one remembers that ',)â- .' out of 100 babies are greeted with this speech, on which there is no copyright, seed after their arrival in the world : Wtll. well, wtll. It was a dfar, s'eet Louise Balfe maintains that trarriage ment rings, and 1 would suggest lh*t i he with handsome men is a failure. She has b'essii'g. darling baby, so it decs was 1 Does inscription be simply "From George.' | tried it twice, and has jusi cleared herself il waul to ky ? Well, il sail ky dees all it Then it will do tor any body. by law from boih. up my freedom again," she declares, pcsi Mr. Barrley, I would like to speak to »vely, "UDiil I am wooed by a man who you a moment 'on a subject ' â- â€¢ Some ' fo^'ceals his gcx>d jnalities of mind *nd other time. Don't vou see I am busy ? ' i heart behind a very ugly jurfae-e, Male " I see, but I must speak now. I want beauties are so egotistical, particularly if voor consent to the marriage cf your they are actors. " Miss Balfe is au actress, iaoghter to me. " " Go away at once; I Her ex husbands tire uood lookirjt fellows, And I will not k;ive , wants lo. b ess its own booful itiy heartums of il 1 What 1 would it^jucker up its itty moot to kyâ€" ky some more ' there, there â€" they booise it, so they dess do, and ihey s'ant booze il, no thev s'ant â€" b'ess tbe Utile sweetness of il ' Now s all it have on Its owu pitty dees ' Yes. it sailâ€" us own booful dieismus t.ih, wou d it "sv some 8«vrae changes in drills, 'Ihe book will be cannot be interrapted except on business and each wou Miss Balfe while playing the more ? Well, well, ky weel hard if oo want placed in use in Canada next season. of importanoe." lover to her on lhetat$e.s ' to ' There, there, there 1 â-  Ixnu.

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