KISS AND EMBEAUE, ( L UniUd Btati'B Politlcuu Fropoui'ii that Cuusir Cmada Bhall Harry Oouaiu JoD.almn. REBOLUTION ON POLITICAL UNION, A WaBliint;toii ilenpstch aaya: Mr. IJut- tiTwortli, ol Ohio, h»B introduced for refcrtiici) Iho follo»iii(< jciiii rcaolutioii authorizing! thi- I'rcBidtnt to iict;oli»to with ri'^ard to thu unity and asciinilaliou witji the Kiiitcd StatuH of thu Dominion of (Canada, or of one or moro of tho I'rovinti d tiicrtof : •' Whoreae, tho citizens of the Dominion of Canada are one with ub in race, lineaui'. history and tradition; anil whereas, the reeourciB cjf tho two countries siipploint-nt each other and thu arteriea of coniinircc, both natural and artiticial, aro no inter- locked and muttmlly dependent iijKni oach other that tbuy ou^ht to con- Btituto a Bint;le system to be one and inaeparablo ; and whereas, the commercial relations belwicn tho I niteci States and the llominiou of Canaila are and havo been strained and uunaturally cramped and in a measure paralysed ov. ma to thu inability of tho two Governnu-ntrt to establish enih a syBtom of internatiunttl trade and ccminercB between tlicm as is cBsential to meet the r((|uiremenlB ol the aitualion . and whireas, the conditici s and relations before referred to, as aU" tho tjeonraphy of tho two countries, Bui,'ijc8t the impnsuibility of a just and permanent Betilemi'nt of tho controvortiieH pertaining! to tlie li-hc-riea, boundary ai.d transion- tinental trade cxci pt by a MondiiiK of efforts anil interi«i8 under one govern - mental system, and point lot;i' ally '" ''"" necessity and probability of a unily ami ausimilatioM between llie two nations under one Govirtinient. " Wbcreart, aUo, tlie bciidti of sympatliv resultinnfrotn kin-lup, race, lun^uani'. ira dition and sut -itanlMl idi-i.tity uf ;;uvirn- nieiitalsyhtenid, totjither with a i .inniiiniity of interista baaed upon cc i:iiiH. no and its aida and anen< UB, i.n-(if --u. h a i-lmriirt.-r that suib union anil nH-iiniUti.m ii< b' ini; diaeUBHul and faveral)l> ri)ii3i,;i n d h) iiii /.eiiB of Liith natioiH, »iid nia^mni b « ii i- helievi-d that its curly (•..ii'iiinnnUi-.i would be of threat advimtiitie lo all lie citi/.ens and anl.jpcts of ibe t a â- ) couiiln. h. providiil IJH! fi\nH\ iiiii b. >\tliiin. .1 hi a manner com-i^iaiii ahk'' wi'li ti\,' Imi!' r and difiiiiy uf tbr rm.d >vw'i ni:ii Great llritain and i ln' l>i.iiiii.!i 'ii u! < iiiiid*. " Tbi-refori', wil'i a vi, vv I'l aid in llie conatnnin^tion of '--.hat irf b r- treated, l)i; It riHi.lM'il In lb- llou-i of 111 pre-ii i.lali'. 1 if Statu", in ( 'oii!,ri â- );• s.-^inib rreaidiiit I e, ani i.-i In !â- ••\ . n ornpuwiriil to ii;viii' n i^ aui i tile aHniiiilati'in «!â- i i-n people i/f the Dun !• i m and 111'' I t'lied ,--'."' -i 111"!- I (iovcrniMi-iit. HUidi unilv hi I ai-Kiiiii ni" i, to ' , '.»..' â- '. iii'on III!' a,l .-.I ii';i ,' ll oeireral ProviM â- â- .< i( lln' DoniiMin', "r uiiy one of them, ii lo tbr I ni'.n of Soili â- • i;|" n terms of I 'iiiilit \ wiili ilm m m ral h''iii m now cotnpii- iii^: the I i mm, an 1 ili'nuiit ij tion by Ibr I culni Slati.< • '. indebteilneiii of tin- iKiiMini n or a jii It |,r,'j.,,rli m il" I'l of. other eipiiinlili' liiiiiS an, I loi juBtii^u 111 till 1.1 'i oii,irf>, ipu; 1 demand. ••^nd riM.K. .1 ; to^ui'b rii;;' I n' â- • i thu ap|Kiniii! I I '. of I ' , CJovernniiiit-- â- i' ' â- •' I>uiniiiiun III ' 111 II 1 \ 1 doin and (o |.,- i n-n, \ jUHtint! all III o I whirl] no'.v I nieiita, ijuwn otherwiiie, bv tion as isliiTi'i tho wbnle iir viiioes of the i- tions to b I I'l II tile amicable tweelt til'itt Ilrttilii tei f.n- .~ 'nil.' •. r, I , .1, ll 'Vl •b.'ri ' of l';" lii'll t ''Ui'l'U. 1,1 "ill ll' . t.t •1 .. Ill ih. t ll r,( ititiii Kill ll" ull^l ll I till' M lit [ M'ltluit: ii,.l ml I iinii iliM M iii'i t 111,' I'.V.l ( I'll' 111 ; out i,f till' li-lirriiii III' 'I' ll a iiiiniii in. I lei 'iiiiiln I,' fill" mi^:,, "ll •l.i'illiiTii I I'l .,'i\ I'l-'iMii'-i' or St v'l rill I'ri it I i.'iiitniiiii. Kit ll iii'^utia i 1' !• ll Ultll H illH' n^HT'l 111 , Itil I'lttii vv hi' ll olitniii III' and thu oblit^at lb" r iji'd tli III'. "I ,^'.111, ii II, i, li.i ihil.M ilotl. 'iliiatur.'i I'ol iiimle ll i t nl "]"l liri- iiln 111 r M lrii,'"i ill I pant. rii'a I r. '11.11 iii.'.l ti up baihi I n SiiMiliii . ll .,f lb, ilv 11,1 .r r, .ill \ t 'lr.)'lil I III li.i lull* 1,1 111 rv f. r ili'li'i' 111 ri' <illl4Nl p KinK»tiin M- li il inlli- '.Mat ffir till' boll 111. . Dulfcrin Coiiiii 1 real oatali' rt ? ' it â- , Three ni'iv I'ln-I. iio ill full I.UmI 111 M Oollinxwoini harl. KMi'lii r tbiiM for , ^loiilii'il ban d' I I l,''l ill shopa ami pliotoL;rii| ii i^nlli O^iT lim noli.i "f i!.,' C. I'. H. Willi of I, I'a.liiii .1 r. â- â- »- )ie li\ |ii\v mal . i;' it the liiyeii.1'11 ( liief tive wfcili fur the i' pealid. 'I'lir ili'Mli rate of ia tiii.irniiiii.i, uiu.mi;! (,>ijile a iiiiiiilii r (f 1 searlet fnver aiiil di|ibr I, like ('iiiillir, ft bra N. \V. Duininii of the hia hand badli iriuilii week while «iiil|iluit; eain. IMr. 'I'. 11. Mi'i.nnl, r.uniiH'r.iiil imwi, r in tint (lolliunwooii ( 'elleiiiii,, Innlitnli', liiiH hfeii »|lpiiiiiti ll iiii • iiii'ii ml mill ilniiviiij; mauler in llie i)tiiiMi \iiriiiiil Si'hi.rl. iMj-. A. 1''. .'Viileii, 11 ,\ , r,.i iiierly iiiiiiliii niantiT of llii< III I Iioiiomi ( ,iIIi' Miato Institute, ia iiuiv I'l iiui jml of ilu, UiverdaU) IliKh H.dnml, III. At a lumliliK <•!' llm i'iiin;renivti,.ii i,f liniiifriea Ktreet rrn.l.ili i em Cluirili. I'aria, oil TliurHiiay iifu iiiuoii, nl wliirh ,nho liuv. Dr. ( 'oelii nil! pieai.l.'il, Uei , lOdv/ard (loukhtirii, M. A., of rxlirid^e, was nnanimoualy eliclid lo the pajlmal ohar)<u of tlin i:onnrt<Katiiiii. il'l III pri'.'ii'iit |ile eepi'i'iallv. H Ml tVpll.'l.l lllul 11 rill lire re( -.i ii .1. .' Illilll nil till' .',, ,\ I, I. mil '1 I null, ha.l .1 lit Itriiilfnnl llini Tnliliii; Tl^i« liy 111* li'iMeloili. " I say, (letita," roiinuliid a i dy nmii to a party, " I ain't no buin. 1 don t wiiiit no rnni, I don't *an't milliin' lo ual, and ( #)n't W(>iit no bed." " Well," miid one of the KPnUiinieii, " what is it you want , "' " I want," nald tli« man, " money enough to bay a nnow nhovol." Tho jnoney was oontributoil by tho " KontH," and llm seedy man was ••i>n twenty niinutps later buying; " aiiow shovels at l-'ifth and Vino. Oaietti'. ^ Do not bathe the baby oillier in th« hour jaat proMdiiig or followiun « weml. in asuhooner house (.'iiioiimn/t C'liiiwiirri'iii/ INSIGNIFICANT MIAUAKA .In Ciiliiimre.l Willi lli« â- .',000 lent Kail of the iiraiul 111 l.iil>rii<liii'. A i.niobee despatch aays : MarvelloiH Hloriea are related by the few Montaijnais and Naacopee Indiana who have peuetratL.l far into the inti nor of Labrador r< aptct inn a cataract bimath wliooe territie leap Nianara pali - into inoi;!riitii:ai.ce. I'.utone â- ivhite man haH ever aien theti- falla, and the Indiano' idias of niiasurement and iliHtBiicea are to linperfi i t thatevm whire tbiirstcnia ujjree it ia i .tceedini^ly dilli cult to deduct from thetii anytbini! like roiiible data. An e.\peditioii lately iindir- taken by lUr.dle 1''. lloline, l'. It. G. S., and II. Dull, fellow of .Ml Kouls' ( olle^je, O.xfoiil, to explore the interior of Labrador and inveatinate these falls), unfortunately faikd in its object, the explorers having been misled by erroneous calculations as to distanooB and the exact location of the cataract, and compelled lo return in con- si iiiancii of runniii(! abort of prosii-iora. They not BO neni to tho object of iheir ex- pedition, howevi-r, that thty were enabled, from the central conlit;uration of the coun- try, to form what must bo a tolerably cor- net intimate as to both the location and innnnituiie of the cataract. ThiB estimate anroB with the description of the Grand balls furiiialid by Maclean, wlnviMted them ill l-:'.'.i, and whoae further proMfcas into the interior was stopped by them. lie Hives the width of ibo river immediately above the falls at l,''iUO feet, but says that the cataract itself it not moro than l.'.O feel across. The beinbt of thu falls he tali- mates at -J.UOO feet. This estimate is ciiiiorEed bv a half-breed uaimd Kennedy, nut by i:i'i-sre. Holme and Diil! in the interior, and who, thirty years before, was in iharne of i'ort .Naacopee on Lake I'ct- rbikiipon. (Jne of the chief dillicul- ties enii, untiled by explorers desiioua of reailunt; the falls is the ubslinate re. fusal of the Labrador Indim - lo approach iheiii. Tbiy belieie tbi 111 lobe bauntid, and tbink it impossible to look iiiion theiii and live. Keniudy was conducted to llieei by lui old Iiuliannimed L'luis over the l-'ire. who, beiiii; an Irc'iuois, ilm s not share Ihi ..iipirilit mild belief of the Moiitatnais Nn- iipii -I. Mi-'.nrt'. Holme aed 1 'utl •...I r" prii" ipally i".i.-.|id by tin. errninoiia •ati 111, 1,1-1 HI 'I , all uUtloM I aa t.) di,.tani-i h .lull 11 Lr nil lliii-i'.-f " ni'l â- ipoll tlllH virlM â- 1 1.1 fii'.l-i i-i' I ll ", l.ivr. .J.h'b I' >ll\ ll,,' l.,t" 111';. 1'' ..1...0 l,',|.,' â- lt-,|f 11 11.11' i:,i.ii,.l â- :â- rill r loHll ik-li I 1 1 . f mil. r .'i I'll ll.ll. -. ri..f. 1. fl'.' II III I, ll-l 1 I Iiii liil ii.f ' . II (... â- , I I , 1 111. ! Ill . h. I I of y..,- â- 1 t.i ll';i.l 'I. |;'M I piiM.., .: Inill ll;> ill . , I .... ii'r. . V It 1..11 it ii"' ' I tvi 11 â- lb'' . I'l â- I â- .'|.| fell. On 11,11 .-MM of nuat III , 1 1 â- I I'l aiiiH, 111, ,1. , iif ll,.' liil.l : 1 II i\ ibi .'aril r I i i 1 tl... I â- . I I'.iiil. r I ,1.1.1 ; 111. Ihi-i lil.l.' - I 1 l! "X r â- '- .r Hill. I . 1 .,' i.i'.l' f l.lbr.. ' Ijil ol 1 1 iced i.,.| liv wli. n til I llh'V ." Ill f'lll-.. :.l I" l.ill tin .1 I I'll 1, 'll. Ill !s lbi. valid I'lrli' .. IP h 1.11,1" •ll-iili ' 1. 1 ll'iif. I 'l.,,,''i 1" k.llH I. ,|. f. il'.lii' I'l I ,..|m 111. .. -l filbi ki I ;i. ,11 i..|iri .iiiiltim |. I'l I, 111. an. I Ibi ill, 'I I.. .1.1,1 .. Iliii linii.l. I»i'. ,,1 ll I, 1.":: Ill 1 ,.l' I -ll. 1.1 1 .1). I I' 11... liiKi . i 1 • ll". Ii.i. I,- : -. .f iii.'.i;." . . I.\ \ ;.'f it 1 1' 111 an .' Ill -> ,11. r. '1 h. 1 . llitil full fr I. II It full uf till' •.â- '|| fill, bill I ap-i. N iiiirnr .i . 1.1 1. Ill ci lot X > U\\ I. IMI Kill. -.1 M. till .\le Dili I.-. 'i.ainl. ll nil,! p'lll \\ -IVI ll . H , f 1,1'. 1,1 near lln inoriiliii; lln aii'i .... 1 i. I , (ll. mil i.U of â- t Ml I .'o'lllll I !:i.t '1 lilll |-':1 . 1.1 1 111. ll I Ira. '11,1.111 till anil III) dull 'I M lln nil i ll inpt .11 I. II rouiililnii and ilii.'k U I ':! . I, Ml i"i: id .\ I'lU-li (N V I i'i'a|i'»u ll i-ays wii l.-i iii'.'i I irlai.l.i Si iiniiiiiH, a farmer lu 111;, ll. ri., fi.iui.l ll .III -l- 111 bii luriivard .1. i.,l II . lli.i'ii;lil lb. i-l.m r . I.iirroii , d a sit 1 1 ti n ]â- r;i. I'liiii . r, and i.-t it me ,lii, k. 'Ibe I'l'.vl •bmli C'liie, : mil liie i fl.. i lllUlllul prt : ,'Mll I'f I-' 'It '. N.iili'iiL, fill- Ill. -r ivii'i 'I'. 'II until II ivi 1 k ai;!!, iili.;, rioiM r fiiiiii.l a iliii'li lorn lo pices ui .I.t the i.liii.l ill hei Imriijaril. 1 liayi r in an oM ini|.|'. 1 nr..l liiiiiter, mil he di.l i.o' iiilo' mil .1, . k ill the I'ODii lli'iry. .Vfu'r 'b'Uk 111,' 111 \l iiii'Jii bo aei a trap mni- the K'liiiii 11 of till, dill ll Tbe I., \1 moriiiii.'. 111.' trap win el ill sil, but 111*, dii. k lia i been diiini^rd lo line ;n le Mill ni'ii'.' iwia eaten 1.11 it. He then ;it i tlire.. tnipi about tin. liiick, an. I laiU 11' \l in. .11 nil! bo lift. I III., I'lllpiil iiii eoorinini 1 111. I owl. Ill' had t;iil one Im. iii one of the Irapa T'haver liaii tii'l. and upon llie iilber fiMl Mas a Ir.-iii tbe oiiii lint .Seaiiumii with tbe chain brnkeii. TIh" oivl \irts III. i'l i'iiii:;bl iiuii.iiilii'i" of tl 11 Irapii ill I bi riniser, eo ibal be is hi hi 1.1 by tbr. e I i'ii| a, iiii.l till y were none ll o iiiii, ll. Ilia lilt .1 Ml fl' as bir>;e as a iiian'.n liii;;! r, ai ,1 llie Imp 1.11 hi-i lee, iibieli ivniibl bi.ak ii iiitiMKiatH li't!, had mil bniki'ii tbe nkiii. Ilia v\iiii;,i uieaaiu'ii iii.v I, el from lip lo lip. and bin Iliad la twiee ni. lar^.. a.-i the s .M'- . .Hi 'e enl's. 1 111 had mil be. n luillu i,..l lo earrv a iileel trap liiii iveeka and earn ft liviii:; 111. tli. lea. Mr. Tliaier bini biio elianiiiil up in a barn, an 1 ia feedinebun upon all till' delii'Kciiui of the sriison. 'rile lollowiio: iueident occurred al the bftilb' 111 Hull Kiiii. Ill Ibo In at el the ae tion nil iiHieer, who has sincti beoiuiie pro# inini'iil and well kiioivn Ihriiiinbniil the lOiiiiliy, was then in lomiiiainl of a brigade on till, I'iiibt uf the line. While ridini! over thu lli'ld he diaeovered a aoblier concealed ill ft Ihile ill the tjrouiiil, wbi.'b waa of jiml aiiniclnul diiiienatiiiiH hi allord him shelter. The general rode up (o biiu, iiii|uired aa to hia rnniiiienl, mill ordered him to join it at onoo. The man looked liim fill iii the faco, planed a thumb upnn bis noan and replied : " ( )h, no, you don't, old fello» Vou want thirt hole tor \ ouraclt. \Va aro not made happy by aayiuj! wo reoeivod moro preaenta than wo did. M.vKKiKii IN urn .Mm. IlKlen «'. KIrld Weilii .Mr. Wlliilnor lull lie lliii'Mi't litiiiiv II •lie llml " AlHiiiri-HlulUjlin " III .>lliliil>;lit. .\ \Vicbila, hail., detpjtch aavt : A hlranoe case of delusion, real or j.n leicled, was brounbl lo linht in the I'robate (,'oiirt to-day, ulnn .Mra. iltkn C lielil wad trad aa to ber sanity iii the inbtit;iitioii of l'( rry Windsor, a prcniinei.t society man and nianaeer of a leadinj; kail ami inort- )!anfc company here, to wbcm Mrs. l-'ield lnln^inea that she ia niarn-d. ilra. Liebi's inotlier ttstili-d tint duriiic la.-it June and .July iUiikIiIi r bal 1 1- n veryeick and acted very .|Uiirly. l-lie lluii nmstfcd thai the was enijatedloMr. Wind tor, Btul one day went lo hia place ol business and on her return told h' r mother that they were to be married ihat bfitr- noon. " IlK lO.MKlll vol," SHK >,U|.. ft!ra. Field dressed herself in a white dress and stood nu tho front porch that afternoon awaitinj! the coming of the yrooin. Mr. Windsor did not appear, of eouror, but the continued to drcas herself iu thu same fashiou for two days, and then her mothir went to Mr, Windsor and arked him if he intended wedding her widowed dauuhtir. Tho gentleman said he had no ^ucb inlenticn. lie added that he bad been reicving anonymous letters and [oatal cards and also little packatjts of llowera, eic, from Mrs. Field, containiiisj allusions to certain matters of which he bad no knowled^je, and that he wanted it slopped. It was then that Mra. Field's n.iither coiiclnili'd that her dau^htirwas insane, and (jcini; home she told her what Mr. \Vini.tor said, and advised lier daujjh. ler lo drop the inalttr. Mrs, Field seeiind lo i;ive ii|) till' id, a. Nothii';; mraiu;e was noticed in her manner from July uutil about six weeks aj^o, when she attain bet;iiii to talk of sinrs and mauifejtations an.l connected Mr. WuuLor a name with them. She would watch the ivindow for a passinj; bu>;t;y,8nd on 8eeiiit4 the cno containing ber supfnsed lover would say : " There ia another sii^n. The marriage will now soon be consuinniated. " i : 1 -11 ! '.. ill M' r. Ill 1. Ii i: '.it; m â- !! i . .\bniii this limo she aL-o began lotalk.f lb,. Clniri-h and rani she would not allow I . r lover to come betwteii her a:.d her (li.l, aa i-'ii,. tbiii.;;hl lie wisbi-d l,'. She ^1 .iiid Iriiisiiiber best and g'l t'l cli nr.-h al In .ir ; 1 o'.-Kk k al i.ii;ht an.i sit tl. on r, liiriiir':; home wonl,! s.iyap'' i'iriia.;e ceieinoiiv bad bei I iiiy iiit;ht she went I,. 1 1- iiiiii'. I 'ii n tiiri'.iiii; .~hi marriage ci reiiinny had lai a and 11 of pi." inli -:lld lln f, rnn-.l. l.'l--t .-^11 1 ai;.l -,'lt po-r pan i.f tl.,' P'lf rn;»-il aU'l Uial in a fe'.i ' n 1. I..«..t W L'.iiu.- lay I'l ' am. .-!lie siion r. turned 111, niiitl, r wmild b, Si tlb'd tl l-i . III. .;;.it ibe nia.le ainiib r 1.1.. .iiMiiiiit Suiidnys â-ºll.. dri â- iii'iili.i 111 r lover Toll', married. Mr. Win laor, lb" plaint •:, <aiil that iiii'l Mrs, lieblnii lit I'.io '.,,101 a:;ii 11 a blHincH W.'i'.. Sborlii ell'mnl'. I e C' ;^an to I,'' t a' ' .'.V minis ji,, .'.ir.'-i ,11,1 l"lterf, iiiiub .' i,.i |, aiiiimi.i (111. I mill', I',. _' It l.'ti. ra ant p i.'krt.;i-s â- 1 .m ,1 bun It would iliL- w,-ni I 111 that â- 1 A-. I'l-:. r trip. I 111 '••-<•. I an.l lie .V (JfEKK WILL Which llaa Keen Itrokeu ili Favor of K«lul i VeH. T be intentions of many testators have been nnden d nugatory, less by any infor- malily iu ihe manner in which their wiil.'i Were drawn than by the essentially fan- tastic iind impracticable nature of tiic b<i)Ueels themcelves â€" biijaesta to which, iu the intereots of pullio policy ,ir of sc-ial propridy. it waa found inexpedient to >;ive legal .-unction. To tbia last category must now be aftded the provisions of the will made by till late Kev. William Wight, of the .\rab'a Tent, Chitelhurtt, Eng., which waa iniully auju. Mettled U[nu by Mr, Justice Chiity. The deceased cleric bad given iii- .-iructior.s for the endowment of a female college of a certainly novel and l,; un- attractive kind, since its obj.ct was to train ladies .'or the important duties of wives, house mistresses and mothers. Woman, tho reverend gentleman proceeded didaciK'ully to observe, should be some- thing nn. re us< ful and more nobis than a doll, a butteilly or a plaything for her husband. To carry out his generous aspirations the eccentric Mr. Wight [iropoundtd a -.:heme two of the tealuris of which were that the young ladies who were to be trained lo be- come exemplary wives, hcusemistreeses, and mothers should use very early and re- sort to salutary. the but not always conve- nient use of the cold bath. lie farther pro. vided for .juarterly conversaziones at this hymeneal college, and directed that two- thirds of the invitations should be sent to single gentlemen. He also directed that bis remains should be buried in bu garden. next to the grave of a dog nan'.eii Labrador, which animal he seems to have enter, tained a peculiar alTecliou. The court, however, held these bi.iuests to be illegal, and Mr. Justice Chilly made an order for the distiibuliiin of the property among the next ol kin. Of the thorough impractica- bility of the plans laid down by the well nuaniug but eccentiij testator there can be no reasonable doubt. Long ago the poet told r.s of ladies who at their demise left their wealth to endow a " college or a cat, " and it would have b.-en quite feasible for Kev. Mr. \\ if,ht to be.iueath the whole of his pro- perty, had he so ch.oseu, to ihe Koyal Hoi liiway College or to the lioyal Society tl;,-- I'revention of Crutlty to .Vnimsl'. .\< It H. the will wlib.h has been ups-t i .11 ri main oiil> aa a inontimei.t if futile gen- etositv iri?.iiirccu.l anxiety to do tood. .1 nil .Mr- li.l r, 1 in|.) 1,1 til ll"S iif 1 .mil,' ,i I h hi. I la : nil I Til. litlti b. liri ' pill I.. 11 t'. p. .-â- IM llllil :1 III- r.,|,.,,t .lUlil W . I ,- .1 TOt liH'S KM>. I.. Il.lle >liul llliii.ell -llM â- ' lloiior.ilile " i'iireer. .\ last I'riday 1 night- Amhorslburi; de- spatch says. .\ -hooting atlair p. .-urred 1. ar Gcr.Kin rj=i.o:!'.ce in Atiderdon, on \v'e.lni'.<day. wb.ich resulted in su.-h iiijaiies 10 Vmcinl Mi.\iiiade, a Will known tough. *• will result in !iis death. About ' o'clock, u'l.ii all but 1 nnself were absent from the 11 'Use. a ri[ivt was heard, ami when ruil.Lii in thiy fourd M..iei*,u' King ill the ilv.rway badii'i; from the lining room lo the kilcbeii, with a horrible iviiiin i III lb'.' heal, from v.hi'!' bb ' i iliucii \ir> ficih, while a ,louble barrelled -.tioii.'iiii ia\ al Ilia ferl. The IS 1 I.,! t 111'":, a bin:; by f.nir I ^'i.niUi'g ba kwar.l from al ii'ioi e ill. lift 1 \ 1 br v.i . Mil lb.. ab'oui llie SI â- iif a --i 1 lie d Clort. slill, a 1,'iv dill s. ib.oi: I'l 1 In- i a.l that I 11. ri. 111. r. ll. 1, .Mr \V .mill' 1,1 M I 1. Ill 1,1 1,1 .lia ".111! !|,' 1, ri ,-p n ,l"i t , ,in i .iit , r b- r niolli. I aili' 1 ,-•! I 1 n I , r ll ttira ci 1 ,>icp. .Uii til that I I 111. be urts minriiie lb. I.' 11 'i-i tl 1.1 1, kman I '!•, hilim.- 1. .ni; iuili...| 111 > r>. 1 n M. ami ho w.ia askid i( I'll ivs I 1 iigagi d lo hi r. ll-'. of I'nir^e. -Mai.l no. Ilia biea waa that llie llackmaihn:; liii'orv ivaa cnrrecl, and b.e look pre.'nu ri-i.ll. It IS not Ur.owii w ai'.'i.'i III or >iiici.ii'. or ;' a bai* ll' V m tt. i. mual bail I tho shot IV I p,' .V '1 r IV. r .1, ca 1 w.'un.i -ihiS Wl.i,;. i:'. au ll cb e '- V bn ak .If 1:0, lar 111 till' n'l'iP lb, 'It ibi- ( ,it:i lit ma . lii e 11 Ins tealb .viU ».nu-i\'U thtr It iva:i an leb.r, iir. lb.,' 1,11" n- iir In face win. n !'--'l. as iracea ^( 1 â- il,!;i on his face. .\ .'d 111 S, 'lb . ai'.'orilni;;ly. me of Mra. Kiilla Icttir-i aiil notiS| predtic'd 111 court. One ivaa a cat I I >;.Mr. \\ 111, Isor free paaiag.' ov, r tb'l iiiid Siriet Uailivay," and si;,iud leu ( . I'll I. Is, Mimager." M IM!" 1 1 I' 'S-. M IMI 1 - 1 1 1 lllSl li.l .\ letter wrilleu last spring Bunl that she iiinb rslooil frrm " luanifeal.itiona " that III' waa 111', ill I 1 come to In 1 ollue. b'lt thai if III' woiibl cull "11 her il wo'ild be all M^bl ntid ahe would waive fnrmalitlea ivilli I'leariure. .\boiil ten ,lais ago Jie received her J. hoio. graph, ami ll'r.e , lay a ago be returned it by ri.piia'. lie had not apokeii lo Inr .â- .nice laal -I'.nimer, and he never noli 'ed In r on the .'reel, lb lial never spoken to her of iiiairiii'.;!'. Mrs, Illilll (', li' 1,1, ivlnii put on t^e stiiiiil, iiani lbi, wb'ile a::air was all a ' ten take, ' and thai she bad iiiiatiiuli'rsloed the 111.' iiaiii D |iiry broiii,lit in a vii ib'l of '• tun rei-ilolllll I'oltila. Oliver Will. Ml 11. limes, b1i1ioii..1i now Hit 0, lii;,i'niiriaii, is in ev.'elli tit health and jicil aa bright aiidivitly as lieever was l.'ird .^lierbi ,)oko, bottei kuownaa Kobert I. live, tbe llnelisb slaleaiiian, i- reputed to 1 1' worth ~ll).lHl0.tlOO. lie began lilo as 11 i'iillei,e liilor. '111.' annoiiiit (.iiu'iit i-i ma.leof ibeengagi' mint i'i Miaa rrit.-bard. ft fonm r Uosloii uiil. Ill Ibiroii \ ,111 Scbro-'der, an oit'icer of llie Inipi 1 ml Guard of lierlin.'ini re, ibe famoua Uridgeport res: di'iueof IV T. liariiutn, has been sold, and will be tiiiiied mill a suinnier hotel. Mv. II iriium will, however, coiilimie 10 ci ute III lUidgeport. .Slim SiiinU describes thoao meiiibera of tlie church ivb... le practices .lo not corres- poll. I w nil their profeaaiona aa tho pillar- sbaiuii ol Itie cliurclt. Simh people aro not necessary to bolster up a c;itise. Mr. David l.oevi, of New York, Uftiiied his infant ami r>eiijaiiiiii Harrison and received this neat note from tho rreaideiil elect; " Lit me expreaa the hope that the way in lifci of the child may be pleasant and that Iha iiaiiui which has been assigned willioul bis consent may at least not inipodc hia auocesg in life." Kir Morell Maoken/io's oratorical foat at ICdiiiburgh last ivuek almost aurpasaed the recant perfonnanco of Lord Hulisbury Within 10 hours he doliveied three lectures and managed to attend two rcoep tioiis and one largo dinuor party. p. I'll '11 of the .bii:_.' of -^hit loilgi.. . the c iliiig. .\t U.-i tl porta lbi pallet. i atiil I .,.1 r .1 Ik I -11 1" In--, and dea;b. M.- i^iiiade waa an aioptcl ct I'.i ef rairick M,»,', bavin:: been taken from the church steps when an infant, and is about .' '. yea! a cf age. He ha.l borne a bard mitnc for many years pa^t, bun.; aliiuvi I nntininilli m trcible Willi sonubcli. and be I'.ia be. 11 i. pealedly before the coiirla. .\t the liiuc of the alTair his vvil.- at.. I ber father were in a lawver's oil':, e here, iieiiim; out an tiiforni«ti-iu fur bn arnst. be Iniviiig that iiuiriuiig fearfully abused 1 ;a wife, vvlm is a good li-okiiig woman w lioni he married in I'ctroit. Her father, Titos rioaty. lately from \iri.itiia. was ib-n en.leavorii'.; lo Si ctin' M.i,''iade'3 arrest for enticini; hia lUiiisjhler I'ro'n her ho'nc. ab.c being under 111 y ears of age. for which llie Pommioti slaltilea provide a penally of foiirl. en vears' iiiiprisoninent. A few days ago Mii,' an.l ins stcpf.illier had a dis pule, whi:i he tlwt atened to sIkmI tbe ol.i man, but tbe ol.l man got the drop en bim lirat, the ball culling bni clothing iu its course. l.a.-,t wei k M.i,'iiade also had an ear split in two by a ra 'or in the hit .l.-i of a colored man will: wlu'iii he was lighting. .V I'le.l lop Sle. l>. l>r. C. I'lillock, ill the i". â- .' m , ii.iii: .\ lualthy baby for the ihst I .vo years or so spcmla most of its lime 111 sleep, .\fler that i baby should have at least two houra of sleep 111 the forenoon and one hour m the afleriuMii, ami it is I'lite piisaible lo teaci; almost any infant to ailopt ihia aa a regular h.ibil. Lu'ii to tl e age of four or live years a child *li niM h.vve oiin liinir of sleep, or at least ri -t ill bed. before il- dinner, an.i il should be put 10 LI at r or Tin the evening and left uiulnilurbed for twelve or fourteen houra, I'plo the tiftoentli year moat young people re.iuire ten houra, and till tho twentietii yi :ir nine bout- .\fter thai ftL;e every one mida out how much be or she re.p.nris, thniuh, aa a i;. iieral rule, at le.vat six or eight hotira are necessary, lli^lit hours' sleep will prevent m iro neivous deraiigenunta in women than any medicine can cure. During growth there iiiuat be ample sleep if the brain is to do velop to its full extent, and the more mr- I voiis, e\oil:iblc ov piccocioiia a child is. the longer sleep should it gel if its inlellectual I progress is not to come to a premature | standstill, or its life bo cut abort at an ] early «»;o. Tim Itlliitliieta ot Love. | •' Is love blind'.'" asked little Johnny, aa Merritt and his aiater came into the room, ' looking very innocetil. | " Ves, my dear." replifd his mother. " If that's so," peratstONl tho young; tleiid. " How could Mr. Merritt see when Cora got under tho mialleloo,'" And ahe ' oalleil hint her love, too. CfSTOUV OK CHILOKEN. Father vit. Mother- Habltit of Fatherâ€" Dill'i-reuee Iu KeliKiou« Kellef. An interestiEg .;aseâ€" r.- I'l.jkson â€" was decided bv Mr. Justic- Street at Osgoode Hall on Tuesday. One Arthur Dickson applied for a iMh^^ai â- :urpu.i with a view of obtaining an order to have h.a two infant children, who were under the age of .> and i rispe'.tively, delivered to hun by their mother, hia wife. Tbe learned Judge waa satistitd from the aifidayits ihat the sppli- .:4i. t waa a man of drunken habits, that be had on more than one occasion beaten hia wife, that ch-? waa lustitied in leavirg him on account of his ill- treatment, ana that his habits and conversation rti.dered him untit to have tbecharg-ot the children : he was tot satisfied ibat liiere were not faults on the part ot tte wife also, but said that she at all events was a moral and sober woman. Tbe father said that if the ciiiloren were given to t:m he would place Item under tbe care of his mother and sister ; but the mother and sister said they were neither able nor willing to take charge of them. On the other hand, the mother cf the children was living with her own incther, who said that she '.vaa able and willing to maintain them, and the judge thought they were in t;ood hands wiiere they were, and well clothed and properly !• i and cared for. " Having regard to the welfare of these infants, said Judge Street, "and to the conduct of the parents, I think that the mother should have their custody for the present. * ' ' It is urged thai the father has a right to h:ive the cl:ildreu bro'.ight up as Presby- terians, and that their mother and her mother are both members cf the Salvation Army. .V perusal cf the evidence leads me to the conclusi'jn that as between the re- ligious training 10 be at present expected from the father and that of the Salvation .-irmy. I should chcjse the latter. When the children are older, the father may have a right to raise this 'p.iestion; but at present it does not appear to be a press;ng one, owing to the tender age of the ciiild- ren. " MISS rAUKII': F. Jll)l>'.S SPINK. She TelN the Clirt.ilhm Work em at fhicitfc lliin tlie liiril ilealrd It, 1 he I'hi . -tian Workers of Chicae; held thei;' auLual gatb.ericg last week r.: the First MeihodisI Church. Lev. Jii;:. Mor- row, of Fitlsburg. pre;: 'cd at I th ::.ori.iag and afterf.:ou sessions. An ad.iress was made by MissCarrie F. JudJ, of U;::talo. who told b.ow single f.iitl: in Jesus Christ b.a.t nst^ :id hi r :j iiealth and strtiiith. S'le related ;r. 'ler address. a:i.i atu '.-.var ; in letail to the reporter, the stcry of li: illners. At tbe age of !â- -b.e wa-i stnckei'. with a nervous malady - Hvr spine bi --amc aiyecled. .\t the eu.i of a fc'.v i:;'::I:;s she was obhgeit to lake t her b,.d. ?ie was helpless and cortiiied lo the bed f r :wc years, b^he wasted away until sb.e weuhtd o;;ly â- »' p^ Uv the powi r cf pr.iver :-lie ha.i been ri stored to b.i altb au-i stren:;lh in a si:ii;!e iul.!': Miss â- ';:.:.!. aj i-l" stood ;ip.<n the pU::'. no. pres-uted an app'.ararce of robii-it ai ; v ,.ir ;s woman, lu'oi. Sb.e ha.i never hid a r'fir.: ci lit t trouble and had fo f.s: i-a: sic ever would. The aftirnoon wa-' ,';c:;cd wii'n a lestimctiy niietiti,', at vvhi, :: sevi :al told of hawii; betti cii'td of a V atiity f a''; ti-'iis tb.roii^h tiu ;r faitb. i:i Jesrs I" r:-c. I'.ic vor.n;; mm iia.i be ti relieudma sic.i,). ni;;ht .f a .â- •nl lal'.on .•'. spi; .»1 iuart a: I lua.i tr â- it.ti. an i waj .1 :;r;n b. b. vir ri tbe I'.'.vir l t i.'hr -1 to heal fro::- a.l pin and .' --. ii.-'e. -Miss .111.: 1 ti 111 rvad a t.'r.nbcr .'! 1 »s -*:;i"' from ti'-' S npliire. t:i win :: 11 war immiy sialid ll"i: by praiirand pr.o-io to li.l I ail i an abi.'uig faaii 111 the truth c; His promises all evils an.: il;i ess tliat faitl: IS heir lo Jail be reuicii .1. .'â- •Ih' said thai Mice since her wct'derf "ll i'::re -'i:e hadfalu:: and Severely iticel li. r htne. bit wl en -he ha.l sail, " l'"»r 1 'U'.i, please make It w.'ll. ti; ,i'"i.i -nop, ,1 tirinly and conic.intli 1, r.i ri;.: tbe p.: 'mi 'ivvti o:.ce ren:,ivc,^. Mr". Mian, the Wlil'ller. In .â- .M'ier^a'i..n with a 1:1:', i ,t Mrs. Shaw- a C'.irit 'It Kari:tii ibat an ob scrvati"!! of the lalv < p.ilaie .'.scloseaa l.-Ui;. narrow, lube like vault, a picnlianty aiiared by all prominent vocalists. Her naiurally lot-:;, slender waist developiBc into a bust, chesi and shoulders ot charm- ing symnutry all irds exceptional capacity for suslamcd atul easy breathing She ha;' a i'lu-k ear for the :ntric»cies cl sound ai ,1 reads readily at ^ii;ht, at d b.nds that what IS onco learned she uevt r forgets. She 1 vi'orionced at l:rst thyt c:;l:c;iUy so troublesouie to the plav er 'ip'.i'i brass in- sirumenls- the llabby eiiiboiicb.ute. Her chest, ftom bu.-t to throat and sh.nildcr to shoulder, has bi'comc ivonderfnlly licvc. loped, and is unusually ::rin to the lo-.icli. Sb.e cannot whistle on an empiy stomacl:, nor bear tho bast cousirictio" about tho waist, y el wiib.oui a corsi t tfce CiT.l.i Utit wbutleat all. Ibr throat must be loosely dressed. and she t'liids considerable increasi in the fuliit'ss cf neck. Vine advantage Mrs. Shaw shares with no whistler, ama letir or \' thai of locking at very best while she whistles. Her face ri'inams absobitely (ree frcim coulorlmn grimace or wrinkles. She says she has a sonsali.m as of " iiraspio;; the notes" ivht: she lakes them on her lij s. She neovia fresh, ccol air 10 do hir best, and ct:ly be comes wearie-l in close, b.eated rooms. I inlortrtlier Wantfil. Wauled- I'. Indian It rriiory. an iniicr laker. Musi be able to kill his ntau bi I'.'rc bury nig him. Weal, \ r.*rnett. a desperado, ia now cooped up wiib a -trong party 1:; the Creek Nation, and has a coil'in made, wbi.'h he keeps in his room i:i ar.licipation of his ileath. lie has issu-d a deiiance 10 the I nited States authorities, aiunninciii^ that hia cotVni ia ready, if ho ia killed, ami dar itig the otVicers lo come and put hint in. - .s';,;iin;i|i(c'. . â€" .__ ^ .-V incident in deer htr.itiug is voiicliotl for by a sporiaman Lately returned from the Maine woivls. .V party of huntera in a sledgti on lake Mohinoiis saw ahead of tbsm a large deer. ImnuMiately there was a raiv over Ihe ice, the sloiige sjieeviing across the lake at a rate impossible to tho hnuled animal. Suddenly the sledge met an obstacle and stopped. It was the deer, which had not only Kvn overtaken but had been impaled upon one of the runuers of the aledge. Its futther capture was au easy matter. \t I I