T Ji rr T.^ T ^ _ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE fjAN. 5 :S'g, I t I n. .Mo /â- •â- ' iiai; 01 It Iâ€" II I I â- â- ^^n G. AMD COUNTY AND DISTRICT. â- I J/a/f -lour Aiuoii'i Cur HAS JUST TO //AND A FIRST CLASS STOCK OF I pav I m o ^ d 5^S'. '"'>A'" S O u AND AXES Ol'lhc vi.Tv l'(^'f. in inui.iclurr in Aincric.i. n ♦ \ :-, the only Saw m.ulc; Iiavm^' inc i:;iu'_,f('s (litie'ifiicc bctwcc.i the tlu: teeth and tin: back, re(|ui:-;iii.u' no set for luuil wood, ami aif nnnle troni the Ijest double refined siller steel, selected antl spring; teini)cred, insurini^' a Perfect and Even Temper. i U love bu) iiij^ a Cross cnl Saw be sine and see this Saw, as they have no ciinal. A lu ^t cla'-s stock ol a)a.9t*^iamun.i .LtbCi ot Inc V''! y Imi': 1 i]ii:nit y at 1 lu; LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. I-adics'aml ( "nnl Unun's I"ur coats and Cap;: at prices that will astonir^h you Anotlna line I would particularly call yonr atlciitioii to x*. our St(M*Jv;()f !><)()ts m\A Shoes of every descriptiDn AT - PRICES - UNSURPASSED A.ny pl.'ice. Don't iail to coinc in and see ,<;oods and i,'et prices. We do not coii?idei it trouble to shew j^'oods, even if you do not intend purchasing. srnoiiMrs BLOCK- Sl:olbuiiie I''rte Pic-m : TfifJIaiiiUuliii (luide 8ay» "tlmt >i iiinii in tin; tnwDxl iii of Hurpee, vyIih liail n lltrlit will) a liear, Bucceetled in ycttinu' li"lil I'f tlio bciir s hinil li'i;s lint] Ixickc-il his lir.iiiMi out a.'aiii: t atioo." This stnry loniintls ns of oi e that Tom li uvi'i-i, of Miihnin', ti'il.i a'lxnit his Imiitiii,' .stiapi'S ill thu ihiys tjont- l)y. Tom (lisL-overt'J a Miiiaway at tin; ha; t of a hiijli i-i(l;.'e cjf Iniid ami from the tracl.s hi! Icariu'il tiiu ileorweio lrci]ueiitly ( IV this patli. So ho Htarted his do-.'s ai.d llu'ii KUL-reted himself behind a 1/ii? tn e closn to the runaway. In a few miiiiitos n lur^;o ditcr caniu .sailiii-..; past and Tom urabbfd it by the bcols and held on Every j u Ml |itli(MUerinado Tom said his fei t dusuribed a .n.-nii circle anioni; the tops of tho little rei!ar<. I'lMsiniTance did the biiaiiiL'ss. for aftiT holdi;i',' on to the ih-er I for two miles, Tom was master of tlie titnatioii. We don't voii -h for tlie trmh of this Ktory. If yon don't ln-lieve it ask Tom A hiii,'e \»-.\r was shot ii'vir the mar^Ii in l.utlnr last weeU, and when !«'ilr4 iliessi d a piiil ll:i>U of rye wlii>Ui-y wa-* foiii.il in lis ^toln.•ll•ll. Tl;e bottlo was ti'jhtlv ivikeil, and iiov.- the ipicslioii is how did the bottle '.'.-t tlp're ' Some are ! of the opinion that the bear must have I swallowed ami dioested the original owner of the llaslc, w ho earried tir: whis- ' k'-y in liis poiki-t. This tlics'iy must be ihsniissed.- a'*, if true, theie woiihl In! tiiltons. ju'l. i.ives, elay-pipe and other I iiidiiie.^'ible articles found aloie,' wiili the whiskey bottle. ( )iir infornant is a jier- 1 soli oi veracity i>r wo would i.-nsider 'he I whole st.irv a l.o.ix.- [Artiiiir Hnterpiise. I <'!ii'--.lev r, it^-rpris,' -O.i S.imliy l.isl constable Hriv,:;s of T.iia arrived in (Ins- ! ley and hnd a warrant sworn out for the arrest of .John I). .\Iljii of Cliesh'V on the eharye of liaviie^- stolen a lioiso in Wiartoii. lie akso liroiit;ht with him a warrant for the arrest of a iii.tn nanieil t'uny as the principal olUmdcr. Tlie liorsi! had been hireil from a liverv man in Wiarloii. dineii to C'liesley and put lito one of the slaliles. .\lleii claim. i to havi.' bail notlim.^ to do wllli t!ie liiriie; of the horse, and says he was only taking; a ihle withdniy. The tiial was held in 'i'.ila oil ,Mm|mI:iv, when il cainc oiti- that Ciirii'' li.id .'oil,' around Wi.irtoii ilis- t'lliiiiiie; prnilid eii'.iilai < lepiesenliii,' liimsi'll i.i I" nii; an a_;.'iit oi' ...nil' "f I he T.ri.'iito papiis for v.hi'.Mi he «as s oluit- i 1.; Mili-^.'i iplioii.s. lie had hired a horse and 1 1'.; to e^l ive to t'hesley, and on his way overtook .\lleii, t < whom )ie olleied a rido. llefoie lea.liiii.; Taia, they stopped opposite a farm house ai.d .Mien held the Imrso while Ciirrie went iiitu the S'.able and stiile il .saddle. Further on they traded <the harneKs wilb a man named ilyndiiian and t'ot i-'l to boot. Ilwidinan lost t'.ie money but L;ot the u.\- peneiKc so that 111 the iIimI he can !• out about even, .\fter haviii_' llu' full par- lieiilais tlie line^istrate comiiotled t,'nrrie but ho -al.ly iic.;niite,l .\ll. n. !...te S.itiird:iy \i\i\- or curly .Snndiiy inornio-. Ml, M. .\. Hi'lidns Stol'i'.! 'In ..!, \ .Wa-. bl okill i|l|o;|l|.l;i|h lit lix Il 111 lie I iliJari' weth o. i.'oo Is wee H'o't !', ' oii-^ot i! '.; .'I l.e I .r f,:-, loMit'es, r'i;.s ai.ii fill â- ,,'!.â- .. men :> 1 .mvci .ui'l ! '.i .!.â- n ]..mi» t ;| s ; .di" ;•. iai'. , [â- t . I' ii , ii â- . "\vv- c. â- .its, !â- .niy iniuir ill. 1 1 OI i!. I . (!. .i| (I ;-l'..lll o.ie !.n;,'tiod d'-ii t; â- . \\-'\'\ 'â- : . < ! \ i-:, rii., a.,d -li . l;.imlk.'U h;c. .. ! ii';;irrc ,iiio tlie li li 'a i ; « ,â- ; • i'- i • 1 !â- .,â- p;- i.i ; :io .i wiiol'i'A III ll. â- la.'ii.! 1...^ .' 11 il ilieu le neniii'.' the link oil' I lie door h'liiliie.; i! to the st- ic. No trace of tlie .;.io,'.s o.- tlie llievi s has ill VII o> Old io f.u'. .".:.>;i;iiJy J'::ir,s. Ol anccvilleâ€" 'I'ln: f ei "Mil 'rilin- .'III y la 1,1 I'll lliollt t. llmi<lii:l; Tiie<fliiy l<ui.v I'noiwvlllo. l-'ic hdiVel. MiHiotiy lutitit; On. ii;;o\ iile. MiLi-Kiinl v-Sieiiiilin ln'iii." i ir.iiii;cvi)l(,. Diirnituiâ€" 'J'lni'l lllesttHy llle-mli llKiiilii. " â- ioLt:.\\ 111 uli- M'.liiiiiy 1-cf'iie Inn loi n Hollaiiii v'eiiter - Sa I.iiiMii. In.-t'uiu ('litt.t^,;\orlli. I'l ICeV 111! - «.â- Illl.i, ll.'.^.O II U 111' 111. Ha Kovi.l --.M(.t;(U. \ lelfU lU.llil.lii. • Municipal Nolioe. â- .ft if â- U ir'M'hy I'.ivcu th'itull lottors dc iynoil f(M \i\'- own l.ill rlti li (iml 'I\AViI>:Up l(^'^^i^t1(Uâ- I'f III f *!'ii\\ Il h |> if 1 : imi> , Hiionlil III- A/uidtiscd In tl V uii U 1 ; i'*"i».u'.. .lOrtl.VH (iAMKV, Miivwi)]!, jioo, Vy\\. l-SH-. PlKS^KSSi '*^"'-< <"' Wl OO. until luu-lv I P^^EaBlSiu *^*^ ^'^^ «'t&utt III tilt wuria. I ^RRl^n^n ''""^'-^ timakeepi r Wnr-^ ._ riTOyTtM^UFlf. ^^ninltMl. Henry »oT.2 <!i<>il ^tluiitiui; C'«>(M. Uu(h Utlk'*' ^Kiiil Ki'iit*' iizei, vritli workt |iinJ ^:%M9» of cqotl v«lu«. |4>nep4'rii<*nlo««ch lo- riliiy cait Bccuro une free, t'Ci'ilivr with our Inritii ami va|. umbbi Hue uf lloUbs-UolU M^^ well ai ttio wttrli, vtB Hii4 ^^ KrCCt •nd mfiti ynu b»»o ktpt llt*m In irooi horn* tor % moitlb* knd â- lionn tbrm to tkoM fvbs \nmy hki-a called, thor bccotn* your o« n |iri>pnttr Tkotg wha MTiu ftt •oca r«o t>« smr* of roooilnir th« liVKtch •n<l HuiaBlea. W«kftj »U «ipr*M, frttlfbt.atg. Addrtat w « 'ifge i^-.ssonoieni -OFâ€" Mep s Women's and Children' /I ♦ 1 .# AID SHOSS for WINTEa WITAE AT- Felt Boots, Cum liubL'ers, i''ullcd Stcekin;;>, vnersi;ces, and Ivubberj. Mens' auel Boys' I-on^ Boots, .â- \t prices lo suit the times. Si â- .•J*C^-»»-i.T 1^ OS5 iiotos £>> W f ai-i iiiiir tuiitiiij r^t iioiA- /iir .iiipii ior ill sli/U (iiul /illicit lu uiit/ iitr itti^- i/llirit ill yttslirrtifn. COPYING and ENLARGIHG at MODERHE HA TES. PICTUEE FRAMING .lone lit nil iix l,\<iiuh(». A ,ji>iid Murh of' I'h'A.^/ h'S and M(/( l,I)L\(7S A'f Ji' I coiisl.inlli/ i,H hmi<l. H'l/l iihn inl'oiluce thi- viin liliOMIDK I'VliTRMT, o; _/%=' jHctiiitt ihiit IK qiriiiif entire mitis/ortinn w/nri iir tntrinliictd. SA.l, I'l.KS cnrjrM"' be uri-ii lit mi/ (I'dlin/ where nil purtiiuhim us In I'riir, Htyte. Sic , run hi. (Hfcir- luinrd. I MF^S, MimMJ^:E, IL-IiSiiERTOJs:. I 1 A Positive C'jro. H-* A Painless Curo. â- •!# FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES, EIETEASES OF MA'^f. TllfJ f.'«#.Vir HEALTH UlC^rKH'EMt, ^^ Marvl ot H^aHny. nnii Kohinoorof Medtcin**^. dr^1l-WW^'tP»~i''S£. ••'eiriTiHw <^n«F<|u<>nrpa of Inillii«ret!oUt ^tTJ ^-^,^ iTtrT'S. ilKpOMUre natl UvorHork. •STOTTII^TO-, 3sx£lIDi3XjE-,^0-IIX) jaJtTlD OI-JD 3yi:E2:T Who a*'o broken tlov.n froiii th*»ofr(!*rtB t^l nl .iso will llrnl in No. Hara»licai curo lor ati"ou-3 »lolulity, (irt'atiic wrajiueas, iiiTrtluiitftrv vitnl Ioprop, et<\ SiYHi'TOMS von v/mcK No. 8 Saoc'i.i* ntc Uhieu.â€" Want of eiungy, vortiRO, want of purpn»os iIi.ntioHrt vt i:t(;lit, uvHrtiiou \o Bocitty, want of oonfldoncu, iivoulauco of (".â- iivox»Hiiii»u, (l.tHiru for EoHtudi*, li.tlt3s«in'trt un 1 ii'mbility to fl\ tliu attciitiim ou a |*ni tkuilur Bubjuct, c<'.vanli('«, dfiniikiiMn of Bpirits gi^Ji :•»«'»*'*. lo»i uf ineini-rv, oxcital'ilitv t»f tomppr, •'iicr- luutorriiu-a, cr Iob3 o( Am !M4it!in:»t lUlu\ â€" the lenuU of Holf-aVMiHO .tr iiiurital exwRsâ€" hniK*.. Uncy, iijnttlritii'ii, caMciu.tii>n. b.'uie.moi*6, j>ftliuta5iou ol tbn bi'»fi, h> hI« lu* IU';!inK^ iii* f'-iiialt;i^. t'*Ginb!in^', in- I -i rh^-h, rvii v(«)ti;? araaiua, utc., aro nil synjidoiun of tliid tcrribiw bf.ltit.oftcniimcs ni-'fOfU'lv imjnir"'!. In sUort. the fpriny <'f vital ft)roc havinti luBt »f.-; Ui'it^H-:-, i.v.'i-y friiuliOH '.vaiitj*. i;i enna"qnc.iice. Soimitino w?itor:.aiKl tlio M.in:riiitt)i'<teil*:'j ' oi ill-. HI) ii'ybU'iH iii.it.. .il usiriiiiiii; i.» tho ellixls vi seU-abusH th-- urcat uuijoMt;/- Ok \Mi.'-0'l livo iWhicU c*' -I" 1141-1 r i"",; iictico. !f yoti arw iuwouipftt-nt for Mm ttr<liw>u.* <1ii:^i . oT ini*titti>s;<, iiicVii'S'^'-.^io I t'crlbo enjo;.i>ii nfcs of life. *^). H cfft'iii un o-cuj'o ti uui tl-c elf.'', tfl t'!: iiiiil'.* vL ". Ii yiuiij u.lviinvi^l iu yeu»*K, Mo. rt wbl (.'iw von fni] \iiotrn^? fciriM;;lu. Itvouun- I'tt <o^it!«'wn, |>^;yHi(mllv a4i'L uinrfilly 'Ttim •urlv iit.i'.«-r'jU.»ii, tl o )â- mill ol iijuonaiiut i'-!i i i.'tiv, &»*H'i;r<-ui .ii UlrviiS i^uA U) t-oviis in fiBn.iin'*> A»r X. \, li* m^n'* U'.t^ Vtii'^ n I^'Ok VO. 1 ntl I)1:j.)iV:i4.H oi Mai*. Sia'^.i >.l'i| ,â- ;««;•, U'-' f.-Ml.; t.li'-. t Vl'!lU,-. Ablrt' '^ l;!I miniaHTi'^ -it i' »us to M. V. !l*ViJ'''>N'. 4*- \T<'lHl3;;tou SI. ii; , ';*'i'"»'i<-.„- A Ma!itti:touUvnilomluv^ ii» a fool's pcfadise. CyfiES C'J.V:A;iTEED, Ht.AL lh£ S!2K. &^ isfe A P^rmaneni Cure. Hh '•;i" ^S^-"! A Pleasant drs. iiK.vrii FOR ma: iiiH-l TllK PILLS I vi>M> I'uvifv Ihi' Ulchl, (â- <»i"r* it iill l)ist>vclurR ul tbo Tho\ i'lvi^oratoan I ro^toi*! to inniltli IWiliiUtatoJ Conftitiittniis. and avp tnvttilnHblo it) ait CotrM liJaiiitKifluiiluutiil tt» IVinjaK'?* of all iii^t^s. Kor C'liilitr<Mi iiutl tliu a^fl t!io>' aiy piicutcHH Til F OINTMENT an I II fall ib?; vrttn-^'tv t.v Ua.l l.o^'.s, liaJ HruastH. Old WontulM. Soros and I'lrovs. ft, i» rauiotiiil (Jout and U'»onMiatisni. For dirfordtrK of tlio ("best it has iia otiua For SO U. !â- : iliiU). 1 7. UUO.A' CIl/TIS. COCGHS, COL Ds • Cfliviululav SwulliiicK, ami all skill niKoasvH it has no rival ; and lot eontracto'l iiut ac'ir * oiuta it nets liko a charm. M iiiiifaotnreil only at Professor Itni.i.owvY's KBtatiUshiiirnt, 78. \cw fkxford Htr^rt ( lute MX Oxford Str«M>t ), Loi'tioi*. imd aro Hold at IB. l)<l.,3i<. Oil., 4». rH). 1I«.. <23«.. nnd :i:''«. I'ach Ilox or I'ct, aiu! may lio had o( ull ffiiS. I'iiip Vondors tliroiishout the World. ftf I'urchat*n nhnulil lixih It. Um Labirl on the I'oh «iMi liojtM. Ij tlnf ^MJrH*a is not 5S3, Orfiiiii Strtcf^ fjOtirff'H, tlieif wt tpuriov,^ %