YOUTHFUL OFFENDERS fa Tens of Sciences m Mithiru's Rtfera fctok A Paper on Thii Subj t Eed at the Suu Conference; of Oomcuoo and Detroit. GIVE THE YOUTH A OHAJCE iQrandBapid*. Mich.. Eagle.) J. W. Holoomb, Eq., coonly agenl (or Kenl oouLty * genlleman Weil-known la tbe county of Wentwortb, Oui . ae*.ieo the animal convention or ocular- oca ot the agent* of Ih* Siat* B. aro and UM poor fcffi J*r( in Detroit la*t week and read iba following paper, which i* iron; plea (or ft change in torn* ot the tiiate law* and meiaod* : The people of mi. Slate, wi ih) in ill foreeu, iti mine* and ill bromd end (artile acre*. ar rian in the charity which hat given k Una of Siaie initilaiionl designed to the a' eit o( the unfortunate The depend eol *nl neglecied child it provided taalaer in hoapilaole home ; ihe wayward oov and girl are retrained m de*o*ol to crime ; ibe blind an almost mad* to Ma, tba domb to ipaek. Ihe da( to hear; the di.kering lihi of n-aton genily brightened toa tteady fit me, and tbe o d ma la cojitoriaiie re tiremenl rooeivea tbe wagea earned in day* of battle and blood. Tbeeeooograiolatioi.* are (or tbe po(.U of which we f jrm a part, bat the daijr of tbi* conference) U not per- formed it we do not well conuder whether tbe law may not better have laid out the work of th intiitaiiona m view of the par po* (or which they ware Mtabiuhed and are capable o(. Waal, thea. U the work and beat par- poeee of the State juvenile reform lamia- tioni 7 Tbe anewer of year* ago. had they then exitted. woald have been that they were place* of imprisonment fjr bjy* and girl* who were bein< punuhed by the law for crime ; the antwer of the** mare bamane day* may be thai the*e ecnooi* and temporary hooie* an place* of deten- tion (or bo) * and girl* who have developed ia be i conduct, evil teadeocu*. and need moral training and belter home inddenoea. UXTUCUId TBI B I*. For the offence* 1*3* ly -Ji.*. noting the leeeer crime*, and f >r ihj** tpjcieily pre- on bed bv*t%iut. boy* twtweentbe <-.. : 10 a id 16 may be aentenord 10 the Skew R ' rm School nntil they be of the eg* of of 17 tear*. Uader Act No. 319. *t*ioa law* of I-*.', are r rtam prooeeoiug* pro- Tiding a diaoretioiary aod leeetr wrm of -lenience, in oaae of unmanageable boy* and girl*, bnt tbi* law dot* not eater into the prreent diaoaaeioa. While to a bov of between 10 and *ay U year* of age. a aenien w unul he be 17 tear* of age my eem ponderuu*, yet it i* not oppre**i\ or cruel in the view that there i* often for a youn* boy no olber botae ; or, if there be a home, u*'jeoce* are uiaUy woree than no home at all. The boy may become a truant from (ohool, in a city, become known to the police i may be (oat J on tbe tlreel at lte oixht hour I ; may be connected with petty theft*, and by hi* mieobievoo* and boyith criminal ooodoot. force Ihe .ja-t- tioa a* to what had bet bt done with tim An extreme lenlimeotalitv on the part of a police ooan aadienoe offers it* lympeihy for toe neglectful trother, and the taj denly repentant lad depart* (or a belter echool. home and government ib*n he ha* ever known. And in paaaipg I may say thai in aiming a* to the ditpoeition aa to charge* again*! the (mailer boy*, we may bolter look to the character of tbe home, it* tendenciee and the oooeeijuenl ateociation of tbe boy. than to the offmoe iltelf. The eoitof *ach bo>* hardly to be oalltd orimiual, areollen little more than the *e>i<ieoiM* of tbeir home life, bat a* the bome mduenoee go on from day to day the dily e*quooe of wron< do og may be expecud. It i* a juttio* and benefit to the (mail boy to tituaveo to reru ive him from *aeh dangerout indaenoe*. Ii muhl not be neoe**arv or adviaabU were hit bome and it* iofloeooee better. Older boy* than tho*e lat referred to may alao reach Ihe reform aohool (or cff.<noea not from home oaaeee. The policy ot im* inniiation i* euaally kind and witr. The boy ooramittol when yoang, before 17 year* of age hai atnally be* n releaeisi from acloal re>iJenoe in Ihe ichool. and if at later yrart at hi* commitment, he ha* only been held there uffioienily long to determine Ihe vlae o( hi* oppnrlunitie*. The age of 17 i< a Ailing tuna for Ih* releaee of boy abeolatelv from the reform ahool. It i* i ho eg when the boy lay- ing aaide bo)i*b thuaicht*, aomeii'nr* with nndoe energy a**ame* tbe thought*. Irergth and manner* of the man. and on the farm. In the factory, the mill, Ihe tore and like occupation*, clim* with more or let* modecly to be oonotrd a* a man. It it well, then, nnlea* hi* prrvioa* life drnie* it to him. lhl he. feeling trong in hi* pnrpoee* and reeolvee. *hoald b* free to lake up the burden he aaeki to arry. r; NHUVKNT or OIRUI. The Indntlrial Howe (or girl* ehonld be what Ibe Keform Sohool ieforboy*-aa ataple a aohool for literary and mot il HI atruclioD at i* poeaibla, ounaialently with thn o mtrol of the pa|<il*. It ehoaM be a* nrar a home a* poeeible, for mnv who have never known that rightly called a home may learn what a home ahonld be, in il* joit and kind government, in it* *ympa- thy for Ihe despondent, and in all lit aid* to encouragement in the hooeel <*> tot life Theee being it* purp.we, are Ihe preeenl term* of aeulenoe* lavorable to anoh pur poeeeT lor the well nnderelood general ofTenoe* and tho found by (talnte, with the ex- ception M before ttated a* to boy* and girl* bol ween the age* of 10 and 17 yean, my tie *enleuoe<i to the industrial home nntil 31 year* of *ge. Although (light orTenoee of girl* eend further in their oonfttiaenoe* than thoe* ot boy*. I think th.' law .uxirreolly a<enmea thai they neoeaearily do aa involving moral error*. 1 believe toal with young girl* at wtll M yoang boy* a >ind home, *ympathetic tur- r 'un.tingH. with wi ; iMT -re. moral teaoh- ' inga, may often be (amoieal oorreotion. I'ovarty and tirife of parent* at lh cheer- *ror atd {.ool rooeo a* to* rat age cf ibe oo. and ibe> eareet aad tb* daaoa thai of ta* rlt tighter For each ie!ag*a tbe boy may b* aenteooed to ibe reiorm tchou -lutil be be 17 and ibe girl to ihe mdottriai home oniil aba be il yeeri of age. Can w* j i.ti) taenwiii thai tb* girl it to mocb I*** otoeptible to moral uidotnoe* thaa tb* ou) ? 1* it not an on j oat ducruniaaitoo egaintl bar ? Th* oOexrvtr may woadar ay lor a pally laroany a leutenc* cf ten jean, oovaring an enure gulaood. may be ii.fl.cied in a tiate wboee confutation pro vide* ibal exoetiive fine* (ball not be i m pood or cruel or oaotaal ponithmet.! inn oted "; and alto how 11 oan b* coo autent with a like aentenc* to a grown pert oa for iteal.ugiboaeeodt by forue or h) ibe girl ot from 10 to II or 15 year* f age tboold, tor loong<ng atom Ibe street* contrary 10 ihs como>aad of a per Dtp* diaaolat* parent, teoeive doable tne parliament in year* pronounced on a "Oman living an opeoi) immoral lif* who ia a drtunea Drawl kill* tbe aaaociata ia bar tin. And DOW aoma CD* le.U a* not to lend yoang girle to ih ladoatrul bome. or aay imilar icttitniicn, for tlighi cf*ac*( What, lb*a. loall b* dot-e wilb taea ? In* jail i* not a inilabU place in tbi* humane age. Fine* caniot and will noi be paid by ibe parent*. Matt we toco alow in* yoang girl to ran Mirey until ner greater cffenoe tooth oar Mniibililies i o tb* legally prescribed' Tbe people ot tbi* ttat* who created u may make tbe lutiuaiion ttl ibe need* of iboee (or whom 11 wa* created, acd .f a young girl of frcm 10 to 15 tear* of ago ncedt it* moral iram- ing the iboojJ not ueoe*arUy be obi.ged to pay for u witu tier iiaeity op to 21 yean ot age. My proooe.tioa men u tnat girl* aenteBced to tne iodoatrial home between 10 and 15 year* of age, beiog ctaaily for uffenoe* whloo dj not prtiamably involve grievoa* moral error, eboold be abajlately rel< a ted from all connection witu ine home ai 13 yean of age. It can now be laggeetrd thai ihe power given tb* board of*. temporarily to releaae girl* for good cuudu:l at any age, can belter aooompliah the deairtd object than by Ih* abaoiuM dieoaarge whioa I pro poee. I aak to* axtrcue of \oi ^o wt - ,n ah oate* where tbe girl ha* abon beraelf wortby of ib* favor, and if Her former home and neighborhood an n.t (unable for her reiorn. I ihmk, on ihe weil lounded advice of Ibe agtni for the ooantv ot to* tiate toard, tb* yoong girl aboald be placed in a family in which ah* may be in Iraib a uicuioer of tb* booacbold, weaving at well a* (he may b* able, her lot wuh ih* good and ill loriane of her protector* I nut ai H tae may be able lo iry tbe va.u oi the moral t<:acaiu,*. to guard barewf agaiuat in* trap* and dark wa)i of ib* world and rightly lo tb* plea* and lb hope* of h*r approaching womanhood. TICUT or uuvi. An even chance (or a rtepecubl* place with thoMot 1'ke ag* U a birthright to the yoang woman o! Id not aacrifioM by ine (oilie* of ih* cbUd. bhe may have more valuable aid and encouragement bvlweeu lit aod - 1 y -art of age in ibe t< mpathy of tb* frieiide ahe make* iba:i in Ibe protection of lie Home. The" li-kel of Leave." pain- t ily caggeelive cf a pruon. may not be at eaey badge for the wearer, who .Hherwi.e welcome in pleaaanl aaaociation wuh re*p*itabl* people alwa>* bean id* iboagbi that the temper of a petulant cmp.ojer. the jealooey of a rival, ot th* mano* of an enemy may by tlander **nd her back to ihe bom* to wearily ooani tbe day* unlil her rtleate at HI. or to b* agam " placed cut " betore thai happy year where perhapi dibeartened and ait.o-.irag ed *he tiuuaiy aad deferentiall) a*aoi*t n*w da tie*. A (ew word* wilh recpwcl to girl* over Ii year* committed to the home. 1 think tbe age ot aduiitsiou ahould 6* extended to Ii )ear*. There i* Intently more loan ia waywardnee* in a girl over 16 in inoee whoae offence* mak* their oojimitoieul proper, and when th* oliauoei are u ihoir oatt* of an iminoral nature, no more eat* oouree can be taken lhan rttideooe in Ihe Uouie, or a kind and Uriel *apervuion out tide under Ibe limn of th* l. bat let Ibe harden ot her who ba* tinned and re ptiitvU be made light an i eat) to her galled tp.rit. Lei Ibe conlratl between day* of wixng doing and belter conduct be forgot- ten, except by hereelf, while word* of aa- ooaragamenl fall ai Ihe genii* dew* of httveu. THI aUU UaTH. The propoeiiioa I have maJe would open wide the door* uf the nouie. A greater number of yoang girl* I tbuik wo-ui.i b* re- ceived, who *oald ia lime eoou go forih re- gaiding th* horn* in iinoerity an alma mater. Tboee commuted <o * care would coin* wilh !#* apprehtntu n. Tb* reluct- auoe of pareuie aud Ib* heeitatioo cf iboee placing girlt there woai.1 be leeteued ia thorl the bome woald, I think, belter meet the parpote* of lit etubluhiaitni. I bav* read *o far iu criiioitin cf Ib* law *u l not ot laoee acting auder Ihe law or of the management of any tiate luttilulion. I understand we are met here at much for a practical conference at for ethical diaqutei- Hoii*. To Ihit oonfereuoe aud ihit oittin- quuned aatemblage 1 rvepectfull) preeeot uiy view aaking thai while with wiedom we liitoue*, we have in our heart* for Ihe un- fortunate Ihe " charily which tnffenth long aud it kind, which vaunteih ool it*. If. it not pufled up and doth not condaot I uutceuily." BBUIA Wav It Pilau *nh a* rereieteaUr . The aoooaM nte il* pout* aortb bewaaa* oiaelieally the earth it a magnet, no* a if f rug eeteoually in it* magnetic propertttt a tar cf magneu<-<d aaaal. ta>* Jawruua .Vo</. am j y*tru*. Il ha* Iwi le* of great ininiiy, and like moet larue >teal magoett. there are teveral topvl* nentel pole* of Uaer laknaity. Ja.t a. thepue of on* bar magnet attract* tbe ad of another, to the magae* poles of ibe anh bebav* toward pole* of tbe oompau od e, on ik* pole* atlraciing, and like pole* rape-iing each other. It it wh to modify ibe ttatemenl that ibe needle poinlt norib aad touin ; at a matter j Ujt there are bat few localma* oa the *rth wDenii doee pciai da* norta and *oatb, and the** are cooataatlv changing An irreKBlar act drawn frcm ibe mouth of the Orinoco river ihr^igh toe eatt coe>*t of Ha)ti, Charlaiion, Sovib C*rotma aod Detroit, Michigan, repreeeni* very nejarl. tb* line ia which there i* no variation at ibe pretecl lisa. Ia all plaoee *a*t cf ihti line ihe north ead of ibe needle twiagt tughily to ibe w-tiward . in all place* we*i of 11 D ihe eastward Ai ihe mouth of tbe Colombia nver ibe variation cf the compact u tb. m ii d-gr*M eatt la Alatca u :. from to 60 degree* eatt ; midway be- tweec ?.>m York and Liverpool U u about ' Degree* we*t. Tne reatoa it that th* compats neoil* point* not 10 Ihe geographical, bai t. magnetic polee. and thaee do not oomciJe in pcMilion. Tb* magnetic north pot* i* at prveeni on or near th< north bor* of Boothii penintola. ia tbe nortbe-n part of North America. It* poiition i* cojttaoily ajkjakeja* and ia ihe Nit i i baadre'i >ear n ba* mitti about r. .If ihe dutano* round the geographical i e. Darin*; a period of 300 year*, in which obtervatioo* have beo care'a 1 made al ih magnetic obeervalory in Pan*, tb* variation* have changed from 11 degree*, W mm -tea, ail of north lo JJ d*Kr>*. 10 minaut wett. Ia tb* fulled state* the rate of tbe change in variation differ* moon in differ ent part* of the ooautry. In \Va*b:ruon State it change* at tht rale of about aeveo minaie* a >e%r in Arizona and Nw Mexico it ia tiaiiooary ; ia tb* Nee Enulaod State* ii u from on* to three nun ate* r -r year. Had Eiioniiti of Ihe Taae. 'Come over to our ehareh and hear me preach Ihit n-.orniiig." taid ike pattor. " It yoa don't like tb* ttrmon yoa wnl the mat 10 . we are going to have tome of Ihe lovelieet chant* yoa ever littened to." " No. tbankt," replied Mr. Badman, (or il wat h*. I took *ooie in th* grab bag. the nth pen I. th* rink oak* and Ihe pn.-e doll alyour (air latt week, and 1 haven I a oenl lfl for Ihe contribution betkel. Ouee* Ml { atay oat till my lack change*." .' 11 ' RrvaklfH K*gl(. Life la KaMla la !. MelvUie E. Stone, fouader aad farmer editor of Ibe Caica^o .Vrn. ha* reiaraed from a lo ig trip avoad improved in beaith. I'M ofing an* a few lute* from wbalheea>>* aoout Ro*4ta : In -t I'eiertaarg. in fact all ihroufu Rateia. there u a ha.o in tne very air. lh<re' a dread of eojielnia*:, a fear ot the Gjtcrnme.ii. Oae day 1 eaw a carriage >.ojiaiaiug a gendarme anJ another pertoj. I atfced our gui le who u wa* and he tid it wea a pjliuoajpruoner. 1 aaked himaU>i wo4id oeooo,* of mm.' Ob, be U never be nearj of a, a a W dou t have any boiner abojl jarie* acd t: * Th* paper* Wua'l lake up in* matter, and bit friaud* won'l aiiem^.1 to do anytbing for him.' Bat if ne *r*re yoar bn>ia-r. wou.du I \oa try 10 Joeome hicgforhim .'| I aaaed. 'Noeir. If I weoi to ih . cJfi-rt anj (aid I wanted lo know wtai >h*y were going to do wi.h him. ibr> wwu.'d aa) : Couie ri.hl in. You can ha - the cil next lo hi* aud go with bin to r oeria to I what become* ..f him ' WteiJ h. y want a man m Kuaaia they make no l j>e aoou- it. An odicvr ^cv* 10 tne mau t booe* or (hop, aud. teckouin* to him, ta>t: ! waiit >oa.' Tee man <iojen't atk what i* wanted or whj be it wanted. U* gore. Oauije (land* a carriage ..C a geudaim* lu it. U i* motionexl iuto toe carriage n't* m, and tnat t the laal that it beard ot him." CUaallaee* a Mwdera \ irtue Th* Eoglith upper claeeet are clean, bat deaniiuee* ot au> h:gh degree i* a very modern virtue among them. Il i* an inveutun ot me nineteenth ceoiory. Men and women born at tbe cloee of Ibe ri^hKenlh cvutary did at tb* Kr n.'h peo- pU do t da> . they look a warm bath oooaaiouail) for cl.<enliaee*. and tney took *how*r beina when they were preeoribvd by the phyucian for health, and they bathed in tamrner < (or pieaeare, bat they did not waah themeelve* all over every morning. However the new cut 001 look dvp root in England, beoaua* it became one of the *igne of elate. 1 1 wa* adcyi* I a* one of th* habit* of a gentleman. FtU Aatolber Bewk aa Kot-rrt Hnrna. Rtv. Or Coarle* Rogvr* ha* compiled (or the Grampian Clap. kMiubargh. a work eutitled The Book ot Kobeit Burnt.' ooniaining genealogical and bi*torioe>l memoir* ot the poet, hi* aeeociaut, and Ihete e^lrbraled lu bu writing*. For the la*l teven yaaralhe doolorha* been euiia*i oa what promieea, from tbe appearance of Ihe 6 ! Vi. 1 jme. lo be hi* nj/iiuet ,>puj A* to bo k it 1. ni,-*l a**nredl> loaw all the previou* bi.-grapnie* of tbe Scottith Bard iU the rvar . and on aocounl of U* plan u i* not only a Life of Huru* bat alto a m <*l i'\jvriaul cuiitribulion to the family hit- lorv of Scotland. Every man ought lo be aa good a* bit word. Nothing ia expected ol thoee who never have a good word for anyb.xiy. Although th* Kawliah fanhi jo ol t. ar.-hmg napkin* I* generally abhorred, a decided preference it thown lor th-nr ample dimen- atom and Ib* 7t9 fnn<ed doyli* of Yankee orij! n !.- given place to tb* )4itt Inch piece of floe linn. The Little Ulru KteKiitg t'r... Kvcuirg drv*e (or little gtrl* are mad* ligh in tbe neok, and with long aleevee. 'bina (ilk it tne favorite material, in pale pick ana green, or white hoi- >' combed wilb ydlow. They are made wun *eeral luckt, edged with a narrow, gathered rt mice, and with tborl txxiicee and full alerve*. A broad, eofl ta.h of China >i.k a,- v 11 pan it-* each little frock. The ucw Kmpire dre**ee for little) girl* are in rm- Hiensi mutlm or white til. and ha\e the akirl g<tberd into a >oke from *h.cb t hang* iu perfect >iuiulicity. .Sn*. " Hr , All Kl(ht I" Some ptp^rt m th* wel a few month* a<o k ave pariiculan ot tbe *nddn and m.i-t-ti'ut ditappearanoe of Mr. C'. K. Criekmore, a Ua tiag barritter from Sand- wich, and the new* h\,'h wa* oopied iuto Ih* TlK created great uneaeinee* aoiongd Ih* mixing gentleman i>lnvet and frui 1 . <t herveboat*. The TIMKS it now gtMtly pleetei lo be in the position to ttat* that Mr I'rickmore i all riuhl. He ia oow with bit brother. Mr. Benjamin Crick- more, in E act Klamboro. ILIAT1O CIT O* SMC A rare and atnoo* ditetn. which U (t oa aa h dalid cy tt cf ibe liver, u bring axcted anih great i: t-r*t o. ibe prof'* r. loeaori and aaedual atadent* at tae ,'ity Hoepral. Baltta 5.-*. The patient tt a German. John t'. 3*reenbroofc. * >ear t a< Hit diaeae* u ooe lo vne ova cf penejliar kiad of tapeworm iata^u* ie 4og and oiter aamai* Tc*> ova nni heir way into ibe ttomach of man IL looking water, aad are tbecoe earned to tne liver by the b oxi veeeele. Tbe njt u aboat 100. n . f an itch in diametrr. and tne jart* wbicn deveK p 11 are found in to*. *atwr, on tue irouno. and auck to tbe tor fao*) of vajtable*. and too* il u poaetbl* in -ating vewriaalci aocookrd to take the ova into Ihe boly. Ihe anucaU from tbtie ova, however, are net developed in man Thai egg* cnce in tbe tomacb of man i L create at an enormout rate i'ron tne tooiach they are abaorbed by the blood veeaeia leaflloa; to Ibe liver. Her* ibe rva foriB cvtie or little bag* ar^ccd ibem- *eive<. like tbe caterpillar in itt cocoon. When ihi* cyti ia taken into th* ttomacb at tbe do<. it develop* into ibe !a i groen Dydatid. wbich i* ooe quarter cf an taea in i.-cgth, with a bead on. >ixuctb of an inch. aod having nomeroa* little bcckj and a-ken. BereenbrBch wat admitted to ibe City doepttal on O i. 15ib. 1;*^ He wa* a .aborer al tbe Jta:l College in Wooonock, and had complained of a aoll bat **vere pain 13 hia ri^nt >id t aae Uai tfnog. H* Bad watted away and !o*t cearly f -ny poaodt of deth Tbe doctor* at the ' :i Hoepital diagnoaad hi* caee. acd on NJV. Ul Prof. Cba^le* F Bevec. ia ib pr**-nce -! Drt J. W. c'bamben. Tcoma* S. Lai- imer. W. F. Smith aad Joba Brantaa, performed what baa up to tbe preaeni time proved a very taajeatf-.I operation. Prof Bevao made an looNon in ibe wall of the rwbt tide ot toe abiomeo, jaet below tbe rib*, and aboat a gallon aad a half of pa* a* tak-n from tbe man'* Unr. Tte melhod of ranxxuu 'h bydatid c)*t* i* by mean* of draining the liver, which opera- lion i* of modern tirncal art. Th- fain ( th patient before tbe operation wat ioaeoae. ibe lamjr 13 hi* rtgbl n l* having extended hi* liver nearly fifteen incb*(. Tb* great pain aerm-d to leave him after ihe operation, and be LOW appean to b* recovering. Mcliict; tuhoM. Tbat M.-G.niy ahoold havt become a man ot national renown vae aoi tarpriting dit mufortaoee were pa>oeuc ci* ead wa* tragic. McGmty at ibe botioca of tbe wall wa* a herv. lor be baj tbe courage lo break enry bone in hi* oojy raioer iban lot* a b*t. M.Giul; in ib* coal hole wa* only ihe vi;ij> ot an axidenl. Ojt in the pauuhiuut ibal fcl oed thi* m efortaae o* wa* the victim of jMictal Ivrauuy. Ten *}otlax* or ten oa* woaid nae been tail cienl. McGinly. bereft of wife aud cbud, t.and* a moc j jieni of domeenc deoiauon. U i* no wouder thai tee bearie of n < fellow citijeoa, naturaluuU ani naiive, are tonoheu at hi* f*ie, aad inal their > loiiow him to the bottom cf tbe **a. 1 hat th* ghoat of inch a man tboald wander round tb* dock* I* ibe iroe cat- corn*) of a tale to fait of peiboe- N .-t eveu poor old Lear wae eo 6e,. injured b< bit uogratefat daoghier*, fjr *veu l'-n M. Giuty'a tPai* i* oair***d by a di^p*nt preaf. Tbe New V.ra >U ba* ib baroi- boud lo *a> he wa* a bod carrier u Harlem and ibal be jamped into the ruer at ibe Battery, n ar >.aa*le Garden. There i* LO r.trr thore " al ibe bWitrry. aod if Mr. M.l'unty had been a New Yorker al all, u it oriaao be would bave be*o an alderman Nci oonlenl with rip^iug Friuo* Eddie of England np Ihe back, inal audac.oa* tbeel priLl* all Ibe g <e*4|> U can gainer in rarard to tbe aliegeU aiitcevd* ot McGiui) iu tbe Thai taoh reoalee* j >arna'itm thoald bear titter (rait l* aircd> a^>pr<ul. VVbat ooald be more repren. uiOi. man to briu the name of Pan UcGtuty into Jitrepute ' Already tbi* kiud of Ibiag ba* reeu<te<l in marder oa Loag I-iajJ K d>ctuu< on McGint)'t coaracier are br^iauioaj to f eo^v hitfne id* and admirer*. Ooe mau at l'hrv>Kg Ne-'k fatal name *taall< killij auoin.r (or a-ktng if he bad a reeled McGiniy. 1* tbi* kind uf ibmg to go ou .' Il mil nnle* ^ro^<er ree^ieci i* paid t j a gboti * i r tprvMMe, *o reepeciabl) draaeed. mpit* fiwt. Vlae-llew* vdbe lay. The N# York K^evJy call* altenlion to Ib* nnmervu* queeliou* lhal are more or lee* a.uatingibe ^uoUc mind al the preeenl lime : OrKaouaiioo." oriee number one. " t'o operation. ' about* another Mote Krtei baekt.' *> the third. 1 itiatior. ' bvllox ihe fourth. " Probibi<ion," feebly c u* Ibe fifth " Too inn 'h popuUu >u. ' oail* the tixih. 1'uhi hour*." eey* ihe eevmth " Kihical culture." (ay* Ihe ei.hih. " ^trike," hi.eee ihe umlh. " IHnamile'," whitpere tbe tenth. Overproduction," tbotit* the cpitali<l. Vra*t in In* Lord. ' moan* th* pareon. And " Vrol> olioii. ' ye-lt ibe grealeel robber on tarlh. Aud while all Ihit hol'aSaUv i* going on the land epex-alaior qnietU tut in hi* office wondering if the Wor.d * r'air it coming to M*w York loraieeihe puje of rl eelate. Proevrntlua of Ike K.litor Robert Cornell of Ih* <:.-Uj> li.'oV. at Krie. Pa . ha* b-n invited to ^e bvlveou hi* m.tvr*h. > iu th* ^reebytertan Cburoh and Ihe puilioati >n of bit Sanday newepaper. O:\* or tbe other will have lo be at Wa* MiM TeliowlettCi portrait a good Itknt-tt " " II matt have been : the r*fa**d 10 take, il from the; artitt." Dr. Sagv'* Catarrh R*m*4y our< whea evt-ry other *o-oalled remed) fail*. .X) >.*nl*, by tiruggiti*. Vt a faahiooable oo\<ki-<g olaa* where iho yoaog daughter* ot aooiely m-^l to tlody lioineatio e\.v otnv at vrtl a< plain oivking. (pecial attention t* given to ibe theory an. I praclux of eating To England, glorr it ,ll for th^ b**t raeihiil. whioh i* deliberato at well at lamtv a i < OMQIIM* in alway* taking ihe fork iu th* left bao i and poou in the right, i h only time the fork i* permuted i i the right hand i* (or fltb. wbta tb* kaif* it never loaobed. Ba* a LJ vl John Tbomaa Haetof, of Buoticgbaaa. Eng., u a lad wboae power* of vi*je an to b* aoccaakd amaeej tbe) ma/ vei ooav da u known a* ta* .iviag nucroaoope," oa aacoaoi of being acU to are tb* ea*A '' U79 b* wa* aitacaad wttb acme b2.a*> e>e iroabae aad oejne wry namr KMtB*j an igbl I.rner Atwr me di*ai baat raexbea it* wont tbere wa* aa u>*aaat aaei ttaruing cfcange ft. r tbe 0.1 wr, wnicb re- tufcw. :a a com^lvt* can ol all it, dace ma- tioa -j an laoredibly aaon tune. It waa) uot a core, bowveejr. that oroagb* ba*k ic oii laaight IJu that poaaam i oy ibe> average (coo*) BOOM. When it rtioneat it wa* with cxmorduiarily m.maaaal power* of vuicn. To Thoma* ibo OKU mu.ut* p>anl looae wa* at large *) a* a raobii. aad ta* owqulo l bull M larf* aaac axe-bac^:*. he oocid *ee aaai -einoe ditta^i nunat* obj*c* witn ttart- Uag aiear&a* and prtritinn B* wat) amacugly atockeo apoo repairing to tb* ad to get a coouog oraabt to **> tb* :xmn** nomaar oi bid*aja) creatorM ibal were noauog. fictia< aad wriggling tooui in ta* water. FromUus.-a. t... uu* water be* Dew pexeed ah* lip* cf Jobn Tboda* Heaiof ; aia drink* 000*1*1 woody of ocffe*. wa aa4 oulk. iooroa;u) boi^ad. la* doctcn aay that tb* tnure orgaayaiioe cf tb* *ye bat) wuaiatgoiii a tiractonU cbanaje . tbat ib*> oornea ba* become abaontaUiy and tbat to* crj ttal.nt lee* ae* div into tore* aiffereni oMact or cirdea, eaefc area* mrroande*) ay aaotber of liht bloav Ia tb* centre ot eacb of iheae tbrte orcaaej appear* an ir:t. greatly j.a ined in ai**, but an in* nevtrtaaaea*. Medical report*) have bees mad* on :b* c*** by j arca^* *ucn a* th* Lu*r<r. Unite** Tu*t aaei many other*. TB* joocg man ba* nwau vuited b> a.1 in* ree>ter aud i.-**<r ugbla of tb* Bntun aecual anllga*. eacfl ot wr 31 ptoaoaao* hi* cae* taa 0*0*1 mam dart a. in tbe aanal* of opuoa. Why A pecu.iartty aboat ibe biind ia there it telaotn cr.j at them wbo i SoMnit and tailwn accaetoaiexl tj tag. and who have loe* vn..r aigat ia i oootiao* K> tmoa* for a abort waUe. oca give up ibe hatatt. Tne> aay ibal t give* tnem no pieaure when they rtnaot aee tbe (moke, aL J *oa* have aaid that tbey cacnoi taete ib* aca<.kt anlea* tbey **> it. Tbi* almoM a*aaoo*trate* thi theory that .' '.-.d a maa :a a room (all of emoke aad pat a lighted aaei aniigbted ,-Lar in hi* ouatb alkrnateJj 0* wul coi bo able to tall tbe diAereaea. ba*v rr LJMlie* Only. LI.IIJ-. Why i*ii, teal when vour bano or year cbillno are ill. > the be*l cb>.ciacai -.>e. care (or "hear* day and aini. wear > ooneit oat with aiea) leea watching, and never brgradge ta*> beavieet doctor'* bi.l. if only tbe d ar one*) are reelond to bealtn . while dai after Jay, week a!wr wea. you endor* ibal doll ;>i*l in you back that lerrtDle .iag Jjn * aa*alion and do abeoialely notbing to effect a cur* .' In a (ew year* oa will b*> a helplea* invalid, and aucn yoar broaeo- nea-rieu hotaad and motaerhej* cbi.Jren will (jliow you lo tbe rate. Fcrbapej deiicacy pnvrnle >ou ooa*oltm a pbiticiaai bat even tbi* it not oeoeary. Po**r tofferer. *.! >oar hatband how miarraoir yoa feel perbap* von never did and aek turn to itof to uigbl aod <ei you a buttle of Pr. rierc* Kavurite Trvecription. I ba* cared tbvatand* of women >u9>ring frota wtaka***** aod oooaptatau ptcuoar w jroev lex. Whj h. l>id It. \. -rer latter a rebuke by ib* eld lady} I di<ln i ai* >oa 1 ool> pretended 1 wa*) . 10. Why aid tea c*4l to your mother. S<*et G.rl (repententl)) I I duimt know th* wa* in ib* booee. the Tawa KeJ. Yoa niav call tbi* a vulgar expre** a an>1 a* modern at u ia va^a-. bat in ib Inferno ot Deuie " we read ihe line*: Who T.> UD*: (net Ihrooth Uie rarple air. Vt wbu na>* au.ed tne utcar.adine. ' luoarr.iliae or red may be Ibe e, r a town, bat it it the natural ot ib* b o > i If yoar liver i* oat of order, yoar blood will soon lc*4 it* ru l.iy K!O<V aaei becum* laipure. Tbi* meac* kidn<y di*>- or.ler*. long dteeaee. and. 1:1 oouree of lira*, death To pat ihe liver rult and tof^ tooh tram of evil*, tali* Dr. Pwroe'V Golden MtMioftl Pnoowry a tare remedy. U it fMfwatfeJ lo benefit or care) all diteaee* anting from a dicriereal l.ver or impure blood, ai indigetitoas aonr (tomaoa, dvtp-p*'*, all io <-*lp. at ,i acrofulou* aff^tton*. ealt- rbeam. tetter, ery-ipelae, aud kindred ail- ment*. or mooev pat 1 ' - n will, in *v caee. be promptly refunded. Colored glaf*. cm k .a* and glaee (or win- # an need very tparinglv bw ple of tette Kor lamp, dower, (rait, and tan.-* bowl( Ihe manafaoiarer** tVi:l M uxed. bat Ibe eimpler and clrarejr the oryttal ih beller Ihe ^.armtt appear*) to enjoy hi* iae. Tbe heir apparent ot Ihe Japaneae e*w- pire having b*oom* of legal a^. 11 v-ar*) last month, wa* given a t*ord wbiol la) aaid 10 have been kepi u the Iinmrial family for newrlv 1 300 yart. aad iov tailed in aa cfti je that will atitl hiira to be oalled Colonel or *om*lhiag ot the* kind. Ia Africa it co*l* more to convert *> native to Chriatanity than il dor* to oonv bun into a (lave. D. C. . U * 90. OESTS MAKE f KK) A MONTH with aa. S-ndOe. lor teraa Aeokweel uern aad tutored Jeawna W w Si. Thooj Ool DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND