r H E FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. U published 10 very Thursday. PU * TKB Orncu N., Unhan Utrrtt, - - /Wnrton, Out. KL'ITOKIAL MUSINGS. Tiio people have pronounced upon it, and w...i an cmpkasis which mutt be highly gratifying to Dr. Oiristoc. For fiftci'ii years a reeve of the town- ship, and then to be returned for the 1 GUi time with so handsome- a majori- ty as lie has received this time, is i jui< tliiuy almost, if not quite, un- precedented in Ontario municipal matters. Silf-gratulation in this case is iiotnt-tliing highly excusable in l>r. ChriBtoc if he does indulge in it. It has been a great and pleasant surprise 1} many of uis friends, who felt that Ilia return was probable, but his r- jccti'ju possible, owing to the peculiar circumstances of his candidature. These circuiustancos are familiar to . all. Tim Dr. did not intend to be a candidate until the final letter, signed Patrick," appeared in this paper, when ho dtcidtd. justifiably, that he did not care to loaro public life with the publicly-branded stigma of malad- uuiiii;:Mtiori hanging over his head. Tin I'<uv at the eleventh honr, at it were, he placed himselt once more in the hand; of his constituents, and has received, as wo said before, a vordict (which U highly gratifying to himself and to his many friends. This verdict doe.i jut indicate that the people tlii: ;. -1-. \Vii','ht wmild not make a gooil retvc, for w have yet to meet the man who believes that, but simply that they did not care to turn Dr. Chrixtoo out after his long and faith- Oil -> !"Kes in tliuii behalf. Mr. Wright should not u.) discouraged, as he worked against heavy odds ; no doubt his tune will conic, lint the result of this elu-ti >n has convince:) us lhat HO loiii^ as Dr. ChrnUoe de- airus to retain the nmilion of reeve, or at loast until he does soimwtlium oriuiiHiy detteient to tlio welfure i>f the township, it will bo folly for any one to attempt 1m deposition. And should thii Dr., us hu possibly will do, i cine from public life at the end of the pn-Hunt year, it will be with the li'ui'ii ; M u J In mini upon hint. \V congratulate Dr. Chri.itoo on Li* victory. * * Christina- h:m come and gone ; the New Year is hero. Ten more yearn and a century of wonders will have been liiiliilieied with tbo sleepy old .lit humli vita. \Vliat w.iii'li'rfiil i nld world s humanity has Ulan ilni-iin; tin- )>' ninety years! V.i. Inn Hint lime n a> IH- : ,ud tn liuvv tain u phiiv the bit til of elei-tiicity, tlnii Miikl'i tiling win.li- charuclwr IH ii'ii yut fully 1'ii'lei -.twiil, but whose .!.% i!, in h:n not linen slow to iu- . in i in- won U-iiul telegrtph 'mil a lIluUMnd Othr ways; tlm dltCovny I- ol Bi.-iiii ;u,d iii< apjili tin- running of railways. I ii. .'.i.- all mini :, : .'h t> j>t in nil i r- nun i. , Inn ill. \ will p'oli:. 1 Ij bi- imt.lo:;v III I'hn lii-\t. M i, J-.-i. ai- , ilniH;H in \.liUili Wi 1 I. "I M]>pi.ii Ii lull e innrli |" * * .1. Ui..'.'. nui- .'iin:nlisM 'ln< i T l.iwc- inn jnHt ns Htrini-ent ns th'-y i linn. i- . I'. .|.' :n - .(inn ii i>. hav i bfni l.ii'li'iio; i 1,- nt' I i 1 .' '!-. i;t tins rtTJ :nitti-r. n,i. 'iws should hn iplllH-il. HU tin . Now the Amen eju* kii'iA' li'iw ID ii'lvaurn 111 lhat i -i. ami Hinnilil limy eniiliniiii ii.ltrnni in;; n 1 . iln pivici-; i \\t it is in >)IL|. I. Hi H I'verv Aiiii-iii'iiii woiniui juriig nt tli ciul of lint 114-nt U'l.U.iy will carcoly he nlile Ii r.-i-it n In r hull mi l-ile iinniH. This liciiijt the an Anglican divorce mnrket so at liaiyl it is not at all woii that OiuwU itfuifi to anii-iid her law*. Ul< nioe to know that, it in l>j dnU-,^ .iu|i.msil>U for a poor man 10 seeuri A dtvoioo in our oouulry. while the weilthy can open the strings f their pocket books to the Senate, say, help yournelves, gentlemen, and walk off with a divorce ; or they may visit thf States and purchase one if they so eloct without appealing to Canadian l&w at nil. In some cases here obscure individuals have tried this latter plan they have beeu made to suffer severely therefor have even been imprisoned but now that a cabinet minister has created a prece- dent the law will no doubt be changed so as to make good in Canada divorces declared in the I'nited States. The occurrence which took place in Ottawa less than a year a;,' tends to Foster this opinion, at any rate. The Elections Ir. I lirisii.r Still tin- Choice in a Ofhrr Elections. Ths municipal elections in Artmnesia nil very quietly, and tin- result s that Dr. Chnstue ha* nut yet lout hi "tfrip" upon the affections of the people. Following is tlio rwsult in Arte- tnesia. FOB HKP.VE (Vurw. II" Ward So.l ............... 61 70 Ward No.l ....... - ... W 39 Ward No 3 ............... 10 liS Ward N. 4 . ... IJ) 43 Total .. .an -TJ Maj.int v (r Dr. Cbrlntoc l.'l At the ele.-ti"ii ho). I in 1H79, wlien tlii lat Mr. Kill .it wa Dr. C'hriitoe's op- ponunt, th Cj{iiryH stood thus : i'l,ri.*t,*. Ellivtt Ward So. 1 ............... 73 61 Ward No. S ... ......... fi 115 Ward N , 3 ............... to 38 Waul N . I ......... Ill 47 Toial .......... 406 99 Majority for rhrlitoeSM Sharp 171 71 94 1 iiang. r Mnj rit> f>r Sharp <iv.r uttmr two T> Wiiin MI. 4. Qt Tliomjuwn ................. 97 H. IVIIar ........ _ ....... OH Maj.irlty f.ir Tb..in|m ...................... * In thit wuni Mr. linath'n nairu) 4>- pearutl upon tint liitll.it p:tpr, l>ut HI it wan underntooj th.it IIP hiwl rwi^ued uuly two Iwllotn wcro rant fur him. Than our nrw council fi>r IHW will contain only "in- new men-. VT, and it will l>* cnimtuuteil thus : I'hristoe, Sharp. MoArthur, It,, I nllll Mill Tll,>lll|,so|l. Klrrtion*. -Ktwe/l'lm*. (Miner. Dupu tor, 1>. IVMon. (..iinrillnn, W. J J. Taylor, J. KniiiutfU. (tilniy, tiuHon. Strwitrt . lUeve, MolTat. SUple, depo ty riT<- I'linnrillurii, l>avu Ki'il ami BM- l. n. lV>r.'X. Mi Mill in rreve. Shaw drpntjr Mir,ll,,r, McAnlle. lllack. Tim ill r-l i ,1 Mirilli" n namo wt< liarrnut loaruftl /' .1 i. ir . ,, /i < ', . _i ..... /. n(. I'n.t I -li., of tliimiltmi, i> . ry i H dMTormf to II-MIXI i.- i'r tn Diu-o tlouriih- ni^ li.ilu* i lio\.il ' . n pl.ii-*. II* ^iio 11 ver .11 N'u.i.iv m^lit at the Mi-ihinliat iluir, h. ilr Stapli-H hii<< tried ncmn, nml Cm illy >u ...... nii'il in Ix-atniK- M. Milliin for tlm ilc|'ii'V lfnvmhi|i of lili.mli;. t'ri.ij WIllianM l' : >^ :I!M' I'l-i'ii l-ft nt hniiir. Mi Win ItutlriliyJioin r'.nl NVilHain, liM oprni'd out In IM in lifiiKon'ii old tAiiil, with n full lino wi-ll annirtn!, in . u-v i -i. .i-li-ry, friiun, etc ll (ill ;,- i|iii'.< > nlmro of traile. as tho M l!nv. .lo. tiftll -.i\, ..f llminiur, will |.r,.n'i HH--1 .11:11 v KiTin.' ii lii-rc noil ah. On Ilin f I! .wiiij; Monday, a pultlio iiiiriiiij will 1'" huM in th* Ml'tliodmt illlll.li, :nli|liai (iXpik'tllll from llri-i (lalluwny,!' '\dell ami liucjiin l!*\ (I.-illon'.iy. !i -,ii!^ lirrn otAtioncil bur* in M HI i;iiii, I'V. l.*n iilwaya h:ul a .inn I, .'inr n' vnrioiii IIIIIK* that h* Ilil-l |..|i,lln ,1 lil'l' 1 '-i MllllMtiT 'HI o- , im . i hi. i. l'n> I'ifiimi ne. \', ...... 'ml in not* lhat Mrn Dr. S|.ii,iiln i ii'xiuiiini; tri ngth rapidly, and will anon be entirely eon vtJesoMi l''lnii <irt.n fiitiinU will, with all nlhiir'.tii 'i'l {,, Liniw nf hi'f i^rnilual rititunttiou 'rum a oiinditioii to weak i to| i ko .n.\ny fm>l thi>r waa no will ;>,ri>iiiiiiDil !iu|> that nljii woiiU rcoovar Wu IUITC Imd an lliHiii if toil^ha l.iti'ly wiiti iy riial viaitiU niani of *upprt. A MiiW biifiuvaa lias Iweii itarUd, but are i'4lil in th coiiviatiun thai <re Ion? KIIIIC place will be gone through, and our l<*a will be their gain should they ecap ilie law'* clutcbw. Thurnbury and ChaUworth have reported a like gang to our chief constable. Precautions are h in-,- taken by inuat of the buatnes* iou. Sctiool opened Tut-nday morniii'.'. At- tendance large. Mils Richnidaon waa duly intr duced tu thu pupila of In r de- partment by the master and on* of the trustees. We believe tliu present itaff will lucc-eed in keeping th Markdaie aohiH.l in tin- front rat>k of Mr. Canip- bella lotpMtoal . Mr. S Hill hu built a new engine house and put in a new builvr to rut> his elevator. Arnmtront; Hn>. erect thf building and Motfktt mid 80111 attetri tu the machine titling. The (' I'll yard i nearly cl-arM) of t-oid ,,.!, inostlj owned by C. J. Smith Cn. ANU.V. Itoiid. Frunt our turn Curresfn>n<lti*t. Th-> annual school meeting was fairly well attended. A vote of those present wan taken, authorizing the trustees to sell the dwelling huu*t> ou the school grounds. Mr. K. Buchanan was elected trustee. A dl*tini{ cluh has been orgaiiued here Meetings Friday evenings at 7 o'clock p.m. Si-hool coe.iiii.'iu-eil f..r the year 18'JOoti Monday last, with Mian Kurd again aa teacher. Mr. I) Duchanan, of Oregon, is here iiiiin.' friends. His Tisit this time is of an tntert'itin:.' c!iara.'tt<r, the little ;i"d with tin- IMIW and arrow having had a hand in it, as he hu* taken one of On- tario'* fair ones a* a life partner for wxal or wue, in the person of Mus Hanson, siltw uf Mr. James Hanson, Veterinary , ot lor, ntu. Suuceaa Daniel. When Daby was alok. we car* her Castnria. Whau alK was a Oiil.l. ab ciiol for Castoria. WliMi ihe Ns-ann' HIM. she clung tu C'UUTUL Wbm aim Ua LlulJrao. sLe jav UMMU cori* Dr. I'hrUloo Spralui. DBAB Sm,- Will you kiuilly per mil me thrnii^lt your culunnm to ihunk thu ruti pjyeis fir tliar groat intt'rc'>t in my cuie during the lute mmiicipul eli I'tioii 1 wat particularly picas, rl with my Tote in wunl one. two, ami four. Al- though ui ward nnc then- was an avUii I lillll'. Jet ill tilC faCf of cucui:ijtanctli enure support wan very natisl'urtory iiiilenl. '1'wj things t> u.lod to hurt in tion in) withdrawal s.m'croly taken lit tirst,- anil tho iiecouivy.liy pi - Ui rinrel it. Ill tile interim mmiy nf lll\ l.tiloil;,' fill-tills lldll pln!UI>eii lliy opp -.in-lit a'ul they rmild not feel fie.. to chalice their position. liowever llil- natui.ii u - -i i LI, I. The other thin ; was my imibilitv to r mvns> |>erou- ully, a-i iliil my o|i])i>iieiit, and fir cx- itn.iiinii nl in. kiu i -, cuoiienudly in, nle, s.ilnu wele lli.liii'i ,i to boliflVe them to my hurt. I 'nit ih.ink.-i to tho m'.i Hi ;i nt i ! i .unite, liny liavi'iitnpl\ viiulu-At, >1 me. I itm more lit. in pleaKetl, tlntt, clnrniL,' the ivvnio:u :u I W:IM iln.'reot enough to aviijil pi '^nii.ilitii'S. nltho' nnkiiiil ri ll. i"i, MIS, olTi -HHIVL- it' 11:1- i- -1 with less KCt'i-luty, wi ID iieipienlly utleroil. In one \\.-i -1. I did not re- Uliiite, iii-i piiy in i-oiii a:) it wn-i I'etldi le I. \\ hut w .ilil liav. IKI n m\ i:. if I httil ') i -n on tin 1 10. nl with tusudii for. i win I. weik, it would lui hard to S.I \ ' To t., # \\!D sia-A i" 'gainst TUB uVt'll linili r sn.-li ixvuli.ir :>u,l to me pninful riiciiliiHtanoei, 1 Khali 11 . In n lol'ore evince, i\ 1 huve nl- \.l\s llillli , th.lt eVelV 111101 llBS It 1 1:,- hi to IAI iviso Ii .: own judi,Miii'iit on t'liide matter*. Tli. . ui you all niul wislnn.' yon i very hli>Siiiii* throtis'h- uut the yeui . 1 uin yours, lill. I'll I mi :t in i I \.iini :..i 1 10 us The bllOWing OMMlidktM won BUI'- Ml ill i i . in.- t'le 1 1 i-.-nt hv;h si-liool eiitiamv uMtimnation luUl m 1 leshrrloii olIll.S. \iiilii 1 I'lrein, KOSH I'niniUi, Illn ( '.'ii inlhi-i-H. Citrrie I'.vart, Ma^in l-.i viion. Miiinii' lii'ihiini. Vienna Illiwken. I'.li/ithfith llHwk.-n. Millie Ki-lln, clitrv l-cslie, Violet M.u.n.M.n iTV Mllllll, Mol in MllOlii, Kalllel ' M.-Nnlly. Meeftu' Mi-Ni-u.Klennor M'" Ki'e. I'.lsio Mi'K . . I'l.inkle I'lrkell. Tifine Kii-lnuih'oii, lUohel Mary Stnim. IIOYH. Ollio Austin, I'Ved ItiiKgin. Jno. A. Conksy, Jaiui'M Cop<'land, Itiwinald Clciur, Thoiiiai Hicks, Williu trwin, Pnni-itii Mi-Auli>y, Alei. Strachau, K.I win Strum. Samuel Hoiboroilgl), M m\ FOR ALL i cllic '" : man <>r tn'n. l<> s--il <*' Fruit TIMS. Hhrni, Uruami-aUli. ' rmplovniriil. W .t.- u on** for and H-CIUM eh^c* ..[ t-mt. rr. We sell , I'J.K onlr lri>t-'-la f - -lock, haamiouia outtil lrrr. ! -._ Addre., MAY KKOIHFHS Km*. "<-"". block . , - ill. :.. i;, In ' < . V. DR. CABTER, M.C.I'. AS., I'M. rm.siriix. SFKCFOX. &. Pumps ! Pumps ! ^g Js McCulloueh J. R. Button, M-"L>-^ -M- r t tba Co!l<(* of i h . OatArio. re uAcc.ooe door tast . . ;.: manufacotnrcrof fniinf . .>ir < inform tli* public t.-.^t i.v . i i . ui M-iti *o f ui ni*ii PUZDCS fur Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. . who Lav be> tic fore bod diiQculty with tlc.l ORS. SPQUL 1 : & EGO. MARK!' \: K ' NT. OWcr :-Hanl->\ I>rux Mun-. Ts iat* of To-.unha^ Guaranteed Satisfaction buinr ' ilnuiy artu:lo>. I inar *ttb tb lau J. Faar.of Ilefor . la: Mark'l./.H . . J. P. OTTEIVELL ' . ri.RIN.Ai. f wbo> pumpi waa a hoiiio!. f.-w yearn affo H* aroanJ call on m* if you -U-r aaytbtng IB tb of , RF<1 ' bUt Door Ka* . ,n rh jrcb rLEBHRBTOB J. M<-< ulloinih Owen Sound Collegiate ^ Institute. 'J III [! \s Tl KHD4Y. J.tK. )lb Tb Best Kqnlpped School in the ProriDC* A Staff of Seven Specialists. L. !..*.. Dil.XTIMT. Vititi MarkdaJ* the lit urrt :! ri . ::th. I Flealicrton each trij. > n ;]\ v ua/ fui! For tbrxi vajr bat takcu iiure C*rtitlctvs than aay otlu-r achool ui th 1'ruriiu-c. at I >- tiartiuental T. , h. r' Examination! and Art School Kxaniinationf '%D. 1980. -,t> Uatriculatioii j -- srn - Hi IN M.L npAHnntyTa I Kn.t riai T*aol>vn Cartifloal*. . lj. > , i - r.'xnnitnatlon. rnrtcatrt . m For fi;rtl:arifi.,rtuat.. aai i ;. to lit. i.r\ iv D R. ponrt. I'al. ' !Varl .. .. Si 5 J. W. I 8GST, UKRKSH1KE _^ ***' i3oar for bervice, Tli.- nii !.T.. k Mi.| li for writ* at l'ripille aflmt olow tlii.roiiklil'rr.1 H.'ik-iiiiv Knarjatvly uurrlins...! lioui Mi K Kiivi*. of \Va.krloa TttHMU ii t > *\ uiik flrit (.r-..'.. at Aiti-titpua fall ilinw ula fall, tn.l wi-on J at tU Walkurtuu I i il itiJB. T A il K'.lHlit - - We have the Tin. CALL AT SULLIVAN'S M o o r e's Block, For Mnir Nii|i|.lu - lu I in v .u-r . k. |I:IH in-_. I :i < I roil- Inn- . vie. Sutriian i> tlio oi. I rolial'li'Tincnutii .' ' nll-.l tl. U !.!> 1. 11!.' Ill- liafc I..-,--) tli'l * , .'Ixht t^-u y.'rtrv an, I tnk.-i tin-* , .i-e. 1 1 unit v . f IhMik- iu>; lo many i-atroim fi-r pant lnvor^. D,I)IOINM prit aouuUnuAllo* of thcaaaM I'un't for- i!.'l Win t,- . ,. |.!it, .1 ,,f In.- ttr.l Block, frLESHKRTOV CAME AST KAY. in ui* to ll .- |<riiiiH* of thw unitfri|fUf>J lot ' .* i'H or (* I tf.il ll:n ILI Kilt' .'( i 1 \i<ai ><M Tho t>wur U - -t(sl iii jirv>vr i*n>|H*rl\ . p*T fir^u^r* nrt ftWft) .IOJIN HKKi'lii'Kr. K .,.. ' - I v* i:*.fnU. IVo IfWI. \V. UARXIIOISK, r.oor ANI> sum: MAKM. Kl I'sll- Kli'N, I i\T. ' IhaAl I luiuu-ii'Ui. r;)4l,Mii, i x foi 111* V.--T lil.i'ial |al>' n Hi,. (i ! . nil. I - iiu i i.. 1-1*1 ,. I t, All all r.l..r-. wt:i -I Kuajanl,., .1. l'wl r,ai.. ,ii * i t , uia.1 titi. me , II km n MII..I ijlioiit lU4 \li-inin t, ^.t urk a m. -M.r Knit* tua.l* I . U i Lurnliouv. Klwil Ki iMiERT.i* (>JK[, h. v^r I\*T Orri. r. Bnsovu^BouMM, * Tin R.IP.U* . ' US :-l,> P McCDLLOUGH, Barrister. >,// itor, ,y. Mrlnrland'it ... L n . Harris. John W. Armstrong, I'o. Gtsv. I D fi I: . a*>l isln o( lau.i. an. I K. 1'. H. A l.K'l \~i - s > i ' Kl.N "l-'-vJONK * .Ifjrpirvli Ml rai-. i '. i f I . C.C t> MosM] A> laii u r VAhJUA MONET TO LOAN- The uDiaiK'iwd bds a Amount of Mono., to TJOUH at 6Jo o. OK TOWN OR KAKM fRiirKBTT. .r\H> UK. Kiuars: .-, W. J. BKLLAMY TWr. iHUa AMTlMa-U. tti.vr /: v.4 A- /-.-.. tXIM . ;.\M'/. i \.-r- t.. / DCRns MlM.1V v.,l s | K\>.f>. >tc pr ,., 4r lan.l i'r,.|-.-r:> .-will. I tasataac* Mtoi .I ill flmt-ciaii i >'iniaiuoi. M. -n ^ to tvtid at lowitratv> R. J. Sproule, I)"?TM. \.--p-i:. f ' v . .,,, .. ' r i" lt>: . pwr.Cou Ay t ,rais, r sn>l Mnr Undrr. Kta(i> snjln. ISr.ii. 'ot ami WilU ,'rswn np aoj i. , n ,:..'.,t uolKv. A,- iiiin Aals altiuil to in any (isry o( tl <> C.Mintr. ^| , t |, ,,,,, ra , ct of 1 .1 to witli M, 1 .le.pat.-ii. OmrijM low. 4K.ntf.ir it I'orapany rhrsj- tu-V.-l. ^,^m II, i n.-r|',',-l (Ikvuw, I., ,..;,n .-r IAI >'( :!,' UritlAU I'.'rts. l*ari>.'S ii'tvn.liii^ t,. M^I Ki^UnJ Sootlln.l or In 1 . ..). \ ratrs b for* |iuTcha> T - | , frf House d Lot for Sale i\n \ for s\l(*. fi.uiv n rifi-tn'1 tvn H^u-t'C-'i A n f ii r> <<ui H|>l*ti(ll>l l.'l Tei t'l-i wry tow ttr'i" I" l'\N .0 TAYIA^E For Sale or to Rent. llavuit ,-,, ii.-lii, In-l to rulirx ti.'in farmiliii. th* SBd>nlml lia il<Mlil.xl to ofTi ,r to rant his first claM tuinilr*.! arr* farm .'in- mnt a i|uart..| null- 1 w.uitli rf t hi- Ti)!a^r,,f K ,-b^i I. ui, oil wl i.Oi tu 1.1. (.-. I ,o..,l iMiil.lniio. in UK a -| U'li.ll I tiank 1. 1.111 If no!. I ,,|,lr a > nil |.\in.-iit n II ' l.-wii tli. I'.lmii'., 11 ..IHT |,atni..nt< KI-I fiiiiln.i ri n.-nlana|iply o IHot- MOKKOW t'Uli.,| ion I 1 In ra.h will b pai.l for an* quality of , T&lto, lhi rluu fanii. n Hub TliilS < nftan nr Bnn & to I'M-r. . vi , .. ^^ THIS AMI KAI-l', , |;Kf,r. I'' 1 **"'- ' . aJju 1*4 .luial'i , rv;oviaM wdtto '.-iti 111 -i . .j, |, | tl any li..u\UiMs> I'i'USU.K V Haard's Carria ; e Ship L'' :> I "'- -V- I N I .> | ,,, JJ.* *' * ' Karlnai l-OI]l!,l K .' '!. I'' I" -I 1-H.l'l .. . .1-1.1,-, -..-,. a- in Well Unit' -I with nii .M haMwiH'.l, honiloik in I , nln Splw1l4 >.( l|tl:- -ni Ull'Mtltlfill |l s ,, ,.( \|| U |,| ., ImJs.wn \ <.- wlii.i, II ...... , nJ|, l ,t..i BOMoAr* ai ilrhurrh.an.t H i frJiu Flcak rton on tlin T H . wti.-r, tit, r* Is i utJM mark..! foi all kin.U of >.r.oU<H >tsil, anJlnnl>r -