TBB - lbrt and talUvaa'* Mew (le Over*. Htr* it OB* of Ih* or.r o- rted pieces from ah* Good lien," tan by Maroo and Oia*pp. ifce ^< D'lo'i rt. and Taaaa and Gianctla, tbeir .worth, at.: la a contemplative fat> ion \u ' a tranquil fnme uf o-iod. FT*- fr in e*. ry >iod t petaion. H. 01. tulut mi let a- 4ud. L-t a(ratp ibe titua i -a Huiv tn.- c*4iii licted plot Qai-l e.lui dliberatiuu Lriaeniacgle* eviy bo t. Team. I. n^doobt. Giatepp* wrdded That'.of co .r~ a tlic. of luck. Be w ra i -r '1 ju *er-b*ederi, bull ui.uuctly be t a duck. tliA- I. a victim, to-, of Cupid. Itarc , *Tir.i-i! .-. ii clear. B*'- i a' icuUr y t pld. bul> iU i_cuy b* a dear. Mar. T- Giarvtia I w%* mated : I c % protf it iu a ui .- . Th a.b ti r c' ariut ai* uvenaiad Bu I I own b t 'Bihar Lice. I ! T a*a willy-ai'lv. All at i-oe- a vi tim felt Sue i *b .1 i- cal *J Uty. Still >be BLtwen i r< t > wall. Now wh n w* were pret'y babiet IK air ne nar i id at. that u clear Acd if 1 c*.. cal b her I'l .1 i b if r aud tcratch her. And tM.db*r away w ih a o*a inheres* He. whom 'b*i vounc ady married. To lecoiv* her can t nloae. *. If 1 nrtake bar 1 .1 *arrai:t 1' 1 m%kt ber To atake la tier arutucratieal lhaat .(to Trw*. ) If tb- ina'rud y -ur Giatappe T u aud ue wil hate lo pmrt KtoOav) If I have to <*o it Til warrai I the II roe it I'll teac'i hr U> marry the maa ot my WHAT HELL MiaifUrt G.re LII5. Vtmoa of tha ornioB bell do it- Oia > If b aiarrird Meaaer Marco Yuu're a t u-twr. that u ( lain . (toT- mi N niafer DO mtKr- I' 1 co ct at twr 1 doubt if br mother will know aaia Out*-, c* ai deliheraiioo Dtetiiiiiia.every knot Te < oeatrT Womw. th. black mrr tb p the w-.rts, ! b*r III b c uulrv vgtf o ultiu. Ib* t XK! ini B -itu trw illy hatte b ite t > .ui~> o pe.re- and m aturee, ttir hi ftre Hit I Amur i I. n j vut W Lai U>* Au(u>t at wuoun. X* urd iu vary li ifct tull ii.'O e>r ib- w*iebe*bim. B*t bu-> tin a. bu ar> bv uiewara Mnyi badue- r- w loutf ei ftid and ruwd. Aad w ar> farben Irate tbeu bayu><. > in tbe 1m tree ovr the way. O MI i i r. u(he ' r liit.i. are Tkeir rrail e e>>u< ab i* ibeir Lee WlU.lOtb > DOI at b> me tb* patie-r eow lead lou> at tb. ba < (net her. And anil a .- n D i tb rd AA.O iLa ibe iLUtlr D out t.- meet b*r. k* ko< we i be iv|<ir are ialli tka awafwk awwf do u uv. kettle onciac. Tbe krc e iai.| . 1. ar- J t bold Ibe ihuiofii-ui toeu ih .t abe u bructnc. Axi nail*- IB booret runic pri J' A< hfd am ir k aii<> ab- Otan wj etc* and cr- any et*< bauMatioviaiid' lk'._ f Tk> >eliiu MD I kbit ni> fee* far* Ttti.i M iu ) anhi mu> beaatj Tie arewf ruiic fear* a d i<nde Ol b. u> > ' *| 1 1 ea**e)ww>I L. * A'iri M Awltw rraTte(. w e*Bir> I* b* wbo weked tb* world to ipeak. 4ao n.it * i a> Laim i ibe world betide bi U*r. Oar ordft r. >>< . i-ur i ry ut p a a te>r . We aie t * atuiiteb UK>ff !, * the weak ; Weteea*!!' t i erib 1 1. ful |ak a> ii * aii J a wg I *ov tb* way b* luakee aiore eie. . We free! tr*e< f life i> at oer ben Dr pi- J I -f Kr aoabt thai a., of wu( I vrrak web eiid i ( > tot dee. h . oer- I Tirg tnovt Wiai.i illuuii aiion NUbtu. ai UirJ< WVO*D a r-u h. r u> r uq i- r m*B't -Id f< Tb* c r-i a*, i ib- ir>*i>t ai.d ib- I- rre Ot all Uieea > >d> w> m t riai t la.'e. 1kkiitf it lalk frvni >inu ( tarhtd OOIILDEJUBLE DlVllsITT OF [Philadelphia ketord. To pot* ib* imi/oasihiw atd aerate th* intcro<abl " wa* it* paramount a:m of a m*-uph)iical cl:qo cf Bu*'O-i man aad mti'iei * iu he c*) ot the Cot-corfl Srbool of Peilo*0(.by. Bai ibe Concord School ha* * n* tb* way of all tbm*i mortal and th* imp tibie it fill cnio-tr-d. Njtwuh ttacdiuif tb* Boetociai.t' ai ore, ib* 'ad cf tprcalaiive anticipation ha* rvcecilj it ruck PcileCe.i,bia aub wrnCc tori.*, *Ld 11 it qoue th* thing io*ada)i lo log at itc <xrnr o! ibe cotiain ibai veilt the f oiore and try to *t a niimpwe of tb* good and bad tkicgt te>otd Urn tr> LCI c nlect to [xa'iOLr ihnr kroaUc.* if b.t'-n tul ih-) K*I th. r 1h-) demand lo know bir acd oow jott a bai tort of a vlece tb* realm of the beet ni the blsai is lo Or aod wbether it a p a* at all. And it it with tqotl Billet), uui 01 n nad w.th awe. that tb*v eodtavor lo 'alb m the mv tier ire of lie faiar* home if the worst aud tb* carted. Tbeir corictny overpower* tb-m and they teoti.1 It nj-ct the acre oon ion to patience, toupei with the aooracce thai ibe) will ku w all abcot it. and mt re than tcooh ID nee urn* Tbe< fi-repsaleO reminder ttai if h> k p* t'ra .hi ahead in th* road he it cow travelling be wnl bs tare to oom* lo u by and by on y distfatt* Ike i -opened qoe-tioner, who tliil cool oaet to fli madlt about with the tarn* vexed .joet lioo : Where u ball ? " ras it mi or TIB ruuirruiis ' trtAi'. Wh n oi* of the** queettoner* pcttcced men rVv. Dr Maichmort, patlor of tb* Memorial Pr>*0t*rian Chorch, a f w dayt ao arid breaihUt.lv propooi-ded tbit borciu* qae>ti"n th* doctor wa* u-able to aotwer him ff hacd. He had a autiactlt furmaleud id a that thit eerto, itjjvrn ated acd rt-beeoiitV d. wat to b* th* fata** H-at*n ; bai ih* location of ball b* Had nctcr donmetiBv j abuol. Ii was a tobj-ci b* did not likt to dw 1, open It it a ceriai.iv. however," be said, " so tor* a* thu tool u immortal, thai mmory will bs an import act f aiart of tbs life to oom*. Wiihoal av-cnort there woold be aooibilati n Tb* sauoiifled will lock bk open ibeir rarthly Ills and it* tint, bai u will b* with joy ih.i thet hav* been owrcoca*. Thw wi ked, va the ctber band, wi 1 rave their awfal mi->ie*ct ever before thrm. aad iheir ewer B-IIC< realise lion of >aar aud effect will make their tx stance) th* reflo*ojij| of wretcbain***. I do no* know whether ib wicked will all b* gathered together ID on* filed tpoi. bat whatever heil l* it was col pre- pared for man. Il wat for the d**tl aod his angels, and man brings burt.1! iheiw by h* own miadesd*. A dru.kard ph delirtorr trrmei t oiold Dot b* happy in Hrax-n it i, 1 vicaliy ao*w- sary that mm wbo hav* so debaewd theaa- selvt* thoald bat* a d 3 rent abort*. Thw man who has abaevd hi* body will tofler the n'n steal t w. il a* ih* *piriioal and menie.1 coneeqoencvs in ih* worl I to come Ths wiob obtr will oarry his kOat to hell with him and th* (lotion hi* dytpspeta. Tha* Ih* 4it** if this :..'e wul bw tear- folly parpwiaalwd. ' a THTwKAi. trrruuio. ' No poi.i.ba ui ooa d bw so tever* as that u dictrd by ovmorv and ooosoieno*." ail Erv Btron A Wood*, if Uetbtsmao* Bpliat Cboich. I do a l balirve that Ihere a i I bs pht steal taffvriaa; m h* 11 -bat th* *aff*nn of Ibw m nt is mfiotlely greater Wh-r t-eaten and hall may be no ot-* know*, hot ihet are immeatBrabl, eparatvd by ih* impaatart!* fait between bouMe* and aoilt I h* Biblr pictore* of hall, or lirbem.a, arv drawo from Ibe vailet of Hinoom. a .o> mv vale wiihoat ID* eon flnse of Jeraaalrm, where flr>sc>f wormwood oOD'i tt-li) barbed. Conevi. n * it Ih* worm that dfclb not, and Oud's abtaoo* will make eternal t*arkorss." lion at to-day , that Is, tbs number la will btar tbw aama ratio to tbca* ia haw> as th* world't uapnscn-d cr.mn a-s now btar to ihs free Then will bs uf owawd cats and Sfiisary, aad I saw BO uon why a nan who had lived op to the brtt iihl bs knew mia>hi not have a oom(arativly ocmfonab-e i me in hall." I believ* every word if Bcnptarw it u litetal bn it d*ecrint the pangs of bw41." I said Father Raiily. rtctcr of tbe Koman Catholic ChorcD of St. John ibs Er%n- Itelut. -Ths ban n< laha atd lk*> fir* at d bnmstoc* tr* the tare rawarn of ih* wicked, bat ibtss car cot ha *o terrihls) as . tbe terlaetiiu withdrawal of God i marcy I Ihe (onubmer.1 of ib* wnk*d wul bs urta. The righltcct will rti^n in bravto. while tern* cca'cbmen boid kbat ib*r* will b* a aiidaie |.lacw for ibe on- h*[.tit<a icfacit acd those men cf all nai.oct wbo bat* lived morally opri k bl .lit* withoat Ib* paie if tb* trite Chirca.' THl ** TBJSJswV. Rabbi Joseph Kraotkop/. cf th* Bw- foro.eO Hebrew Cio* retail n of K-DwSw*h Israel, profeeati ectue u> o ance of tbe lif* hctuLd the rave. I Con't beltevt in an ic.tr.irti: Bible, " b* sail?, " aid betuii t tht Old Tanameot. which inr.ces aim o*l cotbia* of tb* foiarw frcm ice oi.eciveo f ruble m cf life. I ceo, t beilevt thai drtlh is tfce ecd of a.1 ir ;Lt. and I tru.t ikn k itat the roal i< immor- tal. Bat bow, abrn. what. wh>r* uosaa't fa' or* Mate I ktcw tot. la th* woild to come it te*mt i;rcbable thtl i acb man will <akt ap bis work joet ab-rt bw left it iff. It will be men It r.ie a (r.rtoiicc cr Iran tition frcm ths fie*hmac to tha scphomora COD UTKK OIL. Mew ! Take a V< Why Cod hvr oil it, M 11 cbtavnad tivsn tfc* been of oidnah, an a*wni wci^h ooaki aardly bw wuc, heUK a coaruaiaf Ku.ii: of ioelu.a an It . vii i I* ur I*aaL*AJM* rrwaa fear wX Mj ftwMaj Her>7 Daab, a,< .J an apprentice ia .i; !.. ..-.. - : ...-.: rrm*G A i K CHILD. airfi T*.. rtc -e>b:z it e fact teat il is tq-a ly u. a>ai*y othwr affcct-c^*. iiw*os, pQ)aAtaas praaciio* u. paucnu al a. tooia thai tor y hat* truant* with lan.a. In* accepted lift of nitratri ia wbich cod liver on ui cf tptcisU tficacy is larger than it at a accr* cf ttart i Uodiaaicdly DOyaiaaaa in aid iun< t. BiieaipiiiK to o.moat di state, cfwc crc^e aki-o deprttKd ai.d rtdoced LC tiii poaert, d.LLt 1 thereof Bor barn: loan pod. Jut ital u ceacyed now Pby*ii:iaL*if ID- pineni ma) 6e laid to iLirw 10 a cer'au. ditct the disasn, hat Dcoriah ted k><p cp " ttfo'* the lifi ;t*i u beu.gciau.ta coild op ihs ut*ot beU-a} anuc Cud liver ou it practical y a lood, aid a* ta>.b tcJy cott 11 act. It toori.hu tec fa Mil wasitd and at, lei.* a* ' bidics, ted u. teal way it ifica state. Bnt it* r.-rvgntt tvn cf in.mcr.art uot. g rrrirf tbs caxy k'ecii'jat ia which il it aiaa U twjviot aebtaty. In a.n> coagba. Mo, tvwu wter* the IOCK* an per otu,d, it {.r<.vt* acmirau* ai.a cften ore* it* tame. It* laate u to litturetahwj teal ocm(t Biively lew patitcla i, a tavct U.UCD to bt deaiored. Maty are to wyt o*viawd toma w itlsat anpiisitnt. u with pet>p*rm*ni, mnias; it cxffr*. riosic^ in* mouio fir** witn or whtokay, pcorin< ii into tc* j*.*taw. Wife (ffroiionat*l> ) Bow Is toar thtu Ban ai ih * OMiruii'M John deer? Ha.haua i retty bad, my dear; pretty W Why don't yoa try th* miod oar* ? H. There ain't ant thin*: th* matter with my Blind. Il* my joints dear ; my jaiats The -I--' kl* ! ..!.. B ' ~ P"n'i v >o lo> k back on the palmy slays <>f year y\>aih i h rwnrsl f " No Mm* were not to palmy as they wareal'ppwr) and alrapp)." It kt Alaawwt Bwfw aw UweeU>f> l'aea<ia*te Trwllt ot Ibaractor. Th* aether at the sick -bid of her ycooet ehilt is t b< in, <]iut olveo as oiija.i to manage as b*r cnud AJ tb loeunciiTw mawrtny is ap in arm*. l>-p in taw bawxl of many moiowra th*r* 11 aa oaooo- fatwtd and Bauf totothcred *!.* of wra'O at tc* auack abich tickrtio ha* mad* o j ber dear on*. Tbrn noibiui is tou macn lo ,iv* , no aacrinj* of b*rl: or otn*r* tou rai lo giaal or demand. Tb* irri tabuit) and fbttc**of oocaleo*nc* BAA claim* upon car lot* of t*U aacriftos, aad b. r prucua>ity bf t*xnd*rL**s a* poaiuvw, and yei more baaefol. Thai in mo*i oa*>a to* ma) axd o*s go too far. and loaw* lor bar child ha* is hard to rscover in h*a.ih. u a tiling Uaaiy etovajb. jtt *o talk to her at toco a urn* of lo* vroof be> do s ib* cti.d is aisooel to tasoll bar tteverthtbw* th* nawiadim of a ocon* ot reckiee* )iadin^ M a thud I wbiius u plain eucuab, lor U th* Utue so* bw ! 04 ill or A wl4 OlrL IVh*l %e J vhn aa> io| lo yoa. las' i ubi W v . thai bs ttat *d so late T Uaa.h'er Noibip* mnoh. John itn't B (real la lit r il* a I basiness. To Heram <ood WIL* it harharoa*. and to ** at t o h r kind talnar. In Ibecoaree of poorii<K u ( tn thr b, tilr t tbe dexauter thw wit>* o>ohrtoiJ>i, lo^s it* ar.m* and fl.l'ei t r ly ~ A kit* W bo a * ninioi n. un." ert**! toe ; * Tee ve > e mtuo r 1 M t . n d Loo. " let If u. niuj n it w p i er to r CMi b>l BiiakWI aweefwmaf hia* II eaa'i ! N- ' i ' Wt'~ I. u u b i>*rpl*i*J , i|e> eru*K' l th* <|U*>iK<a v 1 l Ii u 1 >- BI li u aJt. up b r tuiud . a* ui*ih u hard 10 b* Jveitued. 8 s-n wiuttr tale* Ih* thy. Tls fathioi able anger na<l it said lo ha k'Bker at.n uoi e | oiuted I' an ever. N Hie Bi) i* iu HOOK Koi.n and pro- hahl> f*eJ* hf re- If preiit uear home. She hjaa t>ow i 1 BUBO* waiTiua't Hall it a f>4ao*. and it is alo a abarae- Wr," abtwvr>d Biabvp Wbitakvr, of ibe Pvunttivaiiia divxv-e if Ib* Proiettai t Kp'< pl Cboroh And the aame mat b* t*i> of b*evn What ibe Soripior* ttlltatol Ibero it I a rice y 4urli>*. bat tbw awlol trmh of tb.u raieiroo* cDDOl b anewitd away. The aktpticwj orobio wbo tboahl to ciplod* bit pi ut moibrr't dootrtne bt droiaiiog thai if >li tb* wwr-d went to hall tb* ap|ly of bnm*k>B* woald tvon (ivw O'ti .t pro^vrlt r* baked Uua't y>>o vorr* near that. Johony,' ather^|l> A'l lh folk* a* IfOlO bell '11 lake their on brioutoo* alon^c of '*m.' " raoxat to LA*B TBE triaiT. ' Remorar, despair, b pele- 1 r*a d*j*- lion ibaa* ar* ib* ih.u<K* *hat il lath the b. 1 t<OQDd >p ri . tail Rr. Dr. Kt Dm 8 c eiart of ih* M ibontt Episco- pal B>aM of OKorob Elton-ton " Tb* bUiavd tpinto may be hi-a--i in a v**i oity a* bivh a* u w K-n<. with frrlora to toar K> o her world*, juei a* Ph'ladalpbiant may liavel to O'bcr ouie. Boi the wickni will be tomeh r* eternallt impri*i.<i <. Ik* ibe orimiDalt in our p*oil*nii*ry. witb their own Mtirr mrmoriwt at ibtir t*r o imniot>! " weak it laaraa with aad twiftcww* to tlaoa mere and more, aad to )i*id U*s and .a*, to inai u beoi;m> icc(*a.ia.lt hard to ro> ler it ib* mat.) UtUw f-p 1 -- -- * tbia which tics owawd'tnaada. ' fitranttr coroi I troaaly oat in ihs BBwJadie* of th* caiifl t it doe* even he* disiincily in the t th oeew cf Ihs adall Tbe ipoUed, ov r o aal^td eh U is a doably anmaz a,tr.b * i u valid, and when in ulntt* tc* Kolian ptttu>|i of th* mother 0001110**. tbwooutor ai Intl, M to bw uiied e nwrtre tw y i. Wnr tlutkt.i. M D,LL.L> Tramp Will yoa >i* mt per rout ion It dy. to |o into \c-or barn lo ccmaul tai owe ? Lady (oiled with pity) Poor maa. Her*'* a pieceof run ce pee for yoa. Tran p Thai k tea. marm. bat I've to* tore* Rcah on Bats," that'll do jost at wail _ BetleY Tk.u Be Tkk*ahl For. Patient That medietn* toi (avw me for y cold, dooor, oared me eniirrly Doctor (in toprt.. I - 1'id it' Wall, hi tm.s 1 if I ot n't beluve 1 11 try itsByatlf I tan l set rid of mine. T%* aaawwr a. Beingin| with tvit week th* noai*r 9 will be nqnirvd to tarn iis Balary as it h. ant don* in a tbootand t-art For i hondrtd abd l*n to com* it will hare lo <*< woly *verv time a 'ale is written ia fill Tbe witer whose 7 l BD<4 9't cannot he di* liDani.bad frcm each other matt ttady M improve bit tt) la. or TIC MINI- mix t'b* miod oan mak* a tuaveD of hell. a b.ll of b>at*o.' " aai.l Krv K I-K I (Vonwtll. qao>i. f th* wor'* of Mi too'* fallen anei ; *r*ihr hell may be a pJacw. we kno not . bat that il it a mi erable tii* in which tbervil ditpottri thall trend itm ny w* ar* aatired. I belirv* there will b* tio real fire nor briinttxD* there, bat th* terror* of the tool and tb* darkoet* of tb* mind will b* vastly mar* paiafal. 4 dUAT U.H sort*. " II it raatxxianl* to voppoaw that both haavn an 1 bell ar local habitalioot." to ar% tt the Pacifl) OOMO. taid R *. Or J A W.r-i.n 8aprriot*nii- aod th* AmeiUn oootin*M. M ,| of Sabbaib-^hool wxtrk of ib* Pres > mile*, iu or.trr to reach New York, bytman ' bar< h. " lo b*an>n 1 bli,T* .* *h is do* Jai u.rv XT if the it to , b , ,,,, w ,|| ^ lll>oo |h . MDM M oot , oo .d in hr-r aterinpl tv< belt the wvirld In aarih Ouly u fiuitely more bleewed. Bird*. Twda>*. 8r mat possibly arrive. Jaooary kat, and ftabts, ire.* aud flower*., and M. but ibe . hanoea are ;ii>ti bar dolof moc h that gora to make oar happine** so tb- will KOI bw abl* to UavsHotg b>r may haw their coantarpart i Q ,h, KOOK Mil Satoiday. Mat world. Bai brll will be the r*at Th* K'i r>h of ths city of Brook ly a is prison hot. sa, obwr* all thw re/at* of ib* awidrnsed b> ih fact ihat dinof th* a***. aa)*a wi I bs ib own. and where, th* year i *w VoH'in* wrre vrtoWd of tb* pruonrr* will be lortaied by ibe waloe ol IfT OK'OOO. btookjyn it a oily of of oooecieooa. Paffa!o Bill, at the aeniih of hi*aop alarily an<4 ia-'C*iss, it not aabaoved of ih fast that h* wa* ones a scoot. Us toe an ths very idea. Pr McO'yon'i former panahun-n have aaade him a Cbnstmat pnarot ol 11600 which ia jatl soobie what was (ivai him a year A.O - Poovrr." said t icffervr to a deetiti what woold yoa git* me for an aohir-c " I <roak1u'i ftva be replied . I'd take it." Barred Oot AH aioand Mr*. Lillian (%* her hoebend eateri Ua.b ! bebv i asleep! Mr Lilian- Bui that t tbe only lime I have a ibacc* to be htar<>. "Apotrxr icod man * r.r mroot. ased i hs par BOO a* h* ttovd BI bis tto <t window and taw the deacoo t iu on a p *o of i . oarom oo Ihs tidewalk and juc. glihl) into ib* goiter. Tbe oatO* oars and gas (reatlw ia pr**a*d tb* Sionx chief* in Wathinaiou On* of Ibem said : Whit* maa bea| *reai. afakn wa*jom gw witbeal borte*. and make* win.1 born. ACCUWMT TO MtXBBt L tthe U preJ al i with n-boo* flyta|. P*oa> a br->J n.w bat ab d jott beiea bayioc AD t ;*we4)ry w*J r*. AD i--t pat lay i> ber uatk aa*i"prwd aadaat or*.|i bee teek La. W M or<e Moor*. A bUak hat* The jabiiee tinrer. Th* Bvertrr credi'or it a maa of wait. as will at of ohorche*. Tb* iahabuan'is cJ ths two j baaistts and teead. will hs ia the tame proper Wny 4o ve* ti* d to ice bliMS? You <> b* r*y if yo* ftbccw*. Bat* > ,-ut ruli meatute Of j y ad o( i-l<a*tue Yoa re a f* ol to refua* W hat tbveb . u t >!! overda* What tavub E. u aid.a k>ve* >o> \>-a can iaub Ma: aal ta: - Too aan thai al bai ha! What la tfc* w*M tuket yoa blt Senator McMillan, of Ml. hi an, is Ow* of the wwaltbM** mso in ths denais. B ta>alu)S tbrea not tin its to ruin of beer. 600.* reocmttend that u o* a*<i pepuertd ana tbn " holtev aiiet.a.d tas moaib to be nns*a wiin viociarcot myrrh aaJ eater. La wo t has bweo tOa^vskd thai a f< tali bw dropped oa the tooaja* btferv taA.n, the cowl livw oil. as by that mwans u wu b* rendered paiatabts Or a bite ot viot.* Mfor* an J alter iaku< tow >.u wul rauder i aoo*>!ab>* KKK MC*>BL FB.O td a victim 10 tear and aa*i.iai a. .ty -M e pa . i .en '. r to* u.aan* in b i e as> aefwftai ai 1 AU o owck ihu mort.i- Us .aautiy Bi I . _a.0eve*op.d alter b* i *>i a JL- L>*uO bad i**a be- rat-d BLJ r ' - u>saaity aa<il ISVWAJ, *>aaj c< sa-idrai> Bsmrrw> luitnt Aboct t*o ok. .40 Ear.ry aat) bitten oa ih* oaod Ot a t _.i - <V aad aUhuu^.S the w. o-.d iirc.t i-aosrd bun as> - ar iacai.**a>tn.w. h* beeaaw _i .-..-.:. .r- . . ,-... D.. ;r>- iboata wco-d eeeo*. BI.J vj it.s o*er- _ t.-- ^ .'<*r u aiincoted Ih* -*. Oi hi* aaaaw. - * ycirg man was iv'i.rj rrady 1* ;o 10 k *".rk t**t.ra*) c.c i'i. b* tasl- 9e fc u to stars wudJ) atoai him. I* tea A**tic*Ji*t. aad aoaa M >r s i w> lamilT Ti tnsn awiav:ow. iaobt hrow and - = t-d a anp'Tai* tirckAW w.ta Ww> Twu yutietatfu rw . aaa it r- ^a rid] of a i ..; .r tir*H|u> t*> hancetS him la this) iiinn bs was remuttd u> B*. * te Boa- h.-t. car.eia cat ths iad, .C- i-CeU Vx<cll and DaaWe rtprwled a*> tcoi r i> to bra *w aci i ..re t mtc.f by iatacU TU 1-ci y , u ifc a * Dr* I'riltiait tc.d ac it.i~^ ITjri n-pvtisa? ihu cx-rmc^ teat it: *1 jbieti t)Bpv.m ot byo toy , bat ibet tn* (ear cf tni drwaaf al cieease had wnn^nt doub* auee*uj bwl Last 3i^ai ih* lao t twnB*>ch b* aat waaa> and bs vooai^d !rly. Ha r t .- .. r*w weaker after icai. ano at 2 \^>tM4*a* * w " ^w.. . :.tJ, acd placed in care of B> L .tj*. lhn.a*>bo*.t thtw rear The*>at 4 T e>a< f er 1 ear the tTwdact wf a >!> liaawlea Mia*. lo th* Coppsr 01 fl Mms nsar Sodbary Caiadw>, il i* feud met* nickel it being- pro- do. d than In* satire market ot tbw wuri oi t for ai correnl f noe, say* tb* c'teiyunum. A Utu* branch railway o3 tbe maiu u^a of the Canadian Pacific Rail wa ftar mita*. in 1> oih. leads oot to tb* a . .r which cpen* :nto tb* faow ot a oraf ot tb* broac. LUdiiid Lautaiiac rock chaia, tanttic ol Ibis rwe.u-n. Ihw miner* ar* au 1 at work al a aepaa of ahoat JiM feet b*io ih* tarfao* At iaal at Ib* niiael abd tc.-p- btarmic mk it hoist*d cat it it broken u and piiwd opoo Ion. beds or ri.ka of pin* wood lo b* oalciavd, cr ruwsisd. for ib l>orpos* of d:it:L col thw ta (bar whic u CT.oie.ii.t- ID* roaiiu ( prooes* cf in BBtarw of lime kiibug or a*i*rooal b Eacn frwai bad if or* rq ir>t (rcca onw t*o mcD-h. to roatt. Wbnica*so tb rock sow* Mtfcs principal tnviier. a pow riai wAa** firnacw. jackeaed " la miou< per*** witk rajunny waiar to ratbl* i> 10 at am the , r : heal rt^a.m* 10 rwaac* tbe :rade>, owouxat* nu,wrej lo niudnt. Tr orow* of ibe- rooiv. a mas* is firti ai.tfWM to flow cff and a'Mrwards the nearly pore oiok*l and copper Uro-'ti tevrihsr tn an tlicy eal>*d ih* "IDI .r mail*. i arawa i ff at he ba* of tbw far. na e vat uio harrow pots and wbeeUd away, still l>qc:J and fisry hot. lo cool ia the > trd if 'bs UDelter T h* mat coo taint abot TV par ornt. of nickel, tha re- maiaifn 30 p>r cent beirif a>ainly cop p r Ttbro ouol tbw ecLicaJ pot .a.* of n. at oan aaaily bw craved i piece* b> saeantof hwavy hammer*. I be frem*ott ar* tbtn awtck-d in bartU and tb'fped 10 S*<.i*ra in Wale* aod U G*'man>, wb*r* h lo coo tin o .1 metal* arsevparaled and rc d riy sevrti procwa** which ar* J-M! ow)tlt noardVd by It* Baaafaciorer* So j>aOooly <a tb* srcret kt^t thai no oo* ii> Airr ,-a bat t*t hseo tola to k*rn rh- p'oce**. aJtbooiib on <oang mei*ilar k i,i proi tbrvw ytart at $<*ante, work n a* a ovmoion labonr -J ths faotorisa, ID order to obtain it. At prw*ol trt-re, are pro dooed dai'y at tbe Ci-pprr Ci S MID* abx-ai Dioety F ' foavtt of mat ra-h w*ibiu nearly 4.>O poacci. *n ootpot which yiwio* an a.(rr ft w of mots ibaj 4 JOO VMM at nulti ayaa>r. tt.4 moraiaf be cied wub^ai ra;wAi.u( -*.. r.r .- ...!a_i 1:- >..LA aja^'e war of hydropnooia bad Owen trwaMy ia. Vrot-IUo by r*adu} an acu-ont. IBS* tare- day of the J'B c of r rik FBI 1 p>, a*ivd It yean, cf tit av.actasko >ni. Br.aalyo, did Ban ibe dRwd'd malaay u. its worn ?crai. Philips was 0*11*0 iu .11 **ekt *<o b) a uBOafrel cur be op . tfc* atxeet to rave u from auaa wera worr)Ui* it. He drcpp- d tn* dox alter it htl h.m aad bed hie eroaaA oaBHrrel. Il heeJatl B.Oel). tad left a.Uhl toa*. Tb* hot did BO* aeeat V it. hot last Sonf at auht n rw cool) asd r*T*r:ab.. ana on Mouoa) u.9rw> tc, his parent* taonx)iird ptl*Mi%n*>. *hs> at on^w diagnosed his ailojeit at b)ara> Pay a* Taa O*. Patisal Then too think it's all op with p. doctor T Doctor - I'm afraid so P W. II. w* man all d* oocw and 1 mih a* wwJ I (o now as after ward. Yoa a** sir* I'm D.-Tae. r.-Thew) let mr bar* year bill ? D.-My b< 1 .' Mt dar tir. tbit it *ry orotaal. Y uthoaUl KIT* your thooajbit to more tertoat naner P.- My miSlobas alwavi bwe>o Fat at Too Ov. ' and DOW that I am KVIO^ I want to py. So b* paid tn! went Mew Trwwalea. Il'ttoo b<ad that t-e B offers ar* mo* io( col of the> nfuhbv h >-d. wn't n ' Too bad T Why. Bl 9.1 was a terrible DO1MBO* With bit CO Uwl." Yr hot DOW thai h* i* leaving th* rants will go ap " t Why. Owfrx*. what it Ih* mailer? Y^nr coat is torn, year bat araartrj, trd yoartelt wrll nub a pbtaioal wreck. Havw yea bran th* victim of tool parfaT Violin Worn than that. I'v* Wm thoppD|| with mv wi-e. and KOI oaoahl in th* oroth aroond a baryaio cvaotsr. M*>e>ey la t.la*ratare, Publithor -Oh, ye*. in^el. Moaey oan b* Bad* 10 liaarata>* Wh, air. 1 nvre taw wTwtaea liw*i morr laiunootly than MIM Bred Joa and Mitt Ma <A. Po*>r Aju-or |..|. ) -Y r t. btit they surnsd Ihau pabluhera. After to3rnij( twrnbly for n.arly forry. el\bt DOIS th* lad dMd.-.Vra? l>t .- e. A ..*.. t u i. w.. N Y .d*> t atch of Wss> n**v2*> aays: an*ou Dr>. a w-alwcy fa-mef and cwner of ih* ami m L a* Vttal, Brar neie. omojitwd tui-i : bw CQIIUU bu throat io:t afiarnooo, jeraoa] at bis dread of irxEK to tb* pocr boo*>. Ate* bu Jiaib ramort wer* ctrcolated th*i hfl bad rcoosy mimal.d in hi* bvote. Tk* ajtsmiaet were t aretsid. aad ia -4d tin a%a ui tb' L-wliar were fou-Od K dWU in (uiu ana) o*%r ll.oxO in bills. - Isa make yomr tway soft hats. >t* ao fait," said jinn. Terw Trw*. Ttac)r All thu^s ebich can bs taws ibruaao a.- called trai tp^rwot Fancy, oouon toiBwibioa; tied is tnatpetTMit. r'ao> A laae of i*. i-e oorrsct. Now, Fanny, :>b*r jojct ttuooah )OQ C*1 i**. Fat -i, A krjbosa. A > aaace * *atlwiaat. 5!r Biik*. wool a >o use to rock t baby to tle*L> f Sot cuo~h. ' W>11 thwa. ra rock him wbil* yc-a ai* air* and (el my pocUtb.OK fro a Atw-s.' I thick I'd lik* to rook ib* baby." Patrr Oa year pratptil*) *,i I j-pen*) my acorpAacoe of toa at a sou lo-Uw, Woa.a b* sue tu law H a '. *al my ^rvs^'evtt iir|>od rL.me y on you to.*,-*- a*.o oi a* as uor tou i -i*w. ir oa* L- . Ali.r th* hall. Tvra r-iie . I 'ac*>. Creat ed iww* tad oV- w. n b w the trao*. w Wr- li.ac t c atrJ *Muht in tu* b**M (M Paa ta>aw BII^K-. rh>Umx. Twathar* I aaiaeai i'oe-Ttd Li Bd tk-h t ikeawr. vf S* 'a Ab m* I ir.a; are ewe BOW la lf-.tr in* b* L )>beit il IXbaJ* prwt t ebae* I Sb*> lost war bronco drx-pprj la tu rast I bad to b* |>ul A bvre. ( r 1 meal torcn A fer IL* bail. Charlsa-l a-icr* yoo Edith. lam poor Howtter. I navw a .*lihy a e<*. from wh r.i I baew ipsc - E i II (e*ilv)-l r marrtwd ? ha-lt-Noi, tarhttj E -i h -Than iairodaoa m* W hloi. tfierr t a -rr cr . t t oa- wer. i :. a a. (Tea ea Blurt. >i. d*>t -aab r-at tc* '.aw bie B|<ea> b*d. i. AaJ ^ . . Acd ran kit A fn ibntwsjh M* Igcts. A. J (r a-.d Uieat o. ad! ii -*a ti**JI - Chatte* M. l., IB- H wboaw death wa* aonoat oe<J tha aaih >r of trt i ' C.sr ibe Way." familiar to v.ry T t*r*' a fooM aV-a; to tt Tbr*t a WM abui io Tb r, . . wa Mt ebol . Ti >r* a 0. *rr ab> at t Mw a bioc l-l Mta ,-< itfBchl aaxl man of aetwa. clear I -Th* idal World i Far, taeaJt fare* IVn"! growl al tbit wx-rld aaul yoi aia> tar* of a bcitar oo. LIT* within yoor income, bwoaaswit ^ vary luconvwuient toliw witaoti it. Il titmt aia*oJar, bai w* nevwr hear off Ihs UI- fated inrksy (t4Uo in the owp, Lswis Morns w r*ardw<4 io Bolaas) a* tbe heir apparawl lo taw Uareat. ahta. We sapiios* it is the fail of the) t*a that prw**al* it fron lien, thr a_*s ta* wtatsr. -Mta-TT -MT Wr, sonpaiiy, h*rt tarn u y aottu i gwnirally 1*101 u tkaoav*.