Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1890, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infants and Children. TastoHshiieowrilatlApavllochluliVDthat i CastorU ran* Dolte. OonsMpatloa. rrrommenc] HMnmnoriorWunr iTi-xTiuuua I Hour Btomch, Diarrhoea, in. ivmm.* i>.. I Kiu ^;; > B ' VI Ui 80. OjJonl fcfc, UruoUjm, Ji. Y. | Without usurious Tim CarriUH OoMriinr, 77 Murray Street, N. T. FLOUR, STONE LOOK! FLOUR! T. BLAKELY, Fleiherton, Ml; /' WUCKS I | repand to <! - ird "H on ihc.rl cntli't end grinds on til* old ti-nn. tt verv twrldi. buehel Keren eantu per titf** ... butbel* fur '. I'lBC <tim cvfery 'III V 1^* l.itti'l Ml ik lteetitntl .n n.' \hejHibllc. Satisfaction (Juaranuwd r I. I'CKS, Proprietor. .J etab linn for rorses. tint boat faioiing implements ir.tnu- factim-il. iii<-ludii>g Lujht HUd liiruler urul Afourr. UvMe -(laired Drill atul Sfring T<,th Oetd*r. Tkf Waterivo I'loiot and Thruhert. fferby and Ihirnnd't llayftirk. The Rood qnalitirs of tus implements rr HUtll.'I' JilHi kl.*ll tlilW to h|'rak fur j thmstlvrii, without any extra wnli (rum I me. .Anybody ri'qnirng iniplrmenta ID this line w..i:M di> well to xaiiiinu mine if not already acquainted with them. Call on ma nuJ I will U: laftJ tii exhibit the good tln-sc machines. IK llc'l avisli, HI iKSKSIIi >M! \M> GENERAL BLACKSMITH, iinswoo'l Sir. ' -FLKSHKKTON, ONT. M.UJ'.. 11 'H I V.V.- I: >., nein-iTu' . M i.:li at tftli. !' -: il a"i .! II tract I >-r I Mllll !'!" hallH !! on haiiil. FLEiilERTOII PU\I\K MILLS H..VIII.' i I' Milll fr :i It .I. iM'li . I 'I I II' nrhin t" inf'irm the PUBLIC that I am in a |. .r..,r. to to ALL KINDS in 'General planing mill work, eh ai SASH, pnni: |, lionK T'Uirn,' .iinl Malfiiinn. ru :.ni1 WttHitnniislilp < ii u ran lord iintily of grxxl dry T oil ililil'l. T. A. Hi .MI K FIcshfTton. Xffl AS TOYS - - TOYS! A sr.lcmli'l m-li-ftnui of toys fur the hriitinas Hohi i' juM received. is' li:.n<U! _'.- in u numl . .: , limey . .i-.-H. ohikMuuv f. i i, rtc. All L iuliful ^uoilo Cull i anil ni.ii'".'!. In H.I. rrs fur Christina*. lUsbtrtwa. SALESMEN v\ .,i,. ,'Uix iiu <>f : i > . r ., ... AI' ne I PAUl iri.l IM lltl , I, I'KVIMi IMHI N , . ,.i]ii<rli.Mi- in I hi !li|>liiM>luahl ..... I" t.i .>ltrni..<lnl i|.1vallta I \\.,: V -Ml V. , ' . oh. i i;l f.ilL.w i... In ,. .t employ tuullt \V| . MWAKI ' ^ M.I.I.. Nil! ..... ' ' '^ ' UtUtl-'i I VII I'AI-BE. ynur . PRIUEVILLE BAKERY. Cl'l (I OUT ,1/t if ruin nir. '/'//P.VC {i if:cs iri I! kin <l 1 1/ rirord* i' f/A' toon tu KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUR bri. .14 tt U ruin ID 1(4 Mit UUivr. lw.stl |sroof U U.w. SPAVIN CURE. i.rCHAmijm A. turtusa, J l i it., n . r >./.i. 1 ,>v AII> Taf TIM Ifcin II..UH ' Kuiwuoti, ILU, ,.. >i, IML . . IV J Km- 1. , I iut arwur* iir<*iM<1 \.iir Km I .u i )' , i u I.. lh liair il.wnV.lil.>. .l.| lit.' | ,1, ,. in lew i jui.l,lllj. I II. Ink II U f** t ...IT . " *.^" . . ...... If IIMI.<|>M|.| . i. , i M n. j .ii>l. ffn- li'i<-<- years. >,,,,. ituijr, 1 lievtt ukU It i n,i i. >Ti.m. l,|,l. II.. M Mil | .*. ..... ft rf. All 'k* w i > ' . lk..r !, I. .. . ( . -l.r. ...I ...... I .. . .. k ..- 'I > . 1' *<* '" - ' ' ' .... -. .. ..KM ,.., .... .. ' i. -.1.I- _ XLNOAlL f S SPAVIN CURE. lit*. ..ri.vw, N. T., NnvombArS, IMS. I m II ' k'-i". i i .. !.. -". . 1 .!.!. a Kl(l I. V".l tfMllflumUli.r in; '.MI . r lour KfllHlall - *i">ln C'nr 1 hft il I. f i I.Kiureee Pile! Juliile ! hnnVliK. inil I ktnli.iiii,| u lur. i Kio, I oorrtl- i-, >ifnu<t>l U l. I iM>rM.iu.-n. V II Illl IIVhT. rojr I. aimli liable*. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL AsMrr, WtefTi-wi CvuiTV, Oulo, D& II, ML Dtt. B J. HkJiliAi I. i " A Japstnrur Lullaby. Sleeji. lit'le pigeon, aod fold your w'.iga Little blue pigeon with velvet eye* : Bleep to tho klogiutf of the motlu-r liinl ing Rwiugint; the neet where her littluoue lies. Away out yuuiler I atu a max - Silvery tar with a t wiukliui; toot . Tu Uie soft due* falling I liere it call::* Calling and twinkliiiK thw iiUfht along. In tl. rough the wlmlowa uiooatwam cuuies I.itti** uolrt nioouhpam with ruimy AlltlUutly r.TnijiiiiK. ituka: "Ik be si to i s:, i 1'ini; ami drvauiiugwliilo mother kiugk ?" L'|i from tlii. lea theru Heats a xub i)i the wavei that are breaJiint: upon the >bore Ai tboutfh they were groniu in anguieb, and inoaninit lU'Lioainnii the ship that shall come no more Hut eleeii. little j IK**"", anil fvl 1 viiur wiage Little iiltiKpigoou with mournful eye*; Am 1 not Mti|!ini!--*fS ' "' wini!liiR Swinging the neat whore my darling lies. Clilcano Nows. Kzplorer Stanley was paid at the rate of $50,000 a year while ho was hunting for Emm Pasha. He was not docked fur sickness or for tiinn lost in shooting elephants, and he was allowed to kill as many natives as he jileascd without even being reprimanded. A somewhat singular case of bl<x>d- poisoning has occurred in Berlin. A wii.aii walked across her floor without lip[*nt. and a pin ran into one of her feet. It w;ui pulled out at once, liut tho foot s.."ii smiled, with most violent pain, and the doctor WHS called in. He de- olaredt't to be a case of blood-poisoning, cau.-ed bv the colored wool of the stock- ing. He ordered her to h.; taken at once to an hospital, where thu fuot was amputated. There are many people alive yrt who want jo.imiliini; for nutlnui; A man I; \ ><!!, of Minneapolis, neiit out otfcrs to give three pieces of elvgant- ly-upholnlvred parlor furniture as an adrortisouient to all who would >nm 90 cciiU to pay boxiu^. Many sent the money ami gt thn cute lutli iron toys with pluah seats andjin-tty liiiieh Tho recipients wvru surprised, and ;. .-t can- not claim tliat thy were hmlly swindled, for they t-'ot all thry paid for Clark wan rv Intnl Mayor of the my of Torouto on Monday last by a mjority of nearly two thonsMnl. The (jubec Logil:ttiire opuiuil Tues- day. I'iio I>nw\'cr Empi-esa A^tihta of (,, mi .i- y, .il. 'i Tihadsy of iutlnrnr.a TUE MARKETS. FLEBHEHTON. (' iri-futlii Cori'trtvtl i:,iih H'wk Kl,.i,r l 4.1 M 4 ' Kail Whral ^ 7k to i.. WM- CLAYTON, BOOT AN D SHOE DEALER. Has a la e assortment of FALLj atidWINTEft Boots and Shoes, Supers, Babbc Over- sboes.Feit Boo; i*, Trunks, Seasonable oFFKKi.v. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Photos, Photos, Photos. H < are HOI* turning out work fur mprrinr in ttylr nn<l jinifk ( any rvtr dated in Fltthrrtun. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING June ui all itt brunchfi. A good ttm-h >' l-'KA VA'.S' <ind M(>(,'/.DI.\t!& lt*f. rur.ttuntltf v. hunii. Will <ilt int'miiu-t ike nrto RKOMIDfc PuKTRAlT. -i pirtvrr that it yirinq entire lutitthrtinn ici'irr--rrr iutrvJuctd. ^'.l.U/*/,'.S . '< >een at my (ialltru where alt purtitulun ut to t'ricf, Sty/r Jtr., tan 'if me- ' tained. i ,:i. i VVtf*. f ' ''''I' I 1 . .|:it. >5 lg I '..ik llv por t.ni HhnepaktBi QMM t.i liiirku l-r Ik Waul U li U !H U 4 1" o : u k> ODD * m 4% t . U P I'. . X i 1 i- v a (X ft 1IKALT1I FOR ALL HOLLOWAY3 PILLS&OIMMT I UK 1'ILLS Furift tho IIKxl,i>ru<itall li.-irort of Flesherton Livery Stables. D. < MVTOV Proprirlor. Vlrftt ' 1 r liortti'H ', . fur hlra at t.. Muuli** huti-l X|>.H-I1 nt1i-iiti<iii I'M I I" CUM nmrn i KENDALL'S SPftVW CURE. I me.tiDerbnMsa.ereUbaetleefaria, AlBrw i.i i i ..-i. ,,i lot i ...- MwlDkeeslb r^^sExv3&Snit ItY ALL iKIKlHHT. Improved Farm (or Sale. \ ' T i.l -. t ' I - * , . . ., \N . ! . ..... JA;. I I IT PAYS TO f^BESTi ASM THAT IS llli: Northern Business College, Of OYVfiK J80UK1>. The beet end nioel preotleal coarse of study The beet !.<. tun* uinnl Th litv.t m-.iuinio.Utl..ii for atn iiute 1 1... l..-^t i,, .. ih.~l nllntlruvMon Hi. t>oet iMulM truiu that iitetiuotiou after tuilenie MI atlualai. For annual annmineoinnnu (iTlnf partloulare wreej of etadir. tern. eM.,adrss C. A. ri KM1N> . I'Kiio iri.1. an i if,- '.(i lioiUth l4l>i.U*<*t ('on.ittiti*-nt. t,nH v*> invnluatti- r \\ o FentalCft M All a^rs fc'.-: ^ tul.tr t-u mat tlit> k<t I tUuy A.I . jir;^ '* - Tilt 1 OI> ! TMI:NT ! . -. >'.' W ;IL U ^. nt J I I nut: In r'fi ii-0.dM> ( tliv l'll -, i '. . '1. nno. \ ar/ris. cora/ix. co/. ln Vinnaifi it )ia> u nv.l . ol for contracutl aad in omtft it tc-i* ik K . h.irm Mnuat >ct .raxil> t l'rof*'r Hm.i OWT n K- tiMUhtr IX. S. 4\ii.r.l Hir.-rt < lli- '..[.{. OMonl Sir,-, I . t omlon. anrt av nolil "I . i '-' '" . ami ' . , \\ . >.,! II:T >< had i-f n* . tmd< mthvi'UflK'UI . W. /'n. ,'. ui.rj thalitil loth if *hr I/nM ,m I 1 , /'.rf.x u>..i /', x-'.- / f V oddrttt U S.T5, ..... ' !. FLB8HBETOH STOVE EMPORIUM \ :-k'.' i <* STOT" .-..^..- ' ' ' ' - . MTAB1C I.AU1 1 a * OK F. (i. Kai-slodt, .; >1 Strain's old Stan a Heurd's i/ Works. MANTF.U ITREHOF - i'<irriae!t.Hui,$$ir.,i, Wagons. N/<-/<:7/.v, Cult-''-*, .Vv-. Jf. HpecialAtUntioiiKiv.ntol'AlNTlNH.TRIallllNU, HoKSK Sli HilNU ana a. kwdsofJOIt \VOItK. Nothing out Unw-claas matenal uw 1 'hrvsvut aod saUsfaction guaranteW We hare fi .! - Lnmber, l^nth and ffbinrl- -. - AJeo A.xot fr Diok's Roilen, Muwers ami Biudera, Uu k ri, , .n, Roral K>.i. HOT, Uratr and Hundard Flows. Two aud Thrw^Kuri ..... laiiR PWwi Jiaiw f-w.-rp for 4 llur.ce Straw UMtorss 8wntnr and amp Mile JUUS H.

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