Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1890, p. 4

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1' HE F L E S H K li TON' \DVANC <-.. THE ADVANCE. Is publUhoJ ./mm Sr<. - Fltilitrtvu, Out. TKllMH O* RlTHHCKirTION: 1 per IIHUIII when paid itrlctly iu advance . <0|ier tnouui wlieu uotio i>arj. AUVEHTISING 11ATKS. On* column. 1 year, JO ; ball col., do., 27; >j ..irlrriol. tiu.. lJ. Tntnmtmt advortiumiinti charge.) at tho rate ..( Hctn per ltaeurr>ri.t iiiM>rtin anil .k't.-. pir , .v eei.U mbt>w|uunt MIM.-I U.MI. W. U- THURSTON, ii'( l'r<ii>rittor. Sir John Macdonald's reply to the lion. Wilfrid Laurier, in the House of Common* 1 , on Friday last, proves conclusively that the old man's mental abilities remain unimpaired, aad his caustic, withering sarcasm as .ant and biting ns it ever has l>cen during hi. wonderful caret r. Ucfenin", to Hon. Mr. Laurier's ,'tolorous song of Canadian decay and destruction, he spoke as follows : "He Mr. I/iMiirri .-.ii'l tluit oil tliis fi'lf i.i.i I i. nili r in :i!-rinil)lii dfliuiou. We faiiry tliat lliu country U jm -)" " ''- . ut it is a fatal ili>ln>i.>n. und In- .-** th it it i --tic the (iicliiuitiiii'iit of tin- wizard Inch iuduccn Mr. I'u|>. ;m-l ' ol. 1'iior to make theao glowing htutt lut-nts whirh tln-y We publish this week a tinal instal- nietit of the San Francisco letters. The Advance believes that its readers join with it in regretting that these entertaining ski'tche&of California life and Bcenery have come ID un end. Miss C. G. Davis the writer of the letters, wit Ids a clever p> n, und though her time has 1 . n fully occu- pied by other inatters in the beautiful city set by tho western sea, Btill she has found time to give to the readers of The Advance something out of the ordinary run of written travels. We have experienced tlie very greatest pleasure ourselves in perusing her lettern, and take this opportunity ol thanking her publicly for the enter- taining tour which she has piloted ns through by the magic of her pen, which sentiment we are certain is en- dorsed by (.very reader of The Ad- vance. to tlie A'./r tlir i.;iiiii.i ./ irhirh hf <lnr.l lint ludil tn "mi ./../I" ,. ,^,. .,,,/,,'. Well, my Ii. n. (in M! is tin- li-ml. r of . parly and nine a ilUtiu^uisbi J ini-iuber of l.r ;<(.'nl profi'hsion. Mr. IVi'f, vrliouioTed ::ilJrM, aul who (HJ it My, and bo win 1.0 well and so properly eniiKrutu- .-il by my lion. fill-mi. U n practical farm He etiuuld kr.ow wl.tli.r t'nu farmers i.tf troupe roui or not in bis part of th<' country ratli* r Utter tbau my IIOD. friend Vr Laurii M tln.ni;h li>' HUMS from the t-au. ptoviuce. Mr. l'o|i- tills ui, as a jiractn-.il farmer, aul not <ily a practical but a proupcrons und wrallby farmer, that . I'rovuice of Quebec never wai more i ii ! miik : tliat the farming iuti-rnttl in Lhat proviucc iien-r were more priwpi n-n* . I ..n ih. Y wure in thf put jenr of Is-.'.'. Mr. J.Hnrier also xng ^vnei tlmj the Kirue '..'.il linlliiaiiat.un him bliiiileil '.h eyes of my fti. !.! fr.nii Vi<'t,in.i (Mr. I'r.or). li|i k iihrtwil man uf buiincm ; be known what lit is full. ii:;' about, ami be ) thai the I iiiviiiri. oi Hntiith Columbia, and etpecially Mik own,coniitit.iflirv, tTcrn i>r\< i m pros- jMiruiiii Irforti M f:p-y were in thin year (llcHr. Imnr ) Vet Mr. I.anrler Tuutun-a to > ..v I). .it i- nr iniiU^rn, nn.l tliat the ma- jority of ill.' p. .||.l.' nf tins , yuiitry arc mi* liikrn, and thut we ure a ininurable.deipond- 'II! 1 , mined, uVpri'mml and rt-trogradinK nmiitrv. Tliat, i the M\!i of the. apri-rli "i my lion. frifjiil. An I. UK an he lia thut |. .1-1. in of ('itiyida, in lone, an ho entcrtniim tin i,.. . i in' in , mi. I tin. hi* nln mi hi. 1. a.U i'ii- lit. i. n tlii'in. h,' .|1, I ri'^ri't to HIV, renmni ut your Irfl, .Mr. Speaker. ..! will nut runic tn the 1'i.Miiini to wlnrli his nn.it abilili>-n i ntitli li'-u, of trailing tin' majority of tin- |..<i|i!e of Cpuaila uml their I. |.n 'iitiilives 'jn the i >ji.t of yum i-hiiir. Thei.i la a ilif iitrencH of oplniiin belwei n my him. friend a j J llie majority of tbc |n . .|,|. ..( ' ).. 1 i on tl.ot acQiinnt. \Ve know tl,.it wlinn in a ' ii .:ic no;. IMIII ...iiiAbndy n-ks an inmate Idiw lie fami t" by t!, ./<, "Oh," by he. "I u n h. t ' tt* n i'. i|" "I'UMI ; of^a .lill.'i, in'e vf i.j :ni.>n ' All the w.iil.l think I inn nmd ai.il I think nil tbo . iM mini, an I lliu miijorily .'.L.-lle.l it." (1,'illd I.I ,'lit, I I Hn it in Wllll . I., n fni ii. I ( t.'iieweil I ui, lit, i ) Hi. i.i..jonty of the |..'.,|i|n i.f ('iniiiitA will ile.'l.ne that trie lia'ltii'iliHtli.in.tliu .1. In- 1. n me mi thut hide vt th Honed wn.l u it mi I .UK : i.iil r. in. a uiiifiirtuiiu to my lion. i. n.l'.i party ; it U a Hint ..( liliiulin ,. a lni . ". ie upon them for their mis, l.y which t!if,v have brciimn (iropbtitii of evil III ll.rli prew, ,,|. :Lie .tlllop, .HI the I'l.llf'iini,, VITI uhiTe.ninl lion in r.iilMini'ii 1 . ll'-itr, liwr.) U .. ii:id t !..:,( tttir raJMni .lie, the bit ili l|.| I.iir ;l.lt.. u for tlielr |>uity. i Unit t'aiuiilii i-. iiiine.l and will n n. .no iiinw'.l. anil ill he iiioro i nine.l i \. iv .1 ,\ iii.iil th, u : 3 ii eliiuiKe of imrtieg nnil iiivln.ii fiii'nd i u men oil thin nidi'. I in ilflalil lli- | ..... |.'.- of I'iinuilil wi|l prefer to I . i nineil uii'li r 111 tliun to he |>roKj . i : .liter tin' f.l-.! fjli, of hull. KI ntleluell 'ill 'he . .ihiT ki.li- ,','hifiii aud !aii(li:i ) TVII Wr. < Iir.M... > III |il\ '.tir\ i^ tii.' liu: l..-ar of little Illllnls" I IK- (.1.1 .-ii ...i I HIM 'loJ aiuue, U.IV.T uiiaug tlieirii|iniioii<." Lio 1 scarcely know whether t> In .Miiu-.iil or displeased at the ctl'ii-icn of my doughty (i]ipniieni. That ".-'>|> evidently &its very sorely on m\ friend's stunuich, nut U fiiu.M l.i In it, but because he h;i; it not ! C'lnlil ii n .iinetiines whine fur -..ant of sops well HUgurtd, but he siupasst-s al he t'l. ctorate creation. Publicly he didn't want it unless the gave it to him. It was rel'ns< d, -in now the wails and lamentations ! He- cause in my innipceiisi- 1 said it was too good for him under the ciiciuu M.mr. -. \Vould that some one found a big cradle to rock him into sleepless forgetfulnesd of thut notorious sop The, too, how tickled and dolighlei he was with tho support he got I was really overwhelmingly favorubl insomuch that his friends bet und los on the results screamed in assuranc of success. Many of them were or! tip toe to repeat tho history of the broon brigade, to sweep the old doctor ol the stage, lint my I what a col Upc ! Yes, my friend is sausti. ' u.i very tlrinkliil '.' \iid ag-^n phantom of a promise j support lain It is said that when a pwrsou receives an idea erroneous iu character, and having ample fjui- to correct himself or refuse to be corrected, he is a luna- tic. Now, of course, if my friend be in such a stair, il wjuld be folly to try to convince him. Tliu audience, however, should know that according to all just rules of interpreuiuin, the charge has no fuinulalion, in fact. \\ huh \IT w:is said in thin relation was said under contingencies and peradven- tnies.vi/.., that 1 would not run ii":un, and Ihal ainither g, ntlfiiian oppii.M-il In me, would he la the field, ntithei nf which look place; thiictorc hav- ing never coiiMji-si-d with lam or made any plc.i^i' to 'am, pure and simple. 111) I'toliiise \\iis hllikell. 110 honor at ..l.il.' , and added to this my tutu! i^ii'.ii.in ^ of his intentions until las ciifd appealed side by- Mile with my uwn withdrawal ol resig- nation, should, and does satisfy any pers.'ii not ! :iii|''ji.u ily blinded with passion. The sidelines und con t-i ssions reverberated with wlmt hib hi.issed pyiiii'inatl in HtiggesU'd. It must be oiaulyin,', "udeod, thut lux canvass ii'Htinvd so I'.ttle ol thai 1 . A Lu an i couldn't well afford lo loose valuable lime \ou Sve. Il not untie intently happens though, that proxies, it no better than a big I'iik-',. nr u, fL. . M mini, or a simple kitchen ( '....A-, or a beautitnl ri'.ia- .SA-omoM, or I hut- nl'i , or Jo li-n n y and sundry olhei agencies do what heloiliis to tlie prin- cipal. I'M! 1 din to infer little or none of HUH wax done, save tlie mark! I 'pin Ins own merit alone sto.nl iln-t eoiiiplaci nt would lie ree\e' One n lead lo i Achilla, wli'U 114-111 ' when ' when '.' Ill -oiaiusl he says : "twnall pnweft'iil clement- wen ut my back." I'his is iv litlle nivstllieil. I itld ha\i- a lew things at my bao|i, \ i/. C'an- doOT. UpOglltUMI, ahi.hty, mei it and a Illllltlladr of tin ml . lllaoie; all clussvH. 1 have been weighed and wlio cmiiiis to lie tli i'liiU of honor, he ui a! I'.ii-nn pi .alive, and a n in nl nii'iit. i.i-.iniir.H'S biinsc-lf of ull. itiiiil is of wiiat ne had of tlienii mil drives atf ut a Undent In attack ne on u matter tiiat lias no more inerti.i.i wiiii ni!i:ii(:i|>ul matters I ,1 i he has wit. i t. i.itnj i or .m tx- alu-d mi'id. Dr. D.-w.u-i 1 HUI sure wiii I'n I oiiligatt .i, : ill Hv. W. 1'i.hip. fir aca ft gn '' ; ' J det'cnce. mivi i.s an not iMxels, uo more tl. an friend \\ ... , an at- liable 'o errors and i.nsi.nii s l'ne-e are to be sp 'ikun agani.-'L r.nd r i>. d, though a iii\m;in dow . [n . uii[)ly men- tli.ri that bci..' i--i i u ,yiuen, wiiether lint oi I >ry. i.ave uo quarteis \\iin no . Bat in tins case 1 apprt-ht n :. il tai -enUeiuau had bee i a Tory mmeni : .1 Gut, the bile olin. liiuiiil w.jiiid u.ivi: ii'juu undis r *'!. On- ti.iug is n-titc clear, that iny .1 .il onalL-d I'ri..'n'i U.i .)*; attic about s i. w.i i-:. men, nor had he love for Dr. 1> wart m particular, otherwise e wou i ban hew ' i-.-loie raising .1 <i lestion of ti.ii kind. Lest a wrong ini| r ^-i .n stiuuld bo m. uif, u i but just l" suy thut botn ol t.ie iuii:mters II.IIB d a.e M i\ i stniiahle men, talent . d. N i -f,il, pious anil are very much (iiiirch.notwit Hta ing tlie one ullr-i view comi'lained of, a view wmcn \ t ry many siuc'.-ri ly re grit. 1 um ran it my tnend huil prolit.'d I'.v u.i i >*" \eis' U-iwhing ol Mr I'.iilpH. lo-iiii\ III \s, 'ild In f.iunil a i-hrittum ^i-iitleiiiiin with "i-haiUv, Ivhii.ni-^. tlai miig no evil, etc.," Ui MI .ul of oth. iwifcc. as painfully ei hil'Ued in his liittiimss to myself. \l;. i 'jiy l,"jilly ap[)roaches to him. lit tit. 'did 1 suppose tliat o HOJH woulil have to ileftml myself againit liifi aspersions. How soon the"sow has luturned to her wallowing in the mire !" 1 leave for another com- muiiication tlie debauching of some o the electorate with whiskey, an those who did it, which, no doubt, will astonish my temperance t'uiiul DU. CUKISTOE. kiiulii i I. i . From o"r oiru Corrt$pondtt. The Methodist tea-meeiing or Thursday night last was a grand sue cess, considering the very bad roads Tea was served in the new hall, afte which all repaired to the church, wher an excellent program was gon* through with. ttev. J. H. Watts,, oo cupied the chair. Mr. A. Hall re viewed the progress rt. the church am country for tl $ past thirty years. II dwell at length on tlie progress pi th young people. Ho was lo-.u',s ii| [.'Udell as he aat down. Next cam our genial friend. Win. Stewart, Em] He said he felt rather at a loss t know wh.it to do, as he had not bee invited to s[vak until u few minute before he wai called upon, neverthe less he was glad 10 meet BO many t Ins friends on that occasiou au hoped they would lung U- spared I meet in such friendly gatherings He sat down Hiniil much npplattsi Next came M. U. Hammond, wh sp.ike for a short time to llie pleasure ot' the audience. anil was also applaud- ed as lie took Ins scat. Next came J. M. Thirvston, who g:xvo a few well chosen remarks, hast In.' not leist came um l!n-w, T. (iilray, KS<I., lull an it was i-cttni.,' laic he did not speak long. Uc expressed himself highly pleased to be pivsuul at Mich entertainment i as these .:...! hopid they would not soon die out. He thought it gave friend* ait oppoi tuuity of nifeting each other aniV having a friendly chat that they n^jght other wiso be, deprivcil of. Tho vhoir sang a number ut selection* in a creditable manner, and I uiilly encored. The good things pto- M.led by tile ladies wen cwllcnt mid M Mir rot ALL WAXTED-A good energetic nan or men. to aell our Fruit Tieei, Roue*. hnil., Ornamental!, etc. l*eriliail-nl inployinenl. Wiiteatooc f-r t-rm* nd K.-cur choice of territory. W " nlv firtt-cla* utock. hanilome outfit lr*. . iir... M1V UK 01 II IK*. Xirv r nun. ICo< In- > I r. K.V. Pumps ! Pumps ! J. McCulloueh. Markdale, nanufacutarrof pump. <iireii to iufonn the mlilicthat b i* prepared to furuiali puuiiyfoi Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. arti<>*wbo have heretofore badiltfrknltv witb huir well* ar Guarantesd Satisfaction MMncmT articl.'. I learnvd n , hiiMii. L xitli thv lafe J Foar ,of Mm J.ir.l. llie .IIIH-I n>r.v> ' f wiiu-f putupn was a h'usi'hi'M W'/T'I in (trey a 'ew >nr .' rt njre aii.t call on rue if you desire myth 'og tn tbtpumpliue J. DR. CARTER, M.C.I'. AS., OUT. PDVSK IA\. >l 1:1.1 ov * r . FLKSHERTdN. Office. Strain ' block Iteirience. J O K-MH-) * J. Member of the College of l'hyu ini . Sureeonn. Ontario Kii'iuo.- at .irt'o-ivin* door eiit o( (,rii Hlor or \tk'u...n 1 Hctrl rrii'.'Tille. Xo. Ii). 1**. DBS, SPDULC & EGO. MAKKDALE "NT Ofllrr : Manl*>'s Urns Stttrr. T> -il'Iiol'l,!.. M I) ...i,. \Si.l ^ |'i .11 M |. ...... lat>. of lottvnhni Iir.l'Kri will befoun.lat Mark<li>- H..H-. i > .;'.-. J. P. OTTEWELL, VK.TKRIXAHY St Rl.KOX. (inuliiiitr of Oiitaii.) Vet. ',.]!, ;.-. :s[I>|'M K ON ('O).I (N(iWfN)I> > Mi. llo.<r Kant of Frrl>\ ti'nan Chuifll. rucsHERToy. Oijt'cn Sound Collegiate & Institute. Tl KSD1Y. ?th The Ili-t Equipped School lu the Pr A Staff of Seven Specialists. For three yearn ban taken ni'irn (Vrtiffrati* than auv i. till-in. li.H'l in tbo I'mtiiivx. lit I).-- partiiiHiital Teacliorft tlaauiitiatiunii aud Art School Kiauiinn- KKCOliD, 1881. fnivi-mtT Matricniatii.n 5 (UN* Wllll I|..\..|M IS III UKI-AllTXf NTH. FiritClaiu T4chc CertMcaieo K.i-ond I'lasx TlnnlClaM " W LAW loelcljr'B EaantakUoi Art 8chooU>rtilK-alf 100 F.T further luforuialiuD i|.| l> to ^Dentistry. J. P, MARSHALL, L. D. S., VC3TIST. Viwii* Markditle the f<t and la-il \\nhiea- day i.i'eac- Klcslierton e.vch trip i ni'.iitli. n tht'dav foil. .. I M 1.KVAN. I'riin ilial D K IiDItlK Sex:, ot lioar.l. (rn. r. SI-KHI-LK'S KriunM., >rric Tin i:>i.\- OWKS SOI Nl OFfK'K. Kllosl s Blli'r . P. McCULLODGH, Barrister. Solicitor, <fv. IU.KKSH1RK . Ofllre. ot-r Urlarlaiul> Slorc Boar for Service, *arkdai-. >,..,> . L O , B . The unilornigiieil lian for nerviee at I'riccville -triii." tlinrmixtihre.1 HirkHhirv |l.r. lately iMin-hiue.1 florti Mr K Ilivem. of \Vlk*rtou I KKMS *1 llie annual took Itmt ini/.e it Artuiei* fall >li..o tlu (all. au.l ni-coiul al ttie Walkertou Kilul.iti..-. T A M KKKdfSON. We have the Tin. CALL AT SULLIVAN'S M o o r e's Block, For your Kuppli?* iu Tinware, rtr. nii'l h >]>( >"ii t fu Moore^s Block, H.KSHKKTON CAME ASTRAY. i .MI,- to tnc |MTIII-S of thti un.lcrit;iii y. (..in M, Art'mil, on .M alaut the lul.ltlli' i.f S --in ia.l. i>li<. ulixri l\earol>t. Tin. owner i- i -i|i-i'"t.-il i..|iu,\.' ['it.^fitx. |>ay f&pcn>cK ami lake I* awa\ . JOHN iiK.V.( ROt-'T. *,.., l'i> , Kuxenia. (><H- .>< Sullivan m th* old tvlitNf rnmmith of Flo>h crt"ii. HII.I f(ivtH ftfttitkfaction wvery tun** Hi- hN Iwciu itiM nn biimu*rt in Flei>4*rtou for itt>>t ti-*n yuarn, nj taktot thit i>i>|">rt nint v of iliauk- iiu tin* IIIMII% patron* for pant favoiH. nii'l h to in. -I it * . .''iiiiHinii,-f >f t,h Mtim< i;-t Hln-n- In* Cards. John W. Armstrong, TVIVI **i c VISIOX I'Ol'BT CI.KKK . K K.. CcMvqrknaar, ete. v. ut t,.i aeil nalr ..f Iaiul A]<i>ranwr fi-r r 1. c i ami K P. B A S Soriety MOIII-V to Loan o- uionk tea. ,uul>lf leriwi. N.I ra or UaUKl I l.U-KNSK.S. M)T\K\ I'l I-.1.UV MONEY TOLOA.N The Undersigned has a L > Amount of Money to Lotn at 6- : - ON TOWN UK FAKM PKlll'Klfn . IIAUI'DK, W. J. BELLAMY . TWr. CLKBK AUTIHKIII ; r W. MRNHOU8E, I'.ooT AN l> SHOE MAKER, |i. vriMi to tlinnk MI tiiiiiK'roun cutonirr I'm tliiivr\ Illtwial vati.'liaiji. fli'iiilwl in.tli* severul IllS^ailCCS WPI-e \ |.ii-l ami i- n. |'r.-ear.'.llollll all union witfc |.roni)ilnfiMH > atiHrm-tion L;niu'nritrr.l l'w.'!\r \r.ili III liilMlli--.'* IU Kl.'.h.-l I.'M. fcllil tiolitmt ...i line- 'ii liixxi 'ii.4ii'ii-lo|'.l.iiv<> n .M!. Ii in abundance. Tlie IM < t.n M clowd by singing the niuioii.il iMithcin. I'm feeds f Ml'. I . .i MI| " >r < .Uwerli u O|UM|| , ) .,, v ;.,\ < ' ';*., >.! ill hr-t i'lin n.U'i.aiiu-n ilonr\ !. i .. k.w.'.tit. R. J. Sproulc, pOtTMA9nU,4.lMitw i i'r in II. B., raci>iiafilAnotionf vcvaDcrr, Aii|iriiT nii.t MMI./ \>-\ Keul llstatu and Insiaiuirw AJ-II'.. I'.... U .Mortuayr*. Li'H a-wn.1 Will* dr.iwri Valu.ttioi M Biaurmi hor-nrt not.-' I tiou Sulfa atteiiih"! to ra liny pur Oount.i-. Ui'iii-r tn linu atltiwf.tr.. iiit.i.-' 1 Cplli't'tion* A'-. ..I- i l. .s Ii promptni: > ami iK'>>utii. i linrj Cheap tickrti (rum l-'leshcrton t. l.iv* p.. (iju^tiw. f. on. Ion i>r .un of tl>- !: . , name HI'.I kii.'wn loroHphout tin- \unni\ swr.l ntK apri'ialt le> jrtHir boots uiad i . \\ in i-' Kli%)ii'il..ii Uir.l I'.ihn. ..'mi, win. n ; Hioud proof lothtj ktandard, Now,undi!i- llie eaeiaiiJl.in i->. I w.is nu\et mis i. um d hetti i in any previous election. Many who supported him have sincn congratulated me on my tmcccsK, and explained why they were lead to op- ]..'* me, not iVom want of confidence, but bvcausk a promise was extmcieil, win n they were informed I wu* otu ul tne field. Not finding anything in my mmik'i- l>a! career (the real qneitioii a>t usiit- 1 i ai*ou which to hkng a \**, my IrifiiU MIIIH UirrvliHntr M'.iil lain IIOIIIK >|ii'i--al lirnk iue, which I..', i u. I uai ailuiiiably a.laptnl I., i ui. r.. ul. l..n|l r.ihn. ihl'-n IftHt. d tin' 11,1." u, I '.ii'l "I Wlllllil i.i'Lrr l.iirr lie > ..it." il.innl lullt'itrr ) So ||ii. |i, ,.| I.. f Cauada vnulil ntllif i li.m- CuiaiU mlh kll ill. niinfoi luiit-a. ri-ul -n oii.i^iimri guv < i nr. I I l In. l.ili. r.il ' ,.iif . M lm- parly, . . ii !.. ii !<! In yuiir liiinililn ivant.lli .u l.a it Jirnoted tiy all the abilitlei, all llie taleut*. all UM turo anil l; '.lie |.,. .. u, el nil )<>. l.i 11 ! MK Knrroii "l.i i;ri|'in-. or KIIHHI.III nilliit M/..I. an it i i.-iiin'd in in raHlity ;oi . iiul.'iiin i-iiiHir!i, nnil w rnlli"l \,r ini I.IH-.K i in- ' h.-litinn,' utMnli, ' fr.nn tlif i.ipulity iritli which it .M . ; . uvur the eoiintry. All. .iv u to ih-Hv. tliu attention I V"ia .'niiilfi to llie '41,1 tlii' Xavil Ilidni, Ha well .1- I.e. i tlioi'oil^'li i ure Im all cjaue "I i'1'diiiar.v \i'lil in lir.id .mil i jl'.inh, will niv- | .i)iii|.t ihel in evi'ii tile nioal Koni-e i-juek i I "la ^14. }H- or i KuiaiHii iiitliirii/..t, ' ,\H u A>\\ uttVx tiully . U u tin 1 iiiM.il !..m.i^i'i. idhiy u rilJitmn .a. il lulitivu tlie dull, ..I.).] rviuvv heudactit! ... ..'iii|..iii\ in.- tho iii-i^s No family ahviiltl U' without a Ixittlti of Nanal Itahn in i hit hoiiHi-, na i-ilil m tin- livad ami n'.'i 1)1 are puruliarly liable l attaik H-ti|ile at thu -i..i.'ii nf th yvar, and l'..i MI it ih mily |iri.ui)'t and |n'i-.iv .no for t)ic iroulilva irr of- frn-d th>> 1'iilih.- Kay toiiacaiid a^rce- able. If yi.il nn . u-t n at jrnar Uel un will I*- aeut iH*t lr DO r*cipt ot prio* ((K) vwitl ami |l pr Utllo) by ad -.'">! * Ci... K; .el Till., On'. House d Let for Sale nal*. 'C*>l ta ','iw. P\VIH i,,....l hoiiw anil lot fin al... nolt Haptmt i hni. 1 ' M^whi'it.pn tloux.'Cvxitaiii'i four rooDia. I'lnlierton. \o Miirket II ' H-ti \\.' t '' T'H"r Vl fttl V rpl > lore jH-reh.sii.s < t< i v i .-.* llub Tliili Pat'd Doc. i, Ol' llitOI'I'Kt to M U . . ))" u>-, > iH- N S. DAIKUDE, l ;tln i ion l.>n.n r> 9 Cords'. 10 S!^ every n or ATTl^l- [S i: I!l,- ItlH'HIIH' It 1-4 *.l\v'.t\ . , -'4I(1, I- ^ 4..ii|M,' dill ftl.ll . ItH'XJH'll i . - lo tear Vmir fr def.erii.iori .- nUloliiM triiiiuodUii Imm te<h et r k* MW*< tw*m t i* **rd .1,' , r> .u BOW - fle- full; iue<L aniMiT v>n l. kail where U>| k a life farb itMi i'r the UM of tmi loul i>nbvu . rao Sit their UD awe now and Jo It belter lhe ih, rien caperl can wlibout IL Atfepert to al' ' > Hr one wbo owi>i t MW ebmk THIS ANT1 i-* .il'. ll'Xl'c'll 1 .. 'I" ...lr ill ,.-,,; ir tnr nl'i.ii;;.; .'i :i ,H .-. .-1: , - KOKSU K AT Hoard's Carriage Shp l.'XKM KUKSALK I'HK.AI'. \N|i .. (.. t I lorniM lot 7. con 1, (olinhi|i of I M ',., , eoaulnlne] SOB tar**. Thm m a |.',.M , ,, . atile tlinh.-r (i.rni \\V11 ti.:,l.i,,,l , . . harilwood. henuorli an.l oe^ar S)<l. n.h.1 . , 1) lalln l-vm the bmtulilnl ttlaK*uf KI-I.-.M >Jf ui i^iioen'e Valley whcrv then' are nulls, . > . poai oAvaand obiircb, aud II mtle frmn >lli erton nn the C P R wh<-ri- there m i . . ,. i uiarkvt for eJI klnilt of jiroHuce. elock !. an.l Itaiber *i'i-l> tklt 1 \ t A .l estate %.. rub.

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