Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1890, p. 8

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THE FLESH ERTON A fc V A N t E for Infants and Children. >is to well adapted to children that I Caotoria nrf* Oolle. Oonetlpetlna, Irn-MniiiradjtassiiprnortoanrpruKnpUoa I Ro"' Stomach. Dtarrhwa, Eructation . K. , II i. Am. >! U. I ^^L^"' "" 1 "" P> ~ ""' U18o.Ozio.-aiK.. UrautyB, N. Y. I Wltbout tajarioas mcdicaOaav Tiut Ccxriia CotrrAirr. 77 Murray Street, H. Y. FLOUR, FLOUR, FARMERS! STONE LOOK! FLOUR! T. BLAKELY, Flesherton, Ml! I' LOL'CKS I' | "-i |rnl toilo your <inliil 1111 llorl notice n.. r,ii- mi the old u-i'iiiH of *rv twvlftli i ...i . i h*n <-nt- per (>* of twu bunliola for i -i i fi i-i k ' tli.ni- rn-r\ <isv Th* Ijittli Ml l> l i n; II *a*tiniatioii of Ui public titiifa-tioii liuaramaed. V LOt'CKH, Proprietor. :,-<1 rtablin* for Ii irw>. Sells the bent funning implement* manu- factured, ii. eluding l:,:intfi,nl Lit/lit Strrl Itiiuirr ami Muirer. A/IMUU /'."'./ '.'"Jit-i' 111 HI and .Spring Tuoth Urn Iff. The Watrrlau 1'Unciaml Thrfilien. A '/.(/ unit Durand'x Ilayfvrk. The good qualitirs of these implementu are sntliriently known now tu pak fur themselves, without any extra words (runi iniv Au>l>ody rentiirng inipUments iu | this line vrnuH do well to eiitujiiie mine if not alrpiidv acquainted with tlii'in. Call on mi nil I will be happy to exhibit the qualities of these machines. I. A. l.i .KI i ., D. McTavish, HOKSKMloER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, l-LKSHEKTON, - ONT. Flesherton. Muliii'i'-turliii: of Wsgoni. Slfi<!h. I , i, ,. r if- .? l|.,rph.irln proniptlv at i. u I i.l t.i >>)>'-. -ial ;l. nlr.u uivu to contract .1 or I, . 1- I 1,-tft. and Plow ( haiiis con- lunlly on li.mil. FLESHERTOH MILLS ll.iv.in' (j irr'ias" 1 the Flenlierton 1'laniiu' Mills I- i. U. J. M|>ronl, Ksq., I now uesirt to inform tho PUBLIC that I am iu a )>Mtlrm to do ALL KINDS -OF (ieceral planiug mill work, inch as FASH, DOORS, DOOR FRAMES I'Uiyii* mid Matcnin^, ru Rawing, etc. ..i ..il WorkuiauNhlp .u.iriuii i-i-il. A hiri'i- qnantity of good dry pm 'IIJ.IM r on baiul. IT. J. Uo\r.J*ii> f Flcaberton. SALESMEN vVtitDl for our roni|>l*t Ho* of Nfl:SI.I:Y il ><'K !l n*w, ehoii-fl and FAST HI. I I IM< MfKCIALTIKS I can furnish I'AYINI) I'.lSI I'liiHS to workers llr lartf* *i|inAnc* jn th* lm*iu*i< *uabl*s m* tu r,iT*r apecial iva-nu^*-* l., l^.'i-i-i-i I CAN MtkL A M OOKS I'l'l, -, \!.lT'Mll of any on* who will follow mjr In- Hlr*i-*lon F*niian*nt *niploymrnt u'ag,^ ,. .' ia '' vrok . lutrtt free. Apply at one* aud * uMM'* cboic* of territory klMv iKI F. MNELL. hu,-.., ...a K.II HltSfKH.N t - mis KENDALL'S PAVIN CUR Tkr -loM HirrYMrul Ktmrtj til* rs<a U I* n-rtalii In lu 4Tiuan4 du not biuur. lu-aa |>rooC twiow. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Omcc nr i 'u > i ss A siiusa. II.SIK <>r Bit AKD ttufnon PKZD n ELMWOOD, 111., MOT. Iu, < Dm. Ii J . . l'.-r Mir. I |IM, alwayi i<un-hMft>! TOOT KB- i&iri SiKvIn Caro I/; Hi" half .1 n )>4U, I wouM Ilk* pHese la Uf|or qvanUtj. I think It l> rmv i^ tM Iwt llulnimu on i-urUi. 1 bavw u*J 1C i mj M*uV< for u. .r. iMira. Yuun 11 uij. Cais. A. anDssi. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURIi. li. Dm. Tl J. KKI t Iri : I iirJ TT. . T., MuTsmltar S, OH. '<>- i,, t i, I,,M MtlmmlKlaf mr ur KBjlriHilnC^ir. 1 cseM, 1-1 ' J..ILI. . , alu r. mrnt-ntl It U> Yours irulj . A. H fin SUIT. Trtiy Lauadry SlstilM. lENDALL'S SPAVIN CBF.L SIT. Wmmi Oonrar, Ono, Dee. :.. [H B. J. Kkjn>Ai4. ". ()aii: I f'^l It in* tloty to ar wkmS I baveoom* wltk fUMT KMMllxlri aiATtu !\tr. I b AITM bon lhai had , U l \ltrnr. nlur afflu t~l wNk ll IlMtf >'! < <: i till Jaw. aiuio I banudoiMo< r-*' K,.... ami roaowl kh illliilliiil I ! 0'*t lit a eaof aoy kind. Tumn u uJ,. AIMBW TIHM. Rrn-M Uwat-s. lENOALL'S SPAVH CUBE, MSI Mr tat* save lie to auj IMl.l or all botUM for fa, AH Pr* ui ..i ii lor jav. at I* wtll b* ma ... reolj<t of prjc / th* pragfM- S*rt. PH. IL J. Ksnaan. Co., lamtaj a rai. vx. OLU It V ALL 1>1U <HilHi *. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY SCIENTIFICAMERICAN DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD ntAd iT.ittAti.mt whlnh HIM* tb* rfwulU of tin- OriiriiiAl, in pH uf In piU of MlnttejntAd tt*urr, ftiul urtu'ticftl rfwul 111* |rr<weMw( iiii*irJi.r*-nUtui'J t> . , of tbfnai "I hist leU> >fm.<*ll <if which dninoavtrftk* t umltiul t^.1 niMMldHIr and (KHiunnty nf hmlinAchintt). I'rwf Lmswlto'i Artof Hr l-'.^gr-tmi* I* r>4'.jtTiit*J l-.Uf In both llriiiii.l.'rr-* M markiDg Kit-cti Is* ARCHITECTS & BUILDERC I dition of Solesiiflo AsiirlosB. W *UI prt< * i lxn h/ lM [v 'ir,i/ -t A i- bf I u /,rt-*r ,!.,/, t K*. any , . uvl T*wiint<>iii*l tvldrwM A. COIAKTTK. HaJ Klrth A.M-C. > 1 Bach 1MB* ennlalnt nlord llttoM WPBIC pei of ruunlr, aud (l ril.l*n. '..," iml'llc \,,,Mln,. N'""""'" '/IVV.l"?? .. .1 .,l\ flans anJ .|firieatiuns foi th* u.. of ,u, r .- c,t*^at*.^elB. RwWJa>c. . -_. I llttoM WPBIC '" ' at* bulldina-. iTif|i' w MI NN a CO., ftausnans. DflB|TSgw: tlsYaTmA eWLl llBW*.,.ba.t ... JTfi.U!'"' *"*"'" * ""'iTaod W >i rtctly , TRADE MARKS . .( '.'.II. t> . I I J * . lib - -k MeTtMtl ^ f***4al %> Oil rft*OB i ,< II si II still TiUl I t~ J 1 ^'*- *.. 'tUI ; . rrttfatt^aTis:;^?a^is^ -^in'^ic' i" sErs!"-*Z.S PM h*MSI O** ! ' * J ** * >> (e K > * r^e>ai I.M r.h.m, N. From OK; turn Corretpond'nt. Mm. Cieo. Drown, the unfortunate ictitn of (ico. Parks' cruelty, is slowly recovering, but is not yet out of danger. County constable Chnstii, accompenic I by Messrs. Campix-ll and ripi>s, on the strength of a warrant, took after the desperado, but alas ! '.lu-ir bird had tiowu to parts unknown. l>r. Scott has been iu constant at- tendance, v, lu!r I)n. Hamilton, of Hinghampton, aud Aikman, of Col- ^uniiil. have been called upon for consultation. We sincerely hope that the case may be brought speedily to a favorable termination, aud thai no such shameful occurrence may ever again occur in our inidit. Three wolves front tbc neighboring burg of Singhatnptou.paid Fevershani a visit last Sunday eve. "Hugh's sou" appeared to your correspondent to have a severe ttck of the "grip," from the attitude with which lie en- tered the village. He was neither life nor death, but what was left of the b^d boy. '-Cousins" also looked disagreeably cormnly but was able to smile a salute, while I expect the charming simplicity of the "Chest- nut" would fascinate the heart of the fairest belle of Feversham. Our army friends liave a <raiui work to face if they are to vanquish these would be riots. Such was the sample that fair Hinghampton saw fit to send us, which by the way might have been good euougli for Saturday or some other week day. We are happy to learn that our young folks are thinking seriously of urgauizing a liu-rary society in our village. Such a movement cannot but fail to do good , and every one who desires to see the community b- csine more refined and educated should lend to such a cause tbeir deepest sympathy and heartiest co- operations. We have no doubt but that it will be a success and that this village shall shortly be necond to none for its attractiveness in tbis and other lines. The Paul Bros, are doing a rushing business this winter. Thvir nleighs and cutters catch everybody as to style and durability, wkile their job work cannot be excelled. Influenza is prevalent in oar midst. So far its ravages have not been very disastrous, and no anxiety is felt in regard to it. Mr. J. A. Brett has been engaged to teach our school for the present 3 ear. Bo far he is giving entire satis- action. McHsm. Paul lira's, new black- smith, Mr. N. G. Henderson, is the iiu st workman scon Lu these parts ii some time. We congratulate (the c- s.'i-s. Paul Bros, on securing such man as Mr. Henderson. JERRY. Pricevllle. from <iur own Citrrr.tfiondent. Our weather prophet* are utterly <Umrli)<l anil about Hiring up thmr ,<-II.-IIM.>II in despair. Th bold invadei, la grippe, haa at- tacked <>ur village and vicinity, and (very aunriae finds fresh victim* on their back* but all ne to their feet again no fa. There wai just al>out|nough beef on the faar grouarla on Monday to give the citizens one Rood squsr.' meal The Arteuiesia Agricultural society have decided to hold a two daya' aliew here next fall. The Her. D. McLeod is back again in chary* "' hi* "''' congregation. The iion-gaelic speaking (xirtion of the con Kregaliou seems t be kicking pretty MKorously. but we hope by tome mean* that harmony will prevail shortly. Mr. W. Parker, of Lions Head, preached in the Methodist church on Sunday morning. Mrs. Jin Watson has been seriously ill for vn ml cUy Mr. I*chland McArthur, while driving i tram HI tin 4 Michigan lumber woods, had a very narrow escape. One of the late high winds threw a tree across the road that he was driving upon, killing on* if the horses. A large Vltck War was seen a few days ago about half a mile west of the village. O-Ben. of the Valley, where art thuu ? We !..! no evil haa befallen the*, or those awful cowhide boots over t*ke thro unawares, verily thuu wouldst nut . . . '. refuge in a holluw log. apvtak ()-B*o aid let thy friends t comforted. Now we will bet our eldest boota that if a typographical errvr ia mad* in the Advaocc :!.( tan week.it will be fuiud in the P. correeponilrace. linlly, we gut a bad" dee* tb* U*t lisa*. Mr. Jane* Aleon, of Proton, was married the 16th . M t ,tu Mus Brown, l afewttt tewisakip. WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, Has a large assortment of FALL and WINTER Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Over- shoes,Felt Boots,Trunks, etc. New & Seasonable Goods OFFERING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES- FL.ESHERTO1V. Photos, Photos, Photos. art no* turning out teorkfar tuperwr in tlyle and ji*iih t any ever pr*- ducrd in Fltihertvn. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE HA TES. PICTURE FRAMING dunt in all il* branches A goad ttork of FRAMES and MOULDINGS <// conttmtlii on hand. Will alto int-vface th* new HROMIDE PORTRAIT. picture that it gifing rntirt intitt'iietif* whertrrr introduced. SAUPLKS curs' be teen at my GalUry whevt all purtjrulitri at tu Price, Btylekc., can /* t$ter tained. MMS. in 'I.M K&+ FLESHERTON HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY5 PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Kirrtf v the Blo*d. eorr*ct tvll Dtsord*r of I .1 \ .-i . Stomach, lvlJn" < yH, nntl Th> Invigratean1 rator*to health PebtHUU"! t'o i-titurlbim mul are invl.utble In II plaiutaiuciUoulal to Keuialu* of ail an**. FurChUdzeo aud lh *4t<Ki tby ar pticolmt THE OINTMEJST Ian Infallible rsmxiv tor Had !. Pail Hrtt old Wonadi. Hope* and Ulcni. It is fauoni f (lout ami HrteuiaatiKiu. Por disortlgrs ol tb* I be..t it bas no oq ,ia For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS UlandularflwelUngs.andslI Hkin niMaiws it has no rival: and tor contracted an> itifl iniitu It soli like a cbaj-ui Mnnuf artureil only st Prfw.*or Hi>i.t.i>wt \ H K>tahllahment. : . New o \ I.M <i turret < late 533. Oxford Street >. I .MI|H. and art sold at Is. ltd., 2s. M , 4. 6rt . Ill . -V> . i nd < ' run Bot or Pot, and may b had of ail aft 4 nu*i Vendor* throughout th World. ff- Purchattri ikould I'* A l< 'h' Lalel vn tht /'"' <-ml tioret. If the addrtu It nut 5AJ, Oxford Strett, /XlM^^^ tliru an FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM A large vnrtmvnl of HTOVI-, -,iiak*>l HI'.)\K. Kl'NNIHHINOS to .constantly *o> F. (j!. Karstedt, EAVKTROl'U HIITO 4 Si'KCI ALITT. Strain's old Stand 1 ' I < ~. I I 1 - I 4 . I I . Came stray. Csmeto the r r nil *" < " h ' ni)*rl((nd. lot IK! lt i MI,,.- vast T aiu! H. H. on Hatunlay. JD U on* two vear old ttenr. The owoer is r*qu.t..l lo j.iovepri.peity,pav M*'"'" < tak*itawa> JOHN BAN.NON AJtu.nsi*.'Jao U 1*0 Flesherton Livery Stables. D CLiTTttN. Proprtrtor. flret el as* harees auj v*blatos r.. klre at r*aa..al* IT PAYS TO MlBESI AND THAT 18 THB Northern Business College, Otf """ Tli* bastao. jr/niSbSviToiifor studeau Tb*bestui TM b**t stndeeto for ai '*'' of m.truotlon rom tnM | u ti-uot'*n after ne*e>*nts(lvinf }m* *> *todv. ternA. *.>! - Ik

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