Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1890, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, A 01 MEN." VOL. VTII. r NO 450. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1890. W. H. THURSTON, ,- 99119 B ARGAINS ! B ARG AINS ! A CALL AT Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. WIU eonriuc* you they keep the 6me*t stock of Wntches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ww.Ete. at the lowest prices in thii teetiou. Tkil u our bargiin month. 10 per cent, off til cub of 11.00 and orer, positively FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. Thii it run ehaaee ; do not miss it. We he t large inply of those famous screw dust proof eued, Walthaai and KUfiii watches. B >ore yon vt one. A very large stuck of tii.ise famous B. Lmmrrmrr HBWX which we are clearing out at half price. Call uid gut a perfect tit, and for a perfect job always take your Watoh, Clock and Jewelry repairs to Flesherton. to tl\e For the opinion* of wkick he dues nut huld hinuelf in any degree r'tjumsMe. RUSSELL, t I'AINTIXO. TIUUMINO, HORKEHOKINQ. WOOD WOKK FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMBER, LATH. BHINGLES, JOB WOKK 4 Reply t* Hr. M luiooli To At Editor of Tlte Advance. DEAR bir, As a certain party, call- ing himself J. A. Mcln'oah.sent wlutt he is pleased to call a reply to Anti- ion that may come upon you." Paul tells us in 2 Cor., 1st chap., 'Jl 2:2 verses: "Now he which stablishuth us with you in Christ, and hath an united ui in God ; who hath also scalnd us, and given the earnest of the spirit iu your hearts." I believe that God seala us with the holy spirit, but Me. accept) the D.C. aS his discipline, so he believes Ilynuu Smith has the power to seal. I now ask, who is the intidel ? Again, on page 293, 1>. C., (iwnslnp refuse* such scatrmjrr like com num., -;it urns, and I cannot afford to <Ij- pesjse with my dignity, nor lower thrt ct he chief magistracy of the township for so vile a purpose. If by my silence i'. will prevent ' i further expose of liu true inwmrdiitsi. > fore this moral and religious community, it will be a solid moral gain. I exceed- ingly regret his terrible mental conili nun, and the more so because it is with his viale of wrath poured on myself ? Would he havu been elected n-eve if I were nut ' By no means ; oeople have not sin 'i short memories, and are better judges of ability. The ratepayers liuld the reins ! Why doesn't he <juarrel with the proper party ,' Does he imagino that a mer velocity of tongue is to count for wisdom f or fault- finding for municipal lore ' or school boy diajoint<l acribbling M quali ticntiuii for the reevoahip i Yae, he eu imagine:. What a deception ! I only trust hi* bad temper will so>n and one Mediator between Go* and |i**' ..^ J 1 '* 1 , 1 ! wl11 ** ln to iover man, the man Christ Jesus. ' read in their collection of hymns FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard's Carriage Works, FLESHEllTON, ONT. Mormon, I thought I would read it par. '24, Enoch was 25 years old when (""'J 111 ' caute ' Wh 7 are and see whether he made a decent at- he was ordained under the hand of tempt to do so, but I failed to see the Adam, and he was 65 and Adam least attempt on his part fj meet the blessed him.and he saw the Lord, and arguments of Anti, but he managed to he walked with God 865 years, making relieve himself of a load of tilth that him 430 years old when he was trans- lie carried for a long time in Ins heart, lated. I believe Moses, who tells t us thinking that he would cause somo of ' in thy book of Genesis, chap. 5. and it to stick to Anti. "For out of the 23rd verse, '-ami all the days of Enoch abundance of the heart the mouth , were 36fi years.'' By these quota- speaketh." He says that Mr. F. pre- ' tions tin; reader will be able to know tends to quote from the standard who keeps company with infidels, how works of the L. D. 8., and by drop- appropriate birds of a feather. Paul'* ping words and sentences and chatig- letter to Timothy, 2nd chap., 5th ing the meaning he has belied it very verse, says : "For there is one God well. Now Mo. I challenge you or any of your people to show one quo- tation from your book that is not there. If Anti has garbled, as you ay, you failed to show one sentence in your B. of D. C. that he garbled, which would make two mediators if dress iu a court ..i You say you could do the same with the best book on earth. 1 agree with you there. You are an expert with black ink and filth. You al.-o say that is just the tricks of a contempti- ble intidel. for that is the very way they attack the bible. That is true. Now 1 am going to show you and the aro , ,. bi But I i l ' m "'*"y ' '"'''I "" malice, have dune i him no harm, and lilt! I mm no harm, and that, he will voluiibir - Ll "; 'l.V uke back all hm onslaught*, especi following verses ill hyilin <50 will ]M. V those which urn criminally libellous show that they have another pleader 1 1 entreat him m>t to urge me iu swk i true. Prune to tho ixiril for tin, tfroat ramoratlon. liruugUt by Uu aujfol to loiepu the M**r, Uliiutxl to . '|'< u tut I it" I 'ImpvliMtnin, Tin- churou to uitablmb. thu (>u*pl lUclaro. Hail to the |ini|ihrt us< . nH. d tu huaven. Traitor* mitl tyrant* now flbt bitu in Tain, PI. 'ailinc with <i'i"l u l>, hall of his bmalhreu, Deatli cauuot com) ur lhat buru again law. DR. t'HRISTOE. s rnvmory ; lie lie<l ah a martyr, LAND BOLLKH8 S1OWMH8. 1 INDKKS. PLOW8. Our Buxxiee the Beet. Our Slei^he the Itwt. Our Cutters the Beat. Our luipmxed Harrows the Best. Our Patent Gate The Best. Si,- /us Improved Spring Tooth Harrow the Bt. THAW CUTTERS, Bfl-KFI.KKS, TUBNIP DRILLH, QANQ PLOWS Honored and bluiMMl b hi* vr great name ; Million" will lorn him. juitice will triumph. Tlie marly r will riao with 111* Sailor tu reign. 1 timat wa hin oailiiii; and endlaMhla primtbood Kvui aud over tb Kevn he will noli!, Kaitblnl ami true b will .-HUT the kitig.lom Crowaud iu tlie mulht uf the prophuW at old. readers of The Advance who is the intidel. You acknowledge that the 13. of D.C. is the discipline of the church that you are a member of, accepted by the L.D.S. On page 307 of aid book, Joe Smith say*, claiming it a* a revelation given to him Jan. I'.). Hll "And now 1 say to you as pertaining U, my bwrding house which I have deihed hero and not me. Tins looks commanded you to build for the board. very much like polytheism pure and bu.lt to ' "??>- 1 will now attend to your Now, Me., according to this song, it THE MARKETS. FLKSHEKTON. Can-fully <.'< wtrtl Kiich Wct-l; Kl'-nr Kail Whnat Sprinif Wlirai 75 Iliuluy :*> 0U a I'UM t M Iliutfr U RgirM, frnnh .0 10 I'otaton ban 46 Pork 4 M Hay per ton t 90 ,l <0 to 4 M 75 to Hi. 3 M ,n of strangers. Let .t be will appear that it is you that has the | Bheepeklae t .. . ._ \ _ mi_r_ i__i__ (t^nna 1 OS kuv o as) < In. km* |mr pair .fl Docks per Ik end 1 u is my name, and let my name be named *"' u w < r'"' cac . o * " . urou .t, and kt my servant Joseph Aaron, and expose the ineffable bias- ' therein irom I'""* >'t that claim Begmning with This is no Sham. O (1 O O D D O O o O u O In order to give our customers what we consider a i and Ins house have place generation to generation, for this an- ointing have I put upon his head that his blessing shall also be put upon the head of hi* posterity after him. And us 1 saul to Abraham concerning the kindreds of the earth even so I sav to my servant Josf ph.iu thee and L m y thy seed shall the kindred, of the that hath been ,n earth be blessed. Therefore lot my servant Joe and his seed after him have place iu that IIDUMJ from gener- ation to generation for ever aud ever - . . >h { , sailh the lord. w, r rlebrews,4th chap. ,11th versolwe read: Having then agreatlligh Priest who lia.i ii.i-.-ii.'l through the heavens Jet us the son of God let us hold fas ; our confession, tor we ha/e not a liigh priest that cannot be touched with the feelings of our iufinmities, but one all points tempted like as we arc yet without sin. Let us therefore draw near with boldness to the Tliroue of Grace, mat wo may ftnd grace to help in every serve, it i the great high priest. For time of ii every Aud let the uarue of fair ! the house be called the Nauvoo ^ ^ ^^ ^ amo|(g men J discount Off Our already low priced goods, and also to adver- J Jj SSiSiHZ "chapler, 8th ordained for ni.n. in things pertaining tise our wonderful 30 cent Tea, we have decided to give | verso, wys. th V jj"^ ^Jf every cash purchaser of $ i. oo worth of goods i lb. of tea, | u ** ^ ^'^ p"cached 'before* th !?2.00 worth, I lb., $3.00 1$ lb., $4.00 2 lb., $5.00 2} lb. and[ tiogpe i to A b,-uham baying : "III so on, giving each purchaser a discount of 15 per cent., or thee shall all the nations of the earth IS Cents off every $ I. OO WOrth of goods purchased. This is' be blessed," and in order that you no cheap tea we want to dispose of, but our regular joct. I **-'* tea, which commands sale every time when tried. Neither are we going to mark our goods up. Every article shall remain at the low figure now marked. This Sale Will Continue Only Through the Month of February. We wont confine you to Dry Goods, but will give you ise read 14-10 verses of the aforesaid chapter, "'ilial the blessing ot Abra haul might conic oil the Gentile* through Jesus Christ. That we ruiglit receive the proiuisu ot the through faith." and xacrincc for aim ; who can have companion on the ignorant and tbe erring, for that lie himself also is compassed with infirmity, and by reason thereof is hound as for thu people. So also for himself to offnr for sins, and no man taketh tho honor to himself. What honor .' Acting as priest, ottering sacrifice for the ople, but he iluit was called of God wan AMI on. So also Christ glori- a lug h priest, but he that said to him {to whom '.' To L.l'.S. impostors '.' No. to Christ) thou art my son ; This day have I begotten ihce. And he sailh o h ii . u ... U 14 IK O) !, I . Ii UI 1 III ii ir. II <K U UI II. Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, Musical Goods Novelties. and Complete stock above lines assorted now in stock for holiday trade. An excellent tilled case, watch cnse and inuv.'iiiL-nt fully mounted, for $25. UO. Ladies 10 ,v 14 k. stem wind watches. SlM.OO to $4b.UO each. Walnut Spring C lo-Ux 1 ar-l 8 dity, $4.(M)"to$H.50. Nickh s.nlan , and time, best iiuality, $1.70 to S'Z.O I. s: *-0 ^ SISi. liberty to purchase anything in the store. Remember this is to advertise our te?, and any desirous of a delicious cup of tea will do well to give trial. RcmemllCi*. this sale only lasts during month, also must be strictly cash purchases. one it a the tothysml which is Christ.' In another place (to L.D.S. impostor*? i believu that all the kindreds of M 0i to c'lirisli "thou art a priest fur 4i|i rth am to be blessed in Christ, ev ,r, after tin- or k-r of the Mclchise- ^ COME EARLY AND THE RUSH. Now to Abraham and his seed worn the promises made. Ho saith not. and to seeds, as of many, but ? of one. "And to thy seed which is Christ. " Now 1 the cart) as wan the seed to whom tho pi(uni*e t i k. Then Cliritl is the only one was made. Now Me. accepts D.C. that was railed to the higii priesthood as the discipline of Ins church, and as ;ls .\aion W as. he 1ms committed himself to that bo.il, ANTI MOLIMOX. he must believe and accept its teach- ing and be blessed in Joe Smith's seed. 1 accept the Scriptures of tho Old and New Testament as my book of disci- pline, no mure, no less ; and I believe A - T - r/ r- v - r T-\ ln(lt lll * y aro P* l ' fecl " au(l """I' 1 " 1 ''' ^^ V OJ.JL) """ w '" completely furnish the man if God to all good work. The un- prejudiced reader will now see who is i the intidel. Again R.D.C., page 813, TlllllSS AH Stylos and all prices to meet competition. ({ i|</f.t i" -rt n-ttk. IM, ami PBOV. McDouald & Evans, WRIGHT'S OLD STAND. ! par. S8, first, "1 give to yoi- Hyruin Smith, to bo a patriarch to you, to hold the sealing blessings of my church.even the holy spirit of promise K''""" satisfactian, and likely >l..es if it be whereby ye are sealed up to the day hi natural mental fwd, or those of his "Ho tliathl'lrtli initial \vit.i ii>.. t.int iiitortttha ilatidur in a '/'.. tii: KiHiin- i./ Tlu' Ailvi/ice. Slit : I eniiiH'i fnii'iiiiiu a cuntrovemy ith .1 man wlin studiously and wilfully iiiisr|.ivseiiU tlld tao*. It cannot be iustnictiv*. ; ixinl what object he expects to v;.i:n 'T raising enrth and hell to niako me null uthtiil iunl iliahonurablo is not fur me to divine. Ho may receive HOIUX ISII or RMT ] Can do Ktter by customers tlntn they can do elsewhere : reason, bt- [ cause 1 am in a position to do so nt |ireM'iit, and intend doing so i along, as traile builils up on that Hi Full stock si/es and weights of lull l^i k. wi-dding rings. Fine -: .'ill to S14.00 watch repairing, fitting iKilly attcuiled to. of redemption, that ye may not fall, | notwithstanding the Lour of u nip' a kin, but I am poraiuuled a concensus f opiniuii frum tbe intclligauce of ' ' .'.the W. A. BROWN, Jeweler ar-i Op1,i V^. ' tf* T. W i * T.\ - : '-* -'

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