Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESHER10K ADVANCE. GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, />RAFT!i AXD SOLI>. iiil Atttniio* flidto thf (Mtttum of au-t .l.viiiinU, iiul door Nortk / <* Cat. VicinltyCliips. of the Pant C'nllrd for thr The Aiirauoe received a letter last wiek from Pricuvillej written in an amus- ingly satirical strum, and dealing with a certain candy food, but ai the IIIIIIKI of the writer did nut accompany it the manuscript had to be relegated (u tliu ^ri-cdy maw of tl.o wante basket. We thought c-vt-ry rtfiuler of this paper knew enough ui send hi* name along with any correspondence, nut necessarily for puuli cat ion. Anonyinoua correspondence re- ceives no attention at ur hands. Fair day >ieit MomUy. La irripP* i< "till fooluw around. Shorth rn bull* for sal*. S~ elsewhere). Bargains for the next mouth at Rui- nelli Noted Jewelry Store, Flenlierlou. It will pay y<>u to call. Sj^cial serviccM are being held ill the Methodist church erery evening tliii week, ami will continue next week. Th anuua! Onuisie soiree <>f L. O. L. 'X. 111, Eugenia, will be held ou March 12 uext. Anuouncements later A gentleman left with us a suhicrip- tion to U.e weekly Mail some tiiuej at?. As the pa|Hsr has not been sent will he kindly call st Uii office. Tfic bexkelors and benedicts of Mark- ilale will luiia a charity assembly in the rink on Tusday, Feb. 11. Danciuj; at 8 cYclcck. Ticket* 75 cents. The pvblic school of secuon No. 3, Artemesia, wa closed durirg sereral days of the past weak, owinf to illness f the teacher, Mr. Reid. La ijnppe. The regular quarterly srvic of the Methodist church will be held in Flesh- t-rton next Sabbath, the preachiag ser- vice to com inencw at 10 30 instead of 11 o'clock an usual. _ Remember the entertainment to be Siren by Miss Smith in the Town Hall Friday evening (to-morrow/ Miss Smith lias a good program and conies .well recommended. A Tery fleasaiit family reunion was iheld at thereniUeniee of Mr. Joe. Pedlar, j.oar EuTwu, on Thursday evening last, wl.eii f..rty-eight member* of the Pedlar family were present. A heavy rain storm paaaed over Flesh- ertun on TuenJay evening, accompanied witli sharp thunder and lightning. Tins winter can surely be classed as one of the freaks f nature. Even if all others have failed to make that watch of yours KO, take it to J. O. Rusell, Kleshcrton. H will aive it a new lease of life at a reasonable price. TRY HIM. Bargains for the next month at Kus- tu-lls Noted Jewelry Store, Fleshertun. It will I'itv you to call. The following license eoniniiHsioners have been appointed for Centre Orey by the Hon. Mr. Mowat : P. McCullough, Markdnle ; Thosj. B. White, Clarksburg ; K. H. Hunt, M. D.,C!arksburf. Tf you want to secure your tea free it-ad MclX'iiald A. Eans' adrertisemsnt. They nuUrv.anU the principal of adver- tising, and also of giving the very best value for investments with thtm. Ercn if all others have failed to make that watch of y>urs no, take it to J. ti. ItiuHcll Flosherton H will give it a new U- iii- of lifu at a reasonable pnce. IKY HIM. % __ Mrs. Win. Cl:iv<n treated the choir of the Methodist church to a tasty little -i|i|-r after choir practice on Friday nil-lit last. It in such little attentions as these tti.-u iimke life endurable. The choir desire to O.iank tier publicly. '.'..- lunrn in'. n our corruspouden tn that xlioildv ('('(liars :ire on th war path in t'.iis section. Have nothing to say to tin-in. Kick tin-in off the premises if tWy will not go peaceably, and nbove all <!<> not [nirclii.se any of their stuff or y< u will be sorry for it. I. B. Lucax, l*mM.:r of tin- firm Bishop it Lucas, Owon Sound, is at the otticeof Win. Lucas & Co., in Markdale, i-vi-ry Friday, and in Dundaik every Saturday. A. O.U W. tilticers. Flesherton, No. 142. A.O.U. W., for thecurreut year: P.M., Bro. W J Bollamy ; M. W.. Bro. A.8. V.-xa- duseti ; Foreman, Bro. W.R. Mn&t ; Overseer, Brv. \V. Harrison ; Recorder, llro. W. Irwin ; Financier, Bro. S. Danmilc ; Receiver, Bru. J. Whitteu ; Guide. Bn>. C W. Bellamy ; I. W . , Brc. O. Swanton ; O.W. , Bro. M. Richard- on ; Representative (irsnd Lodge, W.J. Bellamy. Th Great Nellie Bly. Nellie Bly's wonderful story in the Family Story Paper is the talk of the day. In towns where there are no news- dealers to the Family Story Paper will be sent to any address four months for one dollar, containing Nellie Bly's treat story. Address Munro's Publishing House, 24 and 36 Vaudewater Street, New York, N.Y. Lily Clark, tlta 12 year old laughter of Mr. Wm. Clark, late of Kieshurton, but now of Toronto, ran away from liar liouift the other day and after a tedious journey managed to ar- rive at her brotlmr'a place in Pickering aud was returned home to her anxious pirentH. An unfortunate auiiwioii occurred in Mr. \\ri-hts let er of last week which spoiled the neniie entirely. The omission with context, waa as follows : "This is l>r. Christoe't > HNMUH! ability. Now a number of the electois will remember the V-Unii Hill matter, how the case was dragged through ths mud I'V his ability. Tlte contractor, ' etc. An old Man s Advice. Mr. Alex. Moor*. Mechanics Settle- ment, New Brunswick, says : I am no- ing on 75 years of and had very little hopes of getting anything to relieve my catanh. Seeing Nasal Balm advertised, I sent to you fora paukaye. It has done me a i-reat deal of good. I enclose you $- fora further supyly.part of which I intend divine to an afflicted friend. I advise all sufferers from catarrh, to use Nasal Balm. P ersonal. Mr. D. Bailey, of Chesley. and Mr Mark Srrowdon, of Uuelph, were visiting at Mr. Aim. Stewart's during the pa .t week. Mr. Marshel Forsyth, nf Aurora, is the <{uent of Mr. Jamc* Keeter. Mr. Jos. Pedlar, of Nebraska, is at present visiting relatives in this vicinity J. W. Armstrong, Ko , who hat been 01 >n lined to the house fur Mrveral weeks past from an attack of the grip, has suf nciently recovered to attend at his office a portion of Hie time. Two Correspondent!. We have a crow to divest of its feath- ers with our Pricevillu correspondent. The tua-int<etinj( and entertainment hld in the Presbyterian church, Pno-viHe, last week, shouU hare beon reported to The Advance. We don t know whether our cor. had tke grip or whether ho was down in the sooth <>f 1'roton seeing his best girl, but in either cose he luiulil have appointed a substitute. It is news that The Advance want* from iia reporters, and it don't want it second-hand nor tore than SLX mouths old. Please bear this in mind, be a good boy and wu'L iimcr reprehend you agin. And while we are at this sort of rcri ral work we would just like to ask if our lialitain Valley correspondent is dead. Il so it is stran^n that his obituary notice wns not forwarded to us fur publication. Cupid Victorious. Rev. Mi. McNeil, of Fuvershnm, was lately mnrned to Miss Druminond, niece of Mrs. Dr. Kerr, late of Maxwell. The York Tribune speaks <u follows of the happy event : "L)r. Kerr's residence at the corner of Pacific A veil tit* and An- nette street, was the scene of a wedding on Tuesday evening, r.-ferred to in an- other column of this paper. Miss Drum- mond, the bride, is a niece of Mrs. Kerr, and the Rv. Jno. McNeil, bridHgroom, is pastor of tho Presbyterian church at Osprey. The mariKi.'e ceremony was jterformed at G o'clock, by the Uev. Mr. (irant.the bridesmaidH buinit Miss Milne, a niece of tliu principnl of I'.JC. Colloge, Toronto, with Mr. I'li.-w. Drnmniond, the bride's brother, acting as "bvst man.'' The guests were confined to the relatives of the contracting parties. The presents were numerous and elegant. A sump- tuous dtjrunrr followed the ceremony subsequent to which Mr.snd Mrs. McNeil left for a trip through western Ontario." To our Subscribers. The special annnuuceuient which ap- pearwd in our column* tome time since, announcing a sp*cial arrangement with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., of Emwlmrgh Falls. Vt , publishers nf "A Treatise on lie Horse and his Dieaes," whereby nur MiWrilwrs were enabled to obtain a copy of that valunlile work free by send- ng their address to B. J. Kendall Co., and enclosing a two-cent stamp for msil- n ; sniiiu) is renowed for a limn on period. We trust all will avail themselves of this ipportunity nf obtaining this valuable KM.k. To every lover of the horse it is ndispeiitfable.M it treaU in asimpleman- lur all the diseases, which afflict this noble animal. Its pheuonnual Hale throughout United States and Canada, make it a tandard authority. Afrntton tliu jiaprr l' Wanted. A local agent to represent a leading Agricultural Implement Company in this vicinity, for binders, mowers, reapers, rakes, plouutu, drills, cultivators, ic. Apply Box 182, OrangeriHe. Orange Blossoms Again. i in Wednesday evening of last week occurred another of those interesting ciiU iu which King Cupid performs a not unimportant part in fact one in which that little rascal creates all the trouble. In this particular instance the case was betwee|i Mr. Donald McLeod and Mias Jenny Stewart, daughter of Alex. Stewart, Eso,., West Back Lins.Ar- temeeia. The matter was satisfactorily settled by Rev. Donald McLeod, B.A., of I'nee ville. A large number of friends and relatives of the brida and groom were present to see that the affair was amicably settled, and, of course, it re- sulted in complete satisfaction to every- body. The bride looked charming, and was supported by Mias Hattia Stewart, Miss Mary McLeod and Mias Franke Stewart, the groom having as his right- hand men Mr Wilson Mi-Mullen. Mr. Mark Stewart and Mr. John McLeod. After the ceremony a splendid spread was set before the company assembled, to hich all did ample justice. After sup- per dancing waa indulged in to a late, or rather until an early hour. Tile presents were very numerous and beautiful. The Advance has a very friendly interest in the contracting parties, and wishes them all manner of happiness. The list of present* was aa follows : The bndc'i ther. Ml bedroom furniture The bride mother a wt of riUhM. Mark Btowu-t. brother. rlraMlnn <Ma HittU Btowtrt. linmr. lilf doMB chair*. Vranke 8twrt.iiimtor,hall doten stiver dswirt I pOOII 9. Bell Stewart, sister, half desso silver taliU poosis. Will SUwsrt, bmtlwr. canrlnR knife and fork. Mary McLwri. stitar of (room, bwlmoin Joseph Mcl.,'1-1. brother of Krooui, cttfDt cup and saucer iu CSM. Mr. Kixl'lie Slowart. nilvareniet. Mian Ulla lwrt. china KS cup tn.l Mr. M. A. Hnowdou,Uuulph.ilr pieklvcraot. Mr. TboniM Itom, Toronto, rolling pin and potato oiaabw. Mrm. Roiu. Tvronto. a fruit dlih an,l fancj cuahlon. Mr. I'oter Audarwn, Caledos, tilver butter dlnh. Mr. and Mn. I) Haillin. CbiJr. silvnr cmut. Mr. and Mrm. Wlloox, ilvr plokln erect slid quilt. MlMConntll. Toronto, teapot utmn.l. Mr. A Uiichriat. Mt (laaiiwara. Mr. and Mm. D. Mol.ui. MarkdeJa, (liver buttor cooler. Minn Elba Mclia. fruit dish. Mr. J. Carao, ilw pickle eruet. Mmn. Fetch * Mitchell, carrlse ksife and fork in cam. Ml -a Wallace. Toronto, ailvrr napkin ring. Mr. John Darin, plaiih dressing case. Mine HlsseljT. Toronto. Oliver napkin ring. A. Holluy and A. McPburaon. nilvar bnttor ooolr. Mr. and lira. Wadnwortu, Toronto, tllver pickle uruut. Mlaa Cole, two |>ir linen towcU. Mr. Tom Holliuor. glass wawr iwt and gold cuff button*. Mr. aud Mm. Tliuntoo, Imnouada net with tra> Mr. ami Mr. D. MeLeodjilau bread piste and tOWl-lM. MMI . Htowsrt aud Me Tavih, iwrlor i-ock- inu eliair. Mr. and Mrn. Mlxou. Mono Uoad. butter li.h and i|uilt. Mi>a Uclla MgKen/.iu. tilvnr pickle fork. Mr. C.McLauclilau, silver >i>uuu aud butter knife. Mi(tos QuiicuH, toilul n*t. Mr. and Mi. Uilixnn, nlxcr pickle cruet. Mr. \Voodt, uaMhinure drusH. Mr. ami Mn. K. ( airu>, parlor lamp. Mr. .tii<! MK. A. Cullen bal(do*cn fruit <Uhrs. Mr. and Mis. .1. rlouthaiii.Kln-u watur pltnhor. Mm. Truonian, Toruuto. ulat.i* pickle dbth. Mr. and Mn. A. Mclxwd table olotli. FOUR BOOKS FREE! THE RURAL CANADIAN for 1*90, the leading Agricultural Journal of Canada, and your choice of any four of the following books for ONE DOLLAR: I. Dr. Rameau. Hr Ceori;r Ohact. J. Lady Audley's Secret. Bv Mlu HraiUon. 1 The THar'a Revenge. Bv Juln Venir. 4- The Sir.n,. Ca< of Or. Jekyll * Mr Hyde. Hy HotHrt I.. Sli-phcHM.ii. j. The Death of Ivan Hutch. M Count Tblatnl. 6. A Terrible Temptation. By i liarlr* Hcade. 7. Tom Brown at Ruffcy. lly Thomu lluj{hc. S. The Sketch Book, lly Washington Irving. 9. The Lt of the Mohican*. in. Widow Ueiatt Papers. ii. Knickerbocker-a New York. By Wuhing- ion Irving. la. My Huaband and I. By r.mnt I-ynf Tol.toi. il. Jack of all Tradea. Ry Charlri Hade. 14. Orandfnthrr'a Chair. Flv Hawthorn,-. Ij. The Cloister and the Hearth. n llndc. 16. Spoopendyke. Ry Sunlrv llunllcr. 17. Not Likt Other Oirla. lly It , Carey. 18. Ramble* from Ruatia to Spain : or. Out- Joor Life in Europe. Hv K. IV I liwuiie. 19. Either Hv Ki>ia Nnurlirtte Carer. jo. Charlotte Temple. Hv Mrs. Ituwscm 11. The Plying Dutchman . or. The Death Ship. Hy W. Cl.uk Uutaell. u. The Pride of the Paddock. By Havlcy bnwit. i). The Paaacnger from Scotland Yard. 14. Twice Toid Talea. Uv Nathaniel lliiwlhnrne. j]. Bootlc'a Children. Bv John Mi-angr Winter. jo. Mona'a Choice. Uv Mr>. Alexander. t; The Travels and Surpriaing Adventurea of Saron Munchauaen. ml. The Hon. Mr. Verekcr. By The Duchcii. j Chris. By W. K. Nome, jo. Psul and Virginia. Hy St. Pierre. 31. The Tale uf Three Lions. By 1C H.der il. Th Devil a Die. ll liranl Ailrn. 33. Cleopatra, llv II. Ititlrr Hazard. ;,t. Derrick Vaughan, Novellat. lly Kiln. I.vall .U. A Crooked Path, lly Mr. Alexander. 10. Marooned, lly W. C'liirk lluell. ,7. A Hrdy Norseman. By Kdna I.vall. fl. Marle'tCruaade. lly Roaa V. Carrv. jo. Sweet Lavender. Hv II. I. William). u. The Beauty of the King. Hv '>' 'I'liwin-,-. 41. Mn. Caudle'e Curtain Lecture*. By Uoug U Jerrold. u. Salathiel : or. the Wandering Jew. i( vol. IU l)r.l.r... Ci.ilv . 4i Salalhiel : or. the Wandering Jew. jnd"l. t. The Piccadilly Puille. Hv Krnpu llumr. 45. Complete Book of Recitation* mmt Dia- logue*. Over *l xvlf-clllMlfc. 4. Complete Book at Etiquette and Letter Writing, i .imp. i- my ihr Standard l-citr*- Witter, M-lcciiiitiH for Autograph AI'MIIII-. 47. TheCondenaedCyclopediaof Uaerul Know- ledge. I- tii-iliiir Scit-ncc, and iiitrtevtini,- 4*. Modern Cook Book and Medical Guide- A .-ttul hjuillNMik tin nrry htni*holil. 4V Uve Stock Bfdnual. iV,ilu*tK lUiiUr^i< i * s li.im"-. i jiim hiindkoine cover. 50. Standurd Poultry Book, irf Pffte* ' 1 '-*'"' ...iin-n i^nllrn up , .lumt-rouft illu.tr^ti"' 31. Book ol Home A mute meat. cunUmini.' Chnniilt'i-. r.ii'n.inx. Hiddlee, Gomes, rtr. A whulr % inter 1 * i-ntertjiinRicnt. 5J. Amencan Fun. Thr funiuekt honk r\.r pultlikht d . ynlauffh* in ynininuU-^. U. Ladir* Complete Quid* to Fancy Work. A mmt rotnpk-te work : 500 i!llu>CruU(n. 54. Artietic Embroidery. A cbamtkng !H. .1. nrofu>elv illuklnlcil. Write your name and post office distinctly, name your premiums, and inclose 1 1 oo. Register the letter. Do out delay, but order at once. Address RURAL CANADIAN 5 Jordan Street. TORONTO. A Prize. In onlur ti< discover what kind of library taluiit there in ;imony the renders uf this |>a|>ei we) liavej drivldetl to oiler prines fur the best vriginal sliurt Hlnnos sunt iu by April 1 next. These storivs must be fact, or founded on fact, and not more than two columns in luiiijth. As prizes we olfor fur each accepted story a very larst) stcul IMI^I vm^ worth tlireu dollars in any art strv, and such pictures as cannot In- [lurclutaexl any whvre outside uf a largs citv. Th.-v are rvnlly tho linest [icturss which art can product* in the lino of steol engravings. Tbis is a chauce for tlio young t( IW.UJT their talent aud. for the old to secure something elegant for their homes. Every accepted story will pay for one of these grand works of art and the competition will be divided into two classes that for these under sixteen and another for those orer that a<ie. Send in your manuscripts, stating whether you are over or under that a^e and tlu picture will be sent you if the story is worthy of a place in our columns Competition closes on the first day uf April next. General News. Hamilton ice dealers are going to Bar- rie and Orillia for their supplies. The writ fur Haldoiand is issued. Nominations on the l.'Sth inst., pulling a week later. Mrs. Coppinger, Secretary I'lnmes eldest daughter, died nt her father's residence) in Washington Sunday snoru ing. Captain Andrew Hussey. postmaster at Muunt Jackson, Vt.. oV-d of Is i;np|* Sunday. His ancestor. Captain Uussay, iii Kent. Eng, came over in the May- flower. A despatch in the New York Tribune from Stratford, Out., says a laniu r. :... ber of Canadians are returning to Strat- ford from the MichiRau lumlwr woods on foot ami penniless, having failed to ob- tain work owinK to the open winter. VII iv Bly, the New York Wurld tourist, wiu borne in Prontenao county, Ontario in 1800. A great gusher of natural gas has been struck at Forest, Ont. tou last week for a load of fisl>. Guess he in tends to keep It-ut. Mr, John Bolaml was np to Owen Sound last week attending the County Council. Mr. Tlios. Hells is down at Toron- to this week at the Coutral Farmers Institute. Mr. John Davis lost two valuable cows by a straw stack toppling ovur. Mr. Joseph Buchanan has pur chastid a pair of thoroughbred ani- mals s bull and heifer. Mr. J. I. Uralmm has also secured a pedi^rcetl heifer. They are short horn Dtir haiuH. The but subject for debate at the club wan "Did the Government do ri^ht or wrong in allowing the Jesuii Dill to become 1 law," which will bv concluded this vM-t-k. r . . . i Muni! IToton sialion From o-r Corr'f>nnJn>t. A number of friends from Dnndalk wre at a dance in the hotel. There was a good time for those who like dancing. Mr. Uobert Wilson and Mr. Browu have a Hue shop in town, and ure doiii"; quite a work in sleighs and so forth. Thomas Parks lost a valuable cow, cause not known. Gcoi^e Hennic had three calves drowned in the nvi i . Thomas Wauuhob, while drawing posts, received u blow from the bind- ing polo on the fitce, htuting him badly. Mr. George Pest 1ms purchasod 843 worth of goods from tho pt-tlhn^ ati^'i'la or shoddy pc-dlurs. An old bird caught UK; chatf. Mrs. Abraham Parker is very ill with la grippe. A friend in need culled on some who call themselves angels and nt us for a answer. The next pi<icc tlicv called on was the hotel keeper, who giuiiU'd them their rcqm-st. May God blows him for his kindnetis to the poor. May hm pocket nu\or ki-ow the want of a dollor. Mr. Winkle is still looking for ucws. MraT.rd Road. >'nm our uurn Cvrrfi>nilrni . Sleighing has departed again mid wo have mud for a change. Mr. Jarues Uolund, ot Winuipeg, is over ueie visiting friends. Mr. Thor Gilbrrt was np to Wiar our oirn \Ve have commenced a literary aiv) debating society iu our village. S tar it has been a decided sncees*. not- withstanding unfavorable' weather. Mr. John Parks, our ton in- r leucl.- or. piir)>oscs uoing to ihu C'olliugwoDil ( oliuiriutc InsUtutu for & term. John is bouutl to n-ucli the top of the l \Ve notice thu ourpenU i s arc cngu^ed at Mr. U. Paul's ,* IK)IIKC \\'n win* vory mnoh sufnriw-d wit reading the Singhaiiipton news !a - week. Zip has been trying to mal.> some of our young muii us bud at* lh Singhampton wolves. But liecanimi come the tiodgn with any person thai is acquainted with the nartiVi from here, who visited Siuyiiamptou on tli day montioneil. 1 liavi Uien iin|in. ing into the affair from some of the gentlemen of Siogbampton^aud they said they did not sec. hut what thr Fcvertliam boyi at warn acted like gantleuien whou payim; '.liyir. town a visit, and as foe Zi^ opinion, in person cares (or it,, as 1 think by th> lies tliiit ho has- wiittc-n that lie is about thu worst wolf in the pack, ami I want, to ive him .to understand thai he is no. good either to snarl or bite. only to baok-biu. Our yrist mill' is rttni)iij<j day and ni^ht to supply thu rtibli. Ciislotiu -rs an- rvcviviiig first class hal'.sfaction. (>wing to the ubHunce ul Inghiug not many loys have b on brm^nt in lo the saw mill. TI ' M . When Baby was MB, mej K' her Csstorls. VThitn jlw wata a dilltl. ahi- i-rinl fur CaMoriit. When Vie bwcetne Miaa, H|HI cluiiK l-i C'aatoria. \ -. i.!i>;ui Castoria our men 1'<irri.\/ti>nilrnt. Mrs. H. Bowernian is ^c miisly ill. but woliopo she will soon i > itstoreil to her former position in ilia fuiui v circle. A number of tho monil)i'i'i of the L.O L. of this place wuir I Dtirliani in Tiipwluy. \V believe that soinn i . -pli' in tins vicinity iii-t will' nnellinn dry goods man lust \ud. nl Lliat some were "Uil><-ii in >ue IMH:I thrt'iiluiiH tight if Uu> HUIH ntlriuaa darkens hi* door ngniu.

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