Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1890, p. 6

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IATURAL QA8 EXPLOSION. Tbrw People Killed and MAD; Otben Dreadfully Injured. A ECtBE THAT M ADt PEOPLE TURH PALE A Colnmbas, O , despatch ayi : BXD after 6 o'clock >eiterday an alarm ot fir* lied the fire department oul. Tbe ne preed that I here bed been k natural gat explosion ai.d a crowd raihed to the icene. The i xpl >siou bad occurred ID a two-ilory dwe.l ug at the Math corner ol Wall and Moble alley*. Patrol No. 1 wai on the o-nt bat DO rope wai stretchei and the people crowded by hundred* lota the r.ar row alley aud puhrd np close to thhon<e. Tb* rubsut and ibriek* ot injured people within uould be beard. A whilper ran through the tfaroog that a natural gai main ran 1 1 n i. h Noble alley bat tbi* wa* soon ftoovertefi into a rumor tbat tbe blaze wai due lo a Ksolin eiploaion in tbe boose aud tbe p*o|.le did tot believe tbe warn- ing. 1 be fire wa* almost under control ami tbe people were Isnghicg ana talking. 'II' alley wai crowded witb lookers-on, many of whom wtre turning to HO borne. At that moment a terrific explo- sion rent the air. A ibeet of flames barit from the l;ii I img at tbe northwest corner of Noble and Wall alle)i, a great man of briokj, b -ami and itone that 30 seoondi before hd oonititated a two-nory brick bniMmi; were flying with Utnlio force through the air. The *oroe tbat followed wai terrible. Th pei pl> tl-jd, shriekiug, in all direction!, whi e ih. alley was initantly covered with mace if >iebrii, from which tbe moans of baried in -.1 oame. Pallid, trembling women fullered ai d ran aero** the alley anil itre. U, moaninK or shrieking. Men with foreheads and ihoolden drabbled with bin 1 1 slang! red from among the debrii. A wonian tnvrlopedtn iheet of flame, bar-he,. i ,i and frenzied, ran shrieking from tb house across the alley. A man datbed ofi hi* overcoat aud ran to throw it around her. A in . HUM who held the i.c //le of a bo*e turned the itream on her. It knocked her down bat saved her life, extinguiihing the flame*. Bbe wai buriieid ioloa neigh- bor ib|| bonne. Every inob of htr clothing bad been burned from her down to her wa si. Her namo wa* Pet Marrott. An old man with white hair and beard WM dag I rum ihe raiui and hurried to a place where medical assistance oould be KIVI n him. A learlets mother stapgertd from the- roini h< 1 ling 11*111 to hrr h-art Ike Memingly lillM form of her 3-months- old tab*. The t ip! lion, a* near ai can be aicer taii.erf, r< rutted Ire in an accummalation of natural * in the cellar of tbe honae occo K..I by Uicbatl Howe* and Mr. Marrott o iiaiuitl gas |ipe* wtre ever pat into that hou-u-, bat a i aiurel K main in Noble alir> leaked. Tbe n* bai no loent and it* prisei.oe ooi.ld not be delected. Tbe ex plueiou ctl< nd bricki, etc., for a consid- erable i nance. Tbe Bide of tbe Marrott bouse ws* blown oat and the roof fell over and hung trim tbe top of tbe home to Ih* (round. Tbe exploded vapor, after doing It* ter- rible work mi the aouth lide of Noble alley, leaped over to tbe north *ide and com- pletely d itroyed the hoaae oocapi*d by Edward OUiot aud Mr. Jamei. The boat* wa* inn nar to tbe one opposite. Hire er)thiiig wa* blown to chip*. The house hot up and parted like a pieo* of firework* Tbe work of letting oat the dead and oarinK for th wounded ha* been attended with iT. t r xriti in.'iit . At the morgue are three bo tie*. 1 1 killed are: Charles Btcht, barber ; Hey moor, a colored boy. and Mr* P Marrott. The woman'* body wa* taken from the cellar Tim other member* of her family are badly injurtd. The wum.ded are : Dr. T. K Winsinger. Hi I. am Brady, William Nnl, William Jannei and wife, Blanklnger, Theo. rili'iiitn r i uti.-. r l.,Tnkey, Cbarl** Lick- lighter, Wrl am Kilry, Elmer Oate*. Mn. Cam, E.l. K ewt-r, Kliner Oeaohy, Charlri Lower?, - Wistlander, Petty MarroH, Thomai Dei) IP, Flora Bower*, and Kmma Boweri, aged 14, badly borned, but not fatally, Aaron Bern, Benjamin Morgan. Marshall Kilbonrne, Peter Marrott, and two man named Bi-rry and Wolf. SC8PKCTKD rout. PLAT. Kouad Ii,,i,i4 <i A (Mr Havlaig A |.|.arBtly beB Kobb4. A Winnipeg dee patch of Wednesday My*: A atraHge atory i* told by Mrs. Attrell. of Biimarck, Dak. About six week* ago ber husband went to Portage la Prairie lo fini.b tbe lale ol auma land there. He sold il for some 11,300, and wrote hi* wife thai he would be home at Cbriitma*. He did not o m-, snd *ocn after tbe first of the year she heard he wai ioatne at Portage la Prairie. Bhe went after him and found him iu a meet pitiable condition, hi* retson gone, tbe money lo*t, and even bis clothes had been taken. Mrs. Attrell says tnat ber basband never drinks and don not indulge in dissipation of any kind. She be.i-v.d be was robbed in a yitemalio manner, but ha* not yet obtained all the facts. At times when violently insane be will beg not to be killed and b* will cry " Ll them have il." Tbi* U supposed to refer to bis money. At an- other time, when partially tane, be told hi* wife that he wa* locked up in a room for four day* without food because be would not do a* somebody wanted him. Mr. AttreU'i lawjer has ascertained that he signed cheques en tbe bank, and tbat Ib* amounts wire afterward* put in and tb* cheque* paid. Hi* bank fcojk for the Portage la Prairie Bank and also the one for the Winnipeg ti-.uk at which he i* in tbe habit of doing busmen, are both miss- ing and have not jet been found. The case will be pushed. JOHN rot- orr-s CKIK.B. llr Munlrrs 1'uunc WUIBBB HrcHlUB bbe !U|iulMd Him. A New York despatch of Thursday layi : II. ID afternoon, alary Pelrokovsk), a 6 ed 1'J, a Hainan girl, wa* inot in the. bead by John Pupoff. bhe died aoon after. The murderer wa* arrested, tie comes of a wealthy family iu nigh standing lu Mo*oow, Kustjia. Ills paieuts died two year* B,O. luaving him vail estates, lie Kjuanderud moet of bis fortune iu less than two veers, lie belonged to tba Knskian army, and nx uioulb* ago, wbeu a war wa* immuient be- tween Ku.nie and tome otber power, Pu|off deserted aud fled to this oouulry. About four montbi ago h became a boarder m tbe family of J. M. Peirukovaky, a brother of tbe girl be murdered. He met Mis* Putroko\iiy frequently at her brother'* noase, and (ell in love with her. Tbe girl disliked him on account of hi* bif llo.s habit* aud refuned to marry him. Tbi* afternoon the gul again vi*ittd her brother'* hooae. Popotf oame into the room where lb family were with a nine chamberee' Kusnau revolver in hi* hand. Ho drove the rent of tb* family from the mini at the point of tbe weapon aud than shot tbe girl. The murderer, it i* believed, meant M kill bimielf also, but lacked the courage, llo i* now in a oell at a polics nation aud a policeman i* couitantly watching him, a* it is feared he will at- tempt auicule. OOTCHHBII, ATTENTION 1 eve* Nubs i>rN from Aald Scotland. Ulaigow i* to have a Highland Institute in addition to htr Gaelic Society, Celtic Society and Highland Club. Mr Oeor k e Reid, R. 8. A., (an Aber- douiantba* prcMoted the Senataiof Aber- deen University with portrait* of tbe Duke of Richmond and Gordon, Chancellor of tbe Univeriity, and of Mr. Fracci* Ed- mond of KiLgiwelli, LL.L). The WtiUrn Ilixhlandi tnd Islands Comminion if Inquiry baa been appointed, and it* mtmbtrsare Mr Bpenotr II. Wai- pole, Chairman ; Mr. Wolfe Barry, C. E. ; Commander Parquhar, K. N. ; bir Jame* King, bberifl McKechnie aud Mr. Malcolm M'Mtoll. At Glis,;ow Town Council meeting on Deoember 23rd Lord Provost Muir said be would lubsoribe 20,000 to a fond for build- ing an art gallery end moicum in Oiaaxow providtd turee other citizoni sutscribed aioiilar sums. He thought that with Ihe lurplo* from GlH,ow Kxbibilion 200,000 ifclil readily be raised. Linlithgow Jubilee Town Hall, which ban betn erected at a coal of 4.100, wa* on tli j 23rd ult. opened by L-rU Koeebery. Provo*! Gilniour iniiniaud that all obliga- tion*, with tbe exception ot about 500, bad been met. Lord Koeebery labeti^anutly delivered an address, in which be atalt with tbe importance of local limitation*. At a meeting of the Cowgatebead Free Church, Edinburgh, on l>ec. 23rd, onder the Chairmanship of the Rev. Df. Moir Purteou*, tbe Rev. Protestor Tbomai Bmiih, who for twenty yeari bad been minuter of tbat church, wa* preaented witb an addra**, a silver Grecian vaae and a mantelpiece mirror by the congregation and friendi, ai memorials of the jubilee of bu mioutry. Tbe British War Office ha* decided to form an additional Clyde Volunteer Bri- gade. It i* to be ooiLpoced of 6,000 men, drawn from Ihe existing. Clyde Brigade, whioh comprises 15,000 men, made op of tbe leventeen Volunteer battalion! ol Lan- ark, Ayr, Renfrew, Dumbarton and Argyll, 'ibe exutiug brigade 1* intended for service only m tbe Cljde dulriot, but Ibe n*w bn K a le will be of mobile character, and 10 may be u*ed there or elsewhere. J(1IK ItUMAMTlC. Aa AdverUsemrat Cmrluua C for Wife aad Its HOOTMBMN Kims. Tl, 1 1 1 j ii .r ArrosU and tbe Military Hltwp- ni oil their * i ni. An Aplaohirola, Kla , despatch of Thar*- day ninhi *a>i : The Esoambia Riflei ar- rived leal i i .-hi 87 itrong. Gaardi were poeted thnnikli u> the town, and every white man not on duly ilept with arm* within raaoh Thirty five ringleader* of tbe Nigro uriknri were arrested to day, bul the chief one. Hanobei V. Tbomai, can- not be f'.und. ODI negro wa* ihol to day while II .in.- from arreet. The trial of eoniu prisoner* oommenoed tbii afternoon Inlenee xuii> meut prevail* among both wbilee and blacki. The negro women are Tit liit in denunciation of the action of the whites, and are Inn lining the itreeli. Tbe eiti/.iMis are worn out with fatigue. II U gxin rilv believed ihe arrtil of the ring- leader* will have a quieting effect, bat *om* think the i eg ran* will attempt lo make further trouble to i.uht Tbe white* are well pr< pared, and this fact it i* hoped will reetrain the nrgroe*. I ull>i>tlii( Inlliif ni* B.. Illl. A \ < i ii* eable of Kri <ay *ayi : On a tnol bouillon diet tb* n. Mum/a bacilli are thriviriM mm di-rfully 1'r Joeli Hated to your i iirr(,,,iu1,-m this aflen.oau that hi* i.ur.- c i.l U n- i iili.iiiii of oxoloiive influenza baoteria hsd bren obtained by the usual aaethod of elianlnating alien bacteria taOKbl ai.ii prantiand by Prof, stor K >ch. Diiutor Ja-la to flay inoculated twenty mtee by mean* of sahoutauDoni njnolii.ni wi>h the ai> niiaird virus, and await* with ih* result. MBLL1B M1.VH ABHIVAL. TbaUlrlWbu Mak M Kouad-Ute- World Trip Kr. ..i .1. A Saturday night's deipatoh from New York *ayi : 1'he i lli.-ial lime, a* anuoouoed by til* H'orU't timeri for>lbe arrival of Nulliu Bly, waa J 51 o'clock, tba* making her comj lolo trip around tbe world in it day* 6 buurs ana 11 minutes. There was the itrou^esl entuusuutm on her arrival ntit- wa* driven aireotly to tbe World tflije, in front of which more tbat 5,000 peraoos bad congregated. The oarriase* moved brukly from ibe depot, but oeapita this ibey were accompanied by a abouting, etthing mob of people. In ten muiutei there were fully 1000U people iu Park How cheering and waving haudkrohief* ai.d stopping tbe minimise traftio of that thoroughfare. 'Ibeioene* at the Penus) 1 vania Railroad dtpot, at the Urry and iu tbe streets, thenoe to tbe H'unU omoe, were of like deaortptijo Very few peraons have recaived eo Haltering a popular welcome in New Yolk ai Nellie Bly thia day. It being a aemi-boliday, and the arrival of the litiu lady tolerably oerlain, probably added to tbe ulhubiuui,gCMd uature and nxe ot the crowd*. Te Bridge or I ...... i The lateet bruige or lauiiel scheme i* one proposed by Heuaiur McUt.lan, of M i jhigau, who ha* iutrodaced a juiul reeulutinn at Waslnngtuu, reijueatiog tt.u Heerelary of War to ueu<j an examination lo be made into tbe practicability aud exyenae of bridging or launelliug tbe HtraiM ol Jlaokiuac. At preiaut IraDiportatioD be- tween Maomuaw City and Hi. Ignaue is carried on by meau* of farry boats, but this i)ileoi hai now become iuadequate to meet the deuiaud of Ibe rapidly increasing traffic. The distance between the twu pjlnli named ii eight mile*, but the bridge ur tunnel would be located at a plane in tue Hirails where the tormmal poiut* would be about four miles apart. Two railroad* run lo Mackinaw City, and the idea 11 to give them direct count clion with ih* road* of tbe upper peuinsnla, thui opt ntog up all rail ronlea to Ibe touth from tbe Lake buperior miuei. The clergy of Derbv, England, have uul lo ao<*|it aay marriage fen, la the hope of eheokinii tbe p r autioe of eivil marriage*. They expeol ibat tbeir exampln will be followed by tbeir brethren tbroiuhmit Kniilaii <. HIM Anin. nr, ih. famooi woman snf- fra^lst, ii laid lo look not a Hay oldxr than ha iii 1 ten year* *.>. It is si ( niQ >ani that the nnmin j iumls a*vrl years aipi atian.1- if .1 ih-ir oarifMlnre* of the mov . maul with whi.ih MIM Anthony'* name * W ioirperably ooaneoted. Ha . ,.i Jonei-What make* you look so bin* ? Knnth My only brother ii goinv to marry Mi** White. ' I dou't wouier you feel bad about \onr brother marrying that heartloa* flirt" Oh, il isn't thai ; I want to marry her myielf." An advertiiemel appeared iu the Adver- tiier'i weekly edition not very long ago Iroiu a man in Temby Bay, Manitouiin Island, nauied Ibbjtsou, iu which be spoke of his deeire lo atoure a Christian woman or spinster as housekeeper or wits. Ot uouiss ibe advertisement was read by many people, among wnom was a widow in Perth, molber of two children, who answer- ed n, inquiring (or particular*. The geullemau wiote a reply, according to a oorrespoudent, in whioh ne described bis house aud worldly goodi, and exp'ained tnai he dosired some one lo take charge of his household. The widow took kiully to tue idea ot joining band* wiib UK. putlisber of tbe advertisement, and expanded about tM on a ticket to go lo the distant island, bne did not Dud tilings quite as ihe ex- pected, however. Tbe household consisted of tbe father and uine children, tbe young it of whuiu wa* 7 year* of age. Tbe oaildren'* mother bai died iniaue unit time previous, aud tb* blushing aud charming widow wai loth to com- plete tbe transaction which ibe had D -gun to bravely, rihe wa* (topping at liiiton, and the widower want thtiher to interview her, but the lady of hi* choice declined to be seen at all. Tbii would be a sad ending were il not that another chapter yet remains to be unfolded. A young man red lent on tbe island beard of (he lady being tbere without a bums aud that she had two little children, 5 and 3 yean uld. He went and bad a nice little talk on Sunday, proposed marriage on Monday, was accepted, and tbe wedding took place on Tuesday. The correspondent wbo furnishes these particulars claim* tbat ibe widow has uul made a mistake, even if it wai a haity action, for Ibe young man in ,|(ieation is sober, respected aud indusirioo*. At last accounts Mr. Ibbol- sou, the parly of Ihe first part, wa* on bis way lo Bruoa Mines to meet another lady who bad taken preliminary steps towards matrimony in response to tbe same advertisement. For romance of tbe Simon-pure description thii Canada of our* oan outstrip auy country on earlb it a proper itarl ii made. In Ihii case, at least, one man'* anxiety and advertisement (or borne oomforli has brought a widow and her helpleis children to a good home, ha* given a yonug single man a family lo itarl with, aud a* far ai oan be learued a happy one at that ; and last, bul not least, me man who started Ihe interesting conglom- eration is in a fair way to attaining ibe otjool of his endeavor*. London A dvtrtuer. ON DIKT. Some Directions on DletlB* Tnat Should li "I- "-Ion. Many disease* are do* solely to a disre- gard of eitabhshtd roles relating to eatable* ai.d eating rales which every one oagbt lo know and be willing to need. Goal u caused by rich foods and stimulating drinks ; dyipepnia usually by eaiiug un- wholesome focd at nnseaajnablebonri, and diseases of the liver aud bowels result from tbe same cause. Ap,plt xy i* produced by drirkicg loo much wine. Iu Bordeaux, France, more wine i* drank, and a greater portion ot tbe people dia of apoplexy than in any otber city in tbe world. Eat slowly and uiaaticate >our food thoroughly. Mr. Gladstone, it i* said, give* thirty-two bite* to tacb piece of meat that he put* in hi* month. Thii is a good rule to follow. By v sallowing your food without chewing it, you cheat jour palate as will ai your btdy. x'ou fail to prepare the meat for the action of the gailric juice, and you .1) not permit tbe salivary joioe* lo mix with Ibe starchy fcodi, to prepare them for farther elaboration and ainmilalion. Never eat when very tiied, or when wor- ried or excited, and never work imme- diately after a meal. Exhaustion and worry preclude a normal appetite and pre- vent digestion, a* doe* labor too soon after eating. Kesl for twenty or thirty minutes after meals Do not overload the stomach ; it is best alway* to leave the table witb the feeling tbal yon could eat a little more. The proper quantity of food eaten at each meal will strengthen tbe stomach ; by eat- ing too much, you diitend and weaken il Do not waih down each morsel of food with a (wallow of water . drink what yon wiib at tbe conclunon of Ihe meal, and not while il ii io progress. Milk should not be drunk in oopiooi draught*, bul in sips, so that il will cjagu late in small lumps or flake*, and thai be more eaiily digested. It is best eaten with a spoon in tbe form of bread and milk. Remember tbat meat broths contain little or no nutritive properties ; they are simply mild stimulant*. With tbe addition of vegetable*, bread or boiled rice, however, Ibey become valuable food*. Daring the iprmg mouths, after living: all winter on meats and itale vegetables, the system needs a radical change of diet. At this season one iboold eat fresh fruits and *U3- onlent vegetable* for tbeir tffcol on tbe liver, the bowels and tbe blood. Orangei, cherries, rhubarb, lettuce, radishei, greeiig of varioai kmdi, including dandelion, are all valuable-. Good health in worth cultr valing, even at the expense of a little time and a meaiiare of self restraint. If men would **| a watch upon their lips, they would less often nave to sand for the doctor. Companion. A OatBoldeaae. Wife What did you sver make me your wife T see in me to Husband Do you know I've aiked my- elt the aatne thing a hundred time* since we've been married 7 Stepniak, the Nihilist author, wbo is ontniny to this country next year, i* de- auribed an a blaok heir<xi. bri*tly bearded, vigorous lo 'king six footer, with gentle manners sad k nelly wayi. Thomas Bailey Aldrioh recently had the grip. Us compares the seaiai ion to that of "a misfit skull that I* too tight soros* the fort-bead and thai pioohe* behind tbcean." Kansas Oily grocer* wil attempt to de- feat Councilman who voted against a bil making the huckster liueuas tM. Il wa* mad* 186. A Man of J'rlu. l,,l Jonri (at the Broadway Theatre) llello, Htraitlaoe, I didn't expect to find you her*. I thought yon didn't approve of this tori of show. Ulraillaoe No, I don't , bat Tom Madi- son wanted to see the Gaiety girls, and just to oblige him I laid I would go with him. Jcnei But where is Tom Madison ? biraiilaoe Oh, he wa* called away to Philadelphia thii afternoon, so couldn't come Pat Down Your Hand. Teacher Benjamin, how many limes mint I tell you not to snap your finger* ? Now pot down your hand and keep still. 1 will bear what yon have to ity presently. (Five minutes la er ) Now, tben, Benjamin, what i*lt tbat you waul to say T B-- n jtmiu There wa* a ntau in tb* hall aud 1 saw him take your umbrella. A n O'er Trae flair mem. Countryman (to city olook winder) I inppcse yon think that 'er olook iu Ihe City Hall lay* over everything else in this town, don't you ? Clock Winder Great weight alwayi has been attached to ill work*. Waut la the Swla>. 1'hyiioian Why, man, yon vent word you had the grip. Patient I know, doctor, bat I didn't tbiuk you'd take time to visit a fallow wbo only bad ft common (vary day broken lag. AT TUK WBOMO H XtKII. A Chicago Man Lay* Hi. Floral Tribute oa the WroBf I>eeud. The Secretary of a certain organization had a novel experience last week. It i* a joke on him, aud he fecli too "lore" to make it advisable to pnbliib hi* name. A member of hi* Order bad died, and at a meeting it bad been received to lend floweri to tb* funeral and have some member attend a* a representative. Tbe Secretary was the member selected. He wss directed to procure a suitable floral offering, engage- a carriage, and be on hand. 'Ihe Secretary had never been to the brother'* house, but. of course, he bad Ibe ilreet and number, and be told tbe driyer of hi* carriage to go to inch a corner. The driver followed directions, and reaching the corner and saeing a funeral tbe driver took hi* place among the carriage* alorg the line of the curb. Tbe Secretary waa abstracted ; he got out and went luto tbe hoaae ; he took bis society's floral offering and ent- riug the boom of mourning he went forward and placed tb* tluweri upon tbe casket. He did not recognise any one in the num. but that was not at all string- , as he had never Men any of his dead friend's people. The Mrviots at the hong* were gone through with, and the pall-beareri took up their burden and bore il to tbe bear M. Tb* Secretary went out with tbe other* and took a seat in his own carriage, giving no diioolions. The driver naturally followed Ike others, and wben the cemetery was reached it struck him tbat tbe place looked lik* Oakwoods, and b* knew hi* friend'* remain* were to b* buried at Waldbeim. Bring worried at this theught, he aeked wbo wai being baried, and receiving in reply a name entirely unknown to him, be knew that something wai rfrong. He get into bis carriage and was driven back to the house he started from. Tbere he dis- covered it wai not tb* right n umber though the right street. Finding Ike right num- ber, he learned the funeral from tbat house had started a short time before he had appeared n the scene. He had made a mistake all around , he had got tb* wrong house and Ihe wrong funeral, and the flowers bil society had presented bad been left with ilrangeri. He uould say nothing ; il was a sad mistake, and the faot tbat there bad been two funerals on the ssme street within a block i<f each other, and that Ihe one sought had gone but a few ininatt s before tbe one he found, waa his only excuse for tbe error. Chicago Herald. KCBTINO Hoi IK n AN ABT. Tkere la a Bight Waj of M*B|*B;, Dual- la* ' CUuulBaT ' t>- It is a gnat mistake to inr.po*e that furniture will continue fruh U allowed to stand in a room duru g tbe process of kwwpicg; itcpoil* both carving aiid up- holstery. Aud il is a (treat error to thiuk tnat dirty carpets should be lightly kw pi. Nothing cut* cat carpsts so fast as Itav- lug them fall of gritty duet, and the dost spoils their color*. To go over a dusty, half-swept carpet with a damp brocm or wiib a broom dipped iu ammonia waier rnius it* co wring and texture m a abort nine. Pecpio who follow toi* practice have lo bay new carpi is very frequently, beside* living on dingy cue* moat of the time. 1J. lore begicning to sweep a room it* furniture stiould be duste.1 and bruahtd gritty dust fades and wears oul U| hulslery. Ihe best biasb for (uiuuure is an old blocking brokb wasbtd clean ; it i* both oil and firm. All inn lighter objects are lo be carried from tbe room ; the heavy fuiuiture i* to be copied with dustiug t>iu, u Hangings, have to be snekeu occa- sionally, otherwise they gel iute a condi- tion of dnstiuets that nothing can remedy. Ibeu Ibe cobwebs are to be sept dowu and the carpet u to be iwept with main strength and tuurougbur**. Tbe duit having settled, a soft clean cloth, wraj ped around a broom, is pusvd over the entire wail paper, to remove the dust, and the curtam pules, gas ttxturei, window and door tops are ueatiy dilated with a long-handed ottiicu-feaiher duster. A good ostrich- leather duster will last tit tee u year* if alwayi put away in us maoula- paper cylinder. Tbe articles witain reach of ihd bauds are wiped with a clean cloth, tn dust being gathered iuto the clu.u and not si.ffre.ei to tall apon the carpet, and tbe picture* are to be swung out from tbe wails and dusted on their backs. Women wbo dislike to shake duster* from wiudows wring them out of clear water aud use tbem damp This is a London faahiun ud requires me best of.varuiah in furniture. Cftrpkt* at th* best are sham cleanli- ness ; bare doors are real cieauliutcB aud simplify housekeeping, bat they have M b<3 junl right or tney are a torment. A sjf i wood door will not do to go uucar- piled ; it ipunier* and wear* rough. A varnished or painted door will out do at all ; il u too alippery, it shows every gram of dun and it ' scratches right up." A bar* flcor must be of bard wood. It ninat Lever bo washed from Ihe cay it i* nailed down to the end of time, .wnoug the many pleasiut i.otiuus tnat we have held from our buff >)k ancestry is the- no- tion that nothing can be oleanad wit bout water. Our ancestor! probably derived tbi* " poor folks' m a- ness " Irom tbe wator- (plashing Hollanders aud t>el(iaus, from wuom they borrowed their religion across the Channel Really tbe b. si way to cluan anything* from a pantry-sbtlf to a stone door-step, i* to wring a clo.b, or brush nearly dry and apply it with as little water as possible, buruuoiog with a broom aud a pail of water is an abomination ot spat- tering ai.d ilreakmg. Tbe Krvnch " dry scouring " i* josl as oleausiug as soap aud water scrubbii g, even tor rooms where sickness has taken place " Dry scouring " cousisl* of eter- getid rubbing and polishing witb. wax. II a floor is dirty, to oe>.iii with, it ought to be scraped ami titled " by a g<-od painter, aud douu as carefully as an oak lab.e is done 'Ihe "filling" should have no slain and LO dirt iu it or the flour will te rained. Xbe wood ihoutd have ill natural tiut and grain. A waxad door is not oversiippery ; in a few days a family will learn to walk iileutly aud securely over it, an 1 if left in its 'aiural tint it win not show dust. Of course, the laboiious French "dry soour- ing " ha* been nupersedud by an easy American prooeis. Raoeption-roomi need not be waxed oltaunr n.au onoe in six mouths, every -day rooms need the process ofteuer. Imlianupolu Neiti. A UoubtlBC 1 iuu. Bhe I'll yon It your father know yom owned a great deal of real estate T He I hinted at it. She What did b* say ? Hi He, laid " deed* ipeak louder than word*." Last Woids to K..UUJC Men. The following is taken from tbe lack arliela written by tbe late li-nry Ward Beechtr, a short lime previous to nis di ath : ' I rt-jjioe to say 1 wa* brought up from my youth to ab- stam from tobacco. Il i* unhealthy, il is filthy from beginuing to end. I b. lieve tbat the day wul come, wbeu a young man will be proa I ot aol being ad- dicted to the use ot stimul*uts of any kind. I believe that tba day i.l come when nut to i] rink, not to use tobacco, not to use cue's slrei gib in theaoorel iudulguuoeof paision. but to be true to one i uatnie, true toil I'B law, to be sound, roOust, ch. erltil, and lo be ovuscious lhat these uleimuis of health aud strength are, derived from tbe reverent obedienouto the wmmandmentsof God, will be a matter of ambition and endeavor among men. ii.. KlfhU ef Labor Must be Ucapected. ClerK I want an increase of salary. Employer (wearily) . Ii right. Anything eke? (.Turk And I want to get off an hour earlier every day so I can spend it. Puck. A i, .in..,,.. Weather Prophet. " Was it yea tbat predicted a big scow torm this week T" inquired a l-gal gen- tinman as he untercd the Surrogate Clerk'* office this morning. " Ob, no," blandly replied Mr. S. H. Ghent, " I predicted som* cool day* in February." Not liiictiiriiiir Hie Owm. " Ii tbere any qoection more disagreeable lo you than " Where did you git tbat bat ?" Well, I should hate like thunder asked where I got this umbrella." to be Wm. Bayley, of gur* i'* avenue, East London, was enjoying bis customary health on Friday afternoon, when about 3 80 o'clock be was sai*ed witb au epileplio fit and succumbed in a very ihori lime. Mr. Baylev ha* been a reiideut of London for twenty years, and cam* from Surrey, Bug- 1 land where b* wai born. Barl Spenorr'i library, at Altborp, Noithamptunihire, 11 to be disposed of. It comprise* one of the Bu.es! collection! it rare and curious bwks iu Eu/v.ri, num- bering ov-r 5 i.OUOvuiOines of a quality aud vhlue i.th loi.t. as Dit>.-io, tbe king of bibliophiles, said to osute a -'bearl-vtarm- iug glow " in every man wbo beheld Item. lbsen> forhead n of abnormal height and < v. lopoieol. Skutt-si^hted eye* ol a oioi. t cr M gray look out steadily, aud to all appearance uiior aorvanth, through gold-riiuuied speotaoit-i. Excavating for tbe foundation of the aew Brooklyn Taberna- la tor Dr. Palmatce has been tegnn, ami the walls will toon oe tsrlei. It H-x.,)iu<i to htvo them far enough advMioxri for ike laying of tna corner- sione n hVbcnary 10 How h ,.,l I If railway trains were uev> lt, Huw ibankful wa should Iml IlkeMBWM evuriu.fi u> w.l', Huw ihaDltnJ . .II..-H.I I.,.' If h iis would scratch w* fr, in hone, II dogs w u d b- rk wbeu burglar* roam, H beer ws never 1-o-iMrcU f. am. How Uituklui wa i-buu.il be! OVn. Lew. WallM>'i fatoriie n >v*l 1* laid to be Ivanhoe." It i* tbe Nvorit* novel of a grvat many otber people in this world.

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