Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1890, p. 7

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A Tin Soldier. (From Gilbert A Sullivan's " Gondoliers.") In enterprise of martial kind, Wnu hire was nay Hgniing, He led bis recinjeat from behind H found itlesa exoiuug. But wueu way tin retftinaot rn, His place WHB at ih fure, That celobrauxl, Cultivated, Underrated Nobleman, The Duke o! 1'lna-Toro ! In the first and foreui -t fllgbt. ha, ha! You always found tbat knight, Ua, ual tli-t o lubratMl, rnltiva-Kl, Underrate Nobleman, The Duka ol Plau-Torol When, to evade destructioo's hand, To bid* they all proceeded. No anldier in fiat gallant band Hid balf M well as b did. Ha lay c jucealed ihrougbou ; the war , And so preserved Ilia tfure, 1 That uuaffuutwl, U detected, WoJI-cuuuocted Warrior, The Duke uf I'.aza-Toro ! DOMINION PARLIAMENT. He. She or It T a baba that ber per- I met a mother wi h I said. TJ' will bur favor, what a charming baby boy I I saw kmr (lathing glances and her lip in anger IncrnsuV'if w.Tds >u loU ui that tha infant was a girl. I mat another mamma witb a bright and charm- ing mild. And murmured what a lovely girl I - tils mother never tuiilad ; I knew I'd uiailu tbe blunder which mothers sadly Vex. She said in umes quite fr:gid, " You're jiittaken u the MX." And so it didn't matter how kind thu words I said, They'd always tumbla censure an my moHon- si ve bead ; But now thuse blundering! of speech I never more cu .mit. To me a baby uovor has anutber sex but ' it." Mlnlatura Lamp*. Some ot the small lamps designed for writing tables are a test of ibs artistic skill and ingenuity required in this line of decorative art, Bays the New York ll'jrui. Whether a lady uses sealing-wax or cot, a pair ol candle* or a vestal lamp is consid- ered as much of a necessity as a letter rack or an ink oup. Candle- sticks are seen in fine porcelain, old china, solid silver and carved bronze, with candles and shades to suit the (auoy of tbe owner. They may have been purchased or handed down from an old aunt, bat they are sure to be beauti- ful. Tbe miuiatnra lamp, with a body of opal or Bobt-mian itlass, mounted on carved brass, provided with bnrutr, wick, globe and laoe sbade, is newer and quite tbe prettiest ornament on the table. These 'little lamps, if turned low, can be made to burn three or foor hoars. Yoa can boy some as low aa 50 cents, in amber or tur- quoise tint, but it tbe shade is real laoe, the mounting immune brass and tbe glass pore Bohemian ware, there will b} nothing left of 915 for fragment coins too insignificant (or reckoning. Mill Gladys," said o'.d Moneybags, if my suit in not agreeable to you say so frankly, but do not, I bag of you, tell me that old, old story that you will always look upon me ai a brother." Sir," replied the lovely young maiden M ber eye lit ap with the deathluss fUme of a purti yoaug heart's devotion, or, a* another put* it, with the sincerity of a imile on the lip, but a tear in the eye, " 1 do not love you well enough for a brother, but I have no objection to take you as a husband. ' Important to Journalist*. New reporter I aay, Mr. Editor, I'd like to know Editor Whi would you like to know ? " A prominent oitiz-jn baa broken bin neck on a toboggan slide." " Well, what of it?" " I'm puzzled to know whether tbe item oomes unJor the head of ' Sporting News' or ' Society Ooauip.' " A Texa* Lothario. MiM KdiniToKIa Longooffln Hoatetter MoOinnii, it is outrageous the way you treat me. Hoetetter MoGinnis What's up now, Esmerelda ? Too are engaged to me, bat you flirt with Birdia MoHxuipin." Be calm, Ejmerelde, be calm. I'm going to go back on that other girl, too." A Partial Convert. Mis* Eyeglasse, of Boston I should think, Mr. W.-t wvlde, that life ao cloae to nature's, heart oat on the great plains, faoe to faoe with tbe splendors of sun, moon and atara, tbe sweep of the winds, the majesty of the wide prairie would tend to make one a Pantheist, la it not so? Mr. WestwvUe Well yes at least, partly. There ain't mu >h fanoy oookin' a cowboy can manage, but some of os oan flip a pancake with any hotel oook alive. e> The San Franoiioo Brewers' Union has 4,000. The G. A. U. Post at Lawrenoebnrg, Ind., baa been given a powder-horn that was once the property of tbe great Indian Chief, Teonmseh. Tbe horn was oat from the head of a buffalo killed by tbe obief . A WOMAN'S SPHKBB. Oh, Nellie Hly. Since yu dared fly Around the lobe o noou, we bear, Your rip secures Tbe earth an yours ; Hancefottb 'twill be a woman's apbere. Bnt yet, yoa know, TovunqtiiBlied foe Yon ihon d be ladylike and nice. Tbe earth you've got, But yet jou ought To gira Min Blaland quite a slice, hi. Cinderella found that a low menial position Ijd to a hymeneal one. One swallow dosn't make a anmmor, bat it may bring on an early fall. -About tbe only objection thns far to the no* year iitbat it ends in naught. Tha oratario " Eli " ia now under re- hearaal by the Philharmonic Society. Teara are more eloquent than words ; that's why a woman keepa hers on tap. Mr. Findlay, the Engineer of tbe Lon- don Waterworks, ia ia the oity to-day. Tbe following bills were introduced and read a first tine : To permit reciprocity in wrecking and lowing of vessels and rafts Mr. Trow. To admit vessels registered in the United States to wreaking, towing and coasting privileges in Canadian waters Ur. Ferguson (Wlland). To permit foreign vessels to aid vessels wracked or disabled in Canadian waters- Mr. Kirkpatrick. To make farther provision as to the pre- vention of cruelty to animals, and to amend chapter 172 of tbe Revised Statutes oi Canada Mr. White (Cardwell). Relating to bills ot exchange and promis sory notes Sir John Thompson. To amend Act respecting elections of Members of the House ot Commons, other wise known at chapter tight of the Revised Statutes of Canada -Mr. Jonoas. Sir John Thompson, in introducing his Bill relating to bills of exchange and pro missory notes, said this measure had received consideration in the Hoase last session, and was brought ap again on an understanding then arrived at. The Bill was read a first time. Hir John Vaodonald, in reply to Mr. Desaulniers, said that the appointment to all tha vacancy in tha Senate caused by tho death of Mr. Farrier was still under con aideration. Mr. Mills (Bothwell) The vacancies are being well considered. (Laughter.) Mr. Landerkin moved for a statement ol Bills uisa 1 .: )*('. since Confederation ane can so assigned. Mr. McCarthy asked to have added to tbe molioa that it be stated whether said Bills were disallowed because they were contrary to publu policy or ultra viret under tbe B. N. A. Act. Mr. Landerkin Would boo. gentlemen consent to have this return brought doi in English and French. (Laughter.) I so, I oonsent to tha addition. Sir John Thompson said that tbe returns had been brought down to the year 1888 and the Government would bring down ih returns to tbe present. The motion passed. Mr. Lanrier I would like to sek whether it is the intention of the Government to l%y on tbe table the papers connected with the Behring Sea nsberms dispute. Sir John Maodonald It is not the in tention of the Government to lay these papers before the House at present although we may do so in the course of th session. Sir Richard Cartwright This matte was referred to in tbe Speech from the Tbronn, and when that is the oase it i alwa>s customary to lay the pipers befor the House. If my memory serves me right this is the practice in England. Sir John Maodonald The subject was not properly referred to ia the speech i tbe way mentioned. As tbe hon. leader o the Opposition said a tew days ago, the Ian guege was very vagae, and I uay say it wa purposely vagae. The eabjeot is reoeivin attention at Washington, and as his Kxo* leooy said, 1 1 \pel it will come to a satis factory conclusion. In the meantime i would be against pablio interest to lay th papers before the Uouse. Mr. Mills (Bothwell) Against Govern meat, and not pablio interest Hir Richard Cartwright We have bee called to mtet earlier than usual this yea; and I presume Government business is in state of forwardness. I would like to as when we will bave tbe estimates brough down. Mr. Foster I expeot to lay the estimates before tbe House, at an early date, probabl about the middle of this week. Mr. Taylor, in introducing his Bill I prohibit the importation of foreigners t ay from taking their seats. It would be aken in addition to the usual oath of legianoe. Mr. Wallace presented a petition from he Grand Orange Lodge of British orth America, asking for an Aot ot inoor- oration. The following Bills were introduced and read a first time: To incorporate the Alberta Railway <ft oal Company, Mr. White (Cardwell). liaapectiog the Port Arthur, Duluth A Western Railway Company, Mr. Daweon. For tbe relief of Samuel May, Mr. Deni- son. Mr. Bergeron moved that the time for eoeiving petitions for private Bills be ex- tended to February 11, and the time for ntrcduoing Bills be extended to February 8. Carried. Mr. Jostigan, in answer to Mr. Small, aid that tba Government were considering he Inland Revenue Aot, with a view to making amendments in the interest of the tobacco trade, it it could be done without >rejadice to revenue. Mr. Carling, in reply to Mr. Jones, aaid hat the Agricultural Department had eceived no information as to any special lattle disease in the Western Slates, but hat the quarantine of ninety days, to which cattle from tbe Western States were objected, was a sufficient protection against any epidemic. Mr. Wood (Westmoreland) moved for returns showing tbe quantity of fresh beef mported into Canada from tbe United States daring the fiscal year ended Deo. list, 188'J. Ha pointed out that it was t >ossible to gather from the trade and navigation returns the fresh beef imported, aa no distinction was made between it and the other kinds. Importations of fresh beef nto tha Maritime Provinces bad of late veare been largely on tbe increase. It was ihe duty of tha Government to take eoina steps to protect Canadian interests, and he relieved that the tariff should be made ligber. In fact tbe present charge should >a doubled. Mr. Bowell said tbe Government had no power to obtain the information asked by ihe member, as no separate statistics had been forwarded as to tbe importation of fresh beef. Tbe motion was withdrawn. TRUflOAL KKi.it i rim. The Omalpreeeat Ituet PesU at Countries. I am not sure if Indian ants are identical with those which are the subjects of Sir John Lubooufc's interesting experi- ments. Whtn a man arrives in Calcutta ois ai: juainiaiioe with the small red acts soon begins. 1 shall never forget the jun>p bat a friend gave when be first saw a train if red ants ou the floor. Ua wan a otoul Englishman, nuwly arrived from In me, and witb an innate horror of iiiaeot life, tie thought the train of anta was a snaku. They were merely a mauraading party out on an expedition to plunder the sugar basin on tbe breakfast table. Some active ant scout bad discovered that one end of the tablecloth touched the ground, and so afforded a passage to tbe sugar ou the breakfast table. Instantly the expedition aad been ornamz.il, and there was a COHTINDOCB HTREAM UK JLMTS from tha hole in tbe wall where they dwelt, along the floor, up the tablecloth, on to the sugar basin. With a sideboard in which anything sweet is kept it is usual to put brand aaaoers full of water under the leet, BO as to keep the ants out. The water must be constantly changed, for if it gets oovered with dost or any debris that will carry tbe weight of an ant, the little creatures soon and it oat and cross the moat. It IB always expedient to have the feet of your bed planted in brans saucers fall of water, ao an to prevent the ants get- ting up into thu bed. I was acquainted *nh a lady who suffered severely from neglecting this precaution. The elector bad given her same ointment to rab ou ber arm for a rheumatic pain, and she applied it when she went to bed. During the night sne suffered considerable pain, which sue attributed to the working of the ointment. When daylight came, great WSH her horror to nnd tbat she was being eaten alive by <.>: 1 KT DRBsWIMO U THK 8TYLJB. Street Coetnmes Have Pot H* so 1 alnoe Hit, t-M K rim Uajra. Genuine antique Ftraian embroider are worn on cloth and uatbmt re dresses. Striped cheviot is the best and moss serviceable muff that oan be bad for sires* wear. Brciwn is a good color, and a few ornamental buttons are the only decon*- tion required. Never since the Puritan days have tbe) American ladies been su quietly drtsscd for cbarob and sin et as they now are. The Four Uuudrtd pot ruu-aboota in dead black with black fell hats and velvet Dutch dresses. Infants wear all white, and nothing bat woolen cloth is used for young girls. Little toques of close- fitting bonnets are) always appropria.e for the street. Large hats are seen on the promenade, but the dress with which they are uiubt effective is ansuited for a public thoroughfare. Sleeves of real tapesplry oiotn are put in long wraps of velvet and brocade. The contrast is novel, whatever may be aaid about tbe taste. World. RulM fur gkatera. jwarirt of red ants, which bad attracted by some sweet ingredient iu the ointment, and bad bitten through ber skin into her limb, so that she carried the sctrs of tbe woanda to her ^rave. No doubt the rheumatic pain was oured, but the remedy was A OOOO HK.Vi, WOUSB rili.N IBB UUOiSB. The large red ants, similar to those described in tbe Qieen's Sootoh journal as A Lady's Uhancen of Mmrrjimg. Every woman has a obance of "catching a husband," but it is oouceoed tbat young ladies between twenty and twenty five years of ;;- are more likely to draw tbe matrimonial prices. Uowtver it is not an ontuual thing to hear of the marriage of a lady who has passed the three-quarter cen- tury mark. Yet, bow oan a wuman, weak, dispirited, enervated and tormented by diseases common to ber sex, hope to beoassss) a bappy wife and motbtr .' Of ouurte she caunut , yet by the nm. i aid of Ur. Pieroe'S) Favorite Prescription, ail throe obstacles) are swept away. As a powerful, invigorat- ing tonic, Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Pretoriplioa imparts strength to the wbole system, and to tbe womb and its appendages, in par- been j tionlar. For overworked, ' worn-out," "run-down," debilitated teachers, milli- ners, dressmaker*, eeametreows, shop- girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, aud feeble women generally, it u ihe greatts* earthly boon, being uutqualed an an ap- petizing cordial aud restorative toiiio. attacking a royal Princess, are usually met Io an eighth of an inch thick Ian t toe wllh ou , a hoo , 1U({ . Aa yoo passing any longer when yoa try to skate on it. Some men danoe well and some oan never learn that's the way with skating. It looks mnoh better when cutting fanoy figures on the ios to as yoar test rather than your head. Never give your sweetheart a pair of skates for Christmas if your riv skates better than yon ; it is not wise. In taking oat acoi lent insurance policies always alate whether yoa know bow to skate or are about to learn. If yoa are skating with a girl and both of yoa fall it ia more polite to let your part- ner fall on yoa than to do the reveras. Judge. Mo Bebette. We desire to state in tbe most explicit manner that no rebate will be allowed to any of oar subscribers who may be obliged to leave town for the benefit of tbe community, or who may be hung and bnria-1 'or the same reason. In several late iustau i friends of such subscribers have called on us and a*ked us to oash up for the unexpired term, bat we have invariably refused. Sub- scriptions to the Kicker run for one year. We contract to deliver the paper for tbat time. If the subsorirsr ii arrested, driven offeor hung it is no fault of oars. Please bear this in mind and save- yourselves trouble. Arizona Kickrr. perform labor in Canada, explained tha the measure wag intended to protect tb laboring classes of Canada. A Bill on tb snbjaot had been passed by the Unitec States Congress in 188C, and this was copy of the American Aot. Mr. Mills (BothwslI) I would like to ask the Minister of Justice whether be has con- sidered this Bill, and whether thia House has power to interfere with contracts of this sort. Sir John Thompson I have not aeen the Bill. Tbe Bill was read a flrst time. Sir John Maodonald I heard laat night, Mr. Speaker, that yoa had an attack ol in tluuo/.a. I gave notice yesterday that I would move for the appointment of a chair- man of tbe Committee of tbe Wbole House. With tbe consent of hon. gentlemen I will move it now. Mr. Lanrier We have no objection. Sir John Maodonald I move then that John Fiaher Wood, member for tbe elec- toral district of Brookville, be appointed Chairman of tha Committee of tbe Wbole Hoase. Mr. Laarisr We have never been quite satisfied on this aide ot the House tbat the office which my hon. friend now proposes to fill was oeoetsary or useful. Bat, as the House baa on two or three different ocoa aions pronounced differently to our views this time I do not propose to question the advisability of thi.i policy. As to tbe choice which the Premier has made to fill this important office, 1 mast aay that it is alto- gether acceptable to thia aide of the House. 1 bave always considered, and I think it is the opinion of the House at large, that the member for Brockville is a good species of wood. (Laughter.) He has bad tbe mis- fortune to grow up in a very unhealthy camp, bat it is a misfortune in this ooontry that we cannot eaoape. I oan bear testi- mony that the boa. gentleman has borns with us tbe character of bain endowed witb a calm, deliberative and judicial mind, and I believe tbat he will discharge the important duties that will devolve npon him and distribute even justice to all with oat fear or favor. Sir John Maodonald On the part ot the majority of thia Hoase I thank the hon. gentleman for the kindly manner in which he has spoken of onr recommendation and the manner in which bis remarks have been accepted by the Left. Mr. Choquette introduced a Bill to amend chapter five ot the Revised Statutes of Canada, entitled, an Aot respecting tbe Electoral franohiae. The Bill was read a first time. Mr. Caagrain introduced a Bill for farther securing the independence of Par- liament, and explained that the object ol tbe measure was to enable members to take oath tbat they were not disqualified in any It. I. .rui I >, MI, .111.1. . I. Aunt Miranda Wall, I never. These modern ways be too much for me it dew seem that there is no liberty in this world arter all. Mollie What is it now, auntie ' I was jest a reading, ohild, that five American girls, all as hansum as pioturs, were presented to the King of Sweden. A FMmllr Predicament. Said a man to his bosom friend, who was bout M get married : " 1 suppose I ought wish yoa both much happinass ; but, aa . don't know the brida, I oannot congrat- ulate you. On the other hand, aa I know .ou only too well, I oannot congratulate tbe bride." a> A bill to increase the day's houra of labor and one to rednoe them have been intro- duced in tbe Missaohaastta Legislature. It is a pity tbat old winter oannot assert bis sway without interference from Jupiter Flavins. The prospeot of sleighing has tor the nonce been rained by the rain. Thone who brought out their rnnuurs are longing for froat and a sprinkling of the beautiful, which would make the sleighing all right. It does I >ok at if the prophets who predicted an open winter would score a success. - " Farewell, dearest," she sighed, as she lay againBt .ho lapel of his double breaated coat , " and George, yoa may kiss me once, on my forehead, ere yon 140." Thanks, Angelina," thoughtfully mur- mured tbe young man, " but the last time 1 kissed the girl on her forehead I got a bang in the mouth." A moment later he left tbe house, looking as if he bad btou eating marshniallowa. DBVIC1TKD TO TBS DRFRATBD. And so yen ne'er suspected You wouldn't be elected ? Why, tbat you'd be rejected Wai j n t what I expoctad, for, if you bad reflected, And only recollected Row Hoiue are disaffected And others bad iluHrotad Uecausa your mind rollootod Hume Ti.iwB which they rrjeoUd, You'd quietly have dotectod Why yun'd not be selected. Your motives they iuepected, Your character diueeted, Your doad past resurrected, Tli-ir votes when nil collected .Your overthrow effected And made you feel dejected. That's all. Nothing but tbe frames) of many good resolutions remain to-day. The Kniiinierintj and Building Record ot New York offers prizes amouting to $160 for essays on Making aud Maintaining Roada. The amount is divided into three parts, and tha Committee of Award are B. P. North of New York, F. Collingwood ot EliKtbeth, N.J., and J. Owen ot Muutolair, N. J., all members of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The time for sanding in esiays is limited to March 1, 1890. under a tree in your howdah tbe elephant puts up bis trunk, at the bidding ol the mahout, to break off some projecting branch, and in an instant yon nnd yourself covered with a shower uf red ants, who have Been picnicking on tbat particular branch. The rapidity with which tbay will attack you on your faoe aud hands, get down the back of your neck and ap yoar legs, is more easily imagined tban described, and yon will have a very unpleasant quarter of an hour until you oan gat rid of tuum all. I bad not many encounters with the large blaok ants, wbiuh affect a rather drier climate tban that of Calcutta. Bat in a house where there is a colony of large black ants established no placa is safe from their ravages, and their bite is quite as savage snd painful an that of the large red ants. The wmw ants probably take tbe ake " according to muduru phraseology, aa tbe greatest nuisances ot tbeir kiua. A white ant has several forms, but perhaps his most dangerous form ia that in which be is more like a white maggot than aa ordinary ant. In this maggot form tue white ants work under cover of a tunnelling of soft mad, wbian they manufacture for themselves, possibly with the intention of CONl KAJ.IMI 1 IIKlll HlSCHIir. lint tbe tannel fortunately betraya them, ana no time should be lost in breaking open the tunnel and destroying the work- ing party that will be found inside. If an unwary traveler, arriving late at uight, leaves bis portmanteau ou the door of his room in the vioimty of white ants, he will probably discover in the morning that the enemy bave found their way in and made avoo of his garments. They will oarry their tunnel up Ihe leg of a tabla or side- board to get at the contents of a drawer. Nothing is sacred to them. In tbe publio offices of Uoveruuient tbe white ant is ready to make himself record keeper. He gets into a bundle of papers and eats them. If a reference is needed to come old paper, the olerk who goee to the bundle fiuda that it has been reaolvediuto a mesa of muddy pulp. I knew a oase where they ate some bank notes in a native merchant's chest, bat luckily for him, tbo fragments were identifiable. -C'. T. BucUand in Longman'* Magazine. the neroine ot How did you ever The Penalty of I'rlde. He And ao you're really going to marry that Professor ? thousand tillage mants ! oo me to accept him ? His Cousin (from Boston) Why, yoa see, he proposed in Greek, and whtn I refused him I got mixed on my negatives^ and Meberoolel- accepted hiru ; and now I'm too proud to acknowledge my blunder. Ob, I'm bis for life ! . Dirt, Uebt and the n. > ,|. A distinKuisbed divine calls tbose three D's, Dirt, Debt and tbe Devil, an aninatoned trinity of evil. If a man would bo happy, he must avoid all three, and as stu>iiuuaiy keep oltar ol Disease another D yoa per- oeive. This calls ta mind auutner U : a U M. D."; in fact Dr. Pit-roe's Golden Medical Discovery, tbe unfailing remedy for consumption (which is lung scrofula), in its tarly stages, as well as for uoronia catarrh in the hed, and broucuiai, turuat and lunf affections generally. It is a uatritive, touia and blood uurifivr, and builds up the strength and d -an of thosa who are reduced below the usual standard of bealtb iu a most uiarvolous way. Is allays irritation aud subdues tbe .voret lingering uougas. liiurmitctd to benefit ur uure iu all diseases for winch u is reoom- mendod, or meney paid for it returned. Wife What are yon so busy at? Y.OUII.J Physician I am writing a latter to the newspapers, abusing Dr Blank, the >reat tcientiat. " But Dr. Ulankbas never done yoa any barm, and yoa agreed witb his theories." "True; bat it is against the rule for physicians to advertise, and I must gat myself before tbo pablio some- how.'' Tbe North American Review paid Mr. Blaine and Mr. Gladstone each 91, 200 for the articles tbat appear in thi current number, which ia at the rate of S I'-iO a pa^e. The ordinary writer receives ", 910, or )1260page from this magazine, accord ing to tbe value and character of his con- in but ion. There are about 300 words to the page. At Cannes there ia a memorial chapel to the late l>nk of Albany. A reonmbtnl statue of the Duke has been carved tor this ohapel by tbe sculptor Pignatelli, by order of Queen Victoria, and tbe Prinoe of Wales will unveil it at his next visit to that cater- ing place. Mew 1,0,1.,... .i.. n. Le Diggs Hello, Sappy, what's the i er witb your MoUmty .' De Sappy (mystified) -My what ? De L)lggs YJUT inostaone ; it's down, 'ou know. Pitutiurg ChraiucU, Uo Not ThlBk for a Moaaent That Catarrh will in time waar out. The btory is false. Men try to believe it because it would be pleasaut if true, but is a not, aa all know. Do not 1 >i aa aoate tttaok ot oold in tbe head, remain uusub- dued. It ia liable to devil-jp into catarrh. Yoa oan rid y oat self of thu oold an t avoid all obanos of oatarrh by using i>r. Saga's Jatarrh Remedy. It already aul.oted rid yoorself of this troublesome disease speedily >y the same means. At all druggists. QURKKSLIMD, Australia, lav* claim to the {reateat and richest gold mi .em toe world. U is called Mt. Morgan, and will this year pay to its owners not leas 111*11 3>ti 000, .00, with the promise of a great mur. wnen more completely developed. The gold ob- tained from it assays 'J'J t pare, a t. si whioh ia believed to be without its paralel. 1 ha original owner of this property bought it (or a shilling an aora auJ si.l I it at aooat one pound sterling par acre, or iu all for about 83,000. It is now valued, judging by the price of tbe company's sbarss, at 560,000,000. O. O. N. U 0. 90. DUNE'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIFNB I CURE FITS! have them return again. THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Cure I do not mean merely to stop thrin for a time, anil th* I hve made the distasf - "* . .C., Branch Office, 186 WET ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. . inform voor readers that I have a positive remedy for ih*

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