PLESHERTON " Tt> I" TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES. A Ol MEX. %)L. Vlll., NO 453. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1890. W.H.TEURfiTON, E: ; c R cM ! \-.\-TiNO. HOK8KSHOFDCO. WOOD WORK FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER. S Hl>WN. LCMHKB, LATH. . BH1XGLES. JOB WORK. Prize Farm Competition. a&d of iiBting life more enjoyable to [is mixed with tea ' a!! v.-ho liT, Urn*. We ay that while w Lave been careful in not placing these highly desirable features FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. From the acnuui report of the Agricultural and Arts As*, .-iitiou we glean ihe following information rela- tive to the pnze farm competition, 1 conditions of which were printed in The Advance of March 7. I Group 3 included the countries of 1 useful buildings, gvwd feuce, land Bruce, Dufierin, Wellington, Huron, bom weed* aud the many thing* the farm before aigh-class farming and what we mean by aign class farming is well drained land, first- pnuaas of and eft tor twenty Four unnrs before iowins; ; and following UJP plan for IS years has never repaired to sow a second time and always i: i-i had a good crop. Certainty i.'is mps, at the time wv tnr- chus tillage, profitable s*x>ek mating*- jwere fresher and gave menl, ennveuieut, comfortable aud ' more vigorous, growth, ' btn during toe tip? we were on* >N> wcHildieie remark, that Mr. Bristow has ahranbeeu __ I * i ^^* so noticeable on the best managed farms Our Huirsoea the IWt. J Our S|vtt>h> tin; lht. KJULXM| 0-f ^^^ th8 1|wt 4o\VEJ*8. I our lii.l>n->x<;<i Hrror the Bnt. SUNOKF.8. I Our l't*nt !te Tlif )Wt. PLOWS I Stevens Improved Spring Tooth iHsrr.w the IWtit. ey ci 1C KM yet we feel that m a farm eompeu- ^Oqa| t \*]\l who bestows all hts bet j t on other , blng , ^ing i 1 CDTTER9, i. Kite. BMP DRLUA \\a PLOWS I Perth aud Grey, for which one ' medal was offered and a silver medal , | for each county. The gold medal tiie | was won by Mr. Andrew Waecbter. energies .m his fields aud held* to ithem wei favonbl* to brv r akc - 1 aud 2, con. g, towusbip of ' *" ulwr neglect jrf ^those^ moulding I that ;end. IB Ibe first ptacc.he ' Brant, South Bruce. The silver medal for the County of Grey was won by Mr. G. B. Bristow, sr , town- ship cf Osprey, whose farm the influences enumerated, above u not entitled to tint honors. The influence , and worth of the young people of the i.irm is iiot to bo measured by their ability to do farm- work alone, but by WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVERPLATE, ETC. judges comment upon as folta A half hour's drive took us i next competing tarui. that purchased the well established business of Russell, K'esherton jeweler, also adding some new lines to our already well assorted stock, we are fully prepared to supply our customers with the finest Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Dia- monds, Silverplate, cScc.,to be found north oiToronto. In our repair department we guarantee entire satisfaction^ we have had the experience in some of the best houses in *<"OHtOt also having a very fine set of tools, we are enabled to do all kinds of repairs to your entire satisfaction. Watches care- lullv adjusted, and 'isochronised. Perfect work every time. the elevating luduence they have upon their neighbors socially and morally. w . *"*' Once moor the youcg to the turn by "fcjUtrac'.uc surruandiug* aud reticuig done mucu to stay tue eiixuis of this most useful class of citi/tus from tue farm when, they are so much iijwl< d. NVe have said that there are mauy ml iu rais.inp| good crops of tiu will be noticed that all the condu as &r as he bad powswto eona-at on fifteen loads of well rotted made from tattle fed majftiy with liar, root* and stain, and it is safe to M that this^oald be equal as the elenwali of plant food to 'ttroBg points iu Mr. !'>:: stows :. """ lUAiMgeuieut. however, that in . excels all o'.Ltr coaipeutorsiu Bros Attractive surroundings i Bnstow. sr. It is lot 30. con. I-'. mr l u e uce , n j y ou luvi> Township of I >prcy.K.i.: tirey. ThH farm is widely kuown, especially by the bleeders of Ute best class of shovt- horus. It takes) iu name of Lake , Lauds from the two small lakes on the property One of ,sii acres ueai the buildups UK! about the centre .at^L/a^^r'norTea:;-- ^ 11 ' T^l '" ^ 'side. NVhetLertUse lake, uiay J JjJ.g.JjJ oouidered as audng to the value of J 1 the property will defend verv much bl " edlu * Vbt? wit *" * " 111 tilt? W8td"tt l*&Tt Ol lilt* ! inquired ou? ouThe'bstl; oTa money ; w nld " ot ^ . n***^ & P**k ,& perhaps, water supply could be *^ ^J^*^ '" ' bad ai less cost, but looking at it as I we saw it that nignt iu Juno. with the levei.itj,- sky ictiocied on its glassy ! surface aud the ^rauches of the grace- ful eluis thrown: 4 their shadows on or forty loads of half leached such as w> often see Arawu froi timer's biiByaris whw suck Vs.> iog is not att<ie a speciaiyr- Mr. J r beeu praesu 1 SusJMtj's Slater. <(' Oriffia, ith th Roral H bravery m lading t.n our THE MARKETS iu ' FLESHS^TON, lH rrecrf Koch W*rl. Kill Wht Spria WbM , . . J'rectiou. a* he ha. been oo- of the UlHS commenced as a Pu :; : I' i*to bc . l-orl. Hav vm ten HiiM .. ^ Z fr u . . FLESHERTON. THE ONE PRICE . ^ ^^ ^ +. ^ . ^ For Genuine Bargains. 3IcDonald & Evans. so. as we viewed it after a h inl day's work and as si-en under the still eveu- tug sky. Lake Land i bituaUd about sii miles from i)nntroon. a station on ta| ! H. and eleven mile* from MifWOOd. 'I'liv i.uui cuiercd for cornpeu comrvisv's out- huii tivti :K-res ot iauJ on the south-east cor: ud with tim- ber. Mr. Bnstow did not make th. mistake which many men do win u clearing thoir Caruis, of chopping down all before them irros^vciivo of the consideration of vrhother the land will tv anything or not when tt is cleared, or whether tho growing trees nn^lit not answer some useful purpose if lott. Iksides that entered, an Adjoining fifty acres of wliich twenty -tiv* are woodland the balance being pasture , is also owned by Mr. Bristow. Them are many strong (Mints about | thu uiauagement of this farm. It is i exceptionally clean. The growing , erupt* givr eviJeuoe of rich laud and I of having been well put iu. deal of planting has bovu I done : tli trees are mainly sngar The te- tew : he would purchase soul* stock of- that line." Tbo same year he bought from Mr. Jauies I. I'-iMwn "Village Uir| 5i& aud bor 11. C. for uo thoas- and dollars. \vi.ic!i turn4 out to be the most profitable intestmtnt he ._ ___^.__. ever made in any purchase of suv^.. ^^'''^^^irlv I'lus cow died last spnng, from over- g, at Uio a:;e of eventeen years, slio hid twiu* twice auU nuscd alto- gether saveuteeu calves ; |3. W worth of stock was sold from her. aud at this time there are fourteen of her descendants mi the Uim. In 1-- -NVimpK- CK-m." bred by Syhrenur Campbell. Keuneller, wus addtd to the herd ; siuco thtu she ha* had two calves. It is needless to say Uiat tho bull* ustd have been among* beat that could bo obtained, aud many annuals of great u bsjaaaaU from this benl. >Vo need only mention tucii auuuals as "Ch-au 1><>O got by IJrown of 'Atlu.UUiK- - i to Mr. C'ooksoii. 01 Arthur i^<74 \vnich was sold to heas) tbe .. IV k show herd iu lvij aiui h was the champion at UI\Il- ., f , . . .nt ^ 1 Qk .1 of hid day Ihu baa. .or. was not bred out was bought 1 '>ri -stow, aud was of Uio locks, < ^mplewHock -:o An exccftr i : tili.4 .-ie. w*cb Hbo and mown <!. for $ft*jfj Ltfies TO A U k. anv an young animal of the I'uoues* of Mr. r>nst"\v s t'u'ld mu(esicnt in many respec:.< sinuh.u- so iht many other good Aui.uis. ilan H ('liod up in tho spur : an. I left until alter luirvi-st wlien it . put on tbe laud at the ra'e if fifteen load* to the acre and ploughed iu with a light this laud maple of throe year's growth, me UtSp ganlcu. w often ueglecU-d bv W *".*^ ' **O?IA-^ wkMUvl t.ii- ufmor, is luio kept in sulondul the vegetables and small fan: narily found iu the best gaidt-ns. There is uothiug in _... way connocto<l with a farm that c<v>^ l '- s so ianp a roturn for labor exivii,-.l ^'" r " 1 iU " 011 1:Uull - v - ., j rijc^kitcheu garden, ami there "*" ' U not anything -elae on the uvrui I which is moiv generally uegloot. The orohani. like the garden, is nnicli above the average ; ; healthy looking, wellpniuwd andootu- I 1 lining quite a variety of tho ,litVo;vir., including apple, i<ear, plnm Hint elierrv troos as well as a j good stock of grape vinos. Now. while we have ben always , tunxiw. Iu tho spnng can-fill m not placing the Louso ploughed ton niches deep, harrowo and its surrounding!*, including lawus, I well unJ left for two or r three wot kit garden aud orchard, neat fences and so as to allow the seeds of any weeds all those other attractive features to ptruiinate, then j;n- ploughed which have ranch to do in nu>uuling depiy and vrorknl ioua tino with the tbe tastes of the sons and daughters j harrows, aboir. UiK) los of salt aud growing up ou the farm, and which 10U Ibs. of plaster pvraoro is applied iiavo a tendency to develop a love for . bn^ad east, the land is then drilled up tie beautiful as well as being an iiu- ami the turnip seed is sown from ih portant factor in the direction of cau-j 1st to tlw 4th of June. UC&M-* sow- ing our young people to take more iug aboot half a cupful of the spirits _ kindly to tbe homely life of the fiuiu' of turj>eutin aud a uaudiiU of sulphur jSign of the 1 .aft do elso\\ I am map ;t, and ; along, as trad* but. stock sifts au4 Full st w. r - Fino W. A. Joweler ^ \