Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1890, p. 2

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DISASTROUS BOBST. I iMfVoif Gifts Wty and Forty Mttt Detlh. A PIFfY-FOOT WALL OF WATEi. A Frescolt, Arizona, despatch of Bunds ays : Tb tine largu Horace dam boil across llsisayampa Uiver by Ihe Walnu Grove Water Storage Company two >e*r go, at a cost of siWO.OlO. gave way ye.tur day under th* great pressure of tbe heav; flood and iwept everything before il. Fort parlous are known lo have lost their livei A* the town of Wickenburg, 30 miles below the dam, wa* on the same itreani, gi fear* are entertained lor the safely of tba town, but s* there is no telegrsphio com munioatioD no news will be obtainable o its fate until to-morrow. The service dam of tbe company, locattx fifteen milts below ibe reservoir, and fifteen miles of flume jut spproaching completion were alto swept away, although tbe com peny has e(eut over J*.00.000 on the enter prine of sturing th* water. The bydraali mining machine bad arrived, and the; xpecttti to begin operations this week 'Ihe dam which held the waters back ws 110 feet long at Ibe bate and 400 feet at Ih top. It was 110 feel thick al ihe base an 10 at the top, forming a lake three milts i *ogth by three fourth* of a mils wide an 110 fettt deep. Lieut. Brodie, in charge of tbe work, was bfjant at l'hto.,ii nupvrintending the ship men! of the machinery to the works, sni was savexi. Of tfao*e known to have bee drowned were J. lline, wit* and fou ohil.lren ; 11. Booue and daughter* ; Job Bilby, Joseph lUjuolds, Mrs. McCerth and H. MoMilltr. A OBCAT W1U. O* WATII. Noi the tlighii st d> ubt bad been enter tamed of the safely of tbe dam aero** Ih Haxayernp* Kivir, which gav* wa; yasleroay. Numiruu* housei bad beei reeled Oy miner* al various point* alou the COL r AH of the stream. These were op lifted by tho raging water* as though the had been corks, and floated down tb srtreem notil they were dashed to pieces Tbe fir. i intimation cf tbe disaster ws* i onnd resembling thunder, and al the sam inslanl a perpendicular wall of wait r, full fllty feet bigb, cam* rnwhing down Ib narrow valUy with almoM incredible speed Forini att-ly thsro were but oomparalivtl taw p-i. ( .Iei living near tbe bottom of tb hilli :. H. and of these a large number wtr warned by Ihe awful sound and escaped t highi-r ground. The valley widen* ebov Wicltimborg, and much of tbe town lie upon tint low land* close to Ihe course o the ilre-am, snd it is almsst certain the ths vast body of water which ruihed out o tbe n-*ervoir has earned away many house* lo thai plaoe. It i* be-lit-voti here that folly a* many people were drowned ther* a* im mediately below lb dam. TUX UriKKI. I'AM. The mined dam is out from the top sJinuti to the bottom, a* though a motion had been drained out, anJ thu water abov i* only a few feel tin p. lieavy raine bad fallen for several day* and Friday night n we* apparent Ihal the water In tho lake was approaching the danger line. Th rain continued throughout Ihe night, and early y**terdsy morning the water rose lo ths top of i h dam and cut a small pas ag* near theosntre. which, rapidly widened ad deepened as tho water poured over it, anlil in leu than 'JO miiintvs ihe lull. ream had become a roaring cataract The storage company is blamed for not providing a nuili iifut outlet for the water in limes of dauger. i-i r.a news. Arthur Allen and John McDonald have jail returned from th" Uoxoris divide, If miles sooth of Ihe town, from where a view of Ihe dais could bu had wilh powvrfn glauee, J'he brsak in th* ilonework ths dam wai plainly *tn. Thrre can be o sstimat* of ihe lo*s nf life yet, or o properly, but Ihe latter will reach into million*, while tho I,,NI of lit* withou doubt will be great, a* many famili** were living nnar Ihe stream in ihe narrow can Tons. The ooiiflrmalion of the titws of ths lo** of Ihe big arn has heightened the xnitemenl. As the wire* are now down near 1'reaoott Junction, It U hardly pro bable any additional information will be received lo night. A ixinri*r who brnugh trl.-gran,H for Ihn owners of tbe Walnu Grovrf darn arrived al N o'olook lasl night md loft this morning. U* stated nve bodies had been recovered and Idrntifled Tb* dislauofl lo the slorag* dam from Krtsooll is 40 niilss, while Ihe service darn where the employ*** wer* located i* 11 mile* further down dream. Il was from th* latter plao*lh*t Ihs courier came. TB**><IMNIN r I* Hot art..,..!, th* rolled -Ih* Jury A Chicago despatch of Wednesday night ay* : J. H K. M\ . arrested in Hi. Louis charged wilh complicity In ths Ci. i,n traf >l y .arrived here to-night. Mrs. Conklln sfaV Frank Hoanlon, who saw ths per no with whom Criinlii drove sway th* night c May 4, I. ith failed lo Indenllfy Kelly as ths driver nf Ih* whttn hors*. Hoanlon wai ptialiivr Kelly was riot Ihs man The building onniraotor Tho*. Kavaaaugh uiemher of Camp IH.'i, (Han-Da Gael, ooawt.t ,,f being Implicated In attempt* lo bribe p'H.ibl* jorors on lh Crnnin trial wa* rnlesxtd lo day after Ihn evidence foi the proatwnllon was all In. Judgs WaWer man rilled ihsl Ihe Hlale Attorney had failed lo make oui a oase. This Isava* on* man, Jorty O'Donnell, on trial Th* lira/ilian Charg* d' Affaire* wished to inbmll to Lord Haliibury an account of a wanton outran* o. iinniii, ,| by some Kng. llsh settler* at Ria, who rufnaad to comply with Ih* new law that virtually mad* Ihem BrajUllan oiilssn*. The KiiKlUhmen th* Hi* -iiian ofllolals out of a low, Injuring s*v*ral, then barrlnaded themselves against arrest and appealed to th* BnlUh Minmler to protect tin-in a* British snhjwMs. Lord Hallibury. allbonnh annovd nl th* ooon'r*noe, (nnbbed ihr Br/ ibjan Charge d'Affalrrs, and r*fu*sd to htm as ih.. r*|.re*enletlv* of I at Ib* Court of HI. Jarao*. 8DICIDE BY STARVATION The Awful Alternative Preferable Siberian Prison Life. I FIENDISH RUSSIAN BARBARITIES A London cable says : 1 urther details o the outrage In the political priiou at Kara re-ached the Kutsian exile* in London ye* lerdsy from friend* who are looaled a shor ditt anoe from the icene of tbe horrors 1 hey are brief, bat confirm fully a repor of the affair received here from an offioia in Hi. Petersburg, who is in aympalby with the cause of the people. i " HCMUII STKIKB." According to the detail* received yeiter day ii appears that the trouble at Ihe Kara prison originated in a " hunger strike" in August, when the female political prisoners tried to starve themseive* lo death to escape the brutalities of their jailer*. Al tbe women imprisoned there abatainec from fcod for fourteen day*. The jailer* did not believe they would be able to keep up the sirnggle. At first they jeered ai the women, then tempted them with food, and then finding this of n< avail threatened them. When eevera of tbe women were at the point ol death from their voluntary abstinence from food, she prison official* resorted to ertinc al meats to compel them to taki uouruh me/iit. The methods adopted, how ever, were violent and licentious, and the women were compelled to abandon their strike. Abomioabl* outrage* followed, am: were of daily and hourly occurrence. Ibis late uf things led Madame Bigida, whose death by flogging ha* already been announced, to ask for an interview with tbe director of the prison, in bops of lecur ing an amelioration of tbe condition of the priBjoers. Tliii request was grsnted, bui when she was taken before him she found him abusive. It i* said that in her txas peration al bis abuse she oalled him a vil lam and (lapped hi* fate. Till I Lot. i, IV, EDICT. It is not positively k..own, however what took place during tbe interview, but whatever did happen, Madame Siitida ii. not return to her companions. She ws taken from tbe director's office and con veyed to tbe prison in which oomin m flendora are an. lined. Three of her com paniou* fim among tbs political prisoner* were permitted to j jin her. Tbe advice* reoeived stale that tnese were Mary Ko*l Mky, wife of 1'rofeasor Kualraky, of KiefT Madame Bmirnilsky ami Mary Kulojay The two last ladies were from Odessa. Two mouths elapsed after these events before Lieut. General Baroti Korff, Gover- nor-General of tbe Province of the Amoor, instructed Ihe director* of priions that tbe I edict of March, 1888, which ordered ihal politic*! prisoners should be treated by prison officials in precisely the same nanuer an criminals oondemed for common w ofienoM, would be enforoed, and or- dered the director* lo notify ihe political prisoner* of both sexes that they would be iable lo corporal puoiihment if they tolated certain of the prison regulations The main prisoners, fort si ing immediate auger, held a consultation, and sent to the director of Ihe prison a petition thai he ould telegraph lo th* Minister of the utorior at Kt. l'elar*burg, requeuing him o (ospend ths application of ihe edict. The director refuted to pay any attention o their petition, and the>rt>npon the men warned him that th* flrtt dogging of a political priaoner would b the sigoal for he other* to ccmmil tmiotda together. hrm day* afterwards Lieut. General liirtf *eul a special order directing that dadame Bigida be punished according to he regulations, and the order was executed to the fullrsl extent. Madame Bigida was tniped and received one hundred lathe*. wss oartied off bleeding and in an unoonicionaoonitition, and her death ensued 'rum rupture of the heart. WIIOUUULB snctii*. iler three cornpei ions oomroilted tnioide within an hour of the lime of hearing of i Bigida's death. The corpses of funr w> men were bnrini at tbe same im* i'i the courtyard rf the common : ffini'ir*' prison. 1'or wieks a cordon of vigilance wa* so closely maintained around Ihei | n.i.ii Ihal nothing wa* known of what wa* happening within. Since. Ihe suor*t channel of information has been r opened it has been learned that the men larried out their' threat of snioid*. They met together and thirty of th in shaind what poison they could obtain, and then nil to their oell* lo die. Th* ijuanllly of which had hren smuggle*! into Ihe >rion wa* not sufftaienl to kill ipuiokly, nit in Ih* course of ihe evening iwo of ih, M,. who had *hared it, Bobokop n I Ktilnjny, die*i. Their convulsions and the de*ul atltnoe which reigned in Ihe other ot.ll* n IIHO.I ihe itiii'iiiiim of th* guard*, and they immediately smraonod physl. olane, who administered emttllo* lo ihe orvivors and eml*avord by every means lo oouulsracl ihs effects of Ih* poison. Dn tlassaeree Kcared. A Loadon rable ss> s : Th* continued Irtftniinii i f Moiusa Itey In Constanlinopls and his peisi-ontion by Christian* exasper- ile* Ihe Moslems of Armenia, by whom he s r*gsnled as a model Governor. The inrdinh tribes ars in a ilaii< of indignation and are bring f urniihixi with Martini rill"*, of which, It i* said, AO.OOO have ben mini art il iolo th* Provlnoei by Ibe oonmvsnrx >f the aalhornies. Massaore* are feared >y the Christians, who appeal fnr help to he Western powers. Koisls continue* lo A TICHBORNK OHO.HT. It Arise* From aa Iiland la the loath Saa. A New Tork despatch says : A bronzed and wrath*r-beat*n sailor entered the W'rrld office this afternoon and announced that be bad a yarn to spin. Ibis yarn, if true, effectually settles all claims to the Tiohborne estate in England, over which thers has been so much controversy. Tbs old sailor said he was William Edwards, and II al he bad sailed the asas, man and boy, for forty years and more. In tbe (O's, so goes his yarn, he found himself on one of tbe Bomb Sea Islands, from which he shipped on th* Bella Baffin, hound from Tahiti with a cargo for Beach La Marr. Two day* out they picked op a boat con- taining six men who were apparently dead. Ons of them, however, revived He was a hsndscme yoong ftllow, and was appar- ently a gentleman. Be gave hi* name as Kogsr Ticbburne, and when, years after, Edwards beard tbe nory he knew this was tbe real Sir Roger. Finally the Belle Hsflin sighted Marr Island, and Edwards and a sailor were sent ashore while the vessel returned for laborer*. The young man wa* very weak, and he also went aahore, hoping tbe change would brace him up. Tbe sailor finished hi* yarn in bis own words : ' Tbe Bella Baffin never cam back, an' nary an eye have I clapped on her from thai day to this. The tun day on the sland Tiohborne was look with a spell, an' <rew wore ; so we bail! a but of cocoanut eaves acd put him in it, acd took oare of urn >/. fine i / w* knd. Meantime Tich- x>rne got sicker. I was very much inti mated wid 'im. an' a finer gentleman ther' never wnz. He told me that at we cool i only git to China there wnz plenty o' money wailing for him al Jardine \ Wad- lin* tun'*, banker*, in Hong Kong. Then to used lo talk about his mother an' about )is people ihal lived in Hampshire, Eng- 'and, which place be said was lively. He iad; bad a great many misfortunes, he aid, bat some day the storm would blow over, but he didn't live to see it, for he died eighteen day* arter we Unded, leavin' me a ring n' a cross with a precious stone in to ake lo hi* people. " Tommy and me buried him as honor able ai we kod. an' he's a-layin' in th* sand there to-day. We livid along on ocoinut* an' fish an' egg*, never thinkin' lo leave ihe mis'able i lace, but all the ime plannin' foolish ways o' gettin' off. . came near a-stayin anyhow. One day ! was buntiu' among Ihe rocks for oysters when a cuttle tish granted me, and if I adn't known the tricks of tbe btait it would a bin the end o' William' Edwards. nit I capxi/.t d his bonne! and that ended um. His bonnet is Ihe little cap over lis eyes, and wbsn you knock t bark he's paralyzed an' done for. At ast down comes a Hoi.olulu cutter and akes m i d, and w went without much tit vin', I can tell you. I lost the jewels, >iit I didn't forget young Tiobborne ; so when I was in Liverpool, nve years ago. and when they |oinl*d oat a big fat man, an' told me ha wuz Bir Roger, I told 'em hey lied. Are yon Sir Roger Ticb- wrne ?' ses I, makin' bold to step up to nin. ' I am. sir,' sts be, and who the devil sre )oo '." ' If )rn re Bir Roger.' ses ". dsih me if I ain't Lord Beacocsfield.' hen he shoved me by, an' I ain't seen him inoei, neither." Krtwsrds has just rslornrd from ths liauioml in-ill* of rjouth Africa. AH BXPLOOiac lion KK Kills and Waned* If mar Onaha Workmen. An Omaha, Neb., despatch of Saturday ay* : 1 hi* morning aa explosion occurred in ibe boiler room cf tbe old packing boas* of Ih* Armour Cudahy Company at Booth Omaha. The outside boiler of a battery of nine burst, tearing a great bole in the wall* of the machinery department adjuin.cg. Tbe noise of the explosion attracted the great army of employee* to the scene, where beneath the rn.n- perhaps twenty- five men lay woundtd. An alarm was sounded and ihe fire department x>n ar- rived, joining foroes with the Armour- ( udahy fire department, and tbe two soon quenched tbe tlames. A crowd of 100 men went lo work, and in a short time had tbe dead and injured removed to 81. Joseph's Hospital. Tbe following is a list of the dead and injured : Jack Tigh. bead fireman, instantly killed; Hans Olten, coal wheeler, died from in- haling hot air , Samuel Gibson, burned about tbe bead and face, will probably die ; D. Mi*kel, fractured tkull and severely burned, will probably die ; Jemss Black, severely barovd acd skull fractured, will probably die ; James Sheridan, badly scalded about the head and neck : Al. Harden, scalded and burned, but injuries not serious ; James McGoire, severely burned stoat the hands and head ; George J. Meabao, burned abcnt Ihe he ad and eye* ; F. Lanhsm. cot found, but believed to be dead and lying beneath tbe ruins ; Mike Hanahan, badly burned abcnt the bead and bands ; James Armstrong, badly burned aboul tbe head . Mr. Leonard, Billy Dunklin, John Peter- sen and I)an Uarlaei wi re alto hurl. Many others w ere iligbtly injured, and manv narrowly escaped from in* falin n walls. The oante of ihe e xplostoo is } el to be determined, bui u is probable that tbe wail of the boiler room can*d ibe explosion by falling on Ihe boiler*. Th* loss reaches many thousand* of dollars. MAI U AMU i > i ! th later- iiieatton* lo b lll*rn national C'unveatlo*. A Geneva cable says : Tbe> Swiss Gov- n nn i,t has tisned ihs programme which lo form Ihe basis of Ibe labors and nqnlrie* of Ihe Labor Conference, a* fol- ow* : 1. In what degree, if at all, should Ihe late restrict Sunday work .' '1. What is the minimum age below which he eni| I lymrnt of children in factories uld be prohibited T What *honld be fixed as a maximum ay's work for working men and women ider full age? 4 Should the hour* of compulsory at- mdsnoe at school, which ar* dow required y law, be counted as part of th* day's work for juvenile* ? 6 Hhouitl Ihe maximum length of a day's work for juvenile* vary according lo the >, and during what boors should the kim: time b* fix*d T What restriction* ar*n*ce*sary in tb* |ilo>ment of women and ohlldrsn in nn- eahhy ami dangerous occupations '.' 7. Hhonl 1 the Stale permit th* employ, lent of women and children in inn* carried on at night lime '.' 11 A can Ihe stain best pat into Ifitci and enforce Ihe labor regulations it makes ? 'I hf programme submit* lo Ih* Confer DO* lh propn.itjon for periodical labor WDfereuoe*. which will become an eslab shed in.litnti, if ibis Conference ap roves the i, h a. Again the K ,.lo.lci, c A Sunday's Sow York despatch says: a*t&i*hta Ian | which had b*en left ghted and luriusi down low exploded in h* cabin of the canal boat A. O. i 'handler ling al tho foot of Wetl Sixty first street Nonh Kivrr. Captain fairies. Daly, hit wife and tbstr live children llnnorah, 10 Ah 'e, 9 ; Kiohard, N . John, 7, and l>sr.ni*, .1 lived . n Ihs boat. Th* family wrr aw.kened by the explosion. Ths oil paltered all over Ih* cabin and **t It on r* in a moment. By heroic work Ihe hildren were taken oni to aboal alongn.li*. he captain and wife were al*o r*soud. he iiniihrr. however, forgot her yonngrit Bketehi* of Two Notable Tonne i'eopl* Who Have Jo*l iwen Srrlr I. Miss Msud Kmdel. who was married to Mr. lltnry Uladstcn* rtc-itiy, is the secor J daughter of Mr Stuart Bendel, Ih* well known M P. In the spring of Ust year, when Mr. Gladsloc* stayedatUr Kcudel's villa near Naples, Mits Kei.del played tb* part of bcsiea* in the ab*rnoe of her im ther. A warm friecd*hip yrew up belwaen th* younger branch** of tl.e two families, of which ibis marring* i* ih* r* sail. Miss Rendel' s talents ar* artistic, and she is an t xeellent viulinist*. Bbs gives her )mplhier, bat not her labor*, to politics. In personal sppearai.ee she is polite and slender, wilh pleuty of soft dark hair. Mr. Henry Gladstone is the fcnrlh son of Mr W. ft Glad.une. He waseducated first al a tutor's, where were also hi* rela- tions, Ih* LyHleton* ; and aobseipasntly they all moved on to Eton, where by a curious coincidence Mr. Henry Gladitooe wa* to tbe earns house as thai of his pro- peclirs father in law namely, K\ans. He did nol go to ihe ni.ivi nity 'from Ktou. bat itrsighl into basin*** At nr.i it wa* mil tided that h* should jcm the old Glad- stone flini, but snb*et|ueolly this pro gramme was altered, and h* entered ih* firm of OgUvy, Cullander .t Co., East India merchants, where h* now is. The Ogilvys are cousins of the Gladstone*. Mr. iienry Gladstone is dark and cluan shaven. In feature* he i* very Ilk* h s brother Herbert, but is taller, sni lacks Ib* rnutaihs and thick curls of the latter. HI* lasus ar* essentially active. H* I* gnut al polo, fond of most field sporls, aud is a ^o ni gun fot a warm party. As the elder brothers do nol shoot, Messrs. Herbert and Henry (ladstone have divided the shooting of llawarden for several year*. In poll 'ice his views an those of hi* father, but * yet he has nol given active expression to them Triiiltl. il \..i,l. Adverluing make* the business known, and by multiplying the number of custom- r* th* dealer obtains the nvans of attract- ing more. He has more inuuvy to expend on hi* slock, can improve Ih* opportunities which come sofrti|u*nsjy to the cash buyer, and can n.akshu mtrgin of pr til smaller. I'h* whols success of the great retail houses has been build up in Ihi* way. 1 her* ar* f*w of Ihem wmoh have nol had their entire developnnnt within very recent )eara, before which they were very haber- dashery ihops, with a i.'*ihhoruood trad* only, or they had no exietenc* al all. Ther* i* nol one of Ihem which do** not ow* it* success lo this earns advarluiag. lo the clothing trade ths history i* th* ami- The hoo**s which are gelling Ihs A HI KM>.. , .1 - I 'V Tbe KlMlBC Of fnllj -TT .lit Girl* Ormvelr l>UcuH-<l. The kissing of pnitv s.rvM i,irls i* *Jt offenon wbi :h has .n-g c r *.tlenlioa of moralists ever sicoe ihe *>.e u' ? rviind* began. J key all *,r.e n .1 n |." vo.-lipn i* not so much in th* be*,ui> f >r.e v.ciim a* in that weaknro of huo.tu riatare which makes the taste cf stoln. fn.u tweeter than that of any other kin-i S crates re- buked with a nob> f er> < r M- i nulls who iLdnlp>d in the practic". n i Ei.icaras, who wss not at all in.- \ ..u lur> he i* commonly supposed to have *n. it laid to have vicdicste-1 the riiht of overv rrttif servant girl to the on inor-e: posatssioa of her store of oscolatory favor*. Bat modern civilization ha* torown clown many of tbe barrier* set up by classical philosophy. A nsw s:hool ta*> atiasn which adopt* the maxim trt a> kcar that wants honey mutt climb f. r ii, and if h* i* willing to iocur ths risk he is entitled to enjoy the sweit*. The late Viscouot Palmenton was over 80 when delected in Ihe act of stealing some of ibe nectar from tru lit of a Lon- don hotel chambermaid. II- t-eiitvod neither resent m -at nor rtm rof, but turn- ing calmly to tue noble peer vho had sur- prised him, **>id : " \Vt l. i . i r i. what otii? Boy* wil be boys. " hveo ro rigid a censor of ths manner* aid morsli of hi* lime as Dr. Johi.son n;>: i .- irsni- gretsioo with an nun*ai if liber- ality. Mr. Boswril CIK-S u .is fa t as an evidence of thai acute di.criu i. t i r, that solin juii^uisnt and n i tn ,itdge of human nature for h cb u d vior wa* apon all occasions reu ^t> e Daring one of their COD vrrtsuoi s. ihest^e. observed that a married oj*n 01 a ru :f in ma- terial injury if firm mtr i.-o ms* of appetite ' be improved a go- >t p^orinoity unnoticed lo salute ihe ch>t k ur Up* ot her maid. Tbssa in*i*ocr* *TV>- in show that the progress of ihs woil.n ft> s irnce* and an* ha* been accomi.- nm! by th* relaxaiion of certain m ' s t dsrd* which, if il dot* not ds<r.c 10 rx- olltj moral degeneracy, mast at !-*>'. or regarded as nncanunical. Oar though. s are led luto 'his channel by the cbargts which MIT M .,!. Ksne brought against Mu.ioT. a. ht r I* acBatcb, some account of hu-h a ( al**J n 1 her*- day's l.itgli. The evidci ce i- .. cjntra- dictcry, but Justice Gotii n terlsintd the coa pUiot, not 01 .y l-o>u- Msirgie had a ri|(hl lo b? h<r i it, .it of jus- tier, but al*o beoanw tiiere ww co intnuiio improtabiliiy in th* i ature t '. . i-e chargsi ihemsehe*. Th- . i r>oual r*- deotion on Mr. Bssch inthi I. i assertion thai munc trachrr*. a* t.'M'ai ml*, do not hold more rigid tirw.- i n this subject than these hel.1 by Dr J i Lord Palmerston. lodsrd ther, - - ri'thug in th* profession of mu.u w i > k>rus tb* emotions of tt votaries a. :>Tionfor prompt at tt fn ,|U-ul u< . 1<- nu-.itian liks Ihe poet (reserve* bi* (iehi.|.s from ihe mildew of prossie thotiKhi* si d thioga. In his seal is encud si. a ir to the fc. aa- lifnl, acd ihe firt-e. ci it n- I .1 there, ar* only sxlinguithed b> d-aih. A. cotdingly, when we hear ibai a mu.-n t t .>chrr kissd his Isndlady's or any ether :>' at tractive domestic we do not tusiiut iu> it itjvi tbe report as a calumny and * fl-h t Of course we ooghl i .-, h*caas*. tay what you will, m*.n r\n o lit permit- ted. anless be i* the ii.i, and tb* desirsd mac, lo take atUai t> k e of a pretty ser\ant|tirl in the set o! Iraun * ovt r th* kiicheii fire. If it were oih*rwt*. it is sssy to tee thai the wh .- household economy might be drrangi1 a' .1 we should b* oWisjsd alumat.h 10 *-k cu- help at Ik* Old Ladle*' Home It 1-^1 ailv to Ibe credit of Mr. Bch that in ici\ n-g hi* tst|. mony he displayed Ihe f. . i , , f n man who looked upon th* i:*c c if kissing attractive servant ^uls wnh rxireine dis- favor. If luch aclualK ar, i.,- f . i uniente h* will not b t.rrail\ ,ii.u.-.d by th* publicity of th* pnweevnus (.n th con- trary. he will regard nan ,, nf. which alniMl any man may U- cv 1 .1 upon to mak* and which no < u-vtrin violent and sorrepnttous .1- M *n n will xhrink from making It i u - that Ib* eed* if true reform are dii.nbntrd. Public observation an I cruicisin are Ib* pn>p*Kators of chaise, ai n if modern *oei*l\ ha* fallen fr in lit , vt,.i plans of Ihe teaching of Socrat*- . ,1 I ', u-urns, it i* high tim- that it made an , rtorl to climb up again IVooruni propiirty , r*. peel for private ri.ru.. ai c i,ur in the wiidora of such au i ff.>rt. an i \:- f tmi tjuil- lily of kitchen life abioluittlv .'unanu* il. Iranglhso her foror* ou Ih* oonflnes of hild, Pennl*, and whan she rnshsd hack to Armenia, and would only be loo ready to ! *av* him she found him covered with tire. txrven* If nailed U|wn Ihristlan popnlatlon. lo protsol Ihe Th* man who Is smploysd In a fealher tor* I* apt to got down on his knees nrslly flen. A man isldoin realmit* what " ashr* to shea " tnsan* ni.nl he has to slfl som* hen the wind Is blowing great gnu*. A Dotorioos aafr craoker, a f*w The child was unconscious and died hours later Capiain aid Mrs. Daly an. I Ihsir iwo other sons were badly barnsd. The girl* slio were injured. They wer* all taken to an bocpilal. Unsband (a msmtwr of Ih* Rporlmon's Clnl ) I see they hav* arrested snms men In the I-'*.* i for shooting birds on ths m Wife Serves Ihem right. They should shoot them on Ih* head or on Ibe fool. You r^texTMonnaynlghll^M,^^^^^^^^ iw , M(ln ,,,.. owing. I u..,lay mcrMng hj, e.o.p,d from , h . , dvoo ., w , wom . n 3LSST...S Hlalion. right ar* asking, would politics sw.ssrn or . .^1 Jmy ( - oinli.m are those that advertise Ih" most liberally and the most judiciously, and as their custom Increases they r,. enabled lo make their price* lower aad thus invit* a wider range of Ihe public. Th* tailor* who tmv* fallowed Iheir i \smpl,. ar* reap Ing a like r*ward and gaining the . a-n- *dni.g* so it Is also with tho shoe, makers, and as the tini* goes on thsre will no department of bu.inets which will not profli by th* lesion that expeiisnc* leaches so emphatically. 80 far from having U*n completed, ih* development of adv.rti.ing i. nu| U it* early stage* only. O M.I. I.I .. A Ixindon rable of Wednesday says Th, oas* of Mis. Vincent, paramour of L. U. I. sac*, member of Parliament for N.w tuglou. Wallworlh, under arreit f,> r ihoot- ing him in th* arm ou her f allure lo compel him to sign certain promissory notes In her favor, came up for hearing ta day The prisoner was committed for trial In bis testimony Isaacs admittia that the pistol might have been fired by accident and cr.nini a greal *en*atian In court when h* auerted thai when Mi** Vinosnt produced the pistol the first threatened to hoot herself, and thus rnaks his conduct public. A t.n.r..u. >l|ilrlt. AM. Blaicher ichtfong'} 1 Pon't yon think, Mr. Roach, u . ;u.i IH- * ^ ,-,l i.{ r a for Ihe rsilwav t < t;o r'own lUnon eireelT Ex Mayor Koach I'm i i p^rti.ular where it goe*. s* long a* \\< i-t ihe road. I would not care if n cm *ir*i l-t through niy boose as long as u ws* K .-,AI road. Lawyer- Your uncle make* tennis sole heir, but th* will siipalsle* that ih* sumol f 1 000 must hrt bun.ti with him. Heir (feelingl) ) -Th* old man was eov> ntrto, bal his withe* mail be rMprctexi. of course I'll write a check for thai amount. Mr. Loomiiand other friend* of the man Hlaiu-hertt, who was riCfiitlv k ll.'d at I'arkhill, have been gn n anollier wvk to produce anv evidence, tktt irn y may hav* anainst 1> MoColl, who wa* t-hkr^tst with being implioalrd in BUncharii * ,-t.ih. Th* measure al pre-m-nl be-fore, the b*o LrguUiur* providirg for It.e hrtn.<ni. ou* amalgamation . f Mchools of Me.ii. in, Laval anti Victoria ha* rrd ived th* sanction of tbe Holy See. and u i* now an agreeuirnl will be brought bo pod that aboal. Mr. G. Jackson, a mghtwalchman in tndsor, was run into by a stioi-l or in Uroil on Friday evening, and su*iain*d a oomponnd fracture of ooth l*g and ever* brnieei ou hi* had. lie may di* Lortl Halishury intimated yesterday that would accept ihe Uuil.d Slate* h* Many good psopls In thl* country will Ontario Hire*! "><* hang** in tb* I xiradita-n *ty. Ihersfor* Ih* tutor* patl.un^ bo- Mr. Lincoln and Hi* Lordship will be snarl and sasy LUal. -Governor McLellan b* greatlv ihockeet lo learn Ihal Mr Gla.l Ion* and hi* enlire family recently vi.itrd S"* ""n opensd Ih* Harnuro's circa* in London. We supixw ' ' ' tovlncl *' l^gteUmr* teitor- h. went onlv loathe animal, K ^ ^T . Th " ' Woh lto " lh aplar* from the reports thai he saw Ihs i r* , llu> oo*' 11 *** of th* whole .how. lar^Tl'arty.ar <P " 1 *" 1 " 1 ""' '"*"

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