ID OF i: VK NOT**, Ia a rreenl te*a we deaeribnd certain p.-t.:aUr. 13 which tbe Caoadina banking y*t*m ie eup-ro- to tbe Xaiiuel baac yttem of the U. ited State*, and we men- tioond the plao* propotad to kaop tht BOM* of a tu|.ri ard oat al par aoiil their redempuor, and to make the cote* ol a bank located ia Prinoe Edward Itlacd raaeivablu at par in Brituh Columbia. We tball no* c >u: :*r ite propoat.oi aador*ed by many Cau%Jiai i, ihtt there thjald b* no bftnk i.oie ; ihi tb* f ftper carreacy of tb* cjautry eh uli be i**oei directly aad tolrjv b. ih* Government, and laal bank* aboali do a r u<io<t* of depotit aad d.*- ooani. - r h- N .: i .! Bank tyttem of the t'uitrd S:atei bai p-ovei iteelf a great improv*meut over the o.d Wildcat bftnk* acting nai-r S < charters but it ctanot be p:rm-jent tne a**i* of the ryttem u thai a Dan cr a oompacy willing to Man a b taking bo-inet* *hali porch***, My. flOQOOO woni L f Government bond*, which t.* *nall depotit with ihe Govern meat ai u-jon which he thall draw inter- MI. On the ~ ir ty o' ir.oee boodt he can then i-*uv t A) OuO of bank note*, paying to tbe G->v*rn>D- > a tax c! 1 per oaoi. on the circulation of the hank. It will be obiervej tbat in btuker gelt intereet from the G -vernment oi> hi* iive*lment, and he ha* the a*e of nine-Math* of hi* inncimeut at 1 per on.! i rather a pleatnnt arrangemact for th* banker, bat. at we have nil. n .-aunni be permanent, boaate the pe-pu- . f ihe I'aiHdSiaM* are oppoee-i to a national debt, and before many yean they will have paid off all tb* bond*. Some other fo-ra of teenrity will hav* to be devierd. if bank* of i*>a ar* to ei longer in that country. Tbe opponent* of bankt cf iacoc that tne *>(tetn induce* industrial crice*. Ia the normal mt* of bud- nee* Ub. TT*. producer*, manufacturer*, and d:c.ributor* ar* working tonether on toucd economic principle*. Good* are cheap, ami ao it tabor, bai everybody it ba*>. Men wi hog to work cn nod em- ploy meet There u an equilibrium be- tween (apply and d.maod. Good* ar* bought and eon*am*d ae fati a* prod need. Bank divijefed* begin to took up." Baak lock* n*e ao>i n*w bank* ar* f jrmed. Old one* grow cartle** abcnt In* bill* that come to thrm. Trice* of good* ri*e When people ar* making money" they contume more. W.ih rmag priae*. (peculation *M* ia. Each new pinbaeer give* hi* bill ; an 4 each teller take* hi* bill to th* bank. aad hft* u tamed into trading power. Th* name good* are "di*ooant*d ' over and over again. All bank* of letne vie with each other in keeping oat t large aa amoaut of " tirvulftiian " M practiaabl*. The mere*** of tbe volume of moa*y add* to the iuflatija of gcvvd*. aod labor and prodaclioo ar* greatly itirau lated and k r-. ;, locreaaed. Everybody taaott* he i growing ri.-b. and enlarge* th* tphere of hi* opr ration*. Th* demand for labor rain-e the rate o? wage* Th* deru . 1 (or tbe great taplet iocroate*. both fjr oOL>*umptioo and pecollioo. After four or five year* of inflation, the baak* beoome alarmed al frt.|aent loeee*. and curtail ih -ir oinjounu. They thu* force Ih. ir cn*lom<r* to Mil good* ala loee, and in th* ffori to *ve themeeiv** there u an indiecrimmat* daughter cf trader* Tbi< cau**t a return to the bank* of tbe cole* i.i circulation, or their equivalent, by lho.- who owe them Depositor* oatdh tb* panic, and rn*h to draw their baJaace* in oath, bat tbe bank* ow* three or four time* the amount of cnah in hand, aad bave uo alternative but to Mop peoi pay menu. Then come* depr**aioo. eoonooay, and a'ler an enforced ret another cydeof " good lime*," itdation and vaic eel* in. Bow fr the iMutng of bauk note* it re*pjn-<itile for I9i> alternation of iu'Jttion we oa'iiot tell. J. B. MoCnlloch tay* that no man or r*t of men ever had the power u make nnre- dri.-ie.i 1MO* of paper, without abating u that i*. mihout i.uiug it in inordinate inauliiK* Sir Robert P^el. the author of tbe Bank Ao* of 1*44. aaid (though h* did not carry ta* ineory into practior) . Boea* hav* rontended, and I ftni not one to i\iv ibe i> win <n that U we bad ft uew cat* ol *>viet< to J 1 witb the wi*e*t (< ta wouM be to elftiui IT ''-' M*K trie icloatre iee.e ol pveiuutorv n.>tee ft* we bftve etairnea 1 lor it tb* anttaov* privilene ot ewna**. Twejr coei* der lhnt<naWal*l**nUtit4t*tC*wbM* pev>ai to N> derived Ir ui Ihftl whiob u ta* reprMenlftUv* of eoia : nd mat. il the. Slate had the eaelwMve power ot IUID< rfr iber* wuald be Mlftb- tubed a ronirv Ihn*; |>o*er whwh <oejd tnrare. ft* lr ai pjeuble, ftn e>tuilit-nuu> ui the curreuey Mr. G'alrtoce (tid ia 18W : "The whole butine** of it-u* it in th* 8tt and, what ii more important, the re*ponti- hility a!* i belong* to th* Siatr " Mijhel Chevalte-. th* Krrnoh eoooorniit, any* : Tbe. |vwer of i*uing pjvr oarreney Nlon** to Ih* Slat*, and u ue at toeeeeeaual attribute* of Ih* ;.:,. ! -r t'l-taiu* te><n a> tb* cu4aia>of P i or uiei*. u- ui.Miy Tb pnuel|<le bn conc*>l<xl tbe <rautiu >-f the i<owr. welbeni eoniv* -' ! .'" ^onii^any f -,..*:e tt***> b\l.trft. i* lu ihe uatar* ol ft feudal wi>ao|^]v l < erba|>* it n were .>ul to u h c\MUi<anuM Ivv 114 alwtk and Ih* teoeecdi r*ii into thenanonal tn-Mury l>r UM two nt .( ihe i-jv:. at lar,'. no |tfte mo tivpief vould rvault to UM nation rim it wl woal ft* r*i.uraleal u aa . McnBee o) public intenM. TheA> aaihoritie* Jo not favor an irre- deemable paper currency, but ia*Ut ih the i<*ne of Oovernmonl note* mn*t b* to guarded tnt th* note* (hall alway* b* . ruble into gold. WiUeon, in hi* book oa "Currency or Monetary Science" recommend* th* Mtablithment of a - State Monev IVpartmeut," Ihebutim-t* of which (h ftll 'be . I'o provide and rav com for all the gold bullion >-ff -red. *o;tiig that *u.-h coin U of the *PTA lA-Hl ntin*M; lo pro\id* nd pay not**, of Ihf d*nomi nation* itweined by law, for gold and (ilver to all who bring *och metal, coin**! cr uti.vni*.*, to ihe iMoe omce, or it* branchM or agenciee ; To pro>id.< (ilv*r. and *abidiary comt of ali K'lidt. and *ellth**am# 10 all oom*r lor ); -Id or (ilver ooiu, or tilver bullion, al it* market value, or paper inon*y at th* option of the artieapplying . I'.' rel<<*m all not** and tilver and other tubtidtary coin* in fc o'.d coin, on prt *enta lion al ili* Mveral placa* ipeoiAed tor thai purpoa* ; V.. e*tftlih agemrie* al tn?h Importaal wntreo of budtiee* at *xpari*noe thall U..H.>ftU, l\> take chnr of all oath held for th redemption of p%p*r manaj. and t*O>MB all *uoh ppf money on pre**niluni . To receive, hold and p*y out, on check, I a um of m.'-.iey -meullio an i paper, of a n*oiO*d amount, of private individual* and >ojtl itock aatooationa hot pay: j no inlenat tcere'.r Here u provUion for aooTartibuity at ill. It wi.i be obearrad that then to BO eaico to mate prcdt oat of th* In Wil^oc'i word*, paptr moeny by ach dpanmeot will eoat trai*n aod all oil mi jo*t a* much a* metallic wti:h i* th* correct tbiag. Bal ealer*, banker*. mtrUiai.!* and miner*, th* owner* of tbe praaioa* mttal*. will take them to tbe mcoey department. a* they ao* take ih-m to tbv Ba^k c! England, tbe mini, or *o broken, and will them for now* or for com. a* they my ueed, each party -tb* Stale and the owner cf metal trading oa market valaee the ani^e* they hve to Tiah>nga. Tba* there will b- a perfectly talf reeptlalim o* automatic mack:ary evlabluhod. Toere will be no mor* meeJ caused than U needtd by the pablic, BO more no*e*i**aed than will' ttay in drculation. DO more metal iak-n to tbe mafuj departmeat thaa will aftxd a profit, h jwever (mall. The eqoatioB of (apply and iteoi*n< will flad it* MOtit eqtupciee. The eqwlita a* perfect a* the face of the wave* and ripple* wUalvayttead toward* an ti*it Uvd If a prufii ooom to the de> panmeni from the iarae of paper, it will belong to tb* canon, aad not to indiwia*!* The proii. it will be t**o inch a department will (imply be dental circcnutanoe and oct primary It occur* t: a* that th* United State* may gel very doe* to the tyitem outlined above by tradnal prcceaa. Already the flnnrii**nl iesoe* *ilvr oertifloMe*" ra- in the coin aod bullion Morcu in tbe trcatary called ia, the i**o* of National Baak mod be curtailed, aad their plao* can (uppliad by a farther JMoe of gold aad *i!v*r eertiaoaVM. by th* Oorvrenitnt. in i-hngw for gld and tilear depoiiled with tb* Government by th* naopit In view o! each a change in the UaiaM State*, and keeping in mind th* carreat project* for aa international coinage, it n.ay b* wi*e for th- Cftaftdiaa Farliamect to renew the Canadian bank charter* for a ih-rt te>rm of year* ocly. Cacada aad the United Statet both uwihe decimal tyit*m. and in view cf the growing commercial lranactioni between the two ooaatriet, U will be we 1 1 1 have coin* :.i bank nole( IneainboagMnli at par. Cruel Arab M.- Huter. The Arab tjttera of raidieg ia auijae. TEA TABLE GOSSIP A boat fifty %e*r* exteaive Manyema eooatry, ol waiah Nyangw* ana '^aMjogo are BOW well- kiiowa ewntr**. To* ManyeoM*. aflar belts thn* aiibanded. gralaally allied tbeouelve* with the Arab*, aad eventu- ally bave tpread their out the country to an Tbe Arab* on their expedtuoct in March ol lave* and ivory, generally tarroand th* native village early ia th* morning. At a given (igaal they raah in from all point*, firing nxbi aad left anH oaptoriag all tbe womea. It th* m*n c5*r reattlance they are abol . othexwie* they art allowed lo Moapr. Tb* maragader* then pillage ali tbe hot* ia tbe villa** whico tbev afterward fir*. If, however, th* plao* happen* to b* eiwnaiv*. th* Arab* adopt different tactic*. They form a ttoekad* or raraha Ttau* fortified they Mtabliab themtelvc*. maintaining a Uriel watch at night. Uurin;! the whole of their (lay they keep thi* attitude of defea**. After the lapee of Mveral day* tbev rtleejae two or three of Ihe women prittnert, who ar* ia*iracted to dtliver * me**a*e to th* men in hiding far away in the foreit - 1* th* effect t.iat J they want their womea back tbev cind oome and redeem them wuh to*k( of ivory each woman burg value* at the rat* of one large iuk. Then Mvtra day* pa**, until purhar* eve miming early a gruff voice i* heard ia th* aiitaac* hail ing Ibe vcctmpiurnt. H* it.]aire* at to the truth of tb* ttfttemeot biooght by th women and then fellow* a parley. l>urio. the .itw-iurnl day* the pereecnted nalivt oome with ivory lo reieeoi their mother* ai*t*n or wivit. Kvealanlly they mak friend* with their oocqaaron, who then at* them a* guu'e* to the next eaoamp meal, where the tame treatment i* repeals upon the neighbor* cf the** recently plan d*red. Fait of tb* reward that th* gi receive from th* Arab* u th* S<Mh cf th people who ar* (hot in th* next attack flrrixrf Wur*- m Smfckfr. Th* Or**: Lodge of I O.O.F. M ia M* To* raaoamM of Bax* hav* bald Mvwral a>*niag< to pi rapilttiow* ptcpijoad to b* in tb* Natioaal Park by tb* Oovwnateai. at wail a* agamM ihe form of lean* of *rad to thoM who May nth to takt lona. A ooavMtioa of tb* rotail Mftcitoba will b* bald ia Wicai the ir*t weak in Manh. F. G. Lafaatoire, proprietor of in* Rjval Hotel. Calgary, ba* niftjntd Ltabiliuea, .000. Tb* Badge* wai bronvhl down ia tb* '^^^ Hoate to-d*v. Treatarcr McMillan read* aa abls tpn*ch. Be pointed oat tb* y of tne prevent A' iiiiMi*liii xuc pared with the txtravagaaM of hit pr*- aon. and proved hit aMertion* by re*. The aMimatfr! expenditure laie year i* I486 471. agaiaM 3U 4T, aa ia create of over $100000. Tb* eMimntM in- Lefjeatioa MS. TOO. laat year %MMi mz 13.705 . Tr*a*nrji Depnnment $156*? laM year 14 623 : Provincial Seerwiiry : vear fa.C.' j , agriculture aad Ian yoar $44.tV? OMirel't Departmwi Jir 300. Ian ; I7S.38S. Tb* iacna** in thu eaa* ii for (aauiaf ih* BOW land title tjrtom. R.l y ooonuMionwr ITS 300, latt y **j 903. Thi* lam wili be a*d is potuag 40 atilM of the Haiacc Bay Railway in tkape. to ihat il will bwcome troar-.iy tar tb* beau ittatd by th* Norqaay Gov*ram*at. Pcb be work* HI 9.310. la** vear -J03 T04 ; dwantiea 11*0 000, Utt yoar Iti.oO* > b* direct revenue i* tetuzaMd at ii3,(*S- The phneipal wnrew* thereof ar* . Dommlon Mb*vdy. *4U.OOO : Laid Title* .See*. 60.000 ; law atairp*. fJOOO . liqasr lioooaM, *5.000 : iattrett. 4d,000. With mterewt oa ouMtaodiag loan* to niaaici- oalttM*. etc., th* revenue wU. be tweuec t.- W*T.OOO. The eiry ha* bewa tar a f*w dayi i-!r*ie: w:ih a gan- of crook* relMtrd recently from Pemaiaa jail. They wtr* armMed to- day a* vagrant*, and will h* given I wtcty horrt to leave with th* alternative cf a.- moatht ia -ail. A Port ' Artbor deepatch tay* thai Engineer Garden reKraed to-day from tie " Caradian Pactic Railway branob to Attikokar.. and report* tb* tost* very ea*y iade*d. there beicg only (oar mile* which ecnid poMibiy COM $15,000 > liat t.-f ..vat:.:. a_- -U low* i* lliai.litri ii ao w i ilaig ga* .- . ;^* rr".r< c' a - ta -~ 1 ft ^ : v irV ~ t . ";;'-'" f^tV*. ..V" If yoo. waot to .:e to food ell age, be good nhikf/tcs a:* jowaf, -A bant (ho%id h* watered before it i* ted. aad not imoieriuvaly after. -Tb* U-'t ol th* tafcl* ' i* ai*a*iae tb* liitl* town of Gaiae*v.; e. Ga. Heua wita kit Eac- aadba=aoe witb im Cot McMillan in hit bodgM tpatch (bowed that MJOtXM waj Mved by the raatal G jvtramenl :a ooe year la tbe c.-l f admiBMtrMioav It* M. .t N. K*.:i> are arranging to run ritMtntir train* lato tb* oily ow*r th* . P R. From Portage la Prairin. The ortbera Pacific wa* looking for tb* co= Ttir Child at Ike rnlwre. Il i* a dreadful paiat about microbe* tayt the Ucw/<Us tbftt tbe only way t avoid hftviuM them ia a vtrulwl form u to have them in an artificial or ftttonnai* form. Tbe cmldrea of tbe tutor* wul uo run thicugi ibe pr\ent aanant of infautil di*>ar, but they wtil probably b- nb jested to inoculation with vanoui every few month*. Kir*i. thev will b* vaocinated for ataallpcx . when they hav recovered from thai. ih. y will be taken lo a Patleur Ir.aitlnte to hav* a mild form rabie* Ntt. they will b* given a doee o tbe comma bacilli to prevent cholera, an. o oo throo^n all ihe ver growing **ne* c diee microbe*. Oh ! lackleM child C the future ! yoj will never b* ill and uev* b* well ; your health will be aw. fall. monotonon* ; yoa will never know the wwariu*** of lh fir*t night of m*a*lee. when il wa* *o nice t> li in mi'lher'e la and fetl her oool hand on ycur for*h>ad It it libaly that will b* Uih wbMken aad : botaUwentag 1 1 Tb* Orarg* Grard Lx'g* at SBMCX TbtM are tTOO .; ^e UTTLC WO Thi* i* a taliawy, tlkr tb*y will . Tb* rwMoa M very mm ; . a:. .; > - . : NaroraUy Th*ar . :.< .fv- ifart at ay. when trying aa a larg* ba* : - Ow, I .- i J i.-t I-.-L :'. j_-^i uu bi. why. tt add* at IMM tix iaobn i of a hat. tcnr^y citing*. ha*** tmoa 1 the wore* larf*! .'; appear larger and in bM to^b* bndy A. Z^wu ft _ao d* wit tbat are aJveniwd to car* tbtnctroa* a tailMiai to a Read tb* a** of** tbaa Dr ^^ :a thi* 1; -I..! ;: s * Ai a oire* caaaale A:i ling, thai we are at retired eoraar, tar away front tb* aa* tell joo, bow mach I iov yoo, powiow. for aiaairaa ha* ja*i pionn. aad evary body * b* ban to got oot of tbe way.*' -Eight ucwfaded BMidt of - hav* MCI a tearful ptoMtt to tb* Mayor, iag yooag bai btlori. Tbe that the acre forward wue* cf tb* rebel* do jj*oouat*o*4.o* their miatit tbeep fcvWaad afa* '**d dropty. Ihi* - . t-t .1 :i i.i Thwi - Diteoeary " wul reallv emrt an aVta* inaifJiioi. timf Ir baoaw* is r*n4** U* aloerfwpaa wkich tbeA **o*a4 and bojew* ay . . : -Tfti7.a.-i ! : EwJ Fi :^.*ta. eye* *o $rtuy it ai th* twain* pay than DO be.-o la* Mayor tay* b* eaaaa* btip the cjU Io. had. Bet when yo are widjwa. girl* oh. my t Jta r.-r* WtrU. What the UrtiUk :dir Kai*. The pay of a private talditr of a Uo* lafaatry rrgiaxni which i* tb* *salMM maa i rale of pay ia tbe may i* on* thilhag far dmr. Ia aoditio* to hit pay b* reaetve* a daiiv ralica of taw* qaartart . ' > poaad of m*at aad ua* poaad at write bread. Punrg peace. v*rj iking e'.ee t? :> ; - ri at f joi h* ha* to parohaa* from hi* daily pay. Won en active it waU fed fr-eof al. obarg*. The Faaklvn Ha* ll*w>e The honey girl* who laal tammer took up th* faabion of wearing man'* akin*, collar* and tie*, aad decorated the lapalt of their liitl* jack*** with boauoaitr**, nun a*hion. ran ike pao* c:o* too toon. My* the New York 5wa. The factory guU bav* be ahirt front craxe. and b*~jatorth it it doomed a* aa article o! faahiooabl* aiur* among women ol any too:al prMeoUoc*. Whatever tbe abopuU eoibrace. a* a rale, u doomed in x-wy. for th* girl* oanall) raa the faahioa to death in a fee moalh* on th* on* hand aad a. a kilt look better than ihe tociety we maa on th* ether. At all event* they cheapen nay new bobby with a great dal of rapidity. Tb* aifn cf th* thirt front U to be (ran iu tver . cood< (hop in towv. acd wn-.c the wvatbcr brv-ome* a little more atlileo if each a ooaiummatioa i* ever brought abomt ihe aidewalkt will be enlmaed by endl*** ahirt i adapted to ibe neevi* aod faebwo- able atpiration* of thai portion of foouci. * New York which worknn the ahop*. vBte Dry Uood* IVu. Plaid ribcont are ia fathionable favor. The fancy tartan* com* in tilk* tor iaggowni. Even popUat ccmt ia fancy and MB, Surah *ilk( will be r^ticrrJ t) favor f.-r There ba* been a grea deal ol talked aad wr.rMn cf Uw ahoct tb* intaf- ft;**nry of tb* toldiM-'t f cod. Tb* fae* it r.e i-u r-e-iy t.- eat ;;t .-- ia< t.- v*.y !.r maoh of it oat cf hu owa roctei. V-.~JT^ nay carp* on parade, ard the plamp. rn4dy a- t ptara-_.- of tb* men wul pro** how well be U fed. Ia addition M the daily ratwct which I hate already de*cnb*d. e\nry com- ^.-i.r << e;' '. a -.. . ..M.! aN ;l to each maa. MJI men ateo bay in their caattect, beer, hot tan*ag*. batter, jam aad other lata-if* Ic H( recreat 03 room tb* ol irr cvn be eetved ai all hoar* with good tea. ccflee. bread and batter. Mo. Tbe qotMion tor tbe gorernaveal to cooataor i* bow mnch of th* *oldvr b* paid tor by tbe uta. G**. ViMonat WolMUy. K B , etc., ia Harper t That'* a to another at tb* . Ye* : but tbe greateM bard I ever raa acrcwwatia tb* we*a." Wbatkiad of a band ww .1 - Well. I Nppcn* yo>*d *alt it a riaf band. It wa* uomnond naaialy of mnav- oar* cf tb* viawanM oanuauvr*. Happy U th* w.-ataa witbont botiy ill*, t h --. - -i l"^ca fc -*t **^ ^'^^ knowi of tb* w**iac pronerut* of Dr. Pierce'* Favorite Freecr'.ftJoa. Wb*n rl*vi. a* ah* tamly wvd be apoa tnej oftt.1 OMofl : /r ft I been iaaiiiil ol it. Tb* - Favcnt* Fmt- tiecbaaeniawl aad irrngakutwna. yon will never know the joy* of c oer.ce, whtii orange* were nameroa* n very en* wa* kird to yon beoaaee j on were not well ; at d your end will be to die cf debility. Uow glad we are that we live in the pr*tent, with all it* up* aad down* of health to lend variety to Uf* aad death. S(. Jamit' <.!. m tit Kemetnberea On* Who Had. Kaamoar*d Youth |io comic opera fairtt iel Pcuolim ! iia* ro maa *vr mad* an impreeetoa on your -.'..uty heart I Fair Kn*lav*r(wilh a (ih) -Ye*. 1 loved jronr jitandtather. Ah, he wa* a aobU maa. Tb* I>8glM tartan U popular for theatre w.let*. pnnifularly mftUoev*. Flatde or tanaa* are beir v already made ap c-.i tb* bift for tpnnii :-. i' Iftrtana ar* omoined adminbly with velveteen in children'* (print: narmenta. The new nan 1 * vei iag* com* with her den and eometiiue* trinxe* oo oa* **lvag. The iprin* trade of whole'.e dry fOOwl hoa*e* ba* opened already, with a fOo4 Mawll Tb* ocmb.ndu . . of whit* with yellow, or white and o)J, u mach ftvcred for evening dree*. A Vftndykei border oa oo* talvafe, fin- Uhed with a frirgr. i* a novelty in faacy cua't viling.-.\>w J.k>, on a foci ( MUMoi Hotel dark (oa tbe Bowery ' -Wall air Gaeet (oooating out iv woui Oimtn* a room aad a paokag* of rough ca rat*. id Obiln*. \ettl Where are you going I'nmtoobeak- Qp.'l ixpno* errand. *n I gvt yoo to drop thi* Ktier in the Font Offlo* for m* T " Oortamly." _ CUra Ilarry aakad me yevlervifty to be hi* valeatta*. Agn* I didn't know be wanted a comic one Tfcey " Xe*a For a toy >e.- th' moantaotuvit . I'fttarrh Remtdk bav* ijfered. in good S . ;- wrd f.-r a cu . f Naeai -.-rh wfci.-h tS-T caat.ot car*. Th* Raratdy i* aM by crajotKt* only .X' cwoi* Thi* onar(aJ r n>edy ba* fairly huoed n world wide repatatra*. U yta have .--'.: beevT headaon*^ obnraet tbe natal pn*M**. ci.harg* fftlbng from the head into tb* throat, tnantiani pro- fa**, watery. nd acrid, ai ctoer*, thick. : tnaaoiooo, raoooa*. paralrnt Ncodv aed ' patnd. i! t: eyr* are wvak. watery and iBnaawd; if il-er* i* nating :a tb* tar*, deatce***, basking or eoogbing to clear tb* throfti. expec oral .oj of offeotiv* matter, t.vriher with Mab* from aloer*. the TOM* ^r. v . i-r x.-. .- ft rj. t; i ihf breath offenaiv* : uaell ftcd tail* impaired ; entauoa at diutne**. with nentnl de- w It. lie (om*wbMtn*pio>on*ly) To* tay yoa never lovod anybody act m*? Ba I* tbat trae. Maad ! She Harrv. yor look* terrify BM I Have bav* I been too hoed in allowing yon to kiM m* to mvna twM r*win * Be-No. Maud, bat yoa kiM like an oU baad. The Oeartftklf) of the rwiare. Soe-Cbarlie, I can ao loader aonooal my raanioa lor wen, Oo yom fev* ma ia MtoJBl He T.-u mad ft* a pa B* kn:wt nMT* boci (ach thing* tfeaa I do What i* regarded a* oxt to a deci*r**j ren*cn why there mart to Bmropeaa pen** i* tb* oalcnJaMon that tbe eaabiliiatiwBi wt ibe Fraech. Qanraa. an4 Ratniit arnue* wnnJd COM 100.0M 000, ana their maiBieav ance U tbe fteM ww*Jd COM 1400080.000 a OMtfc. A war of thre* amalb*' aa woald thamfcr* BM np tor then* < ibftt every notion ia Earnpe, hlokwJIa* Bn- giand. wonid hav* to ana aad bold itanV re* iy. wri.-* wonid ooM million* Tbee* bUi* ar* conid*red too high to aoaaated -\rw r.-r >. Anteabtr of Coer*nt ba* n poky dnvia* bore* which b BUi " becau** il it to ta* y to D. r. J. u t*. **. r-recMon, a hacKiag debility, you ar* tniftnag catarrh. ' I'D* more corn p.':. -(ted yoar dietaee.the great* rtheaam bar aad diwnity of *y mptom*. I'boataadarf cant* anaaaUy. withool man:fe*t:n< half of tbe above 'om*. re*ali 10 ocntampiioe. and end in the grave. No di**a** i< to aoma>oa. more deceptiv* ard dangerou*. lent under- wxvl. or more antn v<eef ally treatod by Ji.vr A<T\-. eldeM *oa of tb* lat* William A*K r nd grand ton of ih* original John JftC#t> A*i -r. .:.e.i in New York on Saiardav fr. : bean Jiiraee. leaving f.^rtun* beh : t him of $150.000.000. He left it hfcaaa* he could not take il with him. Hi* ton. William W. AMor. ijet the bulk of th* w.^t>. which he in hie turn will lave to om* otner Actor, talent b* manage* to bl.-<w it ia ia the meantime, A reward cf 5.W i* offered by the Miohi- gan Ceetral RUway f>.-r it* rre*t of the party or panic* who. oa th* lith and 14ih inilant. r4ao*d til* and UM oath* track ia front of No 10 txpre**. SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and NYPOPHOSPWTIS of Lime and Soda Scott's Emulsion Caxcn .- Concha aad Cole*, rtt \Tttnt: 10 VIIK. \ :_ An*r*w Oarnegi*'* offer to upend a million dollar* ia publt.- Kbarie* in rut* i burx ha* been aocepted by the Ccai-oil of , thai oily, whioh, to carry ol tbe ban* j floeaoe, will give forty lhou**o>d dollar* a **a.r, the earn* to he xpenoexl ia tbe main- < Moaaot of tb* Indilution. Tbi* hbenUity ha* beta baadtoroely mpplamauted by Millionair* Oharle* 3 C *rk, who .bat | niTM bandied AMMO d dollar tit* in tb* I Ea*t KnJ tor the cratral building. temporal aud moral welfar* of hit flock | The French Panama Oom:iaiou will (peak ct thi * thing* ihat com* horn* to report thai it wi.l b* wrovaaary to con- (tract Ihe oaaal with aU to ftighi look*. I CURE FITS! TrUUSANDS OF BOFUS GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. Wken I .v Cwew I ' - - - - nwMtel(votw*w.foratinM k aaatBna lav* Ikeei retara *<rala. IMCANAMAOICALCUMI. 1 have w*4> tke dbwate o rrtn, K''*"*r e>r ralime: B*cki*wa twe~:.>* strv. I warrant SB.T ieeedj to Our* ttM th* Be<ate e4>*i( a< failed i ae OM*I fat x .' reer.r>r a cmre. Send at aarefvx > tie*' .< < F-* nettle i . 1-tAii-He Rern<fy. >... b.iprrv. u>d P**t O* < It -v>-. T\- r.yftvr ( .1 a n il. *,' it wtU cmre . AJJreu . - M. O> IrOOT, (B.C., arancH Om*. l* > CST ADILAIOI TKKKT. YOOMTO. A Ci-ov> kUhop in Kntai. in aa addret* to th* poo) 1* of hi* dtooe**. *ayt Ihat th* only peopl* who ar* not proHoXd by ending tarrj law* ar* th* fareier* and the wage-winner* ThM i* tonahiax neril- ooelv ^iot* to party ground*. But why (hoiU.l not oleruymau ioler*et*d in tb* . V . . -, , A J if tKev wiO Me* mt OMTAMIO.