Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1890, p. 7

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DOMINION PARLIAMENT. On***, Feb. Ibe Speaker took the cha.r al 3 o'clock. Mr. boweil moved to bave printed in ibe vote aud proceeding* of Ibe Uone th farther aurre*pood*noe in in* Ry kert affair. He pitpOMid teal ihe explanation* made by bou jteu'hmeu in tbe Liouee uu in* letter writwu o> the member for Lincoln to the Bw*Laper* recently anould be printed. He td till* ai a matter of xlf-deleuoe, ta*e be wanted lue BOOM to be in pc* teaion cf all tbe facia iu conaecut.ve order poo tbe reooidi of the Hoo*e. Mr. Laarier **id he ooul l uot content to the letter by tbe member fir Lincoln being placed o,|,ou the vole* and proceeding! until he o-jold examine it. To the explanation* being included be bad no objection*. The motion wa* withdrawn till to- morrow. Tbe following bill* were read a third time and pined : Respecting the Port Arthur, Dolulb .v Weetern Railway Company. Reepeciinig tb* Goderioh <& Canadian Pacinu J auction Railway Company, aud to obauge the E ame ot tbe company to Tbe Godcricn \ \Vingbam Kauway Company." To incorporate tbe Sanll tito. Mine ik Hadeon'* Bay Railway Company. To incorporate the Ottawa, ilorrubur^h A New York Railway Company. Mr. Lauritr, on reiouiiug tha debate on Mr. McCarthy'* Bui, wa* received i.h tp- plc,). i.e*ai<l: I for on* woald aooept Ihe dcdtretion mule by tne framer of ibi* Bill, noioniy wmle m.ruduoirjg it. bat ou **vc ral occasion* pieviouiU, tbat U it not act jaled by auy h.ntile fetliug towd* tbe French peJpie in Canada, but that b* h** aooti er motive, viz , the laudatl aod ioy.1 one of ureveulicg future lulerueclne ftUJ by rtmuv.Lx cauati of ojntentiou. I ihoald b* eorry wbeu ihj hjn. ui*mt>3r htrior* ach hub fetlii'g* lo dUiurbb him, but I Bud ha ha* a different motive, and for him M nunxiu-j that be i* to itcun th* feaoe and harmony of ihe country by the p.au be pro^oee* n surely an egregioo* miitake. I maiutain that hi* prtnenl action i* only endangering the ptaceaud harmony wbicn xiot* now. Hu would not carcj ipeak of the l-'iei ob. nationality in ibi* Uoa*e a* a baotord nationality, iu Barrie be aaid at the la.t election that the great datget which ovtr.badjwtd the country wai thi* baetard nationality, and which threatened tbe diimeinbeiineut of Canada. Why, the day * are nut far dutanl, nor more tbau five year* dutant, wben tbi* bt.lard uatiou- ality wa* noanimon* in tti *upport ot tbe Conservative party. I venture to *ay. jadgirgof the (ulnre by tbe pact, that it ibe French-Canadian* wtre to become ni nt i and K iv th* whole weubt of their party to tb* Conservative*), not one With reference to tb* Bill before tbe Qooa*. Tbe Mini.tcr of Coitom* may Ho'iae. I wuhtd before the adjournment to >baae nil bead if he like*. It make* no have given doe consideration to every thin; d.rleraoo*. I object oo ah* ground thai the itaMrmei.! by the bou t,ent.em*u la a filrt hood, ai.d I am prrptred to f rave it a fai*e- cry. i.** >. word vso-.ui we hear of thi* ua>tioi.a Kv>-r>lbii)g ii ttuJiDK to a flir. . a treat |X>pa:allcn 11 Kom< tbe Tircuoiit*. We ma*l take tbe.e into view, wheu it n the) proper time to utal ltd tbe qoeatioo ; wben we are prrparto to ^ive Ibem a uioie extonoed form oi lucal aoioui.ni>. \VUen tbe lima cointu e mal be pr|wrtd ta deal with thu qaection upou bco4 vriiiCipln, with an tye to the wtl fare ot Ite u.ajjiily and tbe protection ot tbe minority. Till then it I* brtur 10 defer consideration of thu qatetion, aua Utal wiih more timely onti. Thereiithw reruaikkble ftatare ia tbe Bill : It n not louuaed upon tbe txprewuou of *i 1 ou the part of ibe i'emlorit*. kt in a bread priu- ci| I- apitlyinx to tbe whole country. I'bu ie b> 1 object to the Bill. I labmil to all parut-H in thii Uooe, Freucn, Kaglib, LibrraU and Coim-cvativ-i. tba* it u bet to defer tbe c<.u.Jeriion of thia matter tui euoh a time ai we are prepared to Oeal with o.btr quriliooi fecuu me Nir'.b w<t 1 err i tone*. Let all remember thi, that uo race HI tbii oooulry ba* the ab- > late rubi to invade the rigbti of toe other After Mr. LaaiUr eat do u there were Ottr-e ot "Q-ie.tiou fr jui aeveral rueuiber*. Sir J.'iiii Maodonald on tiling wai loudly applauded, lie taid : Mr. Bpeaktr. 1 k.o a gieai way witb my hon. friend m Li r- aia>rk* referring lo tne prinotple of thi* bill. 1 ) luptlhiae with hi* natural iuJi.uai:uu a tne iMignaxe which bai been ued to apporl c( thi* nieeiure before tbe Uoa*t> I have no accord with the deeire expre*cd in ouif quarter* that by any mooe woal ver then kbould be an attempt to eopj rue oue lau K u*gt' aud make it IL(. ri -r to ih other. 1 believe il woald be iaij oible to do eo, a-ui fooh-h and wu-ktd if it >re Boe.b*. In 1844 tbe OoTerument here mudtr Sir Charie* MetoalfehadaCon*er>. live tukjority, and with tba exception of four the French anadiani wcr in the Oppoattion. I wai elected and eat iu that Parliament a* a Tory, aad 1 lupported Lord Metcalfe. There w> a rwoiutuu B.oved in ibat Hona* when the French Cauadiai * were powerlewi to help tkem- Mlvt tf What did thi* lloun do ? A rtio- Union w< paeeed, cot by a Liberal Govern me. i. but by a CoL*jrvative Government, elected iu opposition to th* interest* of the Province of Lower Canada, without a ungle dteee-itioul voice, to relieve the Freuun I'a I/JIDH of tbe action oaueed by ih Liberal Uoverrmnt in Krglaud. at the iuetraoiion* of th* Radical Lotd Durham gir Jobn here rtad from the rtpori of the prooeedmg* howmx that MUI|> tbe Liberal* in Ki<((Und enacted tbat only Knglteh tboold be tpokeii, the Tory AMombly in Canada petitioned her Majrety lor the repeal of the Aol, anJ had il repealed, and both lan|(oae* <ra madi juil, ut'k't thai the French wa* not per- muted to be tte legal language. V ,>u tuay I o remember tbat when tbe lion Ueor^r Brown wai leading the Ki-form party with eaormoui ability, hi* whole aim wai op- pre-eion of the French. Every ipeeoh be made, evtry article he wrote, every re*oln I Kin he moved wai antagouiilio to the Freuoh language ani the Catholio religion Thi* imt+.lt honorable will ,|uiet the iuiolt felt by tbe Province oi Qaebeo and will atiefy Ibe people of the Northweit. would aik the hon. gentleman from Wot Durham (Mr. Blake) to lake th* matter into hi* consideration and *ee whether thu principle oannrt b adopted, and that after the next election, wheu the people of th* North wett will have bad a ebauow to (peak. that it would not b* right and fair tbat tbeir representative* ihoald deal with It. Thai -itl*n>*ni will even then be only temporary. That territory i* too large f r on yrovutoe or for lour proviiu-ee. -jlit* natter for the) tutor*. 1'he qaeeiiioa will have to be dealt witb an population go** in. Mr. Blake, rtiomintf th* dubate, laid . tne too. gentleman ha* tail My own jidirmcnt remain* what it wa*, tbat the proper aolmi jn of thi* <ja**iion i* embvdie-i m the ilatemen! I inbmilled for the con- iteration ot the Hooa*. Mr. Cockbnrc I do col lee why th r?*olaiiou of tn* ban. member from .' Siracoe ihoald have excited to much a a'm When I louk thromgh toe preamble I moat lay that I cannot fathom it. It rta i< u.i to txci'e the animovilie* of oar French m-mberi, and manv bave **en in it an at i. rcpi to wreck tbtir political aad re.i^ioa* life in tbe Dominion. I am ire tbat it : col tbe intention of tbe hoj. member to do any iocn thin. Mr. Chapleau moved the adjournment of the debate. Mr. Chapltan. in returning ibe debate on Mr. M<-Cr!hy'i bill, laid : At ibe begin ning of tbu debate we beard a tr. at deal about tqual ngbti. I am only lorry tbat ome enactment wai not ptieed giving ttjutl power to all tbe member*, and I would not be placed in a position toexprea* in oad K r 'gli*a my opinion* of inn oill. I bave rtqu*ted tbat Eunluh be token in my home. 1 1 ave even aaked prayer* to be addreeatd to ine Almighty in iny home in the Engluh tongue. 1 want to point out that tcere are tour thousand French Cana- dian* and halt bretd* in tbe Ttrntc.rie*. or otily ab.al one leventb of the Eotiteb population up there. In Quebec tbe Kog- i.n mi. oniy cor>t.tuttd only ote ixtn of tbe population, and )et it ai.y drmagOfcU? like tbe framer of thu bi>i were to a*k the majority in Qac- ato i*h ifficial Ku^li.-n I woald be tbe srt to <ey no. Mr. Cuarlton Tb* term which my h a. friend hai applied to mr, demagogue," hai been ruled a* unparliamentary Mr MvCeMb} - (I WHS appl:el to m-. I w<-nld prefer thai the word be not with- drawn. Mr. Chapleaa I call il * revolutionary . a demagcgio meaiure, and I am *un tbat ire** ttrin* ate not unparliamentary. V. V cannot modify word* in tbii ay. I rctan what I sty. The Bill i* contrary to ibe firit cf Britub legulatioc. wtich rtipeot* tl:- riKht* of miucrille*. lll*i.vl:':> loyally to th* Crown, became no man who i* truly oyal would endeavor to create divuion among*! the Qieeu'i la^jecl*- Th**e ar Hie rta*on* I oppo*e ibe bill. Mr M.tcheil muve.i tbe aHjourrjui-iil cf the deoa'e amid cm* ot "(jueetiou " ami " Loot " from tne G jveromeul b ro- ej auo "Carri-d" fromtho Literal*. Mr. ilt'-chn. m i-itd on Lu motxu, and waiieoonded b M- C.vk Sir John MacJooald finally itattd trat the Government would com* down. Mr Mil h-.il rtmarked that be w* |W to e tbe Uovernmeut couie co*u graoo- fully. .-ir John Mtc icuaM a*ked tbe leader of tbe O(po*ilion if a oniaion could tot be rtacbtd at thai trrr: r. Mr Lanrier promiied to do hi* utmo*t to ciote tbe debate tomorrow iKn'.ayi. and on tbuacdtratancicgit wata.-j jurnro. Ih* Hoot* divided oo tb* amei.dment to Ihr amendment by tbe Minuter of Juitioe. 1 1 :b read* ai f jilow* : Tbat all ibe word* after retolved be txpucgtd and tb* Itllvwing to ubetuntd 1 Lt ibu buu*.. bating regard to Ibe Icoa-contiuued i 1 1 tLe KTWLI-U >actu4( :n Old Canada, and \uant* i'U tbat iatjct embodied uj the hir uli Nuth Ameiica Act. cannot aur. to trio d.f.uatitu roBiaictM in ib Bill a* in* bau* It rrtol. ll:t It ! tl)<vdlrUt 111 ti.o lUUte* ol tlfuatioik uLitvoIuv IV 11:11110* Ibat ibro bould l-e coo-muiiitt of lat>gu*ae auiot-t*i the I . I . I i laeca. Tbat. on ib* routiarjr. thu Boare deelan* it* adteonee lo ibe MUJ a-. '*. and rt doieruii .. - r**i*t *n~ atuiu^t to iui|<>ir tbo ui>' Tbat at in* tanio uojc tl . tii UK Uoeui* it t ii-r.l:..ui tad i'i"i er and not ne*wat>t*m witu tt> cotruaut*. ttwltk*) :i\o A ttuit'ly of iho Nurlbwtwl Terri- U'liop kbvuid nxeiv* Iroiu tbe rarliauient o( I ai.tda p. -r to tfgulato.arut the uet ^fueral I 1 ii u ol Uie A>Mrmblv. tbe |>ruceediu* ol li-e A*rtuMy.ajud oiauuer of recording and i-ubU^li- UK u*.b prucewL lu**. 1'be rtiult ot tbe vole w%* that the aii.i-ucmrul wa* oartitd by 14'.' yea* to 6V nay*. YitAi-Meein. And*:. Bain i-oalange* , i<ar- uard. UevnarJ. Hvrt'rou, ttertiu, beruiot. hlak*. . 1 1, loirdeu. Hdwell, Botu>u. Hneu. itioeu, riryfc'U. burlttt. I'aiuorou, CampbeU, Carttag, Carveuter. i.a**y. l u, v Uoqueti*. chwuiuard. hocxi iCn- 1 of " Order.") Mr Charlton a*k*d it ibe Government bed *ny i. f rmaiion a* lo ibe wniu irl who a* ta.<i to be held captive by tbe Bltckftet lu.Jiati r. L'c;uc\ itil th.* matter wa* b- j_ht to hi* alt. ntiou la*t tumm*r. tie be.ievt d be bau *eu Ihe child wbo wa* uppor\i to be a captive, and although ehe bau fa** white blood in her. th v*t uc.1 a white child. H?r lopp-jaed tuotr.tr bad another child three ytar* o.orr, wbo alto appeared <.j nave whit* blood in her. Further IL i'lirit* went oeicst maoe, but be dii not believe) then wa* auy irntn in the lory. At TO COLO T'<-. Ciuly People Addicted tu kubber* are Ibe Wor.l >ufTcrr. Many people), especially w^da ana dnn, nfl<r the whole winicribrcoxh wiih cold tent. Tbu u reainlv cue to tee fact Ibal tLey wi ar their to*( loo tight. I" lent the tot* bave perfect freedom tne blood cannot cir Q t* properly, hence follow itif fnd and DvLiuinbed to**, oold ft t and cfieu a Eomon*** up to tbe limb*. Ptople *ho wrar rubber* tfce % bo e wiotr i' r km-ra .) offer with their fei. Ru make totm very ULOcr by overheating ace o.c^ ihem to p-r^.-re. They io< nlc oti.y be wtrn auriog * o-my or iu=r,y <rather, and <-veo trx-u aa a c^be ai to >n a* one enttri the houee. ia > araw the lot. k tp ihtta hot an i wet with peripiratton tbtn n aooo iiu into the air the feet ara chilled In i he coon' r) 1 hate u tic-.i ibtl the farm er* pot tome dry irw or (iieue* of new* paper in ibe bottom of thrir boot* I, mv teif, have ofien tru-1 the latter, and 'n Mure you that u >i a KOIXI prennlive aga:n*t to d feet. Ibu u donotle** be- oaaiie the (aper or llraw Doro* th" f rr tpuaticn atd keep* ibe feel dry. lbtn.it \nr. TELEGRAPHIC 8UMMABY. Coont Nifulcoa Data, the French itau. > i.. rd*.y. lore* j.r*.nj were killed and *ix ooi ltd by it* ezplowoo ot a boiler at luih-rgUc. V*. Jcbn J Arh croft, a Windeor boT, wa* on ^-'ud.v nt to Kingaton for three year* rhoriK *UIIE<. S.r WiilU'n Veram Harooorl will ccn- >i thr >: f the Marqaid of Harucgton at >h Krneral election. volt of the German ileeiioni yi- r > >arpr.ied the Con<*rsativtl. Tbe * t.etted thiir caueidauf. Itu onoentooxi tbtt the Qoebeo Govern mint intend* providing accommodation tcr immigrant* ti the port of Moatreal. A tioaain'iSocialiiMfn.m Eopen eroMed the Brit a-, frontier to bold a meeting, bai were exp* lied by the Belgian police. i i>pi<?emic of typhoid fevr ha* broken oat at Ii sttrbarw. in Germany, and ba* tooi.d maiy vi:timi in th* I'hlan rv Dr. QarriaoD, prominent medical man cf 6a-.it $. Marie, Mich, ba* been arrua ftr imogeiiog from the Canadian Lcodco Board cf Trade) want tbat city to miL coctrtl of the Port Stnley Rti'.way * t'jin a the prvaenl le*jaw to toe o. T. K. ra_< oat. T e Voatntl plailRr* are Mill oat on it"ke. aud it i poeaibie they wul be abortly . i:-- 1 uv the painien, who demand an in- Hew/are of Wtdden. Bet wh) i* it that the widow i* mom prpuiar than tbe n.aid ? I rave aiked the .jueetion ovtr and over atd here are tome ot tbe repliti : Tbat a trrtiy fl&are look* prtttirr in black ; tbat tbe wi.'ow i* not a> ooneervaiivi- a* tbe rtaio ; that abe ba* more".o' ; tfcat ahe i* alwaj* reajy to btlp cm a barbful n ; il at th* .ot*u t i.ttirraily rtii-'e ui otr tbe parental rocf where tbe clock u won't t.) be woood at >h>ru 10; that be very often ha* life-in- -urai,or . that a man Deed rot be *o liocd louiirg to win a wido*. t-eith^r ha< be to ^1* ale that arch n.-r i thi ut > brother , ibat ahe ha* become oatd to vile t bic-c n 1 it. ft-r or cti^ar* ; that the name* th" ir of btpelti*nen wbuhbywe) cf con trait matt* a man (purer **.rong and urt t, ai J men love tircalun-*, even when it i* tbruit uton thtni , that, knowicg Ibe ilt* *he employed at captivating one man, rr trie* tbtm >ga:t, and n.ain tocirtti* (>bu wai tbe rta*cn fcivrn by n old i a r t lor ) ; and lend me y . or i an. H- rl. a* ibii i* p o'aMy the true r****v: . the hei. or i* tupi* *> * to haw learned to lew en bal- lon > dilk Gray in Ckiatga \k. r .*. buu . .. . - Lvu.ouibv. > urrtui. U.iy. l>aou*t. I'avi*. l>.. :: I L'*.iiliLe. L<t*i. 1) . n n*>t . Uui> u K^r.e. ut-r. Kerfcu*.u Let^l* eit Urwdiiuy. Duke,. ar Kvlward*. Ku> u aud itrvuvillr . Ker- ou i\Vellu' . Klet Kwtter, Kreeuia . i>i*ult. (Jir ui I . . r duu. Ucauabou, Uu*> liuilie . Ha^art, tiou, Hoiu>a, Hudi>*tb. IVM. Jtuiimin, Joi ca. J^'Ue* \cuby i. Joue* (H*.u\ . Keuuy. kirk. Kirk|trio>. Labro*e. Lwiary. Mu;iuoruc> . L*uv.i*r '.Quebec). -ir HucUT'. La Klu>rt>. Laurie Li>u: Laurler. Lei>iuv. Lutt-r. 1 out. liaod >ualU Mr J tin i. MaeaovaU, Uo.'uiia. alvL>u%Ju \ iciuria). ilcl>uuiiald iFictou', UclVugali i'i-e Hictoni. McUrwv). Mcluty . McKay. Uih- >-u. How to Hake th* r>. t Luok i*n. There ii everjthivg in knowicg how ta drt* tb* feet propeily," *id a lady of fathion yeiterday. ' My feel are not tmall. y. t I manage to net crei it for dtcidiuly Cm 'nt-la-like ex In mine*. The iruk n in knowing bow to drcf* th. m. See cow, my fuot i* exa.'t > lorn a* a Nc. 3-h*. and aC wicth. Do therefore wear a No 3 C. ai moat women would .' Not a bit of u. I wear a 4. doable A. Tbe longer a iho* 11, tba nar rower it alwayi looki, of coarat *o that'i ihe flrit naiu , and in the *econd p!ac . 1 an wear a iboe that * narrower than my f i-l really i with perfect cocifort, beca-t th-r- i* *.' mu.h roooi iu ibe lep^th of the ho* It jjt traD*form> tbe undeired w dih mo tbe deaired lergih. you w. Moil wotnm bave an iiea that a *b. t pretty , no matter bow wide and lhapr lea* il may be, and only a few of thoto who rrtliv >>* the beauty of a loni;, *lendr for-t know ho lo *ecire il for themtfelve* old French bootmaker laaicbt me t:- trick yeari a^o. aud my fewt fcave bten an ui<-X|.-rv*>ibl* comfort to m* ever lino*." Urrtd. lla*>oll. Ma>*ue, Meic*, Mi l* . tuua^>li> . Mill* iho-hwvil', Miichm, M^rlat. Uuiicrtad, M.'L: I'.aMer 'erl*>. 1'i'lf \\ r er 1'rur. k'urce 1. 1'ul ..iu. Kuitret Kiotwl. RobUlard. Kvuuio, K.*. H> %ri. t^artn. >l>*uly. nkium-r ftuiali. suiuh (Mr Donald'. Mui^h Ouiari *, Si-ruule. tkevt>u- ju. Tajrlur. Teui|>i, rurrieu. Tliv>ui| ' obu . irvw . Ward. v i \ n Belva Level HJ. " They claim," aayi Balva Lcckt ood WKU . l'ui'i','1. Vurcot, \ ana*t*. V\, VluiM iCardweil, MUuiut. Wood tnrvvlvlllo'. Wood i tlut. - Total, lu - alegar*. Auiyot. Armstrong, ottb', Harruu lieaucoleil. bell. bou vliir.tvii. Couture. Ll*vlee. Denucu, L> you. Kl.i. Ciauun. r. QeueMaei.Oliaio*, Hale. luu km. Lau<, Laiu k >iou Macdouaid Hun n , McCuUjy. aU-Miiiau. Huiou 1 . KO Muileu. U. Noil, Uulcoa, Nveiu. O 'Itrieu, l'l.i-rou Krn. , t'l-rrv. l*latt, 1'refo. l^iue. .fii U^<ki>d. Me Mario, Scrtwr. >v u; uivrville, Sutlivrlaud. Tyrwbitt. W..lio, . \\>.|dli iil*rl \\Uoa M. J. I.M . We u. Wbiteitwutn* . Mileou iKlKLU 1 . ^ iivu i_euuo\'. Yo. - Total, ML Mr. Boweil, in reply to Mr. Wldon (St. John), aaid that '.h while auicuut of duty collected on leg* ti|orleU durii>< the year ending .U.i July. 1>S'.', wae 176,798. dividea * toiljwi : Ontario, $56.737 ; Qdibtc, JU.,043; New Brun. wick. 11,017 Sir Adolpbe Caron, ia reply to Mr. Sutherland, eaid that tbe >iae*tion of fur mining helmet* to tbe aotiv* Canadian militia wai under ooniideralion. Mi. l.aurier objected to tbe aewipaper rlicle by tb* member for Lincoln ben'g put upon tbe journal of the UOOM, bat a* it ooutaiued eouie information h* woald ivii eenl to it being printed if it wa* not con *idrd a* a precedent. Mr. Mill* iBothweln (aid il wa* an an- ual proceeding. t-irJihu Maodoaald 1 bop* th* ban. gentlemen will not prew bil objection. Mr Mill*, am uot preeung it. Mr. Cook-Then 1 object. Tb* .late ueut made by the member or Lincoln tu tb* newap*fan t* (alar. 1 *bjct to a fai*e Halt uit nt going in tb* journal* cf thi* that we bave 12,000 mile* of aiproclrcted cot*t*. and that any nation i* Ii4ble to lroop down oa n* and wipe oicff th* (ace of Ibe earth. Well. I tell them that we nv bad ihi* couatry for 440 tear*. an< that ww dc not need to ipecd 10 cent* if w auud onr own bun , a* we alwayi have done. VVe are too peaceable a nation to make any preparation for war, and would be a very foolub oulla^. ' crewe of wage*. No tiiiiniti haw ytt boen found of tbe BU*4lD: Ma.-itrate of A'va, Mr. B. E. Sif ton It i * tot believed that he either lor cidod or ab>cor:ded. Mtnrr. R G Hrvey and W. FT Cole left BrcKkv.Ue for Europe ye*t*rd*y to promote it* Lerue f ,-r bridging the St. Larc.ce at B:ock\iU*. Vi r'"jluh lyndicale i* trying to pur chaMlhe wood working machinery mano factoriee of Ciuoinneti. which ar* tbe larktit in the I'uitol Siatee. Tbe dedication o! the Carnegie Free Lilr- ' iheuy City tt ok place lait e.niiii "!!< 'netitaiion wai dtclartd cpei. by Pniiaenl Harri*oo. Ei Gvv. Kraker. cf Ohio, denie* thai be u d :..i tfc- call for : -formation in r. _.rd to ibe rtili ia in 1?7 hd any rtfer- poribie irxabl* with Canada. I-c M<:Mu>.en. lit log near Cape \ L:.-UI, WM en Monday laat f ro<*B to eath while under the IL daeuo* of 1 per Ie a* a man in good circamilanje*. Fony three booir* have been taken from be colliery it l>tciz, in which an fiplo- n o curred oo landay night. Li^tl miorr* t ave bren re*coed badly injured. mot Hcnh Praicerd, brotbtn, ell frcoa a tctffo'.a 150 feel, to the bot . -e Mel. ir Oibtcn mio*. ( olcradc, n Wed(.e*<!iy ti, ht. and were instaatly Advice* frt m Morccco lay Ih* rtbeil CL htit> he* .uu.td ilarmiog proportion* fbe Rcyal trorr*. !ter hav.ng teen dc- "eattd tccupitd Wa**au and ate teeitged htr. Atitr ihoolicg hi* wif* >e*t*rdy morn- iPKetrly, a* he latpoatd fatally. Fiank 1 r. -trion.'. cf Bg Rapid*. Mich., abol cd tii'ed bimtelf ahiie nudtr Ibe itriu eno> of litjaor. Bitbcp V\i ttr. of North Dakota, hai let iho 1.1 uric! fir a Gop*l tar. which ill to prijuly ctttd for tb* cccdact of r. A on* ieivii.t* in ibe ccantry wher* few cbr.r.he* rxm. MMMcr>r> f Batb. Mich, doped uh J.*^h I'.att to Canada, but finauik him out to be n embx^ler cf II 4CO fron New York, decoyed him back to Baib. where b* W| arretted. A T Triciey. formerly agent for Cham t><-r am <k Co, Precoll, palenl medicine mucfaciartr*. ha* been icntenctd lo one y < ::. ihe Ctntral Priion on two chargte cf emt>e*4iemru An effort i* b ia< madw to induce the Grand \ra.k Railway Company 10 con trucitl vaior* at Levu, Qoeorc. with the bj ot of Oou K there a portion of tbe bueiu?*e now cone at Bo*ior>. Ibe election on Wednesday to fill the \a.-ioy in the UOQM cf Commcni (or OlamcrkanthiR, oau*rd by the dvaib cf Mr. Taitx..|, rv*alld in the return of Mr. Etai.i(Libra.) who waianoppoaed cf L>ulutb. commuted *ai*tfw >ttt>Hay moruioK by iwailowiog a quaulity of larboltc acid. It i* believed b* wa* era '. d by heavy lo**e ia a Jetl u Nova Scona. Hi* t*l*te U worth aai tbtrefore relieved him from tl liability under ibe :a[ui Mjczeciob. tfce agent at ejonacftb - Peienbnrg SUv Cbahtab:* Ccmrxi ba* be*n *rre*ted th-re. I; . rtj. - that imocc bi* paper* which were .e.^ ar* document* which oomprcmu* U-:- . Unttuff. r/rutni of the cc no: :..- % tb-m*mr>ri of the Rc**in Ktnta-y at .tntinople, a* well a* aeveral K . Conirj!*. Edward Clark. oo-arrx*d man 4 -a 4 J y er*. living a mil* *oatb of Welt L r committed tcacide Wedneeday tekng Fart* green mixed itclin*n. < 0.1 r email fl w*a an engineer ia tae Lorn* >aw mii's, ana bring anmerr lived with bi* brother, Wm. Clam H lothi*aitii in a tbnthicg machine >o y -ari igo. and ha* bad fit* cf dcipocdeLC. occaiionally tiocr. Relative to tbe caa* ot Dynamiter Daly . He me Secretary Mallbiw* *tated IB Par I > ment>e*t*rd*y that too much wltarlnnr* bu been put in a precnpticn intended fo- :h c- n-cer. bai ibat tbe latter bad atatt.i b bad ;., wumpiaint lo make cl hi* ire*. meat. The Liberal r -deraticn cf England h* paaed a retciation congratulating Mi. Parccll on ihe rtc^rt >;f the -cmmiiatcn and . :a.i that Forger Pifolt and hn aaettor* cannot b* called to aoc-iont It th:^k* ibe Gcver:n..-t *io.. J . -ia* re y* ration. Tb* Englih L'ivcro* Court yattuda fuiedCapt O Shea' i application for writ* of attachment again*l the London Mar an*! ib Erglih edition of the New York HeruU for (awi>hicg certain camment* ri- tn ih< aciun for d<voree brontjot by C*pt. O'Snea, ia which Mr. Parnell U naintd a* oo ntpcndeot. It ii propowd to trect a Mitbodut Ladi**' College in Toronto. il u.bite whiakey .maker* an noted for tbeir Hill " imaj voioaw. "Doe* it pay to gamble? excbarge. To a " depend on the band yocr hold. Lord Tennvaoa i* layering from a tevtr attack of isdoeoxa, and bio ooodiuon i* considered viry terioc*. It ieem* to b* a atttkd fact that the Canadian Pacific- Railroad :ntendi to btulo a con pie cf larg* aUvatcr* ia Wicdaor. Tb* woman wbo want* to make gardM %l*ayi live* next doer to tb* woman who s-e^ chicken*. Tbi* i* laid to never '< and wa* *ent in by a woman wbo next door to a woman who ku cbickee*. A MiMcuh woman, wbo four yean ago to it migh-. Ii t* taCasn*a( ttn. Mame Why. onhr laal week you taid thai nothing your father and mother ooul ay woald ever make you marry Rob Rob bell, an.i now you've enitagea yoanelf t him. Why did you d.> it ' Loo It wa* lomvlhing Rob laid him elf. H* hadn't aiked me U*t week. Jail at pr**eni the ice-man i* th individaal wbo i* i'vea lo take tbe cakr A noticeable thing about advertiiiogo lat* yr*ri ii the ^radnal increa**) in tb trothfalnti) of il. People are learnu that il doeni't pay to lie in an advt-rti*t rceut any better ' than it doe* aoywher* lie. Th* theory that a incker'* her every minute and h*'* jail a* likely t come in h*te a* anywhere el**," won't d for a permanent tbtag. 1 thick tbat there 1 hai been a noticeable improvement in ibi > reerwot lately, and thai bnuneu men are nriilv Warnirg that bontity i* tb* be* policy to ao advrrti*meiit a* wall a* oat id* of it. Robert, ff i* CV ' J -'"'- Tb* Mi**** Emily and Oeorgiama Hill, o W**to>iu*Mr Bridg*. Luadoii, F.unU ban opened a aohool tor w erueo joornaluii Tb* Mi-i** ''ill edit Ih.' trrHtu'.ttrr j, l,jmlt\ Quettt and are among the ver few joarnaliit* of tbeir a*x in K a rope They in teed to teach typesetting, *bort haid wriliBg, utc?f nadiog and reporting i.' i WtniBriilay night, while an American tratelliDit phyn-iau from Panniylvania, nat-itd H. E J. LVlion. w*s trying to cr i-.. -rok at Gleuov * abrad of a fail freignt trm to make tbe -mxeU rxprve* for c. he w** itrook and initantly kiil.J. The nmaint will be Mat to hi* reUiirf* in Uiohuau for interment. \VS'!t Mr John Bartor, mechanioa fonman of 'Iw Grand Truok Railway hop* M I.<>.-i:rville Janction, wa* under i otr r.-jairu.i(il on Wedneaday, h* did DO' notiv a tram ba. kmn on the ime trtok Fiit oar wa thoved back *om* oiitance an< Mr. barton .fagged for 40 feet ever the tie* iiJ br k n urcond. Be) **0*p*d with ocly few b:ui*t*. B Ji for th* privilege of OMobing Deal* in A *<ka will be opened to-day at the Vuued State* Trea*ury Itepartment. Tb i-iMi.Tn now having the priviie** pat >\> >triv aud i* limited to lOU 0* year. With a limit of 60.000 thecew oootraol i tipeoMd to fetch Bait a millioi aollan. Martin Brockmancame to Windaor wit bi* wife and family from Cincinnati. O tui tlaraed btmnci It beotm* know ; b<* wa* a defaolter to the amoont o from tb city oo tbe Ohio, and hi t>u- ur* fell cff. H* became bankrup and ncklee, and wa* arre*t*>i in Delro oa Wfjoeetiay and taken to hi* forme home. Mr. Ju*ic* Faloonbridga on Satnrda granted an order r*l*a*in Htrry Bro from liability on bi* bail, nuder the capia* i**ned at th in*tanc of A. B. Oaler. tor ttvbl of over a 11.000. Ihe groand Hr -n' arret w** tbat u wa* hie alien* lute tioo wo luve tb* ooautry tc d*fra Mr. lH)*r of thi* debt. Hi* d her iwu boy i Blain* arid Locaa, nd dinng ibe lad campaign nam notber pair Harmon and Morton ba* jatt n defeated in a pcat-cmoe ccnteit in h- - lown. There i* a religion* revival among tr c ,ctdon oat'* meal men. Tboa* wbo !:> D the northern pan of tb* town bave ecided to trad* no more on Euada>*. aud be owners of cat* an brggwd to parch** at*)'* Sunday dinner on oatorday. Mr. Henry Campbell, member of the loo** ct Commcc* (or Sooth Kermanah. i private lecretary lo Mr. Panel], y<* -rday received i'JCO damage* from the kl'**t \rtti Lf.trr for pnblu.-..cg a *iai- upt.1 that Mr. Campbell had provided the LBive* with which Lord Frederick Cawn- t*b and Voder Secretary Buka were uinrdend in Phu'nix Park. By intelligence frcm Mozambique. daUii nuary jib, n u reported tbat Ihe Mku- olo. incited by tbe agent* of tb* E.-t Llrican Lake* Company, bad attacked ih :\rttune*e. Th* native* wen luppli-d with m* and ammuniticn by tb* agent* Th Scotch mi**ionari* at B:actyre. wh - wen pppovcd to ihe proceeMingi of the agent*, interfered, and arncted boetiliti n.i n >tored pe*o. <w A terrible tory of whole*ale"infaniici 'r wa< r valed by firemen wbo win at work n the >iebri> tfter the baroing of a hour located iu Sienoa itnet, Warvaw, ye*ter Jay morning. Beneath the door of tbe burned building tbe corpm of fourWeu ftnti were found. Tbe eetabliibment wa* rrrMrd over by a midwif* named r>ko~< m>ka. Tbii woman and her *i*Mr anatwc daughter* wen arratted. Mtri Dogal. a oativ* of Franc*, ba* b*n committed to Loogue 1\ iat **y la u urder circamiiancw* aadly romantic. ' She enttred tome lira* ago tbe wrvioe of a broker in P*ru . both fell ::. love with eacb o'htrand ded to thi* country. Shortly a'ter arrival in Montreal tb* broker duap- prand, leaving tbe unfortunate girl utterly After an iffjrtto itrcuQ(U againit oirvnmitanoei ih* kit her reason. A ftal txplo*ion occarred at O*et> at 1 30 o'clock on Salnrrlay in tbe bn :!- ot the Owen Sound Ga* Com pany Tb* employe** wen making ga*, when torn* e*caped and took nre, bljwicg tbe wh.<le norm end of the buildiux oat an, I killina a young man named John n. The building took fln. bat the dame* were ipeedilv extingniibad. Tbe ill be about $1000. tally iniarel Th- company are abl* to (apply ga* a* awl oaoviwMd thatBrown had no *uoh intention - awaUl Mr William O'Brien ha* written letter to the Dubliu Frtew^mi J.<w*at, in which he *a\ be accept* tb* wpoil of th* Parnell Cramiion a* th* wont that tbrve ho -r.l* Tone*, retrained by th* oblua ion* < f j iduial propriety, can tay aaiat tbe NttionaliM*. yet the Ttmti. he *a, otuhl to be placed in tbe pillory of hietorv Decide the mo*t heinoai propajrator of fal* ohnr*. Mr. O'Brien d*nithal bejointd the L*g7 to atcar4vh teparation of In- land from England. H* wa* convinced yean before tbe Leagae WM formed that eparalim- wa* impceeible. Hej<io*dit heoanee Mr Parnall'i action in Parliament induced Mr Dillon and himaaif to Wlicve thai th* aim* of Inland could b* obtained by parliamentary method*. Mr Kuat*ford. the Colonial Secretary, ha* advieed tbe Vjoeea to iv* tb* Roval aaatnt to tbe Pit-ore* BUI. Tbe bill accept* a* grounel* for divoror. dmcrtion for ihrfe year*, either oo the part of ir> man or woman, hebitnil dronkeoeea*, eonplrd with cruelty, or neglect of bouee- t>o'u da'iee on the wife'* art, eentenc* for crime and violent aaaio.lt. Tb* wife i* entiled to divorce on tb* grocwd of inndel- itv in o*f th* ofleno* i*eom*aitt*d emrta*; oo'ojagal niid*BO, or coupled witb aettrra vvtiog condiliori, or in tb* event of the act brir>( rearatrd. Tbe law oo tbii point i* FT U UW* HW , , . Lo.a.bip WM ia"iM*d with r, fence* to an wavirea wife

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