Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1890, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. ! published Thursday, Fou TH Ornos Mreet, - - Plttherton, Ont. TF.UMB OK BCB8Cn > TION: 91 per annum wlio paid strictly in advajkje ! .jj per auuuui wlien uA o pai4. ADVERTISING KATES. Oae column, 1 year. WO ; slf col., do., 27 turtor ud. do.. 11 I' r* in. u-ii t tdvortlmnm 1. 1 chargoft ni tin* rt u v.- i ei I iiui for first iniwrtivu Mid Sou. per itlc- UUcL Jal>.<|Ut-UlillrtiOU. W. II. THURSTON. Editor and Proprietor . ELECTION OF COMMISSIONERS. in Saturday \ul>t. The- Globe calli Mr. Meredith's pro poaal to elect tlie License Commiav lioncrt a "pro- whiskey move" and claims thai if the matter were in the hauds of a County Council not bptcuilly chosen with regard to tin appointment of CominiBBiouers the holflkeepers would make their iuflu euce felt and would practically con trol the situatiuti. I don't imagine that the hotalkeepen of a county or city could elect a majority of the couu cil, 110 matter how hard they might try. But even if they did, their influ- ence would not be more unhealthy under the circumstances than it ia when used by them ai a solid body fur the government which appoints the Cuuiiuiraioners. My own belief is that it would be much better to elect the License Commissioners in both rural and urban municipalities, for then it would be by a direct rate and those engaging iu the contest woald know what it meant and could not quarrel witb the result nor claim ilia! it had beea beclouded by other issues ur.li u IUUM always inftoeuce TOUTS ia electing a County Council or mem bers of the Legislature. If a outUy wanted as License CoanaiatiooeTs three temperance men who would en force the law and award licenses ac- eoi'diug to the merits of the applicants and not the politics of the hotolbeep crs, thi-y could obtain them. Cuder the pitsent system such a thing is impossible. If leaving the power it tho hands of the people is A "pro wliiiUuy move" then the people tin-in selves Kmst be a pro-whiskey people and if that be the care pro-whiskey il must In-, for in this, as in every other mutter, llui majority must continue to ruli'. That thu people whe are to be governed are anxious to be will governed in thin rctipect is but to ad >uit that they know what is for thei uwtj (,'ood aiul have pcuse enough ti In- trusted with the management of it Tin only wiakncSH in Mr. Murodilh' I M "I M ml is in not insistiug that tin <'!iiiniH*mijur bo elected directly h the people iu every locality. esire throughout this country for re- orm in this direction, as the present Titeiu is manifestly unfair to the onest man, aud favors the rogue. Fhether Mr. Rossis using it just now M an election dodge or not remains to be seen, but his eiceedingly can- ioua step forward reminds one that t will not require much effort ou his part to retrace it. One of the most diabolical murders which over occarred in Canada is now wing brought to light in Soitthcni Jutario. A young Englishman named F. C. Benwell was found shot dead iu a swamp near Woodstock. A enghty inquest was held, aud through a long chain of circumstantial evidence the jury discovered to their owu satis- faction that one J.It. Birdiell had decoyed young Beuwell to rfie country aud after draining ul! his money from bim sliot him twice, killing him in statitly. The jury brought in a verdict to thn effect, making Mrs. Dirchell au accessory after the fact. For a oold-bkxxled, deeply-planned murdur, UMK equals anything heard of for a long time. Major Rorke informs us that the most interesting legislative work is yet to come. All has not yet been heard of the French schools and Mr Ross' Tax Exemption Bill will re- ceive advene criticism at tho handd of the Opposition. We would infer from Mr. Itorke's remarks that the Government had hotter look out for Apropos of the juicing of farms it tl i I. iir I'.n in conmctitinn, the resulti of which were publinlunj julaitwetk* Advance, wo fell imp. II. il to ramarl ilmt if ilio judges are M ACCOIII I 1 ' liml 111 farm kuo\\l. .1, a tin y itru in tffoorapliy the Onttri< (iiivrriiHiriii IJIIH nothing to brag o in its selection o/ judge*. These gmtta I.I. II MJl.i|li llf .|JlMI<lltlk US iK'lllo; Illl till Ii iiujiinii A Norlliwe*trn railway of tlio Niifilieru. Sucl an thoao lr:ul onu to surfed that ll*y itiu ytulitti tu iitl water*. Tlic ( M. !ji in Miitkttar o f 1 1 ii iu'iniluuiMl a hill lUilmg with tax exoinplion. I'liivnhhi; that oliurch lands, uiinisUin* kalarics and inonr- I ii uti ,1 iiilurtMiial lutflitnliiiiiri sliull be I i.i hi.- to UvtjtioD. This is a Rinull, but lioaitating sUip in the right direc- tion. TU Act will go into foree on tho first day of Jauaur/ next "after thereof. 11 Them* a strong considered , and the remainimg stock apportioned among such applicants. VM. SAI'NDKliS, Diiector Experimental Farms, Ottawa. arkdulc'i Latest Two-Bowed Barley To tiu Editor of The Advance. BIB, The Government of Canada, on the recommendation of the Minis ter of Agriculture, has agreed to place iu the estimates a sum to provide ior the purchase aud distribution of two- rowed barley for seed, to be supplied to the farmers ot the Domimou at cost. In furtherance of this object the Minister of Agriculture has purchased 10,000 bushels of 'Carters Prize Prolific" harlry from the well-known seed Mtablishuieiit of lames Carter & Co., of London, England. This variety ol two-rowed barley a re- cently isnproved strain of the Cheva- lu-i type ranks high iu Groat Britain for mailing purposes, and has beon pronounced by experts as one of thu best sorts obtainable. It has oren awarded many prizes and was givun the first prize at the Windsor Heyal Agricultural Bhow last year. It ii vi r. prolific, has stout, bright straw and long, heavy heads, usually RV.T nging under good cultivation, about forty grams per head. It may be sown thinner than less vigorous grow- ing sorts, one and a half bushels 1 1 1 urn is considered sufficient. This variety wax gi'owu from samples dis- liilmtnl from tho Central Kx|K-ri- mental Faun, in tin- bailoy dislncls of Ontario, and iu other purls of the I'.iimiiiiui, during tin- past Kouirwlmt mi favorable season, weighing from 51 In fill !li--. |>cr im.shrl ; sample!) of whirli have been KiibimtUd lo export* in l''.ij;;liiinl, who havo pruiioiini 1 . .1 them Id ho Kond, markelnhle prci- i.-n- of mailing barley, which \vmiM c lllllli:illil Ul pUHi ill limn .".->;. to |l)>i I'l i ijuui ti r ol' 448 His. ,111 thu English nmiket, <i|iml to !)! at*, to ^l.lM KHpeciivdy k>i thu Cauadinn bushel of4H ibu. Tin- "I'lijio Prolific" harlcy for which Carter's catalogue piioe is It)*, (ii/. stg. per bushel, of 6(1 lhs.~ \ull lie offered to thu f.nni is of Cunailu in ImgK of two Knglish bushels 1 1 1-J HIM. ,, >)iin bag to each iinlm.'ii il, at four dollars per Inii-. At this pi nv the barley will l>e dolivorml at tho urareHt railway station HO that farmers in i v<i) province in. i) olil.uu il at a inn- furin rate. Tlniau who ilesiro to participate in tlii.i iliHUilnitioii should send tlieir ii|'|ili(itinnH ut onoo, with four dollars eui'losuil, to ilin nndniignejd, giving tliu ii'.une ami Posl (MVn-e address pluiuly, ud the name of the noarest railway ktaliou. 'I he n.iiues of thosti who 1 1 ml will t>e mien. I ii> tliooiil.T in wliioh they in. reoeiveil, iin.l iho (Imlnhiaion nmdu iu the saino ordor an far an poMsible, having regard to tlin roi|iiinin>entB of tho Mivurnl pioviMeex. Should the u|>plicn(iona i'\i'. i'J liie iiapply, those who apply IHHI will have their niouey rvfinuletl, but if (ho ipiai lily importod should be grealuc than the demand, on the basis of a two bushel distribution, thuu the applications of those who may have asked f<* larger quanlUi.i will Le. Frum <ntr oum Cvrretpondent. An rajnvabla iooial wu beld tueiday vmiDg at Uu- rvkiilvuce of Mr, Hi Hamil- ton undt-r the aoipico* of the L. A. S, MftbodiBt oburch. Ediblen were ooDipicu- only "good" and a (air program wa* rec- dc-retl. Rainj evtmiig affected the atttud- auee. Saturday eveuing laat th* official* and iuvitail frifiid* of the Metbodiat S. 8. an- lumUvd at R. \V. mun pkce af abude to make a prf*tinUliou to F. Stephen*, ei sec- retary of tb* acbool, who kaves thi* week for Toronto. A fiuu Bible was given him a* a alight rvCoKHitiou of Inn faithful services. Itcfrushuifutii were served aud a social lime experienced. 11 Too good to ke*p.'' Th* fur-trimmd merchant cf Rocklyn *peut la*t Sunday In MarkJale He attended evening aervica at the church uiot uf the eligible young ladiea frequent. After awvice he took an inter- coptive attitude ou the atepi, but by tb* help of two companion* th* lad; of hi* choice avoided him. lie then followed them all directly into the home of bi* fair one, going with another g*nt. The bevy took fliitht through the kitchen by way of the aide entrance, and went to aee each other home. How long h *tayed to talk with the buy* we know nut, but thi* i* cer- tain, he will not likely atwrnpt the forcing of hi* presence again on any of tbo*e three graces. Thu exhibition car Manitoba products wan here Tuesday. Many inlereted hardy handed s.>u< of toil inspected tbe free grata adverti*nii>ut* of tin. wonderful productite- uean that Manitoba ha* become *o noted for in agriculture, llaween it* inflaeuoe and Mr. Qea. Dodda' glowing dmcripti.m of ad- be prairie uiovincD iffura to ayri eulturlUti, there abonld be quite an exo- du* frum centre Or*y thi* ipriug toward the north, viath* C P. K. Th* Co. will be ad- vantaged, thu emigrant bvnefitU'd, French afgreavion cheeked by surplus Canadian popnlation and the dual language outirely annihilated. Far away field* look green. distance lend* enchantment to tbe view.eU., bat "knowing" that "it* not all gold that glitter*" I trnat th* *ombin*d foroe* of iplvndid exhibit* and perauaiiv* aloqueno* will not lead to ha*ty move* on the port of our (arming elaa* or eultivat* among them vpirit of diiaatiafaction with tbtir eirenm*taiier*. Mr. Jam** WaUon, bfiok k*pr (or B. Hill, ha* beeo mad* arr<tary of the Bt.8.8. iu |ila* ol Y. 8Uphen* mi(Ded. Thi* **ctum of centre Ur*y M*m* quite latistinl with tb* reault of th* Liberal Con- **rvative eonvtntiou held at Broeclyn. Major Kork* will U (unturned in (bit maaieipallty by quite a majority. Mr. J. Whitby. Kaq., U at prewnt on tbe war puth with full accoutrement* a*a**ing the habitant*. ANO.N. from our own CurretpondtHt. Sleighing spoiled again. Begins to look like sugar making. Prepare for taffy. There wu a bop at Mr. Simeon UcCollums last Friday night. Mr. D. Thompson has moved to his farm near Dundalk. Mr. Jainus Drodie is down at Bramptou this week at the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge. When Babv waa si.-k. we s her Caatorta. Whn she wa* a CbiM. abe cried (or Canute. When she became Mia*, *h dun*; to CaJtoriav When *he had Ctuldran, ab gave them CaaMria A Prize. In order to discover what kind of htorary lalmit thvre i among the rentiers of tlu paper we have <ixcid*xl to otfer prizei for the beat i-rimal aliurt sl.inrs >iMit ui by April 1 next. Thrte tone* must be fact, or founded on fact, and not more than two column* in length. A prize* w offer for each accepted tory very lame steel engraving worth three dollar* in any art atore, andauch picture* a* cannot U purchased anywhere outaide of a large citv. They are really the HiiMt picture* which art can produce in the line of stuel eiiKravings. This ia a chance for the young to display their talent and for the old to tenure something elegant for their luunes. Every accented *tory will pay for one of these u'raiid work* of art and the competition will he divided into t'oclaMes that for the* under iixteen am) another for thoae over that a^e. Send in your mannscripts, itlatiku whether you are over or ander tl .it a-.. and the picture will lie aent you if the Rtcry i* worthy of a |>lacu in "ur column* I'oiiipotitimi close* ou the lint day of April licit. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. AS., On. PBYSICIAN. *l KI.KOV KLESHERTON. Ofte*. Strain'* block. Besiden*. J.O. II mi her of the Callage of Pby*i*i*n* au Burgeons, Ontario. Euqokre at otC.ct.oae door cut of Orler'ittoc or Atkinson's Hctel. Priorille. Nov. It. laW. DRS. SPROULE & ECU MAKKJ>ALE <>NT. Orio- : Mnnlcy's Drug siorr. TS. SPROCLE-U .!).. ' 'XM.D.rlc IM of T twnhiin. Out Dr.Eo will b* found *t Mark.Ul<> HOCM a To our .Subscribers. Tin- ipecial announcement which ap- peared in our column* *oin time ainco, announcing a ajxicial arrangement with I 'i II. J. Kendall Co., of Knoahurgh Kal.it. Yt., imbliilian ni "A Tntatiae nn thu Morn 1 and hia l>u*iu>ea,' whereby our Kiil.ii-iil'vnt werw wimMe.l In oUtajin a ropy of that valuahUt work free by send- mi; thoir ailtlrtw* tu H. J. Kenilall *'.. , i IIM. I em-lolling a two-cent sump for mail in:; *Hine) is renewed for alrniteu period. Wu tinM all will nvHil tlionielve of lliis opportunity of olitaiuin^' thiH vaJuabl* think. To every lover of Uiu liurn* it i* iudis|>nslilo,a4i it treats in a si in plu man- ner all tlu>iii*aM*,wliit-h atHict tin* noble niuiii.il. It* plieuoiniiial Halo tluou^lio.it I' ntfil Sute* uiul Ciuiiula. make it a tandard authority. A/ruttun thu }*i}*r trlirn tnuliiKI fur tinituir. Geuoral News. Mr*, .l.nepli \\ ils.'ll, uf 1'n^lil, I 'lit ruinmilted luiuide un SittunUy by juiupiiiE into the oiatern. The verdict <>f the Ciirunort' f*iry in the r>miMull inqUMt itHiiul Hun'liell guilty and Mr*, llureliell an aec**i\ afttr tho fact. U r. I'liinell ha* deei.led to pioaoeute the Kieter Oaxuttu for publmhinx thu 'rums' article* on "I'ainellum and Crime." THE AlTllKKTS, Klil'.SIIKUTON. VarrfuHii Corrt-cti-il Kn,-h I)'* Kli.ur . 4 m to 4 00 I i.i Wllutt M Hprlng Wheat M OKI ni I. , .tit Oftts u i I' H Tun. ) U ii J llult.T II 14 i' I HCK, frwb e is u i ... o u u .1111 41 em n i' S *t) u so too o i tee i ie O'M . e su liny I..M ton Hlu>ii|Hiklas IUW r.uk la. Mr. Ciladitone'a amendment, upon the lliiiue of Comoiona to rrpro* btc the charge* made againat the I'ar nelite*, waa voted duwn Monday by a majority of 71 in a Houae of OC7 member*. A letter (roni Havana to the New York Time* revive* the itorie* that the people ' Cuba am 'ired of "the galling yoke of Spain," and with annexation to the Tinted States J. P. OTTEWELL, VETF.RIN l v -T KGEO!. Graduate of Oi.tario Vet. College, l:MK ON I 'IJJM.-.VOOD StUKKT buth Door Baa* of PrwbjrMtteu CLOT . rUGBHERTOlT J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. s.. DE.\TIST. VisiU MarlcdaJe the Ut and 3rd Wednee- day <if eacJi month. Fleahrrton each tnp on the Jay following. Tenders Wanted TeoiUra will br -arrived by the UBitonu(i>*l Wlbit rrtio* of hriok sehodl houM fu Re- tloa Nil I, vtwtlilii* uf A rt:r.Mia. up to DM ktn.t of narcb. 1*W. F.irfurMicr i>>rtm>Uri i'pl t lo lo.4.uJlow. I t< \9i MM IM. in r .i. Ar- inm. where plant and i|MISot>uBS oiay b TIN luwwt er any teader not ntceuarlly (iKOKOC 1 I IH.OWi TH08 T*Y1K-TC JAMKHNKLJiON I Proton Slatiuu. Manb 1. 1NO. nmm\ LOOK; T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, Soil* the be*t farming implraonta manu- factured. including y.V.inr/im< Liyht Steel Binder and Matrrr. A/II.OH /*ouU<-(rntrrJ I>riil and Sring The H'ateil<-u I'U'tnanJ TVirrjArr*. .\eW>y and l>vrai*l't Hayfork. The U.HI.I i|iiitlitir* of thp implement* are minVn-nliv known now to pvak for thomnelvi-n, without any rxtra wuni* fruii tin 1 Vinlii-ilv rei|inr-|iL> nii|ileiiienl< ill thi* lino would do well lo etaunue. niino if not ilreadv arquainleil with tin-in, (.'nil on 1111 unit I will t> li|>i<v t.. vituuit the i|iililu<* of lhe* luachiuv*. T. A. Hi, tkr.n , Flesherton. IT PiYS TO \M> Til \T IS THK IVorthr.rn Business Collego, OV OWtjSf /. IT.JFiMST, Bamtrr, Soliritnr, .. r, /<"icrr. /.'-. FLISHKRTOS Orni r. NV\T l\r Orru-i. l-HOVU's BV11|.1>. . . \ Tilt K>1'AT. OWEN SOUND OFFK'K. Fanar'* Briu>w< P. McCULLODOH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c: Oitirc. ovrr MrFarland's Store Munry to Loan. Cards. John W. Armstrong, Fuuaiaroic. Co. BUT. itTISION COL'BT CLERK. rOslMISSff XE 'I n B K.. CouTyaoer. *e A.i for porch * w of !JiJt A|.|>r..,.r for r 1. C. O IKI rnuousiM* tarus. lui OF M4JUUA NOTAKT - MONEY TO LOAM- The Undersigned baa a Large* Amount of Money to Loan at 6{ o.o, OH TOWH OK FAK* I'l KuiaTO. \V. J. BELLAMY. TWr. ClJtlK AKTIWUMi. COSl'EYASCXK, UT8UMANCM i.' 7' MOKTdAOES. LKA\S, *c.. P r.n luiviwrlyriiH-utod. luiutMc* ate*- -Ola J In tint-O Ct'Ul^kUKO. t lDli at R. J. Sproule, I>l>3TMASTKR,FIhiirt,.n.l\.mlBlsa*ij- * tr in 1*. R., I.iocn.oil AuptiuDr, Con TtTaneer. Appraiser and MOIWJ lender. Krai Kslate aiul ln*uran At:*nt. IWJK. Morti:*^*. Lws anJ WUls drawn p an>l Valuatioui) made on lii.r'mt notice. Ae turn 8alt attcn.lr.1 to iu ai: |. r y ol th IVnntT. Uooey to l.*n at lowc.t rate* of interest. (Vll.-otioin .itlruJ.'.t to with pr,.iiiptne> an. I >li |'ati-h. fliarge* low. Agent for (he IViuiiuiun S Cheap tielptu from VK-h. rton to l.irrrpevl. liawKow, I.i.n.K'ii ,T HUT of tfa Briliili l\<rt. Parlun inttn.linK t.Msit Eujland. SfotlanJ or In-l.vul, will |-:,.i>.' k ratrtW- lor*pcrrh.ii'u i'. . Iwwhew. M IS" ' The t<rat an.) IIIKSI |-. Artlr*! ronra* of study I'll.. I....I !,.. Inn,! UU l.l Tkw baetaeomaaiadaUanfM iiulnw TbolKut inotll.nU i>( ill. tin. ti.Mi Tb l....t i,..ult, from tii.i |u>lrucUoa after KIV|II( par4i*ular> , Uruia,***,a4.M< ilxd J ; atiiru. C.A. Pfd Interval to NVAuoli or fa: THIS ANT1U Mil '! - the BKST, l'rcmi.i It i duntliliv it\i- -..,. rii.l -to timi I i.- |.,T< to I- '; >K v \ . I 1 Kcard'i C . ,3 Shop I'XKM Ki"- - M I 1 1 lrin>. lot i,,i cloth. U Mi ..i ,'X v*ltt uton viilh* l' I' K uw*t for all ktn.lv . *l . iv l >f Klniberieo tnillK. store* tro ulo, auctlas*>

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