DOM1K10K OTTAWA. March. Th* Speaker took tb* abaur ai S o'c ock. Tho toUootng bill wa* introdaotd and read the fire.t time : To iLOurpoiate the Montreal Bridge aad Terminu* Company- Mr. Laocli*r (Quebec). The luUowing bill* wer* road a third time, and paed : i o incut porate the Tilaonborf. Laks Krie, and Peuino Railway dmpany. To incorporate th* Canada Cabs* Com- pany- Tb* foil wing bill* wer* introdaotd aad raad a first urn* : To confer up- n the Commies ionor of Patent* certain ji .wer*. lo incorporate the Owen Sound and Lake Huron Rai>way Company Mr. BsaalL To amrad the Ontario Pacific RaUwty Company'* ot Mr. Bnrgin. Sir John MaoJouald moved that Govern mafcl bn*<uee bavv precedence on Tburt- da\ s for the> remainder of the tnsttna. Mr. Laurie* *M that th* issnoa had not reached tbe stag* at wbioh th* Oppo- titK> c". u ' .--' t ui this moiino. Nooe of the public till* bad a* jet been tout hod. Sir Joan Meodonald oonswotea to allow ah motion to *t*nd for another week- oarotr of thi* It was carried on one occasion by a vote of on*. Tbi* action wa* reversed b> a vote of oo*, and then there wa* a lie. Tb* vot* of Mr. Speaker kept the bill before the House, and wben lb*> bill cam* before tb* oommitia* it would b* remembered that there wa* such excrement thai the member for Montreal (Mr. Currsc) mho occupied th* chair, wa* so convolved witb laughter , whether we were livin* ia th* Middle Ato*. that b* did not obaarv* that b* (Mr. , All that we aak for by tbi* Act of Inoor- Browc) bad th* fl jcr. and thereby with i'ttructioci to th* con-mitt** to pro- vide tfcal lat* asaooaiioo tbatl not bold aablio processioct IB any prcviaoe where Party Proeeetion A*t* ar* now o* may be hereafter enacted Mr. Wallao* I ibalJ only cccopy tho lin-s of tbe House for a few miaaie*- When lister. i"f to tb* memVr for Mcctnal West I >a* woadanng whether we were liviDii in a frc* coat try aalled Caaeds. or the fljcr. and thereby ptw Tented bim from >p*k eg nil the member* ouul.1 be brought in lo reccri Iheir TOM* for the Bill. Be was eorry to Bay thai in many part* of the oonntry the) real object of the Bill bai been misapprehended. Thi* BUI in no way sffeetexi trne sport. The hill wa one which all trne ipori imen would apport. Tbe object WM urn pi) to pro vice against trap hooU-DK. whiob wae in no sense sport a* between men and animal*. wbfre toe man a.d the b*il be could and the) animal did the) beet il eonld. The object if the BUI wa* to prevent the boxicg p if bird*, and (port which j attended i by degrading association* of gambling and grog. The) practice) of usiig pigecn* fur thi* iport had kiven riae to a cumber of TBLEGRAPHIC SUMMARY spreading ia Meooptamia v* b*M kUled by an > at LTortmond. Gar- Cholera i* 6e*n Bi in a m ne y. A Fnnch torpedo boat i* aahore at Coet PoMUfal. d* Mir Her crew bare rxbbrd doTeecte* nl told their ocon^autev II wa* (aid that thoee bo inppoited tbi* measure were ! oraxkf, i.d knew nothing abt/ui iport. Mr. Mitchell oailed tbe attention of th* (Bear, hear.) He waa bappy to b* abi* to Government to a deepaioh in tbe newipa- aay that *inos the BUI wa* laal before the peia ktattnK li at Ibe Bebrirg Sea qoswuon Hunt* many hrn gentlemen wbo bad Bad bei u seined between th* represent*- , opposed il bad channed their views.. H* tivw* of England and tb* United State* bad presented tbi* tossrion petition* in favor without ooi,*aittng Caiada. | of it bearing thise or lour tboaeand iigna- Sir John Macdot-ald repliad that h* tore*. Amoag th* name* war* thoa* of oo d no* help wbai ucwepaper reporters eminent jusuoes of New Brunei t aad liked to put in the pree*. Oa Saturday Manitoba, all tb* leadirg clergymen and ta*t a telegram oaue trcm 8u Julian dooelionist* of tbe country. H* ashed Panaoetote, stating tbat b* bad received hoo.gentlemen if they oould tak* their ohil- icatruoiiou* trooi ule.nd to enter upon j dren lo see- toch a degrading *trt a* thi , tb* discussion of tb* vaiioo* question* and aod if tbey ooa.d do otherwise than coo- wa* awaiting tbe arnval ol a Canadian damn u ? Tail waa tbe law ol Mai representative. Tbi* telegram wa* sent obusstu. aod ws* ia the iotereei Minister of Manns aad K. id- of over to rh arire, aod on MotHaty tbal gentleman left lor Washington. 8 r Riobard Cartwright *aii it bad been intimsted vbl there would be some im- portant orange* ID tb* tariff, and tbe baeiuee* intrr*t* of th* ooanlry w*re baing iijured by the prolonged suspense. B* abooghi tb* Government should a* aaily aa pvesiblo state mben the financial slste- m*ot mi. il 1 be made Sir Jtfan Macdonald replied that than had be* n e lane number of deputation* pro-.. UK the-ir 11- w* upon th* Govern meul v*r since- Parliament oagsn. Tbe*e depu- tatuin* bad only ouaisd coming last west, and a* auoa a* th* Minister* of Finance and Cn*tom* could look into their oaawsihe Hiioes would be pot in pca****ioo of tb* view* i f tb* Government Sir K chard ie, agreed lhs.1 the praottoe of deputalioo* d< ls> log ibir pre aaao* till the last moment kept back Ib* GowrunvMit, and b* thought to* Govern- ment should tak ste^s to discos* of In* mailer rarlier ia the earning Mr. I'h.niou aaked whoa tho rotorn woal 1 be> brooxbt dvwn a* to the submit ton of the Jreuit* E*late* A.-l to th* law otn *n of the Crown. Sir John Meodouald amid there bad bean delay Kvttiug permission to bring paper* bafor* tb* House, bat tb* pe*mi*rou hd been obtained, and the paper* would be bud oo tb* table in a few Tb* Hoaax went into commute* 0*1 Mr. Oo*ttg%a Bill to further amend tb* Adol- tare, t ion Ao*. Mr. Wi -on atid that it wa* aolair that if a .is. p'lroaaawd an artiol* ia g* 1 faith. bWtejvi- g tbat it wa* all right, aad bad a warnnty that it wa* not adulterated, h* abould b- a. id ,i.b e. Sir John 1 hou i eon If he provo* tbal b* hss Xero *!*. 1 .'il'ei oe io tho pur of the article s, then all the penalty inflicted u sin ply oo. doattonot ib* good*, ia i r u r to remvvw them from Ibe market. Mr. I'- e>uau introdnoed a ulaua* sm powerm* th<- mm ioipaiitio* lo appoint a looal nl. t i d thoe save those wbo sm a*O)ed bim from ot-mu-g long dial Witt ibenr gcod tor ul, *. Mr "Vileou a k ' how tbe local anslysl wvuld b* |-i . H of jevtid I* tb* Gov. orumeat n t m a matter ol this oort. It blon.*d purely to th* Local LevieJatu e*. Mr. Coetigto -aid th*** analyst* be pa> d by the result*. Mr Bruwu *u the Board ol Health and OorporeiH.n of Hamilton wer* in favor of aa h sn.i*i- Mr Mill* .aid Ibis we* a matter for th* L< o-l L~.ilatur<> to deal with. 1b>- !<!* we* aoopted on tb* under h -t when printed an opportunity a<d b- ff.'tded if dleoo*IDg it The Bl 1 we,* paseed through * mm lie*. Th* iniowuk Bill* werw read a third time) and paaeed : Kolatu.k to Ihe Canada Sjutheru Bridge Co uoo> An Aot respecting the Manitoba A North w>w r Ki *> i oinja.i* of Canada To am* .u the Cauadian IV i Ao Railway A . 1889 and for t/ther pnrpu Revr^otug the Krie A Huron Railway Company Mr. Uiok*y, in introducing th* Bill to amend me aosda Temperance Aol, Mated tht he proposed to r-iuert tbe olaoe*, tbe rwueal ot *hioh lu the ooueolioatton of th* lawe i i led to eouis doabi at to tb* Aot ben K i" '"foe in Mo\a rtooiia. Tue B li was reod a first time. Sir AU'ilphe Uarou, replying to Mr Bute, eaid thai oenotiatiou* w*ro tlUI oil * on brtwten the Government and In* Imperial u hvirui e with refervoce to B'I'Ul Cilumbla Ut truce*. The** uegolia ttou* e>r ovii'fideoiial. and oould not now bw hioiuht dowu Bir J .hi. Maodooald, oa th* order for to* iv i,.i.-.rui n if ibe> wrecking bill* bexo* o*lled. s*.id : Ihe Government ba* eoiuiuuuit-aird with Her Mj !>' Govero m-ni uuou tbi* sui'j-ot. Her Majesty'* Governor nt ha* oorr**|<onded with W shuuion on tbi* iBbjroi, aud that oor iwiixxKli-no* t* now tu progn** Under tre-e ii'. ua>st*.i.o.s I mn*t ask tb* Uont* lo |KMtpone> otUKiilerati.iu ol tbeao bUls for tb* pree* at, becaaa* II would b* absurd for Ibe Legislature h, r to d*al with ib* matter, while Uer Ms}*i]r Government homDiiT and tu-rcy. Allboogb an on davor ba* been made to ridtcnl* thi* bill by calling it tbe I> cky bird bill, he ooold infirm boo. gentlooien thai an aaeociation in England, which wa* doioj very good work, wa* known a* too Dick) -bird Society, ana be wa* not at all diavoaraged by that name being applied to hi* bul. la order lo meet tome ubjctun* be would, wben the bill wa* in committee, withdraw thelatolaao,wbi<.b provided f jrlbe killing of dteabled anin a a Reprtteutath n had been mad* to kim thai thi* olao** mi*ibi leod to harm, aod he propoetd to meet tbat objeoiion. He look the itroand tbat killing for kuluig'* take wa* wrong. A timilar Bill lo ihi* wa* pa* ltd by th* Imperial Houw of Common* by a vote of 1M u 40. Il wa* tbe practice of iportemen. in order to make bird* fly in *uoh a way a* to be oiffijali to *hooi, to twi*t their tail* aod War eome ft a her* from tboir bueom*. (Laugbler.) By tbia praotiee the dove, tb* emblem of innocent e wa* mad% a degrading obj-ol of tuort. Thi* Bill would punub men wbo overdrove hone* or dog*. Men oould aevor repay tho debt they oend to tbe boree (Laanbi*r and apuleuae ) Tboogh ir i Dili h>d been made the objeot of amu*emeol la*i year, in* maotbrra of tbif Houee had warm btarl* boauog wutiu their bmaM*. (^pplaBM) They Mt tbat the mea*uie wa* right, and wutud oon*tder I *arKBaty Ibi* eneeivn and pae* it. A* the pok**man ot the bamane toctelie* of Can- ada b* arged the tl->uer 10 do tbi*. 1 ped that they would not homiiate to aflord ihi* measure of |tro*rcuon lo dumb aat- male, wbo were auahle to protect poration i* to at lie fraternally th* order, and to give material aid to tbe distressed member*, to educate them socially, morally, aod iataU*otaally . and to incatoat* loyaly to Queen acd eoaairy ; to enable ihe association 10 cMablish a rued for the relief if members With suth otjVot* ia view inch a totally unnecessary smead m-nl a* th ca* prtpoeed would never b* ocn*ent*d to. Mr Davte* Thi* bill ba* com* up her* year alter ytar. eroated a good deal cl sx- ciiemenl, aad there apf aar* to b* a vndw- pread de*ire on brbaif of tb* member* on both tide* of tbe Hcaee that this OTaaiaa lion abonld receive thai which th*y bav* been asking, an Ad of Incorporation. All we have to do ie to incorporate this body, BEQ tb Local Levils,tcre* car deterrc'Be a* lo th* aianaer ia wbioh their street* shooid b* paraded. I think n would b* a bad precedent for a* to insert in tb* bill to b a olaaa* a* ba* been prppomd. sod I thick th* Moci/esl member woald be acting wiaaly by wiihjtswmg it alto- gether. Tbe boar for privsl* bill* having elapsed, Mr Speaker eaUsd the order* ol th* day, ard farther consideration of th* bill wa* Marred. Tb* Hoaat run ami ia Committ** ol Sopply. Mr. McMillan charred that the taper ann uancn tyctem wa* manipamted for political pvf. oar*, and that quit* able to work wer* upon th* list. Mr. WeWuo (St. John) o Abraham Lincoln, law only m ol ler and Mr* I ""'- f frf ai Limtm. Fri u la>t f. On.000.000 mark*. Ra***a S U*V 000.000 mark*. Great Britain 1 47 .**) OflB marks. Germany 1*.aw> Ausir'* Rar.arv 1 WJ 000.000 Italy 1x54.000,000 mark*. Three itmaJ* itwdaat* at tl Mm- on I Bcfcocl. Oshkoab. Wia. Mary Car r*.6anh Carney, aad a Mw* Bora*, al ' rt Calc me* oconiy started for ckorcc mat > more ing aad ha v* BO* w Iti*f*arad*bwyalliatft l , lak* w> tbair bom**, aad 1 th* io axd pens bed. _ Treasurer Flyac, ol Cwtatr There bav* been felt in rVme two alight g^ a iterc Ptkcta, i* then ia hi* aceoc canfeqoak* abock*. and ikere i* great $jj,aX ""-X"; t-v u _. J FrederiomA Wahoa.lae DaJla,.' Ib* lomber basin* ssba* an onpncexivnted bcom at Rat Portage and Keewaim law season, There wa* a tligbl rartcaaak* yesterday i, reported that the Unioa inEsinmadura, between Leiria and th* Yard* cf ChtcMO. th* larntw* ia tkw> wwrwi. at* cossi i vl jj doabtiew* b* told to aa Eot'iab ica- Tre will cf John Jaccb Anor Wave* hi* eat*. Tb* price cf th* elaat i* twOJwt twaV flrVen B i lion* of doilart to hi* eon. except j sjmgiiBunl at ataokaral aaadbt a*a> I7M.OOO in b. j-.e*i*. Capelowa ba* been received at Pronaoa. A terr bl* faain* i* feared in Japan. By I town. Ma**. Th* fteh ar* reported ta ha Ibe abtoimal advance in tb* price ol no*! ma<.b inptrior to th* American sawotmwtv due ciMre** ba* bean eaaatc). Jotcph Becoett. at MaroaUo* Fall*. R. Tbe Frercb Government bss acoapted T , thot and killed himaait in By the uviieiicn cf Germany to tske pan ia th* Berlin labor convention. Advice* from th* Cap* ia> th* Trant- fccodier wbo ekipped to Canada with |i 0* cf ctbr people'* mce*y. wa* arrtated m Si. Jcbn. X. B., en Saturday night. Mr. Jonee (Halifax) intimated that before the doe* of tbe> eeoeton bo would teet the feeling of ihe BOOM on thi* qaeeticn by bringing ia an amend meol to >appl*. Mr. Jooee (Halifai) criti -i*i th* ad- min : (i rat ion of tbe Militia D-partireai itb lefereno* to clothing provided, wbioh be *aid wa* a very iafenor ante**. Too Government corruptly gv* tho conlraot to eopportert wbo coninbated to the) eam- paiirn fond, and too volunteer* bad to offer. Mr Kirkpttriok ttated that th* militia alotbinc wat not an inferior anicav Mr. Deoiaoa laid that the clothing at rvod out to b it troop* wa* eaiiaf adory . Mr. O Brian (aid that the dopartmwat bad DOthiael to be aihamed of aboejl tbe cloihiag. Be thoothl thea the) eoaoiry ba-iaUcu* abottld b* drilled at keaM evejry year. After paeeiix arveral rteme tbe com mm** roee, aad th* Boa** adjoamed at UeOa. m. Mr. Tiadale congratulated th* boo. feattecan tbal bo bad hroojtat tbe eame Mil before) tbe Hooee a* la*l year. He agned that tbi* bi 1 had had a ioKular carver, and many bon. gentlemen would agree that the bon gentleman from Hemil- ton bad already madt the member* of the Htu*e*ee,r), both iuide and oanide of it. (C'ru-e of " No") Some boo. gentle man n ubi not be tired ot it, but tbey had more patience than he bad. Il would have been better thai the bon. enlleman bad accepted tbe vrrd ol cf the Uouee la.t ten. H* oonfr*aed that if be were a oman and th* hon. member, witb hie gnil mannert and beamii g mil>*, ap- P> cached bim on thu bill, b* would be Inclined to npport it. Tbie comedy had bean *offi ientiy long oo the L*gi*lalive board*, and il thoold b* removed before it degenerated ioto a faro*. He oijved the en mouth*' boitt. Mr. kloUxk eatd that lail year he oppceed th* nirauiurv, but in it* amended from b* would vote for it. Oaaditition oa the motion for a au hi. ui 81 voted vea and VI aay. Tb* bill wa* then read a aeoond time. Tbe Houee went into oommitleo of apply. Sir Richard Cartwright, oo the item for peuiiau* in oonueclioo with the Norlhwe*! rebellion of 1886, called attention to tbe fact thai the Government allowed the col Ut'ral relative* of S> rx*ant Yaluioelte MM a year, while hi* pay a* atrgeant wa* oo> 1300 a year. Sir Aco'pt* Caroo eaid wben thepeneion li*t wa* p/eparrd pruv *ion wa* med* in oertain oaeee for the children of the parent of Ihe man wbo died. Sir Riobard Cartwrighl neve* yet knew a cae* in which a pet>*ion bad been granted to tbe deceased relative* of a man larger than Ibe pay b* rnovived. That had been done with tbe relativa of Yaltquelte 1 . Mr. Jooee (lllifi) taid the explanation a* MiKfaotory, au.i the mod* m whiob th* pension wa* granted wa* a groM viola lion of the Militia Aol. Sir A>*o'ph* Caron *%id thf> member could not >ub<tiauti*i* the charge h made Sir Riobard Cartwrir>t pointed to the fact tbal th* turn of 9S40.i40 voted Ibi* y*r for taperaunnatton >l.o**no*o wae exoet-iva. B* taid that mm were rooeiv log a lowanoe* who were quite able to eerve the country. Tbe piodigej abnae of tbi* extern wa< likely to roa* a ferlin* thrv>nghoni tbe country that would reeult ia the total abolition ot the preeent *f|<' uetifii alrowanoe. II Ibat ware to happen the Government would bo lo blame. The Boo** want Into th* nomtniltee on the bill to incorporate th* Grand Oiaoite l.odg* of Prttiab America and adopted the rrvat LeawoaeolUo* New Totk Beea'4.) The Aadalaataa (ir| ia almoat invariably a petit* braaott*, and although not a. I ar* plump and otaav are too Moul the majority he** vxqai*it*Jy symmesnoal laprnog li jib*. w*U developed boat* aod tbe moot dainty aad r>flo*d band* *n1 fr**, R gmrd- iag them few* Gs alter mak** IS* moot ssioandins; a**ertion thai wtiboai aay pwiic rxaggeration it wo old b* easy bar* in Se*U e to tod women whoa* feat aa itfani nimbi bold in it* band*. A Frweoh girl of 7 or t could not wear tb* aboas ol aa Andaloataa uf *) ' I am alad to atte*l Ibal, if tb* feet of 8*villian womeu reallv were to monsiroosly (mall fifty y. ar* ago, tboy ar* eo a* toaeji r. It ie diecooragicg to a** a man like Gaatktr fall ir to the \'sr error cf ftacya thai. bevo- a small tool ia a thing of beauty, i ben for* the (mailer the loot th* mar* btsalifnl il mast be Beaaiy ol feel, hand* and wai*t* i* a matter of prcportioo. aol of abeola'* >ia*. sod 100 small feel, band* acd wai*t* are rot beaatilol bul We alight a* wrll srkQr that unce t man'* fot-t oaxbt lo b* larger than a woman's, therefore Ibe e-gr bit fool ike more he ba* of mably beaaty. It the Aadaleataa a omen really had fast *o smsll thai a baby mihi held tbe>m in it* band they woald not be able lo walk at all, or. at U**t, not irmrtfully Bat il is precisely their graceful (ait and carriage for which they at* meet fttned and ad- mired. tret Vwr .. lifted in sayirg "gcexl-by*," or lay va*l Govertmenl ha* forbtdctD tee Boer expecition into Maiccca-acd. Secrvi negotiatkn* to indtc* Portagal to propoee the Pop* a* arbitrator ol bar aiepcte Great Britain failed Tb* jury ia the iaqaaM oo tb* St. Alban maeeacr* foaad Do cot* gwilty of moruer after a few moment*' d*uowi anon. Aldermen Eden aid McCarrcD, of Char- IOIUII.WD, P I , are atrvu g MMence* in jail for third i fir toe* under the r>.-oil Act There wa* a atrico* election not in Be'liu oo Tboieday niht. Ibe oeUbral u>g Socialui* cam* into cot fboi with th* poJiea. Mr. Rathbore. the American Coniul- General at Paii*. aad hi* wife will give a reopti n today in boaor ol Wtthingioa'i btrtbdey. Lord Saliehary acd Mr. Gladitoaw are iovere-W d m a move meal in London to eend o*er to 'he Toronto Vuiveraiiy gifteolbooki for toe library. George) Clark, eon tic ted a* oa* of the murderr *f Wm. MeCaoalaod. tb* All*- gb*i y Cny drovor, wa* baoged al Way nee- borg. Pa., yeeterday. A tornado al Bainbndg*. Ill, li mike <a*i. coeapl*i*lv d*moli<hod the rvwedonce of J. Sny.'er. There were avveral panon* in tbe building and all wat* injortd. Toe Dae d'Ortean* wa* yetierday re moved to th* prtaoo cf Clairvaax. Tbe prtaeipel ladaetry in which pn*oner* there ar* emptoved t* ipioning oottoo and flix Ia the eootinaalioo <e*a>rdaf of th* iria at Cbarluttetown. P E I., of Mr*. Week*, on the charge of poteoning Mr*. Datherlan^, aothing wa* brought oat to iaonmiual* tbe pruooor. There i* great depreaeija at th* Spani*h Embaaiy in Loodoa in ooaar^oeocw of Ibe u. faa i King * relepwe. oeoead by taking him oat to c rive and letting dowa the ualltag* window*. Dartag tbe ahotioa at Ce*imbra. Porta al, there wa* a riot. Tb* Utatnct Admin- wiraK r wa* >bo and aervoaely wottnoed. Several (apoortan of th* Governataal ware y*terd*y merging. Dospoodsaey, do* at a eanor, oaoatd th* act. Baron von B*rlep*oa, Promiaa Mi*i*aaf of Commaro*. wul preaid* over lh* Labo* Coo fe renew. Tb* ducuaiion* of tb* Coov ftrwoc* will b* camad ca in Free oh. In Charlottitowa. P E. I yesterday, tbo preliminary x*>minaiK>o ia tb* cam of Mr*. Week*, chargod with altemptias; ta poiaon sirs Savberlaad, wat btfan. Billy Cameron, fcrmfrly cf Lon^ow, Ont . who a ecnpJe of vear* ago not* tawV- 000 from th* Union Bank u Winaip**> died in SIOQX City, Minn., roatntly. 1 r*. B actborn and Graai. two at Loaitv vuie't. (Ky.) mod prcmioeni ahysuwaaw, were oaobt at aa aarly boar ye**emay morning in tfc* act ol robbing a grave. Mr Che*. Bremner. of W. T.. threaten to la* Gn. Sir Fred. Mtwnbl too. Baymtr Reed and Sam- Bedeon foe t5.000.tb* value rf far* looted from com* th* Northwest rebellion. Ia te* Northumkoelaad Paper pant'i mill aa employe* named George) U i. ell bad bi* rwht hard crashed aaw) j"g tkw oofs* so B Canada veriou* o'a**. are. preeeioii tbe ctrong ve* of apoo tho United State* with reaped to! The com iwotprooiti both ia wreotinn aO'l c >a*iing. amend i< ni Mr. Brown, ia moving th* teoond r*ad- 1 Mr Wallace a < tm ) la*{ ..f tbe bill to me.k larther pn.<vi*ioa th bill r the prevmuitoa) ot orwolly to awitwkl*, Mr Onrranmorrd aa tmerdment that ittee r|vrted the bill wiikxut t) c n i a> at a oar, Bat lifted in bow do yea do? " Bat lifted when offerirg a atat ia or in achiiowledgtrg a favor. K ep ttep with any one you walk with. Alway* preorde a lady up iteir*, aad a*k her if you may preord* her in paaticg through a arowd or public plaao. Bai i ff the moment yea enter a etreet door, and wben JOB enter into a private ball or cffloe. Let a lady pa<* firat alway*. unl*** ebe a*k* ) oo to precede her. la the pailor (land oniil vrv lady in the room I* awated. aleo oM*r people. Riee it a )ady o> me* in after yon are eatrd. e.nd etand until ah* takee a aval. Ixxk |*rple MraiKbt in tb* fee* wben *p*e.king or being fp ken t.\ Let ladie* paa* thioogb a door flrtt, itaodirg **id* for them. In tbe dining rocm take year wat after ladie* aod eld-r*. Never p!av with ki 1'e. folk or *poon. Do not take your napkin iu a bunch ia year hand. Bat aa fact or a* ilow a* other*, aad flni-h tb* ocurae whrn they do. Riea wben ladie* leave Ihe loom, and land ui nl ih*y ar* oat. It all k.o out together, gentlemen Hand by the door till Ian. paa*. Avoid noia* IB *altrg. and *maoking of the lip* ibould be voi <ed Oover the month with hand or napkin wKrn obliged lo nmive anithii g f rcm it. I'ee your hendki rfbi< unoblruaiveiy alway*. A'cw Fer Henry Stanley. ih African explore*, baa Tb* oaaee ot tb* Dak* ol Orlaaa* 1 r* i&.prtrOt atect aa* a mov* by the Radical* 10 get an aoine*iy for all persons riiuy ol uffeoce* Uka unto 1* Doc'* daring th* pati dooad*. Count DeTarvane Dayaao ha* been appointed i on*ul General cf France to C'e,uada. He wa* formerly Cooscl at Dublin. Mr Dabail ba* been trancferred to Amtterdsm. Il i* ondcntcod ihe report cf tb* Royal C<mmiMioa on th* English Army and Ne.vy will propose the aboiilioe of tbetm.T >.f Commander- in Chief ol tb* army wh<:i ev- r the vaon -y arise* 1 be Berlin Pott doe* col balitv* tbe Ger- man Gvverament mill ecierta n the pro pi sal cf r cm Pssha for ikt oti cjoetl o W> e i. btoaote that oonalry i* within the |br* of brui h intencta. Thoma* Munroe, of Wbit*b*ad. Gayi boio'. N 6., went out tbootii'K acd wbii* rpareiuu a couple of bu UKhtunst dogs with ihe ball of hi* 'an. th* Srtartn waa oi*.har k sd and hi* brain* were blown oal Owing to the alter disregard shown to tbe> Speaker'* ratings in tb* French Chsm ber of IVputie*. a new role bat baaa paitd eflixit g a penaJty to every refuaal on ib* part ot a member to obwy the Speaker's oraar*. Mr. Balfoor i* engaged in preparing a bill to ive to Irvlar J a tyttem of looal self govert.ment. Hi* scheme is said to be based upon tbe idea of treaiirg the Irish at to local itoverrment jutt at th* t'. o*l *b and Sooich ar* treated in rKard lo th* mm* sabj-ci. Mr. Demo* St. Loui*' boa**, in tb* bus at the end cf Laasiloi* avenue, Windsor, wa* totally deetroed by fir* v*atrday, causing a lot* of II 000 . insured for the am* amount. At the lime the fire broke 001 Mil Si Loms ws* uck in ber room, and bad to b* carried from th* building. A band of Albanian* mad* a deeoenl api n tbe viUa*>i o! Babl*ak. Roboci* and Babruch. in O.d Serbia, and plundered them Many inhabitant* were tortured to death by ibe robber*. A battalion cf Turkish trrops ba* bren despatched to the eorue. bul they ar* jowerlee* again*! Ib* marauder*. Cbarree. J Stephen*, a letter distributor in tb* Chicago 1'ost cffloe, wa* arreettxi vrctrrday for robbing th* msil* About 90 letter* and registered packag** war* foord on b'ni. anl many more wrr fvond in hi< room. Hi* operation* htv* xt*n<'ed over a ooaaidrabee period. H* mad* a fall cot feswijn. Oa th* authority of tb* Prin* of Wae**' Prtvat* Secretary, to* Caa**tw*a G<s*etl or*t>ir*diolelhe rumor thai the Prino* an*) Prutotee and Prince Georg* ar* about to aid tbat tb* Uouee won d remember th* th* bill b* recommitted to ah* oommitM* lavoaped onbort. *iri. , j uvMAMvj, we w,K4 iwu e A^turec, om . * ruMje;ev eMiu K i iti w vrevrgv mir BIKIQV 90 bwn elected an honorary tit* member of th* 'in Caaada for tb* b*awdl ol their S.vag* Club ialx>*woa. | hrejth, aad stat** thrr* i* ao warrant for Mmam VaBbar, of Gn-lph, were thrown >> r-port. though tb* Priao* doabtloM 'r m a utif r oa Ibe market *i|a%r* ol that . w^aM much *r jo> taoh a vt*it. oil v on Salnrdsv bv r untwsv bora*. Mlal ' S a'istic* ar* pabliabatl in Berlin abaw. DuiitNu- h>d an arui, and kecsuetar i* Ik* militanr sxpruditar* ot tb* cnat > powtn daring the pail thrat year*, France narrowly escaped having hi* drawn between two Motoi dryers, _ Tbs New York Grand Jury yewtrrrfTy foond iadicureoi* againal Cashier Vat) Zaodt. ol tb* Lencx Bill Bank, fcr tontenr and perjury in connection with tbe bank wrecking. 'Vaa Zaadl wa* bald ia IS.OOt) bail riligatu favoring Horn* Rul* for lead aad dexoiratr* reptimtiUn Liberal* of South WaJe*. al a in L adoo yeoterrav. agreed ta co oneraal tn ooiaia Home Ral* for B*rarl ami Walaj. Although it i* aol yet pabuwly kacw* bt Maond. tber*:t liiti* doabt bat tbat th aow (Governor Geaeral ol Cwba win b* Geoeral Jot* CkmohUla, late Mioistar of War. Ysa Pewre*. Domala aad Mrweabaaa, leaders of Ib* Sootai-M party m Bollaad. war* arrewsad yesterday in a hotai ia Bwr- lia Tb* ibarge against ibem i* no* kaowa. Tbe Freoch Cabinet Ccaacil ca SateW- day decided to post poo* ibe relsse of th*) L>oc d Orlasns oaul th* aext Coa*M*T. *b*n the date ol hi* relrn** wiil probably kwfued. Mr. John Dilloa aad Sir Tboma* Oraw- <n Esmonds Borne Rolera, amed ia aWal Fraaciaoo from their Aa*traliaa lour cm Kr i 'sy *T*ning. aad wots) accorded a aarw beany welcome. A gang of robbers flopped a mail briwean Sooderburg and Fkitbarg, maay. beat th* t facer* in charge laeenaibiliiy, and then eeeaped with) a nooibtr cf rgi***r*d bag* tad vajuabl**. Two Fr> ntb teri!m*n wbo had a p'Sttaticn al Chaime, Parse s. wwaV retentlr Kurdered by two of their s*a- pJoytss, wbo ntl* 11 COO aad Kme vejaav Vie* Tb* viotioi* wire d*c*pitat*d- mordrrert fl. a. bat w*r* sr reeled Wm Crock, of Adamtbarg. Pa., pat stick of d) namit* ia th* ttov* to dry > Saturday An > xplosiotfocourred, sad t kitccen wa* blown to atom*. Will Stemeu was kilted. Crook aad hi* wit* obiid were, il it ihoaght. fatally bars. In Sookar Creek, on Mr. Bohram'i farm, township ol Gainaboro', ooaaty ot Liav oola, Ib* body ot a man wa* foaad ca) Saturday. H* wa* about W years of ago, dreased In a dark owrooal. reel aad panto, aod slid black bat. Th* body ha* tot bata identified K W Gemmelt, astor, and E.G. Brook*, bank clerk, (orged a chcqn* at Winnipeg oo Friday for 1150 and left for Mia- Deapoli*. Tbey wer* arreeled al Graasl Fork* and brooghl back, having waivaw. extradition. They ar* wall ooon*otod ia En laod. Tb* Siberian ExU* Aesocislioo. wriofc bad il* mooting ia PtaUadelpbua on Satatv day, i* making arrangement* for (ending pviitioos ihrvugbonl the country -far *eaaa> tnrse, pr*ating *gain*l Russia ayeataienA of ber politioal prisoner*. Th* Bemvooa, when *igned. will b* forwarded to) taoCaer. Kmil N*wmtnn. a notad prolamor ot ma- u- in riatlia, wa* arreeted yeCtarday <- a oharge ot marderipg hit *on, ag*d li. wbo wa* found hanging to a bed pott wiik all ib* appearance o? inictde. Tbe motive) for tbe orim* te supposed t* b* Ib* oa'*) ditoovery of hi* father's ivttema- 10 crier inal ooodaot with many ol hi* femeie pupU* ot ih* r> l families. A atn*%iion hat been canted by tb* flod. ing >e*t*rday of the Countess Carloliv. tb E. g'.ith wife of a deoaatxd French aohe*. man. dead In her ohair. Tb* aufortouata woman was bunging in her arm* a bag A mailing 116000 in (old at th* v*rw nuoo>*nt wben th* wa* dying of intoffi -teal i utniion Seing too miserly to puroaoaa tb>- food that th* noaded to keep h*r ahva, Tb* tot* of lh* German Sooialict* ia tk*> r- sin eleolion, coaips.>4 With Ik* ma% t"-vKin* etweuoa in l&*7,aow* a aio *t 5C7 40S vole* Tire gala ol tb* wWraaam 1 ^ rl*. ooinparwd in the tarn* way, - i60. Th* Oaatr* party, oo tb* ooa- tre,ry, and th* p*n,e* lo.-laded ia tba> Cartel ooalitioo, all lost beavilv. Th*> C.rtelWre bav* losi Cealre party IOC.6 .' : -. .