Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1890, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infants and Children. T - - J I Cutvria t uies (VHe. OoostrpaHnn, I rnoornmecul Itaa nprrtor to any pn-ncripuua I &ur Htomacii, 1'iarrhoia, Krnctaiion, koowB to me." n. A. A,WII:I. W l< ' Ulln w.,rtn, latwOjctedlft., Bruok(fa,K. V. Tlut CncTAfH < 'o*riM , 77 Murray Street, N. Y. A. NcTavish, HOR.SKSHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, CollinRt?ood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Maaufaetarinf of Wacom. Kleiihi. Hnt.- DaQuxrals, ec. HurwmhooioK pruuiptl) t t. -tided tn. Htwoial allvuli.in b.vcti tu ruutract I oruader feet. and Plow Chains con- lauil > onhniid. CAME ASTRAY. Can* to Ui prvmwai of the aD<lrii(D*d. Ixit KtiJTuronloand HirJnubaiii Koa<l, about Ilix firt of H*|itonil>ria>t. out helfar eoulnf tbrM yean old. Th own^r U rcnuettwt to prove |>ro|>nr, paj vipoiiw* and tak it awajr M1U JUSHI'II CLAUKK. > IrabcrtoD. Fab lltli 18(0 FLOUR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUR! MR. r LUI T CKS Ii prepared to do your UriUlnic on linrt notlaa and jrlu.to on Uu> oM tru uf wr> tw.fili htialial. h. von tc'.il. pr bati f two I'unbol* fur Cliupulu(. dui.anvry U. Tbu I.III.M Ml U 1M la tl.f vakliaallou of th. public. Hatl.llcUon OuaralitMd. V. LOUCKS. l-ropriotor. (Ood itabllliK for uirao*. S'CltNTiFICAMERiCAN ^^. * . n . <r ^ Ja tat "ideal nnJ "t pcfulur *c(ntMif anil nerhanimf pai<*r pttbllphn.1 >rt>1 mii- ' ^trvalatiiMi olf any paper of Iticiaa* in tl Tnllj lllutrHJ. llet rlai "t W.<xl Kuri.- tri I'uhlUhxl wuwklf IMnirt for ipcii"*n eMI'T, I'rir. M a 7r. >oar n.,nlh' IrUI. II. ML'KN h IT).. Ivui.ianrKf.a.i Oroadwa). N.V. ARCHITECT8&EUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. O A irrat irra . Farh U00 r*>n'alMi < lltli'ni>hlr |'l ( lMof ruiuilrr aii'l nit r.'iil ..... CM-* or imiiir uytldtntfa. Numeroua envta. tf(1 full t-lanp and ae1flaliona t><r tht*tii> "f <!>.. nl.uipiM" iii.iiini. I'rlc-. .) a yrar, licti. aeupr. MUWII i CO, I'trBUluka. M'l'lf- iiiii i.i Mr*M ,\ ' " . w bo PATENTS i %/' i-ii'ff ifuni Mil h*V" nunl* ---r M M',lfl p(i|lr*t1t'nf f-T Aim-rti HM Wifl K'-r- M* .('^n (Mttfnu (vnd r<-r UMidUjok. turru** puauo atrtoilr x>nildnul. TRADE MARKS. |a rue your aiart ) not rci.i*t..red In Ilia Pat- rol Olta. |.|.^l I i Xll -N A i . i"l |.i '. u.e linu.xa.i., i r ' :i. Helltl (or llali.1l"' CvPYUK'IIT* for I"- >i, ebarla, n..|. CO.. 1'iilrnl r-ollrli.,!.. UuruiAL Ovric*-. J.I liu.m.uiir. N. T. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD , ID !"* of <1uii**r*t<! iiinl*tii whiflh n>i* iti th*ur*. Ami pfiu-'ifAl rM'ilto oflh* OH final, in *,.itr uf i4"iH \a WIITHKI* w-tO.| l^ "b*r AtUiupU I" r ! ' Iunt . nf wlimh dwnnMtrtU tb u(1.>i.l.il MiMC^nHif -I ' . *** Hi i. .*/ m t-*h Hviin*t>rirr M irtarklnir n R|>r.i tu ^M-WI iHiltur*. Hw>nMMrlup(Miit|NM.rr>ri*>^ (fWipUtll *JI t> e.r. N. V Farm for Sale. ( >.'-r will rwi rt crlved hr thi:n.l'-ririw1 for . ..(I ..it. .'. mi. 10, Out U. oaprnt. i -i < i . . ii . tl..' "aii't- i". -i it'll valrol ' pro).. -rtv On tho fn m i< IIKU-I. I > lari'i- < -"inf"ilalil. .l-!lin4 lii'U '..n. fn"i. Iwru Kti.intlinr oulbm. - *!!! wat' i- I A I. ' i' " I an. I tindrr r -iltivatioii. aii't M: I. !"i- tlieeaUteoF tlivlkte Ju Cralr'l. mlinli iuul t > wni.1 up alTairii of JecuaMMl i' r fnrlli.-r I'urtl.-ultr* Itltonilfnn parcDaeen huulil aill'ly tu JOMAH <;\MKY. Maxwell P.O. Mam <!'., Jan SO. 1MB. WIND * MILLS Ml HUM n c [';m IIR-. I 1li- Milrk'la!.- 1'iln'p ieaa I wo.li to an- noiioue W th" | i.l,. i. thatlalti l>n-)>ar*.l tu r II.TII.-I. for nil km.1 of |iuini>n <f a very HU- IN'iiur quality K. 'in K JIM, I.iFTi'rxF-a. rnmtiiv Pi-vi".. . K D.-.-p w.-ll |iuiopa a iHo-laltv . \Vln<1a slllla: Will aUo rontiniii. t riianuta. tun- Wind Milla for ultti'ir IM.W.-I ! IM. 11, j.iuj i' ii |M...' Aii.M-.-liix a pi a.- ti R| BMMMafta, I f'H I . "iill I. nt of tiirintii; nut w.irk that cannot fall to prc aatufaotton. Ke|.airliudoue. All work i;uaiant.-.l. lir.ltu- froin a nlftanri. will i*t-fivo particular and froinpt attention fall on n I lre >1 IAJ JUi >'UI.V AKTLEY. MaikJale. Pumps ! Pumps ! J. IVIcCullouKh. Mark.lalo. mauufaruturur of puinpa, daUa to iuform Iba public that lie Ii prepared to furulih puiupa fur Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. artlxawhn haro liaretofora had difficulty wltb belrwelliar* Guaranteed Satisfaction uaiugmy articlei. I laarnad my liutlnou *lili th late J Pnar.af M<>afonl.tlie ui>i!.>rit\ f wlioax puiu|>a a a houaalaolil word In (lri>y a few year* aic> It.- ir.< aii'l rail oo me If you daair* anytli(D( la the puiapliue J. Honlhly Fairs. Oran^i\1lle - Tlie .< >n.l Tlmnday In *aab to 'iiih iMiinUU 'Tuailudav Ixrfurr Or>iiKr> Ilia lv t..'for tlralu{rv illn Mark'lnle Satm la'v lu.f.irn ()r>nuvllla Durliaii: 1 lur.l Inii-lnT In rn-li month < lir.tnw Tth VIoiMay l'.'or.< li.uliaiii II 'lln.lt .',.! s.ttiu.U> I., f .i. cliatiworth IIU M''ri(U\ I'.'fr.rt' li'irlmni llaiit>vvr--Unridav trafore Utirbaiu Tk leal Mitrrnarnl Kemrdr errr rm. ia It la ivrtalu In Ita WTtvli an. I du>-a not hlUurr. Itvatl pruuf below. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Ornca or riiAai n A. BBTOKB, I'm LIU or Ci nnD HAT t> TaoTTim Dau> , _ kuiwuoo, lij.. MOT. i. IIML . n. J Km>Ai.i.Ca '. f Hint I r.H.a alwaya nnrrhaMKl rnarKan- i ' < i > by tbe kalf .l.oeu Ixttloi, r >uk1 like crtoee In lantt.r qunnllty. I II, Ink II U off MM beat llohMBIa Mi earth. I lia>,. uaeJ II, . i. no Kfc-.i'i' for ihrre ytMhra. Vuura iruly, CaAS. A. (KTDtm. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. lit: ..Lnt, M. T., MuTember a, UHL Da. n J. Kvntiti it". |M.. K,r i.ivoir.MilTe rim tMtlmnnlal nf iy R."| , en.., ,u of >..i.raiMi.lan KiATlnCiiro. I ha> ua.-.! li f. In mi or... HtiH Julnla anil SKnTlNa. Hii'l I hate found n a sure ewe, 1 cordi- ally reeranaaaa It 10 all i,ur mn. \miriuuir. A.B. an*nv. Manager Troy Lauudr/ taUea. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL . -T. Wnrtni Ooorrr, OHIO, Dca. n. MS, Pa. R. .T. IRXHAI.L i OeMa : I frW 1 1 my daty *n ear r-Ha4 I heTe tcm with y,...r ai-n.lall-i N! ..In (Sin. l.ha>e OU BT AU. <OI\TY AM>Disn:n r Diphtheri* U pruralunt in Braut town- Mr. Th.'t. C'hmimM, of tliiMl laal week of cancer m the jaw. H'-nry Hrtheringti'i:, of Kiu!'.s town- ship, win <lr..wnr I lall weak ' T u.oakllig Uir 'k'li 'I.' 1 i Mr. Joint .lutfrvy, liiuiima niati.T.'er <>f tho Pillion iion works, dieH in S'nu.J l.iit wtuk. Ttif Enterprise MJ-II a pi? ei^lit Montjii i ! ihnnvi'ooil, | rotluccil O'JO I.I'Ulltis of lilX'Sktll |.o|li. An Owrn Souii'l I',., MI! uf Trmui! Jf| utalii'ii visited Uttuwa iiut wvt-k to inttTview the Government uj'nn matter* aflVctiux tLut t..ii. ^f^. Th'iii. Mcliirr cut nn flm tr on iii.t f.mu t!.i-> n ', tiiu butt of which meMUreil twenty fuel iu circumftM. iu->- Tlie tree made four Ic^'s, the three niaJleat of which 3Ir. HcGirr ilrcw into M. Ktriiiiif*' null yard here and received therefor liftrn (N<llar. The three logs coiitaiiicu three thuuaand febt. It w:u a in. meter elm ail no mistake. (Djrhain ('hri'iii. !e. 1'rt 1 Hone, an En^liahman, and J<>hn Martin, as liishman, two :>'.:.<. li.iii.-d men, itppliuii at tlie I'ulicr Stulion Ui b firrenU-d as vagrant*, 01 Sunday last. Th.'V said that thry had been tramping fur a in 'iitli und their clolhuu h:uJ be- come si i liltliy that whon they were able to accure work they could not tet a boarding lmu to take them in, and they wanted a month to get cleane 1 u". They weif ac-coiiiinodated. [0. 8. Times. SHUT HIM i rv.N. Alex. Shields and \Vm. Hmdle, Toung farmers living on lot 13, Id line east, Chinguucousy, were frilnr.( with revolirtrs ou Sunday after- uoti last when Hnxile said, in fun, "lot's 'hjht a duul," aud lovelliug his pistul at Shields snapped th* tri'.'irer. Shields do- ing likewise. Shields tireann proved to be loaded, however, and a bullet was looked in Ilindlen cheat just above the heart. Dr. Hall, of Brampton, was haatily numinuued, aud ilindle, in hta ant-niortrM statMMDt, said ha was t<> blame in sui{j{*>stiug the foohah dord. HindU it doing M wU as can bo expect- ed snd will probably recover. (Hramp- ton Time*. A Minto sport, not fire miles from M into station, was the ownorjof a valu- able pup. The animal] was fund of a good wsrm place and upon every occasion when it lountl the door of the oven of the cok Move open it would crawl in. To break it oil this habit the sport thouuhl he would give it a fright and cl'NH-d the oven dour. A minute after a friend called aud they weut to the barn to put away the irieods huMe. The stock was examined, etc., and) the pup for a timu wt forgotten. Muddunly the sport thought of what he had done and with a buinid tl.nt landed him seven yards out of the subU he made fur the house like a wild Indian, leaving the fiicnd insure bewilderment in tho stable. When the Imuae was ntaehed the oven d.mr wa* opentul 4nd there lay tho r- niivins of the oncu valuable pup, ready to 1 a-.m-'l up. He itaya he will never fnr- ; ;.-t the i.'ht and will never go hunting (in. .1 uni' t Morton, the colored ytmth who was in-rested lint week f..r stabbing .luini Davis, appeared liefor* the I'olioo Mai(is- tratit on Mondity niornmu. charged with feloiuuly wouuuiii'.:. Tha evidence all went to how that Davm went into his brother's ice house ou Sunday after. 10011 for the purpo.iu of putting nut a crowd of boys who were 'playing them. Kuidin; Mm too theri', In- ordered him out, say- IIIL; that ho did not allow hoys to play there, especially "nii.'<er." Ha then nave the pn-ioner a ahovu toward the door. Morton then pulled a pocket kuifo out nntl ran t Davis who fell, and the prisoner plunged tho Uinfo into Davis' liack, intlietint; a wound about - in. dr>o;i and ulx'tit 'Jin. on the Hurfaco. The knife stuck in the lx>nr, and the t-lothiiio had to be removed before the knife could tie withdrawn. Dr. LAIIX gave evidtince a* to the nature of the wound, mating that if the stnb had lieen inflicted an inch faither iu miu direct ion, paralysis would have ensued. He stitched up the wound and Davis was able lo lie aUmt in two or three day* after the oo- CUrtenou. The prisoner was sentenced to one year in the Central rriaoii. [O.8. Time*. The Uis'at ive CommUte* of tho Tnr- onto City Council has decided to ask the Ontario U-gulalure te put women nd ten en the aaoae fi>otni| in mui)ioi(l vf BBnieipal lec WM- CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, Has a large assortment of winter BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Bubbers, Over- shoes,Felt Boots,Trunks, etc. New & Seasonable Goods UFKKRING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES- Photos. MF Photos. ^ e art notff turning out work /ar tuptriar in Mtylt and jinitk It any ewer pro dured in COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUBE FBAMING done in all it* Irnnchei. A good ttotk of FRAMES and MOULDINGS Itrp* canttan^y an hand. Will alto utfoduet (* neir RROM1DE PORTRAIT* * picture tkat ii giving mtirt tatiifaction teherertr intro,lucrd. SAMPLES l,t tetn at my Gallery ichert all pirticulttrt at to I'rice, Style Ac., tan he eatt taintd. MMS. BV&AtSB. FLESHEKTON. HEALTH FOU ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&QINTMENT ; Ni . 1HE PILLS Purify tho Itloovl. correct all Disuruera of f nncl Tbeylnrigorktean Irrnkirv tobealtb I>ebUltte4CODtiVu:ini, a:id r iavaJnabl* in II plaiutilautauotal U> Fvuialea uf all anea. Kor Cbildrru aud tbe *ytA b> aiu THE OINTMENT lau infallible r..ine.irt.'r Ha-l l.rt.. Ba.1 Unwata. OM WouinU. Son and I'lcen. HlatamuMf liout an I Uhrumatiim. For diavrden of the Cbt it ba> uo e<|M For yam-: TU i;o.n, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swulllui;,aua all Skin IMaeaaee It ha* nn rival ; auJ f.>r ooutrMMd ml ttifl iiiiitu It acts like a cbarra. M in'tfactiirfiil only at Profi-or H>>I.L -w.tY'a Kta)>)l>bawnl. 1*. Xrw Oxford Strrrt ( Utr :.:::. Oxford strrrt ). Londen. and are aold at la. 1)>1 .2*. M., 4a. M. 111., 29a., and :na. ." I' -\ or l\.t. aiul may be bad i ' all Mad cln Vt>nilpr Ihroodio . tb< "i 1,1 Pun-luism ihmtli! !<*>k ti. 'ht L<iM tit Uf f'"t* <im{ H .. , . Jt fV aMrttt w not 633, Ojcjunl Street, Lu>ubn, t'tru ttrt FLESHERTOH MILLS lUvniK pure)iae.l tin' Flea'aerton Mill* Iron K. J. Sproule. Esq., I now aiir< t in for in the PUBLIC that I am in a pnaitino to do ALL KINDS --OF General plauing mill work, lueli iki SASH. POOUS. DOOR FRAMES and Matcliinx, re sawing, etc. A l:iv;'t- ipniitity of gooJ dry pin* Inuiber "ti hand. IT. J. Fleshcrton. Flesherton Livery Stables. in caab w.il b |iJ for aDrqimlrty of . S.DAMUINQ, Floshrrluu Tannrry ITBKSHIRE Boar for Service, The andfi|{ra<< baaft>r service at aftit >.-la!< tl u ; .! IW :l.lnr> H, l-ui oh*'..'.! Ironi Mr H HI\.TH, of ^ alkrtrton TKltMS ft Tho animal t v,vk ltrt prira at Artnuioeta tall li 'w Ihka tall. amWawouil at tbr Uaikurtou Kibibiliou. T. A M. fEKOt'SON W. BARNHOUSE, BOOT AND BHOK MAKIU, FLKSS.ERTOS, OXT. Deairee lo thank his nameroua cuntouieii for tbe very liberal i^to-ona** eit"J.l In the paat. and U now insM"* Wtll all Jlera wit'. la wlih io ten. attd hou<*L have luade hie Ibis TlelniK

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