Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 6EO. MITCHELL, BANKER, DKAFTX .i tin>{ ASD >L1>. to tltr culleetion of J Joor Ninth of Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for- ih<- Curious. Go<id Friday une week from to-morrow. A fresh supply of ladies' and gents' rubbtra this week at Win. Clayton's. The II. T. nf T have mtcr.Mtin^ meet- ings now. l>..-ii.it.-< and spelling bout am the special attractions. Win. 0! iv tun h.-vs a splendid lot of lace hoots sin! shoes, some heavy, some very tine, su.ta'.ilo fur men's and boys' wear. The next division court sittings will be held in Flesherton on May 7. VVe will havu divisiiin court sittings here every two inmitlu henceforth. For ladies and Misses line we-ir in biK>ts nnd sho.-s, \V. Clayton's is the i n-lit j'laeu tn i;el them, a !arp> stuck to choose from. Her. J. W. Bell, the bead ui the Royal Temperance order in Manitoba, visited Flesherton yesterday (Wednesday,) and lectured upon temperance last evening. Protect your soles during the coming *prmg and SUIIIIIHT by purchasing cheap foot wear at Win. CUytuu'i boot and hoe iMii|ioriuin, FVsherton. The K. T. of T. request a full atteud- ance of niembers on Tuesday xvenm^ next, as business of importance will bo tMBMCtad *<Ve have been requested hy the secre- tary of Eu-.'enia Orange lod^e to state that the proceeds of the late ontertain- rneut were $28, not ?IW. as itated in lust week's paper I. 1. Lucius, barri.iler, nf the firm llnliop & Lucas, Owen Soui.il. in .it the ttico of Wi. Lucas, A Co., in Mwkdale, every Friday, aiid iu Duudalk every ^ rit u rday. We would draw attention to tin- anct ion vale nl jewelry, etc. . to 1 held ! T iiiMuiy, Friday an I fins will* by \V. A. l>niwn.E|.. jovel.-r, Mark dale. Y.'e have receivml a batch of cor- i iMpi'inlcnce fri'in " Vinegar Mill which * t'niil it mi possible to publish. The \ilvain-n must have new*, not idle gossip, t<> till its columns. FVverihain Literary Society will hold a C"in-ei-t t Fevi'rshani on Wednesday, April -.'. when a splendid Mro-.-runi will lc ollered. (.'"< and enjoy it. ^.n.; uampton tilre C'lub will be present. Mr. .Jos. Blackburn ha been elected l>y the Oraiijfevilli) Ppj.i*\vtery a c"in inisHioner to the general assembly of the Presbyterian church, winch meets in Ottawa in June next. If any of our lady readers are not al- ready acquainted with '.hat pi HUNT <>f domestic journal*. The Household, they would do well to try it four uonllia for only fifteen cents, as offered in another Remember th Flesherton tilee Club concert in the Town Hall on Friday (to- morrow) evuniiii;. The pm^rain will con aist of solos, duel*. i|UAi(et.H and instru- mental inu.tic, recitations, etc-. Also :i sketch entitled ''Tallin,- a Photograph. ' He sure and attend. It will bo a treat. When Alexander the (ireut was oon- (|iiernu the eastern world husoUiers suf- fered greatly from .sore fevt . The trouble witi that they had not such nieu in those day* an Wm. Clayton to furnish the men with foot protection. An army of men might be cheaply and elh'cn-nily booted at his Mtablwhinent, Klvshertun. If the Flesherton Glee Club is not well patronized to-morrow evening. The Advance will be mmtalien in it estimate of the people of F.oab.erlon. Here these youiijj people have been av:.tiii'.; for yean in every nood work of our village t considerable et|Mti*<t and incoii- v<n e:ito tj thciuselvtt, ajpd sumo little i el urn should be made iu tin* way. Give 'hem a bumper house. An exchange pays that an editor on<e applied at the dr of Hades for admias- iyu. "Well/' replied his s.V U M tjenty, "we 1*1 one of your profession in here many years ago, and he kept up a con- tinual row with his former delinquent subscribers, and as wo have more of that class of persons than auy other, we have passed a law prohibiuni; the admission of editors." Mr. D. Thompson, late of the Back Line east, Artemesia, removed last week to a farm which he has lately purchased near Duudalk. There are anil a number of our pre- mium hooks which have not been called for I y the owners. Please call and t.-iku them oul of our way. We are happv to announce that Mr. Joseph Blackburn is on the hi'Ji road to recovery, but it i probable that it will be some weeks before he is able to enter upon hit duties at the store. Win. Eld'-r, E.si|., has disposed of his hotel property at 1'roton station to Mr. R. H. Midilan^h. late of Hanover. Mr. Middaii!{h is a son of Mr. H. .1 Mid IHII,':I of the MiddaU','li House, Durham, and is highly spoken of as a caterer to public wants. The following speaks for itself : Mr. J. ArUey l ~un. lu siMwerto your enquiry asking how I Mku th pump you put in my null fwit deep, I must nay tbat I ani well pleuwd with it It work* mi t-a-y my littU girl 7 vH.ru old call pump w ith It. I. J WILLIAMSON. Eugenia. Man-h.l. IHTJI. The W, H )dstook Times says . "Win. Dickson, county gaoler of Hurou, is the proud professor of a brood of chickens which were hatched on Feb. l!4. The brood numbered nine, seven are still* living. 1 ' Well, well, what foolish things a man will say when he is "otf his chump '" A [utiftMur of a brood of chickens, in dtt-d ! Take a sedlits, Bro. RI|MHI, take a scdlitz. Another mean man lunbeen hoard from or perhaps it may be the same one. I!.- enter ed a Fluahurton store the other day and asked for a quarter |itnl of ten cent tea and expected to get it for two oonls ! l!y the uliades of the great and .rilv Scott, but it's a pity the merchant had not .'ivrn him senna soaked in piero- tuxine by miiitake. A numU-r cf our exchanges are quot- ing an c-.tnc' troin the Toronto Wurld stating tluit llie duuino elections will be held on Tuesday ,.June 17 The item aUo says that "by Jinn- 17 haying will be over and harvualiug will not have com- iiionceil. " Hy this sUtement Th.) \V,, r ld simply display* its dense ignonmn'. HA\ing will not bo over mini a month '.hail ill.- il.ite staled. The wisdom of the World is in direct antithesis to it> cheok, one being quite palsied and withered, while the ol her is ewullon out to extraordinary proportion*. For sale. A good l-djtead, wire and hair mat- tress, bediiMnn >eL, wash ftand and look- ing -l:uu, all will be sold for $10.50 very cheap. Call at Advance office tar particulars. Don't Advertiac. Here is the way to look at it. If you have nothing to advcrtiao don't advertise, and the public will remain in bli.uful ignorance of the fact that your stock u no good, and you may sell a fuvr trlicle.s ; whvruuit it you advertise when your stock U not worth advorti.iing the public will shortly Mud out the decaption and Kit you severely alone. Therefore don't ad virtue if you are ashamed of your sto;k. Fine Buggies. We were shown the other day two top buggies v>bu;h have lately been imilt by M.-ssrs. Wilson & McTavish for gentle men in Trm>U. Tile workmanship on thesu bu.-.'ies was equal to anything wliich wj have ever seen. Mi'-nr.t. Wil- son .1:1 I M Tivisli have sc.vinl other orders u;id.-r way, of democrats and busies, (iwod *..ikni in!np tells, and the geiitliiieii named may expect thoir basin ess t Sad Acoideut. Mr John feeler, living about three milua front Flxsherton, on the Hack Line east, but his wife last week from conges- tion of tku lungs. The deceased l.idy left a family of seven children. After tin- remains had been laid away, a woman was called in to wash, and while dipping boiling water from one receptacle to an- other, the yuengest child, a littlo tiling. jogged against her and a basin of boiling water was poured over the child's head and shoulders, sculdin/ it in a fearful manner. We understand that the little sulferer is in a critical condition. Shooting at Meafotd, A des|>a^h frviu Meaford states tl.at OU Sat urd-ijr night two jfottng ui^u II Hi ed George Tucker and William Fox quar- relled and agroed to go to a secluded spot and have it out according to P. K. rulus. Reaching a point on Victoria street, Fox thought that would do, but Tucker said no, it was too public. Fox, however, began taking off his coat, when Tucker drew a revolver and flred, the ball taking effect in Fox's ear. The wounded man was hurried to a doctor's surgery and was found not to be seriously hurt. Tuckor was seized and locked up. It is said the quarrel arose over a young lady to whom both have been paying attentions. A Sura Cure. We heard the other dixy of a remark- able cure for tits. A child belonging to a friend of ours was subjected to tits, which tha doctors were unable to cure. This child strayed upon a railway track and was struck by a passing engine Strange to state the child has never since had a lit. It moved to another country about thai time, but the facu have come to our knowlede through sorrowing relatives. There are two or three indi- viduals in this neighborhood whom we would strongly advise to ^ive the cure a trial. A Good Old Man Gone. An old resident of I'anada and of Arte- mesia passed away on Thursday last after a brief illness, in thn person of Mr. Thos. Osborne, aged HI years. Mr. Osliorne was well known throughout this section, having lived in Artemesia about thirty-nine yoars, airl having been in Canada o"er fifty years. A native of Cornwall, England, he came to this country when quite young, and was a recruit at the time of the rebellion in '.'IS. During the thirty-nine years of his resi deuce in Artemesia Mr. Osborne made many friends. He wns a chriHtian in every sense of the term, and years ago when the country was new his figure was a familiar one as ho wended his way on font and alone every Sabbath to holii religious services iu the little log cliurcli- es and farmer's shanties of that early da\ . For mlieft around Fleshertoii Mr. Osborne is bust remembered in that capacity, and tlnui^li many have anticipated his depart- ure, there are stiil those hn remember his /.eul and who havu listened to the U . i i as expounded by him. Hi- paused away to a well earned rest mi Thn of last wrck H' tin- ieMil"ii' of Ins a<in- in law. Mi'. Kolit. W.I!!,T. ami was followed to the griive . -,i l'i..i.i\ hy a large concourse, of w.iro-.ving rel.i and friends. Kcv. J. W. Shillon, I. V . pi-fiu-lird a mo.it impressive men. serin 'iiSunday evi-ning fn.m th,. i the path of tln nj.:.... m is a* a bright and i-liinnig light, winch sliimah more and more unto tin- |*>rfucl Equal Bights. Small lull* punted at o:nu distant amateur S'H>;I lay arnunil tliii town i week or so past announcing th.it Uev A. K. lt.!*t would sji.-rxk in tlu T.FWII Hal! on Mond.iy an'l Tue-id'iy evening of this week on "Kpul Iti^hu and Foiuilo I'tti'i'r'iiii ." AH a drawing curd it was casually ineiilionod npoii tho same bill that I'l-ole.v-'.r an. 1 Fairy Morgan would render music. Fur this entertainment a cliargii of -5 and \~> cents it to le imwle. NOW we have vory great respect for Mr. Morgnn ami his httl- daughter, having known thum piM-.vm:illy for years, and we feel it our duty to iniotin linn as to how the/ people of this licinity look upon the "f i'iie" inaugurated n > du!)t wholly by the Rev. Mr. Bust, and wlncli f.nh-d so miserably hero. 1'mf. M IPJ.-III and I. is ilaughtor are an entertain men t in them- selves, a id h.id tiu>v cuino to Fi'esherion UJMIII their own rospnnsibility they would not, wo fe-.-I certain, have li.ul came to regrnt it ; but when they are brought as a sideshow for tho purpose of attract- ing attention to the ravings of an irre- sponsible and wholy un.iutliorixeu ;ieron upon female suffrage and efial rights, then the people bocom-j auspictoui that everything is not .-n lepresonted. To speak more pl:unly still, they consider that the Rev. I Mr. Best u simplr securing an easy competency up. n tho reputation of a blind musician and his little daughter. T!IM i* th ( way Fleabertou people look at it, and this is why there was not sufficient money made to pay expense*. Notwithstanding the fact that prices wore lowered to 1 " and 10 oents the peuple would not Into. As a money-making question Equal Kight* did not prove a paying investment in this instance, and tUo fact ol the matter is when a moral question of this kind is tiketi up by professional fakirs who trade poll the credulity of the people it should in every eas be frowned Jowii by all with the utmost rigor, and it, this instance our Viewi ip;> -ir to have bcoa ft ffl lf|-| fL xa. A x il lu F-Ij-B S-H-E-K-T-O-N FURNITURE WAREROOIS, Durham street, Flesherton, Is the right place to get your Furniture f Musical instru- ments, Sewing Machines, or Undertaking, Remember, it is no trouble for us to show goods and quote prices. K. - member, we take all kinds of ^recn or dry., lumber as cash. Remember that our interests being so identified with thf farmers, we are content for this season to conduct our busi- ness in every branch on the smallest possible profits. Why pay 40 or 45 dollars for a Sewing Machine when you can get the best machine possible to be built for $30. We have on hand two of those justly famed Woodstock Organs, quite new, to be sold at prices that will astonish you See here : An stop organ with two full setts of reeds, in solid walnut case, handsomely finished, standing Oft. 4in. high, for $70. Our Furniture is all away down in price. Com*; and see us and be convinced that we are offering more real bargain < than any other house in the county. All kinds of Repairing promptly attended to. For picture* and picture franv we need not speak, as it is known this is headquarters. J. E. IVfcTOR E, fully endorsed by the, people at larye who declined to countenance such trading under i.i. w colors. llll Miss Maud Richardson has just re- turned from Toronto wliem sho has been for some weeks selecting stock of spring Millinery. She ex;>ict to open by. 1st April, a very choice stock f ^oods. Murrird. . ,. ,nt.. l)i tl> Ki-v II A liriiwii. at t;. ufl!m :.ii.!r fnlln.r. Mr. Willic.n - l.tvuia WllllainMiu, .ia . all of AHi<ri. LITTLE MILL. (iTTKWKI.l. SATHI:-- ;t..Iiv v II i Itrown. u. !>! IKI-..U ; nmV Mi Ii.hn i >!.. M i- '.(,,;< Having mUrclj rvnovmted my will > die iMt-t yaar. putting in lrg arnouijc f it* .. iimrr II:T> I am nuw preparud to grind Hi > n iimi. imlJur 111 Ouir.n. MI. -I JU tile 1 rllurUj-t :u.tn i' OLD TEBMS : E\eiy twelfth bushel. Seven cvnts per bag of two bushels for chopping I'I.IIH ev;ry day. P. LOUCKS, Proprietor. rum New dress jjoods fn-in En-j!i.-,'i 111:1:1:1. facturen, an oxteiibive 1 1 . anil fabrics at M. Richardnun A Co -. LOOK ! 9,00k ! Pail s ' r^ -V In San KIT . John, vu in st - .:i <>t Mr. u:i.t -i - i II IS, 14 U&)B, [Ullrl! i)!t.iKN'-, l-i Maroli . r., . : .' , ; -i . . > nt \ i :' eoul i'il just to Linn :in.| to arrive in a few days. A car lond of pail* at M. KirhardM'ii At<."ii')t. F'nilil- er* Kct tlieir <{iiotalion.s ! r li.ii.inaie. To ouc Subscribers. Thp^pccial ann.'iini-i nii'i t w'.ich n;>- peareu in our rolui" 1 Hlll|i>lllirlll4 a -|it!-i.i! al lali'.'rlni-nt with Ur. B. J. Kendall ' KalU. Vt . piil>li>:lii-rs of ''A li .- - tlii- Horse and Ins l>i-ri..i>*.' wl our siinHcribt-rs wen- ennMi'd to obtain i .-. py 1. 1 that :i!na ; t'ii- wi.rk ':.. ili({ tlu-;r ii'i' 1 : - ' I'. -I Keinl.ii! Ct., (and L-ni'loHin^ a two i-cnr . Dunl- in ; Maine : - : cm ,.! l..r a liinltrii pHj-n.nl. We trust all uill avail tllem-i- M < ..I ill,. opportunity >i' iiiitainiiii.' this vaUml>l. Iniok. Tu wrjr luvw of DM hoTM it M indi.-iifii.ial'li 1 .:!.' it triMt-i in asini[>lu man- ner nil thr 'in li afliet tins noble animal. Its plieiiominal salo ihloUffhout Tinted Slati-s and I'an.ni.i. mukv it a Rtainlard -iiithori'v. V M V >lilk I'a.i- and PuiU. (' All . . metal taken in ,il>i- i. i.. ;.i.-l.;u!<, brans and co| pi-i SULLIVAN IT PAYS TO THAT TS THK Wh-n Itaby as sk-k. wo gare her CaM<>rla. W huii tUw n au a CbiUI, ah crinl for I 'lutorla. When lw bfcaiiut Min, she clung t-> CaMona. When slie haJ Oi;.lru, she ga> tluiui CasMcia l'r:nui Station. Northern Business College, o* Thf -pt practical cuiiinc <' >!. HI latlon for '.tu.|n-. ..; i Mstrnrtii-n. Tli*.. .iuui ihni inHiriii-tii'i! nf* r -ittiits i^ivin;: j'tu tii-nlai* I.. ji-'in-i i wiii.lv. i, Tin ( I i 1 ;-.MIM I'M, THK MARKETS. Fi'om nr I/I'M I'nff**)*!,. Our hotel lias clmnged haiuU. it i.s lor tin- Ix-tter. Mr. Sam. Morrow lias Hotl to uknown, luiuiug Mivoral to ni.ntra I'LliSHEliTu:.'. CurefHllu Kuril !</. \\'o l'to-ir . Full Wheat Sprint; \Vli Hai my . . Oata Mr. (Ji-oivi' iiiiiiio- is Diving up farniin<;. Ho is ^yiny; to Torouto. No doubt In' wi,Il be missed licrc, for lie was a (jood fullow. Wiuklo do* 1 * nul w ri .0 \\ lia i.' false. What In 1 says is true. Ho did not write the two list reports, and ha.s n/)t scon the reporter. ' will know him by 'In; hole in bis liou'l. A farmer iu this viciuiijr b.m li his flour and saved his wheat to sell to hia nci^libor* an aoed. Ho only asks $1.50 twr'bnsU >1. but tb MsgU- Vprt do u J' w 11 i if . ^ 4 00 to 4 W HO tO -.. 80 K! :iu 11 - o 'jc n ( T '.! u ... '" ! < t!.ll Oil I>B bug <S ' Pork ft .', s i 1 H per tou _. ... .' 6 .0 Hi'ius .. a so a ; v EU)se|wuas M) i 11 UK U ii. Ttii'keyi , 09 I C'blokvns IMT pair o su o " Dnukn imr ;i> ooo nee Wool o to u n The Advaiiec for remainder oS this year only

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