1'HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. tpubltsbed FHOM TU Ornci y<iiJiam Strut,, FUtherton, Out. TKKMS at nUBBCRIPTION: >! per wuium when paid itrlctlv Iu advance kl SO i>r annum ulieu uot to palJ ACVKUTIH1NO HATES. One co.wiia, 1 var. SO, half col.. d*>, SH quarter col do., !.' Trantinnt a<lert iM-inenU charipd at tn rat* el *cU. per Haw for Brat mwrtl ^ and Sett, pur Uu* oadb w*ljqiu,n. lU W.H- THUR8TON, A' iir.r and Proprietor. THE BUDGET. Minister Foster brought down his budget speech in the Dominion Par- liament on Friday last. Tbe speech showed the finances of our country to Le in a prosperous condition. The receipts lajt year from all sources had been 188,772 ,H7.0, leaving a surplus above txjwnditure of $1,900,000 to add to the sinking find. There was au increase in revenue receired from customs of t2,H74,40i. With rcler- once to the businees prosperity of the country the Minister of Finance said : Tin fanners aud fishermen have probably had no more, if not some- thing less, than au average year, but taken on the whole their condition is oue of fair prosperity and one without the hardships, which are found in many other countries outside of Cana- ii i While the state of trade and the condition of the country within has been so thoroughly, satisfactory, as 1 have said, there has been something done also towards tbe realization o! tho hopes which bave been enter- Uintd for > number of years which w, , pat in a permanent way last year by the generosity of this House thu formation of swift communica- tion between Canada aud various other important sections of the world." Tho Breech embraced provisions for some radical changes in the tariff, made necessary by growth of mauu facturcs and other changed conditions of the country. Corn for ensilage purpose has been placed upon the free list, which, no doubt, will make our uitimbnr for south Orey happy. Tbe speech throughout showed that the Government is fostering the in- terests of its people and building up another great country ou this wetiterii In mi. spherei Ware not yet quite ready for annexktiea to tbe United btat< a not quite. TAKK MH. MEREDITHS VIEW Tin- TorosHo Saturday Night, an imli'l i mk'iit weekly newspaper, re- lei ring to tho late warm debates iu i !n I . yinlatur<! 1141011 school matters, ixuii.88<M tlM following scumble I'm wlay'a debat^> on the various hills, relating to (Separate Hehools ii'iw Ix-fore the legmlnUrvt we^itcrest- inojy uuproti table. No cqe present wan open t<> conviction, and as to its une na campaign Ii turn lure I doubt if the doctors will be found in a much IUOK nri'ptive jnood. Doilcd down tlu 1,-ginhttive wraugle means, il it mi aim anything, that the Opposition are in favor of the abolition of bepar- ate Hchools, or at least such super vision of them that modern and pro- gressive methods shall take tbe place of i>nestoraft aud this means the sinie thing -for if the Separate Schools were uselssa as a means of retaining^ ecclesiastical rule they would be al, ouee abandoned Tue , .1 verninent on the ( nthor UauJ are Bf* u lrtff-** proleo^ . tbe individual '.'alii^f while undanubly Uoing th* wisJsjnfcsfha bierejjAsbjr. If tb* opyo- >uj Mis art M *W behind the prea- fil Uwe iet e^a4 to the prnleeltou of 'Lurch throagU iu uioutlipieec, Hon. Mr. Fraser, 10 bitterly oppcM tlicm ? Why does he tauut the Opposition with beigg Orange fanatics, if he has assisted in placing still more stiingent laws on the statute books ? It makes n tired aud sick to listen to such an oratoriMl east wind. If at the next election the electors divide on the merits of the case and vote as their best judgement and impulses suggest and not as their party prejudice* lead, they will take Mr, Meredith s view of the cape The subjoet of Canadian barley growing is receiving great Attention just at prebfiii at the hands of farm- ers and dealers. The United Slates is about to impose a heavy duty on imported barley, which will ilmt it out of their inarkcU. Canada exports annually 11,000,000 bushels to the United States. What will be the result when this market is closed to us ? A writer in Tuesday's Empire (whose letter we repiint else- where) discusses the matter in a practical manner aud advocates tin growing of the two-rowed variety for the English maiket. Uur farmer friends would do well to read the let- ter carefully. The Dominion Govern- ment has tiJit.ii this matter by the foreltck arid brought to Canada several thousand bushels for distribu- tion, notice of which was given three weeks ago. After ten years of publication the Stratford Advertiser, printed by Messrs. Pratt & Tracy, has ceased to exist. In their valedictory the pub- lishers say : "There are subscribers on our books owing from oue to eight years, the total amount ruuuiig np to hundreds of dollar*." This is what The Advance calls newspaper con sumption, aud it is fatal in nearly al cases when it once takes a hold. If subscribers will not pay up the paper cannot live, and then, after a paper ha* ceased, those who owed the print- er have the remorseful satisfaction of knowing that they helped if thy only owed fifty cents to ruin a follow man in btimness. Humanity will have more to answer for iu in..- line than it probably in aware of. Do jou owe for this paper ? In his speech at Taristock Mr. Mowat said, "I am not going to dia- CUM Prohibition here." Ho was as cautious as the colored preacher wiio said to a white brother who was to oocupf his pulpit on,8uuday morning : "It will be just as well to make no allusion to stoaliu' in de sermon dis mo'niB,', 'ka-je it might frow a damper ou de meetin'." Canadian Nation. and ha* Literary Anna Katharine (ireen'i lateit be*t *tory, "The Foraaken Inn," been In, eglit out in IH...L form by Hubert Homier'* Son*. The aullioreu uf "The l.Mvonwopeti Caae" ha* always been cornered extraordinarily clever ii c<yi*lruutiy# of mystifying and netting plot*. but in her lateat prucluut *h ha* not only eclipaed even hunt-lf in l,.-r tpufUlty, but ha* couil.intul with hen Ury tolling gift a faacinatini; mixture ..f |xi-ti.-al i|iialitir* which m.ko "Thu For siki'ii h,u ' a work of MI, h intonat that it will not be laid down by an alive reader until he ha* ruarhed thu )a*t line of the laat ohapter. The scene of the U>ry ia the Hudson betwt-un Albany and 1'oughkwixii', and th lime is tho cloau of the ci^hltteiith century, writing her previous bc.ok, the authoros. carefully planned her work beforu |>uttvui( pon tu |i.t|H-i , but tlii* *t.,ry wa* written* in H white heat, ami under the spur ot i ram nun i of inapiratioih Tha book ii oharinin|(ly illuetratee) by Victor Pkrard A word from Mr. Gladstone, on, any ubject thai i* of mleraet to him, ia *ur of a welcome from Americana generally. But when Mr. UlaiUtone write* - ...,, u, eniiiij (he Hook of book*, an, ailjlud in- Weal attache* to In. w ur k. , tb* minUa ft all. Tae firm el a aerie* ( article* on .4he b.Ue. from Us pan, nnw.aupean JThe, Hi^day School Tisjiea,, Other arti.l M in ihe, urU. as* e be^girea at (tertal* of a moaih. s*, by tp^laJ .rrangemeui with WriKw, to arv***, tl aif d -ft*sj~ * ' UVMI M xirM ' I ' The Sunday School Timra in thi coun- ry. ami in (iooil \VuriLs iu London. HIM TO OUR LA1>T itt.AI.K.K- Thf Cauadiaa- yueeu it now hav.iqr . Annual Free Distribution of Clioiec iii|Hnti-il Flower Scrds, a larjje package itiiiiiiii^ an immense number of oareat varietu-s, together with TIIK (Ji cu* ox TRIAL FOB TUkKE MON THii Will Iw MUl Free to itaeh t our reader* forwarding XT atlilri-n and only 13 !c (tamps to cover MUM. Exi'ENSE. Five trial uli- ptidiia Mid live |y;kage* by mail or ei|ir.i*.<,itri-t> nf i.x|>ense) to SAMK .in BKEHM in Canada or U. 8., for OM.T $1 o Tim Queen is one of the finest llluitrated Ladle*' Ma^azinu* ou tbn Continent, it is devoted to Fashion, Art, Literature, Flowurt, tlie I ..lift. Houitehold Matters, and contain* the Latest Iniiiortrd Design* for Fancy WorU and Hcune Decontti 111. The Seed Distribution for I.V.H) c<iiitiiiur for thu month only. N"" lover of beauti- ful tlowri. can ;it|..nl te nut* it. Addruea thu Canadian Queen, Toronto, Canada. Tilt Coaiiiupolitan fur April ha* been laid U|xm our table. This numher ii an exceptionally good one urea for thia ex- ceptionally good magazine. It i.poi.a nj> with a interuetinij article- on tin- Ki. litim; Force* of (Jerniany, with the (icrman nixjri.r a* a frouteapiuce. Miai Ilialand r 'ivoa the tint iiutahncnt of her Flyin Trip Arouud th World. A new depart went haa been added a Review uf Car- rent Events by Mui.n II.,; -ted. Other Articles are : The Enchanted Ue<- B* 1, Ap|><B licula Vermiform!*, In tl.e l.aml of the Whit,* Elephant, Siena'* Medieval Fealival, (Jeorxo \N aaUtiigto Laat Duel (a atury), Eaton Hall, Prince- ton 1'nivcnity, the Acariemie Jilian, Social Problem* by Edward Evt-n-tt Hale, etc., eU., all profuaely illustrated. The (Viamopolitan Co., New York : |2 .44) per annunin. A McdalUt't Vlrw on Barley To the Editor of THK F.Mnar. SIB., There U uo <uie*lion of more im- n-i' to ttie Ciuiaiii.m farmer at tbe prcnt tune than the barley qurilion. We fiml bv the report nf tlm dirrrtori of agri culture uf F.ngUuiJ anj France that the barley product of the wurlii th paat *eu*un hat been about 8M.OOii.000 l>uh. U, the value of wbioh ban l.wu ITTA.^OO.OXM', being ao average of y Ic. per. buthel. Now, wf have bnn oompUed to accept for our barloy tomxthiug let* than Ijulf thu pucr. Tbe qneclion now art***. "U hy are we reoeiviug inch a low price favour pro.lucf ' It it (he fault of or HOI) anti climate and a conte i) in-lit production of b>fx>r article, or are we idiutt >r fuoU. ami arc swindled out of the average price of tht Wi.nd by abarpern aud Mlliug in the wrong mark, t ? Tb* natural home ol bailer at niojbrate eluvation* U U'twi-i-n latitudu* 40 and .">*. Altiiuu^h it mav or Krown a little outaide of th*e limiU, till the bett *aiuple* mutt bu grown within tin 'M' bound*. At we are iu thit lortnn*te latitude, our tituatlon tecond to none, aud a> w* are well inland and have a dry atinot- plu-rr, tbe color of our gram i* not tnr- pMsed in the world. It mint be (elf- evident, that If we am not receiving the average price >f the world for our product the limit mutt remain with ourtelvea. We iiave (or year* been growing U> old ail rowed variety, until it hat doterinrated by thickening aud tofteulng of the ball, and cnnHfqumitly I* emily colurnl. hmet ban alto ruined about on* third of our product tbit pat Miuutoax. Uur oommnn aix-rowra barley \l not marketable anywhere but ii the I mi, ,1 Statet, aud a* they are growing larR* (jntr'.ltifi of good *ample, beaidr* noiug jubstitutfH, they Uku paxtiouhu plvafiir iu ImpotiiiK heavy dutie* upo.i at and iuareatiug it from time to time, ath*y feol their indeprndfnoe of u*. \\t*, like idi.iU, have plaoo>l the whip in tbeir bauds, and llii-v take pliuuuni ia applyn.g it HhouUl we, like ulavei, fold t.ur aruit and tay there i> no lirlp for thin state of ufTain and willingly nuhniit to their impositions, ami cringiugl; beg for cuuiuiumial uuiou or Now, vw. ,t .ii< ul.l b our Immoliate action in rrui**n to thin qnegt'on ,,f barley '' lii.'.a 1 tii.iin ia oor legitimate market for our iuflut produutt- unliiuited aud free" llut .> Iiave practically taid in the pjt i.o will. not deal with the mother country. \N , |,rrler buhiH ia territudc to the Vnltol HiHtf u aud pay tithes to them. Great Hu tain mutual!) iuiDurte j(l,UOO,UUO buah*U of hrli\ from i LIU, countric*. Our export* only reach, ubuut I Akttn-.iilMi bu*hl*. and hi* goo* to tbe United State*, to that there I* no daaajpi i.f overproduction evn if we * tu * *JUT I * IU J UJ auount and w* *iart to iift Uiitt :u llut we mail grow tb* two- rowejl Tarictr^M he Mi-rowed i* uieleti in tbeir market Can we progtably grow it? Iemp^*tiaily l *aj t "Weaan."*4Mi<|*ial u th* Hnti.b barley . I nuke thii itateiaeiit from praetical' rapsricaree. I have tepeat- Jlr K'own ibr tw rowed barley frosn la- ettod British teed M good at \a* t**4 it* U, ! |e M IU go I proenrerl ouevalier barley, and *owed tin (our yer in *acee*i*i, producing ftl- together upward of 3,000 bniheli. which averaged m>eight M lb*. per baiihol, al thoguh thi* variety in lighter in weight tbau *ver*l other varieliei which I have tented, lint thin barley produced ou medium heavy and tv* l.ueiu In per acre more lhau the *ix- rowed variety crown beside it. I am *ur* that Carter'* prizy barley, which is beiod imported by tue Guv-rnnieul, can be grown lb*. per bushel nnd npwardi, and will command at the very leant donbt the price we an reeeiviog from the Americana. Be. *ide*, at th* aame time we are uuitmg tlie link that will bind n* more crcnrrly to the mother country, "t'uited we stand, divided we fall." Let every agriculturist procure some of the two-rowed barloy, so wimtlv and no i;i in roiily imported by onr Oovcrnment which eventually will be tho mcatm of sunk- ing tin- American yoke from oft our neck*, and we will be ablt- to tlaiid rrrct like men, true to onr country, loyal to our (jueen, Uuiting in Protid.-nc3 ; and the cload*. which uow temporarily eiuhroad u. will vanish away. Your*, etc.. THOMAS 1 I.MES Princeton, March 89, 1890 ADVICI TO MOTHER. Are von itinturbed at nltiht and broken of your ret hy a au'k child uffermit >:i,l rrylug with pain "f CnttlnKTrMh If .' mi1 atoueo aud|(el a bottle Mm. Wiu- low t Soothing ttiiruu for L'bildran Teething It* vthiH U iiicaleulable It will relieve tbe pour little tuffrrer immediately. Depend up.i it, mother* ; there ! no mittaae about It It cnrae Uytentery and Dial rhura., retiuUte* tbe it .much aud Dowels, euros \Vitnl Colic. .>fU'u< tho tiuiim. reilucei* Inflamatron.and givi*s tone and energy to tbe wbole iy*in. Irt Win- low vMjtlun^ Syrup' for ebildrea teething i> ploiuaut tu (be tanUi awl tlie preecriptioa ,>f one of the oldeiit anil beet fr-uale phi 4cianf and nureeii In tbe United Htaten. anil In fur ale by all drooxeatt Uirouibout tbe world Prioe twenty-five ceuU a bottle. Betureaodatk for "Ma*. WmtLoWtSiaiF," and take ao otlier kind. NKW ADVERTlSEMKm FOR SALE. ~ Park lot of If! acree within a mile of Fleeberton 1,,'inx part uf Lot 151. tad N. K. Artoineala Ti-rut. liberal. Apply W J. BELLAMY, March 25. 1800. Farm to Rent. One hundred aorw, Ti tern olcarnl am) iu cooil coliillliuu. within i[Urtor mile of Flmiber- ton >t in >n SplviMM frainu bam ou pramuui Kor full y&rtieular* |,|'l> to M.I:\ Mill: Fl<ob*rtoo Station l> O EXKCUTOIUT NOTICE I JI'Ksl AN T to wction J6a> 110 uf K.S.0 .11*7. X tli> orwliton ami all utluir* havrc Blal aualuit tb Mtat* of Adam Hair. Amifti, 1 hlilifutiuiaof tliu u>wu>ht|>o/ AiiKiui-nia.in ti oouu'.jrot Ory. mtut ,tail uu th *Ui day (4 l> Kii,bvr.l(Mi. iur bwi'bjf iiutinecl to Hud y pom. pre|iil.i* deliver to lloian Icr Mnir, on* of Ui viHOulun t ilwoaaed^ iMherton Stad,,u r. O .on or twforr th, ant lay ut May n.\t.iliir hritiMi aud MiiikauiM, addreaeea and dwcrii> iu,n. .tin. full particular* of tbair ctaiui^.a tu> uu'iit uf their aiooU ftn,l a ntatolfwnt f their *- ciiritiMif nuyilMliI bt MMUI On ,Ufaultthrvo< an<lio *ooo al u iu-ibl* after such lant uainml data tbe wuwt*f tne aiJ wtat* will b dia- tn iiutx,! ainoDf tbo |iartlfi entitled thert. r- gurj bin>: had milv to th* olaimi * whioh n,> tlcciihallliave b*on uivou at abvv* r|uird. and tin- HiKutor* will not IM I iaoln for tb* aiil u or %uy |rt UMU vuf to any pvraon of who** claim notir* (ball >o have lMa rectivol at (i,i , .i I at th .ti%tei'*K.-iflwl above. ALEX Ml'lM. ( n. mcrTOM JOHN aUVAOTUl.t v Dated tint *.lh day o4 March, lauo EVERY x HOUSERBEPER SSJSSJi I' Hi; II III SF, II I! ID I'rououucod acain ainl aala "Tbe Boat" a* it ia tb* Oldest Domestic Journal in America. gtntxnl. Now In 1 our 0|>|M>rliinitff -TO- TRY IT FOUR MON'UHS FOH- ONLV FIFTEEN CENTS. Yearl) nutiHoriptiou, $i 10. Ka>uipku coyiee fro*. Addnaa, "THE HOUSEHOLD," Brattlebt.ro. Vt. LOOK ! LOOK ! Saj> Pails ! Call and M* my aap pail* before purubeting eifewwbere, aiul you will Uu> no otban. A Urge atHortmuiit uf DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A 8., ONT. HYHICIAM. si K4.i:ON. A,- FLESHEKTON. Oftce. MralB't block. ReaMenee. J.O. il k PailH Pe\liH. i am i AJI kiud* of old natal taken in exchange, al*w wool (nuking*, brawn and copper. SULLIVAN The Tina mi tl*. THE LITTIiEMILL. HaviuK entirely reuovatud my null tbo tmwt ynAT, |iuUint{ in a larce amount uf new machinery. I atu now prepareil to (ilad Dour feu a mMiuer (eeund to no Ullller in Outariu and oa tbu alitirteet BeU. OLD TBRM 8 Every twelfth kuihel. M*i*n cent* \-t ll ul two btiaheU for ehoppini. DOM *v*rj ilaw. P. LODCI8, Proprietor. m HOUSI i. Member of tiie College of JPbyeieiane au Surgeoim, Ontario. F.nquu-e at iXDcr ,01111 door aait of (irier iMor or Atkiueon't Hctel. Pricevllle. Nor I9 }-<vt. DRS. SPROULE & COO MARKDALK ONT orii, / i Hanley's Drug Storr. T 8. SI'HOLI.K.M L)..tR. AX<;rs EOO.M D..tir late of Tuttonuaui. Out Dr Ego will befoumUt Mrk<ll Houuo u: uinhv A P. 07TEWELL, VETEBINAKY SURGEON. Graduate of Ontario Vet. ColJi^,-. BESIIJE.NCK ON C(lt.l,l\<iWOOD STHKK'?' 8Uth Door Kant* uTPrtibyterian CilurcL. , AMI ALL, I l>. v. l>r. M IM ViviU Marltdalu tho l.u anil 3rd Wednes- day uf each mouth. Fleihertou each trip on the day following J. W. Burr liter. Solicitor, < on i ,./,,. OrrirR, NIT PotiTOrrin. Sraovu's BcLu>i!u, on THUKKHAVH. OWKX BOUSD OFF-K-K^ FmoW. Hrn.i,i!t,-i P. MiCTLLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, j-c. Ofli, , . o , - M. f .irl.inU . sion- rl..rk,lal, . Money U Wan. tf a H',. John W. Arrsstrong, Co. DIVISION COHU CI.EKK. CX)MMISKIOXff I W.K. Convcyaucur. Jfc. Agent tor |iui. i, **i 1 J ' 1 * ua * ApiMaiaw leiC.ii. C i: au.l r r H 48 fcoii!^ Mon.y to LSu. ii MtJlMMIiaM term*, liwriii orUAUKIA NOTAKT MONEY TO LOAN. Tha Undersigned baa a L.arg< Amount of Money to Ix>tn at 64 e , o* rows ou FAJUI W. J. BELLAMY. cLcut Aaramau. \KPB.MORTA(KB. LBAEH, *c pr f7H d pn'Ple*ial** lu.ur. J.?j.t.. "" ct ' mpmi ""- *"* v * ' R* Ja Sproule, . *r iii,l*. R., Lioenied Auotioneer, Con veyaneer, Appraiser and Mou*/ Lud*r. Real Eitutu ami loaaraune Aj[nt. Deed*. Mortgage*, Le,e and WUb drawn np itud ValMlioo^ made on *,r'-! t * aotiee. Aao tion Sal, itu-u.K J tt> in aa^y fmr\ ot tbe CouBty. y uu y to I.MUI at lowe.t rate* ol inti-mt. CoUeotiont attended to with . proiaptnesii imd deptch. Charge* low ApeDt forth. Dominion SteafflHbipCompany Chiae, tiuket* from Fl*hrrton to LiTerpool U*uow. I.ciJf,,, ,, r RUT of tlll , Britinh , 1'ort*. Partie* intending to vi*it England^ Scotland or Ireland, i|| j.l.a.e M ), ,. tM ^ lore utchai D g their ticket* elxewhere. Hub Thill UAMUFACTl'BKU I1T Hulls ., ("f In i -i. -HI to every man who u.v, ... ^tajjon or Carriage. THIS ANTI-HATTLKR 18 the BKST nHi- itl cffpctlvv, ulniplo, uaaily ijuii duralile. liwimualve. There aro no pfo<Mtlna an Jn ul tear tk* H, >,,,, or WM h cloth. It t. tny >ixvci>,i|iliuti. KOU8ALB AT- Heard'i Cirria |t Shop r'ARMJuKhALE CHBAP AMD OK KAHT I terra*, lot T. cou t, towntblp of Xuuin ., .;""" acre.. Thl. I. a iplMdid n if at It timber fmrru Well Meib*M*f wtti ml.^ bunlwoexl, heiuloek and oediw. HpUodl 1 unek !*,* ,4 V. i M ,