Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1890, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. T11E ADVANCE. U published livery Thursday, FIOK nu Ornci Street, - - F1r*k,vt,m, Ont. 1 pr annum when paM utri-'tly n edrauce I jO per mi. ma wbui uot 10 pat-1. AI>Vi:UTIlN<l HATKS. One coluuin. 1 year, 59 ; liall col., do.. *!TI 'liitiiil do.. $16. Ti antleut %drertlM>ui*ntl cbarn*d at th rat* of Hct prllB Tor nmt Insertion u I 3oU. per llUU ea!U >Ul>M<4Utllt llOortlull. W. H. THURSTON. Editor aid Proprietor. law without any difficult}-. It pro- vides that a dog found worrying or wounding sheep may br killed bj any person. More than that ; auy dog straying on any farm unless iniuzled or accompanied by the owner or some one in charge, may be done to death likewise. Still further, the dog which is found molesting or attacking any con.-eyanoe on the public highway is liable to meet a like fate. The bill hati pasted committee and will no doubt go the vest of the way. Let .l'>i: <!I!Klit to limit at night Aa doKifUh naturu IIIUM , If ttt aa wt- paea If they allow Atfbt Their dugRoned b**d> wo'll Tiuit. I<et dogi Indeed ROIH! rouoMli heed Tiileml mail o to kill An. I ilualh lurk- round (or every breed Lu Mr. Urjrden'n bill. EDITORIAL MUSINGS. \Vliai has become of the old Metho- dist field meeting * Like everything mundane U appears to have passed away never more to return. In this section of country it flourished at one timo "like a green bay tree," but it has long since become obsolete. Our recollection carries us back to but one n ^ular old-fashioued Methodist "field meeting." That one was held twenty- live years arfo. The building in which it was held was supported by pillars raised by nature's hand. The roof was the vault of heaven, painted by tin i . HI hand ol Omnipotence. The pulpit wan a pile of logs, and Ii 'ht was furnished by torches made from pitch pine knots. At night the i-cctiu was impressive. The preacher, ikchkimiug to the multitude, pointing the way to salvation in good old-fash- ioned method ; the audience sitting beneath and around him like . pirits of the wood, their forms appear- ing to dance in the shadows formed by those daring pine torches, while far above through soughing, sighing tree tops tin) Htars "sang together.' lu lull* of pulpit elocution strange and eerie sounds pierced the almost- pliere. Frogs sang loudly in the marsh ; the owl hooted his dismal notes, and tlie straugu sweet chant of tlir ni^la bird resounded from no one knew just where. Who could wonder that, with such surroundings, the lliblc message sei-nied to fall with more than usual power in that old cathedral of nature the forest of (iod's raising. Then the message seemed to come with clearer meaning, uid the preacher's heart was glad- .ii-iiid with responsive hearers. Every individual appeared to be in touch with i.ntuu', and wln.ii this is the case with man he in not far from (iod. I liit i v< n as tho laws of nature un pi T|K uiully chaii^'inj; so have church iiK-lliod-i chiiuged in thin respect, until n iw we hear no more of the traiiMi-iit ojM-:i air liold meeting. It.hus givou place to (he more elaborate ('ha- i.il Intel-national conventions, uinl probably with justice. Still, we drop a tear to tin- luumory of the old Id nitctiny of many years IfOi There is something nearly akin to a rebellion in Newfoundland. England has trampled upon the rights of Newfoundlanders by trading their fishing privileges away to the French, and public meetings are being called all over the island dnouucing the transaction and threatening dire vengeance if matters are not righted. The Islanders HIV worthy of sympathy and will probably now come into con- federation to got it. They will recog- nize now where the provinces could assist them quite materially. The laborious work of our legisla- tors at Toronto was finished on Mon- day. One hundred and forty-nine acts were the product of this session, a truly good showing if they were of much importance which many of them are uot. The partial abolition of exemptions was the taut act passed. most The Reformers of Ualdimand have performed road work, when J, I. Graham produces a certificate that the road work was pei formed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Me Arthur, seconded by Mr. Kola i n I. that the following ac- counts be paid : \V. II. Thurston, printing Treasurer's statement, $10.- 40; W.J. Bellamy, quarter salary, $:)". 5(, also this day's session of coun- cil and indigent monthly allowance. Carried. The Council then adjourned. e Markdalr's Latrst News. From our own (.'urrtffwndntt. HiUi HiU, of Turouto. gueit at Mr. Miihrwi' on Eaater Sunday. The hill* will y.i b happy when the May belli chime. Mr. Oeorge Elba, ol liar lie. aud Mill Del- lamitre , of Owen Hoand. were mitori at II. L. Hu-plinif' thii week. Andrew HiU and wife wre up from Or- angeville for a few dati relinking the EiU-r )>ri-|mralioiik at \Vni. Douglaa'a comfortable home. U. 8. Bowei, Eiq., iihome fr un the eitv thii week completing arrangeinruti to ;; .-. to Toronto, lie kai UUi/ eatabiiibed him- elf iu tlie real estate and cominii>>n buii- nei iu tin- (juren City. Mr. uinl Mrn Brouki, of Onhawa, are here for an Kaiter call on Mm. B'I parenti, viz. Mr. and Mri. .lohn Whitby. Tin > are the hap|>y couple that were luade one Xmu day, 1889. For tin- firit time iu iom three >cr there waa an exchange of palpiU on Ejcter Suuday eTening between the Mthoditt and I'rtibyti-rian nuuiitter*. Bo far at r<- ported Her. Mr. Kmri preaehed a genuine Method- lit ifrui-.ii and Kef. Mr. Hi)x"> K*e t* Pretbyleriau congregation an addreu that had the ring ol John Kuui'a prayer. "Gite me Scotland or I die." Oar proipeetire Minister of Afrricultare. aoeurdiug to McMullra'i ponptcacioiu ei prvuioni in parliamentary debate, wai home orer .Sunday acd returned to Ottawa Mon- day afternoon. He in needed there to lUi I by the i..' "luuent on the Cook tariff, aa there n a hui'.'.r, it aem*, on thi of dies, $1,000 ; model, 1700 ; gold used. $7'0 ; striking uiedal,$30 ; cost of case, 918. Other medals of value that have been presented by congress are as follows : U. 8. Grant's, com- plete, cost $594.79 ; ('apt. Ingrain's, complete, cost $546.50 ; Cyrus W. Field's, complete, cost I5G2.H8. In the Francis modal is very hand- somely engraved on both sides. On one side is the head of the inventor and the inscription stating the pur- pose for which the medal is given. On the reverse is a representation of the saving of SCO souls by means of the Francis life-car, from the British ship Ayrshire, which went ashore off the New Jersey coast. Tho life-cai which rendered this valuable service is now numbered among the most in- teresting relics at the Smithsonian In- stitution in Washington. [Scitnttjic A mrrictm. NRW ADVERTISKMKNTS NOTICE ! Haring purcbued tbe blackiniith ibop at Pliwherton illation from Mr. JohuMun LittU. I am uiiw prpar<xl to attoud to tho want* of all In in? line on nhnit notice. All kunli of work kktiiUctorlly done OlTe wa trial. tfA|.rt HEMPHILL. filed another protest against the elec- j l*[' f ^' ltllnb< rn " n lot ^ M tion of Dr. Montague. They charge him with personal and every other variety of bribery. Again the sym- pathetic cry wells up in our gullet poor Ualdimand ! Tet>Uklii|t Parliament. Thf Hon. Alexander McKcnzio is in > w HO fec-hle that when he enter* tho li.", i lie 1ms to bo uNbUilt-d to re- move his overcoat. His uteps are polling short, and physically bin pow- .1 r.i.u'ly j-ufiit, hut his mind is (till bnght and clear, which is evi- . . i o ,1 by the l.i i-n interest ho tUcs ill tlic- licbati'H of the jluuiu. His \uirr, which once so eloquently pro- chtimnl Libi'taliMn.ia (junu, and when he stif mpU to u'hlifna any observa- tion* to tho lions, the nlcnce is pain- f.il owing to the ea~i>niea wall which both side* lutr'i to catch the words l .ml full from hi* lips. He is imi- vursally rt-speoied in the House es- pecially by ln colli'^iien and the old- er ii.e-ruUji < why Jiave seen him ex- ITI-..-U hie woo4*)Hul powers in liis pali i^duyi. There is but little Lope that U* frill ever again take part in Artemeaia's township fathers met iu usual monthly conclave in the Town Hall on Hominy lust, the Keevo in the chair. Minutes of puvious meeting read and continued The following communication!) and pi-utions win- read : IVtiliuu from Thos.il. Taylor and others re remodel- ling ol school section No. 4. From Jo. Watson and others asking for re- pair of croHKway on Durham Road 1 rum Township Treasurer, giving statement of receipts und disburse- iiii-ntM for three months, showing a balance on hand of (1,964.30, Com- munication from C. W. Kutledge, ask- ing Council to furnish him . with minutes of Council for publication. It was moved by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Holand, that tlie pe- tition of Thomas Iayh;r and tliirty otherH regarding rt modelling of school sections Nn.-. H.4,7 and H before build ing new school house in No. 4.b laid on the lalilr, for having looked at the map of the several section* named and carefully noted the positions of thi' school lioiuv-H therein, it is be- lieved if tin' rtlii-ii ncy of the schools In- maintained, none of them cuu af- ford to loose any territory ftuficit-nt to form a new school section, aud the ani,'uluniit'M of every section named muitr so by thu angularities of the township prevent a remodel, unless others an.- pluctil in a pobilion quite as dintiint and an unsatisfactory us those who have now reason to com plain. Carried. Moved by Mr. McArthur, sccondud by Mr. Sharp, that the following ap propriationfl be made : Ward No. 1 176, Ward 2 $150, Ward U |AH), Ward 4 1160, total 9676. Moved in amendim-nt by Uessrs. Holand Hint Thompson, that there b a grant ot'$tt. r >0 made to repair roads, to he appropriated ax follows : Wani No. 1 1160, No. 2 $150. No. 8 $200 Mo. 4 $160. The amendment was declared eari ied. Movud by Messrs. Sharp *nd Mc- Arthur, that the petition of Joseph Watson aud twelve others be enter tamed, and that twenty dollars be granted to improve the 1 >urhim Uoml oppoeit* lot MO at as early a dafp as Lost. Bylaws No. 468 and 459 were read the tlie HOOM. [Nation. Mr. f>yd.'ii dog bill if a beauty, i*>.to b hi .fH-a that it will become a third time, signed, sealed and eu froeaid on the imnutu*. Moved bv Mr. Uo)ad, swwnded Mr. WcArtLur, thai J.I. (Jrahaiu c*fttndfil2 ( Ubeia^cotlte)d M by be TO OUR CUSTOMERS Sliool hn uot -tart, d yet. There U real difficulty iu otlaiiiiu)| auiUUle roomii with proper ui-rdxl acc<<mo<]atiODf. The can! bare aiked (or tlii* Methodiil ebnrch but wbat will b done U bard to eterniiuo, ai Ibe church lruiua will hate mert and grunt |>miiuii>n. In the intt-r Hi the children tbronx tU* atreeti, and are ulidayiug in earneit. Mr. and Mil. Olendinniug. oar head eachen, are away vikitiug in Toronfio (or Im pait week, and Mm Kichardton, oar fiicirnt primary teacher, rrturued home to wail notiea o( acbuol upeuiiiK. W learn from tbe chairman I'. H. I), that 1 1 v have uot been able 10 far to manage a H'Ulenient with the (ilaiftuw it London In- auranee Co. (or tin- ainuunt o( iniurauoe n-lil by the buard ou tin. tcliixil building!. 'I'Ur Krmliib church aa luiual wa very aitily decorated with bandiomeflowera.et:., u Kaiter SumUy. W. uudrHtand thai tbe luT. J. Urahuu KMIM iH'TiTi hii connection lure ai Kniilnh churoh miniater, aud taaoi barge of a Urger tirld in ll- Sbelburne irctvua. Wai 1.. Toung and laroei Mercer li>(t on Putiitay with a fine ear o( ti..-k (or Chilli- back and VanrniiviT, II.C. Mr. Young ex- >ucu to be home in three weuka. Mr. Mer- cur Koei to B. C. to remain punnaneutly. The outward trip will occupy II days at Ivait. Andrew Realty baa alio left lor li c. with ill entire horivi, purponnti to ilm|>oae ol them tbere. W .1 !: iiKon.well known aa Iriib (Yminedi au.waa iu Owen Sound Uood Friday eveuinf lirlpitiK at a eoncvrt He won ijiutn it hearty ri-ceptinii by bit artiitle readerinK o( tb wull known comio iniitji. \\ i. ve |{nt 'em bad. Mrax-U ore certainly rndemic here, >oti ihvre are ruah youugftera in alrnoit f i-ry IM.BII- Mr. Myeri' family in Knphraiii are afflict rd with dipbtherik. Uue eliild wai interred lure tbk* week in thu Ki.KlwIi burying 8. r g K. \VK take this opportunity of thank ing you for your support in the past aud hope fora continuance of your patronage. This year we have a good variety of Greenhouse plants, also Redding aud Perennial! for Gar- den. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Tomato, Cucumber, Pepptr Plants In M'heir Heation. All orders promptly attended to. I have the honor to remain yours truly. James Beecroft, FLESHERTON GREENHOUSE Flesherton, April 8. EXliCUTORS; NOTICE PU'iBI'ANT to MCtluD 9A.eap 110 o( R.S.O..1IWT, tbe cr.<dlton n I all othmrt haTiu( rlain avMiitt tL ontalool Adam Muir, drc*aid, to ln lil.-tin .. of tlin towohl|>of ArtoniMia.iii tlm c.iuii',vo(Ory. who died oBtbiWth day of D- tenibor.lwu. are hnreby notified to wnd by poet, yrapald, or dulivor tn Aloiamlur Muir. one of tL olocut^n of dwoaied.FliMhiirtoD Hlatu.n V O .on or before tbn flnt day of May nu ttioir Christian and mrnitiao*. addreanei and dmcrlp- tion.th full particular* of tbelr claiuin.a utato- fuuntof tlMir ajta and a Htatauient of their w- Lurltivwif anyihel.l !>> them Ou .(cfault thoreol and IMI biun a* it It IMMH||II after tuch laat natned date. the auKtinf tne aid Mtate will ! dli- tril.iilo'l among thu |>arti> ulititleil thiTtto. re- Kar'l I-.-IMC haxl only to tin claim* of which no- tice (hall haw bwn glvvn a> abo*<> requirwl. and the eiecutor* will not be liahle for the aald amiutaorany part thurvof to anjr panoo of wboMelalin notion iliall not bave Iwenreuelv ai aforeiaid at the datu !: iflud above. ALEX. MI-IK. JOHN MoFAUYBN.} m,.r.-Tomi }* Dated thii Hli (lay of Mareb. 188O EVERX x mi: HOUSEKEEPER H D , Pronounced again and anain "Tho Beet" ai It U tha Oldest Domestic Journal in America. U TRY IT ONL\: DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A 8., ONI. I'HISH ItV M K.|;OV A,. FLESHEHTOX. Omoe, Strain i block. Residence, J. <i Itiitiol'i Member of tbe College of Physician itt Surfeoni. Ontario. Enquire at otBce.on* door eait of (irier' titof or Atkineon't llet.-l Prieerille. No* ID. IMS. -TO FOUR MONTHS KUK CENTS. Sample copioe free. Yoarly luhnni-iption, 94. lu. Aililroea. "THK UtXJSEHOia),- Brattleboro, Yt. LOOK ! LOOK ! HIitarlM* at ilck child Win ADTII-B TO MDTHMI Ar yoa nlRht auri brok*u otjruur IMI t,y uB*riuk' auderjrlnfl wlthpalBoii utiliix II iiiiil alouce and K> abottl* Mri >lnw'> Houtliinii Spmu '(or Chili1rn l..tlnnj In vain* ! mi-all iiUhlu U will relluTe the uoor Mtttt mdaror linyMoliatcly l)*|>iiod U|M>B It, iniiUi*'. ; tin" . U un nu<-taki altout it. It cure! l)yintr) k IK! luarrli.i rrguUtue tbe stum:*)* and Bowli, curp Wind I'olle. oftni lit.' i. 'HIM., rduoi InfliiuatuHi. aud ilvei ton! nJ *nr|y to the wlinU nyitaiu "Mn. W MI low'ttMutliUig rlvrup " lor .In; In.., toethlnn In pltiaaant to the tant lud l tlii jH-eierlptliiD i>f inn o( th(ili)nt and lnwt fooiaU ptiyiiriaui all. I iiuniw In til* I'ultril Htlia, and U (or tall U) all driiKiti't* tliroiiuhnut the WiilJ l'ri<- twnnty flT unt a Ixittln Be lure iiul ai -Mm. WunLotn'aHTHUrY and tak no klud. Mdl. ik. (or utlui CapUiu Ji^j^i Francis, tin- veteran- life saving applyuiee inventor of Uiit city , IN the reci^hmt of the laigeet and nuiit expensive &M medal ever pres- ented to any oitwen of tint country by. Congrtte in recogmtyou of Taln%U* servieci rendered. The dual coHt of t)i<i medy is WTeral thousaiul dollar! , eome ol tbe Hens of which are M lollowi : Coil Sap Pails ! Call ind Me my aap pall* before pnrcbailuf elaewhere, and yon will buy no other*. A large aiiortmeut of Milk I'iino ami 1'nlN. frcamran* All kinds of old metal taken in exchange, aiau wiHil picking*, bnuia and cupper. SULLIVAN The Tinsmith. ORS. SPnoULE & EGO MARKDALE OXT. oiin . i Mnnlry'* Drue Storr. T.8. 8PKOLI.K M D..etf AN(iff) K(i<).M.l)..rt ]>t of Tottenham, Out. l)r F.go will be found at Uarkdale Houte J. P. OTTEWELL, VETKRINARY SURGEON. Graduate of Ontario Vet. REKIDKNCK ON COU.INOWOOD STRIIKT Sixth Door Kant ol Prcibyterlau Church, FLESH EUTON. j. P. m turn, L. D. S.. M. U H .. DEXTI6T, "~ VitiU MarLilale the 1st Mid 81 J \Vedne- day of each smutli. Fleihortoii each trip on ike day following. gtgai J. W. Barrlftrr, Solicitor, Coitrt yatwen. t'Jc. FLKMiitBToif Orrn-r, SKIT TOST drm-B Sj-KOt Ll'l Kl-ILMHe, l>5 Till HM'AYJ. OWBW aorxn OFFICE. roir in-anm P. MeCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c: oni . over MrFarland's Sturr Markdalr. Monry to Loan. 9n$inr.s$ (tanto. John W. Armstrong. FLXBIIEBTO!I, Co. Oiir.v. T\IVIH>N COIUT CI.KKK. CdMMISSK - ** I B B K.. CoUTityaiievr. *c. Aut for tin i, ae<l nala jf laudt. A|>riimr i, re L C and F. 1'. B. A s !wil. M.^> t,. l^. u ui iut raaeeoable ti-nu. Uecan u MAI;I,. v UCKNHB8. .NOTAKY PfHUr MONEY TO LOAM- The) Undersigned has a Larga Amount of Money to lioi>n at 6^0 o. CM TOWN OU KAKM VBofl.l.TY 8. DAML'DK. r'L W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CLERK &RTKUKHU. CONVEY A SCEK. < '< ..W W I^IOSSK, IXfil'HAffCl AVT dC T\F.EDS. MOKTCICKS I. K ASKS, *c . prei.ar *> d and pri.iM.rly v<K-iiUtl. liiiaiauce aff . o ed In liru-rlao-. couipauiel. Muuev to liud at LITTLE" MILL. Having entlralv renovated raj mill during tbe part rear, puttluR la a large anwuet of new machinery, I am nnw prepared to grind flur |ln a manner leeond l no miller IB Oatene, and OB tbe ibortaet not toe. 01,1' TERMS : Every twelfth buthel. Seven cent* I-M beg of tiro boeheb for hoppinn. Done every daj ?. LOVCK8, Proprietor. r A jftuiu FOE BOMM . i J. Sproule, I>8TM ASTER, Fli.shcrti.n.C.iiiimi * t-r in 11. R., I.ici-nm-d Anotioueer. On re.vancer, A|i|.ratwr and Slcnejr Lfudi-r. Real KitaU aud IniuirawHt AL-'.-III. I 1 . . Leaiea and Wills drawn up 1.1 ,! ValuatiouH made on ihor^.eit uoti'-c. Am: tion SejM attended to in any |-nryoftLe Courar. JJoney to l<*n atlowist rates <.f interest. Ci.llectn.nn altcndi-.i to with promptneii and denpateii. Cliurgrg l,,v.. Agent fi>r h Dominion Stamn(]i|i('<iDipai)y. Cbe|> tiokeli from Kleihi-rton tn I.ivti'|inii|, Okiirow, r.i.inl,.n or auv of tli linti-l. Port*. Parties intending to vi f it England, Scotland or Ireland, will ploaie a.-k ratn be- fore pcTchtiinK their tickets t-lwwhrre. Hub Thill Spring, MAM rArrVBID HI nulls & PaM ^^ Of Iiiterrat to every man who use* a THIS ANTI-BATTLKR IS the BEST, Hecauao It in effuctlve, iui\" . m-ilv adjulw1. durable, itinkprii^ivi' TtMT-. nr.. nti proj^ctlnii nndntu ti-ai tlif "pmigu or *ali clotk. It (It* any tiiu con pi. vt: ' h 1 1 * U - hi I.' AT* ' I^'I\ OtVL A 1 ~~ Hoard's Carr.ago Shop F ARM FOK SALE niKM AND DM BAHY tenua. lot 7, con. ft, townnhip of Gapbraiia, contain lux WO aorei. Thl IB n splendid rain able timber farm. Well timbered with ini< hardwood, hemlock and wlnr. Hpliindld antf 1) mllim from the beautiful village of Klmberloy la Queen'! Valley when thore areruilli.itoiwi oe* attee aud ebnroh, and 1 1 nnlotrom fluari rVin oo the C. I 1 K., where tlii-ie li a ipleadid arkit forall klndiof pnxli' itoek. nwubur aa4 tlmbw Applr to K J H)iiou)e, aa< reel eetate ateai. rieibai tou. ,.

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