Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 May 1890, p. 1

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TON ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JV01 MJV." VOL. VIII., NO 468. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1890. W. H. THURSTOIT, EDITCRfc PROPRIETOR WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES. IN: GOLD, SILVER AND SILVER ORE. 'Some cato lines. Ladic'3 sizes in gold and silver. Juit opened another vase of FINK WALN I T CLOCKS, don t miss seeing them. Our specialty, H'.lTClf. CLUCK' AND JEWELRY REPAIRING- SI'EX OPT I* ILL! FITTED - - ARMSTRONG BROS. TKI1IS1INC.. UOKSKSKOEINO. WOOO WOltK. FIRST PR WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES' JU11 WOltK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTXL\, ONT. itoixr.us MO'. I. US. Hi M IK US. PLOWS. Our BuKpea the Best. Our Sleiuha thu I'.est. Our Cutters the IVst. Our liuproxed M.irrows the Best Our FaU-nt Catu The. Best. Stevens Improved Spring TootL II irrow thu P>cat. STUAW (TTTKIiS. CLKH.KHS. TL HMI' 111(11. IS. i I'i BOOTS. BOOTS. BOOTS Uuality amounts tx) little unless prices are fair. Low prices are not bargains unless quality is tliere. WE COMBINE THEM. Never, in the history of Vlcshcrton . lias such Bargains in Boots been of- fered, ukiug the (Duality into consideration. Wo have tho right goods al prices. Sec those Men's Whole Leather Plow Shoea.Men'i Split. M u FUR Lace Uoota, Men's Oxford. Latlien, let your good judxcnieut, iu the slioe line carry you up the Wright hill to the Cash Store. You can get any- tliiti*; you \iant fruui the heavy Stoga to the liucst Kid. Misses' aud Chilli - rcu's in all si \ Its. ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES. Fresh Teas, Sugars, Currants, Raisins, Spices, Canned Goods, Etc. An- other lot of llioso fine Prunes just iu. If you want Milk Pans. Milk Crocks, Butter Crocks, Fruit Jars, Flower Pots or WootUuware, call ou the Cash Store. 1000 do/en of Eggs wanted in exchange tor goods. MCDONALD & EVANS. Our N.I-:M Book. Bismiuli * must novt-l lurtlulay proent was a wooden devil, ljf u n\z v , HI ITtii century n.Ntiiin,'. Tin- di-vil w:is carved in Italy about two hundred years 3^". with the most painstaking skill of the oarrery nf that time. It is worth $:f,5(>0, ami wan brought tor Bismark hy a 1 "Titian merchant living ill Italy. Artiliml .-'.[tee is manufactured nn an Mi-naive uralo in ' !.-rm:uiy. It il made I'PIIII iin.siTd mi-ill, roamed to a dark color and inixi-d with munu sub.iuuice before heini; pasHu mavhiiK'i. whu-li rum nut thu compound in thu shape ul a real nortec bean. \\ !.n th false bean is wull mixed with the gouuinu pruluct only an expert can de- tect the difference. A new kind ul church unUirtaininoiit for rakins; in the ahukuls is in voguo in the Wuat. It la culled :in orau,;i' ,-rovu fcstirnl. It is thus described in The Ciucimmli Tiiiii-s Star 'You see there .-ire no real oranues or real rani;e trees. The ursiijjes are made of yellow coltuii. YOU pay 10 much to pick one, and than whun you open it you tind soino article inside. Tt may U- viilimi.le and it my IK.' v 'in- ii.ui'-e on them, you know, and the uncertainty of what you are ijo.ii ;. < m one of tliu great features. ' In on- if thu upper coun'.ies of Michi- ijan. ..us iho IVtroit b'n-u Pruaa, a WO- nun with 'no child wiu unubbvd by a woman with wvon children. Thu n-- hiinu- on.,-hild woni-tn, wu mean look ber little ilear t> Wim;onaiii, exposed him to the wli(M>|'ini;e<iuj;h, tnd thun raiurm'd and pushed bun through thu line tVnce. The sereii children now whoop, yull, cough and kick, and the mother says ahu had mthur bucn muck by lign TALI, i HIM 1-idustry i Ihiitiiiniim to siiri'aiw iiii-morativu nrl in iliu heiyii: of the iini. tup's winch it errecta. (tlwiiiks and other public inoniuiuen's ;ivi- to factory chiumev*, a C"iiiiiiaiidin jectn in thu vicinity . >i towns and -I'.OM. EVCMI ill' Killirl Twer in to h rei{r<l<jd aa an industrial nionuineiit. ^ MUT a^c) there was ovinplutcd at Fall KIV.T. M:is;ii-liusi'!t<i, a eliiimii'v which i* 'iiu of tho liiu'htuat in tliu world. It is more than tlntHj hundred tVet in height, itid :ilxuit thirty feut in diameter .it. thu biixu. \ Mill higher iiiiuncy in now in (truction for t!u foundry it Halshrucku, near Kreilmr-', lierin.iiiy, in tlut cuutro <>i a lead and iron miniin; region. Tins chimney winch ia intondel to carry t thu higher rw^ions of tho I'mos pherc poisonous :ind ilririictivu ^.ues, as well as Muioke, will bu almost four hundred and thirty feet hit-h, or :ilm.it half as luijh .w the Kiffol Tower ;it I'an*. M..r--''vr, .is this chimney stands on a huitcht of ground which ia moro .him :wo hundred tot .-\l>ore tho sur country, it will not only be a v.-iy maiidin^ obj.-ct, 'ml will, it m hvln-vi.-.l, carry the poisonous ^ascs nfMdmd in thu process of smoltinx to such :i height that they cm do no injury to tho region roundabout. "**li mister ! let me go around von. "U "' And wiihuiit waiting for permission nhe went around in front of him to his otlior <K< Then she smiled. "That's nil," she aaid. "Thank you." "But it isn't nil. ' said the muii ; why did you want to 150 around me ('' "Why, you see, you went between my friend and me, and that M :i disappoint- taunt , you know. S I ran after you and went around you, so that it is now just as if you didn't go between ua.'' r'.i- /'.'.. .l-.'.ii". i Itiliuluns Candor When journeying iu the backwoods of inadu in the year 18 .nearly forty years ago, [ "put up ' at country tavern fur the niht, in the townidnp of Saw nothing of the landlord that evening. In the morning when I went into the barroom to pay my bill, found him sitting "ii a chair outside the bar. ""liiut! :i tho ho had been under the " inliiMieiice " ijuito recently. No oustouors to attend to, and the luor 'ifiny open, two er three dns had I'ruaently ill -.talked au OLD WHITK .A_si'i:ii, it hiss at one dog, and a " pick " at mother. M if to aay " (jet out uf this, a barroom u uo place for dogs," then walked along. " Guid morning,'' said the landlord. '' Uao ye had yer bitten (' Pi.- ;inder gave a " nod in the affirma- tive, ' appeared to be quite a " charac- t*r, ' mil "at home." My curunity was excited. Doea he drink ? I asked. " 1 guea he doi-s, ' re- plied mine boat. 1 ' But will he drink !' Itott. wlnski-y '1 giUTiud. ' Indeed lie wull, ' iwul tho landlord, " and wlion hu'i hud a niU'-klo drain he's vera cn>ss, and will watch a sleigh likw a .lo,< and let nau- ii, o^ ooiuu near it.'' then after a pause, nlowly added : " lint he ha* IK-KIT ^ime than mysul' : he will drink nae iiiiiir than his <|iinnt:>t< I I'm a "lura tcetoiaier, " but if 1 ever had the faintest desire to tee any living thing llutke its " bitten, " it waa to sou that Binder ' drink. ' W. P., Winnipeg. ba reported having wen I ho missing man in that produce a short tune (previous, and as Mr. Stephens had several times allowed long perioda to ulapse between iua communications with his fnunds. i hope was aroused that hu was still liv- 1111;. But this spr'iiK lirou^'ht other news. i A wok *(, Mr. \V. U. Stephens received telvgruui from Thtwaloii that a body supposed to lm that of MU brother had oiind within a mile of the camp lie ao mysteriously left ; n .Juno laat. Iden- tilieatiou by friends pnvrd them to be tliu remains of the mUsing man, and they weru forwar-led to tbia place tor burial, which took plica on Tuesday last. - [' 'wen Sound Timas. Wbw IUbr waa dck. w g*n her Caatorl*. Wlxm iti* waa Quid, ab* encd for Oaatoria. ' WIMO ihe biK-aina Mia*, >b cliu to CaatoraL Wban abo had ChtUno, ttu> gar* Owtn Ca Fjiir white men aim forty-seTpn blacks were lost by the wreck of the school er Kl:-. Mary on the cnaat of thu Naw Hebrides, many of tho victim* being tomahawked by tho .Mirages. THE MARKETS, FLESIIEBTON. Convttd Wetk Vi'iir ......... . .. J i UO to S UU Kill I WhiM ................ HA VO 84 spring VMi,i liwluy ... 86 ou . PS ... 1 B3 HtlttT -h .04 tuo bu*u- Nail r toll . . ."inks iK>r pr. , UO :i M - U 40 18 K U 4U Ii - U M U * 2". i.W r.-w I TO . COME! Care of Foals. A freak of noiiaunite not noticeable in a littlu child become* ili-cidtdly .pirer in grown up girl - oapucially if it m hor run after a man. A sample of tho stk ll al>siirditiu that people half believe lonij after t hoy know better wax witnessed the other day by a reporter of tho I'lula- delphialni|uirer. Two young women were sauntoring along Ki^ht'i Street, when they became separated by the crowd, and a toll man panted rapidly between thpin. One uf tho i(irls immediately started after him. Sho didn't like to run, but his loin,' utridea were fast taking him beyond her tvach. " Mister '" she called, but miotor didn't hear her. Then site broke into that peculiar ait which paaaeg for running amou^ her ex, and catching him b/ the arm, brcathlesa- ly The waaon haa now come when tliu C'iiii|diiinU uf mortality ainoii'.> thu youn^ fouls will attain l)o hu;ird. L.t auaaon was tho worst for many years in this scL-tioii uf tho country. That thuro are i auae.i for [licno umdemica is i;eii(<rally .. and in moot of the easea it is ii.it hard to delinu. In a .{ ener *l w *y- with the raare running |Uiui'y in the yard, not uverli'd, thure is not 'it>-n trouble, neither is it thu CMO when the :imre i worked in.. derMcly and mod IT- fed, but wbiMi inaru* aru kept in idleneaa and fully fed, trouble multiplies Thtf ditliculty is caused by the blood hems he.uod. The foal huuld lie iifiully atelicd :iiter Inrtll to sco that it has its pi>.ss;ii;'-s .ill rii;ht. Should it -'M..^I.'I .1. In the treatment ia n'.|iiir.'d, ,-ut very little oTer-domut; ^will kill it outright. In this cau try injec- tions of warm waiter with a littlu oil iddcd, or paM a littlu lard up the rectum with the tinker ; a dose of sweet or castor oil ia the softest. Should costivunuss be iiiiu-ipated Rive \ dose of raw linnt-ed oil to tho mare beforo foaling. In n ease of ( 8.-oura also try mild rvmmiiua ; a diso of <.'.-t oil will nelp allay any irritation. [Mai often ato|> .111 attack uf this kind. 1' armor a Ad"i)eate. A sad M.Ystrry Nolvd- In June last, Mr. <!ao. J. youni;*wt son of our us'ceinc.l Mr. A. M. ^tt'|ilnMis, disiijipeared from i his camp in (.ialbraith Township, where fan waa out with a prospecting parts MI tins newly discovered ^old reijion. Search was made for him but in ram, in. 1 ' fears were entertained that some ill had Ill-fallen him. His father Trent upa .->. 11 a> he heard of the disap|H.>arancu.but was unable to unrarel tho mystery. Later it) i iu the acajou, a gautloniau frnn) INSPECT SELECT _: _ Stock Large WELL ASSORTED. Marked in Plain Figures PRICES LOW, duality Considered. EoTABLIMlKD NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. Warrants Perso > v Signei aud kept . SPEX OPTICALLY F ED. 18 Years .u ill FINE \v -:K On all Gradfs 'itches. PERSONAL!. 'IE. (liai'sw rate W, A,1U;( ,, JeiA. r etc. SIGN OF THE SPEX MAKK K,

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