T1IE PEOPLE'S BIRTHRIGHT. Its Restoration Urged as the htidote to Socialism. WBO PiYS THE USD SPECCLiTOR ? Who Ha* m Right on the Kjtrlh r-Bor- dea for Weak ahouia.ra-Too Much Hedtlleeome LAW The Krforai Mi Bel tarr I* It Jut T Moult*. urra riru. Continuing our inquiry into the land queiuon we will be forced to the conclu- sion lh if the earth 11, ID any reasonable ecie, intended for tbe children of men, and not for tbe ipeculaiive parpoae* of * tew of them . it tbe Creator it the Uiner of the ipirit* of ail flesh " and tbe world it) tbe work of Hit handt, then mult nude* of men have been cheated oat of their birthright and have not received even the fooi'i me** of pottage. The) hare been born into a world belonging not to tbe Lord for tbe nte* of a. 1 the children of men, bat into a world owned by the landlords and in wbioh they And themselvee tolerated only on condition of paying tribute in tbe ahapeol a oontiderable proportion of thtir earningi. Not only are they forced to pay to the landlord for the privi- lege if living and working on the earth, but they are farther required to pay taxe* on almoet everything they oootame. for lapport cf Government and whatever icbtme*. . or otherwise, it may undertake. It even oucor* that the owner* of tue toil are privilege.! >o vote heavy laxe* upon them wLne thiy are denied the franchise, aad the mone> thni taken from them it taken to make a gift to tome man or company abvut to engage in tome private enterprise which the land lord* expect will ennacce tbe speculative value tf tbt ir propvriiet, aud by to doing inertate rentt and make narrower the worker*' margin of lubtutence. They cannot vote . they matt pay. A new fac tor? located in a neighborhood, or a new railway i* bail! . capital acd labor are expended . bat do capital ana labor reap tbe fall reward of their investment and expenditure of energy .' No. Mr. Land lord may col htve expended a otut or a day'* work, but be take* advantage of tbe improvement* am turoi on tbe rent acre and rail** tbe ipccalative rigor*. Tbe reeult it that the landlord ana tpeoalator obtain moucy without laboring. Where did it cjcne from ? \Vno earned it 1 Nature require* perfect compentation Somebody earned it, and the land ahark pocketed it , tomebodv u out exactly tbe amount cf tee inert nu-ul that appropri atod. Kigar* u out at }oar Uunre, and jculify it if you can. Take the ca*e of a new towc, at one in which a limple illattration can be brudy outlined : bay one hundred etlleri locate a town lite, torvty it. pi.-k oat their Ijt* and co to work. Ninety five of them build honte* and butines* place* and live on them. The other nve may have other em- ployment or they may be unemployed, but they do not buiU but leave then lolt in I ttate of nature. Bosineti attract* bun neat, and oar little toon in a few yean grow* to be a city. Tbe five Ion held by the non improver* have grown immenaeJy valuable owing to Ibe concentration ol popuiation in their locality and the detire of many to pot**** them, and having paid only a \ toaut lot tax an 1 expended not a dollar in improvement*, their o*ner* after a few year* are able to unload them at price* that make them ooruperatu . Iv wealthy. Somebody earned that money ; what did thiMc five men do that they hoold be enabled to take it at the prioe of their pexmiMiou to ate them ? Thry had done nothing, txpended noth ing. 1'be prioe they obtained represented what if ku.iwn to eoonomiilt at unearned increment unearned to thrm u certainly wa* ; it wa* the product of the labor of Ibe community, which wa*. to the extent that they pronted. crippled and impoverished They were purely and solely laud tpecula tort, and lard tprcalatiou it render** possible only by our ty *iem of land owner ahip, which tervet no . ibtr uteful(?) par poae. And here lei << remark that landtpeca lation uewr aiuud a Collar to tbe value ol a lot or to tbe wealth cf the world . it never made crept .r.iw belter ; it never improves iba-roadirr bridgct or tanitation of ih world . to far at land dealing it tpvoalatioi it u gamblicg in land valurt at much at art the deal* of the bucket thop* and ttock exchangt* gambling in grain futarea. Lane oannol proi rrly be taia to repreainl oapi la), although improvemenlt (product* ol labor) co Nor doe* a mau. correctly speaking, bay land, but rather tb* right ol poeetation. In the transfer no capital i locked op at far tube nation it cv loerned bat ilit takii'g of tbe tarniugt of i community without tht rrlurn of ai equivalent in prodaolive energy or it* representative it evil and inly evil. It* torn total it the abtlraotion cf money from Iboce who produced Ibe wealth il repre teot* wiili.-iit giving an i>iuivalenl. Ihe addition of l.UOOpevnlalive value to the price ol a | !>-< - ( .aiul iuakt it worth not one oenl mure at a place of residence or at a farm Tht- . uy lot that ell* for t'J3< wonld mm IT (luiilar ccudir.out be jot at valusti > (.T a letidencw or a buinea* plaoe a* if II co*l ?-' .-CO If we iietiroy pecu letite value* tin- world wiil not be a dollar poorer, but tome who have ainamed wealth will be presented from charging their fallow! toll on the bountiet of nature. Nor nil aloue in thit way thai we aooonrage pt>vnlaliou at th* co*t of pro- dnotion. If we turn to our tyttem of ran ing the large tarn* of money ueoattary to conduct our somewhat elaborate anc meddlesome vlem of government, we wil find thai Ihe producer*' caudle i* bur net at both end*. Inilead of taking into ion tideralion the fact that the tarlh it owned by the tew, who are that enabud to po****t theratelve* of much ol the prod not of tbe men sojoorner* upon it, and levying Ih* tax on tbtm. we adopt tb* abtnM principle of laving men in ao eordaco* with their diligence and capability a* repretenled by their posansiou* and xpendilurt*. We tine induttry and allow idteriemlo e*oapr. 1'ho man who lira* in hovel, or who** house itanryeior* in a ccality, yet who may own a miter't board, pet with a tmall tax while be who works productivity and erect* * (rood houie. tor* or factory * levied upon lor a large torn. We carry tbisidsa of taxing inc.) ry into the little tbiogt of lift, and tbe nan who tpendt rive dollar* on hit lawn or ront fence can utually depend oa finding t noted in bis next atseesmenl. Then Government, cot tatuflsd with taxing pro- duction, levies odious and burdensome axe* on commerce, which have the effect a* well of enabling hone dealer! lo charge :on*om*rbigh figure* for poor good* at of ad a ing to the cotl of Ihoee be import*. All hi* lime labor it not only subjected to the competition consequent upon free immi- gration, but apart of our taxei i* taken o bonui foreigneri to come in to the labor market. And men are found wbo from unorance nd a inpertiition miscalled loyally, " thick there i* nothing wrong in all tbit. wonder they are poor, that work is icarce and remuneration imall, that while trer* cry of overproduction " they i.-.e tcaroelv the nece**arie* of life, >ei tupjxirl and join in combination* to limit tbe cx-r ci*e ot productive energy and make scarcer the very good thing* they so much desire. Tbe remedy i* DOI to be found in high laxe* on production or product* , oombina lion* lo rettrict production are economic in* which bring twift and iur* paniih ment a* their natural ooc*f.jan.--e. Cora- binalioci cf labor are neoettary only in an unnatur*! jondition consequent on a viola ion of fundamental economic law*, and industrial or economic heprmett and prosperity will nevtr be realised in a high degree or on an endoring basit until wt rector* to the children of men the birth- right of which they have been deprived until we fcuni oar society and our principle* of properly on a correct basi*. No plan which rob- ser* can devise, except the giving up of ibe plunder to tbe latl tanking, will undo the wrong committed. The land of Ihe nation belong! to the people cf the nation a* a natural right , il alio belong* to them at a rinbl in Britiib law . let ai five that law et?ect and atsert that right. But would you dispossess meo of their 'arm* acd Ion? Softly. No; that would M neither jutt nor necessary for cur object. We do not want to equalize wealth we do nol want to equalize tbe pottettion ol land ; what we do ask i* to equalize the absolute property in it and tbe opportuui tie* tuch property give*. If u te con ceded that the oommucity ha* made any part of tbe value ot land apart from aa: kbove that made by ibe expenditure cl labor and capital upon il by the owner il cannot be an unreasonable propoei lion that snob value tbould belong to th* community. It U not a verv revolutionary proposal, yet that is al there U in Ihe theory of land tax alion known at Land Nationalisation or the Single Tax Theory. Wbat u contem plates it tbe absolute removal of all taxet upon improvements. produce an commerce, and tbe tuppon cf tbe Government by taking 10 taxation th value added to land by tbe natural increase of the population. Il aimt lo exempt the product of induttry and lake i > thereof that unearned increment which now goet into tbe px-kel* of those wb< ipend not an hour in producing it. I aimt at iqneeiiog oat tbe do* in- the mauger wbo improve* nol yet demandt a prioe for permitting other* to improve It* result would be to encourage ir.dnttry multiply opening* for tbe exertion cf tkil and muscle, cheapen gcodt and give lo these who earn it Ibe product of their labor nntclled by society'* blood luckert 11 would f jive tbt labor problem and ttrike the thackle* from commerce , it woul,' elevate the producer th* worker to hi proper plane, and that bring a! much nearer thai lime when th* brotherhood man i* a conceivable condition and nol mere rhetorical ear tickler . it woald be recognition in fact and action ct what we now prea.-h aiu prcfet* but deny la prac tic* the Uivine Paternity. " Bat how it a simple change in the mode acd direction of taxation to do su mo oh ? " It it the asssrtion and adoption of natural law* at oar guide. Nature never err*, and the remor*el**tly puni*be violators ol her lawt. If the earth is to all and each has a right here, we are noi doing a great wrong: everybody canno well be given an equal area cf it. and i they could the advent of a new part -pro prietor would be a disturbing fact Moreover, all do nol with to pottejt land Now. by taking in taxation, lo be used i lieu of all other laxe* that are. or might be levied on mankind, tbe snm of the vain added by the pretenoe cf Ibe popalaiioi there it paid into the common Ireatury o Ihe nation the anneal worth of the right o each to tht soil ot Ihe nation. There is n levy upon Ih* products of labor, nopenalt; upon improvement, and he who does no use the land is net taxed (bit thart of th land paying hit proportion) and the Ian user pay* no tax on hit improve ment* or produce but only for th land value which he ni.mopoh.-f* tbe exclusion cf all other men. N one woald be di*possessed , men would bu and sell and bequeath at they now do. am they could and woald improve to a mnc greater extent when they knew that n matter how much they improved the; would not be fined therefor by theattettor ' Bat how woald you get at men wh< have already made money, some ot it b peculation in land, and who havt it houee* or improve ment i or produce, in cash or mortgage* ?" Some cf u muh e*c*p*. But il will be discovered that the speculative value cf land were de jtr.-ved. much money no* placed in mort gagt-t wonld be turned into active channel* buiineet wonld be given a healthy iiimu lot and tbe mere utnrer would be ditoonr aged. And were il even ahown that tb past evil* could net be undone, that woald be no good reason for continuing an avi course. That ws have had the content* o oa* room destroyed i* no reason why th boss should not play on the fire and sav the retl cf Ihe bonte. The vail redaction in taxation tha would follow the adoption of tuch a iTttem woald i u itself be a boon to tb* people c' any country. An indirect tax i* alwayi a unequal lav paid in large measure by those who are least able 10 bear it. It it oo*tl tax to colled, and fraud i* difficult to pr* vent. It con* in oar own country million annually to collect, beeidt* tb* nrkoow oat* hypothecated in one way and anolh* between tb* foreign chipper aad tb* *x ehaquer ; and it psnaiM the container t >e bled by ring! and combine* on every tand. Tb* improvement* and income tax** ,re equally reprehensible A laod tax it an eaty tax to Itrvj ; an eaay on* to eol- eci A direct tsx, while il would savt millioct in collection, would save more mil- ioct in il* expending over an indirect one. f a man know* exactly how much be pat and for what he pay* bit money he will ake more inter**! in teaicg that it i* prop- riy expended. W* we aid havt mor* economical and honatl government, and boutacd* who DOW livt by commerjial uracy, woald join the land iharkt in teak- ng honest, productive employment instead if remaining an incubu* on social pro- gnat. Htre, then, it a ready remedy for the canker of tocialittic palernalitm which hreatent to cruth GUI individual liberty and make of tht nation one bog* peniten- lary in which every man't every act will De governed by arbitrary legal enactment- nd where all incentive* to exoal 10 any direction save that cf shirking are de- tiroyed. Tbe socialistic theory ot paternal government U based on the monttrout at- tamption that oar governor! will be alweji wiser and better than the matset oy whom they art claoeii in power a rath atsnmption and one which carriet with it material tor itt own overthrow. Can Ibe dream rise higher than it* source ? Will not a democratic government utoally re- dact in great mcaiore the < \3ellenciet and ailiie* of tbcte whom il represent* ? And f tbe individual! composing it cannot undir free conditions airtct tbair social oonoerni with lacoeat how can it be prt- tamei that they will in the concrete, is violation at natural lawi, laoceed in so doing .' It it sot mart restrictive law* to repress individual eficrt and take away nature reward for intelligence, industry and skill that are required. We need col to have cor natural right* farther curtailed ueed co mor* manacle* or chair*. We want to jut talkicg about liberty and try o nalua il ; w* want to have more recdcm . w- wast Us* of meddlesome law we want tbe rettoration at our natural rigbtt m thit planet. We mutt found oar tyttem on tht rock ot Universal Right and we can burn Ihe rotten pro[*. the maiatenacce of which now oontnmet much our inbatanc*. " Bui," say t the traditionitt with a tone cf tlage horror, " to compensate these men woald be beypod the paying power of th< nation. Who talk* cf oompeneatiettl Who hat any valid claim to tuch ' Com Dentation for tomething that never ixitted. that Britith law iffirmt never ex itted . acd that in the nature of thingi cannot cxitt '. " King Wul.am 1. gave certain land to hi* follower*, and aa be represented tbe nation tbe nation it bear. by hit act. ' Yet, I know Burke fell into a umilar a beard wor*hi| loyalty and denied tb* rigb ot notienty to revoke allegiauc* worn by former generation*. But Ihi* age it well over the nightmare cf that to- oalled "loyally ' tnperttilioo which made Ihe matte* tbe ilave* of their luptrior*. T K ey are rapidly getting over looking upon people of ether countries at natun enemies. But tven bad William I. given away all the land of Britain absolutely be woald hare don* what no man or tv men can have any right to do. A* I matter of natural right he might ju*t at well have determined that the preeen people of Britaiu ibould nol dig ooei o-:i ,. tbe earth. Kul even thit terror i no available to the oppenenlt of reform. Th right of Ibe whole people at represented by the Crown in the land* of th* Britiei realm hat never been abrogated by law, il cannol be in tact, and the way to enforce that right i* to oeate burdening labor production and exchange with taxe*. am us* :he public'! part ot the land valu.v a represented by the unearned increment, i tup-port government initeaJ. It iteeiy. i it bonetl, il i* equitable ; only the idler ani peculator need (tar the outcome. rELBGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Kloweai For Motber. Those who live in crowded oommunitiet bsve no need to teek the pathetic in fiction Keal li!t it ever ready to draw leart from Ibe eve* and help from tht friendly band The ivrr.nf .^ i v '> ? j bi a lady re tiding in thai city one day antwered a ring at her door bell and found a little girl thi ver ing on the ttep. Please ma am," said the waif, liftin her shy, beautiful eye* to tb* fac* abov her, "will yon give me a rliwer Tbe n.;ae*l was each an onutual on that tbt lady betilated in urpri*e. " Jntt one little dower!" pleaded th child, locking ai it ih* were about to cry \Vhy of course voa ihsll have a dower child ' Com* in. Von shall have a pretty- red row. ' and th* good woman looked for her scittor* and stepped to tht window where the dowen gnw. Before the bad cut oat a light loach fsll on her arm. Not thai one pleas*; not a red one; that while one. Ob, won't il be jail boxful "' and ih* little girl pointed to a lily just unfolding itt petal*. That ' ' The mitiret* of th* boose throk btr head. " I cannot cut thai one, child. Why mull yon have a whit* one? Why won I any dow*r do? " Oh. becaate because - because it't for poor mamma ' ' and the child bunt into a violent fit of weeping. "Mamm* it dead and I runned away to (el her tome rlowert. ' The neit moment eb<* wat sobbing on the bosom of a ntw friend . an i when ah* went away *he carried tb* precioo* lily with other dower* to the home where death had been. Thefitnch Government Labor Bill AxM heart daily a* the limit for met t labor. Large qoaniitistJ cf gin acd whiskey have Been si-d by to* C astern* aatcorme*) at Quebec Tbe village of Mountain Orov*. on tb* C. P. R . wa* almost wiped out by fir* last venmg. The northern part of the city of Scia, in gana, bat been almost destroyed by a lorn cane. The anniversary of th* engagement at Udgeway in '66 will be com mem era ted ia rorocwio-day. Tbe Argentine Republic cat determined that in Ibe payment of Cuitcmt dae* en*- lalf the amount matt be pa; able in gold. O C- Brown, a millionaire banker cf Marionette, Wu.. comnutted isi:u* Satur- day by shooting himself. He had been ill, and wat temporarily ictare. An official inquiry it being made ocn- otmicg ib* frequent case* cf iar. ation in London, Englacd, the object being to obtain information fcr the beccEt cf Par- lamect. Owing to a leak ia a gat heaiicg itov* in 11* room, en Friday monung. Mr George H. Colbom, proprietor cf the (. alien tease. Niagara Fails, had a narrow escape frcm death by aphyx^alicc. An attempt wa* mad* on Saturday to wreck ib* fast Irish re ail train al Cattle bar The obstructions, a ocapie of gate* placed across tbe track, were ditooveRC ia urce to vert a disaster. Jadge Dagas, Police Magistral* cf Moo- ireal. hai been ordered by th* Attorney- General of Qa*b*c to ocmmecce an in- vettigaiua into th* circumttaace* attend- ug th* death cf tbe Englishma: timber. Another itage in the case of ibe Jetoiu t. tbe -Ui;. wa* reached oj Saiarday at Moct.-tal, when ih* oo-asei for ins Jeia.it d iceir answer lo the aettocactt' r,.sa. Tbe argument* on the plea L^ .jwer will htaru at an early dale Tbe crcp prospect* ia Maciloba and tbe Northwest i'erritcrie* are rtpcrtsi to be better than they have t*er been ai thit ison cl ihe year. In Manitoba itself there art 1.000 MM acre* under cultivation, of which AW. 000 are in wheat Tbe bodv of Ida Doherty. wbo wa* one of the victim* cf the boating ac... :?at en tbe river at London, latt Mcaday wat found about 9 o'clock Sunday me-roug atar tbe Byron dam. Adam Jchatioa . aec wat broken, u is lapposed by ocmicg in contact with Ibe umber* in the data Th* new ocean greyhoand Ncrxannia whi.-n arrived al Ntw V;rk ;c > :.:y. baa a rcmarkahiy narrow eicap* from d**truc lion In tb* midtt ,-f a it ate I.-g her cap tain suddenly lighted tn immense iceberg right iu her path. Hit preavcc* ot mina and prompt action enabled him to tarn th* learner in tach a mt::tr lhal it. graced the iceberg. Mn. 1'anoBj. Chicago, io a ipeech Saiday al a meeting of the Arbeiter Bund, " said dynamite wat to be tb liberator ot the human race Not that people thooJd go roucd with bomb* an. destroy human Ufs, but that a* gunpowder had abolished tbe [over of tbe ftuda baron*, to would dynamite in tae '- the working cJatte* render tee armie* e: the capilalitlt utelett in a itrte: ighl. What will probably prove to be a mar dsr happen* a in the Breaker settlement Dear Windtor on Wednctaay n^bl. Two larmtr*. Jont and Sreccbity. got iolo an aliercaticn about a.xw. Whec'jccditarted to take th* cow cS Speecblev * farm be wat set open by tbe latter t ..'eand ton wbo astd pitchfork*. Jocet body and head it frightfully cut. and hit pbyticiant have grave doubts of bitreocve.-y. Tbe tteamer Exeter Citv. frcm Swansea latt night brought to New "> .-rk the ,-aptaia and 11 men of tb* crew cf i r Norwegian barque Lcoit. which iprack a leak and tank off Ihe Irish coatt May 19ih. Tb* barque wat bound for QHhfA Tbe cr*w patsed three day* and tbree tight* al the pumps heton tb*y were rescued. The work of rescue was difficult, at a t.igb ata wa* running. Captain HtrTermehl ct tbe Loan wa* (truck by a wav* and ir;cred. Pirate Joy*. I'olonel \ ergtr Well, bow did yoo like f picnic ' liihooly I wat ti glad to gel home again that I wa! glad I want. Arabi Paaha a few year* ago wae a handsome, black haired roan with a no* military bearing: DOW he it q oil* gray, it often ill and complaint that he lurTeit inucb from ths hot and humid climate of Ceylon. Nobodv wonld think ol calling him Arabi ihs Blest. Mn. Wannamaktr ha* introduced a new lad in Wathington. and ha* a class of young women meet at her retidena* twice a w*ek. where a protocol cf phytiaal grace from abroad ttacbtt them hew to walk, to go op and down ikkir*. to bow . to tmlle. to diipoceoltb* haadi. Bw riuitfur* '* Was Wrlttea. W. S Oilberi. the dran-.at.tt. write* in the emali hour* of the more .:-.;. beginning work at midnight, and cft . keeping en until after the toil bat riten. Like many literary men his vein of compotifon will nol dow by day. repairing oandl* light to tlir il into activity. In prepar.og a libretto he goe* tlowly bat lurely. Hitting upon one of hi* oharacteruiu- ideat. he turn* il over in hit mind daring many long walk* and solitary c\viat:.<c. add.ng oircum ilacce* and incident* a* they occur to him. Then he makes a rough skeleton ikeich of tbe plot, which he put* away A f*w weeks later Ihi* skeleton it cart-folly written out in eitento. with tach addiliont and improvement* a* may bate occurred to him meanwhile. Tbi*. too, i* thelved for a while, but ulti- mately the perfect framework i* made, which only need* it tach eipression i* allowed the wedding to it of th* dialogue and tor** It i* at thi* tlage that Sir Arthur Sullivan come* upon the *c*oe. for tbe writer hat lo keep the motician'intedt ui view, aod Ibe compoter mutl bear tbt wnw-r in mind. Tbe writicg of on* ol their famou* C|>ra* entail* much labor and endleee contultalion upon the Xlabora tor*. I'laywright and composer often tee tbe morning come in at the window! while they til over cigar* and cigarette*, discos*. ing with Ih* raott aniiout care pointt which to otbert might teem of littl* mo- ment. Bat il it to ihit antiring indattry and care that thev owe mach ot thtir tuo- liaBT-9 GOT A BBAf. Awrml i.>Br. Be Then* A ruoad Ik he a.i : s :thin . at * b T Tw.- :daT I s_ It don t teem totisee them bju* tj* Jet at bl-j* *< tcey be . Faat looked np in our old lad ben From her mother bosom ' Ho ' Tin t trew now \*.- t In aatar Tba: oa* latj i g^' W"by w* v* allui ca.'.ed o*r " b*. .- Me aad uoUr Teeotf toe ' Laad ..v - - - tt>y Uv UM I !*; an bJoooua lot ' T'othrn they i crowed up. aa Bonlj Lo(Qtd os: :. Thai the wnj :n thru c > cradle , An aow balv (ct a beau ! iin ; no ume tire* I tea) n*r Lay a-i ia.vu witn her loe* Ga * wi.l T. w -.; .-'.er Tixana il n. * tb* net. 1 1 poee : -.-ieer. tbo . wheel I bear her > -ar her crow From her erai:- l --^y eonuc . ak bat; !- 1 a beau ' I kin ate her cenin tia*.r See br todj:.: : :. t -Je. ; :. - :-.rr " ..: ,r Jcr-ande.' I kis >r her ft :tru t. 4Sr Cac ^Cy jraw B-: : .-as t -* ;cw .: rciEt^ Mr Tt: -_a: tab; i cot a beau ' Cocne I w; i'.ii : k%p 'ua untie When ate r*a.lT < grawed ap . Mocber n me beT beea too naprr > : *m* tweet eap .- . _>-Tr : i -..- r:r- Her :c ^^. - > in ifcen aia t no SBCaa ro^B : ..-* . > - -X \ S The Farm at Dusk. re '--: i* 1. . . **:an-lcu tn* *haJaw* .-m:* : Iac* . - i The Pokt cf Coanaughl arrived Tetter day in Winnipeg, and was presented with an address, lo which be mad* an appro- priate reply, in which h*eitolled the great- nee* of the country, and withed tor it* tut ore toco***. To keep the bright. gren color of tun.- nirr cabbage and some other vegetable*, boil fatl in plenty of water in which ha* been diMolved a piece ot washing toda th* lite of two pea*, cover until tb* water boil* and then take off th* lid. It th* team it thnt in tb* cabbage ill be yellow and onjighlly. t-J plooga-fccrtee tara ice banyarJ . - :et-i=J ia ike 4*7* palo > . . Tcec w .; in* cricket* ; . . as! tract are 1 1 Lv . >a i V ft^-j e pa. . -d >.. a;** *^ '-^ the I A'.vvv :,* vet trti -.. Jj : .ik tse f ftOD Me* i l'- My Uike.- Girlt.wa;! a ausat* Wtat ;.- \.; thin* I have keea doing tor th* pan year I \\ by I bave been riding a bifyrle. Wall, that t nothing" ' I bear ah:sdreJ voice* say. so hav* we been ritaas; I !33 t :. IOC. N.-*. if ;oo would ;ast give me breatb- Leg ipace. ay dear enthuiiattt. I we J tell yea ical what I was gcisg to say was ic tzoe* wbo don t rid* and wbo " den t luit* know whether to try i ,-r : Ah : thack* now I will proceed. Tht icea of ric,:sg abic\..e ntv*r tEtcr^i my bead until early latt tammar: acd Ibis wa* how it anally got potMttton of me. 1 had atveral young me- fnec.it who rode and at :.-ev related to me tb* dtlightful advtntuic* and eicitizg iscidentt of their many little ract. I became imddenly Irad with tb* idea that I too - igfct MJO'V vbewe tportt. if I only had a i.cyel*. I wat wise tncagh to ccniult the family phvi..-ia2 : :t aaa trembling with un- paliecce. after bclcly italug my prcjeot ilhal of learnicg 10 ride at .-c.-e I awaited fci* antwer. t'erta.r y-go ahtad and Ti.it he laid. " It will lo you good : -emember thi*. it it not in tbe OM t-i :a tbe abute that u will harm TOO. At tbe ndicg school 1 learned to manage tb* wheel in two letsons. and ia the third aocompliihed ibe mcti dicolt part, that of " mc-iLi I BSXI purchased my bikt, and tb*a cam* ib*fun. I rod* over all tbt gcod roadt. ..'whic.! w* have ;aite a nu::.ber, and fcu-d that the tight cf the shining (pokes, tb* ea*y ajjle aad the thought of th* ddigbu'aj motion which come* nearett to t'ying ot anything 1 can imagiaei would often tempt m* oal in th* fresh air whtn otherwise I would have ipent ay time indoor* IE > readily or drawing. Then came ibe braciac aatomn weather. when 1 would go (pinning along s.mid tbe failing Waves, and a* I whirled over the hard ground, aad brsatcci in tbe cool air, il tent the blood lo tb* very tip* c! anger* and tot*, and I fell a* tb.-agh I could scarcely refrain from tinging, in ibeer exuberance ii ipiritt Tb* caret I left behind m*. And now ccmei ip.ag. gentle, balrjy tpring. whtn It* a.r it filled w.tb the odor of apple bloetom*. a dreaminess Heals over our *eciet. and w* leiig for ibe M* air, and a ionely ipct wherein to indulff in Ib* delightful AoittfiT xit*tet>9.\ nc ' In tbe tpriDt; :h bni'iant .r. in lae eitfaji las yoa Tura. anu- th* Jait . \e* Curl*, route yourselvet : now it the time, lie! a bicycle at I did. learn to nde and you will never repent \\.-l.A. W fancy Mr**the Only Thnmsjh Tour >>*>>. A Dutch phyncian has recently declare.! thai a close connection ev.iit between the exercise of oar menial faculties and disorder* rf the no**. Th* opinion -.* txpreeeed that if it wen generally known how many cast* of chronic headache, ot inability to learn cr to perform nitntal work, were da* to chronic disease of tbo nose, many cf thste case* woald be easily cured, and ths numbtr of child victim* ct Ihe *o called over pressure m education would be notably reduoed. Acoordiag to the above mentioned author. ly it woald teem thai breathing through tbe now it absolutely inditpentable in order to asetro th* fnll value of tb* mental oapatitv. / ' Hole. Tb* lady wbo wor* a low neck ihm and forgot to lakw th* ptjroat plaster off her back attracted much attention. Krli.-,- 1 > .'' - DewbtfaU 1\> you think you father like* m* .' he u- ; aired " On. ye*, th* antwercd H* (aid he wat going 10 wait up to-night to *e yen." ' It t* reported that nrtie* ar* T*ry bad in tb* coatt townt acd .it:,i cf Briti-bCcl ambia.