FLESHERTON ADVANC j. "TRUTH BEFOUL FAVQW "PRINCIPLES* ^01 .1/.V. VOL. VIII., NO 469. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1890. W. H. THUR8TON, E: ' Armstro , n B r;os >' - r ' OUR ' -"-. LITTLE REBELLION. SI'.'BT. (I - chs coir.e IK 10, AV hi< vou wsr ''' 't "r Niekle Clock, come \V hen you want a cheap r.iooch.raf Pin .Cuff I'in. I'lain or Knsp \VHT.N v>m vi :r. vour Watch. Clock, or Jewelry repaired Purins tlie wiuter of lN?3. it was known to the people of tho North- ?t territoriis th:i: Looil Kiel was himself very busy auoug the <ls and Indians of Batoolw and l>i::leford. He told them that by country : : them. <aud tlat the whius had wrocged them ont of it ana . lud only take his advice anil follow uim he ' i .-ive them their lit full possession of then- ce ;;:'.iy A- lie lectured from place to plact, he tol.l theai tha: tain day ih j : :.'i. :u us we all started i>;u-K 1 T in- ri\ra!.d waited a few was getting hi ordir to movj out. At last wv juried with '250 uanii, 'JO scouve. t soldiers aiid 4 tons of amuiunitiou. We were all armed to the teeth ami I felt very bold. Everything /along nicely until i! i . i noon when we saw a few lulans at a distance. Orders were yivvn to corral at once. Tho Indians soou du.i . - ing trees and brash still bore frtsii sours which they had received 101:1 .iii^ous aail catiliug gims. As in-d Battleford we euukl trace destruction on every hand. The farms tLat ouce bad been pic . home s. and whereiu stood good com- fortable boildiugs. were now mark..! with heaps of ashes ind ruins. W ner.; redche.l th<? Bailie river. Fiom ..v.r the town takes iti uaine. \\ar > a^ re was no b our atd peartd and we got ourselves ouUiue jf people iw.d to foni the river a: :. l'h town ou the south side was ueaily all destroyed by lire, the reuiaiuder. lyiug between the Da: tie river and the north branch e: Saskatchewan, was not daai.t two streams run within a. allowance of hard tick and then held a council About i o'clock everything ri^ut, so we agaiu moved on. psUed up a little early however, raled very securely ou a nice We :or- of ' were IlflO. \VHKX yon want a tine pair of or como here and tilted. ARMSTRONG- BROS. \TNTINC ll.IMV'.N HOKSKSHOKlX<i. W00t> \VOKK FIRST PRIZE WHKUEVKU >Hl"WN. LL'MI'UIS. LATH. SniNGUM' J09 WORK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTON, ONT. , to conquer, he, of course, knowing of an eclipse of the sun winch w JL:: visible in that part on the day iu Lvd la this and many other ways he deceived the poor iguora:.. and Indians, aud made thi 1:1 Uehevv that he was, a prophet s at irosa Ciod .^r them. We considered that he belougtd to tie other side of the house, foi what ^ood could we ex- peel from a man who had already been the cansc of one rebellion in our eo .1. ay.au. 1 wLili . ' . . . in I'uc'.e Sjm * domains. w.i .M.;. a source of annoyance there. Early in the spring of the same year things bejrau to loom tins Kiel butiiie!> couiiii.: ;o v> was a veiy common question au.on^ us. \Ve ha 1 not long to wait, however, for he began bis work driving of i mllle. fMi'.g iu:o tU>.es oji 1 Ukiag (everything Mat he thou^ut would coin-, useful to bim and 1 > men, aud ',-ronnd. and m*de all preparations for , a mile of each other at this : tl.o laud. rising to quite a height.ruakes it one of the most beautiful spots tha: I Live seen iu the country. Here wi found the mounted police barracks ly situated ou iu? highest point. ?. . Colonel Otter and his mcu wer good comfortable quarters. We three days hi:* to ourselves, wn for orders. We were 4u auaok. We doubled our .nui ail slept with rides by on: that is, those of at that did sleep, which were very few. I was one that did not. for it was raj lot to ^o .xit on guard at miduight. It was a heautifnt riuu: i.. -hi. How I watched for Indians, thought of home and friends so far away aud also of old Indian stories which told how the see :he prisoners which w . I redskin* could crawl up in the jrass this place. Old Ponndmaker i . 'unnoticed, and the first thing a fellow ^Continued on 4;'i nothing. , The ri:: - \ ,. .., BOTO < l ur Bits^iw the Our Sli-iglu tho Our OiitUT the Our Iiu|'r\cil H. H< Uvt. Pert. inow Tlu- tli .; To>'t!. i ' - - No timuip I had not Goods, G rownes, i\uiukiu some prisoner*. >oou eanie poiiuuK in from the east. ' A band of ub started out to help UK in ou their Jong march northwwd, a Jista::iV of iwo hv.i: : -nites from ! UM I'. 1'. 15. Ix aie of u drove i- while othrn of our company ncu.i v- I. Our ri - < t'.xmi S\vU when th< alarm i.t wuh i.V; r.il \\illiaini who was nukiug a'.i .-pv.a p. .-.-.i.>.<. \ o. i., r.il Miiidletou ai l>.>.v.>v-iie. \Ve mad a thirty-one iniUs the first day. \i r a very uneven pt airii-. with only enough U-ULIS to draw provisious and amiutnuuoi:. coust<iueuUy '.lie troops .1 1 v walk. We were a dusty lot of boys when we r .iched Tiruse's cro- iH ou the Saskaiehewan. where we ion :d u.i Nor:iieu> suauier awaiting would know he wonld know But m<tnuag caiue at last. arose bright and clear aud fouud s all safe. Our sutL day's uiarcii was undisturbed, but we coralled in itocd order about 3 o'clock, within a mile of the buah where the boys were cap- tured. After liaviDg a lunch we we.i* making preparations for auoUitr watchful iii^h:. I was standing ou a wagon puttuig ou a cartridge belt which I bad laid off for a few minutes, wlu n s^aie of the ui me for a speech. I the follow THE MARX ITS, FLblSHF.KTON. <.orr+<-tr>l Ktich ><, Fl.'ur Oau !'-. Huttsr bovs r " k ' M. gave nvk. lit Diidniijbt. Tut n<iouBd ti brt \ c the ion* it:ll r**t. t jr I I. *rn- |r v r . . K i r pr .. . IM <na ox JTS . too U JO - . 411 . tt W 5 ' 1 't. 1 Oil O . o . a K o i. 8 . l- ' s :. finished us. Biuei. X \ , oots & Shoes. . . a brisk tire I The boys had exparienctd a lime AS tluy canu down the ral vollies had been tired :i from small bauds of Indians. me ivc.iii-.iiM they were uuler At my oration luihaus! in ::u- bu.-.i ! We all held our breath while our oar-win levi his la*s :ovsu!,U tho north. He .l>|i iied our fearj, however, with tlie announcement that they wew whius. We \\ouderod what tho mattr was, , for from the time we had left Timss'il :i$ we had not sen any oi-.e. white or blauk. to speak to, aud tl.eie was no telegraph hno near us. How eagerly we watched that little com- pany crossing the rally that lay be- I tween us and the buali. As they approachetl us what a cheer arose ' , aud what a haud shaking t>'jk place ' It was tlw Pence boy. tbe boys we For Genuine Bargains in any of the above lines Try the One Trice Cash Store. ^ . ;t\,' :ill ;i ccrdiul invitation to inspect our stock. If you Jo iwt wa i 'iivl A ei>mo and look ;it wlmt we otVer. W ( on!\ MVfUsji \\.- h:i\e . no niiMvprisi uuujns. P:irjam* iv. 1'ress (.iools, Prints, SUUt- inirx roUiiiuuli >. I'ottons. Hosieiv. (.,'.. u, . Embroideries. Etc l>rriui' in TEAS. 8UOAK8, RICE, CURKANI8. i:.vi>:\s. ^rii'f.t?, IANM:> (.(>(! >S, K'l\'. *> IMIS of j,vvd SOAT for ^l.O 4 !. Our bo6U and |A>v*i speak I>i UttmselTSA tlSOO.tK) worth puraUMwl .hat must yo. .'ouie and see them. be- brisk fit* Jbc :iK>nt .in hour. At |, K . V er expctU to*se again, for you tLw point thru 'w.i- i -..or: bend m -know it is a rare occurrence for In- tlie river, aud they WMV; lutiuin.; very ;i, A t: s to hold prisoner*. They geu- -l,)\v. Ti-.-.' bieeds had managed to',.,,n v nuke- shor'. work of them. COME 1 INSPECT SELECT Stock Larjro WELL ASSORTED. Harked in Plain Figures PRICES LOW. Considered. Such Bargains never fore in Flesherton. !.") -ciil ."'0 eeirs [\r i\i.r. and e(^n:l T|\I* in all .>...... lj .>. :L-. : : ^ . . COME EAULY. BUTTER & HIGHEST KGGS PRICES PAID. man leaving h.- ; > .a her swing and hd .1 g xxl Ho* out " of ^ ">. towaixls the cueniy. 1'he cap'.ain ,-mii-. n: ,-hiK-k. thev uivued then- at- ordered him bnek ami by tho help .! tention to them. They first <e.rchrd :i.i iiigiiue.1- tho bo.U drifted to the them. taking their jack kmus. t. . op|H)6ii) shore., abou; one Uuudrod u ,,[ : >uvu-y. if they had any. Th* y.ml^from the breols. wiio were at: . w i-s . preparalion for to:'- on one side of the river. Tluy all) tyre, and tho boys 1'uliy beiivo tha; , Lii low. and us the I;:di;ns hail rn> , ti, c y would u:ive lost ti. miff if it. canuou the bo\ n were pv'ifoctly s;e. had not '.vvi for tew intelhceir. \\litu the ure '.x'^au to slacken o-.'.o but Js \sh ' i. ';- :H 1 to I auu>tii, f tl- of the men voi.inuered to out tlie Imhaiis. IbM I'li.i for tho r '> r | rope and ia doin^ M received a bal- i fellows ud tuld ro.uuhiui.er ilia! Kiel 'Istiuthe elbon. l>n vttnrniiit; to i woul.l be compered. *n*l that it lie Swift I'uircn; i'cfoio the battle of 'wouM i".ilv spare iho bi-ys, t!ie whites Hstoche a small eomuHiiy of us spvut would >;ive hiui hU hlvrty, but if be , a few day* between there and Tuuse's mr.ired them they would put luo :nd - . N\\ \\ivo then ordered to his whole baiul to d^alh.sj the old cLii-f- ero*a nd star: tor LKkttlefoit'. We . v . niel-.uled to kovp them Or a while, it ui not pjt Ur when we nie-i a band A< S,HMI as he heaj\l of IJ.el's defeat | r( )ipr<emen, as an Irishman would j km i capture at Baloeh*. he gav-c the say "all on foot." Their amxarsne* '^.rs their liberty, and also the re- | told us ai once that something \va |uumdev of thoir oxen whio'i tlwy had j vsron.,'. "What's up boys?' warejooikUW aiut eatn. lie also our f:iit wouls. The reply was that nenderi'il himself. You in.iy the Pence box-! luivc been captured > wlmt pleamnt dnaus w hal that] aud oue of our fillows with thi:a t' 1 - 1 ni^ht af*.e: reeeivinij such go<vl news. Vte vveiv up iu |OM ti:v.-- Uf^t mom- iu; and ;fUT U>ktast bid the sjood by. ;it\(' them a bcaily e and oiici-~ more found ourselves in , ni>''.ion. We soou reached the scene of their caplurv. A few nugous. old Tlie pCHii Mlows Iwktxi broken boxes and bam is were all BdTBALfcBED NEARLY SEVEN Personally and kept SPEX OPTICALLY FIT" ED. :ar-i lit lira VaJ-. . ing aero** the Ue.1 ieasaut teei\e. ' The Indians camp on to us alhj ai 1 ouco Tin- Pem-e outfit was *ll ox i letuus aud h.ul no ehau.'o to tscapv We have .n,l ix '.aid ride for it. Kacii ' f "* " r K horse looso aud red* for ' ou ,. .FINE Ut Ou all Grades of PERSONALLY Charges NE. A. BROV i T f T>/^NXT a T T*V D "OTT A XT d JVLCUUJN AJ-U <K Hj V AJN O. like it. They L.ul riddcu vr one 'that was IP ft to mark th< huudivd uiiies \uh tut saddles or jslior: disranoe from this we ' f.<od, and were now taking .1 walk tor opening in tlie busli where spot. A found an .'.:. battle ehangc. tlioy had shartd a fought. T.ie N4ttK.' OF THE MAURI etc. SPEX" R,