Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jul 1890, p. 6

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THE U. S. TARIFF BILL. Provisions of tbe McKiolej Bill u Reported to the Sonata. VERY LIKE THE BILL OF 1888. A Washington despatch aays : There were a number of changes in the agncul tural schedule in the i ant! Hill reported to-day to ihe Senate by the Finance Com miltee. Home of them were made at the very last moment. They represent a very sharp contest between the brewers and tbe farmers of thi- country, and in every instance Ihe greater victory was on the ide of the farmers. There havi, however, been some concessions to tbe brewers and tbe maltsters, to lay nothing of the con- amer, of tbe t'nited Slates. Tbe follow- ing are Home of tbe more noted changes made by Ihe committee in the McKmley Bill: Barley is reduced from ,<J to 'Ji> oenls per bushel , barley malt from I', 10 40 oenls. Tbe bushel of corn is denned to be .'.i. pounds. Rice is reduced frcm '2 to 14 cents per pouud. Tbe provision of the McKmley bill tbat a drawta k should be allowed on the sugar used iu the manu- facture of condensed m..k was struck oat by the Senate Committee. Cabbages are reiuced from 3 lo 1 oent each. Eggs re- main at 5 cents per do/en. Flax seed is re- duced fr.'in :tO lo 25 cent! per bushel. > :.: "LI. The following 11 the ttxt of tbe agricul- tural schedule a-i reported, and as it will tirst come up in tbe Senate fur considera- tion Horses and mult- head; pro- vided u.ai i. ,.--.-( v. v. ) ai.d over shall pay a duly ' > | r Cattle, more than oue year old, -IU per bead ; lees than ,<,. > ar oil, - J per head. hh. . All olher live animals not op > ! ir 10 Ibis BreaUsttilts an 1 fariuaoeoua dilbstai. UariD), '2'f cents per b:jali oar . , mall. , pounds . barle) . aMM M ukd, ,'in 1. Buck* mat, 15 oenla per bushel of !* pounds. > -nil per bushel of l- poun,is. ilacoaroni, vermicelli and all similar pr> | aratiuns, .' cents p-r pound. Oals, I", cents per bushel. ' ,i:i..-al, 1 cent a p- ind. A :i.|.ts | , r pouuii . un- cleaned rice. 1 cent per pmin I paddy, i oent per pound; ncu tl'iur, rice nn i n.a rice broken, which will pass through a sieve known commercially as No. 1'.' wire sieve, I .ni per pouud. Rye, IU cents per i ushel : rye lluur, _ oeni per pouud. Wheat, .' - , ,-nts per bushel ; whral ilour. 2."i per cenl. ni r-m. 1'airy pro'iucts, butter and lubslilnies therefor, >J cents per pound ; cheese, ' oenls per pound milk, freth, ". cents per gallon , milk preserved or condensed, in- cluding weight of packages, :i cents per pound. Beans. 10 oenti per bushel of >.0 pounds. Beam, peas and mushrooms, prepared or preserved in tins, jars, hollies, or other- wise, IU per cenl i Broom corn, ?* per ton. Cabbages 1 t r Ci.lrr, I , nls per gallon. Eggs. , "tits PIT do/.ou , eggs, yolk of, I r . i i Hay, l per ton. Honey, -Mj , ents per gall, u. II .| a. 1 , nls i Onions, IU cent | . r i . .hel. I -!. green, in i/'i.k, r in barrels, lacks, or similar pa ka*. <, IU , . nts per bush. I of M) pounds, peas, drie.l. 1 , cents per bushel ; split peas, -U oeuli per buibel poundi , peas in canons, |aperx, or other small packages, 1 i.t p r pound. 1'laiii , f -. shrnuii and sines of all kinds, I ,iiin"i, I. known as nursery slock, not specially provided for >n Ibis Act. -'U per Orr I rnn. I *< . ceuti per bushel of 'U pounds. Castor beans or sicds, :<2 cents per babel of u ponndi. I laiseed or linseed, poppy seed and other oil sn-di not specially provided for in thii Act, -.1 cents p-r bushel of .">'> pounds, but no drawback shall be allowed on oil cakei made from imported seed. i. ar.ii n seeds, agricultural needs and other leedi not specially provided for in Ibis Act, 40 per oent. ad i ,i, \ ' wetablei of all kinds, prepared or pre- servid. including pickles and satiuei of all kinds, not specially provided fur in this Act, 46 per oent. <iJ ruiVri ni. Vegetables in their natural slate, nut specially provided for in this Ai.i, 25 per oent. ad fitlorem. Straw, >U per oent. .i,/ valorem. Tea/Jes, :iu per ceut. /t,l iuJi>rrm. bCTT ON rlHII. There was a very important mange in the pruvi ion as lo llsli. Tin M. Ivmley bill had in p,, id a .inly on lull, (rush, I, pi kied and nin.iki d r pn , r v, I m any manner except in eaiiMur pa, kagen, not ipecially | r othcrwm. . ni j. r |K,und. Tbe Finance <\nnii,iiiee has changed Ibis rale in out hall nl one oenl pit j,,iiini, and has iin nrpuraii ,1 ilie f lowing provisions 1 ish innp, i wise than in barrels or half barrl . pa. ked in ice or olliirwise, pr |: ivatii.n, not specially iiuun,, r I i..v I. d f, r in this Act, one half . . 1,1 pi r pi 'ii, il I i . i, ,-1 also a change in tin- : It] m n will not begin until about July 1st, in order that ample time may be given forlbelindy of the bill. Tbe following are the principal changes made by the Senate Committee in the bill : Htetl rails reduced from SU 44 10 -11 .' per ton ; mica and crude uiokel are put on the free list; sawed boards, SI jer 1,010 leet, instead of M 50. No bounty it to be givi.-u fur leas than 500 pounds of sugar annually. Slight reductions are made in many items in the agricultural icbednal and exporter! of .neat are not alloweed. reoate on the salt used in curing Ibe meats. IN ItKATU NOT UIY1UEU. Holt* mid HI* Wife ur.lrr. for An Klko, Nev., despatch lays : Elko is in a slate of excitement, and people are pour ing in lo wiinti the eDcuttoo of J ,--1*1. I'otta and Kh^abeth. his wife, for the mur- der of Miles Fawctti in January, lite*, in order to avoid the payment of a debt. Six- teen women applied for permits to witness the execution, which were refuted. Xhe conduct of Mrs. 1'otia for the past five days hai been an alternation of hysterical cry- ing, screaming and swearing at her hus- band, who spends his lime in his own oll at solitaire. Owing to apprehensions of trou- ble on the part of Mrs. 1'otts the otticiali kept the hour if execution secret. Yester- day morning at '> o'clock the woman attempted to eonnnil suicide by gasbiog her wrii- and trying to .mother nerself. Tbe vigilance of tbe death watch pre- vented further it jury, bat she fainted from IMS of blood. Uoih of the I' ittsi-s r an . last night in a nervous condition. Thev were hcjih banged ibis murniug at 10 M o'clock. \\ I Ml Vll I I IM. I.. ^ -i llippi. aifri-i llio I iiiai., i- ( inn , , i 4,,,. , I | a. i.a. < mail" nf < a! i iiniaiiiiiig IM|I f an) Kin iiull< ' H 'a or treai ' * . I i*ll besutijacl In a ilnl) a i > or pa Kai;- . f "in- ai.,i OM i.n.f ir. and w l,, ,: i. ne |iiarl slia.i i. an aiMiKi.na! dill) lor i a n *,iililii,nal inri r (ra,'liunal part tlurtuf of one and one half -ents. A Htaii in' i.l > I"' " I '" ' ' ' ">' Hrnate aKcpiiii an il can ! priiparetl, show 'I nf the pi iVIIIOtlS Of II upon receipts of Customs compared with the receipts under the prent nl law and those rsllinalrd under the lloui' hill. It i.,nii lu ilir MMtc llruwncil Hi .1 >-Hrr. A Corn 11, 111., dcspat' ii daj r : A tornado passed west of here thin afierno'jn in a pall, ^ AI it- an, I about fjur miles \ihiMj in .10 path wad tolail) > : i' ir people. ^robably fatally ir ;ured and *. ..r, 4li K hily hurt. .V Kaunas City despatch says : 8ev< re -torois, a> ',,!, panii.,1 oy nm -li ran: ami htavy w:nn. prevailed last in V>rlhealern Kai.-ij an i . Ai >! I | :i ihe ram fell in torrents, anil ll x>ded tbe streets and burst ral sewers. Joeeph C. Coombs, while punk! to keep clear, was overcome by the for :e of the water and carried into the newer and drowned. At Mutcrly lighluint; truck d jvernor 1 rye s huase. The mem- bers of tne family were -iunne,1. but not iri-d. J. W. Allen's house was also struck by lixhtning, and tw , childn n were proslrattd. M i.r.ini Mir i.i it.i\. I'l 1 III I I. ( Juila"**. A I'lctou N. S.. i. spaich says The id I'jiscning case oame lo an end Friday, and Ihe prisoner, who was it A with having nnx< 1 oxalic acid in his wife's lea, left the court, as Jalije Measlier ,i pressed ii, without a stain upon bis character. Ihe Crown prosecutor laid he had no evidence lo present to the jury, and they immediately rel'irned a verdict of " not guilty. ' Judge Mt-agher in tiin-s censured W. F. Best, ai.ahi-' John, and prnnonnoed his conaucl * is. The judge laid his ignorance upon ujw , A!U M. is an rxpcii, he should KI..IW i > 1C. Mcll.l.re. . -:il anai)st, of St. John rendered valuable assistance in the examination of Tbe defence did uol rt.juire I - I 'ii Analyst liowman, who exanni id portions of the lungs, heart and brains of Mrs. Mcl.iod, but found no Iran of oxalic aci.l. .- I. .,!,., i. A i.i'ii-lM i- di upalch na)n : Several nit; mi-ill' al men applied lo tin- authorities for a permit to hold an autopsy on the oody of Kitndolpbe Dubois, who was eie- ruled in this city this morning, but were d. Time gentlemen thongbl that a careful examination of the brain would have revealed something as to Uubois' mnamly. Uubois went lo bed at 10 p. in. last niithl and rose at il this morning. From < In I o lock In 1 walked about his cell, spi nking in himself. He then perform i a Denes of soniematilis about his want, n i resumed by walking on his ham!* with his feet in lh air and hii head downwards. I just wanted lo show you," he said to bin guardians, " whether you'll have to , nrr> me to the loallold or not." Although I minus ill, I not l".iK dermiged, it il Ihe general thought thai he was not ill full possexsiou of bis mental faculties. llicHulUn ! 1 1 ...... ,i. A C.ODSlantinrplu cable says : The lead- ing Times and Hollas are atiiatm^; tgamst i inrse of the Sultan in entertaining foriMKiiers with ban>|iirls and fetes and ignnrm^ th n i,-ni. minrty in the , , ,11 try and thii si.' I i >; UIH. Al a I... i.i i; i,! r- '(na it wa < d> . lan-d that Ihe rucimeut had arrived to ruslore the old ri'niini' an ai,'m- . n In.-iye lo the ..n-atn, -H an. i prMMp.Tily ul Ine .npin. 1 hi Suitan M Alarm. I and suspects that Ihe mot, was prnmptr.l by p.-rsoos in Inn la\ the watfii ul III, \ ill.i : have been closely guarded, and in^r. %nd A ii pr illlliltiM. S,-\. rl , i.il and mililar) i I'ln-m have been an-.tutt. INV4KIAIII.V I 11 1 The Terrible llit is I>**iuUtloc It. iii.i. Houdura*. 1 ' A despatch via New York s*\ . : some mouibs past me oolouy of Uriiiuli Honduras, at wrll ai tic. noinhborii K repuUicd, has been uoder the Dan of a disease which, wbi'e laid b> some experts lo be yellow ftver, is yel so ii mo,..- in itr character as to kill off witr.oi.t a exception every <ne whom it atiackr. A youuK Bcotchmsn, whom lljb I'.nKertoi mel in Hell. c. did from it a lew <!> a:o, and ba bet u followed o> Gib'j Man Creek, a ,iO year old naideiit of tee colon), wht e passage bad been taken b) ifj" *itaiuer Ai(Uaii for N VorK Great i ion. m-;u'. ai i a:n,ety were experit:i .: n: I- yesterday moruiL|j wben 11 'Ati s.eii iha,i ihu Agnan, whioh had arriv ,' -uriug 'be night from tne scoib, was dui ^ the xiiow tl%g and was l)irij in the. ,jurantine grounds. Every one wr o can do n u av mg Honduras for Kbgiand i r the Siaies, and sbortly alter u o'clock on tbu ui' run. L of tbe 1'J'h stvtral sailing boats loadea with passengers were makiug fcr the steamer, only, however, lo be sent hack, 11 beug slated that a pa^aetger frum Vasaoal bad died while the steamer was *i 1.: stone. In (Uiries elicittd ihta fact that tn:~ man, a Spaniard, bad expired .'run what i termed by the medical men in alien . pernicious malarial fever, superinduced, in all prooabilii), oy heavy drinking. The Aguan is crowded witb pasiecgert, among whom are a number of time-expired work men from Nicaragua, and the two children of Marvin Cravfjrd, whose poor wife died from worry const pent on Ihe arrnt of K. .S. Crawford, toe alleged bii,k robber. New Orleans ID closed as titht as a dram againat Briiich and Spanish Hondaras, and if at. uloreak -n , will be DO possible means of getting out of i-pt b) ilt\i-"-' At the Cayo, 75 miles northwest of !'. Ii.--. ii is re- ported that people are dying like rotten > A ire I of it u nobody really knows wnai tin :; Eurcpeau .10 'tors call it yellow fever, but tbe Ameri- can medicoH differ from them. 'Ibe only vn ii that in u . : live or >ix da) sit kills body whom n attaik* anc*. the sur vivnrii are limply asku.i; themielve*. - turn in i: .' THE IIKAK -N I f '! II KKK.V. K .--l K. ...i . r,, 1 liroK lilnj M.iir. - ;.. t ..... I ill Old Hrl.1. t. Petersburg cable ea)S : An omin- ous note was presented yesterday 10 Ihe i'orte by the Kussian Ambassador. M liao:!. It suggests the intention of the ' %r to actively interfere in the Haikaun. The note declines Ihe r incst of tbe Pcrte thai K'n.ia wans until November for tbe payment of tbe war indemnity by Tariey, and demands immediate payment. Tbe note declare! that in tbe event of refusal Kuatia reserves the right of tailing all try measures to compel payment. On Friday M. Volkovitob. the bulgarian -nted lo tbe I'orte a nols from M - * 1 .'demanding an mention of the reli^iou* nbtrty of liulgsriaus ID Tur- ley, and also demanding a recognition of the Mulgarittu Government. M. Slainbolofl a 'ling in concert with Russia without i to Ihe personal ioierebti of 1'riuoe :ai. !. ii.. nil. r if Bulgaria, and il is led that mi acnon will develop a pro- clamation of tin) independence of Bulgaria under a prince who will Oe agreeable to i mil il , it'i.irpnon of a part of inia into Bulgaria. KI/HK1 AMI .!( 14.1111- fromli eutlr In a K..II. !,,. it Il.iii4th i Hi- Ind. An Indianapons despatch lays. I. ail the negroes had a big dance at vid all got drunk. About .me of them named r*et Carpen- ter got into a row with 1'alrick Horn, an Irishman, and Horn was cot with a ra/.jr. 1 hit victory made tbe negroei hilarious, and early Ibis morning they siarte,! out lo take ibe town. Marshal l>nlon wascallecj, and, with Andy Mooru, attempted to .guell tbe disturbance. They arrested oue man and one woman, and started with them lo tbe nation, when they were attacked by In whole mob, Ihe nigroei brann tnivpi and ra/ors. They soon b-gan liruig revolver!. AOJHI Ibirtteo sboti weronred, one of them taking eit> ct in Ihe marthal'i jack, passing ihrntuh his body, and lodging Ihe ikm of his ali.iomen. It passed tnriiugh Ihe spieeu ai.d luttsliuei and is laoMiarily fatal. I'llKm is dying to uuln. I'eie Carp, nn r has been arrested for cut- ling Horn, aud Allan Rosa for (hooting Dillon. They were brougbl to this city to avoid ihe danger of mob violence. France'* census of carrier I'UTOMS u m in kitxts) of war tbe government woald have al their dm|Kisal upward of ,i*i.,r of a million of tin MI. '1 ramp 1 , r nia,laiu, , an Mm. 1 l.i ui\rn, 1 *lt I > . ild, sir. 1 i., > . , ! ' i iramp In ili-ain . vail a ' , 1 1 In tramp, ll in t wan . i'. hat's the nun r with > I hi') r- [ikiliinik 1 all i I uOW it, bill 1 , !! I ll -Ip II. hit: black one is ihe | .| i . m.itliei in law. " Hi nr) \ illtr.l, the i nn. , i A ie.r, is writintlhiK ani.iliii'iT*, lu f.,r Hie use of his children al,mi. Id' was born in luTmany . and Ihe story of his early years is written i man, ulnl', having < *iedin France, hi! school da)s are drHoribrd in French. His baninesi an. I looial life in llriprr.tli- Mnnglr With * Ma. I llu A NV'v \ ork .lespaloh of S:in.i.iv iiavs \Slule Mrs. Bishop wa* eating her bri*K [asl al her residence on Fortv i i^hih ain , i today, her pel dog, a mongrel, began snapping at everything *i,d wandering aim- ly arotiiul I In- animal appearrd to be frothing al the month. Si.r in. i t -a\ h it, wh'iin iMipad aboal and broki ."verai ,' .in. t brae. Then ihe rr* that thr dog was m,l ami all leave tin room but iliu .nx sprang tt n, r and fail, in .1 ilii inin in hrr nrm. 1'olioe- man Daily heard the w . a, IK and r i In ,; into Ihe i. );-. He fnr^cl the in, n. in lit go by caichi'ig it by thr ',' u.-kly r i. aiimial !a-i,-n,! ins in 1'aiK -. Ml han.1. uaJly I*, raln.g his hngtr.1. I'liiK-Kinaii I- \ , to I Oaily's aid and ai.d kill..d t... d . i iniuii. *! uu>is Mini siiii-ini is underslun.l that Ihe debate on the bill I America will be recorded in Knglish. Stl 1 1 !'. will in ditiirr pay u i 1 > \' ling of the ciili^. . ^ inglhefoi.. Inn -n a ram IhiriMc. the milina practice al Swine- iiiude. lierinaiu. yester.iay a shell c\p while Iwmg i* mir. i into a gun due per- wai killed and seven others were injured. ABB i "I V AL1VB t DC Partina t nmlniB ' K:h the Hi.i.niiiiril l>uubr MIUVI-. A Dntibar, Fa , despatch of last night Ibe imprisoned miuers bave been neard from. At 4 o'clock this aftt rnuot the men working in the head of the ei.tr) through m n ibe rescuing parly is wor- ing Us a) scut word dowu the eoir) lo keep ijuiet. Every one did :\ and in a i. * ii.,iii.riiti Pick," " pick," for a dozen umie cai.ir tne bui.ai from inside. uitn wn t to worn with vigor. Tbe iin- uiucned men ani.it be reached ![- hoan yet. Ihe rttcuirit party u wilblu a few feet ut ibe line iradirg frum the MaboLing lo Hie H Ii Farm Uiine, but afitr that is reached ihe men will nave to r.rm through 75 ftel jl cual lo reach their im pnci.td comraaes. 1 hn be*l aatlii r.f.ee lu the recc'-iiui! j.artv bold that il will be after 1'J o cuck to u.orruw before the men art reached. Ine ntua tbat iheeniou bed miners are alive ijuicklv spread through oat tbe iitiie town, acd in a short time ibe mouth of tbe .klahoning mice was crowded with men, w. men and children The ex- citement grtw more iuiei.ee each moment, and thr n, *d gathered no ' lonely abuat tbe mouth of ihe pit that tbe coal ana ron police were compelled lo move them back. At llpm there were 1.COO people at Ihe mu.e. Lsle iu-ninbi a man came cut of ihe mine aud said for some time the men at work in ibe Mahooing mine had Lot neard a sound. lie said the imprisoned men coma not be reached before to mor row- ID tbe meantime the suspense is a*ful. 1'riesii and physicians will be ai hand wheu the imprisoned menaren . Ill KN KM TO M V I H II ii-l. n,,l lld Wlfr. >t i.nnr.l br frruli III 1 lii-lr Hurnlnc Holla*. A Monoton, N. B, deijalch saye : Andrew Little aud wife, of Mechanics' reillement, six miles from Klgm Corner, lost their lives by the lightning itorm oo Women!!) evening. Little wai tick lu bed, an 1 about ' p.m. the house wai struck by lightning ana burst into tlames. Nei*u- Dors, who soon arrived, were bjrritlcd by tne .ptciacle that met their ga^e through me windows. Little and bis wife, the latter lyiog ir. bad apparently been paraiv/eu by me shock, aott could do noth- ing to save themselv?*. while Ihe rapid pro- jf the tire prevented those oatdlJe from rescuing them. Ihe building wn totally destroyed, aud tbe charred remains of husband aud wife were found in lb aibes. >ew frtim ^4-utlailll. Edinburgh Exhibition as on June ' th viiiled by It 84 '.' persons. This brftigs me total since tbe opening up to that dale to Tbe failure of Jaous Duncan .v Co, innoer merchants, Leith, with liabilities which are understood to be heavy, was announced on tbe .Jib icsl. Mr. W. A. Bell, cf bleicbiogley, Surrey, has accepted an tuvitaiiou cf the I'nionisis of the Leith Burghs lo become thtir can- duiaie at the general election. Mr Thomas Sbanks. tne founder of tbe well known eii K iuttruig tirm of Thomas Shanks .v Co., and me tirst P.ovost of .1 'huKtonr. Henfr-. wibire, died on tbe uh mil. The Key. Wm. Alexander, formerly of the Free I'hiircl , Liuntocher, Dumbartou- shire, died suddenly on the -'ud msl. al I'almuir. He was -< years of age, and reiirea from active duty six years ac->. Ihe entries for tbe Queen's 1'ri^e at ihe National Hide Association meeting at Bis- ley from Scotland are considerably in ex- cess of those of previous years. There are nearly ^,-'00 from all pans of Great Britain. The new service of traini between the north aud soutb of Ucotland by tbe Forth Bridge over tbe North British system wai commenced on the L'IUI insl. Waverley Station, Edinburgh, wai found |Uiie m- adi'iuatefor the tratto. About a do/.t'ti passengers were in tired by a collision which look place between two traius near Aberdeen on tbe 3lb inst. Mr. Esalemout, M. 1' , aud Mrs. bi-lemoui were among the passengers, aud were severely shaken by the accident. The estate of Easlli Id. F <rfarshire, was sold the other day for I 'M.UOO. Only tideeu years ago tbu estate was bought for t.U. 500 Thai sbowi a depreciation in value of about JO per ceul. Yet Lord 1 Vrb) de- clared thr other day that tbe value of agri- culture land haii al la-.t reached bottom. Antl-Alavery Cuufrru' Agriiit>tit. A I'.riu*! Is cable sayi : Tbe Anti-Slavery I'jnterence lo day yielded to the sugges tiniiK aud objections made by Minister 'Itrrell on Ibe part of the Tinted Stales relative to the Congo laritl, and dedded to I orale tbeee measure! in a iej urale Act, to be signed only by the partieo signa- tory to tbe Irmly of Berlin. The I'uitsd Malei is left to conduct iudi i 'iidenl uet;otialioiis with the Coogo Frif Mlate on that nubjecl, as n,|Uett-d by Ihe I mii-.l Siali - Liberia is lo be invited to adhrre in Ihe ttiiiiy. All dill'ioullies that have arisen m the cobfereuoe have n.'.v bun ' .1 >i(. an.i it is expected that it will us labor* in a fow days. HIM LAiT i. u I Unit \ -mil I, IT. .n.r nil. I I'^rtlrK ll-julii Hi. a to hi* . AcccmpaD) IL g a small took of a religious character, Henry bmilh sent the fol- lowing Itittr to bis sun shortly before bis execution : LCNI :x, Onl., June 12tb, I'i'M. , .. HI-IH-; M. .- N,--1bii is frcm year father, - soon to pasi frcm tt i> vale of Uars. snd who pn sen's )ou this little book a- a nil : nto of bis love for yea. I pray you will keep ii for my sake.acdmy prayer t, <j",: ie t > fcive)L.u all redded ,;race by it iiil) Spirit to lead sach a life as you nitty ish you had doce when yon come to d:f, and tbat you will be pr. [ireQ to meet me ID beavtn. Remember your Gear mother. Alwayi rt member that life ii wry oncrriain, and tbat tcn>> of us know tbe day nor the fccur wben God shall call us home. The ir junction to us all is, B- ve alto ready. ' My ii-ar son, pray for me. Be a .ood boy snd God will b'ets jtu and give )ou all nreded krace. lam tnuch pleased toieil >on (bat I bave fcund Krace and peace with God tbrcueh our Lord Jtiui Christ, who shed Bis blocd on < a -ry for us poor linners. He invitee ui all tc come to him without money and without price. Finally, my heart's desire and prayer to God ii that you will meet me in heaver. N. B.- Your mother, Lacy Jackson, wai born en the '.'6'h day of March. 1830, at Buddtn Wood, Nottinghamshire. England, and I wai born en the '25th day of March. 1424, at Bass Church, Shropshire, Eng- land. Ltiidvn tree Prell. K 11.411 H.it tin ID America, New York is to bave baths like thoie of ancient Komt. A company was termed at a runner given by John Britben Walker, editor of tbe C'-xmop. iitaa ll'igatint. at 1 'i-hnonico s one evening laoi week, acd all details bave since been arranged, including plans for the building. Tbe structure will cover a whole city block and accommodate a vast number of persons al once. Il will embody all Ihe principles of the ancient Koman baths of i aracaila. and yel will be tilted with all modern appliances and com- fort?. The outer walls >vll be of terracotta and brick or stone, and all the :!x>rs will be marble or tiled. The building will be three stories high and will contain on tbe upper floors several rooms tbal may b converted into librarieaorgymnasium*. The bathing- rooms, which will consist of a large swim- ming fool, hot baths, planges and dreiiing- rooms, will be on the ground door. Separate comptrimenti for men and women will be constructed to permit both to bathe at once. Tbe baths are to be open all tbe year, and tbe cost of a visit will not be more than nx centi. Bishop Potter is at the bead of tbe committee in obarge of the enterprise and the company include! Hev. Kdward Everett Bale, Beth Low, Erastus Wimaa, Nugent Kobmson, F. Ilopkinsou Smith, Richard M. Hunt, Cornelini Yanderbilt, William Asior, tx Mayor Hewitt. Brayton Ivei and Joseph Cboate. This Icoki like a practical scheme. And if il is practical in New York surrounded by salt water and with water resorts in every direction why not in Buffalo, which hut none of these advantage! .' lln ik .Vein. >lr KdMiu Arnold's New Poem. A Sn Fransciso dispatch sayi : Sir Edwin Arnold'i new epic poem on i hriHiiamty, about which so much curiosity has been expressed by critics. has been seen by a literary man of Yokohama, who sends by steamer which reached here last night, unpublished facts ni regard lo the poem, lie sayi il it written in noble, musical blank verie, and competent critics here declare il is Ihe tines! sacred epic since Milton. The verse ;- i weel, strong and flexible ai Tennyson's and is by relieved a number of exquisite lyrics. Sir Edwin has tried lode mauslrate a new and broad Christianity which he thinks the next century will adopt. He has grappled with the apparent inconsistency of Christ- ianity which make! hirlolry a iin yet places itself under the stigma of a double association with harlotry. Hu study of Mary Magdalene is masterly as il ii exquisite. Tin poem, which reached i'i.OOO line!, will tirsi be published in America, but what publisher will capture the pri/e in uncertain. Sir I'.iw.n hai received an offer of i 100 000 from a leading syndicate, but it is probable be will publish it in book form. He has worked almost continuously oo it for lix months, living in the native quarter of Tokio and learning tbe Japanese language from two pretty girls whom be taught in return English and Ihe accomplishment of kissing. Train boy ,to passenger) ' Maga IMI-, lir !" Pan . -*ril)i "If you have one with nothing in u about Africa, I'll I-MV il The Tariff !{ f.irm Club of New York sp-injiutt su> UOO a month in dissem- iMtlaggOM f I'M m literature among Ihe pc,, I I mind for such literature i t that ihf club could ea- ti.r. uini'S that mm lo good advantage. \ Jackson I'nunly (\V. \ a. I school Icacluir of .<0 eloped Ihe other da> afterAnr.ts married om> of hiT schnlars who ha>l 1-1 completed his I'.lh v.'ar Thr IH pulaiion of St. l.juis is placed a 4JO.OOO A salesman in a large clothing house i-md ni-t-riav ll'i i-tirious, bill nine' ttii'ti out if tin put ihe left leu into Ihe , ntnl I had a ndgetv man in here last week buying a pair. He was di- 'ra i, I for a uiorueiil by a remark I ealli d in lo him, and gut the right leg in flrlt. lie had to take it out and begin over again." Stanley hai spoken iu terms cf high praise of Lord Salisbury'! settlement with , Germany. Omit Britain Lead*. A summary of vessels built daring the year Hi: 1 gives a total of 1, />''' .' ; T'.i ion* for Hrunh ports and <>', .'Ul reported from Continental yards Northeastern ports head Ibe British list with T I tons, the Clyde standing second, with .'01 ions, an, I Ihe Ilxlfait next, with 7 ton*. The exports of engine! and machinery were Ihe larkc*! ever recorded iu lhi> h Hrunh cum mere*, namely i !" '.' againm >: I.' '<-.' .';> in I-"-, an in -rease of , Taking simply team engines and part* thereof, Ihe Argentine Republic was ihx largest customer la-i year, I610.1M worth. Who Sat* Woman 1'Ninn.i Ke^oiin ' Teacher lai Sunday - itv what have we to do lirsl before we can '. forgivenes* of our sins .' Hi-tu We have lo sin nrit.--N.iii t'ran- .- il I here ii nn particular difference between the shop girl and iho sales lady ; but Ihe ilittereni-r between them aud ihe tljor- walker il often somelhuig awful lo bvhold. II u , u-er. Socrates was accounted wise : but he never read ihn bible, knew nothing of KAIII, Schopenh* i T r Cotnle, an. i . 'M.i i uol fcr the life of him have passed an examination on the subject of American history. 1'rinoeton's niw dormitory, now nearly , led at a coit of somelhuig over ~ 000, will be paid for by Mrs. Susan Brown, and the same ladv ha-i given to the college SIOOUOO for another dormitory, the erection of which will be proceeded with at onoe. Edward Bellamy ii talked of for ibe first Mayor of ibi new oily of Chioopet. Jit.

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