r 1 1 K F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE'. 4-y . mm& T11E ADVANCE. ' i Knoll TUX Oi'r:s >. ' . .., XI ,-,.<, - - Flrnhtrtu*, I*- BUDSCUIPTION: iii:'iinii wlini. p i'. i -trittly AIiVEUTWINO J<A: . Un* n,l null. 1 \.'*r.WH.; Wll ei/I . f.o . H7 : il j J lj. ii-nt .... .1 fiucrcx! ut tlix rate -...I :k:t. tier :'>!!. !I. THURSTON. /.' /itor Hiul I'riii>rictor. AT WASAGA CAMP. 4 ool 1:1 1 ; > anil Hsli on tin- ,i'_:i A;%\ i c k's Cutiug and How it was SIH-..T r.:ithuig, Bcatintf and Trawling Cr.:-. ; TM : .'. G Lives. llnu tlicro are t-xtmiit. of fri-uiloii.*, mily LIU; of wliK-h in iu n|irrati..ii. K.-'w.u.l t>. Slay in I \n- pa.-. MII..II.II a i- i ,!iful Meolinn nl fariiiin.' I'l.iintry with rp.ps |.r nni.ti:i'/ mot boantiful liarvt-it. l"i"i .'irnviiix at Stay mi- mil | arty nf tw,. li.w mn: ni'.t.' .vlili'il. Siayin r 11 ,tn ..lil t..wii C'liitain- I :' P all bt-aiiii (if a^,-. It )>IM a yenrral a.r ..i . ill in m!i."iil.nr at leant nf having ;.n . i":i!l Maturity Otlli. '>::c n..".v-| i,i'T (tliu Sin./ th eitigeui ,r w.tli In.-.il ". Sf.v.'in -r i-ninint liu rulluil a thriving towo in any Bt-nse, li!.c in l I '-. and .M.i.l.:tn suiiiiiu .- 11 p.-ciili.ulj adapt- :.. u "f the very fullest . . . yet nut of all and \iilli >, lake Dt x.niely ml i li.irm i rwiou i i -ti ni :m ' v ii > .1,^ people. charm. ii.; n"i"it-> I. ne ..;, in tin- lull tin I UV lit ill .-hii-i tln.-M- in -"-anil ' .-. ' 1 1 . \\hu-li i.-i IH-IJ .Illilll! i . . >ary ir.>u lona serv- i . '!.. ,.n r- wrought liuiiineM man, or .n Iliul the Mecca lot which i' \ mi i ni i lli it, Ki , iu ni8 of the w.i. '.Hi haxo nevur Wen ..i in,- any HpeciJ mark outaide i.f their own i w.i- " ,: 4ni.il the l.i .ir . . II ..! :1 ni'iuih < 1.1 ii if the Ili.-t I 11 .il, . . . n \ .ii ,. i. . . i i - i thuv ' -i-t t'i thi 1 : - . . , i whcrv ilitil) i ', i were ;.- i l.ii,i A n, mill where C'liilinunii'iition Iiy m ni with iln- ontxide \.-iiil a. only ha I twice III i-iti'h week. Monday inoriiiiij ii h il Fk'iihertoii 'or Stnyner, paiwin^ en routu Siitghmnfi ion, <leu William* ami uii.]...: tin- l.nnk f the Devil'* (lien, H In ir an unnlMtruet- x is obtained for tifty inih'.s towariU thu llort'.i cant Itlid nearly :ti m.iiiy to w iiriln tho e.ut, i-i.i'iii.,, ,n.' in its HI-OJ* thu whole of >'i.tlaa- I'.-.i It.iy an-i ilflll t .1.1- 111* li,.l.li'll.l_; U;HI|| It* hl.ori -, liii'lil'linu Snnni.lal,' ai,,| i It is a uraud view over a ylon. .- -ti.-i. 1, i.f country. I',, m tin* point, t HI, w. , -HUt'l' I III' Htilli ll.'il l>llUlpM' nf till' ihm 'l. 'tell of W.if.'i' win-re tile .!:.! .1 . .1 .. |ii,-.ii . to iniii|flo it* .1 i, i ii' i :'. NotUwaiiiija Hay, AMI ill . tilll'll to Up, II. I IllallV i i; | i hi.ii., <ii, uii'.' llu' enillirv Week. \ t-> tli., i.'.itli Iiy the Christian l-ln.ii ,i;i'l Ni'iih Slnirt :n u I*. i,i-i.iii,'ui- I'lie whole nf this Und nver wlmh lli" >' now travels WIM the sreni i, f nun) r.int!i,-t. I'.lwi'i'ii \\n ni,|uin, lliu, n ini.l li |-i ,. -. aii-l in.. n- t!i. in i.n l.llllr i.,|"iil.'i ll.'lH I.eeli IIIICM tln'll, Im. I, ili.in l'rl:>il i'iHiiaiv, or hurial I < .11 i ,i ritwrratcd Iiy th limn in v-iir, T of infill-mi i. .1, u . u.i' t'i lliu eiily ll. ill. in -.ni 1 1\ lliu hmd>aiiiliiia:i in hi i lil> . . \\ ii!iiii a mil. of tha lown ., ner nu n I Hill, fr.un tin : i lil. i.iily li.-tHi-i-n li ii|ii'i.. tinl Huron* nin ii| N I, MM. !'o iliiy this ., .. i iii-l |nt, ami .In. M ,11 li-m.ii in., (In: fi.i\i I III iiHi'iil .. , til -Ji 0.1 U -'mil It'll. ii',' proofs of . ulili!l niKV 'li.it. i . I i , .,- l.l.ioily liatllun ure ii . iin i.n.n-, nnil lliu ile*i ' 'i" 1 " ' Inisi! who f,.hl tin-in iiri- f.-w un. il l 'nl) Hie wind-in i! I. in. 'it of lliu coiuli.it .iiilk letiuiu tu linn, the spot uhele the . nil man f.ni,'ht fm what , \\ . |.A..rf l>iiiiti"i>n, a little village -.in- miles fioin ' . Jlin^wooil -i su i>iii 8'yiiur, lyuiK t the ! <4 thu i), un i lie lUunl'.i u A North- [iriixunity tu Culliligwood 1. 1. fiir,' Its luiMin ,-, men ut a _!. it Uiaadvanlii^e. Tuvsday morning, o'clock, saw our pan y on its \VH\ toWAfdl the lake shore. (hit : L., , - i- cotitaineil the out!. t for n week's camping, eniln ,'re:it variety, in edible*, p"t. |iaiis,dih- es, lieililiii^ and a hu teru'enous inau "f stull' too Lit -.- to pat tienl.iri/e. A two- iiiilii ili, 11- . \ii a li^ht Handy road brought iu to the burder of the lake. Ami here we entered upon a drive such as we thiiik Canada or any other country on the face. ' f this ear;h i.tnnot surpass. A I- . i- in wiilth, j.-ntly Klop- IIU' t>i tin- !.i|.|.ll|.,' W.-IVI--4. llll.l p::lei| With 1 . :l|.| - . "I l' . 1! imniO.H' hi,' I piiiitn were ncarci-ly visilil'.-; nhallow wutiriir, nt frmn 'li'.ii- tliroii' n 'h whnli i ..ny tlrive if sd ili.spoiie(l,thU was our , ruii-il ! mil wlmh inaiikiuil ran in-\i r i-;:j,i \i- njM.n. And th - n w.i.i ei'^'ht iitilen -if It' The early ii.oi ..IK nlnniii',' ni.-r tii to|i- towai K tin- i a-t : white winded 1,'nll- 'I'liinly llu- .i_'li tin- .iiiiui IH-.I in iht-ir iiHirn- ii:.: ii | i '. noimly i, ., ntnl mir inli while llyi .- of safety. I other over the fan-ly i... \.-iin-iit and lapping at cuir i \Vs it iiny wuudur tint ..L-r.i ai i if a very neeoinlary coiim,!' r four days, i .1 titli, beirifs and tin- HW.-I-I iilli-i.i-ss and ilri-atny luxury -s in life dpi di ; in! i IH.II auy BZUrtiuU of our* dur- iii'.' that pi-riod ni tinii-. \Ve had n and explored the ip ita QOOTM, Uu monot- ony . inly t-.ir.nl tv!;ii a ! ;' 1 or piku >. " tj".nii " M- I in tliu w.ik-.' nf our U at. main olij.-..-t .if nur visit to this de- li 'Ktful -!,..t . have not upon. It was with the idea of iimairli- inu' sotne ancient Imliitn '.'ravi wl.uh M, :c riini'iK-,1 t-, \H: situ.it. i . f.iur miles from thu river's mouth on th. i !:i tin-, \VL Wi- ' an liuliaii burial >_'!.. und at all. Tin- il;>a;,!ipi;itmi-'ur and chagrin followinil i - - '-ry ih'l n-' 1 nt n> iiij..yiii4 the provided, ai.d ullogeUc.-r it wai a m< III Week indeeil. A lai^i: Im.i'.'c ir,,ssi-i the i nioutli, iili-iiit forty rod* below \\ . i'i-i,p. At the bridge i* a n.-, an, I j.-t ''.,.. r ii.,' I Van \ii-k, L-oiisi-t- iir,' of a steam .iwinill. a small .' '' ' ' mil an apt'loL'y f'T a hold, t, . with several frame r*itlnces. The nw- niill is a tfHid OK- and is owned by Mr. Milne, oi S'.--y n.-r. " The ill 'Uth is a f:vTonti- pirnii ni',' resort aiui'iii; the people for miles around, and several parties enlivened nmtteis Iiy their advent ainoiii; iu while e wtie Saturday in-,niin; lost, 4 o'clock, SAW ll n |N,I;I| a >t"aiu 'u^ Ikiutl'l fm ' n(d. We took tniin fr, ' wuud to Thorn bury, and a conveyance Inline, where we arriv,-,! at - o'clock tn Sun Jay iiiornin? tired "Ut ami sleepy but nut i-'o tired, and i't too !ee;,\ . to ill -nil of >l I'l /lit- rin,' pickerel ain( i i ': .n. il l,a->ki>i,' iu the warm waters uii NutUwasa/a belt' h. Muy o !i\, r ?i :_!', and Intd iiiu wealthy en,.n-.'l , t' , ,ul!i s visit to the same spot at Imttlo in.'.. InU 11 a'.i.iii ! A snail's pace was scarcely slow n.. V. . roil.- and muitel. nation itself wai at a count. \Ve tried tn L-.I -.< how in in | I years in ust have lapsed ill tliecontructi"ii ' I of certain natiiiy riil-^,"* to our ri-.'ht, and ' | ii.iny iiiuru would paM ere : .i |.i\i-ini-i.t n\. r wlm-li wn p , i. M .1 'nun the - It nil- , , i, tin IMS i.. i \i,n |,| I , sufficient leii!{l! Tin. di. . , a|..in... : .. . .1 ;., thu la- i J. it t : U ll bo mled and neariivnl af'tbe mouth." ,M- found miiiiiucr ^.ita-^is built up i;roVe of pine, white birch, n|iriik'u and ulhn suinu future tiiin . in, i ,< - . M-. \t III fill' . - k for l MI r. .:.<! t&l.il ll'i oliii'i -. our . poAM-sMon of one of tho at ,i 1 ncit born .1.- :i;i| i |.i... -,.- titlu of \Va.<ai;a li contained live rimma, with a shady \,'.a... ii iiverliausfing the :., i. und nin . i w .M. '. iinly tin, early niornint; sun Citn penetrate. At our feet l.'u broad ami ,; ; NI.UUM.;-^,. ! tin- l.ii..- Sii!mH|iieiii. ill- it! in proved that -'e were d.iun ... n .1 pi i n -u!. t !KU . n and not more th in twenty nti! ttiilu at ilry p l, with tin- N :t m.is vy i in, i on one side mid the lake on il> other. It is a peculiar act of nature , win, -h ha-. Ciiuse.i t'i lit- i ti '' > in null c!...-.o pi'i\iini!\ ' ii ' i ' ^'teat a din- lain.- i -( ill-Mine "li rilln i slile of our i am]. v>ii,- . il.ir miiiueur r.itt.t i 1 a- \i-t ' nwii- i i i . . i i ,uly 111 thu f > and inn! HIM f i ed Mnottf thick iolni. i . I 'I'll M VIII | All "/!( rUii I li< it thomuKliliri-l llt-ik- . i-ou. III. O , In.- |i.l u: . '. PASTURAGE. llmvl lulhtlirnit" rll ' \V. I. I. \l ii I-.1. Iiy tin) ii wai.-r ami pr..tlu. inn luxunaiit t tin II. H"V, I'li Wll.isil ll.li,,, . V. ! ,-,, llll-U lillnlio.tn I'. .11.1 .111. Illl, 1 IIS, cri't'oini; MIH fainih.tr and sti.mj.- bl. ..mi. il profiiHi'l., , K.imn nf whom . ttoitli;. .1 i' ii ; any Mower nar.luii in the land. AIIIOIIL; tliesn lallor wele ni- ^ lilliM grtiwiog iii abuudano*, and n in, i I flower Hrowin 'u :M -.. n.' e\ tr.i'irdin.'try l-eaul) . \\ il.l 4 i t niv'-i H.M.! blowniug i-i many -. tt)'il hti.itt lirines and .Irnu boriiea itirv .put.' plentiful, ai a I u sand ciii-niLvi. A few milm eai of [tun spot are l!m hit I.Vlmrrjr plains, frmu v. !.i . . i . . - I this lint .yd unnu.il'..,'. Thori\ei Hull pio- ,'n , a pliiilitrl mipply of the tinny : pi .-!.. -vel, lilai-1, ba* and (like all of which, but iii--t.- iiapucially .tliu twu former, itre lit fund for th llii{ fellows they aru, -, which will try the atroiiijtli of your ; l or traui, AIIIOIIK all these udcnic lUKuuiuluiji c ST. LAWRENCE CANALS RAi-iDE PLAT" DIVISION. >.*IM*> I L < .-lilr.i, ' i - l: M i i, i i ' : i - i . , , ,iii , an. l HI u.i< 1(> I In ri t,, III,- trli .il MKi.allli. IIMIill-, ' Ul' l,*llll l-l VI. . . Ill .11.1 I, -I tin >< -I l.'itilt in i i liai.k It ' n..ii . .--!>*, -tin- ^, .-| ,- i . I,- ]ii--* in.i-i i r .1 K .>.K III. I Hill I ill |..litll.',ul ll till' l-.llt> 1 . t '- -r Ihn I HI I In, i.lTi-t -.I. ...t i ' ipii-, l -MI - - . , I ii.l ,t- .1 .... ' ,, tl'llllO. . 1,V jl ll I . A. r. P.I: \ in i:\, lit .il ! . illl<>, ' Ottawa. l.tUt'Junp. . WM. CLAYTON, BOOT *ND SHOE DEALER. FLESHSRTON. LAIK.I-: ASS<<I:TML:N: BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPHES, RUBBERS, TRUNKS, ETC. SEASONABLE GOODS. REASONABLE TRICES. Any <J!:i:i!;l:. of Fr-h Eua-> Taki-n i: Custom Work Made to Order. IT IS TPB TF 5 Pfl il The Town s Talk That we a i I lothing Tnda of Fleaherton, Md i :vc u <*(iiniiic Bonanza To offer you i: ' ; '. '. - ; is' Ck-i'iin ;: pru-. - | ! fore you to buy i: in tluit lius. \VE AS THIS WEEK orri:i:iNi. r.iu MIIVKS IN (;I,OVES lluMKKY. (,IN<!I(AMS. , AI:\^ IXTIJIS n!-:i.\:;T>.rr.NT \VK AI;I. ::i:c;:iviN'; Ni;v, i AI. i DAILY. ,l l i'io.'s f J i\'i > (linn -\,t*. FRESH ARRIVALS/ This week we aiinouucc the arrival "C a nrw stock of Oenenil l>rv Go* ws : ' s, IVuits, Denims. Rlcachcd ami ("ubK.. P '.. Etc. Carput \Var[ iu I'm Gritn, \Vhilf, Otatigi' utid lied, till of tlio best manufacture. Hurrah for Haying! Just nciivtd to-day a lai\'o stock i ttnl H;n\i stin^ of BCYTHE8ASNAIH8, BAKES, im i"l:KS FOliK HAM/1. Lri. MU>V1.;..>. llnl.S, ETC. BOOTS & SHOE3S. In this line we make 8|H'ciallips in Men's a:vl Uoya' Kip em.1 Split !!o:>t.:. i Ladies' and C'iiilJiTn'u Slices wo Imve H turner stock :..-, c\i.-i at prices which will uotoniali you. GGS: S i OMT lo*df of eggt .tiiti'tl fui S York M by the I3ili of Jtilv Tin-; i;i:.>r MAIIKKT n:i<r. I-AID. . THE MARKETS FLESH EBTON. r.i i-< /'nil u con-, tut S|.i .us \\ .11 . I lluttor i bimh Hay |.i-i lull III. I,.. Turkyi Oliiokt tiaiwr ilr. . Duckn < |ir 10 OUH CUSTOMERS \\ I', 'ak, tn: ,, .P >H".nity of thank- I I'll' \ir.if -ui ',, ft 1:1 tin- |isL and IiujK' f.ii' ji cniil'ui,ai,i'r nf N.m' |>atn>ii;i,'f. Tiijs \r:ir tm lia' .;(xwl vai ti'iy i.f (iiii'ulKiui. uls.i !'., (I ii:!g niul I'l'i-i'imuls for (iaf- dell. Cabbage, Cauliflower. Celery, Tomato, CucumlHT, Popptr Plants '.BLAKELY, Ffesherton, All nrdel 1 > promptly a'ti'inli il to. 1 liiivc tjic Bonn if> n i.vi.' > James Bcecrofl, ri.KSHKlll-nN tltll'KMHU BE : i ;ou, April ^. ..,.. ..in. i III SI' IV , fc, ,.l, . t N | Ik.- . ..l.i -... i...,, FREE **. .1 l* ftffMth |*rt -( .! l-U.1l ll U M lAf(W .i *T I-i "Mr t W* M i' mini; implvineiiU maii'i 1 1 'iM-i-l. uicln Inn; ( V/ .,,. , ' ' 1^ / . - rtir ii - 1. - //..-,/ n,.- \ - ' kuimn LOW t, ; '' kDJ >' i.l ..i i ug imp!, un i.:s m til., lil,,- Wl 11 ,|,, .. [ 1 , . ,, j, .inti'd v.iti ,|| ,,], . i]il.iliL' ' T. A. Stl.AKKLV, Eleshertra. ' - l in - mi :.*Ar turc ,f ! . Mill* All t 1 : . LI fi ,j* ,.ur ,- h , ]) I,IH f,,-h!, n i " li>ntiil y vu. 1 in '< ! I'. ni-k . J*r ' i 'ii.i.t.ltK . ... - j.tJ |nt ME** Hlth Hih ttnl Ctifi i.| > - > I kK-i-.N i < \iitir t u , ] lrm.> ft d U w* r r* ha,.* ftil, (f j 1 -*. Mini l*%. .- , , h. *auh. *'v IV*-*. All the M . . l * Clltl ViHI to lb<MP Mb" i.l * .1 n I 'h . . *a*.i..,.. t IH. b k")<U lot > - K ........ r ..-. . I. W.- M* *U k|M<^. frvitdbl. *U. AP.r oalJ liht toffu iw *-rk tor w*. v-m . w*k V