Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1890, p. 1

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r. - FLESHERTON ADVANCE, " TRUTH BEF B F. / V'OR."-" /7//.A C1PLES, A 01 MEN." VOL. IX., NO 479. FLESHERTCN, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1890. W. H. TEURSTON, > & PROPRIETOR WATCHES POK TilB MILLION. \lZ!?ISTKO\<i BH0B-. Tli- 1 !' \vi-li rs. hn', 1 * ier,,ni lor , 'i ,'in \\ iiti-h. .-. ..f ~.\. .|uai,i v iiu.l nt it |>ri;:.- wl I iia oirtupniti.ni uf eouulry Mjrd W,. il,,u t ill playi-il "ut luiiikrupt Htook. W,. an- n.a bwdmptlllg 'iir- ...Uvs \\ run L-harg il Wi.rkniu pn I'll ami yl ^u .1 ..ur cUHti.ni.'rs ipli nuul ,,i,| it muBll ami mir wnrkin^i S|'IIM ' an- li^ht. \\ imy lh '" -> '- "'>' f"r .a.-.h.aii'l ,c,'|.liunal inlvHiita^. , willi .'iir patn.ns. Thin is bow M :uv taufltUd nn.i ,.,li I.,,.M. ii.. biirfroiu us. Thi-i-.-Hreili.- c-lu.-f r.nn why we MO our M, oar Jew, lrv."iir \V.-,l,liir; unit Kii^-i in. m IM-IM Kilo u i I bottom pn lid value ' Our \Vatrli.m re .ilw\s plu ILHIM niiiliv . UtMMl and ....(nil 'h. 1 iin.i 1 nifii! . i .. '.Viiitbttiu, Oolnmkte, -t. Thi'iuiia mid other IUIUOUH u-o Owen NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. --MSTINd. :UIM.MIM;. v, i.)U WOKK. FIRST PRIZE WHKllEV KU S H > \\ V |LL'M' I..\T1I, Mil-.' JOH FOR VEHICLE MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEUTOX, ONT. - l.ANH HOLLKHS ^;o\v^:lts. HIS: PLOWS. Our liiii^ii.'* tho Bvit. Our Sleigh* thu Must. Our Cutters tho Hst. Our Implexe'l llarri'M* tint P.est Our 1'atelH l!;i!r I 'lie I'ust. Stevens linpruveii Spriuu Tontl. Harrnvv tho STUAW H, TL-nxn- M A New Department EL. r McDonald & Evans never be- hind the times. This time we come tb the front with a well as- sorted stock of Ready Made Clothing consisting of Mea's Youths' and Boys' suits, all manufactured Irom genuine a!' wool :4nck, per- fect in make and a fiit guaranteed every time. Overcoats in lar^e variety, from the best drc to lonj; worm ulster. No need to mention prices as oir name is a guarantee that the price will be ;\ ;:'t. The necessary thinj; is to XAMINB OUR STOCK ws. nr:i'T'ir. A:UII;I:SSED. Ov. :;0. \Vln-:j it w:is aiiiiiiuiiL 1 . d :hal Sir Hector I.,, vin. Minister of L'u! i W be a passenger on tin A. in rt:i leaving tbip i>ort to-day, it wan thrilled 'by tlie tuvvii council and the hoard of trade to unite- in \n- nm \v:tli ddress us a MII n|' the nation thu c'itizum of uie town hiivi r?f the int. 'ms. taken iu the improvi'iu. : i. 'wen Sound harhur. Tin steamboat express, ar- riving at 3.^5, brought in the dis- tinguished . and party. li; .sir. .1 M. 1'., Ma;. ' Mei'Iuii:i ainl ''resident Parker, of tho heard ol trade, and 1 on the dock. As Sir lU-iv 'I up on the platform three rousim; went up from winch luiil | . Si\ ladies weiv on the platform, and .Miss l.nlu Mas-cm sli -ppt'd lor- i a:id pini!' itifnl bouquet on the lapel of Sir. while 'in- niton i'i - i . Mmbes vin mill .Mrs. I'iiavais, who in tiie i'ia:i' <,iu, iiiliceiit bouquetd and an addi welcome. In reply t Sir lleetor Lan^evisi i i he town h. Mirpri'-ed i! vi eir. ., \\ ovati yet lie nei d nul be win n j.e ,-i eul., 10:1 that h:i'l btad : ndi-red him in v lioiu "'ry kind in at- tributing to his en nieiits which had been made, but while he hud doiu Ins sl:,i:e. :ln thanks wt re due to Sir John Mac- M and Ins o s for the inaniier m which tiler hail nc<i\ed aii'l aeti ! mi iuiiieiul.r not only fir the \vn.li ln:e but in a.l Making nu di>!iiictii'ii in ta.cr "I r a rr n . :i!i \\ ! 1 le \i,is a 1'Yelieh i iid.il llonian Catholic, but lie was a loyal I 'iiiiiidian .1 i I >al :is his Kii^iish, i ur liisli i-onip. lirn lly rcl'ernni; to ;p of Sir .lolin .Maedoiiahl, wliosj colli he had In en I'm- thirty \eui-*. he of the 1,'i-iindi ur (it' uiir lu-riuk|.;e aini the bright future whieli was in store I ir ti.e l>oii)ii i.ehans uen- true to !' . nitrv and their ( v >iu. en. lie wa-i -i.-rry he had ;he inipr.i\i i. Which \Vel" i'. . hilt he . from Ins ein,-! . ,nd, Mr. .lame* Masson, M, 1'., Miat Owen S mini had a liar'.mr un- i-ivallid o;i ' Mid while the !-oat deal, m. Of com i'. I'. K. for making Unsiiieir Ontario |K>rt. I winch aihled ,'ieativ ;u i: s prospeiity. lie ei'liel'ldi-'l Ins s-peecll by prupodillg ' ihl'ee eheei ' i ],., i... Ml 1.1 iv-el! if ;i lirnwn- before purchasing elsewhere ( and if the stock in not as we represent we will not ask you to buy. FALL GOODS ARRIVING- For every department, Dress Goods, Cloakings, Mant lings, Tweeds, Flannels, Underwear, Yarns, llrsiery, G!ove-<. etc. SEE OUR ASSORTMENT IN HIGH TOP BOOTS for the muddy weather. CLBAE CUT BACON ON HAND. McDoiuild & Evans. in;.; accident wlnrli occun d on the bav tinv" miles from town on i Tin;; . ; nnmi. (lid John \Vaw- hedii;, a Cai-e (Yoker Indian, with his 1'iuiii! : t\vo women, n youii;' man a-id a IMV aheiit 14 .1:;,' in a sail boa to [I :i M|iwll n them, C!t|)>i/iii<,' I; thru", wlmie pm-iy into the r. 'I'lio liccident was noticed from Shore by a p; ^i'eis, and Mr. \V. S. i'.-'rkinsuu.of New Orii put oli'in :i ski'Vaijil, tim;i>;li t!.. eideiit <HVU: i. .1 about n milt: and a half (mm shii,- i, d in picking up .ill the unfortunates ewpt \ v . bedic, who .;,ink -hoi I ly ,: ;, r '.In; up. st'L took place. ,ne;] wi'iv :>d and could imt 1 a\e held up much Ion: Mr. 1'iiv \\aur i.i blamed for the disasi. r. i' rail nav< r;: should undoubtxidly Inivo the privilcse ef elei'tiny tlieir l>ri'senlanve-. mtj ' niucil. ' i we :ind :Jnit three nun cnu sit ' lowu at a council tablo und by votinir Tor each uthi'i' ll.ev i-;in elect two ol tile three US repl-e.Senlativcsi to till' , t'oimty ('ouncil L am fully i-onvinced | there should be :i (.'liaiiL,'*?. It is not in honorable way uf -ji'ttnii; tho po- ' ion. Yet tluit is the way our 1 lleputy Ki'i'Vi-s were rleeted l.tst Janu- ary. Also the manner of laying out, money on the roads should be i m-i d. I'M lorn the roads were | maiie !it for public travel it \v;td rifjbt to have them tilted up, but now that are improved the iuoii"y should be spin; in iinproviiii; leading roads and iet the Ht.ttiitu labor do tho patch- inir. I would on Find ads most travelled and iu pair, and lit :lu in up iu good to year. r.nt whih n -H in ex- \ '11 nut be done, as wbi'ther rightfully or wninu'fully each ward rhiiins a like umouiu, and by this means the money is so divided th;U its usefillllli .-- is ;mie. I think, | Mr. l-'.dit'ir. liu-M- are sufficient reas- 1 .viiii tho win 1 ysieni. 1 wvuid ! ear from ithiT rai >n llns important ion. Let us hear from you through T!ie Advance. Yours '.ruly, I I'Kl'AYEli. M., T'lrontii. <ln. li.".l.. . i:t in Ht-iiri ili'MMiS! 1 , the Hyni|itiiiiiM f whicli faint i>| MM, piiiplo li)is, urii.l-iichx, pulpit-. l.ip lu-iits, hut lint-Ins, lutb uf i t" tin' hfinl, 'lull I'.-iin in tin 1 htnrt ivitti tri'iig. rn|K.l niul im'jrulbi- heart ln;'.t i|ii:i'i.iT than tin .n 'I. N.I <".iri'. M" a inr lp..i,i.. M. V. I.I BOM, 901 r..i:t -UM t fiM i>nt. . , Sin,- I wriii infui'iued that a c'eria.u -lander un my character bad circulated by parties of the old Durham li.v.d >U'Uer known us llio old Tyrol MI . If that name party dii : Do) -it ii'iiiblo froia 8 L..M. Luke they will bo liablu to it from another S.L.XI. I would advi.-e tin in to ktep their u:ly. I am happy to :tiform thl "f tliat suttlfUiont .t lii-iie. not bemi; pi;t /'ir'i'd. I am Dear Sir, yom i !! \KLKS UALKS. l..ui.'''iiu liail aright he iii\ ruceptimi :iti>H,u Soiiinl on S.'itunlay. Honi-y .loliu tjtu:'.rt Kay lina Ixioii mm- mitted .'or ln:d at Il;iiiiiltnn,rllrgoii n vmi llntnil.r I nt I'y IX Mck fllll-1 til pit. M "f< >.i Mii. \\iii. i,, ! r. iilnble, If "ill rvli. > !Mtlll 'illlU 1 \ i lf|Hn.l ll]H>M ako ftlMjut it It i.l [iiuiiii.ru. ri'^ulaton tho ' 1- lftt'Il> I nlLunii'.i'Mi, an, I ulviir, tout, I. In "Ml-H. \S;n- '(,. , hiMn-ii t, linii ei iptioii i ., . L - n ' kU.i IVHk fill i :.il,o D kai, I. Kefuriiis Wanted. To thr KJUnrnf T'i.' AdMXM, DKAR SiK-i'leiiM 1 allow me to draw at- tention t" some tilings 1 consider wrong in the administration of our municipal affairs. I think it tinge the ward system was abolished. AH Men ulil, or niiildlf 'i^nil, who fiuil thorn- 'umnted. wl. "!' OTflr Win milling 111 ui:uiy ol tli.i v |i uLii 'li i'i ,.-.-!, in, iif vilniity. !ti i'( ui-'iiinry. hud il'. ilimii, .1 of tin- In. irt, i ".iiiA.-iuii -. ;y, jiaiu in tho kill- n> >^, In .nU, 'In 1 . |iiiiii>ii'4 .,11 i lie face or liiuly. Hi hiii\{ or nci'iihiir M'II iiiimi iilmiit tac scrn- tioii. . 'ilF.y.iiiCKs. rv-n inn;: of thu nuiHolcH, '. Il, 1. , IlllxhrillllASK. ili'lUK.!!- i,i tho iinnr, lns of will power, leu e . 11 e.iK an.l llaliiiv muni i'. lailuri' to Im hy lc. i, ,,!.. x!i|':iii, ni. liullnoKs of liiwini:. 'u..-., i'[ \"!i r, ,irxl!t' l.ir .M'lltllllo, OXI'itllliill' uf lumper, iinki'n . v. s surrnninlcil witii ,ly !i 'ukin^ njcm. to.. nrtt all .yinplomM "f uiirv'iu- .li'liility tliat lead to iiiHunity und ilpnih unloM curtxl. Tin 1 iiprinR or vital fnrco li.vvinu lot it t' every fniiotimi WIIDIM ,. ruiiHei|iii'iii'e. who threiigh alniNO cuiuiuitt] in mny he prnuamuitly ciirmi. Send your ml- dreiu fin book on all tUwMM jwmiiir l yiu. Addrttt M . V. LVBUN, 30 Fruut St. TUE MARKETS FLE8HEBTON. Van-full if Ciiri-tn-tt-il Kai-h './. Flour i-ii. i \v Spring Wheat Hurley OfttD . I' M ittor II >rk 1 t 040 035 n :i I .......... n iw i i pr. , n " i ' LOOK! LOOK : Milk Cans 2 Call i > A lorge a>oi tint nt I Hilk Pans and IaiU. ('ream r-in All k::i i uetai tai.m .11 kinuH, brass and en: SULLIVAN The ' I' i 11 :- in i t 1 1 . COME ! INSPECT SELECT Stock Large WELL ASSORTED. Marked in Plain Figures PEICES LOW, duality Considered. E3TBALM1ED NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. . JOD S(rnwborr> Xncs liJl .;:.'* IT. > i'illlOS EJosc Tr % s A'lJ'11,1 - 'i i.: ,;!n ,-l Greei^ouse. Hh.1 i KOKTl Warrants Personally Sigue-i and kept good. OPTICALLY FITTED. FINE WOKK On all Grades of Watches, PERSONALLY DONS. Ctartts Moderate W, A. BROWN, JeinrclleT*. etc. SIGN OF THE "BIG 8PEX" MARKUALK

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