1 THE F L E S II E R T O N ADVANCE. HE ADVANCE. FnoM TUB OFFICB .s <:.,, St,,H, Fleaherto*, Ont. T r.UUSOK BL'list Ull'TlOS: 1 p.ir *ini-.n.i wli.-n i in .dauce f i i-i- alinulu when n.-t ^o pfki'i. ADVKUTIS1M. KVIKA On.- ml nun. 1 vow. # JO ; ialf coJ., <!., W t .ti ti-i <-nl. il>. Trunsioiit nlv. i hr|K<l ! th rte a ; - . ,,. , . !. M ivutl 3ct. l>r I i-*cll l-Ul'-i'illlBIlt IUI-1'ltloll. W.H. THURSTON. AN ED1TOH DKA!>. A despatch to the Toronto daily Mail of Mouday aniiouncid that .Uronie l-'arewell, editor and proprii'- toroftlie Thornliury St:u,d;v. 1, liad . d away from lifi. Mr. Fan wi 11 has for Juauy yi ::> 1 > n a character in journalism, ami wiiilu not having made a very s-riut success out of it, lias still made n name for himself which will not soon die from the memory of those who knew him. He .1 bitter and we fear not al- ways a chivalrous pen, in controversy with his opponents. He made mauy t i.i i.iics by the virulence of his writ- ings perhaps more so iu former vcars ihau. of late dtill his, friends were also uumcrouft, and those who would otherwise have be en foes experi- enced naught but pity owing to tho terrible calamity of almost total blind- lies? which enveloped him during th past few years. We havu not heard the particulars of his death. May his ccccnti it-it., be forgotten, his vir- tues remembered and his ashes rest in p. The Empire advocates tiie passing of a bylaw by the Toronto city coun t-il iiiaLin-,' band playing on liie stroc illegal after sundown, excepting by permission of the mayor. This, il claims, will stamp out tho disgraceful rowdyism which has been so lampunt in that city during the past summer In each case these rows were precipi' tated by tho pluying of party tunes after nightfall. OFF ON THE MACKINAW.' 1IY Khl I II A Him n I.AHK HI:' !. ur.l tlu I;.K>.| i.ln|irmiil>ri, In very |.liMint i-ii" ' *iU.J an. I MI-- Oi. M-kinw, Ilk rocfck anil i iht- t< i I'K-I Kalr Hcmi " n't'iVi iuifi br In Indian ton <l ali.r\ . ii LI -It Ull WV, III all tin ' I 4 illik of -III In -I'*, V, lu-ii wl.ili'i niUni.- wail .^iul.il . in\ i..i" l tttln ,'. m-unexl wu go n.-mln.i;. llniiiid for the 1'inry Isli. . f Muekmaw UIH the ii.spirtiJ atlver i,f tlie tnii o I" utifully pings Vil i mi i. || raal .ml the. "(lanibria' l-'inl.i> i M mug AH she lay <vuitni' tin the up tram, in Owen bound'a I'm l.ail'or. Alwut 10 p.m. we lift tlm lights o d\\iii Si'iin.l twinkling in a fain' l:,i:-t behii.d us, und .-li amid out illt . ! r .i!t nne' waters of th As nothing eoiuY be seen til Dloi niu^, nun!" the. acqiiaintare . un us spredily as poisi blc, tii-l t-> I'.nd H place for e\i r\ ihn i ni our six dii\h \\i did not ilrt.-ii i that night of th ,i'.>;illed Oil t u s v, :: h il. i ii.ni i light beaut u.iirh i. :n-r hl.e a dream . ni;ib!i .linn xpre^ible excepting i !ry. '''In- "-lands "in vei I'nii ,-l:.d" '..U.I be tl,- hointt of naru tnliiiii Mini u!l I. u. I I !ji ings, for n iiiie with a Ve.y fii..i| appetite coul rntisly it theiv, lor tin rocks go rigl through to ( Iniiu, ai>il it is a myster l.nvv tlie tn-M grtjw thure. lint "ma duet not live by bread alone" nn HMch set in : n.-i these itie foot! to tb out, to tiie DCIHO of bi-auty. We hav iitured Naiiin s parlor to gate up" U ic u biuc ; here she ipread cr i liungt liil curpet nml hangs tier iinrihu and sunset, eiirlams us u buck rolltnl lo her articles (ii vertu. \\'e aust not complain if we do not find a >antry thviv. liy nine <> i lurk Saturday morning reached luiiai in > un I enjoyed it valk on shore fir t. n minutes, then thin" ;li her narrow polished tone chaimil anil hurried away lo iauitowaning. The . l'rti|iient stops re a )>ltas;uit feature of the trip, as ilIC CAII keep lip Ins M-pllllttiolt IIS a iti lor liy an o|ieort line return to land. Knterii: ; uknitowaniilf bay al leveii, it was iioiiii before we looked ipon the pri-cipiiims streets of the own, and the little i-lar.l of hippy einembraiK i', whieh lies at its t. el n the liarlmr. Hem a liostofuld ricuds met un.aii'l VM ipiite felt as if we were nnikii'g an ufternooii call. After h.a\iii': M:iiiiti>wannig we stop at u niinilii r of little places along Ireat M:-i..L,uilin iintl the North shore. There ;in Sliegiiiandali, little Current, Mud Hay and (!ori Jay, the last of which we reached t in ;ht. Sunday we have service, n iX mi,' and ever luvliur scenery, but hoil',-'i wt eall at u number of little ions, Serpent Kiver, Algoma Mills, Juice Mines. &c , we see nothing of liijwrtai.ce in tlie way of brick and uortar until the electn; lights ot the win cui s of "the JStio" siiine through he d.u: . upon our pathway. Agiui.si the sky is outlined the Icndii.black aiehi-K of the new stt el >ridye which spans the St. Marie liver nl this point, and over which hrte lines of railway inn. First calling at the two wharfs on the Can- adian M I. , we cross to tho Michigan iault.and failing to find room enough it tho dock, which is crowded with 'osf>cls, luml tuir passengers by way >f "The City of Traverse." After hours there we return to the '(inadian : ule to spend the night. We have a lot of facts ami figures out tin si- t.iwiw by us ; but as both aid figures are to bo carefully voided by the enlight -lied historian, We will liu-i ely refer to thi deep ini- WMtiiui h ft upon us liy tint number anil Hiie of the U>ats doily pa through l he cantvl. From fifty to seventy puss daily, some ay large an 1 even larger than, the great C. P. 11. -, urn! u lew wet kh ago nearly two hundred were blocked in the Si. Marie iiiver because of an iiupain d lock. Hi fore we are out next morning Sto Murit; is kit fur hehniil iind wt an i'.cii: Lake Huron by the |)..-kiu;' I'lL-si^i 1 winch is a narrow clianiii-1 deiin-'d liy slakes, jutsiiL' of which is danger. I'M lure coming to the Saillt, there i.-f a snill'ar pa in J.nkt- (ieorge, hurdly wide enough for two Vis> -Is t-i p.is-, ami rtiere we saw twi Aim i ican ve.-sels rim aground iltty hud not kept the narrow way. Karly in the afternoon of Monday wo fit-lii. 'il Mackinaw, and about I p.m. n la\ hi fure un in all it* n -!. Bcnb.ililt -In anly. Hilt Nitline and Ait i..ii .,l>' in u ple.ising c.i,ilu.-.ioii Mud. 1. 1 ii . many lulls in crown -I With limit's liandiwi'ik, and iVom every ;:ro\e pe. |i out tile homes of Us Mimni'T ii :.i. leiils. 1'i'iin the lii';liest 1 inn.' DC . l.it M.ifkmac wi: white 1,1. ng tlie Inee rf tiie hill find pi .M Uently olili udiii': itst-ll lip-in llit- i\.. Tilt- island ei' Maeki- naw in il liy our arms in 1 1. war nf lx|'2. The Aliiei lean:- liied to n fl .al Inn. H and fuiiii -. Si-eilnd It I V tlealy wliell the War \\itw over. 'lliilisli Liiiitlin^ is one nf tli(- --I .-iits nml iloun /in .] the hut ii In has trihl Lhy U 1 l.ickinx-. " (ioinj.; usliore, t very body t.i'. HUTU i or surrey, itnd soon we WIT, whirling past tho well ki pi aloii I which skirts llie liciie t.ln n turning inland we be.'-ui l Uioiint. Neitrly the eiitii'n ishnd i n-si ! veil by tin 1 1 . s. Government a a park, bill for the well binll r >:u lust as N it'iiv made r.. Sudden ly the ninny IUIIIMW rond-i c.in. into an o|-i;ii si>mv anil we are l.ir> i, I'.i' witli i h "NaturalAieii \\i bacli j'lomid of water and ^-k\. 'I In- i:) nil n!>ji-i't familiar to in r tiioiisnnd.-* of |>hi>in;;iup'nt> of it n .uliu:illy M-utti-red over (.lie CiUlll try by loan-its. JliHing lo n h of 1 10 ft., it is truly maji'siic. Om I In i lu;r il looks inoii lil.e a bridge or the ruin of ismne liugt doorway to a giants ab.nl. Might \\e only aiijuoai'h the inland froin lion ami s.iil under tho arch into ill.- ciichtinted land, it would more fully meet our ideas of tho nlniisa of things than a mosuw harbor. Sugar lo.if lork, ill 5 ft. high) and Lover Li i p 1 1 15 ft.) are isolalttl lioiildein toweling to these wonderful heights, but do not compare in beauty and interest with the Natural Arcii. Then there is tin "IVvil's Kitclicn" tnd the "\\ ishini; Spring" ami other mile honk "potato" about winch the i. i lnl iliin^' is the climb you iave to lake to (-1 6 li- 1 ii- On our way baek we ]iass the (irand Hotel ' overlooking the little own. capable ol ai-coninm la:iie- ItHIO i K the g.mle said so. i In rolilii-cllnil is a tl.eil',re ill which litlle \a\ana r h, supported by the male tioir t'roiu (iracv I'liuu-li, Chicago, was going to give a concert that even- ng. Kissing the citmp ground of Ins choir w. 1 had - en t.;.- |.>rty boys n uniform, drillni:;, and were deter- iniied ID licar them King if the Cambria" .oul.l be pn\aili I tii'on i > vail. Jtut this was impossible, as the laiigeroiis straits of the Detour Pass- ; must be passed in daylight, and o tlo so we must leave at 10 it) Miehi- gan time) ; for Captain Campbell is :v . . nisiy cautious ollio -r, and . not hold lightly the lives of hid ['us- TS. So we consoled oiu't-iv.s witii music from the phonograph nml 11 buying souvenirs as v^e w.iijiied through the gay fancy stores and ooked at the many beautiful trilles in uoss ;i'-ate. -ilx.Y -tntl gold. Resist- ug tin: leinputnn t,) buy out the eu- in- stock nt i V'-ry store we entered, we returned to t!.. inkful that we Kid a few - f ir t ll":lX't ncies. Mackinaw is the tuniing uroimd dace" an-i ,:,ly a success as a erminus ; il ca; Ih ciiiuix of the rip and stain!-, imrivalled. Nex. i \\ i.i.ig wu s iw a picture. A .11.' willi a -L:in.; ot Indian bual-j at d draws up in our vessel's side to take utf a p:. . \\lnlst this s absorlimg our at'eiition the iuu is ireparing i.is p.trl of the panjiam.i ind dappling the iu - ivens with vivid 'ink ami bin,-, \\lnle loiv dowi: the M ~t a i-inak of unclouded sky shines through --a tender ;;rn-:i. Tho watur changes frcu> pink to epest purple, while each f'aoc airned wistward ..Milliwest sail tlie d.awatli.n. A red lignt changes aeh face to burnished cupper and the white b..;its have In e.iiiu a ro-y silvir. It is a tableaux and fuiles almost as niickly, =j wiieii th" gray bus crept on distant l.iil, on sky and on w<Uer, ' n. M tin; cabin where there is .ii-iit a::d tlaueing. \Veihu-sJay muniiiL,' we have an limir at >Lniit.iw.tni:ig, and by noon i. i.-li Kdlarney, win re we get bi.rh bark for nuto^i a[ih albums and turn ['oetical. S 'in s. k nis['i:iitiou on i'k, wa^Iiing the ^uli.s which seem to nevei tin as they circle above US, others in the :;eclusum ol their state- I'.jms .strive t ) compuse themselvis, as inure is a In avv .swell on all afle - noon. This ImweVer dot snot pn vent us making a gieat deal of bad poetry and bavin.- j roportiouaU'lyg.ioU fun. The J'oel Laiiiiate M coniims- ..lom 'i i \\..- a .snii'^' for the concert which ; i to coi-i- ulV tint evening and to the or-uasion in a most sati> factory matter. About ri p.m. our concert was in- firmally ep.-.n ,1 hy an iinpromi>tn pian ;, and al tl.is M ;nal every body cieared bis neveiul tlnoat and pivp.iri.l to respond to tin- de nui'.Lri nl' tl-,. mastei of ci reiuoiiies. I'li:' et. i. u it 'iul not know when to i(ii. t, fu nfter being appropi'ut.'ly linisbeii 1. ! thank-i ill id a . iiln ;v mi t'n c.i.ii v .'i and . r en.iiii.i i-iing out until tiie lighi.i of dwiin Sound sbi-ne ju.:l ahe.iii nee Ulelu-d iiWits lo tlie .-,11. i. us of Hone, ^ llouie." lUhy KM lck, w (tp hpr Cantor**. K hun ihr . a itil'.il. h- rrtwl (or Whwi ilia l-riii. HIM. oln" flung U> t'i> Whan lu- had l1n.Jru, ulio fi'o NASAL BALM \ . - ..u IOCTri!H3, CUA. KOUMI l.ntant ^ " it Cu Many lo nlltxt iliirasri *r< 'imply t Calartil, such a* hc-a.lir)i*, p.i luUU-*(ue-. inno of tii.rll, I. .il ''i i h. In. . l luuwa, TIPI il Irt-'ir... .'I tl.-l .In .-, tt II Y ii iy'.| I wiihony <.l tlifii'f kiiidliiJtyi" have Talari h, vu! *b>.iiM lu*e no litr. in pi bottle ol KAMI. MAIM. Ji K-iirn>( ci nule< IH. 1 1 'HA In li-i,l ntultt in Catarrh I* . n.imi* in.l dMlh. Nti<L B*LM %1 .IriiKti** 1 . l * wl " ^" Mnt, poal paid ou i^ . itk.il ^f> coou aad ti or) 1-r aJdintinf nnfM A M., itNcmu OL Onrtn ( tiBMMiM* tluiU> llfrl .'-% '' , I l WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHuE DEALER. FLBSHSRTON. ,AI;GE ASSOIITMKNT OF BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPRES, RUBBERS, TRUNKS, ETC. SEASONABLE GOODS. REASONABLE PRICES. Custom Work Made to Order. r i THIS SPACE Bclonirs to K. Trimble Lookout for announcement next week. MUS ... ..i ifc- ,. i > t i nmmi sassrtrjsasa T RIAKFIY !.,..* fRRMO In r<4 I.4.M*. / U U ft f\ L I I } !.- o-M* mm OMfc* Mr* of K-OCM, uUr(*M iv*v l '-WT W will Flesherton, ^ Soils the Wt f^rniin^ iuipK-iiiunta in.mu faotun-U. including I.i.il,t St,,-l I;,, .1., ,,,,,/ _\f /i II " i, (,'nrn-i/ l>i-!:a.nl .V THE ODS TYPE WRITER. iltf win i.iiv the oii:Li/n rr. WKI- TLIt ild 7s i-liiirfii-i!.. mi- 1 <|,t tlio Sin^!* 1'asr Odd). |inrHMi.a tt. ill. ln-ltiT w lk II. nil tll\J l'l:trlllllti IIIHilf. It i- 'l-l " \t\ with li: i: Mill IIT, ..\i in\ .-Mts l.iiifrr with- I'll t Of repalTI lli.m :nv nlli.'l liKu-hlni- I M In luitlii-r tin' i.|i<>rntiir. It is . uriu . iiii'kli'|'UI'.-il, v>t-r(t'ct .III I :i I l| ' .1 1 .ill klll.ll ![ (>! \\lllil-^. r..'- .1 prinling |'i."-s, u |ir>"lr. . hnr|', i-li-.iii !,'!.; ..... itnns.'i i|.ti. TWII or tin c..|.ii'-> t-..,n I... iiiHilt- at ono wiitinr. Any inli'l, , . n t-Hii l.r.-oni" un ii|ifinttir in i.. .1 .- v, ..if.-i "! <MM) i" itiiv tor wli.i i. in i.|iml tun Wurk ..1 the .. //, , ... / ,/ l>n,u,,(f f II Tlie ! oil i|ii|itir. i,( Hunt) iin|i|.-rnriit- re miilicii.iii!v Imnvn nnw to N|i ( -k d i lliuomelvt-ii, without any i \lr wi.i.ls li..-i in-. Auvlii'ilv n-.iii.i -i,. iiiiiili'ini-iils in 'Ins line wi.nlil dn r!l In ex,i..ine iniiio i( n. ( HlifdiJv iifi|iiHiti',l itli tilt-in, dill en iiit> mill I will ', lupj.v li> , .iiiliit tli tif tbn<> niBi'lniK i. llt-lialili- Ati"nt* mul Hale^uien S,..-i nl in IIH-. lilt ill* to |)t-n|fi. I ..r l".i.iui,'liltl giviuj In '..n ^i nil-ill-, \r . olnn i M ri. WRITER o . W ...I i otU AT*. 4 II l 1C O III. i i \inLii- u<ji n hn*Ut)f <** i t*Vt 1 ht UMl pWll nr* * tm<i 11 - >( i|U*1 vi Iff. (INK m >> u M O wl - IV*. AH Ifcl w.* .*