Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESHER1ON ADVANCE. vJ.vr; on n i: G M. MITCHELL, FIjSSHERTON. \ t li.isiu. 1 " riKii-n !..!. l>rft -,. m.tvlio | I' 1 ' f**ll'.'l t il-oml rates . (or IfRitiinutc I. i * mirth of Ricllalilson Vicinity Chips. Past tVi>ik rarrfnlly 4'ullril for the <'nrioiis. Mr. Warlin-.: will l>uin operations on t.cvv piece .1' r. '.ill this week. Mr. J. R. Anderson and family loft by mornin._' train mi Tuesday f.ir Manitoba. Fifty 4VnIs will Imy a .Miui'lute suit i.f mon's underwear at M. Kichr.i.s.>u 4. L'u's. oit shooting ..pencil .'ii Three i iti/.en went out and ha-^ed four I mi!. \\ | have 1.1 thank Mr. \V. EU.-r for a t luscious of plum* ami Mrs. .lohn Dinwnody for a basket of apples. Kli-sh'-rt. i\!t new bailor, in the. poison . Ilcaslip, of I'laikslinru'. will open t:|. I -unless in Sproule's block in , . i. !' - verian church . having an old folks' uiu-rrt in n Hall on tliet*voniiiL'f the 'J-ltli. I'll ..!.l time M expected. I. !'.. I.uca*, barrister, of t'no firm ; A I. lira*, Owen Si>uinl. is :U tile i!ice f Win. LiK'iut & '.).. in Markdal.'. vi rv Kri lay, and ill runda;. every Sat in U.-v Mr. M>-l.arvu preached an elo- rplei;t sei-mmi in the Presbyterian church - :mUy last til a laro oi Mr. M. l.arcn is * "rising liyht " in hiir. !i t > w In -h In- U'lomjs. ic \ ..mi-.; thieves despoiled Mr. P. H..hiKin's pat.-h .if e.ini the .it'.i-r evening. Mr. H was around on Monday looking e. and it may cost the yoiin^ til ,| nt- a bit if they aro duc.n One car load salt jut arrived fur I Last week was a wet one and ha: in;; 00. ration* were much retarded, but Mils week lias been exceptionally lino uid if it c- n-iniies tho harvest will be il m tin* vicinity by Saturday next. We !.-ect atteiit; i; to a sketch niivn . 'icrt- of a tup to Mackinaw. It is iin^'y well |e:t in t. jmall I coin pa&a, nnd we foil _-ratcii.l and Mr that Miss Uiehard.vjn sh.u.bl favor Tho A.h tn.-e with this contribution from her clever pen. M -- Cant. in. : Kleshrt"ii, who was recently appointed a teacher in one ol the snl. divisions of our school, has v. it,,- drawn h-.-r ncet.punce of thu position, and the !' ' ird ha.'c .itlverlisi-il for another teacher. - [ StoutlVillo Tribune. M.s n is teJichinv; at Springfield-. >n the- ''..1. The tinit. t'.-r the East Jrey fall exhi. bition is drawing nigh. The pesters will led tint week ut.d full announce- ment of atti ictions will appear in i:eit week's paper. Ill the m.-an'mie I just hint that this one will 1 e ii. . C.n' litt : \ i iiel.'i here. x irk Wallace. M IV, liraml Master if the Orange Lodj{c, will bo | ; and open the exhibition. \Vair i ' A lailorvss. apply I'.aker, KlosluTton. !< to K. A. Personal. M -1 I..'U AriRftroiii; and Mi is ile returned to Owen Sound Col le^M'.e llmtUutli oil Moll.!. IV. \V. K. He.her. Ks.,.. and Miss Kle.ili vr left for Knirlarnl on M.. inlay la.-t. V. e are sorry to learn that Mrs. John I'iiiird, who is now livinjj in Toronto, is neriously ill with typh. >nl fever, and it is !. aicd that her recovery is doubC'ul. O i> J t r<'llhlna .siiitin. i in l - ^h ,.n I I'liiiiiiinin twivil-i. pel (eft lit - '. .ininti . .1 al M. Kiclilll' 1 ;sU'Uc'8 Court. Cn r'ri.lax lait l>i.-k 11 oy, who livs at !.l M'-icy H..II...-, was up beii.re ^.p:irc Arm.stroiii; on K charyo of assault, preferred by Leonard IVtts, who b\is nearly opposite his place. It , thai II .y went out wbilo under the in L>f li-jiior an.l stoppc 1 a !i isc and 11 by Mi sit Hetis, and would |.ioceed. Mr. I'. t(^ jccne and Hoy proeueded lirushing. Kor tluu bit 'of sern.iis fun Mr. Hoy was taxiul five dollars and costs or thirty days, hi hav- ing pleaded '_'uil*y. Henry M. an ; '! - i.iley and Mrs. Tennant will sail for New York by tho Teutonic. ( . unei! iiR-t on Muiiday 'at. The mini.; wd.-d out this week but will appear in next had anotin-r very c ntly lire on Mond.iy. several buildings being du- st royed. They Both Ran. A youn.,' man down near 1'rotou St:iti..ii had quite an exeitinu eiic"iintei with a bear tho other niuiit. lie was re'iinun',' from \v. r'j carrying a till dinner pail, and whiK passni',' iliroui'li 4' swamp was suddenly confronted by a lai-,'0 black bear. Ho struck at it with his nail, let i \uld Indian howl and with his feet living liko a iun-a\\:. . d. Tho bear also i. n. in an opposite direction and it is not known which of the two was scared the n. Thirty cast** itoot.s nud shoes, some .\lii'iiii , : .clliut,' rapidly at M. liii'hard.o A. Loug Stauding Case Settled at Last. T. \V. Hunt. I' nt Hope. <>nt., writes : I \v:is a suH'.'ivr from a loii'j stalidllii! itarrli and K>iua well up in years (7'-M hardly expected to obtain any- thing that w..uld uive me material or liennaiieiil relief. At the tllilo ot re ccivinj Nasal l..ilin 1 wai very bad with .. -real I'leasmv in stat- in.; that on the si-, -ml appl'.eati 'ii 1 oli- tan. i-d n.'i.ili i. ii relief and its etl'nrt was .M',' and liealmu'. It aetei! liki- ina^ie and is worth ton tun. cost for the immediate relief it -ives. I nli.iei.t ihu second I otile \\ill alteet iianent mre. I liave ret umiiiended N'aniii Ka.r.i r n!d in the head and in act li!;e a charm. Caused by a Bull. n Saturday of but week while Mr. John Hai4i.-i\e and wifo were dnvini' -nliui^ tho x'tavel road townrds their homo the horse was attacked by a bull iH-lnnu- niti to Mr. \Viii. Clarke, chased by a couple of di"_'H. The horse became very much frightened and started to run away but upset both n_' and occupants before having prueee.'ed \ ery far. Ill the l.i.l thi' top oi i Jin I'lii^y was badly bn'kon and Mr llar^rave r. ceived 'some vory sern n in; inns, hauiiu haJ a number of ribs hniken and Mistaimni; nuuieroiis other l<ru. - M -- I'II^I.T-O fared better than 'ier liuliaii<i. having recnived only a few v!i'.;hi brni.tes. The horse ran into the .eiice corner and was thorn ut- taci.i d I'V the bull, but the latter was driven o'l '. v Mrs. ll.u^iave bei'oru any ver\ serious .:. linage was dmiu to the animal. S.-i 1:1011. llev. Mr. Ti.ii';e preaciied a red hot teui|K'nineo sermon to the Royal 'I'enni- lara mi Sunday uvvnin^ last from Kphesi ;IIM ii an.l '- "l-'or v,. 1 H|-eslh; not 'j 4iid Mood, but against prin- cipa! ...inst the rulers of the diirknos.-) of this World, auains' spiritual H: : . in hi^h pi ic, i. ' Pinini' t!i.3 coursit of his svr- n:on ':> t .t the ar- -'iii.. nt . ,i. \\ :ineed '. v a writer in The Ad- vance ..[' IHO wefks a-.-o who signed him- self "Kxcelsior, 1 and who advocated a Kocond hoi \iili',^e. Tho l!ev. ,; a lecmid hoUl woul I be a eurte instead "I a v man who !IL:M ..!!' a t em pel .nice man conn iicii an 'niKivation. Tho sor- moii throughout was carefully prepared, and ihou.Jl 'en;;thy was listened to witil tho I. nfioii by the audioucc. Light, Liukt (or shorter ilays nnd l.'ij; ni.nlits. M. liii ii.tr. 1.-. on & Co. ha\e i '- cur .miis of .1 supmiui ciml nil. just in time us nues are rising aud likely to r,:le hijiher (O|-.-.H,.V time. ThrasbiiiiJ au ''.i-o. Spiirr. f She (.'reemorr :tar, last wck advi.iod 1'r. Klliott, of that place, ;er care of his animals in order th.tt their eoiuhtioii mi^lit improve. Kor this ^r . ; ,if a.h ice the I>r. ..t aimry and pi. ceeded to the Star in a bowling 1:11:1' ami piocecded to lambaste' Mr. Spurr. Klliott, how- ever, t.iiii'd the con: | than he ] a.! i . ', and at'or about ti\ ,- mimi'cs i . d to crawl out oi t. -uth one eye closed, a In..!. en no;.e aii.'i a lame Kick. Cui btothe. of tho Star was none t!. and ut:. n.y-d a ]-a:ty tie same i \elilli:'. Vide.'. ' i the othel tL.aliloSof l>r. Klliott ho A\a& ummonei! lK;foro a and sent.-noetl to pay a tin^l aild costs. Uere is another tho man s'ettinit left who tooled with tho buz saw, slid even a di- ciplo of -Kseulapius is no oxcoption to the rule. A Sheep Story. A certain farmer lirinij not fifteen n.iles from Kie.-heiliiii is the owner and possessor ni a Hock of broechy sheep. lie has tried innumerable means of cur- iu',' them of tins bad habit but in vain. \ ..-itain y.iiin.,- man living in that neigh- borhood v.'lin.'eercd to help him ollt of his dillicnity by [.i OJM.SIH,' a plan which, lie said, "would oiir them ill a minute Me toid the ..Aiier of tho sheop that if ho would tie their ear together over thoir heads they would never jump a fonco a -am. Thinking he would now bo rid of his trouble he proveoded to carry out the pLan and accordingly purchased a ball of twine, drove, las sheop into a nnall enclosure and commenced opera- tions. When ho had finished tym,- their oars ho lot them out with tho exulting r.-maik 'T reckon that'll stop their areer. " Fora whilo tho poor .sheep looked around thorn in blank amazement xhakinu' their heads and utteruii; piteous bloats, when suddenly, as if sei/.ed with an extremely brilliant idea thay all made for the nearest fence, clearing it about two feet abore tho highest rail and land- ini; in tho farmer's wheat tield adjoining The farmer, in his turn, was looking in hlankiaina/.cnicnt at the tlyinij tlewes, but when they landed in the next field ho protested very loudly and forcibly. and soon had the sheep back in tho small ehclosiiro and was cutting the cord:: with tho greatest vehement-it. I'be farmer is now looking for a acJieino by which he may ",ct even with :ho ymuiu man who put up thu job on him. Dairy Maids' Socud. "1 witsn't av.aro thai Kleshorton couki muator so many pretty ::irli*. ' That was the remark passed in our heariin; by .1 visitor at the dairy maids' aovial ou Tuesday evening. \\'o confess we wor'i somewhat astonished ourselves ami felt thai: the visitor was ipute panlonablo for his exclumation. The maids wore all dressed in black with winte aprons, kor- chiof and caps, and every one of them looked sweei enough to oat. These maiiis were presided over by a staid and sensible matron in tho [ier*"ii of M V- in. Irw n. A ho also tilled tho position n| chairman or lady president ami de- livered .t charming little ..penile.; address Iwforo iiriK-eedini* with tho pnn;ra;n. b'rom eiuht until nine o'clock was spent in feast ini{ upon thu i;ood things winch the y.mii ; lames had provided. Theso uaUblus, if the ^irls inudo them them- M -;\. -, [im\e tliat tho makers are not only s-ood looking but ^ood cooks, and aro Uierelore. in every sense of the word, eligible to make good wives for ^ood husbands. Tho literary portion of the entertainment was a feast, t!io music was 111:11111-111^. and everybody enjoyed it most thoi ni'-'lily. Such i;ood old lavmite pieces as "Wait for tho Watptit," "The t'os aro in the Corn,' "'file Milk Maul.' "Kive 1 1 clock in th>> Mornm.,'. etc.. were served up \\ith a vim and were very much appreciated, while *.ho orches- tra Uid much towards enlivening tho en teitaiiiineiit. A number ot \ isit.rs from Markdale wcro pn sent and all were un- animous in proiiouiii-iin; it one of the uni.| lely pleasuiu entertainments they had e\er attended. Miicliprai.su is .Lie tile y.ninu ladios for thu successful ontorta.nnienlv.hich lld me. ll :iiiancially,morall\ ami -pn n..a!lv. May in. y > 'on talie It. into their pretty head, to -jive us another such. With Our Correspoudeuts. The cut ir: crop on many of tho farms hereabout is cut, hut very little in the barn yet owing to the unfavorable wc.Mhor of late. The bountiful harvest seems to lean i heavily on tho farm niachincn . for almost every hour wo sou some section of a harvesting implement arrive for repair. There is ipnto a Ixioin in self binders here t'as season. Tho "1'atterson" and M . \iie!l"mac!iines ar-: especially numer- ous. It is rumored that tho I nited Work- in. MI are ii'^itatin^ for a hall, well, <vo uld like t.. see "Old .Inn " painting the v i). I'. W. on a men building. Mr Audits McKet-hiii.: is erecting a new house, several :imsons aro omployuJ at the stono work. (in town as ia.i:'- i, '\lute on Mon- day morning by frost. Somo very tine trout have xien cau^lit in the mill pon^ within tho 1. t ' w days. !.:LIU M'jIJao cmught -lie .which THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS WILL SHORTLY BE HF.RH . Get your Feet Protected With a good strong pair of Boot:;. The place to secure these is at JOS. SMITH'S. I have a large stock of ready-made boots on hand, of my own make, from which to make a selection, and if you cannot be fitted among these I will make you a pair for ... very reasonable figure and guarantee satisfaction. Leather is on the rise, and you had better order your boots now. Re- member the pbce, JOSEPH SMITH Next door to the Marble Shop, Flesherton. Cann- to ili.i)ir.iini-e..| lie i ntten-cll. l,.t 1:1. ' .-(in. II. !>*pr.f .two imid Tlu. .IWIHT will pluaftu provn [iroiwrtv. pay .-siionso!. uii.l tke tin ul awsy. iii:o 01 Tl:\\ 1:1.1.. I' il Carao to thu |iromiiu*8of \V.it. Davit, lot U16. T. ,1.1,1 M Ii. ..lie teitl'lll.; -I...I Tile uwillir i talui it away. 'AM D\\!s. ! !" . I'. O. Slntve-l Hum Ih.t pn-nil***-* oil Sim.tiiv n. \ .. II . .111.1 lil^llt lllllH llHV !ll.| .f. , \ .01, olll null white ~|u t un f. n ell. 'in I. VIM H....H ni tilt. .-;.vt i - ..... Mtirt. ill tout HI- k .if InfortiiHli.iti an to liu v\ . will In. tliuufcfiilly rei-.Mv.'il unit any u.\i'..ia,. . .Kl'l I I I in intuie Waroroomi. Collegiate - Institute Re-Opens Monday, Aug. 25 The Bett E<i*\wl Srli.*,! in '/.. i Staff if S-v-n S|M--iulUU. !'..! four i4trit ban t&ki-u in. ire r. 1 . lhaa aajr othsr Mhool m the 1'nmme. ..-. partuiuntal 'V. ti. i l.iuiiinmlli.iiMivil at Art Svliuul EXBIJIIDUU.IU- KKtORI) -|HM Lniverit> Mali ii'ulnlii. ..... u> wild ftmt- clp liuuiirn in all i. .|'iti ( nn>i:t. T Fii-t V.nti r'.iT.TMH Kxanoimti.ia 'two- Potatoes, Old Potatoes. Get your Flour, Feed, Veg- etables, Confections, etc. From H. C. LEGARD ili-aler in all killtl .; (ni'tt. cuu. , HIM siiiiui.t i .1, ink... etc. u i: CHI: \.-j u, \TAYB UN HAND Strain's Block, Fleslierton. Flint. > i iriik-t 10 ............... Art Seh.n.l IVrtinrnt... 1 ueil ulituiiiiiiK ihu Silvur Motltl lu lii'lu-trml I>.i!i n- For further inlm muliuii applv t.i IW llll\ l. R DOKIE. rnuci|>l. Hue. < ATTENTION weighed I Ib. and l.'l o/.. W. Watson has secured several lino ones lately one of which wvii;hd 1 Hi. II o/.. The prize list for our fall exhibition has been converted into a neat and at- tractive little pamphlet, by many of our business men placing thoir cards therein. and no'ilouht they will lintl it a profit- able lIlM-stmellt In the aforesaid prize list it seems there is a chiss or kind of fouls omitted this year, but .some of tile director* deiiv that said change wiis autln>ri/cd. therefore the guilt must lie with thi> secretary <*r the printer. It would ll* Well tor the j sccn-lary to have tho error 11: iuc.ll i* thuj cue) corrected immediately. >l< .ilurtl Road. /'. -'in .. Trtd liarvrst \vpatlu-r lust week. S!ii,'lil t'io->t Sniniay nioht. Mis-s June Kniejlit, sislt r of A' William ;uid TlidiiniH KHioht, work Ii. IITU la:U, piv-iwd away tit'tcr a IDIU; illness, in .lit- iinsien \\urld bt-yuiid tin- htiuini.. iH tun. 1 ami spnee. >lis. l.Viviu nee Miss il. llutchili Oil is visitiii^ at her lalliei s. Miss I . oley IniM been ou the sick list tor some time. Sbo has i^ono to her nijtor's in tlio old settlement for u t:liun;;e ol' climate. Mr. .1. Wai lint; 1ms ^i-tireil n 8375 job on tin' oiavrl roiul Ifiulintf to Fli.'shcrton Station. General News. iiu to draw the public a attin tion to tho fuel that I hurc opened up in =w TAILOR SHOP. in Armstrong's Block MEXT DOOR TOTHK .JKWELRY BTl Clotliiag Mils t: Ha, AT Your own innturiul n n >.- ti]) .vn 1 stylo aud f.t Th (." shields mot in tho St. Clair tunnel on Sntunluy in. lit Two ten. lent haro IKH-II r.-ctiM-d lit <>ttna for the Atlant.i; mini contract. The ivpons of the Irish potato cr. p show tlmt the blight i. 'vt.iit i Moinlinc ita ra> I V lialilii.ri.iii settler was l..si HI '.> Is ind w found alive after 4(1 but will not likely recover. The Poininion Line stoanifthip Van c. nner arriv(id ut Kiinoiihki Sundny after an unusua'lr tough aud exciting royago. ci //fv TO oitn '.;.. F, A. BAKBE, Practical T:ii!cj-. Fall Miov. Kant trey, at FU-stu r!<in. >' : ' i: and : i Proton, at I)\millk, Oct. T ami - UleuulH at Jlark.Ulu. *'i'V -' '" * .Vitcuiui, rrltwtlllti, Ocl It

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