THE F PI/! SHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE, II )>ul.hhl,irt JSvery Thursday, FBOM nut (frnen f ...... Si,-.rt, - - FUtherton, Ot. TEUMS O* 1 pur annum when pMsWUy W advance , i mil, mil when MMaryaM. ADVKUTIS1NG HATKS. On* column. 1 v.-r, #30; taM col* do., I j -..ii t'-i cnl itu., 0-U), Trail u-iit s'lM'rtiwmoots cliri;>1 m the rate of *n> |NTliii.'f.irttrt liinertioii and Sets. |ier with INT cU W. H THURSTON. oru Exmr.rnoN. The season of fall faiv.i !ms once more arrived. The East (my fall'ition will be htld in Flcsheiion i-ii -I'.', and 24, and (,'ivi-s grrat promise of be-in*,' the most successful , vi r held in this ndiug. The attrac- tions aiv away beyond anything tulbie offered, and should bring .;ut mi iiinriaor.s crowd of people. liuK vd, tlii' fact of X. Clarke \Valla4C, M. 1\, Supniui- (ii-iind Master of tlio liiand Orin^'i Loii-i . h*vin^ been BO- i-uu'd lo npi-ii tin.- inhibition, will, we i-ertuiii, be of iUelf an attraction that will induce large numbers to bo > luar wliat he hat) to say. Another very important and interest- ing frattut- will bf a nmseuui oi ludi- au rtlicu and curiosities, which has \>ry kindly loaned by a gentle- man who his made tin: h'atliericg of these n life study. Many of these impli-uii-nts of wan fare, tolcius.pipes, and other strafe mementos of a bygone rac<_ can only be sceu hi- large national museums, and evoti in Uu M they are rare. If curatoi Uoyk, of the Canadian Institute, discovtw thu fact that these relio* are to be ou nhibition here ho willaio doubt be about certain natters in connection the new deviation, and asked ] to expend some 8200 upon the st.iti"ii road which had been suhscribod that work. The following bylaw witli their deaires was passed in npen Council : By-law No. 405 of the municipal corporation of tlio Townnhip of Arte- inenia. tu n|i|ioiiit as WHmiMioUMt certain persons of the village uf Fl.-shcr' toft for impi'ivum the i;ii*l rnad. \\ her- aa the sitid corporatiiit) 'if Artemesia IMS uii'tertitken a curtain deTiutnm at n oust of about four htiiitlrrf) dollars, Hi.-ivas certain other nnpmrementi are rlci-irrvil nei'1's.-iiiiy nnd whereas several of the in- habit. nit* of tlio ruii) tillage hnvn con- tributi'd t.rwanl." mill improvements. It is ili-rnii-il adviauhlc. to appoint commission- on ann>ir.{ thiMiiaelvt's under certain N trictins. IH; it therefore MMOtM by thi' Council nf the Township of Arte- iwesia, tlmt K. .). Sproiile, A. Muinlmw I ami M. Richardson bu and they are I herohv np|Hiintei as such coiiiinis!ioiier I to collect and disburse such BUIIIH a citod in the pceumble hereto, as they h.iv,- m- may have fruin time to time. That in doini( Mich w>rk of repair nf any ilo- cription, pnbar travel shall not t.n iu- tuifered with more than absolutely necessary, and any pait of tliu rad re- paired <>r attiinpted to I* ru|Ktirril li.dl IK) left in . -oil tmveiahle condition. That n full leturn and report of nm-li U'ci-i| -ft. and i'\|i"iiditiire shall I MI made to this I V mini nn tir Wore the tift.-i'iiib day ..f Sovemlier 1HOO. That although the sniil conimiimionera nre In-n-by ap- pointed by this Council and full anthoiity ^rniU'd t" them to alter, cut ilowii, !i v. I or itravol the said, mi.'h authority shall only extend and shall b.- linnti'd to HIH.-II HUIIIS us thu said villa-.-.' or o'.luT penton* ni:y v< luntanly i-oii-'. ami f. r wl'ich tin* corporation in no se,nso shall be responsible. A coinimniH- ition from \V.K. Fl.'shor, re valley road, wan, on motion of M- M. \rthurai,d Mtarp, referred throiuh the reeve to T. H. (fillilaml for i:..n. lion and ruport at next meeting "f Council. MOVM! by Mt'Msru. Boland ai..l Shari), that the sum of i*3Q be paid to Mr. Kunmcy for njht of way for 'nvi.itn.n around what is l.n< wn as C'oll.w' hill. Carried. Moved !> M."i- M . \rthi r aii'l llol- iiinl. tliat the reeMj issue his order for tli. i payment of Mm fullo*inu u ., .u'ili: \V K. Thunton, Mivvrlisinu' nnd print - ini; bills. 44 -I 1 ; n\v> f >r this itay's ses- sion of t'uum:il. ('arn.-d. Move-1 !iy Messrs. McArthur and Thoinp>i4i. that tlio roeve be, and is lnTi-V>>- uppi, inted by this council to reply building. And that H as far as onr conncctio:) KOI'H. Allow me to state, Mr. Kditor. tliiit tliia building id at tin* lire ami l:< mty disposal of nny pi-nti'stant clrrL'vmiu). A Rreat nnm- IM ] nf pn i'' lien- i\rc \\ill ilisposcd to the Methodist church, and if u minister of Unit don jiniiwti >,i w.nild favor u 1 * with scrvic.'-i o.i Sunday In- would !i ' heartily wclcjinwl and liberally supported. Wi did iio wron^ to ilc.-iro a I'niiiu school, and if in oi-'.;ixiiizmg Biich a school we have violated any clausii of tlio constitution w,i will answer to the properly -jonstitiiU'd authorities. If we find it necessary wo can giv further particulars. Yours trulv, Fi;i:iIUCK FREEMAN. WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHi> DEALER. FLESHSRTON. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS, SHOES..SLIPPRES, RUBBERS, TRUNKS, ETC. SEASONABLE GOODS. REASONABLE PRICES. Custom Work Made to Order. Whi Baby was lick. w f*r-> When iba ww a> Child, she rrird (nr Cajitoris. Wan the tMx-amu HIM. ilie t-lung to C'ulorUL WbMMli* b*il fUWreu, shoglvaUuun CsstorU the last ton days 750 Jewish '.i.i'iln i li.ivi- life H.-nlit-.-in-lf, Russia. for Knu'.aiid, America and Australia. TAKE NOTICE ! General Feed Store. present to try aud discover upon what tt mis the KpeciineuD can bo Becurud for the In.stitute. As it is, the geutV inan who owns this collectiwn has dealt liberally with the Institute by donating a number of Bpcia)fci>* thereto, and hu lutine is to be found in the last-issued JiiBtitiito refwrt. In il.m wjllection there are ovu.r .inui we cannot toe ITV ;ec.pli to couie andinsjK'Ot them -. may mvir l:a\.j I'.uother op loltunity ol . ; the straii."' Kinuimof tlit i '.'d ;a)i!ii who oneu roaniul out ''- n '(. Tins portion of the txlnl-iti:."*. will U' free to all who ill, .nl U-e .iliow. Other uttractioim .1. lull.' ..;:iil :;.i Ve taiil 1" K.II , ixuUl.ili^ imilits to tl: tnott t, ru ii fun 1 ' tucceSH tlna UlllIT <-\l,II i i IIS Will, \\r llrlnXr, In- pl.iri i Kil.n-rt IlUt ill till' i b) I'ia.-,!, (in-y full sliuw, aud we would not be at all 8urprinod lo M I!H success this year prouonnced an |.lnnoiiKl.:,l. Thu greal "maHtodonic" exliibilion nt Toronto was officially opened on Turr-day by the Karl of Aberdeen. The success if tins inauiinoth t xlii) i- tion IIIIM Iii m pin niiineiml. nnd this year it pi-oiniaeH to outstrip any of its pn deccssora. Flesln i L maud vii'iuit v \viil .11 ml inoro tlui^ils usual quota of usilftrs tii * yeui , therefore it must ly IK % greater success than ovrr. If tin; Tronto [KMiplei would onljr re- rijir -; t" liy coming up to ours 1 ! . . i Artoi/icditi Council. ( < m i ,,. r i ni tin: Town Hall un Mon- iis\. -i ; . ull the inemliers present. \ inmiiinca'.jun was received from thn . li'ik i'f Alaik.V'fc asking prmissiou of \rtiine.iia Coiincil to issue delwntures for a sum of f 5,500 (r thu purpose nf I a ii:hool house, sa'd del>untini'H I nrvr a purind of twenty years. \ . 'iiiniuiiicntioii WM iixojvi'.l from ,1. \V. FiiKt, reiiuiMtiiiK 'he Counoil to re nubuiM Mr, Itunstadtler for the I.MS of ,-riiui, , ,;0. Thu the mualien did not MMI their way oluar to do. A committee <A vil'agvrt waited upon the Council to .]. \V. Front's coinmunication rr stadth-r's claim. Carritil. C ,111 -il adjourned. < 'ur .-i! I'nrrrfcp indent's ai rived jiut as we g 1 IWil >ot .\. 1 H.on; AL\\'A\S UN HAM>. sjior.i^ I-UAX. HKS PKEP, ETC. All al:i -MHSO. ATI kinJ< oJ Cfl'. C.inMfnl, Koll,.,l Whealr, ( Klo'ir. inul Salt Meats. ALL KIM > vV TEMI'KHATK 1)KINK.-. SHOP n-'xt <l>r to M. UichnrJison A (Vsv. R. PEDLER rLEBHEBTON. I'ltllll* T (lie KUtor ../' '/V,, I-/.. -", J>KAB Km, l>nriii<; the ilay-i a r. p-irt IIIIM bi-ou K" 1 " 1 ' ''"' loninls tlnit \\o wi-ii' ini|ilii- iii d in >h ii;iiL ii ,- 'Vn:n ::. n.all I'lrlianl un Ciillnif,'wo'>d 'itl\<r( 1 li'l vin;; to inie of our i-iti < . i d u vv nr- i -.- I inii'ici nl. . vr-. will rive publicity t > <>ut ,; , thron".'!! tlie columns <;l yum- vi.i , joiiiinil. \Vi> \i-n- p. i felly uw.ire tbai il trill \va^ placed ill tin' oieliai I and :i HI iitiin-1'.iiineil then- and our (jbji-cl in ^oini; ill \V;IH to nee lnW our ynini-; fi li-iid \\ irging In duty. To '"li sMvpri - \vi' t i in.l l.'in llt'tt/l I!" III It l:''lj"f I 'll> ' <. \\ I did in \Mihiii'.; tl." faith fh I ill'. i r wliieli \M' lool, lo nlir l.i U, I'! 'I- 1 l!ie l.'IK'i' illl.l l:i I'll' illll- WaS tu tin- i 01 in r, liaun-' , IIJ..YI d tin- jnli" witlior.l In. ui'. inn bhaii nl tlio Voin s 1 1 nlv. 'iV. HI I.I.AMY, M.\\ IMN I.AWrR. I. Floshortoii, Proton M in. ii Nuiiiliiy < ln.oi y.. tl,,' /;./,/.., ..' '. ' ; . - I>K\I: Sin,- Allow mi 1 , for tin- in fiii-iiiiiiioii of tlinsi( wlio siioulil Know I- 'I. : , to rial that our I in n Sun- day iSrli'icl has no coliiicrliivii \\ilh tin- B . Army iiny mmi> tliiin it In.s Mitli n. I',. -bvti inui or any othtT chill-till. 'I'lni I'll sbyti i I.LII preacher, u ti-u M. ^.ivr noiin' that u SIUH! iy Kcliool would In- or- ganizr.d \vitli Mr. Andy .Suwiut. for mipi'i inti i.iUnt, ami thai In: wi.slnxl it ili. linctly nmli rslnnd that it wnulil i.r u I'n-shjii inn sclioul. Now, M'. Ivlitor, the (.-rcat majority of ih,. l'i-opli> A, ii n: favor of a I 1.1011 Siin- iluy Scliool, inui a nu:oting uas calli-d Isat '1 r.L-sduy wril;, at which it waa iliinludto try and nnitu with the Presbyterians in a 1'niou school. Thu attempt was ineffoliial,and we organ- ized a Union school which niceta in tl,.- Public Hall. Tlio Halvation Annj hold their aorricei iii the game ciiMB ! COM! .-in i !!' i. - Vllr.i, i i.i^ : I HI . ^ I \l; M 'I UK bli; lUUHiii Tu be W-1J at K I. K S II K KTO N 11,1 Tues-.lar ainl Wnlm-wlaY r '.'a inui 'il. IH10 Tin t':i>t .lity "ill ' i ni-iipii'.l l.y jinl^r ,.f .irticb-K in tin' lull), wbi.h will t |" I, vitilurs at 4 p.m. A jjianJ M IMUAN Cl KI>.>l''lKS . in which then' are , \M -'i ' >p)luins . n i iMtri-,1 iroiu .. i.'i'iillriiiuii n, .W li- ,i, , n tbe Manit. ulin Uluii.l. .tn I iir> linn .bin.ili'.l to in Inst.tntu A riiii.l.i i ..I ihi|',:< u li.'ri bi . i-i- l.i'Iioi i. .11 I.,- .,rlli c uuiiiK .".i '.. -,... ,0, i I,. .1 iTHll tl lltllll' nl til' Kvllil'lllnll. 'I 111' Plllli'i 1 1- M I..I-. II. V.I I'. I, I , \lnlii'.'.l, iiii.l M it is :i |TH it.' "in- fill. in III! llk.-llll.i.'ll III'VI'I I'l M 'OfHMl'lu tl il,,. |. ill. '.< ii, 'am. I'., fill ti) M u I til ! - i iii it Ja\ nf * t v ; - I THIS SPACE to II. Trimble i Look out for announcement next week. mm LOOKI Tin- Kihil ili. 'ii ill Li' "i ut-.l ;it I i, p.m. on tin- srooinl iliy by N. I.\I:KI: \V..\I.I.AI >:. M Sii|inni' I M , -vi ..I tli.- i .i.unl I i.r iii itiM* -vt "T" f) j J {/ t t \/ .. .,r., ..-I,,*. / HI a K f- Y I n.... ,. ..,hi...;,^. I, L/4..1 \i_/ I , r lko>< k> wnte \ tn m ! emet rn mak* tmn of IIK,lll.\Nr> DAKOKRd Tliu ti-1. liinti I C.iUi|>U II l-'iimi y I . -i i. MI .iii.l tu ni\f un i \liilnt i, '.i i.( Iliul Uiill illilirm.,' \iltll l.i, i.|. . 'II. is.- lltll' I. .14 Ii \.- i'xl. il. it, il .1 ml lint largo uxl,il.i .n tin- l>. minimi INI,! , uu actual Will f >i-l lln f I'lliiblt. Flesherton, Wol Ih* flmrlk I^wl "I it* iMlk It i* (rtnd, doubU III, u,- ^(W^u )> t* ! .'? I -IT W* ,llllukoW *"hw TO MMbl . a i..l. of u>m*,tnm<*n,*t+. MAM) OOMPBTTTION. lii,-li |in:'.i'S I'l Jl.'i inul JIO nrn of irinl |..iii U in bu . i tlii'^roiiuil .ii I |i in , in, i lo pl.iy ut int,-i\ ilMbiin,^ llu-ufli niiH.ii. I'M TKsr dK hni;. > SAl>l'I.i: Sl'KKP OK llnKSKS. liiilni. un,!, r t>Hil4l<<. nnlililiK or limn-. In bi> jllilgril I Mt-i .1 , In , WlllL iroillnl III", '-'ill. tint; ill I ft* yi>n l>h':i i , I i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 .li 1 . I Inr^i'ii mu^t i i,um,lli\ liu IllliriK "1 tin- unoii-ty. I' ol |,n.. i >ti k 111, >iiii. I llie riUK tu cuuiiuvucu at 4 u'clout. p.m. UAll.WA^ .\l:i;v.\(i(v>IKNTS. I i. .m i .u,,i:,i. drixiini'vilki HIII) inter tin-, II. ilr .1,1111, us Uuuuny I'M l tiiamt MiUjli 1 I. Ill Si -I, l.ll.l 1 '2 \{'' : .,...! Ill ll-tlllll HHIUP ili'f liii'-.i:ii In.-,! rl.^s Urn aiul mm llnnl, Sr)Ai'inli<-i 'JMnl ituil 'Jll'.i, )juoil tu return H 'th. ISUd. TIlK M \MTOMA AMI SOUTH \VBST >:xHiiirr WILL UK TIIKUK. The attractions wift lie on 1 ami wiUiout la.f, ajiit will Kiliuct large cr. il if^lsitoia twill* aii.l tw uiib \u twi-ll III* ,UIUl'<T '41,11= I 1, IJOtS., SfJl.U 10. tl. THE TYPE WRITER. TKR wftB 7S i - mil *|5 f..r tbe SlimU' 4'H.iC Od*l1, w.iir.iiitid to do 1" Ili-i ik than .u, y niui-liinc inn b'. It i-n;ri. ii..-, -. ' i i-v ,\itli in 1,,-n IIT. i t. -, wear* loti^.'i' witti- imt i-i'rtl MI i. | I than .inv nilit'i iiuu-liiiii' HH;, un ml i .1.1 iii to liolb.-r tlio i I'riator. It i--- Mii\i. nil-kit 1 1'luti- I, in-rfei:! and ilu|ili il tu ull kimU nl t>i wri iki u i-intiii|,' prcsH, it piolnen sharp, i Iruii, li'^iblo immune ript*. Twi. er ten ^ can bo iniile .it on. writ in. 1 . Auy nii.-llipiil )'i r*i n van |UT,,IIH' no i.)'irati-r in two days. We offer M ,O4K> t" v i,|*rn- tor li,, i un filial ta* wurk nl the ~~ 4'aeOd-ll i.nulilf Ai'nts and SU|HMI 8|>i'lsl iiiiliiri'iunU to IV. For ~" factun'il. including M M<t*v,l t l^ r.'(A S The ',,(,/,. /V,.i'-ii / ,' '') "Hi/'l // . iff'../ The KO. ..I i|iuljtl*i uf these implemrrt ir.' -iitlieivniiv kDnnn iinw tn i-pek fi i ' tbelDsihi'i, without any i \t'n ,,riN frnd \nyli.i ly ri-.inn n^ iinp!ement in lliin linn Minil.l do well (,-> mine if u,.t nl,i'iiil\ no iii.unteil with tin in. Call i .< m and 1 ill ' 1 iiipv to I'xlntit the qildliti.'i i-f T* A. Iti,iki:Li. R M F I Ik* w ,,.! l'*f,;. , I WMlfMIB ... Mllb fas u<t I !! !. Oil t'KKAitft* OBDKLL TYPK M Ml IKK CO.. H aud 87 ..iL AM. Cllt ^0 |LL. 4>tok>Hw. >ki w> I -^l. .,.-.4 ,.,.!,.. I ,..,!,.!... HMIMM^wk^hv -U tmjtiut bM w4 Wt r>, .J f >WMw<MI^2k.'