Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Sep 1890, p. 5

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V THE FLESHERIOtf ADVANCE n A .VA'/.VO OFFICE Of EG. MITCHELL, FLESHERTON. -.il hknkint; li'niin toWMMMd. - - 1 ai*t ch:|iK'* cMhtil at uaual rateM. . i\ > atailable for logitiuiittii MulnM* :J. :.) iloorn nnrtli of liicharriaoii A Co'. Vicinity Chips. <'liara'tcritirs of the Past W>-k <':trcfiilly Cullrd for the furious. \V~;uivl A i|iiantity of dry stove w il. Apply to Jo*. Black burn. 1 ' .:; t'oiirt U in Uay (Thursday). session here to- Mr. f'olin McMillan !i;n opened out a .;:!. s'.iop in Promure. Farmers \n li :ir Meiiiity should L'i'e him a trial. Th.' i >pivy fail sh.'W will l> held :it Kev- i -'..uii ..n Thur.-. -'.">. Lar,<e : containing prisr* list have just . , ,.-.. ued from this nltice. f. .! Lucas, barrister, of the tirin , Lucnn, Owvn S.,unl, is lit the f Win. l.ii.-n A i'..., in M:\rkii.ue. Friday, ami in Duudalk every ; D :: i .: Mr. Armstrong's absence at Mr. W Armstrong will be act- n court clerk in Fleshertoii, he Uav.. . i, lev'aily appointed by the ..ties. .'. \V. Armstrong. K*|., leaves for m Friday t' l'i 'h* ..'.'iier.il conference of the church. H wil! l>e aliseut r I.- of .-.'k. M.irlulale Ix.ya * ere sumn. i ef..r.' the magistrate on Tin - day ' ' answer for trcKpasMr.i: in Mr. . .ulisnl. They sctt'.id the cam irt by paying coM ainoiintitu; . A you- from . was oiui >{ the victim*. >U. K,. r . . . -t that Satnr- - : iio hist Jay for trout huln.i^ M .:ul.-iy wo* tho tirt >i.y ''.r i'.ioiHin-,'. Wron.- ISri. Uimb-rt, I'n. ut lishing end* on Se| :i our turn two week* ago, but it i* . > this. r thanks arw duo and tendered the wry i.fS. (!. Agricultural society . coinpliiuuntary ticket to their show, which will be held the same days a* our - t. 'j:J and 24. The attractions .irown East Orey Exhibition are. lm\ve'.er, <" ^rea!. i*d tho crowd is x"- in;; to be so large that our interest* will n. t .'.dtnit of u* uaiiu' tho ticket. Th- Salvation army applied for per- ;... ii,- the Stri'ctsulle town hull, ivt-ro refused. T!u Review ay : . mcil did riijht ; wo don't want ur Town Hall turned into a sort of pan- i. nun and this air made hideous with (! h iwl of Cen. Hoot"'" slaves." \\'o 1 remind P.m. Fawcett that the word MHIIII means "t!ie place of abode of demons'' in other wonU. hell ; and !. -'.i\.-, (* appli.;d in this COM-, is ill chosen. U i* prety strong lan-ua-e I Christian u The nld fiirnuh ^ fit sul.ji-. . ition Army peo, corrected hist week only that we thought a few partridve nii<ht have their live* prolonged it w left it over for a week or HO. Partridge shooting com mencttd Sept. 1. Millinery. Mi (. Trimble wishes *o announce to her many patrons that she is in ;hn city tins week iiun-hartiis Hood* for fall, ainl will oive further notice next week M to Jobs to be Let. There will be let by auction on Satur- day next st 10 a. in. , several road job* .n l icre anil the station, in connec- tion with atraiKhtemni! and leveling the road. The funds for this purpose have li.-en raised by voluntary subscription, in the matter of which we will have some- thing more to say next week. Ripe Strawberries. Iti pu strawlwrries iu September are something phenomenal, and yet wo had a small feed of them on Tuesday, the tliouuiuiul donation oi Mr. Christopher Knott, of Kimlwrley. They were second crop, ripe, wet and luscious. We are .jiiito tiHrtial to freaks of nature in this t. and hope Mr. Knott's vine* may .ft her crop about Christina* timu. A Handsome Poster. The Advance has received miicli praise :'. r the handsome poster i(ot out at this , luring tho past week for the Eat lin-y Agricultural stniiety. Con*idcrina that th't entiravinu ami iirintin^ was alf done 1 y ua at home these piuiiet* are fl the in. re llattoiiii^ to UK, and we may S p.mloin I for feeling sliithtly proud rf ly person u!io !i : is <ueu it savs it is tlie P'.ont liaiu'soiue pure rf work poil)le outside of a city olficik be brought up with a jerk that will make their neck* lore and their pocket book* rub lides. T#- in- -ruon* Old Folka Conceit. uoort of ye o'nie;i time. .y.T> :i ye ..tiuineiits do .'.ve noiis t.i all ye who shall come to y t nviislnp ha'ile, in f KlesliHrhm, at earlie caudle liyht, \\ ;;ii-.-.;.iy. . XX1\" dav of . M!>i CCXC heare played and tun>; -on!;' of ye ; oil ..M, . tunes ami likewise HOIIV of ye worldiie s<ni^e of ye olden Ki-ii'.ay ' ' 1>K I I,,,- Ton in to wa-i a'-ut i- '"lies ,. Hfii S..uii.l, ' > 'n "- box cars haded with corn ami tioui ami u-.'. win. !i ii i.i brdtM !"" f ' '"' i ..... iti-oim; irei^ht. and wi'i-e I'oinuu' down the home u--ado at a fenrJul nto of speed. Immediately the emjiiu-er saw tho eii^iiu-len* train lunpp'.ieil the brakes, whistled danger, :< juinped' from his engine :u it camo to a stand.li'.l T!ie box cars run coui'!eioly 0:1 to t'n,' uin>iiio, badly dam:\u'in:; it and a nmilco.uli. Thn-e of tho freight cars wero burned and tho rot broken u;-. No one *a eriously injured, although a number of the passenxera wro IwiJy sliaken up. Resigned. Rev. T. W. twin, who ha* for tho pa*t rive yearn so ably tilled thu pastorate of the Fleshertoti and Piicuville linptUt cont;rc<;at?mi8, has temlered his rosit;- iiutniii, to takj elFect the hut of October. Mr. WaUon's many frit-mis hero have learned with regret '.hat he has found it iieces.sasy to i::..L thu i-han^e, as hi* n.fial and ministerial qualities are such that his absence will indeed he much felt. In every ynod Work he has U-en a hearty co-operator, and in the temperance cause no minister which F'eshcrtmi ever had, >t my ilenoininatiiin, ha* taken the samu deep interest that has Rev. T. Watson. Ho ia a member of the Sons of Tem- perance, aud what is more is a punctual attendant at their weekly meetings. where his absence will be most keenly felt. Mr. Watson* voice was always upon tho side of justice, and when wo ay that thu people of Fleshorton and vicinity havo not proper)}' ap^m-ciati'ii his worthy talents we mean every word we say, emphatically and blutu.ly. The above is our tribute toa ilepartiniruvntle- maii wlwiiii wo aro certain it will rmiurre more tlmn an ordinary mdividiial to re- phce. He hnw bea a :*rd worker for the church, with small .-art lily rumunor- atioth But perhaps dter all his reward will he more ample when tho Master of the Vinynrd settH** with His laborers. Personal. . Miss Daiutide :* \-isitii; s ' friends ill To- i-onto. Mrs. Jos. Kcster is visiting friend* rn Toronto. Mr. and Mr*. r^l!a-!l. of Teeswater, are tho quests of Mr. U. Mcl'ornuclt. Miss A. Ariiistroiii; left <;n Tuosil i visit fr.nil in Toronto and Ltind.ni. MM. W. Trimble and daughters re- turned homo from the Mauitouliu lam. wtx-k. Mr \Tui. Claik, of Toronto, is spen.i- i 114 a few days with his family in Flesh- ertoM. Mrs. .1. D. I lark o raturntil toiler homo in London on \Veiif.esdfty, liuvmt. time by divers re^ -nl knowing! j f u |) y r) . l .,, V( .reil from her recent dlucs. iitenne and la.:-" in.i well alullod uiaidons in ye costumes of ye olden days. Ve door will open at VII of yo clock. Look out for ye choicely printed programmes. We Decline. Several city weeklies aro olfermi; largo inducement* to sender* of the largest number f words made from the title* of their publication*. They desire the poor country editor to advertise their scheme. for which they will send their paper six months "to any inldru**." There i* no n.oney in this kind of advevtiini!, and' we for one have sourud on it. If there is money in it for the proinuter* they can ell alioid to pay for siwh advertising an they require, and our brotherly love tow.inls them is not so estuiuivo that we can in.i'ke a free donation of space for their benefit while our pocket book il siilf.-nn; for it^ just deserts. li is n 't particularly that we are on a hunt for hole*, but our attention hna buui d.-i'.vi to t!i- fact that a dangerou* : ivel lull just east of this villa,'". This excavation ha* lately been MI. i le for the purpose of 'juttim; biiildinv; sand and is in such close prox- imity to tho road tlmt a vehicle mi'^lit easily lv pitched into it on a dark niyht, with serious conseipiencc*. Tho men who have made tins hole should be ru.juested by the proper authorities to till it in. We simply draw their attention t it and trust thai it will bo looked after. A lat,> ehan^.-iu the ({<*' '-* w the opi-n !ea*i'ii f-r partridge from Oct. loth to l>oo. to. Sportsinon in this vicinity will ^votn tkemnlves ac,-ord- ingly and contnio their sport to rabbit*. theopi'ii season 101 I 1 "" I. [Klu-.!iei-tv.:> Advanoe. \Vo yon aro tryi.! to aniciiJ the wronij s'.a'-'K. Hi " Thuiiton. 1 ..... ' aaain ai-.d y. ti will seo that the ainonct- ment hw reference to tho export of partn.l^e and .ptai!.- Sholburno Eoon- i.mist. Wo stand corrected, but muU oliar^e K.ro. Keefor, of the StouUViK- Tribune, with leadiu* u astray. The lu-iu referred t > KV our local port* * Miss Frunc-s l?eecrol't till* accepted ; irix.d position in u CallingWDod inilUnery establishment. .-*lio left last week to talie the situation. Mr. T. L. Mulfat, of M'.lfat A; !*.n. Markdale, gave us a call on Monday. Mr. Moffat wa liuiuini; for workmen. Tho firm'* bumes is .^nwiiiK vary fast. Miss Maud Kicnunlfon interviowed tho niillinory peoplo in Toronto this woek, and will no doubt havo soiiu i tliii; .,00.1 in her lino to otFor Floshertoii ladii-s wii iti she returiiS. Mr. Root. H. \Vriht. son of Mr. Win. Wright oi the West Hack Lino, returned h.inu from Montana la*t week. Ho say* itis a wild, roui(h, miniiiK country where he wa* Deer L>de County and he prsfers-old Ontario still. Tn Metnoriam. The following letters explain th -m- aolves. \VhorM*ltlio* Iwi'ii the Mn^fi-'" will : nioT by .luaili -Mir Ini'iiitiHl Iiriittier, M. AkM*> - ..rot liuiiuin* LO.l "' uuttvK |i|niiio 1 UKlruft rowliilioii <>t .-"ii .loll'lieil to MrK.JllllllM.lt 111 IliT IMH.t.llt ; tiun l t lv to Kiiluml t. \\h, romUoii. iii liwIiiiUK wlUi Hl |M->|'ln h lHH)ll - ' <" , .nir . lid uou.loli'ii . -> i ..... ' , viii ' *(>l h> the ..:<& 'IHA I. 0.1, . I 1 . IMlllil wllilo W ...ii ,ui.l mil! Jliilly in til* groat lo* which >.MI!IA i wt> wmil.l ri'iniu.l yonthM it'imlio itivi:i<i-ill of u.'l of merer and : .iu.!thi>t \our ;<i it In him j.i>. lilim and Imppiiiww tin- >U';li.,ut .'tfrnity in that i;h>iiou* liamu licyoiul lii" Iwiindn of timu mill <|iaco. sn.lwp II.,|M- tlnit He, whoe loo is iiirtiiitu, will utiu t'.m allll -toil ..:.. uiKlvr this sorrowful trial, sml thut tlii.y my niuat In in for whom they uu inoiirii around tlm Motor's throue ia hoa.nn to tni! th soiii;s . * llio i i To tltf. Petty Thievery. To such an extent has the plum and applo slotliiiK bedii-carrieil on of lute in this vil'a^e that Ur. Clmstoe felt himself imj clled to ituo posters announcing that he wouid pay . toward of five dollar* for such in.Wnnttton as would load to tho conviction of thu pnitws concerned in it. It i* with a. feeling of shamo that we publish -,oh iwws as this. Fleaherton citizens have always K'en tho proud posse*.-*!.'* >f an enviable nuiiio for in- tegrity and uprightness, but some of the youner i;eneratioli with added years appear 1 bo aininu at Uto duslructiull of those ;.">. ..-i.ii . 'Ilio conduct of these individuals calls for sharp punishment if Ol1 ,. j , ami my family. ; i.isAH'.M, , lit 0,1890. .V-I*.'T .in-/ Vm*rs of L"t-il "IM.I-JC A"//,, .V.i. //!<>'. Wlion you pTesenteil to n:o qu Satunlav ov, n ing, tho Oth, jour rewilution of ooinioluiii'ii 1 WMKooverwlliilino.1 wiUl H mli.ni lini'vi in. -. nttioii that it wai imf>i>M>ihl for in. to .t my rtontimonts. Hut since, I have r- milviHl to thank you fur 1*0 i-xpionivn MIIM of kiii.liie-* r..:iv...l i\i ywit h!i.U> Iu u britf a man nor a* |K>uibla. In.. M-ai.'.rt.'itt it i with , t I recant vour actiou in 'in(l imirh tit to they can newspapers are i-iving tlieir run lo.-i information that "Heshrt..n is overrun with sneak thieve*." U i* not "overrun with them, for there are very few, but for the good uaino of the place and f->r the peato of the \ ei-ple, thoio few Even now outside ' thuri'hv aiiiuu: -.u- t-> l>-'r |.ai i.-titiy th* ar.tinn the ' "' "'"" '"'' '"''in '' '" i'vln8 my bvlovnd fathurfrom our nii.ikl It ;* with hi>artf<'lt ratituil llim 1 iin.h 1 1 '.,. 1. 1 tin. liu my tiiaukn lor y.Mii KMH.IIUUIII, winch will IK- to iu a memorial of uiy la; ilci'iv:i... father. Fiirthormore. I |iray tliat y. ur toolsty mk, . auJtbat the bl* sinf of UieJkN n i THE FALL RAINS ^ ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS WILL SHORTLY BE HERE. Get your Feet Protected With a good strong pair of Boot.*. The place to secure these is at JOS. SMITH'S. I have a large stock of ready-made boots on hand, of my own make, from which to rrmlce a selection, and if you cannot be fitted among these I will make you a pair for a very reasonable* i<;ure and guarantee satisfaction. Leather is on the rise, and you had belter order your boots now. Re- member the place, JOSEPH SMITH Next door to the Marble Shop, Flesherton. may .iwr erase to ba beitowm! ii|>on It. Youn 'ineen-ly. s. I,. JOHNBON. Ku n mia. 'Hii S t .|it*inl>or. IM). Our Magazine Offer. The nio.u'iii magazine may ha taken o-s embodying the best literature .1 the world, iu the magaziuo editor pays the highest prico to novelists, scienti.-i>. statesmen, .-...l.'.urs, and even knu-n and priiii-ei, for tho best they can furnish in the literary hue. Tho woll-eillted ina^M- /.ino lieciunes all educating influence in nnily circle. whvs ini| rtancc auted. Tln-ehildivn< a* they 4 row up, are attracted by iu ,lln.- ii.i'ioiii, and so cuinn in time to havo a taste for reading. Tltero i* always -'Miettiiii',' that is new, something that u -trance, some! hill", thut is mt >re'.g - and we consider that we are ikiiu s ' our leaders i positive Iwnutit if wo are in- strumental in placing such a publication within their reach. The special arraugu- muiit which wo have made with tin imipoliun present* vory unusual induce- iiH-nts. Tlimt iimira/.uio is already ro i o^nr/.ed : oliw of thu most publications- of the day. It is subscribers anil ohi.timng tliom. Tho proprietor* believe tlu.t thu Cusniop.ilitau liiut only to be examined to secure, it per- in.iiieiit subscriber. 'Hint is why wo am enabled to make, if the .rtfcr is no- rc;iied befnro January next, such a very low rato, by which our readers can ob- tain tho Cosmt >puli tan at a very small price. Just think what the c.imlnfiation mi ins ! You obtain your >n Innne journal at about the regular price, and linvu tluwii in a iiiaga...nio which giveH you, in a yoar, lojjfi', pages of reading matter by the ablest writers of the world, including over 1,1500 pages of illustrations thut aio unsurpaased in point .if interest and execution. Will it nut pay you to send a subscription to this office for The A.lvuiico and tho Cosmopolitan immedi- ately ? Kemombur, only 9-.f>i for '.he two. New- F otatoes, Old Potatoes. Get yoar Flour, Feed, Y - etables, Confections, etc. From H. C. LEGARD IrnUr in ail v.ni! rtf frtilU, suiif 1 good*, cool- iui( Hummer <lrmk. uto. in: CI:I-:AM ALWAYS ON HAND. Strain's Block, Flesiiertcn. ATTENTION M.I --'. -I i sroNrJt (ill! Y .in tin. - it tin- I Mr. l.i-oimi I \Vnl-, in, Mi I'liarli-. K.hvitr.l Sti.ui.i ti> Mii X'liin- Inn -niii (ii.->. iMih.'f Dliiuialk. NEW ADVKRTISKMKNTS NOTICE. s tic.' -a lien In HIM n th.vi I will" |.a\ !> v mj wn ' . ii.il a minor MiU K'AMIIH '"-tou it!u>iil any juvt can**. JOHN 8o|H 4. IWO. I iksite to draw tho public tion to the fact that I havo opened up iu Flcshertom* >=w TAILOR SHOP in Armstrong's Block NEXT $ DOOR TO THE JEWKL15V -*r- Clothing Mais .: A i' MAIL CONTRACT. I'o-t SKAI.KD TKSDKUS. iul'lr.'wn> to thr :lm>ttir (iiMictrtl. will 'M iltlit^ft UDtll noon, Friilay, ITtli Oet.ihi r I'.M. u tin- 01. . i.r M, r \1u],.st\ - Mlvllr.. Illl i'l.'JK>i I'outract for four yuaiii from tlif lr-i .Uiuimvv 1. llntwnon FU-shorlnn and railway v >ctj .1 'Jl times II.T wei.k nach WA> ' i- i Kilalo an.) rai;f.j;.;tMioii - l>i>. \\- i>k i ai-h way. 1'rinii'il n,,ii,'< i aontalnlnM further In- formation AH to foil, 'I I.' I- H |ll..],0*.('ll cimtrai'i tims bo HIHMI aii.i *. > -n* i. ne 1 nl th.. n I liiV ihliil .t Uli'i utllt:ii. ' KtiHll.il-.l. I S. ).t . |NU>. U A. I.UM-ICT . . A hailstorm i\1 tK>vil's !ala % . 1'nkotn, '.i;i ruined all thu crops in that district which were sparud by thu drought, and it i said that the destitution tins winiir ill lx> <"*io, than last. ' Your wn material uitulc up and stria and fitguiuunt . .1. DOXE TO 111)1: If P. A. BAKER, Pra ',ii-al Tailor Pull Sho\\s. E.IHC troy, at Floshoi !f, SrrM { and 44. 1'i.iton, at Uun.'alk Oct. 7 ami ' (.li.iuilB at Mftrhilalf H-|.t M Ai uuio.ia. * l'rkvillr. Uct 14 (iinl 1?. . .

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