F ; TUB -I HI K K Kf< OKI). M.U>lf> ( *rw OB i ha M. Y.C.-l*e Ch>*) H witch meaVa Mrlkn. An Albany despatch > : Tbe rituation of the urike on the Dtlaware A Hudson this; The Scheneotad) yards were lo de manned with a (all force ot day and nigh men. The yard* Ureea I sited hv been similarly manned lor the last tw days. In the Limber street yard in Ib oily ber u a complement of day me at work, bat DO tight force whatever. 1 the Charoh itreet yard about half the oiaa number of day band! are at work, bat n night force hai yet 'been aecured. Chi Pinkerton olaimi freight train* bave bee toned for the last tew nighls at the patted through Eaet Albany. He laid tw ihoti were fired at a train passing tbroug there at I'l 40 tbii morning. Mr. I'mki rf. bai informed the chief of polio* that if th work ii not stopped there will be troubl and be will not be held responsible. Btuineti on the Central Koad, to all oat ward appearance*, is being transacted though DO itrike wai on or had ever oc oorred. At the linkers' headquarters the ay the iitaatiou to day ibowi DO miene change, but that they feel juitil: d claiming the advantage from the fact tba their member* present firm ana deter mined a front ai ever. They were jubilan when they learned that tbe Stale Board o Mediation and Arbitration bad decided > investigate the can*ei which led to th trike. They lay tbe investigation will no be finished, at the earliest, until Mr. 1 '.]>! returns, when trie trne facts of tbe case oa thus be laid before him. Knowing th tenabiluy of the position they have take: they ire firm m the belief that their oause will be substantiated by the investigation and knowing the decided views Mr. Dene' has heretofore expressed in the benefits I be derived from arbitration tbey expect needy settlement of tbs oonlrovsrsy afte hi* return. TUB c Illi A'. ii TROUBLE. A Chicago despatch ta>s : Twenty-seven switchmen in tbe employ of the Lake Hhor Railroad mro-k last night, uoinpletely tie ing np all the business if the road so far a Chicago is ooooerred. The trouble growi out of the Block yards difficulty. Bupt. Marden took a urew of men down to Ihe sicck yards yesterday afternoon Just before reaching there the men ij and left their i ngmps ttaoding on the track Borne lime afterwards another crew wai started, bat it abandoned the engines a forty-third street. VVImn the mgbt ehif oaroe to go to work they learned that Hunt Amaden bad discharged all the men wn bad left their engines. They immediate!; held a meeting and tbe men in tb yards a Twelfth street, Forty third itreet am Englewood walked out in a body. Agemra meeting was called at Ibe corner of Hut) third street and Indiana avenue, and a com monioation was drawn up and addreneei to Kupl. Ain.iii n, in which it was mated thai the men would reiorn to work when those who had been discharged were rein stated. Amaden replied that tbe men hac been discharged fur n Inning to psrform their duties. A strike was at oi.oe de olared. The switcbmsn held a meolini to-day at which Hupl. Ainsden was presen and explained the oircuiniitaiices under which the night force struck and anked tbe men whether they intended to htand by the oompany or the strikers. Tbirly-four o tbe sixty men present signed a paper agree, ing to stand by the company and lu go to work. 'I he remainder decided to side ith the strikers. Two engine* were senl tc Pa. kmgton to do the work needed there and the remainder are at work m the Lake Hhore yards. THK XTO< K HKI'M SIKIkl. There is DO parliuular change in the situation at the stock yards. Hvurything is ijim-i, and tliu engines, manned as th< y were yesterday, aredumg whatever work it needed. There are DO switchmen in the yards There is no change in matters at tbe Chicago A Alton yard. I i<v I lu loluriflu. A Dallas, Col., dospaloh says: The stage running between hem and '1 ellurnle was held up Monday by road agents near Haske.ll. Nothing valuable was secured excepting what was possibly m the n-gis tered mall. There were but two of Ibe robbers, both young men and masked One was diussed In a luit of dark blue, the other in a dark coat, checkered veet and dard pants. They were armed with four revolvers and a Winchester rifle. David Wood, proprietor of ihe stage line, he offered a reward of WOO for the arrest of either r buili ..t th* tol.ours. There is no doubt iliat their ODJeet was to secure Ihe retorts from tlu King gold mine, eleven ul which were sent out Monday morning, but by a different route. There is a stroD|| nspioioii ibat the rubbers had confederates hers. Tbe value of tbe retort* was over 1*0,000. riitlit Ar(um*uU In UuugrrM. A Wasliingiiin deapati h lays : In the House to day filibustering against Ihe Lard Hill was continued. Ihere was a scene, occasioned by a remark, made by Mr. Cannon, which was interpreted by Ihe House as vulgar, and in a personal oontiu versy during us diffusion Mr. Beokwiih (New Jersey) (truck Mr. Wilson (Washing ton). There was great excitement, the Democrats taking some enjoyment oat of the scene. After quiet had bean restored, Mr. Cameron disclaimed the vulgar oon Mrnction placed upon his remark. Tbe House adopted a resolution directing the Hergeenl el Arms to arrest absentees and revoking leaves of absence except those granted for illness. In Ihe Uenate the Tariff Bill wai taken up and lome | rogress was made. If bad example* were ilowly followed a* good, what a one thing it would be I A clever swindli r has been doing Florida. He guranlees to ri<l oolton fields of oaler pillers and on receiving hi* fee usually $.i he goes from stalk to stalk hunting for the " king <:alt rpiller." 1'resently finding a big fat fellow, he hang* him by a string to a tree. He then tell* the credulous farmer that the strung up inxeot will die at unset and that then all tbe other cater- pillers will leave the plaoe. In only five Stales nf the I'nion can a teacher legally (log a pupil. / Uy' Weekly .s'./ml is responsible for the statement that " Mr. J*me Brown Potter hsH obtained a divorce from the lady who gave up society to reform Ihe lage." HI .v WOR. ii <* i .1 r n. i, .1,1. Bcetta T/onawaod The Pupil latlea Arou<l A Tonawanda, N.V.,deep*toh ol Thorn day lays : The lumber oily has bad tlsve fires within the past twenty -four boars, al presumed to be of inoendiarv origin. Tb Lumber Association nil offered a rewar of 11,000 for the apprehension of the iooen aiary. List mgat, about 11 30 o'clock Dodge's planing mill was discovered to be on Ire, and in rapid succession for the nei two hours tires were found and extingoishe in numerous plaoee, including Kent's. Ho Usher's, Has* A Go's, and Holland Brui lumber yards, J. 8. Bliss' sbingle factor and twice cars on tbe Central tracks wer set afire. To-night a Central fireman passing through tbeTonawanda Company' lumber yards, saw a man running batwee the piles. He stumbled, fell, arose an disappeared. Tbe observer could DOI se him distinctly enough to identify him Almost immediately tbe fire deparlmnn was called out to subdue the flames in th lumber pilee cf that yard, and twent minutes later fire broke out in another par if the yard. The whole population aroused. Watchmen are redoubling thei vigilance, and if the firebug is caught he i likely to be roasted on his own pyre. 1 Mr BTKaM.KI) I I I M' \ -I . Wll I- Very Hadlr Damaged a. probably l*> a Total Lou. A Halifax despatch say* : Tbe Fumes line steamer L'lnnda, from Hi. John to Halifax, to load for London, which sailed from Ibe former port at 5 o'clock last even ing, struck on the Cow Ledge, Una Mend, at tbe entrance to Grand Passage on Ihe Freeport side, at 11 o'clock las night during a dense fog Her bottom i reported gone from bow to amidships am the water flow* in and oat the torwerc compartments. Tbe engine-room is dr and ibe after part of Ibe (hip floats high Bhe ill in all probability prove a tola losu. Tbe 1'luuda U a splendid Clyde built iteamer of 1,161 net and 1,76'J gros tonnage. Hhe i* only 5 year* old. Her lingthi* 'i~~> fret, breadth M> feet, am depth of hold 23 feet. Her engine* are .'00 horse power. Bhe ii a rister ship of the Furness line Damara, tbe two steamer being built originally for the Halifax Hleam Navigation Company, and plying between London, Halifax and Boston 1 hey passed out of Ibe company's baud ml into tbe possemion of Chrislophe Furness several years ago and have since been enga^od in the direct Locdon servioe of thst line. 1 he steamer wss worth abou 126,000 I'ln NUT i nM r lun., .in. I'. Offer to Marry the Vounj Woiiiau Win. Would Makean A<uiln With Him >.ii Arreptad. iu'lh Colwell, a handsome balloonist ol llirminghani, Coon., anooucced some weeks ago that he would marray any yrmni women who would go up in a balloon with him at the Foresters' | i.-i.n- In Id il i re last Halurday. He reoaived many aooeptanoeH mail, but made no choice. He attended the picnic and bronght with him a minis ter. When Ihe hrnr uamu for the ascension ihe announcement was made from the grand stand that Ihe balli'ouisl was rtad) o oarry < ul his agreement. Culwill stood ivside his Balloon with an anxious eiprea ion on bis face. I'ivery oeok lu the crowd was craned to are tbe young woman who wished to win a hntband at such a prioe. ['en minutes peseed but no yourg woman came. Ho the balloon wa* cat v. anil p went the would be husband, and the tanrl played " Annie Laurie " and" Tli iirl 1 Left lit him! Me. " A TKHKOKI/.KIl TOWN. IfMiiK ol I n. , n,l i., i i, i'aui 1 i.. ul. !. In ii Michigan Town. A Chih'iygan. Mich., despatch says: .'he ciiy is terribly excited by an apparent llein|,l lo wipe out Ihe town by a gang of noendiaties. Pri |n-rly -owners are palroll ng their possessions armed with revolver*, in. I all tin men aud police are constantly n call. Yesterday six lues were started, iul were extinguished with slight damage, i'bls morning a fire started in Patrick Maloney's barn, which was burned with us tents. At 11 ii'di - k this morning fire wai din mvi-red m several parti of Thomp on, Hmith A Hou's warehouse. The tir.-il remen were unable to cope with the ames, anil before Ihe fire was exlmgiiiubed he big warehouse was oonsnmed. Ihe fact hat fires were sot where Ibi re wai every hence of their devastating tb town hai nduced the ctl'iuials lo appoint a large umber ot deputies to palro the towu lunm an ii almost at a ilaudstill, ami de ermmed men are watching with oeeneleai figilenoe the more dangerous fir*- traps. n.-.i Front Trial llnlv tu i.e Hilled. A 1'hiladelphia despatch says : Btephen )eok, ao old man living in Hi. (Hair county, II., jumped from a passenger train whili t wee going at full speed near Holmeburg Inii. lion to-day and wai killed. He was ooonipanied by bin young daughter, and when the child saw her father leap from he train she ran after him and alao innped off. Hhe was so badly injured that be died soon afterward*. They were bound or Hamburg, and had over SH 000 in their settsion. Inspection of the man's papers bowed that Beck had been held in tHOO iail for fulonloos auault npon a little girl, 1 1< i that he had given a ohe<|ue to his nondsmen to cover Ihe s mount and then repared to flee the country. There wai a irong smell of whiskey on Ihe corpse. Mm! His Own rather. A Hillboro', 111., despatch sayi : onathan Hart Groves owns a large water- melon patch and has a chrnuic fear of the melon thief. Monday night he loaded a ng duck gun with a heavy charge of shot lid gave the weapon to his 12 year-old son nth iiiHiruolious to watch the patch till ay break and to shoot anyone he saw in it. 'he old man wondered if Ihe boy was dead gamo " and whether he would ruallv boot. Jonathan dressed himself and neaked into Ilia melon paloh. He wai just n the point of devoniing a lusoiouu im Ion when th* boy emptied both barrels into tbe Id man's body. He may die. Lady Churchill, formerly Miis Jnnnie erome, of New York, wife of Lord Kan olph Churchill, ha* given birth to a sou, ic third since her marriage in Hi i. HG OUT8 OFF HEADS. The Ghastly Occupation Frenchman of Noted TO RILL, WOW KM. HB L>IXLIKI The guillotining of i h,- miscreant Vodable the other uioruing aod tbe talk of tbe same operation being ere long performed on K) ratal hate once more made M. Deibler prominent in the chronicles of the day, say* a correspondent of the London Glulie. A great deal from lime to tune tas bet- n said about tbe Public Lxeuutioner of France, but still more remains to be told. He wai alwayi an interesting ptronage in ihe ejts of tbe Parisians, auu perbapi this is why bis pom is so eagerly sought after. Tbe last time il txceme vacant uo fewer than 3,000 aspirants applied for it, and wheu M. Deibler retires Irom the profession Ibe number will no doubt be still greater, lhal ibere is a weird attraction about it U proved by tbe confessions of all those who nave filled it, and Ihe attraction is farthernioie in- creased by tbe official title of the berth, I'Kxeouieur del ileutei (Kuvrei, which is high sounding enough to Matter anybody's vanity. Lot it be recorded at once, however, Ibat Ihe present holder of il bears hi* honors with oommenda- ble modesty, and is DO! above being interviewed like any common mortal. Hence I was abie to approach Dim after the last execution. M. Deibler never court* popularity by parading himself in public. No sooner has be done his duty than, leaving fail assistant! lo take down and clean ibe guillotine, he withdraw* from Ihe prison by a back door and re- pain uuperoeived to a small wine- shop in tbe Hue Polie-Krgnau.lt, where be takes a plate ol soup before going home lo his family. His two aids, having carefully packed up lee buis de jostiiu and deposited them in a abed let apart for the purpose, also repair to tbe same wine shop, and tbe three to- gether compere note* as to the way in which the condemned prisoner underwent his punishment and was put out of tbe world. M. Deibler then calls for a cup of ocffee, aod rolling np a cigarette, proceeds to chat with tbe customers, who are anx- ious to learn all about tbe last moment* of the deparied criminal. line is Ibe moment to observe him. He ii a man who looks much younger than he ' a fact wbioh show* that hi* Ingnbriou* calling does not weigh heavily on bis mind He i* on ihe road to f>0 but nobody oold think him to be more than 40. lie i* of rather small Mature, thick let and muscu- lar, in spite of an intirsuity from wbich ie sutlers. Be dresses in black, with im- maculate linen and hi* whole get up would : . most appropriate bat for a heavy gold chain and big breast pin. At first sight iu face has a savage air about it but when you txamine him closely he improve* aud ie ihiu a| pears lo you in the light of a ypioal bonuomme. His eyes are nod end it times roguish, lit- is food of bis juke, bat lis laugh ha* a strange ring about it, and gives a Hind of unnatural sxpreesion to hi* countenance. One odd feature is a small rough lull of beard or barbiche, into which a few white hairs have crept, ana which clashes with his otherwise gentle mien. Hi* mice, loo, is peculiar. Uomeliines it is iamb, al others caressing. He talks slowly ami timidly, a* if he were afraid of oom- iromisiug nunself. To sum up, he i* a urtousuharacler ; a mixture of tbe tender- i-artrd father of a family and the iiexorable messenger of death a man 'ho has two lives, bis home and tue uilloline. " Ho you wish to know how Uodable be- av.il niiust If ?" began M. DelblU "Well very well, united 1 should like to bave i Ii men always He was one of the pluck - usl I ever had 10 operate on. He bore up o Ibe lasl second in ihu nu.l heroio style. 'ity Ins courage was spent ID crime. ' U hat about I'ran/uu ? ' Ho was ihe very reverse. Tbe papers aid he tiled bravely, but lhat was nut true. la trembled all Ibs time, and wheu he eacbed the guillotine he nearly fainted way. Altogether, he was a sorry fellow." Evidently M. Deibler admire* criminal* bo do not show the white feather ; this > him ii their crowning sin. (jueslioued I to a female conviot on whom be will soon have to exercise bis skill in the pro luces, he said : "1 am fond of travelling ; t reliavei my mind aod strengthens me to work , but I dou't like to have anything to o with women. It U a disagreeable task ['hey cry ec nun h, kick up tuoh a iQise and give themselves suoh airs. Xbe onversalion then turned on Kyrau*. "I upposn he will be handed over lo me in a ew weeks, more or lees. Home parsons ay no but I feel certain ot u. He will iobly deserve bie fate. Uabrielle Bom iard, however, will probably escape Ihe i. if. By tbe way, 1 don't like you ourualisl* ; yoa are not always reasonable. or example, where you say I am too long boat my job, whereas in re- lily I do all I oan to get hrough it ipeedily But I cannot isk losing my plaoe to please you. Sup- posing 1 tailed aud made a mess ot tb* xiicniion, it would create a Hc.an.1al at noe. 1 am not always sure ol my aaaiiit uts. I am obliged to watch them. Wlu*i AV UII WELCOME IMMIGRANT Fhilllpseo, the Copembagsn Hordsrer, Captured at tw York. ESCAPED FROM AN ASYLUM. (New York Herald.) A horrible murder was committed al Copenhagen, Denmark, last tpring. It wa* made pnolic when IDe mutilated body of ihe viulim wa> I. nnd packed in lime in a barrel in ibe Uiiied titaui Appraiser's store* in Ibis city and ooDsigLeo to some fictitious personage in a Western btaie. 'Ihere is LOW dtlaiDed ac tbe Barge office one Alexander Phillipsro, who is xnp- pcied to be tbe (ersoti who committed ibis nendish crime, and who is held a prisoner awaiting a.'.vice* from the authorities al Copenhagen. Pbillipsen arrived here on Friday last on the Nor- manuia. acccm^anud by bii wife and one child. He is about 30 years of age. His eye* are deep black and piercing. He is below the average heighl aud rathi r slender. His appearance indicates that be is pus- sensed of some means. Tbe details of Ihe crime of wbich Phillipeen is accused are briefly as follows : One Q. Meyer wai the collector for a large nxm al Copenhagen. It was his babit, un most occasions, to oarry large sumi of money on his person. This fact was known to one Adoll Pbillipsen. One nifchl Pbillipson invited Meyer into a room al bis hotel to have a drink and a good time generally. 1 here the nnfortu oale Meyer was strangled and his mati- leled remains packed lu lime and shipped to this country. The object of the murder wai mooey, bat, M it happened, tbe murderer only got sixty crowns for bis horrible work, which was all tbe money tbe victim had on his person at tbe time. Headers of the llrrn i will remember the details of tbe ghastly discovery made at Ibe Custom House when the becked body of the murdered man wa* discovered. The barrel in which Ihe corpse was shipped wai brought lo this country on a steamship from Denmark and seized for duties by ihe customs cfficiali. Alter committing the murc.fr Phillipsen set fire to his house in order 10 collect ibe insurance. He then fled lo Hamburg, where he wai arrested and taken back to Copenhagen, where be wa* locked up charged with arson. In jail 1'hillii seu confessed to the murder of Meyer. He was tried, adjudged insane and committed to an insane asylum. At Ihe lime of the murder K. C. Jacob- sen, now a bartender at ihe Hotel Den- mark, No. i4 Greenwich strtel, wa* stop- ping in Copenhagen on a visit to some relative*. He claim* lo bave known both Pbillipeen and Meyer intimately. When Jaoobkonsaw Pbillipeen in ib.ec.Bioe of tbe hotel yesterday morning be approached him aud said, " Is not yoar name Phillip- sen '.' " " Yes, wa* tbe response. " Adolf 1'tulli t sen ?" " No, Alexander." Jacobeon onoe more looked at tbe man closely, and, a* he states, became convinced ibal be was Done other than Adolf Philip- sen, tbe murderer of Meyer. Tbi* fact be com mu moated to several people about tbe hull I. one of whom repealed ihe story lo tbe authorities at ibe Barge office. When 1'hillipsen called at the Barge offioe yesterday morning to get his baggage be was atked for bis passport. He pro- duced a certificate signed by " tiigne," at Copenhagen, who is, Pbillipsen says, Chief of Police there. He wai then called before General O'Ueirne, who questioned him as to his autecodeuts. He is, be said, a manu- facturer of chemicals, ami hai alao been connected with lint dry goods business. He viniiwi thii country about eight year* ago and remained here a year. Me kuew about Ihe. Meyer uiurder, but strenuously denied that he U the Phillipsen referred lo. He said tbal he bore no relation whatever to V l.ilf Pbilllpsun, although be has been told Ibal be looks very much like him. ll will be remembered lhat at the time of the trial I'billipsen's friends used every mean* lo bave him ac judged iuaai.u, and thai when, this ubjeci had been aooom- p Itched it was rumored that a large, sum money bad been raised lo secure bis re- lease and bave him transferred to Ibis country. Jaoobson teelified al Ihe Barge Ollioe yesterday that he positively identified I'm! ipsun as tbe murderer of Meyer. He rum. inhered, he stated, a peculiar delect in Pnillipeen'i speech, which failing tbe prisoner also bad ll is not unlikely, asMflt of Newspaper Tralui ,, L - I believe I bave done everything wi 3 an editor or poblieber ever ha* to do, i 4 i directing wrapper* up to writing -,t biography of a president within an b after hi* death. Thii means, if the lrs n ing be continued through many yean life, and il one be under a good 'chief , M one gain*, of necessity, the ready use,. lea*t, of hi* own language. We newap in- n may write English very ill, but' write it easily and quickly. Bo lhal 10 a*, who have been in tnis businesi, there is something emaainic lo hear a clergyman say that he occupied a week in oomrnsiog a sermon, wbich was, at tbe outside, thirty- five hundred worde in length. One oan understand abnolute inability to do it at all, bat no newspaper man nnderstand* how a man, who oan do it, oan upend thirty - ix hoars in doing il. If yoa have to srnu "oopy" upstair*, hour after hoar, with a boy taking tne slips from yoa, one by one, a* tbey are written, and yoa know that joo are never to see what yoa write until yoa read it the next day in tbe paper, your oopy will be pupolu- aied carefully, written carefully, and il wili be easily read. Tbal is one thing. An- other thing goes with it. You will form the habit of determining what yoa mean to say before you say il, bow far you want to go. and where yoa want to stop. And thi* will bring you to a valuable habit of life to stand by what ha* been decided. Napo- leon gave ibe same advioe when he said, " If you set out to take Vienna, take Vienna." For these reasons, I am apt to recom- mend ' oang men to write fur tbe press early in life, being well aware that Ibe babit of doing this has been of use to me Kibfitni Krtrelt BU tit the September Why. The Valley ttla**. Think of iix men chained to a bench, naked a* when tbey were bora, one foot on the stretcher tbe other on tbe bench in front, holding an immensely heavy oar (fifteen feel long), bending forward lo the stern witb arms at full reach to clear tbe back* of th* rowers in front, who bend likewise, and then, having got forward, shoving up tbe oar'i end to let the blade catch the water, then throwing their bodies back on to tbe groaning bench. A galley oar sometimes pulls thus for ten, twelve, or even twenty hours without a moment's r**t. The boatswain, or other sailor, in such a itreei put* a piece ot bread steeped in wine in tbe wretched rower's moalh lo stop faulting aud then tbe oaplain sbonta I ha order to redouble ihe lash. If a slave falls exhausted upon hie oar (wbioh often ohanoes), be ii dogged till be is taken for dead aud then pitched unceremoniously into tbe sea.--,m" THe. llurb.iry Curiuir, ;> hy Stanley L,ine Pool. bey have laid Ihe condemned man on thr lilting boar. 1, I arrange hi* position in my urn, and it is not till I see Ibat he ie all igln that I let tbe kuife drop. It ii a serious affair, you know, and I am bound o lake precautions to avoid mishap*. I lope yon will remember this in futare and o mo justice." Having delivered himself f this mild rebuke he returned to the mmediate subject of Ihe interview. " I o not, as some people imagine, tee th* riconer when he is woke up for the last ime by the authorities. I wait in the djoloing i-il. which i* called the salle de nil-lie. 1 am not curious to see him If were not in Ihe profession 1 should never i. m of going out ol mj way to witneis n execution, for it i* not a pleasant light y any mean*." Mis* Kroslii|iie I broke ray mirror ie oih i day auu 1 can't see myself when therefore, that this is really Pbillipsen, the murderer ol Meyer. If suonshoul I be Ihu case it must have taken some powerful iutlueuoe to have secured bis release from tbe insane asylum where he bad been oonfiued. The I'hillipeen al the Barge Uttiue shows DO signs of insanity, which is about tbe only thing in hi* favor. The Barge Office authorities will holil PbUlipaeii a prisoner (tending au inquiry. They will telegraph lo Mr. Blaine and have him oable to our Minister at Copenhagen to ascertain whether Ibe Phillipsen who murdered Meyer is still iu the asylum to wbioh he was consigned after the trial. Phillipsen's baggage was senl, a* he laid, to No. Ml Baltic itreet, Brooklyn ; but No. Itfl Baltic street is not the residence of hie brother, a physician, a* he informed resting." Fon.l wife I am to glad you have that aim nf walking in yoar slevp. Devoted ubby Well, I can't for the life ol me ate hy. Explain yourself Fond wife Why, made you carry ihu baby for hours lau ight, aud you diU not know anytime boot it. the police uf this city. No. 1U1 is a three story house, with a basement, and u rented by a Mrs. Holley, who lids out furnished room*. I'liillipsen, his wife and their child arrived at Mr*. Uolley's on Friday night. According to what the landlady lay* they were the first Phillipsens who had ever been iu her bouse, so that disposes of " my brother, the physician," part of the itory. Mrs. Pbillipaen told me that on their arrival in New York they went almost ilirt'utly to the Hotel Denmark, on Green- wich street, where they stayed a few hour* and then wi nt lo Brooklyn. Pbillipeen hai asserted thai he wai not al the Hotel Den- mark. Mrs. Phillipsen did not know lhat her husband had been arrested, and knew nothing whatever of Ihe murder of Meyer. Mrs. iloll.-v said Phillipsen had informed her thai ho had letters of introduction to several prominent people in New York and Brooklyn, aud among them one to Ueueral Christenstn, of the latttr oily. General C'hrislensen laid last i.ight that be had never leen or heard of Phillipaen. U iiubay Ovatora. The very newest thing about town ii tbe Bombay oyster." " The " Bombay oyster" isn't an oyster at all, of course, bat this is the name Ibat has beon bestowed on it. It il a composition sufficiently common and simple lo please Ihe lean and larded purse alike. It i* nothing more than an egg dropped unbroken into a tumbler and deluged wilh vinegar and sprinkled witb pepper and salt. It i* oontumed alwayi before breakfast and by a great many sporting men in the oily. One ot its effects ii to counteract the evil tendencies of overdrinking and over- eating. Borne stout men like a " Bombay oyeter" in the morning and eat nothing again antil noon. For a bilious stomach it i* Ih* finest kind ot a remedy. i!nti<m Ulobt. " Ueoorah nj .. j a Uhoct Nounailuu. A Cedar KapiJs, Mich., despatch say* : A Daunted house i* exciting tbe people ot tbe city of Deoorab, and promise* to die- oloee a tragedy of the darkest kind. The house wa* occupied by a young woman and a man named Johnson. The woman gave birth to a child, which wa* disposed of by some means as yet unknown. Shortly after thii a woman's oreams were heard in the bouse, and from that time no one hai been seen or heard on the premises. This wa* Ihree months ego. The household good* remain autouohed. It ii thought by Ibe authorities that both Ihu woman aud babe were murdered by Johnson. An apparition has been Men, it i* alleged, by a number of the belt people of the city, large crowd* congregating near Ihe houee nightly. An, investigation is being made. It ii about as absurd for a pttrsou to ven- ture into deep water witbout knowing how lo iwim as it would be to jump off the roof of a house without knowing how to fly. The new Britieb army nilo oarriei a small ball consisting of a steel shell filled with lead, and i* said to oarry " wilb a cer- tain amount of accuracy, " a distance of two mile*. What a weapon il would be in the hands of trained ubarpeooter* ! James Fraiser, wao excused from jury duly at Philadelphia Ihe other day on the ground ihal he was over 7i"> yean of age and had shtkeu bands with Lafayette. -With clock* on every tide watches are no longer regarded as essentials. Scientists have decided that the mos- ijnile can transmit yellow fevor and malaria by punotnre witb his little bill. They might bave added that Ibe moaijoito oan alao cause profanity. .4 Lcasoo In Arithmetic. Yesterde) evening a number cf teachers connected with a well-known institution of learning were in the Union Station waiting for a train. They were discussing tbe business attainment! of a friend who is engaged in selling something for 81 a bottle that coat him 30 oenis a bottle. " Just see Ike profit be in making. think of it ; 70 per cent. ' " I would like to know how yoa gentle- men figure on per cents," interrupted D. B. Bobbin*, a quiet-looking, travel slamed man. wearing a lead colored duster, who eat near them. 14 Why, it's simple enough. Hi* profit is the difference between 30 oenti and II - " Ye*, hi* profit is, bat that g not the per cent ol bis profit. I am not much of a scholar, bat I have been a travelling man for a good many years and have much to do witb figuring out per cents, and dis- counts. According lo my arithmetic tbe gentleman of whom you are talking make* 2S3 18 percent profit on hii investment. How doe* thai strike you 7 " The teachers stared a moment and smiled in a way that showed they were bored. ' I I