JMfl OULTIVATIOI. 1ST Wmitnl to Iraruw. Malie Clean -Una of the greatest mistakes in tha > of the Ontario farmer at the pru- ne is, without doubt, the mall i of attention given to autumn oulti- No mean* oan be adopted whioh feel to much for tbe outlay in rluan- a laud . aim tnia method of doing it I within tba reeou of avery farm.-r. " Clean farms tor Ontario " should be the watchword for every tiller of the noil in thia Provmo. That our farms should b ' clean is a possibility, and every rmer wbo is trnu I bis own beet interests ill conatantly exert himself to rid bia farm of every kind ot noxious weeds, and also tha roadsides that may border upon it. By autumn cultivation 1 mean that cultivation whioh consists in lightly plowing the land as soon aa possible after tbe erop removed, and In harrowing iltwioe ith an interval between the barrowings ior to the time of tbe late and deep oogbing, whioh precedes the oomiag , of winter. The two prime objects ot these ^operations are first, to bury any weeda "growing in thu stnbbis that would other- rise go to seed, and second, to unoourage ^germination of seeds lying in the ground, ad whuh are then destroyed either by ' the harrowing whioh oomes later, or by the late ploughing before winter. In tbe eooompliahment of these two objects a third ia realized, although it may not be sought. Boil decomposition ia promoted through the weathering" of the expoaed surfaces, and inert plant food ia thus un- locked and made valuable f M use by the next year's orop. This mode of oultivation is certain destruction to the orop of weeds growing upon tbe soil at the dose of harvest ; that is, when ths work is thoroughly done. Ragweed, tbe sow thistle one of the most difficult of weedi to eradicate tbe Canada thistle, burdocks and various kinds of cookie, all of which will be found growing in the atubbles where they exist, will thus be buried. No other means of deatroying ragweed and oookle are so affluent for the outlay. The drat ploughing not only buries the weeds mentioned with many others, whioh though lees troublesome anonld be given no <|uarter, but il briuga many seeds that may be Ijmg dormant in the soil so near tbe anrfaoe that they will germinate. The harrowing which follows in dua time destroys theae, after whiofa other seeda germinate to be destroyed in torn by tbe late ploughing. By thin aimple mode of cultivation vast ( uantities of tha aeeda of suoh plants as wild oats, wild tlax, the wild {wa, wild mustard and pigeon weed will be destroyed, (or, nnleea in the oaae of tbe wild pea and wild mustard, these naturally put (orth the effort to grow in autumn. There is ample soope for tbe exercise of good judgment as to the preciae nature of tbe lirat ploughing, dependent upon the kinds of weeda that may be growing, and tbe nature and condition of tbe lami. Where weeds are already growing it is important that they should all !). put out of ight. Thia the gang-plough will not do effectively as al present used. If the gang- plough is to be need much for this purpose, the manufacturers will have to pui some form of a skimmer upon them to make tbe burial of the weeds complete. The two- furrow plough does better work than tbe ordinary gang- plough, but it also should have a skimmer. For destroying thistles the single plongh wilh broad share which outs off all the thistles is best. It also should be used with a skimmer, and the ploughing should be shallow so as not to bring up the horizontal roots near lha aurfaoe, for when so placed they are sure to grow if the weather is damp. The first ploughing in any oass jhouid be aballow, aa it is easily done, and answer., the purpose quite as well as deep ploughing. In some sections the farmers have been practising autumn cultivation for years, in others it has never been attempted. It ia scarcely necessary to add that where au- tumn oultivation baa not been introduced weeds abound, and oropi leu remunerative are harvested. In sections where soils are naturally alilT it is less essential, for weeds do not grow there so readily, but it will prove of much advantage in any soil. Autumn cultivation is our practice, of course, at this farm, and so btmolloial are tba reeulta that we cannot for a moment think of doing without il. Bat wa are not making much tine ot the gang plongh ; we are using the two-furrow plough nmita.1. Tbe gang ploughs that we have here do not turn tbe furrows aulHoieutly well and so do not for the time being destroy all weed growth. All our soils whioh have grown grain are so treated, except such as have been sown to grass, or are to be sown with winter wheat or rye. I am aware there are difficulties In the way of autumn cultivation. Tha work to be moat effective should be done at once after harvest. There is, of leu time*, no labor to be spared for this purpose. The teams are emploved with the harvest and ao cannot be apared to plough. Tbe remedy is plain, though it may be very difficult of application. It is this : Hire more labor and keep more horses. Although there IB large expense connected witn keep- ing horeea in winter, tha number of work- ing horses in the I'rovinoe should be in- creased. Yours etc., TM..N. Sm. Ontario Agricultural College, UtJth Aug., H'.ll). Anxlou* to Oo. Aunty So your papa has decided to send you to boarding school ? Littlu Hoy Yiia'm, and I'm goin' to tndy awful hard, so I can go to college. * Oi-t-ted to boar that. A WOM AM OONTOaWlOMUT. Ttta Youus; Aiu.ruvau Lady Who U \.- touudm*; Us* Hrllona. <itri. C r >>.!. That she (He Acrouipllsh wilh Her Boy Vs, indeed, 1 love to row. 1ft lnt*re*t t Turont.i. s.,,,,,1 Papa, isn't it murder to kill 'ana (wbo * lwvr, with a Bly wink at mamma; -Not exactly. Murder Is a.- , W nh intent to kill. The other ia killing with intent tojalt. Mn. Anna A. Debarr has revolved a as mechanical engineer from tbe (Jbiiiago Board of Kugineera. II is oabled from London that th hht-rioal Drury LM Theatre ia to be pnlloit down at the expiration of the loaue iu 1X94. In the person of Miss Bmilie Sail* America baa pro.inoed a woman, who, during the past f.-w rnuuihi has been ttatomahmg London Music Hall patrons by her wonderful feats of contortion, says the Cincinnati knquirtr, Home of her tricks aorpasi the moat wonderful of thoee performed by the "snake man," witbont whom no circus is complete. She discovered that abe posa.-saed her peculiar ability by pure accident. After witnessing the feats of a male oon- tortonial at a theatre one uight Miss Sell* went home, tried to imitate them, and, to her surprise, found she oouli do it. Then th i commenced to practise, with a view to going on the stage, and in a ahori time she bad made her spinal oolnmn and joints *o flexible that the body oooid assume almost any position. It is the easiest thing in the world for her to turn her back on you, and. witbont moving bar feet, twiat the upper part of her body so aa to face you. Another Uvorite trick of beri ia to lie on the stage, rai*e hes/igbt foot, twist her leg and ose the heel of her foot as a pillow for ber head, buoh little thing* M twisting her legs sronud the bapk of ber neck are common feats for her. One day she called on Dr. D wight, the famous Philadelphia physician, whose astonishment at her autios km-* no bounds, ind he said he wouldn't ba sur- prised to hear of her snapping ber *pmal cord and dropping dead. Miss Sells, however, aay* that she feels no pain or giddiness when one is on the tae. Many peopia thought the used a snake oil " to limber ber bonee, ami a few have offered her large prio*s for a few bottles, but the (act is the awe noth- ing l )n one oooaiion a visitor forced his way in 10 ber drr**iug-room and, natoniug a bottle of embrocation, nipped a leu- dollar bill into her maid's baud aud daahttd off with the prize. Miss Hells eats anything light and easily digested, and sb "'.; h tly practise* a little Jeff -a g^'ii- or. tbe mage. Oil the modern stage there are many nun and boys who earn a living aa con- tortionist*, but vary few women. The aalhoritiei, however, declare that cols women are recorded as performing in au- oient Egypt, and but few ioaiauoaa were tnuwn ot men and boys contorting iu Greece and Home, while in the early Ssuii translations of tbe lioauel it is slatted that the daughter of Uorodiaa tumbled" before Herod. A Kw Table Uuu u. Don't smack your Up*. I >ou t tk j large mouthfnl*. Don't blow yoor food in order to cool it. Don't use yoor knife instead of your fork. Don't find fault aud pick about year food. Don't talk with your month filled with food. Don't soil the table oloth with bones, parings, etc. Don't commence aatiug as soon as you are seated. Dou't laugh loudly or talk boisterously at the table. Don't retail all the slanders you oan think of at the table. Don't take bones up in your linger* to eat the meal from them. Don't til attention to any little mistake whioh may have occurred. Don't make your*uif and your owned sirs the obief topic ot conversation. Dou't take another mouthful while any of the previous one remains in the month. Don't reach across the table for any- thing . but wait until it i* p**s*d to you, or * for it. Don t put your elbows on the table, nor lounge about , if not able to tit erect aak to beexonsed. Don't frown or look oross at the table, it hurts your own digestion, as well as thai of those eating with yon. Don't pick your teeth, unless something has become wedged between them . then put up your napkin to your mouth while oxtrauting it. Good The -|>"M mi: Kveuu Left Out. i/ s Weekly Buaineaa man \m ining it) -Do 1 understand von to nay tbal this is a complete history of our country up to the preaent day ? Canvasser- Yes air. BuaiuuM man '1 lieu it it vary deliaient. Homo of the moat important events; in tbe biatory of the development of thia glorious uaiion bave been oooiplelely ignored ! Uanvaisor- What, for instance ? Boainew man I can ane notbing in it regarding tha Hiiilivau Kilraiu fibril, the world a championship garnet, nor iu fact any of tha mount important happeninga. Indeed, Mr. Huilivan, Mr. Kilrain, .Vuton, Comiakey and a number of otlvir men whose nauina should go down to posterity are not even mentioned. 1 do not care for yoor book. Uood day air.'t SEauapa. " Have you boarded long at tbia hoot*?" inquired the new boarder of the ajar, de- jected man sitting next to him. " About ten years." 11 I oon't see how yon stand it. Why havi-ii't you left long ago?" " No other plaoe to go to," Mid the other, dismally. "The landlady s my wi.'e." Uuucluelirv. Hiram Wai, Maria, 1 got lots of proof that I'm a good-looking man, when I waa up in New York. Maria -You don't lay so .' Ihram Yea. Even the oab drivers spoke to uie aa " II \ndsomo nr." n.. fruit Ut In Hi Vans. Visitor (at a canning factory)- Well, I suppose summer ia your buileal season. (lannor Yi'j, ws have to put up or abut up. Jimaon ("taring a lull in the rjnversa- tion) However il may appear to you, I don't think I ov*r thought Miss bnubb (reassuring) |- No, I hardly thought to tnysulf. The Aberdeen Apy?*! hai for its mat " Under God thr peoplu rule. Women people." tfolworlh S. /'. . Jttvortl. THA TABLB OO8BIP PHaOTU'AL, PH114WOFBT. lie Remit* to the uew-laid UKK, Kur OKKI ale lltt a lUlUK* , They caiiuul rty until thev're hatched. Aud uiv a pair ot wiup , II cmce yuu broak tb teuder shell Tli* wrouK you oan t rodtev* ; The yolk ud wnitv will %11 run out, Aud uiako a ilraadtul mesa. Tit but a little while &i i <!. That buna uavv iwwer to lay ; '!' monow tt*.'k^ may addled be, \<tSMtiir>u|iiitf itvtb to-day. NO Ivt tTio uhcU ba very Thai talsslu < There it no sjusLlMtofte CUUUIQK skill Can uiaad aoRKen essV Tbe hotel waitress i* maid to order. Half a Ismon squeezed over a baked fob makes it epii-arean. Knionhle woman, like saltds, are frtHjueully overdreeaetl. When a *neut man opens his month look on t for a dood of talk. At the rate of seventy a minute the baby crop is never a failure. The race isn't always to tbe swift. Somei.mea u i* to the pool-sellers. It ia a ijuealiou wnioh 11 the more helpleaa, a bauy or the man whoin trying to hold 11. UOW IT ItU'PKNK. A man who had labored ami tolled Worn a uetflue uliirt that waa aoUed . Whetl lutaed why 11 wait, H aid twa* bi>c-ii"i' Ilia wile wore ine hiri ttiat wa- boiled. Bolotu \ou do au>ihiiit, wuKej, re- member mat tu paper* will urobaoiy waul tc mention u. The following motto oau be seen iu a shop on O.nauo aireet : In Uod we trnai ; all other* oaau oown. ll/iiy. In going up mairs, the body should be held urtot, with oueat i xieudeu, the luiiks ulleu witn air, aud the montu kepi oloevd. - lieury Ueoigf>, who is now mKuglana, willaddres* tue Financial lloforui Club al Liverpool Au*u*i -".'ud, and nail afierwaro. Ior huuie. r'atber Young mail, 1 do not like you to kias my daugnter. Yjuug man Well, all I've got to aay la that you don't know wbal't _ouu. Mm. bum way i see that Venus turns round ouly once a year. Huuiway Una t maul uiauy wcuieu with lie* bon- nets on, ihon. A i 1.1 >.. Within a haiiini jck 111114 they *al, But how tli twu tMtlavnd Out' i- juM uot toll. II was *o dark, Ha*! it nut bou lor the miuara. "Ou, Oeori;e, yuu uiu*'. K : aliaved." It la a aign tual her buiUaud is making money when a woman begins to gel toe look on ber face of looking al >ou without etaiug you. .Hcliuun liUibe.' The trunk Imu Masaenger agents have deoiued to ^tve a two cant per mile rale for leu or more peraoua travelling ou one ticket on any road of the association. ' Disouasiug woman," aaid Huoggi, 1*1 us view tue bare (aole ' Voa," aswuiud Wogga, " we U take tba next train for the shore. ' How happy ' the thrifty uiau, What imao* nlMUids In* aoul. Who iu the wittier ia>* iu ice, Aud iu tue ttuuuuur coal. The young Duftu of Orleans has been detected by In* tlauce iu a deaperale tlirta- lion witn a preily opera aiuger, anil ttiv young man wbo was 10 bave saved Franco u baviug a hard nine to save himself. "Uood intentions are often thwarted in the must uiyatorioua waya,"aathe youug man remarked when hu boat girl tuonied jutt as he waa ou the point of kissing her --" I think it' taoalwauge," saidChappie. " Bhe's awfully foud of doga, but ane won I btve au> inn . to do wilh rue." That does 3eeiu ralber contradictory," put in Cynioua. Al Bar Harbor What a number of these Boston girls wear glasses ; bave you uolioed .' Yos, very few Boston women think it proper to look at anything with tbe uakeu eye. A CHILD'S VOU B. The iweuteil nolu "( tbe oleareal lluto. The tall ol thu tor wnure all u umw Have ihu tcuiitalu s tluM. u far les tear Thau a purti child'* voice to my waiuux ear , Fur huaVttU n^lil l\ll lllnse miK'Oout eyw, Aud tue lips brualliu ihuuiiinc ol |>aradlv. " What a tine carnage that woman ha*," said Spilkina outhusiaatically as Aim. Jeuuiuga aailvd by. " Vou ougbi to aee my baOy carriage, " aaid Jouea. " It is niuoh tiuer." 1'rainboy- Have a copy ot "Baled llay," air ? 1'euuiba (tulborof thu bjok) Ah, urn, do you aeil mauy copies of Baied Uay .' ' Tramboy- On, 1 oatcu a sucker ouue 10 a whua. fuck. V.ioou Victoria pays great attention to the uoral wreath* whijh ane aeuda out. Inquiry is made aa to wiiat were toe favorilu dowara of the deceased peron, and if il be possible they are obtained. DOBHN 1 Nolll . lilt. IMMri.M NOW. \Viu-u love wa* *irotm aud love wa* you UK, Aud she was )>t u> VMII. lit* IMH! to i>raiL> witii tlatteriug toiujue HIT pruiiy dimpled olim Now. tiiouKli sue'* 'till IIK haart 4 Jalltiht, As iu tue byK'llu M'ul". Wlu'ii lit>iii in .. >i...^ late at aighl, It ia hor oliiu hv fears. " Where are all those people going to otluor," aaked a man from up tbe ouuutry late Sunday moruiug, " to a fite ; " " N \>, I thould say they were trying to get away from one. They're going to ohurob." Mr. Kingruled -That Englishman ap- pears to know a good deal about this ooun- try. Mr. Taxedhigh Why so? Mr. Unitiruled- When I apoke of the fjloriea of freedom aud SKlf-KOverniuuut, be laugbetl. Just a littli' Ipniuu. Jusia little ioe, JUKI k hllle xiiKai. .Itift to make It mo- .In. I i\ littlr slifttly >i,..,k, Just to Hit aiitl itraw JUKI i> luili- rouifurt IhroUKh Just a little straw. American girl (it Windeor Caallc) - 1'nrter, is there any chance to get a glimpse ot the ljueeu .' Uuutlenian at the gatu - I am not thu porter. 1 am the I'rinoe of \VaKs. Aini-ru:an girl How lucky I am I la your mother in ? IAVHIU, 1'oor Hilly Patterson I*HOUO, gflui death tan lit 10 vlnck limi wu elaarlr a*crtalned joai wbo it vta* who Btnu-k him. . ,iilti ii.n.i .ulifi Hi, is i u .la. wu ri to sa<lly rv*r. Our tariff Mul ami our pension hill. the> In tons torevur. ( hietuj " Would you like to leave ?" tali tht wood dbopper to a small tree. -I don't know but I wood, ' was th* aniwer ; omm yon take me down with a hack ?" X Kness an," aaid the chopper, "seeing you've only got one mall trunk." Complimentary to the Duchess of Fife plaid*, tbe English ladiea have taken to wearinii plaid uilk hosiery. This ia one ef the novelitiea of the hour, tnd those fortun- ate enough to wear them have no fear of imitation, as it is not potaible to produce the brunt rich coloring in cheap loom or poor dye. Aa a result the members ot the pore-silk atookiog circle are allowed tbe Hwet privilege of paying ;5 a pair for Dnoheaa of Fife full regular mlk hose. A MIDMUll I MlatlUt. Only a eat iu the uioouliahl . Ouly a oat. that'K all . OnU a noun al uuUuitit, Only a wilj. weird waul. Only a man impulsive. Only a reasou nowu . onlv a oiuteh coucluiTe, Ouly a bootjack thrown. Only a luddeii sally. ouly ail uttered "Scat I" OiiH a corpse iu the alley, Oaly a poor ilvad eat. Fair* aud Kxhlbllluua. Following i* a lial of the dates for the leaning fall fair* and exhibitions : Croat iVtural Fair, al Hamilton. Sept. Jind lo I) .imuion aud (industrial. Toronto. B*i>t. bib lo -lull Wool-Ill Kalr. 1, .udou. Sept Istu wJTIb. due pn e'eu ral lim-lpn. ".|i. itth aud Mill We*i Bran K Agricultural Society, Danville. OM .'i.d *.i.i <r,i. liuvli'U Centra . Uurliiu. S~pt _'MU and J6tU lYiiirali'*. a. U.D lawa S|,i j* u <l to <Ttb S.-utli Norwich Kair. Utiervi le. Oat. 3rd aud 111. Mldlau.l C-ntral Kr KI<>U, Hi>t. 1st to "th. Bootben K*ir. ItrautM nl. s*|>'.. ytli iu llth <lr*at Northern Rxuibttiotl,OotUBS!WOod he|>t 30th to:in not. huutu Oiford Union Kiuitttioii. Norwich Se|H. lit aud ->ud. IViiiunular Kiur, Chatham. Ncpl 1*1 and 3rd. ol II tldluiaud Fair. Ca> uifa. Suit. Jotb and In Southern Couutie* Fair, Hi. Thorna* spi !!>lll N.Tlu r.rlli Kui.l.itiuu. Mralford, Oct. tad aud Sid. .N ritiWK IMU Kihlbitiou, Uuderieh, Bapt. lAUl lo 17th. Norfolk Union Fair. Simcoe, Oct. 15th and 16th. Null! Uraut Hihiliti .u. I'tria, Ool. Ill aud nd Caledonia Fall Pair. Caledonia. Oct. 1Mb aud 1th Ontario aud Durham Riliibitiou, Whilby kl>t. Jr>t to J/VUi Itiaiiii.t.m Cotitral Fair, llrauiiaon, Sepi. jO'.h to 1st Oct. Nortuirii Exhibition. WalkMtou. Oct. Isi to tli. i ' .initv .,( I .nu-.ilu Kxuibiuou. Hi. Catuariuaa Jib In Oct. 1st. Houth ilriuinii) i:\iuliiticu, Siuitbvillt Oct th aud Ttli. ivterl> .rouuli Couiral Kxhibiuou. faterburo'. Hl>l Mill to J61U llay ..l^uinit, Dislnct Uxhiluuou. Itallevllle, Sei-t. *Jrd t.i Joth. Kacutrn r .wu.lup. Ann. Asso ti, Mbeibrooku, - i n. I to Itli Ni.rtU Kuhug ot Oilur.t, WmVUlock. spt. .wtb o On. 1st llairir I'atr. llarrio. Sept. :'4Ui tu 95tb. Trenton I in, .11. Trnuiini. h*-|>i nth to ISih Norili \\vlliuatvu. Mount Koreat, riepi. 18. b lo ,'tii N. rin and WoaiOxford. logmoll. Sepi. nth u 1Mb Heiiiiuck, HauoTer, Hep l k th loltftb Clark T..wi.-iiip. NewcMlle. !wi> ttrd lo Jltb. Ka*t liry, Flvabwtuo. - >4l\i HortloaltoraJ . Mitche'l. Sept. ^Jr.l t.-Jiih > \V. lU..i>. -.. |.; rtrrl tu Mth s. ..,.ui lirey, Duruatu. Sopt. ttrd lo attb. <KHI "iiJ Nortb tlwiiliuiburt, Huttou, Bei't J.u.1 u. in. Mara, limri in, _',tb Houili Lanark, l>rin. -H v t jird to aRtn. LludsayContraJ, I.Uidaay, , tb. s.uuh unuvill*. Hraaoott, Hepi. -itrd \\,.t \V elluiK' .>u, llarrmiDu. s. South ltri-y. Maik.U, Ceulr* llruox. I'ai.l. > . s,,,i m, t,, >iih Noriuauliy. Ni>uta.ll, Sopt. ijih in dOth South llu(r..w, ICoulr*w. Hepi. Jjth u> *lh. Wi'm Uurbaiu, Uuwutauville. bupt. aitb to Wtb. KIUWI. Wiudaor, Sopl. '.".nil lo JOtll Mauvvrs iVu'.ral. llulliany, Hpt Altb to Wtb. I: *^i Huron. WIUKtiatu. s^pt ,jth to Oot 111. N,.rlli \\aifrl,"., linruii. s,.|.i :ltli to Del Int. V>rm Oiuaru, 1 xliriilRe. S.'|-t unli '.. . K-l 1st. I'altutntoo, U S, PalnetMoa, Sept kitli lo Oet lit. Wel Mid,llMx, (ileuciw, Sepi Wtli to Oct 1*1. Kat Hlmeu*. Orilua. s-ia .um t.. oct lit. i'eutral A o Ocl Int. YorkColouy, Yorktou, N W T, Sept Will to Del Ui. Morn itiittoii. Mi. \r nun. sort .Wtb to Oet lit. Nrtb ;.,nrk, Altuoute. s..jn jth to Ool :inl. I arlwiuhl, ltla.kt..-k. Oct lit to J id. ntrl. i '11111,111. Oei lit - iii s. WeMwu, i:s*i (J-uirv. Sapi. JO, Oet. Ill and 'Jud. An. Ind. ami Aur.. \VmJhn. Oct. Ui lo Jlst. ( Jantral, CanninKtoii, "^.pt .vii to d7th Ttli. Arlliur I mull, Arihur. O.-i. l.i n,..l -Jud. I'eulosuiar. Chatliniii. . i.-t. 1m i,> .ir.l Hi HI. I). L. JU.1. SCKI h'.r . . \\ til. urn, (K-l lln. 1 ^n I .lr,l. S.Hilii Wat, rlu i. ATI ' N.irtli Y,i.k, Newmarket. Ocl 'n.l nn.l ir,l N.-nli Ucnliow, lleat uliur^ Oct. Jud nn,l:ird. M..laiictb.iu. Sbelburuo, Oot. hid an . Clliiloll aud buulil, lloaluxille, Ool. Hud .i.l ir.l. St VlBOSBt. MeafOfd, Ool 1u<\ n.l ;r,l Holland, Ouataworth. Oct. -'u<l and Jrd. . .1.1 al> .i.ui. On. J.i.i in .1 Ni.rlll lin-\. . i*..n s., in 1. 1. i ii-, 't,,t n,l .ii I \inii.ii mi. I lln t.iti, lt..ltnii, tK'l. 71D aud Nil. Norili hraut. ran*, u. i th n.l ->.h I'r. 1..1I. Hun.lalk. Ori 7tn in. I sin. lt..ltt.ii. O..-1 Till nail ->tli \Si -i liaratraxa. i i,-i 7th and Mb Kat Aliioina. sau t st... Marie.Oci 7tb aud :Hh lli.oard liraiu h. rUdgetowo, Oat. nil nut uli Situcu* 1 iiluti. liluivalo. tii't. -:h ami Mb. Hall, in, Milton, ilctulnir Hb ti.,1 huh Kail York. Marknaul. Ocl-. liar Dill and nib. Central WalUu k tuu, l.K.ra Ocluber aili an. I IHlh IM.ii, mi. OraiiK'tlle, October '.'ib and UHli. T.MU...I..I.I... alOstoa, OetoberMbSjod 10th. Ka*t Knat. Thamaavllle, o.-ioinT loiliauiilltb Toronto Townalup, < i nth Caat reterboro', Norwood, OolulH-r lltu Vud kini; TOWII.IIIIU, Hcbombwrn, OcloIxT nth and i Norfolk I in.. n. Mm,-. u'. Ociolmr 14th aiul ISth. Bast Luiuer, Orauil Vallejr, Ootobet aud Hah llrin. I .rin. Oi-tnlx-r 1'itli and li.tb. \\ri \..ik. WuodbndKo, . s^p . (.'eulral Agricultural, Waller < Fall*. Sept ;Wth V woman's faoe tlwa>s rt-tleot* thu liddoii tragedy ol bi>r life, if them is cue. A BTOHT OW TRk Ulte .-vrr ot tSM Northwe*! fi.t. Hubert MeVlura. Aug. .'lith, luJS, tbe Parliament of Great llntain paid to Captain Robert MeClure aud hi* offioer* aud men 960,000 as a prize for-4. didjovering the mnoh-aooghl-for northwest paesage " from tbe Atlantic to the 1'aciOo. l'ive years brfore that time Captaiu* McCMnte aud ( Jol.iuson were sent out in th* ehips>, Investigation aud Enter- pri*e to auiii in aearobing for Sir John Franklin au*&T>id bap.eaa oompsouons. rhey sailed arnuL-i Capo Horn and up the 1'toino to Uehrm^a Sir ail, aud thence worked their W( lK eastward to the frozen regions. Cossmsou's course took him tb rough the waters near tbe Ameri- i shore, bat MoClare pushed forward on a more northern route, lie penetrated into an Arctic wilderueea where oivilized man had never been before, and endured great hardships. For four > tars be and hit men fought against tbe dangers whioh urroouded them on every hand, and al last ^soaped from the very jaws of death. They were forced to abanoon their ship Iccxed in tmonK mountains of uje.aud then bad to walk or aledge over hundreds of miles of retina ice to nit-el other vessels wbioh had entered the Arctic regions from the opposite direction. Capt. MoClare returned to KugleuJ from Uavis' Strait in 1854. being tbe lirst commander of a ship who really made tbe paaaage. True, he ud not Hod a navigable paasage, but he ud water uoder him all tbe way, and in <ht aense he had solved the problem. In IHoS a committee of the Uoase at Com- iuou* investigated tb- mailer and decided that a grant ot $50.000 should be made tec tbe discovery. Twv Mmiswt Will*. Thia wa* not millionaire's day evidently, at tbe Hurrogele Court, if the reader judges by the following : Jamea Dwyer, nnatriaker, has applied as a creditor for administration of the estate of Mary Kawrell, of Hamilton, widow, who died Aug. 10th, IttM. The estate is worth (SO. Hannah Lawsxm, of 1'ittsburg. P.. has applied for admiiiKtratioo of tbe estate of b*r mother. Kmeline (iraham, who died on Aug. 8th, IS'.H). Estate valued at 43. Mew to Him. At the first prodnoiion of a tarre comedy. First Nighter Wbo is thai fellow in the box? Second Nighter The author of the play. r'iral Nighter- lie ought to have heller ta*te than to laugh ao uproariously. Second Nighter Ub, that's all right. Hs is the author of tbe play, bat he never heard the joke* before ; the adorn put hem in. Ulaalpalwl Bus:. Mi. Mosquito f,*iaggerinic bom*) Whoop la! Bniui-zhio! YYha/./ar mazier wu me (bur/ Mrs. Mo|uito Husband, I'm ashamed of >on ! Where did you gel so intoxicated '.' Mr. Mo*t|uilo Jo*l struck a Maine man in (hie) town on a weeks'h vaoa(hic)tion I Whoop ihic) la'. ! I A Uool Prtx-< dlntt. " Please, will you tiive me a piece of ios for my father ? he'* aiok," said a little girl to the driver of an ice oart tbe other da> . What * your father sick of, sissy?' asked ths driver, as hi broke a chunk from a cake wilh his pick and gave it to th* nirl. 1 I'lease, sir, he's *ivk of the heal," she replied as ahe walked away. Heard in a bar-room : Tall Thin Man No, air ; I never lake water. Augnlar Stranger Hay, how's all the folks in old Kalmuck. U O N U 37. >. Ptso'a Remedy for Catarrh I* the final. Kouwt to Ulo and CDeejiaM. CATARRH 8oM IT driuorlsu or "cut l.y mall. 9uo. ] K. T. ujuu uluv, Warren. J-a, U . A. I took Cold, I took Sick, SCCTTS EMULSION I take My Meals, I t*.ko My Rest, \M> I AM \l . 'I ull ID TAKK i HIM; i > \N i \\ MY HAMW ON; i iiiiiu fui I<M>, i K Scott's tmulsionof Pure Cod Liver Oil ill HypophosphitesoCLimeand .1 NOT UM.Y I'lKIl- MY llH*i|>- III < <>IIMIIII|i|ioil HUT BUILT . \si> l> N..\\ ' i i IM; FLESH ON MY BONES I I Nil V I)\Y. 1 IH> Mil K." "iu ii|i "iilT In Salm.'tl r Hi'iipivn. MU1 by all lirugalal* at . Hit. I CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF ROHLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. Whou I say Cure I merely i, VB flieairetiiiiiafjuin. I MIAN A RADIO At. CURE. ileuer or Falling SicKnoau lilejonj; stuJy, I w do ot Mi..- 'Of study, I warrant mjr r*a> 'i*vi- f ai;eJ is no reason for nut ... Ja Froo Bottle uf tuy Infallible Rrmady. O .. 01 .1 tr'nl, and it lli \.Mreu M.C., BrancH Offtco. If,, WEST ADELAIDE STREET. TORONTO. woi c aiea, Btcaui Mcafor a traatue an Post Office. It , ,. meas) ml then .,...-,, ol Pita, i Cure tbe rod at v.' !...,. i, *.s and I- V. KOOT, lo I II I I. Ill I olt: Hbova iwiird <n*as*. By its ti I shall In- R .\tl to arm! two b<< Mllllpt. , 1 st'tul 111. 1 til. M.O.. '86 W*>*rt AdalnitlL L' ttll lo Aiiyu, your tra/' j.T. A. SLO' .no.