Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Sep 1890, p. 4

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H FLESHERTON ADVANCE. T11E ADVANCE. It published Kvery Thursday, FROM THJ Orncm Syit,jMm Street, Flakerion, 0*t. TERMS Ofr SUHBCRIFTIOH: 1 pr annum wliKii paid ntri.-Hy in advance l 50 par auuuui when uctto |>akj. AtTVEBTISINa HATBfl. On* column, I year, *50 ! half eol , do., 27 ^uartorcol do . <15. Trani.-nt nlvcrtiieuionftj charged at th rto S' vt I'.-i line for flrit imertlon aiid 3cM. per rue (aril fubMxjuiut inn-rtion. W. H. THURSTON, mi Proprietor. EXHIBITION JOTTINGS. It was so very lonesome around rtis village last week, that we could ft i: fiud H m onv heart to retuaiu at fcomc. We did not fesir* to be tLo last "MoLieau," and consequently starti-d out on Weducsday morning with the iutenttou of H<-eim; the Tor- outo wolves and other things who arc running Toronto's "biggest show 011 eaith." We saw the wolves they were not hard to find. We saw the "other thiugs" too, and they were numerous. Everything in connection witli that big enterprine is run for the sole purpose of fleecing the poor giaugrr out of his last dime and some of them have even been known to mortgage their nickel watches in order 10 pacify the wolves and other things. The exhibition is a mammoth oue, growing year by year, and Toronto people are proud of it. Well they may be, for it is a source of revenue which has prevented more than oue bankrupt sale, and left au cnorn>ous amount of mouey in the city's pock- eto. Toronto is a proud city it is getting prouder every day. The Strtctsvillo Review called it a huge hog. This comparibon we consider a Blander ou the hog, but it is probably better for the hog to be daiimed with faint praise than not to be ilaniuwl at all. \\Y have several complaints to make about the Toronto exhibition, i.ii'l will proceed with them before granting the praise due. Manager Hill is au astute biiBiucss man of the Imolliug variety. Hi- in-vrr developed I ijtmlitii-a while he wax domiultil in the City Hall as un official there, bat he has them n< vorthvlcss and it is immaterial where they caino from. He is making inonoy for the associa- t.un. lie admits side iliows to the grounds of very little merit and taxes tin in high. He builds grand stands and charges people '25 oeuta for the luxury of sitting down in them and there IH no place else where a man can bit with becoming dignity. Ho runs u dog H!IOW in the ground*, charges 1. 11 i , 'ins lo hi'o it, anil ou wcdneiolay df 'ujt week made a thousand dollars .1 tliaialono. lie Uts out by auc- tion .-. inn thing 1m than a hundred l*'" . r.inl us niic of the pro- pi-ii t.ii-s ivinarktd to us there are so 1:111 1 iy nl them thai the profits made all go iuta th<! exchequer of the As- sociali'jii. M.I. , Mill has a great In ,iil :.iul he 1ms a urtai exhibition iimler his charge, but any one who got-b to see it miibl pay nirtly tliore* fur. Jlr ia iiiuLjimiiinious with the press, which has ever dealt lontenUy with tlie hj* and given it more fro advfnising Umn any othtr institution uuili-r the SUB. Country newspapers are alone the ones who suffer thai w.i y. for city paper* 1 get au equivalent iu advertising that pays them for tin ii i<i>outiijg, hut the poor country editor only receive* low hi* gratuitous labor a poverty. strickoii lithographed pasH nhkh will admit hint twice a day I Next year tin* pa{pr is going to get paid for its advertising or it ii not going to do it. The allow uai uow reached such large diineiisiooi U uiaj bo Mated a national * liibition. It is making money by the barrel full, and it is only just that it should pay its way under the circura< stances. As a national exhibition, too, it ranks high. Those who visited it eight yea> s ago cannot fail to be struck with the enormous strides Canada has made in manufactures of all kinds, stock raising and the de- veloping of mineral wealth and agri- cultural lands. At this show was ex- hibited products of Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts, and these prove our country to have been, during the past few years, working an absolute marvel in development. That is the great reason why we admire the Toronto exhibition, as wo most certainly do. It is reading the mal- contents a lesson which they cannot fail to learn. Canada is growing, its people are prospering, and the ghostly cry of the pessimist will shortly give way to the gleeful notes of the opti- mist. May the Toronto exhibition go on and prosper. It made ten thousand dollars more- by gate receipts this year than last. The total income from all sources Is not made public, but it must be something enormous. Mana- ger Hill is happy, Toronto is happy, tbe farming community spent their money, and if they arc happy with the result all well and good. But we fear many of them will feel the pttrsc strain for some time. Did they get an equivalent ? is the question for them alone to answer. died suddenly on Saturday ni^ht. Deceased was ailing some tune but did not give up work till Saturday night. Funeral took place at 2 o'clock on Monday the '22nd iust. to the Petersham burying grounds. Mr. James Inkster had the mis- fortune to have his hand drawn into the cylinder of a threshing machine and badly mangled. The arm had to bo tnken off up near the elbow. Drs. Carter, of Flcsherton, and Scott, of Maxwell, amputated it. The Feversham fair takes place this Thursday afternoon. Mr. George Whiteoak is having his house fixed up for winter. Mrs. A. McGirr is away on a visit to Flesherton. Threshing is now the order of the season. News is scarce at present. What about Zip ? MeCAlU'HY. AUTUMN, The Buiehell murder trial is pro- gressing at Woodstock this week. The trial is creating a great deal of interest all over the En^iish-Hpcaking world, aud the dailies are devoting large space to the evidence. The crown appears to he making out a strong case against tho prisoner. Ziun. Cards. John W. Armstrong. FLKKHHITOX, Co. OR**. DIVISION COI'RT CLKKK, COMUIKKIOM: i i: It If.. ( .'oumyaiicur, Ac. A^ent fur jiurob aeil Halo of land*. Appraic>r for (' I,. (' C HIM) K I' 11. A x Society. Money to Loan on in. .-l . I'lt-ouaU*- txrniit. IHHI Kit "X MAKltlA UCK.XSKS NOTA11Y 1'L'HLIC. frm* wr own A great many people of this part visited the Toronto exhibition and say it has been success. Will Martin ha? bc*n repairing his barn by treating it to a new roof. Mrs. J. Taylor paid a short visit to friends in Toronto Itttely. Mr. (J>. Thompson and Mr. Thos. Taylor, jr., purchased a uuw 1'aterson binder this season. Mr. William Taylor arrived home from the Old Sod laden with his summer's earnings. Mrs. Sheridan is spending some time with her daughter in Toronto, who is said to be very ill. The H< v Mr. Pepper preached an educational sermon here on tliu 1-ltli, which was much prized by the hciuerf.. Mr. William Morrow is rejoicing over a bouncing baby boy. lliim-siinx w.is finished last week, aud wo are all waiting our turn with the new strum liuv.On r. Trutun s i.i ; i.i 1 1 From intr oini (\ifrcipoildrnt. Mr. Kditor, if you rind out what boy ii was who stood on the station platform with his mouth orwn so wide that the rev. gentleman from the Middaugh llouso mistook it for the post office and posted a lettor in it, Id us know, us it may aid in tin recovery of tho letter. It is well known that all thu diseases of man- kind, when they go out at all, travi 1 by rail. That is why nil tho ytmii" people go to meet tho trains. If they meet no friends they stand a clmuv of picking up a few fevers or a new kind of m : II pox. It is understood that the lailwuy policeman is travail- ing, and that he has Hie grip very bad. If lie gets off here some one may catch ii. Mr. Friday in very well. II is a very entertaining gentleman. He Gfeuis to have invented a liniment that when the cork is pulled out sings "Old King Colo." "Strolling in tho Park" and also renders instrumental music. This is what we gather from a notice posted up in the town. I < i r rliu ill Frntft Mir iticii C A few from tins place took in tho Toronto exhibition, but farmers as a rule were too bnsy finishing their harvesting to get away. Mr. G. C. Brown went to Oolliug- wood instead of Eugenia as was re- ported in a former issue. Ha took along with him "Fketwood," the horse he second in> trad* for Dtxter. Ifc. Samuel. Wrujut, of tk ttnlh, MONET TO LOAN. Ths Undersigned has a Large Amount of Money to Loan at 6Jo,o, O.X TOWH OK FAKM I'KOPKUTV. B.DAMUDB, KLKHHKBTO*. W. J. BELLAMY TWP. CI.RBK AHTKXim. o.vr/.T. i. v '/;/.. I-O.V.\//NS/<'.VAX /.V.sTAM.Nr/v .K/T ,!(' DF.KDS, MORTOAOKK. I.KASES. Ac., prcpar ,-l mi I i>ro|>t<rly eiocuted Ininraucu atfoo- u<l in tlmt clMicoujpaulei. Mvuer to Itud at o wut ratoi. R TRIMBLE Takes Pleasure in Stating TO HIS NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS THAT HIS STOCK IS COMPLKTK IN FALL GOODS. I CARRY FDLL LINES IN THE FOLLOWING: Imported and Canadian Woollens, General Dry Goods, Tailor's Trimmings, Gents' FurniBbings, Ready Made Clothing, Suitings and Pantings. Woollens, In Men's and Boys' Shirts ami Pants, Top Shirts and Cardigan Jackets. White aud Colored Blaukets, etc. Hals and Caps, A Beautiful Assortment Men's soft and stiff Hats, American and Canadian, Latest Styles and Best Quality. Hoots and Shoes. DR. CARTER, M.C.I'. AS., DM. ri!YNIl.%!S. SI tU.KO.V Ac. FLKS1IERTON. OflKu. fttrala'i block. lll<1ence, J.O. lluucl'i J. 0. flatten,, Minl>.-r of tlia College of I'hyiiciaii au Hiir k v..n <. Ontario. Emiulro at iirnrr.onn door call of Urior'utor r \i..iu" -u Met, i DBS. SPROULE t EGO MAUKDALK UNT Ofllrc i-Mnnlry'K Unite Store. T S M'KOIM.I; U 1) it<- VNClls Kill I M |l . tc latvof TiitU-llliani. Out I)r I'.tn will h found at MarkdaleHniue at nlitht J. P. OTTEWELL, VKTF.niNAHY STRiiliOH. (ir.iilimlo <if (>nlnnr> Vi-t. ('.!' I'K (IN Clll.l.lM.U.. >1i si l-.r.l.T tli Llour Knit of l'r.-*li>t' riMi Cliurcli, J. P. MARSHALL, I,. 1>. S., M. U N . DENTIST, VitnU MarkJalo the Int nml ,'lril \Vudnes- day uf each inmith. b'Jusherton each trip un the day following. OKFH r., NKXT POST OFFICE iSl'Kliri.K'.s Id ILIHNll, <> Till Ksli.tts. (I.VINS.HM) HI I Mr. rn,,T\ III ILMNO P. McCULLODOH, Barrister, Solicitor, tfc: Office, over llel ;irl;nnl > More Mnrkdule. Alonry to Loan. R. J. Sproule, 1 )03TM AHTKR, Kl.'.- II.TI..II, i ,.iuiiiiion- *- er in U. R., Licensed Auotiuneer, Con vcyaueer, Appralaor Mid Money Lender. H, nl Kstate and Inimraiine Aueut. Peeda, Mortirngeg, Leaaei aud Wills drawn up and Valnatinui made on thfttteit notice. Aio- tlon Salni attended to in any paryofth* I'l.nnlv. llimey to loan atrowwt rateiof interest. Colleotmns attended to with promptnem and dnpatoh. Charges low. AgeDtlor the Dominion (Steamship Company. Cheap tiokeli from Flherton to Liverpool, Qlaagow, London or anv of th Britiah ort>. 1'artiei inteodlng to viait England, Scotland or Ireland, will pleaa* auk ratfab*- loi* purchaiiug their A Large Stock iu Men's and Boys'. Lidies' aud Children's, in Best Makes and Trices right. Millinery. This Department will be in full blast next week, with all the Newest aud .Most Fashionable Gocxla. A Call is Solicited from you when you visit the Towii, and Trust that you will Favor me with a Liberal Share of your Esteemed Patronage. Yours Respectfully, R. TRIMBLE. i nmm\ LOOKS T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, Selli the best fanning impleiiifiiU iiianu- facturtHl, i /.v - THE ODELL. TYPE WRITER. ${0 will IMIV tho OUt; U, TV I'K W HI- Ti:U "'' ^^ i-lmr.i.'UTs. suit 915 lr tlif Sillult'l'HSf Odd), wnrrnnte>l to tin liflti r w rk tliHii any HiHuliiun IUH<|I>. It rullllillll'h KIVf'LiriTY With HI I! Mill ITT, i: irinv, ui'iirn li'ii.'er with- ouliN'Ht uf ri-i'.i'r** tliiiit auv otlu-r iiiiirliiiu* HUH un ink ril Ix'P tn U.tluT t!ii- i.|ii.i!iliir. It i* .1 u. -i iisril i m.. nicli!i-|>liil!'il. | rrfi'iM nml niln|>tt'il tu nil kin.U i>( tv|>,' \MI> M'.> ikr .1 iiriiilin^ jiri-ts, It |iro<liicca Klmrp, tli'iin, l.viU>' iiiauiMcriptx. '!',, , r tvn i-..)iu s i ii lifl uiailr at one writing. AIIT inti'lli^ciit IMTII ii ! in ! v-ini' mi c i'i mturin two tlayu. Weolfi r -|,04H> ' - UJ -i-rn- tor wlio run miuil IUK wm !. ,! ll,.- Double I' ,,,{ I trill tnul H r - Tht H'atertuo Fltnnuntl Thrtuhtrt. A . / I>ura>i<l'.< Hit/fork. The giwd qualitlea of th. s,. implcmentii are ulVu-i<nt!y known iinw to ^.ruk fm IkHMthM, without any extra w.T.U UK-. An\l.<ly ric|tin ni; iui]ili<iucul in t!us IIM.- ui.iit.ldu well ti. ixin.'M,- mine if m.t uli.a.lv Hi-i|tiaint.il with tin -in. fall on m mnl I will b happy to exhibit the good <iu,ilitk.s uf these machiuvH. T. A. Itl, 1KEM, . Ill- Hllil Slll'^IMfll V. Illlll'll. |i . i i! lii !i.n in nl > In I ', !il"i . Ki.r I'u. 111,1 li.'i i-nne; linim v.'iniU, HUM. 1. 1. Tin: HRlTKIt IO.. b r . ..u I !>7 .Mh At* ( >!!< U.O ILL D. McTavish, HURSESHOKK AXD GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colling wood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. MftnnUnturlng ol Waqnni, Hleiijh*, UtiRi^ti niu<><Miit, Bto H'>rfhi>HliiL' nriini|>tl> it W)(l,l to Hpnolal Kltvnuuu ({ivaii to couwttt dX>r teujur lavt. nd Flaw < hulut von- laul Iy IVTew Potatoes, Old FotatocE:. Get your Flour, Feed, Veg- eUbles, Confections, etc. From H. C. LEGABD dealer .-vl k mli of fi u't>, inn. 1 gooili, cod- ing MU, mi. ir uiiniB, etc. ICE CHRAH AL.WAVR ON HAND. Straiu's Block, Flosheiton.. A

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