Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Sep 1890, p. 6

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BARSOHDIA'S MURDEB. An Outrage Most Humiliatine to the Unite BUtei' Prestige. BTORY OF AN EYE-WITNESB. A London cable says : The teamabi Col" . to day brought from the Istbma sou . nf the passengers who were on tb ateaia.bip Aoepulco when General Bar rum. i was killed by Guatemalan officers An eyewitness of tbe tragedy saya : " When Ibe Aoepulco arrived) at Aoepoloc Mexico, from San Franoisco, Geosra Barrandia, ex-Minister of War of Guate mala, came on board from tbe Slerbuck, a sister abip. He was known to be boitile to the present Government of Guatemala, and it waa understood he waa on bia way to Ban Salvador. He waa attended by two men aa body guards. When the ahi] reached Cbamperioo, Guatemala, tbi authentic! etnt elf two boat loadi of soldiers and demanded that tbe Genera be surrendered to them. Capt. Pitts per emptorily refused tu accede to thisdemand, An attempt waa made to coerce him by withholding clearance papers. Bnt after a detention of 24 hours, Captain Pitts per listing in bii refusal to deliver Barrnndia without an order from the Government, be vessel was permitted to depart, and en the evening of Angutt 27ih ahe arrived at Ban Jose. No Eooner bad the Aoapuloo oast anchor than two boats of soldiers were aent from ahore to aee that no one withoat proper credential! should leave the vessel for ahore. Within pistol abot of where the Aoapuloo lay wore two United States gaa boats. Captain Pitta bad telegraphed to their commanding officer from Champerico requesting aaeistacce, but bii despatch wai not delivered. Now he made a personal appeal to them for help. The response waa that Till HEN-or-WAB COCLK IO NOTU1NO without an order from tbe port captain. Next day the abip was invaded by tbe com mandant of a tp> cial force of men, accom- panied by ai.itl T boat load of eoldiera. Tbia time tlit Guatemalan officers came turr.ihhed with an "order of arrest," aigned by the American Muuitor Miznar. After being politely introdnoed to Capt. Pitt), the commandant produced bis papers, and made a formal demand for tbe delivery of Barrandia. At tbe commandant's direc- tion all the oabm passengers were sent below. All the Guatemalan officers then proceeded to Barrundia's room, Capt. Pitts going with them. When the room was reached Capt. Pitts, after deprecating the necessity of turrenderine; bia passenger, brgan to read tbe order for the General's surreal. Banandia had qnietly met them at tbe door, bat, divining ell was ovsr, hi reached into bia room for hia revolver, and remarking, "Very good," fired. Tho ball joat miaaed Capt. Pitts, who, with the com- mandant, ran to bis room, locked tbe door, And DID UMllIB Till Bib, leaving tbe man-hunting to tbe specia officers. Barrandia was abort sighted, acd being very nervous, was unable to do any damage, though be chased them ia and out of the saloon, firing wildly. At last tbe offiotrs got tbe drop on him from different points and riddled him with shot. He fel on tbe hurricane deck. The commandant than upon came from hie hiding place walked up lo tbo dead man, and fired into bii ikoll. The body wai rolled up in oanvaa, and, as tbo general was a \ery heavy man, the ghastly harden waa buudlec down the gang- way into one of tbo boaia and conveyed aahore to be sent to Guate- mala, where it waa inUrjc J the next day Tbe other boat, carrying the perpetrators of the deed, their revolve.ro cpenly dia played, made a detour round by tbe United Blatee warabipa on their way to the shore. Ai they left the ahip lome imilin|(ly waved Iboir hand*, and one placed hia thumb to bii noie and extended tbe other fingera. Tbe abip wai not allowed to pro oeed until the baggage belonging to Barrundia had been aearcbod, preaumably tor evidence inorin.inalin^ otbcra. Tbia wai anmmitted to, the gunboats atill ailent and aleepy, not a hundred yarda away Indeed at the timo of the tragedy an officer from one of them waa aboard the Aoapuloo. Oec. Barrandia'a body-guard at tbe com mencement of the fighting had ran below and tusn locked up for lafety. About forty abola wurii tin .1 in all. Finally thejdi*agrec able affair ended, and tho steamer wai allowt-il to proceed. Hue aailvd away with droo) ii. K colon. The Amerioaim on board were full of indignation and ibame at tho whole affair. Many paaaenguru openly xpressed regret that tbe American l was tlieiri. KKM THE MOUTH WEI r. Wm. Mumford, of Adelpha, abot himaell fatally in the heart on Monday forenoon. llnnqtiili il love, accompanied by roligioua melancholy, ia aaid to have been the canae. The jury returned a verdict that deceased ahol himself during a nl of temporary in anity. Frank Hewaon, of McGregor, waa before the court at McGregor on (Saturday charged with abooting at 1). Shipwav, hia hired man. Hawion ia held on heavy bail. The Count de rlainvillu, who apcut laal winter in tbe Arctic circle at the mouth ul the Mackenzie, ie doe to arrive in tbo city withiu the next month. Nothing baa been heard of him by bii friendi sinca laat Octo- ber, but be ii luppoaod to be working hia way lonthward. The farmeri' delegation from Waterloo county, Out , reached hero to-night from the Calgary and Assiniboia districts, with which they wero delighted. They go to Uouthweitern Manitoba to-morrow. Dreeaytnan and two other*, tbe laat ol tbe Kiel rebellion priaonera, willlbe released to-morrow from Htoney Mountain Pcniten tiary. The man who ii imall In stature never regrets tbe faot ao much aa when he ia boldinij an umbrella over a pretty girl who ia about fourteen inohea taller than beia. Miai Cltifled Do you believe in tbi higher edaoation of women ? Mr. Huatioua To be aare. I am tired of explaining to aha oommer boarderi where the sheila of the oyiter plauta are thrown. The newaat beverage for lawn partial ia hot tea with ram, in which slices of candied lemon have been thrown. HI r rKKINO AT SEA. Terrible experiences of the Crew of Gloucester riililng- Mcbuoncr. A Halifax despatch aaya : Oapt. Griffin and thirteen men belonging to the Glonoei ter achooner Lizzie Griltin, which waa loat on tbe Grand Hanks on August SCtb arrived bore to-night from St. John'a Nfld., on the aleamer Miranda, and will be aent homo by the iteamer Worcester on Saturday. They had a moat startling experience, and their eaoape from death wai moat miraculous. Tbe acbooner wai atrock by a heavy tea about daylight oc the morning of September lit and tame; completely over. A terrific hurricane wai blowing at the time, and there was a very high Bca. All handi, exoept the two men on watch, were below in the cabin at tbe time aaleep. They were suddenly awakened to find themselves clinging to what bad been the Moor and the water raahing in on them. Death, they thoogbt, would only LXJ a question of a few minatea. Joal when they were beginning to feel tho ilfecte of suffocation tbe veaael righted slightly, coming op till on her >eam ends, when they all managed to climb on to tbe deck. Tbe captain wai badly iruiaed about the head, and several of the >tberi were wounded more or less from >eing daabed againat the inaide of the cabin. When ahe capsized tbe mast had >rokon off, and the two men who had been on watch on deok were found clinging to be wreckage, both having been thrown into he aca when tho echooner went over, bat 'ortnrately managing to graip the rigging. Joe of them named I'atteraon. waa found to lave a leg broken, and the other, Hopkins, ' ad bia hip dislocated. The veaael received bad atraining and waa leaking faat, 10 bat the pump had to be kopt going to keep ler afloat. In tbe afternoon another Gloucester echooner, tho Biegfred, which as paasing, obaerved the diutreas signal rom tbe wieck and bore down and rescued hem and landed them at St. John'a on the 3rd inatant, where they were kindly treated .nd cared for by Conanlar Agent Malloy. The two injured men were left in the hoi pilal at St. John's. Till DKCOLLETK tome I'lm In Language from a London Writer. A London cable says : Tbe tirade of Elizabeth Ktnart Pbelpa (Mrs. Ward) on dfCullfte dresting has called forth consider- able comment from tho London press, much of which is far from complimentary o the thin-ikinned American. One writer layi, referring to Mri. Ward'i article: ' People wbo talk and write in tbii style are either not very well informed on their subject or they are constitutionally in capable of believing that there is more cleanliness and acun-l health in the world at large than exiata in their own minda nd i.aluri'S. Home of us are SO unfortunately constituted that we must first create tho vices we want to destroy, and there is nothing that docs ao much harm to society as this ilatanl crusading by prurient imriata against evils that have scarcely the shadow of so existence outside of their own maginaliona. Mrs. Ward is sorry that adiea wbo go to the theatre do not avert their glancea and blush when tbe ballet comes on. Well, there are some who do so, jut they are the sort of women who make assignations with their lovers in charch, ask French conundrums in whispers at tbe dinner tables, and read anonymous French vice between tho covers of fashion prints. 1'he woman who opens her eyes when tho jallct comes on, finds a good deal less ira >roprioty in that entertainment than ahe would be likely to find in tlm occasional diatribes against them In the maga/.ine rticlra by Briliab or American matrons." IlIM TKOUIILE3 ENDKll. .ITII Kwy llmiiilti.il 4 IKn.l i: nit found In Honk* Kltrr. A Helena, Mont., despatch aaya: J. Cl. Urnii. aonof Preiident Norvin Green, of ho Western Union Telegraph Company, turned to Helena on Friday, after a tour n the Yellowstone, National Park. Mr. JrMi uya that on Anguat 23rd, while on n H way into the Park from the Union anil.', be stopped at tbe ranch of Robert lay Hamilton, tbe Naw Yorker whose trouble with hii wife oanicd such a lenia- Ion a year ago. Mr. Greeu lays Ur. llam- Iton had bonght a ranch about two months igo, and had made it an outfitting place for *rk tourists. Mr. Green fouiul that Mr. lamilton bad been gone on a hunting trip or llvo ilaya. Tbo next day Mr. Green nd Bia party started to hunt up Mr. Ham [ton. About thirty miles from tho ranch Ir. Ureen discovered bia body in Snake iver, and hia horse and dog a little ilia anoe away. Mr. Hamilton wai identified bejond all doubt by Mr. Green, who had he body taken to the ranch, and wbo noti- lad Mr. Hamilton's family. Mr. Green iaa bw n ia the park, and WAS surprised hat the above facts had not been published. Wrecked by H Waterapout. A Ban Antonio, Tex., despatch saya : ,Ht night at 9 o'clock passenger train No. 'J, east bound from Kl Paso on tbe louthern Paoifio Railway, waa caught in a waterspout fifteen miles west of Del Kio. .'he water, some forty feet wide, struck he forward part of tbe train. It took tbe ngino, bapgage oar and mail car from the racks and carried them forty-five feet, vortarcin r ; them. Tbe passenger! knew lothing of tho approach of tho water until he jar occurred. The engineer and fire men escaped drowning by swimming to igh ground. The track was torn up for 00 yards, and a golly ten fast cut through 'Iho train ia still standing, and a force f men are repairing the track. Governor MoKinney, of Virginia, says lat il la not at all neoesiary for a public man to drink, aa is often aaserted. It hai Ken his invariable practice to decline all treats " in bis political campaigns, and e believes that instead of losing he has ained votes by hia abitinenoe. Min Klizabeth Biiland, who made a ip around tbe world, beating the time of he mythical i'hileas Fogg, baa gone to ngland to live, it is said. This ii strange i view cf the faot that aha wai pro toted to a very responsible position on the <um<ipi'/iiim after her return from her urney. OHOBS Or TUB 8TBIKB. Aa Uuutl.fB.Uiry Interview With Dopcir Allrjnl Wrecker* Amsted. A New York despatch says : A com mittee of five of the ex-employees of th New York Central Railway who went o strike called on President Depew at th Grand Central depot to-day. They wer headed by Thomas Balisney, an old heigh conductor, and M. Gaffney, another striker acted as spokesman. The following con versation between Mr. Depew and Mr Guffciey followed : Mr. Gaffney We have oome to tal over the strike on tbe New York Centra Road. Mr. Depew I'm afraid there is nothin. to talk about. The strike ii virtually ove now. Mr. Gaffney The itrike ia not over, be cause, all the men on the road wbo ar member! of labor organizations have qai work and are now oat. Mr. Depew They have chosen to resign their positions. Mr. rt ebb, who wai man aging the road in my abaenoe, took ne men in their places when they quit work His action has been sustained by tbe Execn live Board of Management of the road Tbe places of those men have now been filled, and that's tbe end of it. Mr. Gaffney then asked Mr. Depew to wait until tbe committee bad discussed th matter, and said that they would then re tarn and make thfir proposition to him. Mr. Depew replied : There is no use in making false promises to you. There i nothing more to be done. I do not care to talk over back numbers. Yon have cho*en to resign your placet. Mr. Webb ha filled them and I have nothirg moro to aay. Tbe committee then left tbe cflice. A I'lica despatch says : Piukertcn De teotivea have arreated Cain and Duett who were wanted for wrecking a train near Albany. They wero arrested in Northern New York or Canada. The detectives refused to aay where. The detectivea nasaed through Utioa yesterday afternoon following a woman wbo waa in communi cation with tbe men wanted. They left for the eaat at 11.20. i I t Hoi i~tl IN NONA aJCOTIA. Uonurcefiful Attempt to lllow up Family and K..*t'lrn< r. A Halifax despatch says : AcaJia Mines *as the scene of a moat diabolical outrage aat night. An attempt was made to blow up the reaidence of C. W. Totten with dynamite. On Saturday laat Mr. Totten, who ia a constable, with two cflicera, took iwo women and a man to Trnro and placed hem in jail under warrants for violating the Llijuor License Act. Many threats were made at the time against tbe livea ol tbe officera, and againat Mr. Totttn in particular, bat no attention waa [aid to ihein. The fiend who committed the dastardly act laat night firat broke into the luildinga of tbe Londonderry Iron Com- pany and stole a ijnantity of dynamite which he placed under the corner of the boose, directly under the kitchen, where he thought no doubt the family would be about Ibe time. Fortunately Mr. Totten's wife 'i little children, who were alone in tbe boue at tbe time, the father being absent in '1 rum, happened to be in another part oi the house when the scoundrels set the ex plosive off. The report it ma. Is was terrific ind was heard all over the town. Tbe bouse waa badly wrecked, but tho oc,.'n pants, be>ond being badly ahaken np, were not serioaily injured. Shortly after tbe explosion a man was seen running from tho hcnae, but owing to the darkness he was not recognized. The greatest indigna- tion prcvai's in tbe town and talk of lynch ing is freely indulged in. A reward will likrly be cffered fcr the capture of the wretch. A IIKUTAL 1'AKENT Mall* 111. Two Children In a lloi, Where They Are SulTacatrd. An i:i Paso, Tex., despatch sayi : An Indian living acme miles below Pa>o del Norto, Alpxtco, left home on bniiness Saturday morning, bat before leaving be pat bis two children, a girl and a boy, in a large box, and nailed down tbe lid, to pre- vent them from getting into tbe orchard tnd rating tha fruit during bis absence. The father did not return until Sunday evening, and on opening the box he found the boy lying dead in the bottom and the irl in a dying condition. The suffocating :losonegs of their priaon, combined with lunger and thirst, had done its work, brightened over tbe result of his brutal uare-lessneav, tbe father endeavored to exonerate himaolf by concocting several ilorica, but was quickly arreated. Tho Indian intended to return to tho children Saturday night, but he was delayed. An Important Mail Intercepted. A Berlin cable lays : A sensational rob- itry of tbo mails occurred at Stuttgart to- day. A poat-bag containing 80,000 marks and twenty -i ue registered letters diaap- learod this morning on ila way from fried riohahaf en. The Emperor is now ttajiug at Friedriohahaten, and the bag among the other letters contained docn- neuia touching on tbe court-martial now n progress at the Military Casino at itattgarl upon members of the Lancers. The scandal* are similar to those of Clove- and street, London, and have been con- nected with high army officers of tho War- tembnrg capital. The bag was tabae- qaently found in Lake Constanoe. It hail been entirely ritltd of its content!, and nothing was discovered anywhere about that would give any clue to the perpetra- tors of the deed. It is supposed to have Men done by some one who bad an inter- eit in keeping theae documents away from ;he oonrt martial. Dark meat of cold roast chicken is the coolest lunob on a hot day, saya a New York epicure, and gravely adds a word of commendation for the drum-slicks, in order to ijoote the comment of an irate restaurant cook who bad jnit received an order for three chicken legs ; " I can't help hat," snapped the cook; "I can't out more than too legs off one ohioken. Ask hem do they want tbe earth. Do they hink fowls ii oentipedei ?" Boston "ranicript. Qneon Victoria is very tenacious of the iile that she shall hear at least onoe a reek from member! of her family absent n other lands. Sha likes letters. A HWIM.S KKMII.I'T HIM. The Little Eepubllo Hu a OonaUlntlona, Kevlllun (jurltluu. A Berne cable saya : The revolutionist in the Canton of Ticino formed a pro visional government and convoked popular assembly, which declared the ez isting Government and the Grand Counoi dissolved and ordered general elections fo next Sunday. Tbe insurgents hold Ln>?sno Mendrauo, Cbiasao and Locarno. Th Bnndesrath was called in extra aesaion, am ordered Federal troopa to be aent to th scene of tbe disorders. Tbe populace sop port the insurgents and tbe civil guan occupies the telegraph ofnoe, thus prevent ing tbe supporters of the Cantonal Govern msnt from communicating by telegrapl with each other or with the National Gov ernment. The rebels arreated Counoilloi Greali, the Federal Commissioner, who re oeived instructions to annul the orders a the Provisional Government and the popular Assembly. A Geneva oable says : A supplement t tbe Journal de Geneve says all is chaa in the Canton of Vioino. The revolutionists have itill tbe upper band. At Yicino they occu pied the prefecture and the arsenal, ex pelling the officials by force and they stil hold them. No serious resistance was madi by tbe Cantonal Government, wbo were unable to cope with tbe insurgents. Th Federal Government baa despatched 1,500 troops to Yicino to restore order and rein state tha local authorities. The oflioia killed by a revolver shot last night was councillor of State. The outbreak is wuoll; local. None cf the other cantons take par or have any sympathy with it. Tbe rebel lion is condemned throughout the republic and will be short-lived. A Bellinzona cabta says : Tbe Liberals occupy tbe town stations on the Bl Gothard Railway. A counter revolt is feared. Later -Tbe revolt has collapsed. The troops have been well received by the revo lutionists. It has been agreed that tbe question cf the revision of the constitution be submitted to a popular vote. ni> !> IN OHIO. Much llamaice to llouten. Hallways and Farm*. A Pittiborg deapatch says : Tbe triba tnries to the Allegbuny are all overflowing and at Gil City the Western New York and L'ennsylvania tracks are covered, while trouble is feared on tbe Allegheny Valley railroad. All tbe lower streets in Canton, Jbio, are dooded, and great damage is icing done by flooded oellari, while the small farmers are also sufferers). At New castle, Pa., the Neahannook river is higher than it has been for years, and now oom pletely covers tbe lower portion of that :ily. A hundred houses are covered on the first tloor with from one to six feet ol water, and the families have been obliged to move to higher ground. A washout baa atopped freight traffic on tbe Newcastle aranch of the Pittiburg and Weatern, while passengers must all bo transferred. One mile of the Western New York and Penn- sylvania has been washed out near New- castle, while the Nypaoo is also waihed out in a score of places. A score of mills and furnaces in Newcastle and along the Seshacnock are covered with water and abut down. The deep Bhenanga river is also rising, and danger is feared from that stream before morning. All reports indi- cate great Icai on mills, houses, and to 'armtri, nothing extraordinary in any one one, but enormous in the aggregate. WHAT KAI1.W&Y MKM WANT. Long; Llat of Application* Itelore the Privy Council Veaterdav. At yesterday's meeting of tho Railway Committee of the Privy Council was heard the application of the Niagara Central Uailway Company to make a oroasing towards the railway Suspension Bridge at Niagara Falls upon the land of tbe Grand Trunk by means of a track already in ex islenoe, from the Canada Southern Uail- way northeasterly across Bridge street Niagara Falla to a junction with the Grand Trunk Railway track at tbe westerly end of the bridge. The Grand Trunk, in the peraon < f John Bell, O. C., or, i'Kd this and wanted more information, so it waa postponed for a week. G. T. Blaoketook J. C., appeared for the Niagara Central, and was supported by the President. Dr. Oille, and Capt. Neelon, ex M.P.I'., of St. Catharines. The Winnipeg Transfer and Northern I'aeilic ,v Manitoba Railways asked permis ion to effect a junction with the C. P. R. Jwing to the non-arrival otC. P. R. Super 'nlendont Whyte from Wicniprg the hear ng was adjourned. Tbe case of the Win nipcg Street Railway, who alao aak leave to cross the C. P. R. track, waa alao ad- onrned. Mr. 1'nttoraon, M. P. for Kasex, aakedon >abalf of the LakeKrie, Essex A Detroit {iver Railway for leave to run a track along Stewart atreet, Kic<;avillo, Gnt. Tha pnliuation was granted, subject to com- tensation by the company to any persona those interest may ba injured. A number if other applications stand over. The Mid-Steeple. Set squarely in the middle of High treet, Dumfries, is one of the oddest old itrnotnres to be found in all Scotland. It s now called the Mid-steeple. When built, '00 years ago, it was known as the Tron itetple. At that time, on the sale at ,uction of tbe customs and excise of Scot- ami, the Dumfries Town Connoil took a arge share in the plunder, in turn sold it o a fellow burgher, ono Sharpe.ao by name and fine in dealing. The citizens revolted, and on compromise Burgher Sharpe was icrmitted to retain hia "tack" on pay- ment of 20,000 merkt, Sx>ts, with which he outlandish structure was erected. In ts upper anoouthneas it contains the town look and a peal of bells, and a oomplaining 'eathercook surmounts the spire. Cur. Wic Yort C'naimcrctii/ A disastrous explosion occurred yesterday t the dynamite magazine at the Pallioe ock, La Roohelle, France. Ten persons were instantly killed and many wounded. The last fad of tha fashionable women f Fifth and Madison avenues is a rivalry in biaininx the handsomest bedatead for htir sleeping apartments. All these bod- leads are metallic. Ntif York Star. Even a dead daok can claim that he ied game JDBTIOB. HOT OHAKITY. The Badleala Are Mot All Poor and. Ignor- ant Men. James A. Herne spoke to the New York actors (rom tbe atage of the Bijou Theatre laat month. In the course of bia address) he aaid : Now I am a aingle taxer because I do not believe in revolutions. The great French revolution simply deposed one set of despots to replace them with another set. The American revolution dethroned one orowced king, and in hia stead there have arisen 25,000 uncrowned kings. The c-own was bat a symbol. Tbe single tax will quietly but effectually depose all kings, and under it they can never rise again. It will render it utterly impossible for any one man to oppress another ; for when any man can get land to use, paying to the . 'im- munity a just tax for tbe value of his loca- tion, and no tax on what be produce* from it, he ia absolutely free he need not beg for work. Nature ia prodigal and yields to those who woo her. Now, unlike revolution, the single tax can only opme slowly. It cannot come until tbe minda of the people are ready to receive it. Bo gradual will be its approach that the change will scarce be fell until n is accomplished ; bat that gradual appro .ch will stay tbe tide of a blocdy revolution. It wrongs no man ; it rights all men ; it means land for the people, wages for labor, interest to capital. Instead of land speculation, it will open up oppor- tunities for investment hitherto undreamed of by capitalists. Thii ii why I am a aingle taxar. It is not a hobby with me. Bow can anything be a hobby or a f*d that in, jJves all that is best in life ? Herbert Spencer, Tyndall, Huxley, Darwin, Humboldt, Car- lyle, all saw the injaatioe of land specula- tion, and said so. Mr. Howells, Mark Twain and Edward Bellamy see it to-day, and say so. The press throughout the land sees it, and says ao. Tbe musicians sav so. The poets, Shelley, Burns, Emerson, Whit- man and Lanier, say 10. The artiata, among whom are to be named Deforret* Brush, George Innes, John J. Enrekin, Dan Beard, F. 8. Church. Robert S, well, Kenneth Cranford, 1. 8. Hartly, aay ao. Ia the pulpit, Biahop Potter, Bishop Spanld- ing, Lyman Abbott, Hebert Newton, lUbbi Scbircller. Father Hantington, M. J. Sav- age and otbera say so. Tbe statesmen, the merchants, the clerks say so ; the mechan- ics, the laborers aay so ; and so 1 oome to you, actors, to ask you, not to say so, bat for God's sake to say something not to follow me, but to go into the publio libraries and read the literature of the day upon this question and oppose me if voa can. Shake off this lethargy ; it is killing your art. It is keeping yon idle and lowering your standard of worth. It is said that there is an oversnpply of theatres and actors. No ' there is no oversupply of anything, and there never can be, ao long aa one human want remain* nustuiatisd. Underconsumption ia the trouble, i'ree land, concentrate your people, instead ol loroiog them out over thousands of miles of territory ; economi/s your vitality and your wealth, advance your civilization step }y ati'p in the order of evolution ; luund new cities only as they are needed, and yon will find that }ou havn't got halt ibeatrM or actors enough. I am accused of being the champion of tbe common laborer I am tbe advocate of all labor ; bat I know .bat we can do nothing until thv cuf.imon laborer is free. Ho has got to be freed first. And I confess that it does seem to mo that ihere ii something radically wroni, in a ly item that forcei a man to toil iuoetuutly 'rom the sunrise to the sunset of hia life a life shortened en an average thirty years only I? stand on tbe threshold of hia grave at laal, gnarled and twiated like an old oak, and looking backward, say to himself: For all this toil an insufficiency of food and clothing through life, and a pau^er'a (rave at the end." Acd yet (rom that man's toil, from tbe wealth he has pro- duce.!, some man or corporation of men has grown rich. It ia hard to make th* comfortable people of the world see this truth, jual as it is difficult to make the comfortable R tor, Ibe actor who is always iu an engagement, believe that there is not something radi- cally wrong with the uncomfortable actor who can get nothing to do. The rich are Mginning to see it. That is demonstrated in tin ir extensive charities. The Un;-- was that they waited until after deaih before dispcaing of their wealth ; now the j are adopting charitable measures daring their ives. Charity under tbe present coiuntioa of things is a necessity, and we can't have too much of it ; but I could wish we were well nu of it, and that justice atood in its itead. " Charity covereth a multitu-.t of sins," but it also begets a multitude of rougs. When Caruegie built that $300,- KX) library and bestowed it upon bin work- men, one of them said, " If Andy'd only >ay ua our full wages we oould build oar iwn libraries." We single tax fe-llowa aay, ustios is what we're after. Give ui that and we'll have no uao fcr charity. A New Kit-use. She Have you been drinking again : He No, m'love (bio)." She Well, how do you account for your resent condition ? He I fancy I most have been ypnotized. (bio) Mica has been restored to the dutiable at by the United States Henate. In the U. S. Senate yesterday a _':. per sent, duty was placed on telegraph pole*, les, etc. Capt. MoMicken, formerly commodore f the Canard Steamihip Company's Meet. aa died at Liverpool. The Australian dockers' itrike it show, ng aigns of collapsing. Non-unionists are applying the place of the strikers in large umbers. , The marriage of Lord Laurence Petro to lias Jennie Williams, the American son- rettc, will take plaoe on tbe 'J'.ith inst., at ne groom's home, Furnisa House, Cop sfold Hall, Ignaatone, England. The ceremony ill be private, the only persona present aidea the contracting parties being the rido' a mother and a few friendi. Imme- iakely after tho ceremony the happy ouple will go on a two months' tour of the continent. The payment of another and final divi- end of the dhf unot Outral Bank, Toronto, epends upon the results of come suitu now before the courts. I.

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