Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. &ANK.ISG -OFFH3E OF GEO. MITCHELL, FMISHERTON. A g<iaarl banking biuu-a** trnart4-.V -- 1.1 1 anl cheil * cati '"'' ' oal rule*. ilwi Tile,li for . wo deem north of Btthartlson & Co't. Vicinity Chips. of iWr Pa*t Can-fully fill. .* fr Ike unou-t Rev. Mr. Watson mat- not leare hi* charge *wih lu was r.ticip*fe<i, then Win.! a iSiffidslty expeneuced in secanuz Der shcM>iiii;coiBnietice<l on Wedne*- .:T. and atoeady two tine tpttctnaits of the fleet fiMitwi i;ime hav fallen . .eliiKi <" tli utiomug uiu ol Fle*her- ton sportsmen. Mr. Tli..a. Wyvill au purchawd the ti.iur. fri aid imif butiuee* uf Mr. I .ml. and will !H- folia I in the SMIL- taii<l ready and willing t s*re all whu anything i" lii* line. The Mr*. Maiapropi* art not all dead yi-t. One of thnn desired the other day tn purchase from Mr. Richinison a can *.f ' OMinecra-.i-a ' lye, tn.'a i.. th- rwan eti to buy a phial uf "diabolic" acid. The Advance offers cniiipleto et of Dickens' works in tr-lva. volume fur 75 cwnl* -Uiatand the paper. until Jan. 1, IH'.*-.'. .nd tliej aot of Dicktn* Works, |.t|>aid, all for 9175) Dsjscriptivo circular sent on A .snHtinuatiou of the Meafurd Rnad amiivoraary teamwetinK will be held this Thursday eeinns, commencing at 7 p.m. An abundance "f pvxl thin^t ;-ait. t-> teuiyt the appvtitea of our fricn*!*. -*- ilrei*e**ii>ectrd fmm R r>dell, of M.v.Uale, J. U. Watt*. "f E'>Siii*, ami .t',ers. A K"M"'- **<*** !.*!* Ad- tu.aiKMi, aintfle, 15 cents, 25 cent* per couple. Euphrasi* it already cunaiderini: the offici-rt it will appiHBt to th* Coaucil Sir\i for ueLt year There will be war of a fierce kind. It it antici<>atfd that Mr. ('ilrmv may have ,nn oppojition for the reeveahip. If he fce ha ov^>i- turn he will get there jiMt the tame. The townabip will ht two deputy rveve* next tear, and for tirt deputy the v>utnt will,be belwec" vl .W. Stewart. J. P., of Kjinberley, d the, I>IMDI m- t, Wui, Fawcett, Eq. >\ at. . Strain hat opeaed up t, emporium in hi old premiaea, Strain'* block, where he will keep in itock a full liueof ti've from the beat manufacturer* ui Canada, including the fVarl st4iTa, now beiij{ adrertiaed in this [laper. H haa also accepted the agency f't * Raymond aewinu machine. For anything in hi* line it would be wH fr iutendiii({ purchaaera to call on Mr, Strain, a> hu buinaa in- u-nntv haa atuod the u-si of yean, and buytrn kuw jut what to expect. Late on Saturday evening but Mveral .ntleoien were itandiu^ convenitiK on the tidewalk ner the |K*t oAw, wb.en suddenly a lail uf water descended upon them. A eroh bemi{ iiituted, two vxtrely funny younn mea were dia> ,<ov>rd in hiding nn the roof of Sproula'i Mock. They were maivhed down and l-araded before an incensed crowd. "Jfce tw.iculpriu (a(;d '- .* ?\\ looked > MUH'|, hoWHver, that it was thought I .u to cha.ttiae them. This we think Hiuaciueof misplaced leiiiwcy. Auv |.<-i"ii who would be xuilty : |he trick they were, abodld be treated to douax in blether'* will (>ond. Colt For Sato. Spring colt by Terror. Spletd|d ani- mal. Apply to John Wrinhi.lTUsliwtun. Peraopal- Squire Stuart, of Kimberley, Wft n Monday for a couple of.,weeka 10 Muakoka. Mr. David firnham uU family, of \alloy, will la,JE^t. Mai.ituba winter. Mr. Uralnw. |t renUid hit farm- Mrt. MOBMI, .->f .hcntter. who ha* Weil visiting itl) rru-nd* and r-latii-a in UH) vicinity i if Markdale and Vando- lew, return/ed tu her American home thi* week. Tin Advance wa% favored lst week with a nleaaant call from Mr*. Maton and Mrs. D. Graham. That Unfortunate. The poor unfortunate younj woman, Maria Irwin, whu we mentioned laat week at havini; heen found in tlo WO.K!* ulfri in,- from oxnoeure, wa brought be- fore Mayittratea AruMtroDif and Rich- .inln.ui on Thurtday of last week and >..:Miiiitt.-.l t> Owen Sound jnil f^r thre< mi ml hi a* a vagrant. On the fellow)!^ day her titter aimed fnu Walter's Falla to take her hoaio but found it too late, at diMtab<e Ku-ldt had lodged her in jail tnu d;iv before. Kr-.ni thia titter we learn that the frirl i "f untound mind and requirva continual watchiiiu ti> <le .*ni her at h<nuu. Many time* *he haa ii. away, but *a been returned wtth- I any teriout conaequence* U' hertelf until thi* time. There it noditdbt what- ever that the poor creature l"t l^cir way, v Maine confuted though hunger ad i re to the c-ild, and lay down in thr whvr, tlic nu doubt w> u'.U hat* per inhed in a short time if Mr. Campaign had nut diaco u ered Uer whun he did. (>r,'ant MUiugat the Flethertoo furni- ture wareroouit at lue* than ordinary whoieaale prices We are oTer-ttocked and mutt have rjuite a clearance. If ;liere is anything in onr liu you are needing He will make it p*y you to buy About Indian Tea. In tl) gardens of India the culture of the tea plant hat almost reached per- tectiuu. Thi* it the experience of con- sumer* wherever it hat beeu introduced. and it it now pronounced the belt in the world. Indian ten hat the flarot of Mow* rt. It U ouly about half a century since te culture wat commenced in India, and now there are many tea plant- er* who prophecy that Indian tea will eventually push China tea out of the market* of the world. Just ten year* ago the export* of Indian tea amounted to 33,000 pound*. Five yean later they had risen to 53,000 pounds, and to-day they are making 100,000,000 pou.id* annually. It i* a pleanure to recommend Raui Lal't pure InJian tea. Why f Be- CAUM of it* strength, it* peculiarly do liciouj flaror, and it* aSsolute purity. Tea drinking i* one of the moat coni- ni. MI blesting* of life, and i/ you Save not yet tried this really excellent bran i. there it a treat in ttore for you. M.. Richardaon & Co. can tupply you with [t Jutt give it a trial. The Flesliertun furniture waferoom* are otferiui: some entire bar^aina in bed- room suites. Suite* worth $16.00 otferir.!,|,a* f U.fti nett, must be cleared out at Mice to make room for fall *tock, tome ot which haa already arrived aud we havenso spacvto ttore them. Meafor V.Koai. Thu Meaford Road anniversary tea- meeting ;.ld last Tuesday ni^ht wa* well |4.tronized V.y a fairly gt*>d crowd. Although Uie road* were a little n.uddy. the people turned out well, and were o.,n comfortably seated with an ample supply of viands before them, which were ptvvulet! -by the ladle* of that parish. Til* Kleshtttoii choir, which at present to {umish Ute musical part of the pro- gram, rendered a beautiful anthem, after which the Rev. Mr. Shannon, of Oraiisre- ville, opened the mevtiug by prayer. Rev. Mr. Kydell, Rev. Mr. W.tts and others, win- were expeeted to take part iu" the prouram, were absent. How- rver. their placr* were very ably tilled with. Ill-ill talent, in the peraon* of Mr. John Boland, councilman, who cave a thort but amusing addrett, Mr. Wm. Buchanan acid Mr. Robert Shannon. Rev. Mr. Shannon delivered a neat little speech givt- n 111 a pure conversational style, respecting numerous small repair* which he thought were necessary for the welfare uf that church, aud after indulg- ing in a few prophetiet he returned hi* neat. The musical part of the program was rendered with perfecUou by the "very respectable, excellent choir of Fleehertju, "which gave a number of solus, <iuartetu, anthem*, etc. Mis* Richard- tou, Mikt D'tiuuJe, Mr. Karnhouse and Mr. Evans treated the gathenn< to a few of their choice solos, wh.le Muw Chriatoe, Mis* Richardson, Metars. Barn- hou*o and Becroft, were heartily ap- plauded for a beautiful quartette given by them. The me-ting wa* cloved in due time, after th* usual vote* f thank* were paeaed around. The choir tret >; ii a particularly hearty one, and vetting credit forau unusual amount ut pluck aud courage for attempting to be present !>uJur *ucli unfiivoiable circumstance*. Some vety lan;e bedroom suites at the Fleshertoii furniture warenmint, al price 41S CO, offering now in order Ui make r-.m at $ltf.25 fur whow set. T!i i-ae ui Us are tilted wuh Kriti*K plate gl:u* and JJ entire value at regular priuu. Farmers' Institute. . \\' understand th-.* there wa* meeting of the Farmers' Institute in Markdale laat Friday. Not having re- ceived any notification from the secretary, Mr. J. I. CIrahaju, we were unacuuainted with the fact, and therefore could not be preaunt. As a member of the Farmers' luttitute ourself, protest agaiutt thi* kin.l of work. \V paid our annual fe last fall, and here the vecretarv, although notifying all the other members, did not thiuk it worth hi* while to make the press acquainted with the fact that there waa to be a meeting of th* institute, which he thould consider it at least a courteous act to do, tven if we were nut a mumber. What Mr. (Sniha'ii means by tuch discourteay, or what The 4d- vaB.ce ha* ever done to incur hie dm uleasuro, is more thai> we can fathom. The Advance haa always ui en more pace to doiuK* of the Institute tlsan any uther piper in tha ooanty, anA this i* the thanks it net* from the secretary. If the vther otticial* appreciate oitr e(f>rts ashigMva* Mr. J. I. iiraham appears t<>, we are quite willing to let thu asMocia- tiou aloue and pay u uiore attention to it. But we do ii"t beliuve this to be ih cnae, and until we hear what th* secretary has to say . for himself wdl with. >K1 further coimiuMMt. Editor .ii/siUKX. F!ethtrlv. DKAH Sin, I DAV* b!i tqu*>td bkfurmsh you with a list of the udc*i for Oislr* Ory Paraicr*' Institute for th* Btuing ?. r Tboa.KvlU.rr**.; DR. Rlliy Vl<- t >*.: 1. I. Urabaui, *c Traa*. Director*- <! Mew ait, Js*. Brodi*.' t> ttolutaa, Wu '1 i^U. T. B Whit*. J. U-tin.pf.HurUii., Julm I'l 1 i'.*e. Joba Coon, io liictja/dtoa> AuOl^oi* J. H.'.MJ.I. K Huchasti IVMKftKs to <. ; *W1 Vssrmwt' D. .UrTavish, HORSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Colling wood Stre-ft, FLESHERTOW, - CRT. Manufacturing nf Wacons. leigbs. Buggies Democrats, etc- Horseshoeing proutptly all tended *o Hpcial attvDtiou giYciyto eoutraot- ed or tender feet and Plow Chain* < eThaml. LOOK! LOOK ! Call and see my -wilkcins before purobasing alwwburu, aud voorwill buy no othr. A la.-^t> amor: -aunt of Mill. Pans iisul PaihK ream runs All kind* of old nii't.i! taken in exchange, also wool pickiug*, brr.s* and CO|<V.T. SULLIVAN The 1 Came to tb |>rmiw* on lot 3. con. li Ouprry. ou "bevp. Owunr can hv aiii bvj>roviuK uro|wrty n'. (wyiau mpuiM*. JOHN I'uoLK Lady lank P O. * 100 Acre Farm for Sale. JiM will purchaa* that ticellent fsno numbrn at(nl anil nin* . 9> la the Mcond con ciiioii or raug* north of the Durham road. townnhlp of ArtR,ma,iD tb county of Orv Toaomft, more or !*. of naiil faruj it undvr cul- tiotioii, balance hardwood, except about two acre* of cedar. Tb dwelling HOUM ! built of brick, lanie and coiumodiou'*. ouly teven veam ince built. Uut buuMegoiHl aud ronuiy. built ofloKtauJ partly frame, iiood, wti-r alw ou tbe farm A good portion of th pu rcb inunejr may lay unpaid at ix per cent, interett, ecunng th *!!) by uierttfatfe. Fur further particular* apply to JOHX HTKWART. ArtMBWla, 6>b October MM. Proprietor lla P O . Out CASTORIA for Infants and Children. o I OasaorU onrss Colle. < . I Bour BSneMMWi. Lnanfccta. aVusSsima. t,a*so*4fa.ii. T. I Ta CnrrAim COMPAJTT. TT Harm/ MM**, H. T. THE ODELL, TYPE _PITER. > will buvtbe OBELI TYPE WHI- TE It "1' " s ciiaraouTt. ud 515 fi the Kiuiclf C'sVM- Utfrll. *arraDtl to Jo betUrw.r tbaii aay macliiue m&da , ttoombioft IIMV.ICTTT with DWABII.ITT. MFKID, EA. or UPKBAI ION, w*STs !olg*r with- out cott o( repair* than auv nth. r <mat:)iiin- Uaa nu ink ribbon to bother t:> I operator II UXKAT, SI;BSIITIAL. uickle pic. sJ. perfect am) adapted to all kinds of t., pt) wrilitig. iLe) s priutiug prat*, it proUucs tburp, oleas, legible mautucripU. Two or ton cn|iir* can be maJ at one writing. Anr iuttlligeut pruu can become an operator lu two J*j. We off ur !, to anv opera- torwho can equal tu work uf ttu KuuMr CAM- .l. 1 1 IU>liabi Axntt and Salesmen, wautml. Speeia! ifls)uomentt to Deoler*. For 1'hamphlet fiviug IuJoeuioU, <fce. OOUFUL TYI'E WKITEK < O.. 84 and s 7 -:oiU AT iUlt AGO ILL. I. P>. t LUCM, barrister, of the iirm Bishop A Lucap, Ownu $outid, is at the office i if Win. Lucas A Co., iu Markdale, every Ifeiday, and in Duudalk every Saturi,it>. WILMO.VS NKW PL A MM; MILL A.JJ D- THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING.: , MUDDY ROADS WILL SHORTLY BE HERE. Get your Feet Protected' With a gooA strong pair of Boots. The place to secure these is at JOS. SMITH'S. I have a large stock of ready-made bots - on hand, of my own make, from which to make a selection, and if ycu cannot be fitted among these I will make you a pair for a very reasonable figure and guarantee satisfaction. Leather is on the rise, and you had better order your boots now. Re- member the plce, JOSEPH SMITH Next door to the Marble Shop, Flesherton. Photos, Photos, Photos ! art now turning out work far tuperior in Hyli and ji*Uh (*> any ever pto duetd in Fleihertun. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE HATES. PIGTUEK FBAMINQ Ion* in otliti 6mnA. A yooi! *rk of FRAMES and MOI'LDIMIX tcpt conttantlj on hand. Will ali* intixluce tht nea BROMWS PORTRAIT, . picture that it giniug entire t<tt\f<tctwn wkertrer intr>nlucnti SAMPLES i be tten, *4 my (jallery K'MM; alt pnrdcuian at to /Vice 1 , Style Ac., CUM >n atcer- t ained. .JIMS. BVLMEB. FLESHEKTON. CARRIAGE ;-: WORKS. Tc our old customers and the fttjalic generally : <\u new Plan:ug Mill and Carriage \Voi having Lu<)u completed, \v are I now in a position to do your work in either the building, or carriage wood j work hue, in a firsholaas manner. Get i your wagon, t*lei-'!^.or buggy ivpum doul WILbO-'i . Also PLAN1NO, MATCHING, BAND SAWING, ; SHAPING, TURNINGS, MOlLMMis. S1DIM;S, 3A6H AND DOORS. FTUMJiS. ETC. Price of Repqiirs Reduced PLKAftE KNQl'IKB AT TtIB FACTORY : _ _ < lllnw*4Hl -, Fleshertoa. Durham Bulljor Service. The* wwif-.D.R I ne'er uedutreoti. Purbatu Bull. Or ,V" for *er>loe at lot 1M, a It terin, eu..si ply sums pre> i > JC. ADAMS. Three important qualities combine*4"in our mak ^ of To those who expect to wear Ktots and shoes lur- ing the next tew mouths we would say that you cam t do better,- eithar in Factory madtt-orJiome-macle Boots >han to try CLAYTON'S. A good stock oar hand from ' he best manu-factures. Also a lot of Mens' P. O\itom ihome mack . iicat Material aud' Workm iship. on haaxi. to Or FOR3ALE. Park lot of n acres withiu a m lie of Fleehvrtoti beinxpertof Lot IM. 9ud N F... Artomesta Terms liberal. Al'i'iy W J. Htl,l \MT. Klealwrton. 1* > Msreb *, 18BO. Propity for Sale or lo lent House aad two lota un Colliiwwix"! -ent in FlejMrtDB. llixxl wster at the il<* Mthleero Will be sold on e**y lei m- Appljrto M J .I'Ror.Lf., fie. .;*>. or to tVUUT M Pl**brtwu, 8e|>t. is. I'M) /A

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