Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1890, p. 1

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MERTON ADVANCE, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-' 1 PRINCIPLES, A Ol ME.\." VOL. TX , NO 487. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1890. W. H. THURSTON, ARMSTRONG BROS, are too busy icpair- watches, clocks and jewelry this week to fill up this space. But will have big inducements to offer our custom- ers after our fall stock is sorted up. We have some big ins ready for you, call and see. IUM . >niN(i. \V IOU WOJiK. FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMBER. LATH. JOJI WOHK FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard 8 Carriage Works, FLESHEHTON, ONT. TICK'S LAND UOLJ.EHS J10WKKS. I'.INDKHR. 1M..IWS. Our Kus;<;iet the B*t. Our Sleiithe the Boat. Our Cutter* the Bwt. Our liupMvod Harrows the Bt. Our Patent (iatu The H*t. Sti-vciiK Improved Spring Tootl, Harrow the Boat. STRAW CUTTKR8, 1 i KMT UH1LLS. OANQ PLOWS eady T1iis is a new department xvith us, and before purchasing we exaiuiued the saiuplr-: of -. vc:-;il leading clothi- . is i i the ]>ouiiiiion, aud from long TjM-rienco in tlits^ lines, we are now prepared to offi-r tin; public a choice .ion of suits and overcoats. \V<- do not believe in keeping the real flicr.p suit. If yon pay $5.00 for a suit of shoddy, and i; wears out in a month ov two, you will conclude the merchant Im* >-;i' r< >l yon, and de- cide it will Iv yinir hist dealings with him. For $S .10 \vc can ive you a genuine wool suit, one which we will uiUv to j;iu' satisfaction every lime ; hotter suitos at 10.flO. $1 1 2.(M, -tc. \\ can siiit your boys every time ; make them neat and tidy for very little money. The cold weather will soon be ii< re and every man vmliiijj an iivorcnat sliouW he look- ing out to find where he cau secure the best value. W.- dont want to talk 1'nr talk's <>' \" i'ii>fO f 'oii of our overcoats will convince yon that they are about us represented. We have thcloiiir luMvy ulster for teaming, with a hi;,'h collar to keep your ears from freezing, ulso to protect the rmck of your neck from the blizzard. \Ve also have the plain and fancy worsted coat for finer wear, also a cheap line in Nap Coats for boys. Overcoats cheap and durable, ranging in price from $5.00 upward. Ordered clothing receives our most careful attention. Our tailors are second to none in the country ; care- ful workmeu and reliable every time No need to travel miles to try and get a stylish suit when a careful in- spection of our nobby tweeds, worsteds, trouserings, etc., will satisfy the most stylieh young men in Ontario. Mat- rimonial suits a specialty. Boots and shoes. "A word to the wise M sufficient." Hides having ad- vauovd to such an extent boots and slinks cannot be replaced at the prices now quoted. The wise man is the one who buys first this season, and dozens are availing themaelvea every week of the oppottunity to secure the bargains offered by us in these lines. Long boots, from the best split to the genuine kip, made by the beet manu- factures in Ontario, also boys' at the lowest possible prices. Ladie's boots from $1.15 to $3.00. Misses' and cliiUreu's iu large varieties. We have uot space to take up any other department of our well aeeorted stock, but would invite all visitors to Flesherton to call and see us. Our salesmen are very meek, and will not get vexed if you make them tear down the whole stock without pur:haelug five ceuts worth. Pi-ice F*nid ior Gutter and n)cDOI$LD A Prayer. Thv netnlv churches. Lord, bebold, Taught in Thy truth still let them b ; Confirm Pliv pr'mnsH aa of old ; Oh. give u grace to trut in Thee. W lonu to know Thy <|nickaning power ' Di|iiv Thy love M> rich and free, And fur tin* soul rnfreituiDK Bhover Oh. ijive uigravu to cruel im Thee. The Hal In ire whit*, the lalxireri tew. Hear Thou toy m-roH unceot pine, . D**Mod like Hermm <ut>ntl dew. Oh, (tTe at grace to tru ID Thee. Tliv worki full btirrieaon llee. We loiiu Thy HUM. MX band to tee, Rut if Thy lue oar with deniee Ob. give ue grace to true* in Thee. Our future ream to Thee r known, Our inmost thought* Thuu now doet ae Our all aocept ; our labor* own ; Ob. Rive u* grace to trust It rteehermu, Oct. li trtn. tremenduons cnts tlirough solid rock, and great tunnels. It is really tear- T. W. A l.ctli-r fr..iu W. ..i>.. nun. T Hie Eilltur uf The A'lnmrr. I)KAB SIR, Having promised you MM) time since I would write you a letter for your paper, descriptive of my jnarrey to N. W. T., anil uiy opinion of the country, I now under- take the i:i*>k, and shall endeavor to do so to tin- best of my ability, iu as short a <>[mce us possible. Well, sir, 1, with uiy fumil), ii.fl Fleslu-rtoii ou the 'Jinl d.i\ Dl Si-|ii., uiy faiuilv ijniu^ by C 1'. II. express, myself with stock aud hoiifli'hold elT-cts going by fii-ijjh'.. My family loft Toronto ou Tuesday uight by harvest excursion train, at 12 p m.. and reached \\ iiinipe^ on Friday afternoon at 'i. HO, having had a very pleasant trip. They \v much pleased with the attention paid them, both by officials of the road aud fellow passengers. Every person ap- peared at lioiut , and vied with each other to see who could make the most fun and cheer one another on the long journey. I was not so fortunate, as I had no one to talk to fill to look at some of the narrow pots the traiu passes, on one aide rock, hundreds of feet high, aud on the other hundreds of feet below, aud all the time the train going at full speed. I tell you, Mr. Editor. I felt just a little rthaky sometimes. Jack- nali Bay is the first ,l,mpse I got of *5Cft t the bine waters of Lake Superior. : bf<>re tbu ><. ti ( At this place I am offered 75 cents . per pair for my chickens, big and i little, bat I declined the offer. Green applet could also be disposed of at this place at a big figure. I did not see the town of Port Aitliur, it being dark when we passed there. The next place of importance we stopped at waa Fort William. This is a nice, clean, smart looking place. It is ex- pected to grow rapidly, as the C.P.R. Mi Men youoj{, old. or middle azexl. who rind them VI bllliObVi lo *. Jltau 111/ UUl VV * U W f m but the horses and chickens. Well. I ! of moetln *? au i lt , of -ll..l* /.Illll.lll f\f ll.ll IWVOIIH, weak andexlluuntcd. w)m ,ir-- br-iken down fruni fli i-eiwm nr over :\, . . lilting in Ulauv nt ilie following symptom*: Mfiital .1, ]>i,-~-i. n. premature uld up., l"w of vitality. IOM of iiirtmiry. liad dr "flight. pul|>ituti'<u of tbe i.- i, luck ( , m-rcy, |m.u in th k:d- lii-Hdavlii'.piinplcH uu tin- face ur Imdv. Mutation ul.iit lli>' tcr'i- i oruanM, dix/iut*Br.. 'iteuiiik' "f the niu- uye lidn mid rlsowltoro, baHh[tihi>'ss, deposits in tlm urine, Ins* of will power, tendi TIII-H of the scalp aud pnif . weak uu 1 ri.ii.i>v uitiM'leh, tleairt 1 to sleep, failure to be reat*xl by ltp, cuiwtipatiou, dulluoRB of lieam.i:. IOM of voice, <lnir for solitude, exniul i of Ictiiprr. sunken uyes surrounded with LXAj'h.N , IIK.LI:, oily loiikiuu' 'kin. BIO., are ail ymptomj of MTMIU debility tbat It-mi ti luaauilv aud death unlua* inured. Tbe tprintf or vital force having lu.t iin t'-n P u>n every function wiiuun iu muM'<|u<'ij<'i'. Hi.'-.- who thr.'iiith abusu cuaiuiit; i .n iun<" are. owing to some difficulty with the ' S r SR2TSft"*i.J < t.ffi "to Port Arthur people, moving their i man. Addreu M . v. [.n;os, ,vi Fn.nt st.' workshops to Fort Wil'itiui. After i E.. Torontci. On. I:.,,,KS MO) b h'aviii!,' this place the country for a H>; '""- I'* 1 "*, t)"-' -yinpt-uj*.f whii-h .r- Ion- .lianco west is poor. No good ' Jj ^JSSKSfSk -If* tl'od fanu.ii)- landi so far as I could *vu or t,. tt.o had, dull paiu in th, 1,,'urt with lraiiini.nl within a short UlKLauOe | beats strong, rapid aud irregulkr. Un- - of \Vi!iiupei{, when we strike prairii-. heart beat lutotet than tke rs, peJB \V,. n-ach the city of Wiiinipt.' on ! ,. , ,. f I I ^' l01 " I'lllili. Bondai lAernoon at 2 pm., wln.-iv M \- i.i . , Eai) t we liuil to lie over until 4 a.m., Mon- nt.i, oni. dy. The city of Winnipeg is a of betwec thousand There are some magnificent, builiini^s erecu-d au;l more under cour^ of erection. The streets arc wide :unl where paved, art' buautifiil, hut whore ma paved, thu mud is sometliinx terrible. The day before I amvi-l there had btcii a great rain, and the I streets were something divrulful. The I mud there sticks to your boots like w.ix. At this place I had the pleasure I i Vl> i Win- MllUK ' p.'iia ill'. ,n < >[ Mum n a left rie.lier.OD station at 9.80 a.m., , own, and i pleasant reaching Cardwell junction at 8.30 c ! mk ' * uu "? *: " 7"* now " ea 1 r p.m., only waiting a few mirjute8 church Ume I took a walk alon with until we were off again across the m ,- v attnt " " he w 8 W 1 * l . cl '" rch country by the Hamilton and Nortu ; Tl.e people are evidently a church gOj Western, lauding iu Allandale at 9.80 ; 'D people, as the streets were lined p.m., waiting there until 1 a.m. when on f"*er side witu people going, book we were again on the way for North L a h 1 n . d ' * thelr V"to* churches. Bay. maiu line of C. P. K.. arriring l c uld uot f^ church, as my dry theYe at 6 p.m., second day of my ^ wen? bardly u ? to the mark Here again we had anothe'r - T iL< nelt P kce of - "Stance west lv nil IH.-llt \ Mil". kmd. m , of Winnipeg is Portage la Prairie. Here we halted at 7 a.m. At this journey delay of some six hours, waiting for through freight going west, when we were hitciied on and got along much P la e ""fj smoother than on the former part of" the journey. There waa not so much . shuutinK. The journey from F i e8h . coking, and apparently a good place erton to North Bay was terribly ! fo , r buiu . ne8 f 9 - 8"U going wet we are rough ; sometimes the horses would ; ou . r ^"f^ 11 at ! * m \ on be almost knocked off their feet, and ! * ood V ul f '' J 61 "? J M ' one week ou if household goods had not been se- the roJ. all but a few hours. curely packed, no doubt many of them would have been broken and aud proceeded westward. , lit andon ie a fine, smart town, clean ' To be continued. ) rendered useleas. I may just here say, the excursion train paaxed us at Gravenhurst on Wednesday morning at ft 80. I had I'r,,, .ill,- From our own Corrttpviulrnt. The people have not yet ceaed talking j of "ur tine agricultural thow uu the 14th the pleasure of au;aiii seeing my deerlnd 15th. The competitiou uf hack ones aud procuring for them hot nrme lu prvducea a great deal of di- water to make tea for cuaaion, and excite'l more intervat in certain i|uartn than thu Birchall trial. A Dcheinn i* i>n fout now to procure breakfast, as the train stops at this place for 20 minnies for refreshments. This was the last 1 saw of them until I again met them iu the far west. I here met with a brother Scotchman who was also going west, having the car next to mine, with stock aud general household goods. We became ac- . * . y> 1 . i v o <a,n/ ' '" * V Winv wa. * n urll I i.i 1 1C W WM quamted and were fast friends the , lf the vi ||., ei i. a fiue | T p,,Iihed grtnite, remnmder of our journey. ; about 12 fwt in height. Mr. E. Van- fumla to purchaM a it for agricultural buil.luii!ii, etc. Large luantitiei of potatoes are daily movinif westward to Durham market. ! Why are they not bought to the ra*t uf 1 ui. and nearer home ' The Wataon monument, erectel a few days ago in the cemetery a half njile weat COME! INSPECT S EL EOT Stock Larjye WELL ASSORTED. Marked in Plain Figures PRICES LOW, duality Considered. EdTBALMUD NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. Warrants Personally Signel and kept good. C! It being dark when leaving Allan- dale. I, of course, could not see the country, but when daylight came I. could see nothing but rock, with here ' te "* n church - and there a small patch of low scrubs. ' lant, of Klefherton, waa the architvc'. A new fence i* being erected aruu'.id the burial ground adjoining the Preiby- m the Presbyterian church lsv*t Sabbath. Grave.ihurst appeaw a fine smart A lre amount f work it Urn* ex- |)lace with b*e piles of lumber. The p. n ded in prepatitiR a lawn nd other- country between this and North Bay wise levelling the Meth.>diat c'luroh and is of no use so far as 1 could see for anything but lumbering, which ap- pears to be carried ou to a large ex- pursoiiaxe grounds. It has been intinia UH) that the )iroun<li will be enclosed with a tint oriiaiueulal foe, the coining tent, but where they get the timber I don't know, as I could see nothing bnt rock, rook ; oh, such mountains of rock, all the way to North Hay I Now, Mr. Editor, to give yon or your readers a description of the ' country and the grandeur of the I scenery between North bay and Win- nipeg is beyond my descriptive pow- ers. I was lost in wonder and amaze- ment. It certainly was a wonderful undertaking to build a railroad through such a rocky country. Such Se Prioeviile Baptist church. The erice was n interesting one. At the close, Re*- D- MoLeod, B. A., (Presbyterian) off8ped " impreetire and bwautital FOR SALE. 'ark lot of B torn within > mlU ol Flwiberton Mix jxart o UH 1S1. fed S. Art.me.ia Twine liberal. Apple W . I. BfcLAMT. Hrct, Si. 1*0. OPTICALLY FIT ED. 18 Year's at tl\e Yriulc. FINE WORK On all Grades of Watches, PERSONALLY DONE Charges Moderate W. A. BROWN, Jeweller- etc. SIQN OF THE "BIG SPEX" MARKUALK.

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