Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Oct 1890, p. 3

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A MAI WITH A fEW BUI. How He Suddenly Loit the Old tod Slowly Grew the lew. FBOBABI.V HOT A MCKUBB. Th- kt, VUUppo Tracery Pr.ib.bly UM It Of VoolllhlleM A Montreal despatch layi : The story of reported murder at St. Philippe, near L.iprtirie, tarns out to have another ude. A NEW TRIUMPH IN SURGERY. B WABTBD MBDICIMB. A Voettb Who Harcmiuwl for Oaaterfolt MO UT aad uo t l D ui . j i i. An Ottawa despatch says : Thomas Ma- Cormiok, a young farmer of Canaan, Rue- wll ooouty, thounbi he saw s bonan/.a in Bklunm Aim Hat Nara*d Back to 1 u. n<i Buppllod With lutlole From Kit Wtoft. An Indianapolis, Ind., despatch says : Wesley Keller, " toe man who was skinned alive," returned to work to- jay. His oase is carious. As an illustration ci the nice powtrj of modern sargery it will be talked about from one end of the ooanlry to tbe other. On Wednesday, July 30th, Keller lell into a steam vat at tbe Indianapolis Venter Worke. He was taken oat as quickly as possible, bathe had been aoaldedfrom the soles of his feet to the middle of hi* chest One arm waa sll tight, bat the other arm WM blistered to the shoulder. Huge blisters puffed op all over the man's body, and the fluid which had txaded from the flesh to fill them ha: 1 , been cooked to ajally. In re moving his clothes great strips of the oat side or scarf skin oame off, leaving expoaec the trail skin anderneath, cooked until it looked like a parboiled lobster. His toes and ankles were so blistered and swollen as to lone nearly all resemblance to liuoi*> members. As soon as hi* fellow, workmen got Keller oat of the vat they telephoned for ton company's surgeon, L>r Ralph Perry " There is, [_erhaa, one obancu in a thua of saving thU man," said the ear when he bad looked at the burns. H set to work, however, and greaaed KelUr from top to toe with a mixturu o hnstej oil and liuie water. Then h swathed the body in cos ton wadding from which all possible imparities and disease germs had been removed by ch.-m ioala. tor two days ai.d nights the oase ban; withoat Ions or gain. A teaspoonfnl o( krauiiy wri given every few boon. Then a change oame. Kellar seemed to be sacking. The throat became swollen, bat this swelling waa checked. The man's temptrature roue a little. Fever set iu. Thu gave ^reat hope. Tne next morning Kellar asked for something to eat, and aetoally ate a piece ot pie and drank some coffee. The news of this shocked the sur- geon at first ; bit he said : I gues we 11 win this flxht, for a man who oau eat pie with no skin on him has life enough left to grow a new one." When suppuration b-Ku great oare was to let out tba pus at every point. The ttrst dressing icon three hours ; the seooud still longer. Five days were con- sumed in taking off tb bits cf old tkiu, four hoars uaoh day beinx spent with tho forceps, koissors acd scalpel removing tbe akin layer by layer. Mot a piece a* big as a dime was forced. Ksllar's plack was marvellous. Tha r w surface t were dreiaed with an iodoform mixture and bandaged with soft stoffd. Meanwhile the swamps if Boulh Beo.l were being scoured for two-poond trogH. A bushel baaaet of theso were cleaned with a germioidtt mixture and fed on pura food. The raw surfaces of Kallar's body were tenderly washed with clean warm water, then with peroxiue of hydrogen, which deetrjyspas. Tbe utmost cleauii Bets and whcJeaomt-nrvs waa insisted npon. Jtut before applying tbe frog kin the raw surlaoe wan wanned with a weak eolation of corrosive sublimate. Everything reed>, the nrat frog was brooj,ut oat. With a quick snip of tbo scissors its spinal cord was severed at the back of th-j neck. Then tbe loose, pearly white skin from over tbe abdomen waa quickly taken out end thrust into a diih of water which bad bet n boiled, bat which was now merely warm In the water had been dropped a little of tbe oorrosive sublimate solution. Being oleanied, the skin was oat ap into bits about a tenth of an inch square and applied to K' liar a body inside in, oatside out. Powdered iodoform WM da a ted over the Rraft, wbu-h was sealed tightly trcm im- purities. Dr. Perry made grafts on forty-two occasions Toirty-two operations were auiaetisfaoior) ; ten were setufactury. From eaub ot the ten otntrta healthy akin radiated, until now Keller in "as guod an BMW." 80(0-0 ay Kullar went to work tbo only man in the world who has been boiled and akinmd alive, and who has frox skiu where be onoe wore his owu. wtioh makes the oharga againat young , New Yoik oiroular offering " five hundred Lifabvre much lesa serioua. According to dollars for ftfiy." and sent on the fifty. He th..- boy's story. Toseph Bergevin, the de- n w - *" WOO WM bogus money and c.aaed had a habit ol teasing him although I " accordance with instructions called it n,. ill-feling ever existed between them, "medicine." which he staled in remitting O- tna day of the shooting yoncc Lefebvre "" badiy needed.' He asked thai the was fooling and playing with Bargevin, dose be put up as follows : Two fifties, .five who challenged him to a trial of strength, I lweD * Ie11 - wenty tens and twenty fives. .ui of coarse oame off victorious. M ' ;i '"'- r . Stiver*! of the lad's little companions ""P. 1 ? w-.re present at the time, when he rose P and said in a joking way, " I'll give you a doae of salt," and he proceeded straight- way to the bouse, where he loaded lib gnn witb salt, and came cut again, pointing it at Bargevio. i'he latter re- Oh, you can fire away ; I am nui afraid of year tali." At the same time that the boy fired there was adistanoe of some 36 feet between ths two. Imme- diately tbe deceased cried out " Too have bit me," at tbe same time putting bis band to bis left side. They all went into the bouse together and a dootor was called in. Af ter examining tbe wound the doctor did nut pronounce it of a very grave nature, hot advised the wounded raau to stay in be>1 and keep quiet. This he did not do, as yi hteruay morning ha went in to breakfast aii-1 ate a hearty meal. Ha had aoaroely got through when he complained of intense pain, and fell back aenaelese. He died about an boar later. Before fan died, how- over, he managed to recover tuffi.iertly to repeat two or three times that it was merely an accident, and that he did not hi'id the boy reaponsibls. It id anpposad that the aalt, being damp, i; t clotted an und the wadding, and that it got hardened sufficiently to canae a mortal wound. AH IMPOBTAHT CASK. A 8ml uctlou Law Iht -rrinr, tens with remittance, was inter of the Postmaster General, snd handed to Major Sherwood, Chief of the Dominion Secret Service. It was post- marked Aogost 9. Major Sherwood caueed s reply to be sect from Mew York, stating that the only safe way would be to band McCormick the itoff, and asking him to meet J. J. Grant, of Philadelphia, at tbe Windsor House, Oltaws, Oct. 16th. MoCormick kept the appointment, and learned too late that J. J. Grant, Phila- delphia, was one of Chief Sherwood's men, who placed McCormick under arrest. A very stringent statute waa passed in 1888 to meet these oaaei under *hich this offence is a felony panishable with five years. Major Sherwood iiatt-u that this bogus money business is becoming too oommon, and it will be in the public interest to make a few examples. The conviction secured the other day in Toronto was a oase sect op there from the department here. Mr. Sherwood has a list in his pees* saion. se- cured from New York containing over 300 Dame* of Canadians to be operated on by these sharpers. Bams of these men ate of tending in this very city, wbo would blaih to tee their names in print. A Goelph despatch *ays : At the Wel- lington Asbiisee yesterday, m a criminal seco:tion oase, a decision wa* given by the ouurt wbioh is ot some public importance. Tb : prisoner, Peter Duigman. a married man witb a family, was charged under tbe Clarlton Aot with seducing aud having iiiioit intercourse with an unmarried female under 31 years of age aider promise ot marriage, the having previously beeu of a ohaste character. It w*i proved that Diugman bad promised to marry the girl, b ..-h Jam. Luvell, a laborer a daughter, on Annual 14th last, and that ba bad duod her on Btpti mber Utb following. Nothing w i.. said aboat marriage in the interval, ami it aid not appear that, at thu limit the aioucliou tcolc place, any proraino ct mar- ci ,e waa made by the prisoner tu tbe giil. HIH L irdship raised tbe question whether ti . do faota brought the oase within thx section ot tbe Act referred to, as he bad pn vioualy helu in another similar case that they did not. After som<> discussion on tnis point, the judge held that i i order to establish a charge ot thia nature, tbe Criwu most prove that the promise of marriage was made at the tim of tbe s> auction, and for that very purpose, other- wiae the cbaig-jmnat fail. In any other view. His Lordship raid that sedaotion in the oasu of a buna tide engagement of mar ntge would be indiotable, whicb he thought was not tbe intention of the Aot. For this reason be (alt oonstrtiaed to withdraw this oass from the jury and direct a verdict of not goilty. AMOTHKK SttKUKK CAtE. IUICIBB BT UKOBB. Hrld(purt i Uoaitrlbaiton to th* Horrlbl* \ ; ..i \ r i r ... t. Attontlon. A Bridgeport, Conn., despatch uyi : Another member of the gninttte Club baa carried out the edict of that order. This time it is Emil Ziemake, who took bis Ufa with oyanide of potaaainm. Ziamake came from Ansouia and joined the club nine months] aito, wbea tos order was without membars other than ite president and THE aWEATIIO BTBTEM flu Beoome Very Ooir rum in Boston anJ Vioinity. Tbe account given in the BeraU of ys terday <t the manufaotrru of oiotbing iu this oily under what is termed the sweat- ing system is tbe verification of an otj c tionable method whiob is gradually taking plaoe in this class of basinets. A few >i .- ego tbe large wholesale oiotbing dealers of this oit v were accustomed to carry ou too business of manufacture in building* .ecu pied by them for tbe sale of their goods. In certain of these establishments, on or in the vicinity of Summer street, hundreds of yoong women were employed in stitching the olothiijg on sewing machines run by steam power. It was a large and regular buainess, and although the conditions under which the work wss carried on may not always have been all that they mi^bt be, tbe knowledge that the workshops were constantly subjected to official inspection made their proprietors careful not toirenuh too clcBtl; upon the line which divides the healthy and acceptable from thcunsanuar> and unallowable. But of late a radioal change has bten made in this system of work, and at thu present time there is hardly one tf these great establishments in existence. The work nowgoinx on in these places is limited to tbe cutting if clothing and making iuoh slight changes and additicna as may be necetsary to nnubed garments. A Urge part of the wurk of manufacture is LOW carried o& cut of town, and the visitor to the country oiatricta of New England will now an i then ooine upon farm nooses where tbe noise ot numerous tewing maohinea indicate* that a clctbing mauufaotory has been established, giving employment in this way to tbe yuuug women ot the neighborhood. The rates of pay by pitoe work in establishments of thin kind are ainaller than in establishments located in iha large cities, for the reaaon that the - xpenses are less, and the opera tivea oan afford, livis*;, as most of thrm do, at home, to work tor wages that would not give to thu young women in the city a aaffl cient sum In a week to pay (or board and lodgings. Xbis country compe.ilioD has bten in UUtCUUBTM BIND B.KAUIX. A Safe Opener's luf.ialt? <iu Mm. iv^r s '( l secretary. The club was started about two years ago. Early Isst spring Wm. F. Mlby. a letter-carrier, killed himself. Wend't- Baum next shot himself, and Joseph Kopp followed by hanging himself. A 1 were members of the Saioide Club. These ttaici.'es reduced tbe membership to ths president and secretary, wbo are it tnpi from self destruction. Ziemske wilh three otoere, was then pledged to tbe secret order. A ballot reenred in order- ini{ XiiemsKs to destroy himself before the next meeting, on Saturday. October 18th, aod Ziomske has fainted his vow. All aunaner he was em ployed at Seatide Park by a photographer. Towards tbe aloes of tbe bathing season he breame despondent. On Friday night at 11 40 he entered a drag store aad asked for wbiakey Attar taking the drink be asked for a glass of water. Into tbe water be dropped i lamp cf oyanide of potash. After swallow ing the poison he ran out of tbe store anc before going a block (ell. The ambulance was called, but before Ziemake reached the hospital he died. He was 47 years old. At the meeting lam night the SoioiJi Club commemorated Riemaki't taking off witb a fitting memorial placed in the archives ot the order. Then a ballot waa taken appointing ths next brother wbo mail destroy himself. THS! OALLOWtl BOUSL SAlMTtl AnO POLYGAMY. Brig-ham ouug.jr..ou thr Krxwnt Morinuu Kov.latluu. A London cable say a : Brigbam Young, jr . baa been intstvie'wed by the Liverpool Jstinrury. It was, be laid, a popular delu.ioii that tbe Mormona, are compelled to have more than one wife, and as a matter of fact only 10 per oeut. ot tbe elder mem- bers of thu community t ad more than cue wife. Tbe aainta had alwev < honored, and would always honor, tbe laws of the land, and now that laws bad been enacted by Ooogieia forbidding plaral maariaiftn, the present president, Wilford Woodruff, has issued a declaration of submission. Ha maintained, however, that paaaing this prohibitive law was a direct stroke at relig- ions liberty. Contrary to tbe prevalent opinion that the recent presidential mani- festo is tbo death knell of Mormonism, Mr. Young maintains that although to a great extent it disfranchised them, the spiritual nature of his religion will overcome all auoh difficulties in the States. He said the sup pression ot Mormonitm was not a moral or Bcnrl Berg**ln TSM* Michael Letebvre and la rate) 17 shot. A Montreal despatch says : A crime oame to light this morning, when Honrt Bcrgevin died from woaias received last ni'ht at the ham! i of Michael Lef> bvre. Ice sbootinu oacorred at St. thillipe, even miles from Laprairie, twelvu miiea f m Montreal, and tbe news was brought tu Laprairia by a neighbor of Let^bvre.who oamH to the village for a coffin. According tn his statement, the victim and young Leftbvre lived toether on bad terms, and nuver worked together without a quarrel. These quarrels culminated laat ni|(nt at a danoe given at Ltfrbvre's farmhouse, where the two bad some hot words, and Lefebvre ltd the dance, procured a goo, loaded it, and as eovn as tbe other man came oat flrud at him, tho charge striking Bergevin a taw inches below the heart Bergevin was employed by Fefebvre's father, and the murderer is a lad ot not men than 19. It is said that these affairs are compara- tively common in the baok districts, and that it is only an exceptional case thaioomes to light. Farther particulars give tbe view that Lefebvre waa not altogether to blame, and that his victim stated before he died that he had tested the young man till be was goaded into an act of revenge, aad be brought death apOB himself. It is not certain that this statenent will have any weight with tbe jury. ' for Bdward Blnrhrd to b HangoU Murder ou Oemmbor I :.h. A Montreal despatch lays : Those whose doty it is to follow the course ot events in thi> Province are becoming weary of re- part met by the establishment of tailors workshop^ score* of wbioh can bafouud in different parts of our city, where, uuaer cheep conditions ad to rent and ocnve oienoea, employment is given in tbe agxre gala to tb a an Ja of young women, ai d to certainly hundreds of men. These estab- lishments are, in the great majority of oasea, managed by Uebrcwf, wbo seem to show a peculiar aptitude for this olaaa of work. It ia almost impossible to obtain the data mejed to determine whethi r tbe operative* ao employed obtain as much fur their aervicee as they were aocuatomad to receive wben toey worked directly for thu wholesale clothing dealers. Uudoubtedy tbe new method is a moro economical one, so far as tbo e othing dealers are concerned, or they wuuld not ao generally have aban- doned their old system. A part of the gam may have comu in tke saving of rent, and it is possible that the close supervision . x erciawi over this form of contract woikmay lead to a lamer production tor each sewing machine than was ponible under the no* discarded system Bat the chances an- that the returns which the operative* reotive are not so great as those which they formerly received for the name service.. The clothing dealer makes the beet cou traol that he oan with the one who engages to do bis work, and, as tbe manner ia wbiub this contract is fulli.lud is something which does not paaa under his eye, be doea not haw, as ho otherwise might, appeals made to bia sens.; of bumaniiy that would lend him to chuck his deeirea for a larger pn fl . Theae workshops are in themselves tbe embodiineut of tbe sweating process, tor their proprietor! stand as middlemen, with A Chicago despatch says: .1 v ?<i ( test, whioh discounts ti 4 feat of Paul Alexander -Tohuat reader, took place in the yesterday morning. The Henry E. Adams, a yonn> mao fro Minneapolis, who oame to i. ;> eot wetks ago and took loorr m on Michigan street, 'i i i acquainted witb a young n.n a> .1 1 own age, who was t oons:u .. uoi I tropsieior. Ibis fact of the Nteticn known by Adams. Within days Aaams proposed to i scbtu.e to rob the safe in tke i was to get up at 4 o'clock v ' ing and open tha cafe. IU proprietor bad been told cf i> cousin, wbo pretended to tak> an acccmpiicein tbe robbery. It was a litv'e after miauii able-bcuied detectives wen Wayne and secreted bth i counter. Just as ths clock i> . . hour of 4 tbe lafe robber can. the hotel office. Without tocln - the wondering officers wai Adsms ccoUy prepare to opei iion receptacle, although it dent he did not know the ccnr .; -. waa he a mind reader. He bsd limply reicrttd to - plan snd depended on natm- 'ir an o; staame. Afltms had part d il nail index finger en the right hai blood vessels were exposed; th i: placing the sensitive wcnnu f i '< " tbs ccmbination Icckhacouui faUBfr' tbe movements of the tamb^.-j t fell. ft *> For an hour be worked, wuiie the pei> spirstion dropped in beads fn iitm, At Isst thers was a ibsrp ch<> 9 firtt tttcak of dawn came in window Adsms twang bs< With a sigh of relief be read sste acu laid bis band on a bills. The detectives sprang foiw. robber was under arreit. Ad incarcerated in the strongest, r guarded dungeon at police hi a- ... * 1 3D TBAVFLKD TU UMA ( U. Oraaod with r*ar * Ljarsi* Au<l!< Tnuples Down the Vbll.ltuu. A Chicago despatch gives ti additional particulars ot the pa:.. btanialaus' Catholio Cburci yesterday : There were about I I dren, accompanied by their me ohorch at ths time. Tbe uini.mii became panio-strioki u pell mell to the exits. Thosx i pressed upon by those btbin ttatir tooting on the stone ttep the building, where they uf on bv tbe deeing multitude, o. tbs fire depsrtment added iu pede , and in a few minutes Iu nail gathered in the neigtibui dre was quickly extinguished ai with much difficulty rescued tne won children. Jos. Jazak, 12 yearu fractured skull and will pro > Staaialaos Kaminska waa i j oally ; Frank Drewyki reooiv. cot on the head ; Stanialaux vears old, was injured intern*. Kioski, 10 years old, Frank Siuk, [I.I, and Leon Bhowkowaki, 11 were sent to the hospital, and l children were taken to their hi aoune after tbe panic was over * The atone steps at tbe enir. covered with blood. Tbe car) door at the church and many were torn op and the ohoroh though some bloody riot bad t ia it. f a ' shocking the public, but it is a tiefactiou to record tbe punishment as well. To-day two inch events are) to be added to the long list. This morning the Court of Queen's Bench at Sberbrcoke, already memorable tor the conviction of Lamontegoe for the murder of his brother-in-law, recorded another verdict for tbe same offence, and Edward Blaoobard was sMtsajoid to be banged on Dec. 12tb. The crime (or whiob Blaochard ia convicted was) committed last November near Ayer'a Flats. It appear* tbe two men, Calkins and Blanchard, were drinking together, and Blanchard bad a revolver, the ose ot which be professed to be very proficient In, and nonritbed it about in a dangeroaa manner. Calkins re monatrated with him, and a iculllo en- sued, in wbioh Calkini was killed by the discharge of the weapon. Tbe men were alone in the house at tbe time, and whan Mrs. Calkiua returned her husband was dyiug. Blanohard fled, hot was appra bended shortly afterwards by Constable Moe, ot Sberbrooke. The evidence most conclusive, and ihowed that a foul murder bad been committed. The Wife Uould -. t u-i. social question, but political question purely acd simply s Tet b was no New York World : Mr. John Smith regis- tered for himself and wife aa "Mr. John Smith and lady," whicb so exaiperated Mrs. S. that she scratched it out and wrote Mrs. John Smith anl gentleman." It vtas a great object lesson for John. " There has evidently been a miaap prebenaion." stated tho minister after tke collection for tbe heathen had been taken Chicago N'wi : Mr. Jay Gould contem- plates tbe effects of the McKinley tariff with great eqanimity, and in thia he re- minds us of the country man in a dental office. Said he to the dentist, ' I wont pay nothing extra for gas. Juat Ing her out. Never mind if it does burl." "Well," eaid the dentist, admiringly, "yon are p'uoky. Let me nee the tooth." "Oh I" exclaimed tbe countryman, " tain't me that's got the toothache : it's my wife." Appropriate Common!. Nurse (mealing >onng and anxious hus- band at door) All is well and yon are a happy father. Be What is it ? She - Twlni. He Gemini t Children's Children'* Child: This comes from oversea : Queen Vic- toria was herself an only child, bat she has lived to see bar children's children's chil- dren. At this time (August) this numbers 50 living descendants, including sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, great-grandsons and great-granddaughters. np, 'among certain members of thit coo- President 'Berts, CR gallon concerning tbe heathen's aos I Rsilroad ""'*a SUMMONED TU KUMB. Prominent Iri.h Koelaslasttca Galled tc Confer With tbe Pope. Mr. Thomas Power O'Connor't paper the Star, estys a London oable, announces that the Most. Rev. Michael Logne, D. D. Arohbiabop of tbe Dioosse of Armagh and Primate ot all Inland ; Most Rev. Wm. J Walsh, D. D., Archbishop ot tho Diocese o: Dublin , Most Kev. Xhos. W. Cross, D. D. Arohbiabop of Caabel, and Moat Rev. John MacEvally. 1). D., Archbishop ot Tnam have been sammooed by the Pope to appear at Rome in the early part of next year This, the Star lays, is an unusual and sig niflcast step, and is seldom adopted. Tbe fact that a summons for tbe Archbishops bad been issued has been known only to limited otrolu. The Catholio arohi-episoo paoy if deeply interested. It is believe) the luminous was issued in connection with tbe Irish political situation tnd kin dred inbjeota. Tbe Arohbuhopa and Bishops arw now deliberating, snd It probable they will soon issue a wries o resolutions with reference to Irish affair A Repel Can nothing be done tor the prisoner Mr. Brief T" I fear not, sir." President Roberts, of tbe Pennsylvania iff gallon concerning tbe heathen's oos I Kailroad started His as a track band 80 Ths legal exjsdieuU u all ubtnsteJ tome. I will state that they do not wear j years ago. The combined salaries he re- 1 are they f pants." oeives now amount to 1100,000 a year. I Mo, but the prison* r'l money if." cording the deeds cf murder tbat re I the deaire cf netting as much as they oan rom tbe wholesale dealer, and giving as ittle as they oan to thote whom tht-y ein- iloy. In the former trade competition loroei into play, for if the proprietor of one ailor'i shop aaks an extra price it is an sy matter to divert tbe bnaintss to an itfcer applicant tor it. Bat in the oaae ot he operaiivee there) is no restriction except ho limit cf human endurance and tbe need if earning a certain amount ot money lor be purpose of sustaining life. Below miii comes the tenement home work, wbiob, although in many wayi objectionable, ia, perhaps, no more to b [raded under tbe sweating system than ihe cltaa cf work we have jost referred to. This cooBiatH ohietly in having tbe work of anofacture carried on at home in tbe tenements occupied by tbe operatives, nstead ot at acme central workshop. Tbe conditions in these cases mast of necessity vary greatly, and our reporter, in making examination, found that some ot thews tenement workshops were tolerably clean, bile others were filthy in the extreme The pay received by these outside opera lives is perhaps as great as tbat earned by those who are directly employed in the workshops, for in such instances it is not necessary for tbe contracting dealer to pro- vide accommodations and supply heal, power, ate. It is laid tbat clothing made in these tenements mnit carry witb it tbe seeds of disease, and tbat on this account tbe bnai ness should be prohibited by law. But, while the work ia carried pn under exceed- ingly objectionable conditions, so far ai dirt is concerned, there ia no direct evi- dence to abow tbat the result is detrimental to tbe health of the purchasers of tenement houae-made olothing. If it were possible to raise the rates ot wages of those em ployed in tbe workshops by prohibiting this form ot employment, such action might be praiseworthy; bat we cannot imagine how snob a law ooold be drawn whioh would not in its application inter- fere in an unjust manner with the rights of those who oould not, tor various well- understood reasons, go to work in tbe shop*, but who could ake out their meagre in- comes by doing work at home. At a social question tbe amount of money received is quite as, and perhaps more, important than the places in whioh the work is performed. Botton Uaraid. A BOY SC1C1DK. A Vlxtlrn ot Cir.u. and Trmn - tmre Range BlnasvlC. A New York despatch says : sV ing of lurid dims novels turned the liraJ oj 1 1 year old Pretton Turpie, auo v- t hanged himself hare. With a b- > 4 Duffy he bad been talking ov> r ino hero ojt tbe latest novel romance, who h|i life with tbe rope. Tbe boys c< ::--* tft pages of tbe trashy book on tbe .>><! a Madison street tenement house. eh lived. Their imagination was si aft ptaled to by the story, sod boi.. . < lareJI banging was not so bad alter n v went down stain for a few minntr-, ansl when he returned Tnrpia wa >< f from the door of the stairway that leada C the roof with a clothes line aboat bis DC ok. The boy's toes were barely fru from steps and he was already intensici". btfo Tnrpie could be taken down In- Tar pie was also an invetern. . l amoker, and it is thought the a&bii IB fiubled his mind. **_ .2 Tne Orocor's Loop. It is easy to break a string, sa> . **<s York Sun, if you only know bow need not bunt for a knife or scissors sfter a tying handle, nor strings over tbe edge oftheooaijt xroi er'a loop does the batiness. I' .ok if.. first finger ot tbe left hand over ) . .,i .n(^ giving the finger a twist, or, rath. n ing the plan upward. Then rol over backward until it ia tight a -h bundle, drawing tight tbe ooro, ... held in tha wright hand all tbe . jt tbe thumb hard againat tbe loop . tbsBt jerk tbe cord suddenly with the rii .. at, and the string outs inselt. t Fred. Solomon has written tor Carmen- oita a koriesqoe entitled, "The Blind Girl ot Seville." Stiver buttout aud nilvsr gilt are both to be bad In iinall and larger tizet lor trim- ming plaid gowns. Seventy-nine per ton a in Ure> <\ pay tax on incomes exoeedii'g L > annum. Tbe total eggrfgn. .. incomes tbas assessed exceeds t> < H sterling. In Ireland there is onl >n. in payer whose income cxoeeds C^O . - c > is returned at the rate of 7 8'J-I, > -.( last year contributed to tbo I i revenues the aum of 1,908. Cbarlea Barnard is writing a COM. "v of New England life entitled "C'vt.irn. Hssv dock." Ibe scene is laid at D -n,.|4. Uonn., in thai historic Willard hu... t* by Mr. Barnard's great grai. , ,. Douglas Atherton will play the t ,i r ,k* and will don ths tilk dressts, h , -, . rtnj and other millinery faatam of lt*3u i rs> third sot will disclose an old-farhiossM berrying i

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