THE FLESHER1ON ADVANCE. /; .i GEO. A **<* 5rfu U* i onev 1 vnterpr. OrricH i* on I 3 i it f; IN. U*i. MM. - v. i rto .'OK of Jli tarrfully ullcl for lSn- runout For a I inr ill trk ! cannot Jo beltrr lhn st ' J. U if<- '- iwmts in at Clay- Wiiinen'*, lofn's chi (r. groat variety, cli*|j nud ^ flood farm r sal*. 8> advertise meat <rUwhr>-, m.l apply t<> R. J. Mproule. Rflad Mr. Strum's advertismueii*. nn 'r supplement He sells the host farm implements aiti( stnfes. Rv. R. Derey, of MmiVUle, pi an exr^lleitt sermon in the Methodi*t church m Sunday Diorniiik' last- The occasion was a quarterly service. I. B. Lucas, hamster, of the firm Bishop ft Lucao, Owen Sound, i the nfficv '>f Wm. Lucas A O*., in every Friday, and in Dundalk .Saturday. Ys)sjr ^% JsHlH Hsjsjajli^^ iu alt brsneh- vs of un)rl eloUiinK st C. J . LeiMh's at the bottom The Pall millinery trade opened rcry brink *u<l lm kept our milliner* very busy. Mien'l Richardson and assistant liv.- pl.-n.ii.i tmd and annoimoe larg ii to (took, thin week. We icive this week the tint instalment of a vry iuterting letter from Muoso- iniii -the one promised by Mr. Auder- H..II \Ve aru eure our readers will highly appreciate it. llailtlrM Miwiti- cloth*. HsJett, enrl clutim. A Urn- Tariety ol ehesp an I fah- innaU grmit \a nhore lines at M. Uichard. sou <s Go's. Lock up your pumpkins, stow away your waitoa wheel*, aet bear trap* in your back yard* and let the bull dogs hare a fair fold on Friday oxening next (to-morrow) for it will be all Hallowe'en. Rr mrMsXF. TlMt for cloth pnrehaseJ from C, J. Leitcs, yon are charged nothing for cuttmg the KHV. T. Watrom praxched hit lant i in Mm capacity of pastor f th KlfiluTt-iii Haptiat church on Sunday laat. The pulpit it n<> vacant but the service!* will txt suntained by mnii^trrs and stuJuut supplies until unotln'r ieltle- nient ia<-rteut*<(. Tlifuhuruh liiu adopted the new Canadian Baptist llyiunal and is w.-l] plirued with it. Laat Sabbath iiKimint; tint retimiK [nustur presented mch niKinber of his Bible claw with a copy <>f the new Hymnal. On Thursday evening, in spite of tlir very unfavorable weather, a ipiodly number of friends a*aem>>ld at the manse, umvided an cf .wH*nt tea, spent a time in pleasant conversation and then rendered an Itite- reMing programme, the luadinft item of which was th preMntation tu the re- tiring pMtr by Mrs. St JilliVrey in be- half of the churoh and congregation nf a handsome puree containing 943. In replyiuv to this last tangible expression i of appreciation, the pastor aid that since ' has ( foment there had been a steady growth in the itrace of i:iviiiK ; that he had Mver to ask may one for money for penonal or family uae ; ttkat h had been aSle to adhere atriedy to th ayeeaiJic injunction "owe no man amhmg." and that he had been *<> supported as to be able to i(i ve over 93BO to the various objects of Christian and church enter- prise. Boy Wanted. A good smart boy, about sixteen y of age, tu learn the mercantile businei R. TRIMBLE. The first snow flurry for this jrrmr fell n Monday, but not sufficient to cover the ground. It came three week* earlier last year, and in Kreater quantity. The fr.*u, too, have been remarkably Ught hem this fall. Remember the MetuodUt anniversary on ThanksKivini: day. That famous old soldier, KIder Hawkins, will be hen*. A first clans time ia insured. Ou'snle latent has been extensively engaged. Ste bills fr fall particulars. and ladies' rubbers, a full KUpply at Clayton's. Try them and keep your feet dry. At a meeting nf the trustee board on Saturday evening last, nur two efficient public whool teachers, Mr. Irwin and Miss Slack, were re eugaued for 18i>l,the latter at an increased salary. We coia- tueud the board for their decision. Kse>p the colds away. If you get a cold yousniut take medicine. If yju get cold it lays a foundation fer other > n..iiii aUments and the physician must he called in. Save time, money and l*yic by keepiaf your feet protected nrith Clayton's waterproof boots. They prevent colds every time. The Molfct Bros , of Markdale, are rontemplatiug a removal to .MeafoH. The Mea'ord town council decided at a late meeting to submit a by-law for $10,000, by war of bonus for the firm, but Mr. Barber, of the Meaford foundry, is decidedly epposed to Uve .scheme and thinks he has law on liii sidr aud will therefore fight the queauon. The Xew Im4imm Tea. "RAM LAL. i eaaamg a seosation. 'Never tasted uiy- thing so HIM" is a grnoral verdict. M. liihardeou & C., agents for CVy. Two young carpenters, of Hopeville, visitwl Proton station a few day* ago. On the way hoiae the horse had things pretty much his ova way for anme dis- tance, <>r until he. had succeeded in de- moralising the butrgy- '' ** 9 pretty late at night wh\ they arrived home, but some one noticed that one carried un his back the remuantf of the b while the other led the horse. Coat. "K Xnts, N* WlBlrr th* in, diaossay. wry plentiful, yet the people are buving ovurcoal* frt-oly. Maybx the ftyUmanJ luw pr\fv ul Richard-. on Jt Co'i. stuck ban tomothiug to do itii it. (>r Osprey corrvupondunt lent in MI item last week, referring to Mr. Ceo. Parks 1 return from the Tinted Stares. which was IK* couched in |>i<pt-r language. Even if Mr. Park* h.i i l-.-.-i hiding from justtcn, {vrbith le wn%iiiot) it was scarcely policy to nay MI in public. riease do uot do it again, Mr. Cor I >ur >rreptmdeiiU. cannot h tuo careful in writiuif such personal items, The news- |iaper is un plaee to work n injury n .u:y man, even if the evidence wf his Kuilt sssms ulaiu, and in many instances th* injury is don* where thf re ia nn guilt. We try tu prevent it, but sometimes an item will slip past without due considera- tion, for which we are sorry. Corres- ]<ndeiita should exercise great judg- ment in dealing with auythiug of a pen- vital uature. Notwithstanding all ths> reports about the advance ia price of \ftut and leather, ' Uood Pig*. Mr. Arthur Johnston, of ths Meafnid lUiid, sold last week to T. Ellis, of Kimberley, sixteen spring pigs which weighed over 2100 pounds, and netted him $11)4. The pig* in lliis case were a paying crop. Indsutry ProJected-A knit- ting factory for niauufactur** of all kind* ol woollen uudsrwear. In the m^atitime. all want* iu that line can be nupplied from the imaatus* stock of M. Richardson <ft Go's. Horses for Sale. Mr. -f. H. Heard has four which he desires to disrxme of. Tlu-y are aged res|>eciively : One year, three yean, ei^ht yuan and a 12-year-old. The three and ei^ht yean old are marue. For terms, etc. , apply at the Fleahertou carriage works, J. H. Heard. Perbonala. Mr W. ChaiUick and daughter, of Stratford, am the quests of Mrs. Buhner. Miss McLauchrey is learning the photoitrai>hic art with Mrs. Bulmar. Rev. Win. Karstedt, of Foiithill, was a visitor at The Advance ottioe on Monday. Mr. has been attending the N B. conference, held at Shelburne during last week. He removes this year tu new Ihiudee, Waterloo county. Boots, Mud, Boots, Boots, Mud, Boots, Boots, Mud, Hoots, just the tiling to keep your feet comfort- able this kind of weather at Clayton's. Thanksgiving Service. On Thursday, Nov. li, there will be thanksgiving service iu the Methodist church, Kk-nlierton. The aged and well known colored bishop Hawkins, of the H. M. E. church, better known here as Elder Hawkins, will preach the thanks- Kiving sermon. Elder Hawkins habeen through the* parts on several occasions with a colored troupe of singers, and is well kiiown by all. Who is there that has listened to In* eloquent words in tlii- past that will not desire to come uut and near him once more on Thanksgiving day ! The olu gentleman is an inspira- tion iu himself and. .will no doubt be greeted by an overflowing house. Tea will be served in la* evening, after winch speeches will bo aiven by Bixhop Hawkins, Rev. John IVp|>er, of Holland Cuntre, Rv. H A. Nrowu, of Maxwell, and others. See bills. Owen Sound's New Daily. A copy of the first issue of Owen Sound's pioneer daily piiix-r Im.s come to hand. It is an interentin^ <l:uly, if boiler plate can make it interesting. In our judgment, however, it only comes to partially filly n "long felt want.'' It is puV^ithed at 3 p.m., after the Toronto daitivs have- been received, and only contains such i. alter as appenrs in thosu papers, with the exception of local news, i If course if it is merely int>:n<!ed to circulate in the vicinity of Owen Sound the bill i tilled ; but to be a successful daily we fear its contracted field of Mip- port will not meet the cast. Our idua would be to secure late say up to 1 p.m. snd push the paper dowu tin* line of railway and in other directions. Such a scheme would lake "like hot oks" and the Kvemng Time* would then be looked upon ss> a boon and secure a larve patronage. People are looking' for such a {taper and will welcome it hen it a MUM. Tim is professional advice, but we will out charge anything therefor. We wiali the I>emi.^ Time* Or. Sinclair Coming Dr. Sinclair, the well known and popu- lar specialist, of Toronto, will bt at Mnrubaw hotel, Fleahert >n Friday, Nov. 14th. Remember ihe day and int.- Jonathan Busuhart, Lutowell, says : I apeiit all my money and pro- perty tin medical men fur what they termed consumption and Dr. Sinclair cured me. Gen. Rowed. Blvthe. nays : Dr. Sinclnir cured me of heart disease ana dropny when all nthcra failed. D. RroSertson, C.irltoii Place, says : Dr. Atnclair curoil me c,f catarrh. Mrs. Mary WiMxlhaveii, aays: Dr. Sinclair cured her of lits. Dr. Sinclair curus all protracted of private nature. Cou- sulittion free. Get your winter's supply of honey uow. Ten ueuta per Iu. This office. Rylanda * Co. Mr. Sugileii, a member of tlic ^ dry goods brni of Rylaiids & Co, Enj- land, waa hen; last Week. In a interview wiUi him w learned a few . illustrating the unormotis bulk and ex- tent of their trade. Their annual turn over amounts to live hundred millions of dollars. Their shipments are made to every quarter .if the ulohe, and wherever British commerce touches, wherever people use dry ^oods there Rylaiids & Co. s goids may be found. They employ in England uver fourteen thousand people in their warehouses and in:tnufac- turiea and do more business than any two of the nther larue dry goods tirnm in Britain. Their warehouses aru in Lon- don and Manchester, in the latter place they occupy entirely four enormous blocks of buildings, three of w'lic!. connected in >\ie upper storieH by bridges over the street* dividing them. These have some twenty entrances, ami at each a doorkeeper is placed, who demands a permit nf every one coining out carrying any parcel, however small. The object of Mr. Sugde'i'H visit was to call on M. Richardson & Co. with a view U> increas- ing their trade with the linn M. Rich- ardson called en them when in Enuland two yean ago and nun been buying from them since. The firms they sell to in this county are McF.irland, of Markdalo, ami ^1. Richard*. u A Co., their accounts being principally with the wholesale trade, and one or two of the largest dealers in each "f the cities and iu some of tlio towns of Ontario. Proton Matters. The Advance receive*] a visit on M i.- day from Mr. Wm. McMurdo, of H >|.i-- ville. Mr. McMurdo was deputy reeve of Proton sbo'lt twelve years a^o. Mr. M. Says that municipal matteis are .|'iic' in IV. ton. The contest for the recvtsllip will 1* between Mr K Hjun.of OY-ilarviile. and Mr McM:i:.iii.;iinl Mr R.I;M will bo the lurky man. Mr Win. Suwart.lllh con., la talked of aa a probable candidate for councillor. A. Fortune ia One Machine. A celebrated press builder, of the I'm toil M.fe*. ndunU that one of the ^reiitest printing pritnses yet will Ins funnnlied M the Family Herald and Weekly Star. Montreal, a paper that has distanced mostly all tlio weekly lpis on this c'litineiit. The Family Herald goes on the principle of t)n i ness ill every department, and that is why it is such a standard authority to- day tilt) world over. Well done, Canada. The Family Herald and Weekly Montreal, is to be congratulated. An Heroic Captain. The accom- panying cut is an exact copy of the Albert Medal of tlio tint class which H. K. II . the Duke of 't was o v. mi'inl for Cup- ain \V I: An- ircws. K. II S.. ! ''. V . during liis rei'cnl vi>it to Tntollfct, M u th l.V.K}. Royal Oak Day. ' It consists f an m ill shaped bailee ut . lio:i, enameled in <'ark blue, nitli th letters V. A A., the initials of Vi i and Albert in ii'dil inlet 1 iced l>y an uji- right anchor, uko iti gold and sHRVuna- ed by the famous ancient orilcr ut thu Garter in broi.zu upon which arc plavd in rai.Hi'd letters of t<old thu sjrsiii.l i " I Jallautry in Saving Life :it SIM. This hiindsi.iu> medal carru-s \uili U :i pension of ten pounds (i'10) sterlin.'. <|ual to about f50, of . ur in. ::y, ; <-. aiiiiuin. ;**^lu L'a'lunt youug C'.n who h;i.iW ^K iK-ell hull. .red byri>\.l':y. was born v Kin<.'s'.on, Ma- I'.Hh. ISi:;. He began his life saving cmntl in is'.'.i. and for unoro than H years lia.i devoted his own lief t<> thu saving of . tliers. In the spring of 1888 he had the misfortune to loose his sight, caused from exponiire. since which time he has published a number of valuable works on swimming and life saving* We ate in receipt <>f one .f them "The Lifeboat nn<i Other I'" ..... s," containing a sketch uf his life saving service* with 50 illustration*, and many gems of poetry of his own coinpo aitiwn. The'.Captaiii will be. in Flesber ton on Thursday or Friday to preorut Inn b<>ok to our citizens. We bepu>ik hmi u hearty reception. Pcre^ for Sale. A go<id sfroiig wtrk u,sb, R Trimble, CASTOR I A for Infants and Children. "Castrl,i.owendptdtoehndntl| Oftsttvte auras CoBe, t recommend it as superior Co aar DftacnDUoa I Sou* 1 Btumach, I'Lrrh<B, BnM taownteme." ILA. Asoaa. M. D.. I """* w "" 1 * * vo "* * 111 8aOjtol St.. Brooklyn, x.T. | ' THC CBTTACB CCWPAJIT, TT Mil THE FALL RAINS ARE COMING. MUDDY ROADS: WILL SHORTLY BE HERE. Get your Feet Protected With a good strong pair of Boots. The plac to secure these is at JOS. SMITHS. I have a large stock of ready-made boots on hand, of my own make, trom which to make a selection, and if you cannot be fitted among these I will make you a pair for a very reasonable figure and guarantee satisfaction. Leather is on the rise, and you had better order your boots now. Re- member the pl?ce, JOSEPH S'MIT Next do*>r to the Marble Shop, Flesherton. Photos, Photos, Photos. We are HOW turning out work far tuperior in ttyle and Jtnitk to any. ever pro ductd in Flcihertun. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE. RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING: <lone in all in brunch,*, A yood itock of FRAMES nitd MVULD1XGS k*pi* ronit-intfyonluinii. Will al*o introduce lh new 8ROMIQK PORTRAIT, a /HC/itn: t/un i* giving entire, lalit/uction \ahfrfrrr introiktcecL. SAMPLES tf' - lie teen at my (JutlUry tchcrt all purlieu/an tu to Pri'iri. Stjflt Ac., can* hv rntcer- tumed, MMS. MifLMKJf. FtJBSHEH'fON. COMPORT, Three important qualities combined in our m?ke cf Boots. To those who expect to wear Boots and shoes dur- ing the next few mouths we would say that you cannot do better, either in Factory madyjrhame made .BoDts, than to try CLAYTON'S^ ^ A good stock on hand from the best manufactures. A1<o a Jet-of plans' . n*dei. Boat Mutotial . and nni