Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1890, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. Ii puullihcd Kvery 'rhurwday, FaoM TH OrnrB H-jl'iihiiin Mrttt, - Ftrihertut*, Ont. TKHMS Olr SUBSCRIPTION : I por annum when pitl atrlrtly la advance 1 ,*, i>r annum wtiu uotio par). AUVEHT18INO KATES. One column. 1 yar, JO ; halt col., do., *97 quarter col. <lo, li Tranalent advertisement* charged at the rate of *ct per line for nrt innertlon and 3ct. I*r liau aacU >ub**>|uaut iiiaertiuu. W. ft. THUBSTON. FMt-r and Proprietor. Birchall ! The word is too com- monly in use tlicst) days, and creates wore or less of a nausea whenever bcui in prii't. This paper has at- tempted to keep its columns free from censure on this score. However, in certain quarters it appears to be the uim uf a few journalist? to keep this malefactor's uame before tin public for some sinister ( it can be no good) object. The amount of sentimental twaddle which Las appeared iu some of the aforementioned papers, is suf- ficient to disgust men of sensible minds. The latest plea for a commu- tapcu of this murderer'* sentence i* the fact that all his relative* are gen- icel and respectable, and therefore to Lave OIK- of '.heir number hung as a murderer would be an everlasting dis- grace. Tlii* paper contends that it would be an everlasting disgrace to tiiu English-speaking people at large did the authorities weigh such a plea for one moment in the balance of justice. That BircbaU's relatives arc all respectable people does not do- tract one atom from the enormity of his crime ; on the contrary it makes it all the more heinous. It was this very air of respectability, abnormally developed, that caused the act to be committed. The murderer himself was too respectable and genteel to cam hi* daily bread by labor, which itcntiment was, no doubt, fostered aud <li velnped under the tutelage of Lis respectable relatives at Lome. Why justice should not take its course, out of consideration to the feeling* of those lelative*, i* something people iu thi* country will never bo able to understand. Let it be hoped that sncli a farcial act will not be made to blur the pages oi our hither to unimpeachable Canadian justice. This is fall the saddest and most solemn season of the year. Fall tvith its dreary days, its leafless t.,g, its cold, chilling* winds, its 'iimd of death o'er all tlie face ol nature. As spring is the fountain of life, so is autumn the sepulchre of i dead year. A* the springtime am ina'.es tliu young man and maiden with the glorious seue of freedom newly born, so the season of dead anc il) in,,' vegetation correspondingly em- phasizes to ageiug humanity the Bo!eiun fact that it i.s likewise Hearing the great change. Spring, with it* n .iiuiiiiiiiiiii, its eiithiisiami, it* pre- sent youthful exuberance. Fall with its past experiences, its wisdom uf things cartlily, its hope for a future ll'iiiuinity and nature are closclj allied in their onward march from the springtime until hoary singeing frosts of autumn prepare them for th winter sleep. These arc the day which bring upon us sobur thoughts Tlicso are tlie days of which f, How sum; T.ie <l*y la damp, ami 'lark, and dreary ; 1 1 1 aru, and tlie wind It nevor weary . The vine* atlll dint; to tl. in luliluring wall, Hut at every K>i*t the .!.. 1 luavee tall, A n.l in.' day 1* dark and drear) ayoflhia week. In Kansas it ap- ears to be a straight fight between lie liquor interests and prohibition, with the Republican party upholding lie latter. By a late decision of tliu ourts it was held to be perfectly legal to sell liquor iu bulk within the x>rders of the state, notwithstanding hat prohibition was in force therein. mi seems, to say the least, to be a ccuhar decision, but then, American ustice may be truthfully plaoed in the ame category with hash, and called the evidence of things hoped for and he substance of things not seen." he fight in Kansas is a bitter one, jnl the result is loukul forward to with much interest by all parties. Matters. Tlu-re ia nothing, however, lik taking these thing*, philosophical! und ri'peatiug H to cuiyelves tbe fin* verse : Ho Mill. '"'I heart ai"X<J**e replying; I tlio cloud* I* tueauu it'll shining. Tli/ fat J l tlio o. minion 'al of all . Into **eU life an..iu rain uiutt fall. v,uio da/*iniwt Uedaiup aud dreary. Til* congressional election* too iu tlm United Suits on TUH '<> the Editor / Tke Adtanct. DEAD SIB, Will you kindly give ma a hurl ipaow to give the ruu-payem my |>iuiou un matteri purtaiuiug to (lie towii- IHJI of Arteiumia. The ward lyilrui of electing represents iv. to the Council board* couriiunt a rej) eeeotativt) ejtclumvrly to hli ward. Hu hub lot the chaoo of knowing the requirement* ( olhw wanla iu the township. Mu aim if an laiye grant M poasible whuu inking the appropriation, thus ofn-lookiug tber parti of tbu lowuibip and ungleotmt; lie necufisitie* of ether ward* aud plaou where tbere u lined of eipuBtlilurtm aud inproveineiit*. 11 a candidate u elected by Tote ol the ratepayer* over tbe towuibip. lieu he ha* hi* intertwt and that of th ownabip at lUke. luu would be tliti i of LmproTiug iho roada aud eijituUiug ouirf where it I* luuiit needed. Souiv oiu aay, and hai taiU, that the whulo euiiu- il may be elected in uue Corner of Ui town tiip. True, thuj may occur, but if it duo*, my inUtreit or youri will not bn uugloctod. on will always liml that u rvpr*vuutive will gir* more attuutiuii U the tuorv ditUiit art of the towiuhip than be will at b<>iu>- ou may ask UM reaaoti why should tbu be. 'oaui* be ia pretty lure of nupport at oma and he uiuit curry farori abrciad ill rder to hold hu pomtion. AJkO, tbi-ra la cu in the present mod* of electiug [i deputy revTM oi the towuihip. Tbeao epreeeutalivM arc Dot eleoteU by the rate avert; lucy are elected by the council. hey are not riveted ou merit, they are olect- <1 ou turn. 1 bold that the ratepayers of ln towuahip ibould have the wool* my in lectmg reeve, d|>uty ruuvea aud eouiiciilora, and not to ba the matter o( u fuur eoruur an t now ataudi. Then, aud not till thru, CHU he raUpaytri of Uiu towuiuip lay who tall be our represeulaliveii at the couuty uouucil. Thin lead* luu to aay nouivlbiiig eKardiun the prmeul shu|Hi t>( our ti<aUa .hroughuut Una townalup, adiuiltiug IUc> are iu gruat itretl of repair, \\lnn th aa~ t uf thui towuahip u iu ih* ueighttor- io..d of $1.6O4.tl23 aud the debt under by. w 174 u to be ttipud out thin fall, 1 tbiuk t would he a uiuve iu tliu n;;lit Juwtiou to lvy ou the ratepayer*, a lutbuieut auiouul to put U)H roada iu a tburout;h ktate ol r. . >air at an earlT date, bating dtbtblurm Irawu for aay tweuly yearn, uiakuuj a aiuali payment of tlie priuoipal tvury yar wub m- i-n-at accrued. The gaui to iat |iaur.. aud comfort, the Baring of vebiclui uiid tbu NV. ng of horiwrteah would overpay the rx)>euUi- iniet iu twuly jar. I tuutt aar to the ratepayer* of the lowualiiu uf Arumt ia that 1 have ruprwented ward No. 1 a* coun- cillor for live year*. I have reureneuUid )uu at the couuty council lor three year*. 1 have no couauioulioiuily, to the Unt of my ability, reuardleia of oou*equeu-e. Yu liave nuver brnugbt auy chartiua axaiuit uui, illirr iu public or private, uuiil tin iudi- vidual uamn a fiutitiuiia name atlacknl ine o the la*t i*ue ol T bo Flrauert*'U Advauoe. lie M well but not favorably kuowu. l'i>. lie for a liniment think that 1 ahould do the .iv.-lliiii< Ural kiid then the grading? 1 believe ui v.i U bu dofn (or he know* notbiog. Arlemraia u prpulual ; he i r..uiinull\ euoouuteriug oiiale* and getting th worae of it. What he meda 1* a aoiu-ii of mud balhn. "Your *iu* will flnil you out." 1 fear not your injury or your luttuunce, for ymi have none. It ha* Lui-n Raid Hint 1 \nt ( ed for a grant toitruightcii the road butwrnn Klethrrton aud the itation. Thin 1 uui [iliutii-ully deny, I thought tbvre -m other pnru of the towimhip Unit iu>ded re- pair* worm than the road above mrutionvd, ud I tbuik so atill, but I wa alwaya willing to grant lilx'rally to road* thut were really in need, inch a* the townliue between Arte- m*it and I'roton. Now, Mr. Kilitor, I do not intend to write ain till altar New Year. 1 am your hum b| aervaut, .hi|i\ McAHl'HUH. Artemeda, Oet. 81, 1 Sim. ! - ___ Roim- ttack of malarial fovcr. Mrs. Heron bat alo UKru rbauiii '"r tuo !ittr. Mi M C Har.Jy. who lias Lnon vlnitinu at Pr. an Occotioiuil Corrt^xindrnt, Thr*hluii I* nearly flnl-hiHl. Kenncdy'i ma oliiue is doiQtf iue work 111 Una vicinity. lievl Ii frauiiu|a abed for air. WillUuiaon on tliuUauu Wo think winter la olone at band a* oue of o\ir oltuann bat ntarto-1 to plow. MCMT*. Ueoriia anil Jaokaon Allen liavo rantud Ihrlaini buloiiKltiM to Mr. 1'atteraou. Mr Juo i I'lintin < IIOUMI la near Ww M|W>. a dative when he uiovee In. Hiiltalo Hill liw I >t ol plowint; ilou*. Joliii hailny . of Oweu Uouud, gave ui a call OD ttuu.la) laat. lUllono an paaied off quint bere. . Boett'a, roturiiert to h'-r linme In Proton laat Mk. Mlu *nniu Beaeon li borne at prctcnt Dr. MooM MII eoatiniMMi to have a i;r<>at ri lii-o,u<l wfW coutduut m aayiaii tliat AJ eaae b eaDOol . n<>t )>H tn u> -ductoruf bl* exporiuucu. Give linu a call and >M for yourell Tin- ton wall iiiulurtlie Mutli .liit church U 'lnn built liy Mr. .-it.jkbo, no a, pvifuct jub la vx- ectf! Mr. Kiu#r*on In having ftome plowing > n farm oacopiwl by 41 r. (in) . lie mavd (roiu urt llp|bia cuaMiu.aud wewvlcoiuu biui to ur village. .Mr Win. HprtMile rurne<l from Wlunlpcg tj|y. Hit aou U rtcovurlng (lowly. Farm for Sale. Ol'hKNDID 90 Ail.;. I \i:.M. HI < I.i: J anil in first class eon<lition Krui n- barn, liflU. *ton atalde underneath M<it,-ri.tl for rick v.-neerxl hoiii mi Kri"i!nl. i;ood well and map at houae Well wau-i<- 1, 4 ii..U from chool anil cbevee fa<'tory. 1 ' :mlu from railway tation. P. O., *twre. rhiirehe*. etc.. only *"Jin\ h ai Balance eaat t. . i- Intereat A per i.l A|>ply U J Ml'liiil.l.K. Ho.li.rton. r'leabeltou.Uct ->lb. 1~UU. Maxwell from ouruu'ii ('orr/nniVif. Nothing Mu-loni ooourred laat Friday night Home of Uiv *uiall bojn let Ik be known far autf uear that they weru In our vlllagu hy now am then giving veut to a loud uer. A low gaMi were carried in *llenae to Home aocluded ftUot where tbay rniylit llu down and ruat for a time aftor alantllug up facing tlm vluniouti durini the *Minuj0r. Two parliim wore hold : one foi ebildreu and lha other for thoof a riper age Tliundav Ito-dayj la Thanksgiving day, ant we tru*t the people of alaiwell are not like the old gentlmuan. wlio, when be waa aaked *)y hi uaetor to tell wtiat bad been done for ldu\ dur lug tbe vear, aald ."I have nothing tu b* thankful for, bec*u*e I got nothing II' ywtr. He did no eoniider the food, eloine*, !., t V. H a. Browu U.ld qaarterly ewrvlee la t L Huekluhaw cbaron ou Kuuilay leat D. I. . %uwa I* recovering fruio t terare At Chatham on Saturday Justice Mac- lulinii *untenced (iustavu* I'ark, win, onfowaeU to a charge of luaiiolaui^hter, to wn yean iu penitentiary. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Dtba inattnr of themta* of Tbouian Oibnrne, lain of tbe towuabip uf Arteuicitia, in tho county of (irey. farmer, i. The crulitoreof ThiiniH Oal*)riif. late of the ownahipof Artouieala. dtJceasM, who ili<! on rabuuttlit twentieth >la> ( March. A 1) . W,aJa4 all other* bavuis clmn tale are hereby notified to sen )'). ur eeberwu* iiniivrr to ti Mcrtan of tket ajotate and i-tTei-t of ;l.i -ani eteaad at rieobertoD, or to J v. I . i .u in. fflce In Cleaherton, aolicitor for the MII I leeatonLooor baforetheSOthda) eeatonL lulr chri intUn ant i 111. ^. u !ili - - --ei and . ewriptlon. tbe full particular* of tin ir U-niflitiif tln-ir 'i-.. lint- , mi. I tbe nature of M'l-urltiua (if au> i. lt.-lill', ti.i.... ami iu efault tbureof and Immediately utter tlm lil 'tli day of November, the an< ti ol tlie laid 'bouia* Otborue. deea>i*<l. will lie ii.tiibutwl iiton^Nt tlirt )iartit*a entltlc-'l tin . t-i. ItaviiiK re- trd only to elatm* of wbloh notloi -hall havu MMU i;lven a* above n-ipiii ' \n I 1 1 Millid xiveii unilrr tln< |novi-ii -i "( tli. tutut. nut Outario ilm;itr no. >;. :i, lI, I.e HXtM-uU'r* will li t >.< liable for U iHtaurali) ]>art then-of to mn I'.T-OII of wboae claim or claium notice nhall not have Men rwoelved bv tin ui IT tliuir >aid aollcitor at be tiuieof diatrlbtltnm. M ItlCIIAKDBON i ,;.,... W .1 ItKI.I.Ail , J. W.KUOST. wlletaor for aaid vxwiutur*. lbortou, Uctobur JUth, lyu. WOOD CONTRACT. To br Irl by Trnd-r Tender* are k.-.l for tbe cuttinf of wo tr four huiiiliti'l r.n.i^ ..ff.. . Woinl to becut nn my \> - lift winter, Telutern t > :i s..^ in, Tliu luw.mt or any t"M'lur n it neceMarily tfil Kor ftir'.br inf irniatlon itpply tj and addre** tender*, J vs v M.NM-.IIV. Fleaherton 1'. O. rU.lu.rtou.Oct 10, \M liiin.- t i Ititi pruinmoit of the uti'leriiignotl ibnilt tlm inl'lillx of \ )wnr i-ati liavt* Imr 1 protini; |irt>]Hiit). jiav- ig a**a*e* aad tkm, iu-r i\n> U. I'L.ANr.tiicwiia r ). Came to tbe prenilv* 1 ! on lot 3. con. 12, Oaproy. ahep. OWIHT u*n bavi -am,' '. jn. vm^ JC'HS 1'oul.r: P.. it) an) pa> ing tipeuxx y Bank P.O. I foi D. McTarish, H(ltSKSMi>Ki: \M> GENERAL BLACKSMITH, CollinRWOod Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Manufacturing of \VaKora. li,ih. Unix I'ttuK-ratit. ntc liurMt-hho.'iiin Jiroinptlv at trn U.I to Spoi'lal attention given to coiitract- d or louder fiwt and I'low C'hnini* ruii- atuutly .HI li.iinl. W I L 8 O X ' PLANING MILL -AND CARRIAGE ;-; WORKS. To our old customers and the public generally : Our now i'laiiiii". Mill and Carriage Works having beou completed, we are now in a position to do your work in either tlio building or carriage wood work liuc.iu a H *t class luanner. Get your wagon, sleigh or buggy repairs done at \V 11-SON. 8. Also PbANlNCl, MATCHING, BAND 8AW1NC, SHAPING TURNINGS, MOULDINGS, 81l>IN(iS, BASH AND DOORS. HI AMES, ETC Price of Repairs Reduced AT TM FACTOBT Q.lllngweod , Tlehrton A Change OF PROPRIETORS. I wih to announce that I bav* purchaard the miiueas latvly conducted by Ur. L*egord and will coutiuuecatcrlDK to tbo public iu bl old tand, Sr.iN-'h D:.ocz. Flour and Feed ALWAYS ON HAND. FKVITS, CONFECTIONARY, SMOKED HAMS, . '.TABLES, CTC. Sweet Cider, \nv tj'iantitj in stock at forty tcntfl por K&1I'>Q Call on ra tor your houteholJ SOCIETIES. Thos. "Wyvill nmmi LOOKI T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, Still* the bet farmiii'.' iintilcmunts manu- factured. including l\,rd I.i i M : a The H".ifi7<, r Jk'eebij 'iii'l DvfUttfl //i". ''or/.. The ciio. I tjualitir* of tlioe implenvnti art tu!.'-i- niiv ki'i.nn now to s,<ik for llivnig< lnv, uiiliout any t xlra wortl> fro':i n<". An\^ i u n implement* in tliis lin uouM do rl! to exruiiae inin< if lot ;il;.'inl\ ili-.|t!Hilltri| with tl tif. CM < II ln uinl I m 'I . I'. ,].(% to ixhilnt the good (tuliticB of tLi^r inucl T. A. ItLtkELV, 100 Aero Farm for Sale. v\ , ;; p in i i ' ; nt .' .1 m, i>.-inn H . i .-lit Kti'l ninu m, v HI tlu< srt*>u<l . --n coMiun ur ratiK** n >rt)i of tlut Duihaia ru-wl, f Viti'i H.--.IH. in tii" . int - if (lry. .-i. * + . of tivHtin. I 'Jii.t !.>. l,.o ' 1 * aerun ol >i it L - iti,'.- l-;ii . i 'i,; : .,1 .. fUKKiit paitiv tVuim 'll rt| f;.| ,, \ .; ..... | [... niMif\ u.:\ lay . Ktil farm IH umlt-r i-ul <!. \ - i - .- 1 L.,it two IH built uf i - - ! y*jrn o : B.T- i f... M,\, luu It (IIMN) wtitor alway* li'in I'f ttlf pH" per onl m- Munrinic tiiu Kaino by in*rtt;ag. K >r luithwr partienVan applv to J'Mis hi- u \!t*r. Arivtutwia, Wh October. 1^* I'I-MTU t ,r PricTtlle P. O , Out. SO^S OF TKM roiMt* 1* Dr Chriro' Hill rY.-ry day evunini; at p.in. Vuiiiuf urMhdu iuvitej laenraaM i'l connection R-. II.MIM.Ui* . , HuBular Council luerutwiy 1 v.,, > vii, MH; m bprooliTa block at p.m > . iuuriut;i uifi-tK moiitlily. the \V1ckU.. :ut; th iai.i of uat-li month (timls. John W. Armstrcng, FLZHHEBTOX, Co. Oiitv. niMSION I'OLKT ri.F.KK. I'OJI.MISHIONE I'll H It.. C.)uvo>uac-r. AC \u-m IOP purch a*il lale of lands. Appraiser 1m I ICC > . M'.:i>'> to Loan ou nuwt rvwwnaMv terum. IMCKH OF MAKRIA KS. NOT AUY THE: ODEL.L TYPE ITEB will ImvtheOUELLTirEiVKI TKK " '-'i TN Ininteiers. uu.l $|5 (or th Siliulc ^'lISv- Otll'll. w.irruntvd to Jo better w r than auy uiHohiiii' nm-li-. , It combiupH Hiiipi.u'iTV with nriiAiiiLiTT, HfKKH, KAHI or oi'KRATinN, wear* longer with- out cost of repair* than anr other uiachint< Han no ink ribbon to bother tho upfmtor. It iNKAT, HCMTAW1UI.. Tlll'klr |lltfil, |H'I ll'l t and adapttnl to all kniits of typu writing. iku a iinntin;: prHH, it produce* sharp, olean, Ici'ilil,- m inii^i-ript 1 *. Two or ten r.opirH can be inutln at one writing. Any inlrlli^cnt person can bcoonm un cpcrntor iu two ditya. \Veoffertl.O4IUto HIIV o|>r,f tor lio CHII ei|iial tux work o/ tliu Dmililc I.i-.- Ollrll MStsMs Atjfiitu anil SalcMui-n wanted. Spccinl Ili'llK'i-meilti to I'e.ii For I'll .iinplilrt ,;i\ ui_; liiJomemeeU, ite. oi>!U ! I TYPE WK1TEK CO., Kami 87 3th Ave I U l( ii. O I I.L. Durham Bull for Service. The uii'l,ir-i/iii"l Ion a in%gnlflcnt \"'inij thoroaibbred.pedleiTaed, DuroaiB Hull, "drey White HtockliiK*," for orvic at lot 1M. iin.l w*wt ri.U.R. For teruia, etc.,apidy t<> tno pro- prietor. J O.aVPaKB. Oct. lo. IMO Fleaiierton, P. O. THE MAEKETS. FLE8HKKTON. Carefully Corrected Each tt'eek Flour ............ ......... f I HO to 5 O* Kail Wheat .................. W to W.I Bprlog Wheat ................. IM w l'.,o I,-, ... . .................. 40 40 ou ........................ M 96 Hea* ........................ M o M HutUir ........................ o M or, B*Ba,freeh ..................... u Id o 16 1'otatoa buah .................. u )ti K Vork ........................ 6 T.t T5 Hav |Mir toa .................. 6 00 00 Hi'""* ........................ 4 00 I 00 Hhmipaklu* .................. ON 1 80 2*~ ........................ Ot 00* Turkey* .......... .. ......... on I *) Ch.ok.ua p pair ...... ...... ^ Duck, pw H. -_- Wel -4^ ._. MONEY TO LOAN. The Undorsigued haa a Largy Amount of Money to Lo^n at 6J o/o, OX TOWS Oii FARM PU'll'KKTY. 8. DAMl'UK. ! LKSUUTO.N W. J. BELLAMY TWP. CI.KKK ABTKUKHIA. /')' I. M '/.'/;. dC DI:KDS. iini iu M,K>. I.KAM- s. A, . t>rpa eil an I properly executed. luaunncu atlet- liu 'Irot-cluacouipaDie*. Money to lend at o wo.Ht paten. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A 8., OUT. . M KM ON. Ar. FLESHERTON. Ofbre. Strwla'* block. Reddenco. J. G Ruasel'* j. Gt. . >i.i).d.M. "ember of the College of ''hyidn* an turcvona, Ontario. /iii'iutre at office .one door cut of Urler'fator r Atkiuiou'i Hitel. 1'rd-i villa. Nov. 19. ISSM -.... _._, ORS. SPROUL r . &EQO HAliKD ALK ONT. lHr* i Hnnlcy'R IriiB Slorr. Ts sl'KOL'LK.M.D..eto AM, I -; KQOJI I> .etc late of Toctfiiliaiii. Out. will Iw foun.lat MarkdaleHi-u.oatnlght J. P. OTTEWELL, VKTERINABY 8URGEOM. Graduate of Ontario Vet. College, lteaidrj*e &rt door oulb of 1 eitcu'* tailor *bop. FLESHKRTOX. Jrutwtry. J.P, MARSHALL, L. i. s., n n .. j> i N nsr, Vitits Markdalo the 1st and 3rd Wednes- day uf each mouth. trip on the day fullowing. ./. W. lt(trriter, Solicitor, Con rti/ancer. Etc. V I.BKHBRTO!* OJTICB, NEXT !><>, OmC SfHOfLK ' Bl ILD1NO, ON THI M.AYS. OWEN BOUND OFFICE, Fiic-sTH HcttDIJi P. McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c; Offlce, ver HrFarland'n Store Murkdale. Money to Loan. Ri J. Sproule, I>03TMASTKl,Flehertoi,,r.,r U miaion- cr in B. R..LioeuncJ Auctioneer, Con veyancor, Appraiser and Money Lender. Heal Estate aud Inanmnne A|rt>nt. Deed*. Mortgages, Lease* and WilU drawn up and Valuations made on hor',et notice. ABC tiou Salfl* attended to iu any pury of tbe County. VJoiier to l<n a| lowest rates ot interest. Colleetton* attended to with pruuiptnem and despatch. Charge* low. Agentforthe l>oiuiniim SteaomhipCompaiiy. Cheap tickets from Flesherten to Liverpool. Glaagow, London or anv o f (he Britiih ortg. Parties intending to visit England. Scotland or Ireland, will please ak ratre be- fore pc rebating their tickets elsewhere. Flesherton Livery Stables. D. CL4TT95, Proprietor. Fir at el a** hoteee and vablole* ler Mr* a* "".P "* VH o *

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