Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1890, p. 4

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THE FLESHEP.TON ADVANCE. n A \KI.\O OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FLESHBRi'ON. A mineral banking bualn*** tr*nactd. I n aft* l-.u.-a u.l chequr-. canhf.l at uiual ratei H. .! alway. available fur l.'KttimmU. bualuiw* fill* rpriftej urru-K two door* nortli of Ilicbardion * Co'*. I SAW an 0.1H light the other dy. Ii *' only a villim, carrying tin- careen* of a ilead to tin oulikirli <( tie villa*' for inter- im!. A- I |>a-i! the I man 1 aaw what I tliruplit were t'Videuce* if Horrow, and tear* ,!.ti.i..l in hii ejft. The animal had been an . looamg brute, and yet its mau- ler i'*rri-il ili lueiee* body at tenderly M though it bad bt. a ImuK t-6,000 St. It-r- uard. S HUM were dUpnaed to be facetioui .11 the f unf ral proeeaaion moTed along, but uot o witu me. I honor any man who ex- hibit! ucb lyiuptonis of grief at the demit* of au U and valued dumb brut* friend. It prove.! to my mind that he ha<t ben a good iijj-t' i duriuK the dog'* lit*. If all ownen of dumb aniinaU were made of the lame maii-rn.l llrnry IJergb. would never bare bevit hoard of lu the capacity of a liumaua van/i'li-t. ami the aociety of which he wai futLvr would never have been born, It if a great pity we could not all remain ehilJn n m itrhun reprel*. A>a rule the child i more humane thin the nan. I recollect having, when a younK'tor, mvself liii'ifl in UI..K-II boxee. with Uar-drenohe.! obwqiiifi, a chicken, an old cat, a little yellow Koeliu. a bantam rooiter that got kn<H k.-U nut in a bout with our ahanghai. kud it baby turkey that chuked to death on an n. iKruwii Kraatbooprr. I cried over every oue of them ai I lowered them into their wave*, and 1 labelled thrm all with ).,.-..( hiugli. A* I grew older tin feeling of remoree faded ai a dream, ml 1 bm*iiie hardened eallouaed. I be- < *iu public executioner amuK the fowl when they were condemned to die. I even yloati.l over the ttirkxy carnage about 'I'hankcfrivlng ami Chrintma* time. But iii. II ! Wlien I think of thi> tiirkevia dr ire i rali over my ton! to ilitiUy modify tin tint arntenc in thu paragraph,, and I can write no un>r<- on tin* tupic. THAT .11' i IIHKI MA> Tl *. How ilemr to aiy Urt Ii |li* o|il Cbrtitmaa turkey That ruoau.1 all itiramur oa feneM and tree* ; How well 1 remember -my mind I* DO! murky I hf (ob of bli gobble tliat iwunt; la the breuae. A ' I 'I'lTiiiT" I wore threw him Into a at, IT !* 'twaciiiy fear that arotieed hit hate. And he juiii|Mvt on my DOM, at.d he kicked tiuuliol and bit, \Mill I yelled and I aoreained at a thunder- lag raU. <ih that id.H'lirlitiiiaatnrkay I pa elUnoed hla gobble ; We au> in in on Chriitinaa Hut let nieeiplaln Tliai at ilinuer, o IOUK a* lu able to hobble 1 il wlh lie were there to be chewed up agalu A p.niltry paper aak* : "Do jroti keep a r.a.i.i ' liiu I..-I I rlo ! Ho come* in every diy and riMml* for an hour in one ol my uttiw chair*. Kvery printing offie* ha* il* riHXter Mo . ni.'tiiui.i ilrtit* in tn look t in., rioliaiigr* ; enrnctime* to have an hour ai.o al I'liat, )u*t when the editor ha* Inn tliinkuiu imii'lnne going at a high rateo! eprad, anil iililiKf* him to ihut off iteain ..ill '.iii.'tiini i with no earthly or unearthly objxit, an lar aa 1 inn able to d4irvkr,eioepl In r....-t \Vlieiilieiiiint rointing in the I'liiitniK fill " he oan KKnerallr be found on i In. Kiiioery eunnter or In an cany ohair it iif i.iir'i.i'in HI. varie* liii it*ltion. It \< iiuiiiaii'iial tu I. mi whrni lie IK u lm>K a* he i i ...nil.! , lint ".. iniii'h ..f hi* time I -(lit *llli in" that I feel justified lu railing I nn my n-ii'li-r Slitmlil In- In KIT> llomr. In'). >in\..f . ii- uiioiml newi>parnr* when lly ii.a.ilntf In In 1o ntltnrt n.'ler-.it Ii ilvant'4. t* Dayi," of the fie whiilu foruiiux a "Bjok uf (1 each page illuitratinu a line Id i Ii) in.- : "Monday for health, Tueeday for wealth, . Wedneaday the beet day of all : Thunday for lo**e*, Friday for oroiae*. Saturday no luck at all ; Sun. la> thu day that In bleat With huavenly p. ace and reat." 'hit ii.in-l and iini.|ni. calender ii aent ree tn all new auhacriberi tu The Coin- KIU..II wliu aeiid $1.76 fur a year's tub- iTi|ituin and rei|ueat it at tbe time they ubecribe. The Comiiaiiion will alau be rut to January, 1891, free, and fur a nil year from that date, iiicludiuK the ve double holiday number* and all the luiktiiiii-il weekly aupplemenU. Tbe iii|anioii ia already a favorite in half a nilliun lumiea, and uld ai well at young IIJHV iU weekly viaita. Fercitlry. I I I I' \' ' in- aii.llliiii .. i.. HI,. I liii|>rovtiii: liii li>ll.AItlrll*N.lllUllol m i.f the iirnat nii-ii alii i i - i in. II, in* no | no, III^'.I'IK nun I ,'|>r."lill lion* II i teil I. nt i. Itnii tielll^' till) li.a.llnu |.|i-1..i ta I *t in - 'Mi.-.,.' .|ii,,Htloit. of the n. i. are ailinittoilly nf a hiitlirlaae whllu rmini . ImrltlU an.l , . illn t., allrar mnl lioj.l III.* l 1. .nt |.,n ..f M.IIII|. people wel . ..I.!. |H4'I..| M nnU al niMtl'.i N, the ilrama .. i ..VIM' nn "'ally i..|.nit.' to the en i.i - '1 Nl .1 i .ill l\ Li loll of HIMN lal toclni alvayaofabiiornltti Intel.. t lint 1'iir, 1 lu ton.. HH.I liv Iti.- I..-- ,- ,fh . . AI . u. i.,' found In HNtiir.tav Ni^ht rn.lliv tllMwav ttt.'V run li fontiil nowln>i< i-l*i M lil. ..I llil. I Rniii.li j.nl I 1 1. 1" aril In C'aiia.la in- aanit filaiilin>M 4if mtm m i i*lacWt1*|af enli |.|..', l. nwle It tlm pet i |<il a,1vlair - f i' readi't* an<1 tliwHron, liment Vbtrh aeeejuto pxlt between th i ,..!.... .,f s.lm.Uv Sl;hl in. I IK oilluire, I i-Minli' 1 * unlejne Tjii.-.iih t \\>lttnmt\on wltli-l i ,n Ii . olTeie.l It tUai all III itlle ara atgne i- ii.l It lia* nil Ittillvldliall v M a *erv uleaaMit .1 win. I. ntihea III" iiadi-i feel that In. I ! .....ti.llv aci|n*inir.1 ivlili |.r>i writer Huk K. rll.e f..r It I'tli-i. *i ll pel m.n.ilii. e4lll<ir a ' nwlii|ei itr liv n*it' li Tlie .i.,.i I.. ..n "... tour m..ne j H't*|.|i.l I'ul.li^liiug >ii|>an Illuillvll. Tor. oil i Nn i.'i.l . .intioH nr fak* . r Ktit tor* arelndnliwil In liv II" |ini>ni. I'll v e are ab'e '.' rtff..r 'Fh'i / dva*iea I'lnl b i llh Haturila* ^iRtit for M.vi per aonuinn Ic I. .Hi i.*i...r> atnt wiinlil lie |,|naed tu ml forward vnnr eiiheuiiiiMon A Novel Tlm |iublUliera <>f Tlio Vnuil* j. am. .n harei nt ua a haiidniHiaauut^iil with the aiiii.iunr*iiii.|il uf anl In.ra am ,irll.-l*i fur the) nll yi'ai a li< avfi.ii illuitru'.eJ |ifr, one for ool tlaj IU (!< reek, T|f .rui- in " U " A t the Xditvr of The DEAB SIB, I'erlmpx.aH your journ- al lias taken considerable interest iu lie forestry moveinent.you will allow hese lines admission to its columns. toine five or six rears ago, a great number of farmers and others, at my equest, were good enough to send mo etters describing the state of the brestry in their neighborhood. This priug, intending to examine the settled portion of Ontario, I visited several districts of the province >nd bund in many places, I am glad to say, gratifying progress made in tree planting. I had meant to devote the v/hole summer to the work, but un- fortunately, I have been laid up for bur months with illness, and am obliged again to ank the assistance of my Ontario correspondents in order to complete the forestry report I am now getting out, a copy of which will M lit to all who wish. 1 should therefore be very glad if any geutlo- tn in your neighborhood would writo me word as to the following points : Whether, and to what extent, lines of trees for wind breaks or ornament are being planted, and how those planted are thriving. Whether plantations of young trees have been set out, and how they succeed ? Whether cattle are fenced out of any portions of forest in your neigh- borhood, and how it answers. ? Any difference in climate, rain full, drifting of snow and so forth, you umy have observed since the clearing of the couutty ? What measure, if any, would be likely to improve the existing state of affairs ? Yours truly, AddrosBto R. \V. I'Hll'l'S. liMi 'lichmond St. \V., Toronto. Nov. 25, 181)0. Maxwell From our men Corrtifxmdfnt. Roads have keen fairly good for some tnnu, therefore our spirits have In i-ii awakonod. The agent in connection with tin British and Foreign Itible society gave a lecture here on the evening of the 20th. He was successful in corn menciiiK a branch of that society iu Maxwell and we hope it will be a succoss. Hpecial services re being conduct**) at I't evidence by onr pastor, the Rev. H. A. Rrown, and, as far as we can learn, are a success. Our popular tailor, Mr. Field, is at work again. It is supposed tho Qsprey council will all be in tho litld for 1H01. Let IIH liavn a little opposition {ilcuse, and that uipans fun *>viry time. Tho shod at tho school house is i.n -i-il and I n -in 1 1. 1 1 iu. This adds greatly to tho appearance of the school yard ; will, wlu'ii linishod, be a shelter for the children while playing, am) llin fual ran ho kept dry. If you ever bo going down thu in nl Uading from Slax\vi>ll tn tho ttth line, at night, and sen a light, do not bo alartuod.as one of our villagers moved dnwn there lately. Mr. Williams left for Belleville on Monday. He is visiting his father thers. Prirrvlllfi. paralysed," and waa found iu the table in an unconscious state. A 'touRh" was lying in a stall near by, lao drunk. About $20 of the lad's money is supposed to be stolen. Mr. O. W. Tryon is back in his old land again, and with meat axe or law in hand, is ever ready to cut yon prime roast or steak. O. W. is also Hiving and shipping potatoes on an xtensive scale. Miss Ross, (village) having won second class honors at the last exami- lation will take charge of the junior lupartment of the public school here. Mr. John McGowan is putting liis aw mill in thorough repair expecting an extensive seasons work. The managers of the iltthodist >abbath Kchool are busy preparing or au entertainment to tak place bout Christinas. Archie Booral, late of Olympia. ilieh., is back again in T.A. Conkey's manufactory. The last bit of news that n ache 1 us is that one of our citizens baa M-at-n the Holman heavy weight hog record by seven! pounds. A seven nonths' old pig wae killed at Squire Terguson's some days ago that tipped he scale at 290 Ibs. The little Berk, was bought from Mr. T. Ferguson hen 4 weeks old. All the animals are well cared for over at the 'cottage. ' Mr. Joe. Kenwick, Ir.t 25, con. 7. Arte- tnosia, haa a magnificent Kerkthire pig. 'arni.-m intcrrsted ahoulil take iii.tr from our turn Numbers of our oitixons aro ex pressing a desire to see sleighing. Mi.T. A. Conkey's latrit importa- tion in the canine racu visited tho tannery a few days ago took a fata hath in one of the vats. Numerous bipeds in ths mat have also been taking a fra bath in some o Inn i iiil smelling liquids, am tin n try to bssUn home some back way to prevent curious eyes from be holding ihp sudden ohangn ol enlor iu their fariusots. A yttunff lad who resides iu Halsam Valli-y hail been down country work ing, fir some months, and en c on>ui| bouie a few days aito, stopped in the filial* to "treat" the boys. Not he ing bsd to drinking be 1000 go A BE NOT a Por- " gatlve lledl- ine. They are a HLOUD Brii.i'i H. ToMcaud KKOON- aniiiCTua. a* Uiey lupply In a c nndenun " rm tbe inriiUnnttl tually needed to in- ch tbe Blood, curing 1 diieaie* coming iu TOOK and \V* i or from TIATKD HnfOB* In rlLOop. and *lo vlcorat* and bri 1 1> tbe I'IXKJD and KVKTKM. when broken down by overwork, mental worry. dleaaae, exoeeeee aud ltuliore- Tuey have a c ArnoM on ieHl'U.BTTniof t h in. -it and women, toriug I.IHIT MI. .11. id correcting all aud u-rriuuaioKt. Who flndu hli menUl fae- ClfCDV HIM Wl "' Cf CNI AN nlii* dull or lalltnt. or > uliriical power* flaeclnl. ahoold take the** ... ^/^ I0jtanargtc~ " *" ahoold take preaalmiaVudTrreguTarTire*. whlcn liievlUbly Pii.L*.' They"will >li> n.'al ana m.'iital EVERY WOMIN *- " ** tutall ilukneeawhen nenleet hnuld take the** PILL*. They will cure tbe re- bita, aud itrvuKtbea the) hould take them. 1-lUJI Will YOUNG MEN ', tuft* "I youtiiiul Lt*ui lift if OUM6 WOMEN V; maVo them iiiulajr. For aale by all ,lrniwlit. or will be eent upon receipt of price (SOo. |*r boxX by aildreaalng l lit: I'l. WILLIAM*' " i / , ,, BraeltvUU, Out AUCTION SALE or Valuable Farm Lands rn The Township of Osprey fader and by tlrtux of tlm nowpref rale la a certain mortcaKe from Hannu-1 Connor to the venitor* whhli will be ('uxliiriM at time of le. .n.l on default bring mail* In pa>ltM-ttt i.f the nonevfl thereby . .-it'.'.l there will 1'-' offered for aale by public auction by Ah Vanduian. auctioneer, at MI'MMHAWM 110 I'M . M nra vii. i. ma or Ki.sH*ni'i UN Fainiv tHB IWth IHT or Dm KyHKH. 1HOU, at o > clock P in., the following property, nuniely The i.-% imtf .,! i..t iiutiilM'i tin..,, tn tin* ninth eon- ton of tin. aald townahlp of t>|irey. contain IIIK V> acre* moni or le, about Sfl if wbloh art* e4.l t tn> ilearcd an.l enltlvated On tin. pre- in UK> areaald to be a lug boua >, barn and ital.lt*. '" an orrhard. Tor mi W per oent. at time of aale . o.' for tin. halanre term* will )> lltral. and \vtll bH made k ..wti at mm. of aale. For further partluiilari apply to W. J. Bellamy, Esq., Kle&herton. OK Tt> Moss, B;ir\vick & Franks, IVryjur'f Solicitor*, Toronto Uatod 4th day of December INS. STRAYED. Htrared from IU |.i.'inia n( tbenndi<rilgn*>< lolfl oon 7, Kui.Qlaiila. on or alH.nl lt June IN..II 4 1 year ol.la, :i heifern ami a bull, all rwl eioept ona hvlfer which ha* a whtt l>a< k In- formation aa to their whu <!>.. nl. will |.. tbaiikfullt r-eltre<l Ktnikerley. Nov. V, \*n Kl.l.l-t. . I- O Durham Bull for Service. The niiilnr-i.Mir.l liae a matfnlrt. out \...HM W>oro*|hbrwl,|M.lli|red, Durttaui Hull, 'ilrai White miMkliii*." foi >.<rrlru at l..| 111. tin, w.i.t s IMI For k.rme, et .apiilr t. tit |no l>.ii..i .1 r AII*S Oe. I*. 1WO Fle.lH.rUm. 1' t- FOR SALE OR TO RKNT. Storit anil ilwelllnn linu>i< at Kliwhert Htatlmi. (HMinailon Klv*n aln.nl vli Our I l. ilwellliul hUM iiillahlo tor a lani family o or i...ai Jlni II..IIM. will I... let aeporatel* It r,. I|IUIIH|. Uitlt liartt ami ..(l wati<r at III* xl. A.t.lreae W tl.tilil. 4MOhurah ntrwet, Tortmto Tenders Wanted. r*r aUsMlrs t Hrk*e>l Tia.l.t. will be raevlved up to Hatardav. Dee. .for reiklMllag, flt^rlu, and painting on aUeef aekaorWeaee In aMiilon No. ,. V At - r*f*Martol*natt>lf to J nuM.ixi Farmers ! Gaze on THIS! And Read it Carefully. It Is An Important An- nouncement.Aud One Which Interests You Personally. My Winter Stork Is now opened tor your in- spection. It consists of every- thing kept in stock by deal- ers in. my class of goods. Sleigh Robes. Buy sleigh robes to keep your knees warm in winter. I have a variety to select from and at very reasonable prices. Harness Harness! First prize harness at ordi- nary prices right at my es- tablishment. llriis Of the most musical at lowest ptices. HORSE BLANKETS in great variety Whips. Cheap whips, mcdiuaa priced whips, costly whips, but all in.inuf.ictiiR'd with the special object ot tickling the ribs of refractory horses. Hoof Ointment. Axle Grease, Curry Combs, Brushes ar.d all the ft ccteras usually kept in a fiist class harness establishment. First door south " of Mitchell's bauk Blrhardson'n Blark- CLAYTOK, SOCIETIES. OONS Of TKMPKK \SCB.-Tlvfi lecielr 5 uiwti ia Dr. fhrb-tyv 1UU1 ery Wedoea day eveutuk- at 8 p in. Visltlug bretbero Iinud uiurance in counoctlou. ROYAL TEMPLAKs i r TKMPKKAMCE.-- BeguUr Council mreu evirj laouirevcc- nii In Spruule i block at H pju t>lvct deFTM iin.urauc*- meU monthly, the WedieMay ireccilln^ the mi ul MU;h uiOlth. John W. Armstrong, FL>:BXBTOX. Co. OKBT. DIVISION COUBT CLKllK, COMMISSIOMi i c B. k.. Ciinvnyanoet, Ac. Agrui tor punb. aed tale of landi. Apgraiaer for C. L. C. t n,! K. P HAS Society. Mowey to Lean on aioet reuouable term*. laaram OF It.UUtL* - .S .NOTAJiY FCBLIC. MONEY TO L The Undersigned lias a Larga Amount of Money to LobJi at 6} o/*, OS ToWS UK KAKM PKUPEETT. 8. DAMl'DE. lunnaroa- W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLIBK iVtMlIi. n.v r/.T .1 .YI -A 1 /;. ' vUMixnioyEi;. {Xtl'KAXi'E A(fT M7 DEEDS. UOKTUAO is Li:.l>l ~ *e.. prepar- ed and araperi} executed. Inturaace aorc- ed In Ant-claucompaaiee. Uonev to lend at a weit rate*. 3Hfdical. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. etSL.ONr PH1>I<-IA\. xi ;..: ,\. A, . FLESH ERTON Office. Strata'* block. ReeleVnce. J. 0. Rnearr* Member of the Collefe of PI.; iian* ab i-rgroei. Ontario. /inqwbr* at office x>ne deer taat of (.irier't atot er AUJason'n Hrt, : Prtceville. Nov IS. IfWS DRS, SPROULE & EGO JIAKKIULE ONT Stor?. Ts sI'KiU'l.K.JI D.^tc AXiifS KiO.M D..eto taut f To:ti.nbaui. i>nt in 1410 will b found M Mark laU.- II, UM at oxht /. P. OTTEWELL, VETKRINAKV SI RGKON. Onduat of i intari.i Vt-t. Cullege, hciidrne* ftnt door aoath of lltcn Ui.rt >bop FI.ESHKltrnN. J. P. MARSHALL, U 1'. K., M. Ii S . M M I s I Viem lUrkdale the lit ami :lnl \Viurt- Fle*her*>n oach trip mi the day folio* m.;. J. W. Rorritter.SoUHtor. <;>i,< , yrrnrrr. Mr. FI.BHHRKTOX Orrir*. NK T p,,,,. Ormc Si-Rot L' Bi'iLMno, ,vN THI-KM-IYS. OWKX MfND OFUCF. >. ,r'. P. McCULLODGH, . Hot id /or. ,Vr. Omrr>. over Mcl'sirhrid's S|e)rr rlarktlulr. Mono ;o Loan. H. J. Sproule, STMASl'KR. K., ,ii.-r;,.ii.l\.iutni*ion er in U. R., UoaMvd Aiirtioiifpr, Cou vi-yancer, Appraiior and V..iu. Keal K...t*4 aioi lti<iirau.-i. A k . i,t Mortk-aj-r*, Leaw* i,J W ; ;;., ,irvmupanJ TalnatioM matle on h..r'e..t notiiv. Ac tion Slf tt..a,i,.| to In anv parvoftlio 1'nnnlv. ilonrv to 1. .an M K-woat ratr* of interest. Collwlion* attevdnl to with proiuplMu ami tlt-peJ/n. (har^i low. An.Millorllic nonunion St. ui..i,i|.i-oinpany Cheap ticket* from Vli-.Ui-ttim to I n Oktagow, l.ooo'cii or auv of th- orla. IVtiea inlwuting l M.H Kn SuHlanJ or l.-elaiul, will |.!r*e ,i^k ratei l>e fore pi-TchtaiDg tlifir t ipken oUv. her*. Flesherton Liyery 1 Stables. . <n vr> v rn. ,..- .Pi. r . Ftr*t elae* borwi an) vhlc!<-i tar kli. % .

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